# begin require 'win32ole' rescue LoadError end require 'test/unit' if defined?(WIN32OLE) module CONST1 end module CONST2 end module TestCaseForDict def test_convert_bignum @dict1.add("a", 9999999999) @dict1.add("b", 999999999) @dict1.add("c", @dict1.item("b") * 10 + 9) assert_equal(9999999999, @dict1.item("a")) assert_equal(9999999999, @dict1.item("c")) end def test_add @dict1.add("a", 1000) assert_equal(1000, @dict1.item("a")) end def test_setproperty_equal_ended @dict1.compareMode = 1 @dict1.add("one", 1) assert_equal(1, @dict1.item("ONE")) @dict2.add("one", 1) assert_nil(@dict2.item("ONE")) assert_equal(1, @dict2.item("one")) end def test_non_exist_property assert_raise(WIN32OLERuntimeError) { @dict1.unknown_property = 1 } end def test_raise_message exc = assert_raise(WIN32OLERuntimeError) { @dict1.add } assert_match(/^\(in OLE method `add': \)/, exc.message) exc = assert_raise(WIN32OLERuntimeError) { @dict1._invoke(1, [], []) } assert_match(/^\(in OLE method `': \)/, exc.message) exc = assert_raise(WIN32OLERuntimeError) { @dict1.compareMode = 100 } assert_match(/^\(in setting property `compareMode': \)/, exc.message) end def test_ole_methods methods = @dict1.ole_methods mnames = methods.collect {|m| m.name } assert(mnames.include?("Add")) end def test_ole_func_methods methods = @dict1.ole_func_methods mnames = methods.collect {|m| m.name } assert(mnames.include?("Add")) end def test_ole_put_methods methods = @dict1.ole_put_methods mnames = methods.collect {|m| m.name } assert(mnames.include?("CompareMode")) end def test_ole_get_methods methods = @dict1.ole_get_methods mnames = methods.collect {|m| m.name } assert(mnames.include?("Count")) end def test_ole_mehtod_help minfo = @dict1.ole_method_help("Add") assert_equal(2, minfo.size_params) end def test_ole_typelib tlib = @dict1.ole_typelib assert_equal("Microsoft Scripting Runtime", tlib.name); end def test_each @dict1.add("one", 1) @dict1.add("two", 2) i = 0 @dict1.keys.each do |item| i += 1 end assert_equal(2, i) end def test_bracket @dict1.add("foo", "FOO") assert_equal("FOO", @dict1.item("foo")) assert_equal("FOO", @dict1["foo"]) end def test_bracket_equal @dict1.add("foo", "FOO") @dict1["foo"] = "BAR" assert_equal("BAR", @dict1["foo"]) end end class TestWin32OLE < Test::Unit::TestCase include TestCaseForDict def setup @dict1 = WIN32OLE.new('Scripting.Dictionary') @dict2 = WIN32OLE.new('Scripting.Dictionary') end def test_s_new assert_instance_of(WIN32OLE, @dict1) assert_instance_of(WIN32OLE, @dict2) end def test_s_new_DCOM rshell = WIN32OLE.new("Shell.Application") assert_instance_of(WIN32OLE, rshell) end def test_s_new_from_clsid shell = WIN32OLE.new("{13709620-C279-11CE-A49E-444553540000}") assert_instance_of(WIN32OLE, shell) exc = assert_raise(WIN32OLERuntimeError) { WIN32OLE.new("{000}") } assert_match(/unknown OLE server: `\{000\}'/, exc.message) end # test_s_connect was moved to test_word.rb # def test_s_connect # end def test_invoke_accept_symbol_hash_key fso = WIN32OLE.new('Scripting.FileSystemObject') afolder = fso.getFolder(".") bfolder = fso.getFolder({"FolderPath" => "."}) cfolder = fso.getFolder({:FolderPath => "."}) assert_equal(afolder.path, bfolder.path) assert_equal(afolder.path, cfolder.path) fso = nil end def test_setproperty installer = WIN32OLE.new("WindowsInstaller.Installer") record = installer.CreateRecord(2) # this is the way to set property with argument in Win32OLE. record.setproperty( "StringData", 1, 'dddd') assert_equal('dddd', record.StringData(1)) end def test_ole_type fso = WIN32OLE.new('Scripting.FileSystemObject') tobj = fso.ole_type assert_match(/^IFileSystem/, tobj.name) end def test_ole_obj_help fso = WIN32OLE.new('Scripting.FileSystemObject') tobj = fso.ole_obj_help assert_match(/^IFileSystem/, tobj.name) end def test_invoke_hash_key_non_str_sym fso = WIN32OLE.new('Scripting.FileSystemObject') begin bfolder = fso.getFolder({1 => "."