require 'fileutils' require 'rubygems/command' require 'rubygems/format' require 'rubygems/installer' require 'rubygems/version_option' class Gem::Commands::PristineCommand < Gem::Command include Gem::VersionOption def initialize super 'pristine', 'Restores installed gems to pristine condition from files located in the gem cache', :version => Gem::Requirement.default add_option('--all', 'Restore all installed gems to pristine', 'condition') do |value, options| options[:all] = value end add_version_option('restore to', 'pristine condition') end def arguments # :nodoc: "GEMNAME gem to restore to pristine condition (unless --all)" end def defaults_str # :nodoc: "--all" end def description # :nodoc: <<-EOF The pristine command compares the installed gems with the contents of the cached gem and restores any files that don't match the cached gem's copy. If you have made modifications to your installed gems, the pristine command will revert them. After all the gem's files have been checked all bin stubs for the gem are regenerated. If the cached gem cannot be found, you will need to use `gem install` to revert the gem. EOF end def usage # :nodoc: "#{program_name} [args]" end def execute gem_name = nil specs = if options[:all] then do |name, spec| spec end else gem_name = get_one_gem_name Gem::SourceIndex.from_installed_gems.find_name(gem_name, options[:version]) end if specs.empty? then raise Gem::Exception, "Failed to find gem #{gem_name} #{options[:version]}" end install_dir = Gem.dir # TODO use installer option raise unless File.writable?(install_dir) say "Restoring gem(s) to pristine condition..." specs.each do |spec| gem = Dir[File.join(Gem.dir, 'cache', spec.file_name)].first if gem.nil? then alert_error "Cached gem for #{spec.full_name} not found, use `gem install` to restore" next end # TODO use installer options installer = gem, :wrappers => true, :force => true installer.install say "Restored #{spec.full_name}" end end end