# # mutex_m.rb - # $Release Version: 3.0$ # $Revision: 1.7 $ # $Date: 1998/02/27 04:28:57 $ # Original from mutex.rb # by Keiju ISHITSUKA(keiju@ishitsuka.com) # modified by matz # patched by akira yamada # # -- # Usage: # require "mutex_m.rb" # obj = Object.new # obj.extend Mutex_m # ... # extended object can be handled like Mutex # or # class Foo # include Mutex_m # ... # end # obj = Foo.new # this obj can be handled like Mutex # module Mutex_m def Mutex_m.append_features(cl) super unless cl.instance_of?(Module) cl.module_eval %q{ alias locked? mu_locked? alias lock mu_lock alias unlock mu_unlock alias try_lock mu_try_lock alias synchronize mu_synchronize } end self end def Mutex_m.extend_object(obj) super obj.mu_extended end def mu_extended unless (defined? locked? and defined? lock and defined? unlock and defined? try_lock and defined? synchronize) eval "class << self alias locked? mu_locked? alias lock mu_lock alias unlock mu_unlock alias try_lock mu_try_lock alias synchronize mu_synchronize end" end mu_initialize end # locking def mu_synchronize begin mu_lock yield ensure mu_unlock end end def mu_locked? @mu_locked end def mu_try_lock result = false Thread.critical = true unless @mu_locked @mu_locked = true result = true end Thread.critical = false result end def mu_lock while (Thread.critical = true; @mu_locked) @mu_waiting.push Thread.current Thread.stop end @mu_locked = true Thread.critical = false self end def mu_unlock return unless @mu_locked Thread.critical = true wait = @mu_waiting @mu_waiting = [] @mu_locked = false Thread.critical = false for w in wait w.run end self end private def mu_initialize @mu_waiting = [] @mu_locked = false; end def initialize(*args) mu_initialize super end end