# frozen_string_literal: false require 'test/unit' class TestKeywordArguments < Test::Unit::TestCase def f1(str: "foo", num: 424242) [str, num] end def test_f1 assert_equal(["foo", 424242], f1) assert_equal(["bar", 424242], f1(str: "bar")) assert_equal(["foo", 111111], f1(num: 111111)) assert_equal(["bar", 111111], f1(str: "bar", num: 111111)) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { f1(str: "bar", check: true) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { f1("string") } end def f2(x, str: "foo", num: 424242) [x, str, num] end def test_f2 assert_equal([:xyz, "foo", 424242], f2(:xyz)) assert_warn(/The keyword argument is passed as the last hash parameter.* for `f2'/m) do assert_equal([{"bar"=>42}, "foo", 424242], f2("bar"=>42)) end end def f3(str: "foo", num: 424242, **h) [str, num, h] end def test_f3 assert_equal(["foo", 424242, {}], f3) assert_equal(["bar", 424242, {}], f3(str: "bar")) assert_equal(["foo", 111111, {}], f3(num: 111111)) assert_equal(["bar", 111111, {}], f3(str: "bar", num: 111111)) assert_equal(["bar", 424242, {:check=>true}], f3(str: "bar", check: true)) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { f3("string") } end define_method(:f4) {|str: "foo", num: 424242| [str, num] } def test_f4 assert_equal(["foo", 424242], f4) assert_equal(["bar", 424242], f4(str: "bar")) assert_equal(["foo", 111111], f4(num: 111111)) assert_equal(["bar", 111111], f4(str: "bar", num: 111111)) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { f4(str: "bar", check: true) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { f4("string") } end define_method(:f5) {|str: "foo", num: 424242, **h| [str, num, h] } def test_f5 assert_equal(["foo", 424242, {}], f5) assert_equal(["bar", 424242, {}], f5(str: "bar")) assert_equal(["foo", 111111, {}], f5(num: 111111)) assert_equal(["bar", 111111, {}], f5(str: "bar", num: 111111)) assert_equal(["bar", 424242, {:check=>true}], f5(str: "bar", check: true)) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { f5("string") } end def f6(str: "foo", num: 424242, **h, &blk) [str, num, h, blk] end def test_f6 # [ruby-core:40518] assert_equal(["foo", 424242, {}, nil], f6) assert_equal(["bar", 424242, {}, nil], f6(str: "bar")) assert_equal(["foo", 111111, {}, nil], f6(num: 111111)) assert_equal(["bar", 111111, {}, nil], f6(str: "bar", num: 111111)) assert_equal(["bar", 424242, {:check=>true}, nil], f6(str: "bar", check: true)) a = f6 {|x| x + 42 } assert_equal(["foo", 424242, {}], a[0, 3]) assert_equal(43, a.last.call(1)) end def f7(*r, str: "foo", num: 424242, **h) [r, str, num, h] end def test_f7 # [ruby-core:41772] assert_equal([[], "foo", 424242, {}], f7) assert_equal([[], "bar", 424242, {}], f7(str: "bar")) assert_equal([[], "foo", 111111, {}], f7(num: 111111)) assert_equal([[], "bar", 111111, {}], f7(str: "bar", num: 111111)) assert_equal([[1], "foo", 424242, {}], f7(1)) assert_equal([[1, 2], "foo", 424242, {}], f7(1, 2)) assert_equal([[1, 2, 3], "foo", 424242, {}], f7(1, 2, 3)) assert_equal([[1], "bar", 424242, {}], f7(1, str: "bar")) assert_equal([[1, 2], "bar", 424242, {}], f7(1, 2, str: "bar")) assert_equal([[1, 2, 3], "bar", 424242, {}], f7(1, 2, 3, str: "bar")) end define_method(:f8) { |opt = :ion, *rest, key: :word| [opt, rest, key] } def test_f8 assert_equal([:ion, [], :word], f8) assert_equal([1, [], :word], f8(1)) assert_equal([1, [2], :word], f8(1, 