require 'rubygems/test_case' require 'rubygems/dependency' class TestGemDependency < Gem::TestCase def test_initialize d = dep "pkg", "> 1.0" assert_equal "pkg", assert_equal req("> 1.0"), d.requirement end def test_initialize_type_bad e = assert_raises ArgumentError do 'monkey' => '1.0' end assert_equal 'dependency name must be a String, was {"monkey"=>"1.0"}', e.message end def test_initialize_double d = dep "pkg", "> 1.0", "< 2.0" assert_equal req("> 1.0", "< 2.0"), d.requirement end def test_initialize_empty d = dep "pkg" assert_equal req(">= 0"), d.requirement end def test_initialize_type assert_equal :runtime, dep("pkg").type assert_equal :development, dep("pkg", [], :development).type assert_raises ArgumentError do dep "pkg", :sometimes end end def test_initialize_version d = dep "pkg", v("2") assert_equal req("= 2"), d.requirement end def test_equals2 o = dep "other" d = dep "pkg", "> 1.0" d1 = dep "pkg", "> 1.1" assert_equal d, d.dup assert_equal d.dup, d refute_equal d, d1 refute_equal d1, d refute_equal d, o refute_equal o, d refute_equal d, refute_equal, d end def test_equals2_type refute_equal dep("pkg", :runtime), dep("pkg", :development) end def test_equals_tilde d = dep "a", "0" assert_match d, d, "match self" assert_match dep("a", ">= 0"), d, "match version exact" assert_match dep("a", ">= 0"), dep("a", "1"), "match version" refute_match dep("a"), Gem::Deprecate.skip_during do assert_match dep(/a/, ">= 0"), d, "match simple regexp" assert_match dep(/a|b/, ">= 0"), d, "match scary regexp" refute_match dep(/a/), dep("b") end end def test_equals_tilde_escape refute_match dep("a|b"), dep("a", "1") Gem::Deprecate.skip_during do assert_match dep(/a|b/), dep("a", "1") end end def test_equals_tilde_object o = def ; 'a' end def o.version ; '0' end assert_match dep("a"), o end def test_equals_tilde_spec assert_match dep("a", ">= 0"), spec("a", "0") assert_match dep("a", "1"), spec("a", "1") Gem::Deprecate.skip_during do assert_match dep(/a/, ">= 0"), spec("a", "0") assert_match dep(/a|b/, ">= 0"), spec("b", "0") refute_match dep(/a/, ">= 0"), spec("b", "0") end end def test_hash d = dep "pkg", "1.0" assert_equal d.hash, d.dup.hash assert_equal d.dup.hash, d.hash refute_equal dep("pkg", "1.0").hash, dep("pkg", "2.0").hash, "requirement" refute_equal dep("pkg", "1.0").hash, dep("abc", "1.0").hash, "name" refute_equal dep("pkg", :development), dep("pkg", :runtime), "type" end def test_merge a1 = dep 'a', '~> 1.0' a2 = dep 'a', '= 1.0' a3 = a1.merge a2 assert_equal dep('a', '~> 1.0', '= 1.0'), a3 end def test_merge_default a1 = dep 'a' a2 = dep 'a', '1' a3 = a1.merge a2 assert_equal dep('a', '1'), a3 end def test_merge_name_mismatch a = dep 'a' b = dep 'b' e = assert_raises ArgumentError do a.merge b end assert_equal 'a (>= 0) and b (>= 0) have different names', e.message end def test_merge_other_default a1 = dep 'a', '1' a2 = dep 'a' a3 = a1.merge a2 assert_equal dep('a', '1'), a3 end def test_prerelease_eh d = dep "pkg", "= 1" refute d.prerelease? d.prerelease = true assert d.prerelease? d = dep "pkg", "= 1.a" assert d.prerelease? d.prerelease = false assert d.prerelease? d = dep "pkg", "> 1.a", "> 2" assert d.prerelease? end def test_specific refute dep('a', '> 1').specific? assert dep('a', '= 1').specific? end def test_to_specs_suggests_other_versions a = util_spec 'a', '1.0', 'b' => '>= 1.0' a_file = File.join a.gem_dir, 'lib', 'a_file.rb' write_file a_file do |io| io.puts '# a_file.rb' end dep = "a", "= 2.0" e = assert_raises Gem::LoadError do dep.to_specs end assert_equal "Could not find 'a' (= 2.0) - did find: [a-1.0]", e.message end def test_to_specs_indicates_total_gem_set_size a = util_spec 'a', '1.0', 'b' => '>= 1.0' a_file = File.join a.gem_dir, 'lib', 'a_file.rb' write_file a_file do |io| io.puts '# a_file.rb' end dep = "b", "= 2.0" e = assert_raises Gem::LoadError do dep.to_specs end assert_equal "Could not find 'b' (= 2.0) among 1 total gem(s)", e.message end end