# # $Id$ # # Copyright (c) 2001 akira yamada <akira@ruby-lang.org> # You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same term as Ruby. # require 'uri/generic' module URI =begin == URI::FTP === Super Class ((<URI::Generic>)) =end # RFC1738 section 3.2. class FTP < Generic DEFAULT_PORT = 21 COMPONENT = [ :scheme, :userinfo, :host, :port, :path, :typecode ].freeze TYPECODE = ['a', 'i', 'd'].freeze TYPECODE_PREFIX = ';type='.freeze =begin === Class Methods --- URI::FTP::build Create a new URI::FTP object from components of URI::FTP with check. It is scheme, userinfo, host, port, path and typecode. It provided by an Array or a Hash. typecode is "a", "i" or "d". --- URI::FTP::new Create a new URI::FTP object from ``generic'' components with no check. =end def self.new2(user, password, host, port, path, typecode = nil, arg_check = true) typecode = nil if typecode.size == 0 if typecode && !TYPECODE.include?(typecode) raise ArgumentError, "bad typecode is specified: #{typecode}" end # do escape self.new('ftp', [user, password], host, port, nil, typecode ? path + TYPECODE_PREFIX + typecode : path, nil, nil, nil, arg_check) end def self.build(args) tmp = Util::make_components_hash(self, args) if tmp[:typecode] if tmp[:typecode].size == 1 tmp[:typecode] = TYPECODE_PREFIX + tmp[:typecode] end tmp[:path] << tmp[:typecode] end return super(tmp) end def initialize(*arg) super(*arg) @typecode = nil tmp = @path.index(TYPECODE_PREFIX) if tmp typecode = @path[tmp + TYPECODE_PREFIX.size..-1] self.set_path(@path[0..tmp - 1]) if arg[-1] self.typecode = typecode else self.set_typecode(typecode) end end end attr_reader :typecode # # methods for typecode # def check_typecode(v) if TYPECODE.include?(v) return true else raise InvalidComponentError, "bad typecode(expected #{TYPECODE.join(', ')}): #{v}" end end private :check_typecode def set_typecode(v) @typecode = v end protected :set_typecode def typecode=(typecode) check_typecode(typecode) set_typecode(typecode) typecode end =begin =end def merge(oth) tmp = super(oth) if self != tmp tmp.set_typecode(oth.typecode) end return tmp end =begin =end def to_s save_path = nil if @typecode save_path = @path @path = @path + TYPECODE_PREFIX + @typecode end str = super if @typecode @path = save_path end return str end end # FTP @@schemes['FTP'] = FTP end # URI