}) assert(false) rescue TypeError assert(true) end fso = nil end def test_get_win32ole_object shell = WIN32OLE.new('Shell.Application') folder = shell.nameSpace(0) assert_instance_of(WIN32OLE, folder) end def test_invoke_accept_multi_hash_key shell = WIN32OLE.new('Shell.Application') folder = shell.nameSpace(0) item = folder.items.item(0) name = folder.getDetailsOf(item, 0) assert_equal(item.name, name) name = folder.getDetailsOf({:vItem => item, :iColumn => 0}) assert_equal(item.name, name) name = folder.getDetailsOf({"vItem" => item, :iColumn => 0}) assert_equal(item.name, name) end def test_ole_invoke_with_named_arg_last shell = WIN32OLE.new('Shell.Application') folder = shell.nameSpace(0) item = folder.items.item(0) name = folder.getDetailsOf(item, {:iColumn => 0}) assert_equal(item.name, name) end def test__invoke shell=WIN32OLE.new('Shell.Application') assert_equal(shell.NameSpace(0).title, shell._invoke(0x60020002, [0], [WIN32OLE::VARIANT::VT_VARIANT]).title) end def test_s_const_load assert(!defined?(CONST1::SsfWINDOWS)) shell=WIN32OLE.new('Shell.Application') WIN32OLE.const_load(shell, CONST1) assert_equal(36, CONST1::SsfWINDOWS) assert(!defined?(CONST2::SsfWINDOWS)) WIN32OLE.const_load("Microsoft Shell Controls And Automation", CONST2) assert_equal(36, CONST2::SsfWINDOWS) end def test_s_create_guid guid = WIN32OLE.create_guid assert_match(/^\{[A-Z0-9]{8}\-[A-Z0-9]{4}\-[A-Z0-9]{4}\-[A-Z0-9]{4}\-[A-Z0-9]{12}/, guid) end def test_s_codepage assert_equal(WIN32OLE::CP_ACP, WIN32OLE.codepage) end def test_s_codepage_set WIN32OLE.codepage = WIN32OLE::CP_UTF8 assert_equal(WIN32OLE::CP_UTF8, WIN32OLE.codepage) WIN32OLE.codepage = WIN32OLE::CP_ACP end def test_s_codepage_changed fso = WIN32OLE.new("Scripting.FileSystemObject") fname = fso.getTempName begin WIN32OLE.codepage = WIN32OLE::CP_UTF8 file = fso.opentextfile(fname, 2, true) file.write [0x3042].pack("U*") file.close str = "" open(fname) {|ifs| str = ifs.read } assert_equal("\202\240", str) WIN32OLE.codepage = WIN32OLE::CP_ACP file = fso.opentextfile(fname, 2, true) file.write [0x3042].pack("U*") file.close open(fname) {|ifs| str = ifs.read } assert_equal("\343\201", str) # This test fail if codepage 20932 (euc) is not installed. begin WIN32OLE.codepage = 20932 rescue WIN32OLERuntimeError end if (WIN32OLE.codepage == 20932) file = fso.opentextfile(fname, 2, true) file.write [164, 162].pack("c*") file.close open(fname) {|ifs| str = ifs.read } assert_equal("\202\240", str) end ensure WIN32OLE.codepage = WIN32OLE::CP_ACP if (File.exist?(fname)) File.unlink(fname) end end end def test_const_CP_ACP assert_equal(0, WIN32OLE::CP_ACP) end def test_const_CP_OEMCP assert_equal(1, WIN32OLE::CP_OEMCP) end def test_const_CP_MACCP assert_equal(2, WIN32OLE::CP_MACCP) end def test_const_CP_THREAD_ACP assert_equal(3, WIN32OLE::CP_THREAD_ACP) end def test_const_CP_SYMBOL assert_equal(42, WIN32OLE::CP_SYMBOL) end def test_const_CP_UTF7 assert_equal(65000, WIN32OLE::CP_UTF7) end def test_const_CP_UTF8 assert_equal(65001, WIN32OLE::CP_UTF8) end end # test of subclass of WIN32OLE class MyDict < WIN32OLE def MyDict.new super('Scripting.Dictionary') end end class TestMyDict < Test::Unit::TestCase include TestCaseForDict def setup @dict1 = MyDict.new @dict2 = MyDict.new end def test_s_new assert_instance_of(MyDict, @dict1) assert_instance_of(MyDict, @dict2) end end end