2)) end def f9(r, o=42, *args, p, k: :key, **kw, &b) [r, o, args, p, k, kw, b] end def test_f9 assert_equal([1, 42, [], 2, :key, {}, nil], f9(1, 2)) assert_equal([1, 2, [], 3, :key, {}, nil], f9(1, 2, 3)) assert_equal([1, 2, [3], 4, :key, {}, nil], f9(1, 2, 3, 4)) assert_equal([1, 2, [3, 4], 5, :key, {str: "bar"}, nil], f9(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, str: "bar")) end def f10(a: 1, **) a end def test_f10 assert_equal(42, f10(a: 42)) assert_equal(1, f10(b: 42)) end def f11(**nil) local_variables end def test_f11 h = {} assert_equal([], f11) assert_equal([], f11(**{})) assert_equal([], f11(**h)) end def f12(**nil, &b) [b, local_variables] end def test_f12 h = {} b = proc{} assert_equal([nil, [:b]], f12) assert_equal([nil, [:b]], f12(**{})) assert_equal([nil, [:b]], f12(**h)) assert_equal([b, [:b]], f12(&b)) assert_equal([b, [:b]], f12(**{}, &b)) assert_equal([b, [:b]], f12(**h, &b)) end def test_method_parameters assert_equal([[:key, :str], [:key, :num]], method(:f1).parameters); assert_equal([[:req, :x], [:key, :str], [:key, :num]], method(:f2).parameters); assert_equal([[:key, :str], [:key, :num], [:keyrest, :h]], method(:f3).parameters); assert_equal([[:key, :str], [:key, :num]], method(:f4).parameters); assert_equal([[:key, :str], [:key, :num], [:keyrest, :h]], method(:f5).parameters); assert_equal([[:key, :str], [:key, :num], [:keyrest, :h], [:block, :blk]], method(:f6).parameters); assert_equal([[:rest, :r], [:key, :str], [:key, :num], [:keyrest, :h]], method(:f7).parameters); assert_equal([[:opt, :opt], [:rest, :rest], [:key, :key]], method(:f8).parameters) # [Bug #7540] [ruby-core:50735] assert_equal([[:req, :r], [:opt, :o], [:rest, :args], [:req, :p], [:key, :k], [:keyrest, :kw], [:block, :b]], method(:f9).parameters) end def test_lambda f = ->(str: "foo", num: 424242) { [str, num] } assert_equal(["foo", 424242], f[]) assert_equal(["bar", 424242], f[str: "bar"]) assert_equal(["foo", 111111], f[num: 111111]) assert_equal(["bar", 111111], f[str: "bar", num: 111111]) end def test_lambda_kwsplat_call kw = {} h = {'a'=>1} h2 = {'a'=>1} h3 = {'a'=>1, :a=>1} f = -> { true } assert_equal(true, f[**{}]) assert_equal(true, f[**kw]) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { f[**h] } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { f[**h2] } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { f[**h3] } f = ->(a) { a } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { f[**{}] } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { f[**kw] } assert_equal(h, f[**h]) assert_equal(h2, f[**h2]) assert_equal(h3, f[**h3]) f = ->(**x) { x } assert_equal(kw, f[**{}]) assert_equal(kw, f[**kw]) assert_equal(h, f[**h]) assert_equal(h2, f[**h2]) assert_equal(h3, f[**h3]) f = ->(a, **x) { [a,x] } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { f[**{}] } assert_warn(/The keyword argument is passed as the last hash parameter.* for `\[\]'/m) do assert_equal([{}, {}], f[**kw]) end assert_warn(/The keyword argument is passed as the last hash parameter.* for `\[\]'/m) do assert_equal([h, {}], f[**h]) end assert_warn(/The keyword argument is passed as the last hash parameter.* for `\[\]'/m) do assert_equal([h2, {}], f[**h2]) end assert_warn(/The keyword argument is passed as the last hash parameter.* for `\[\]'/m) do assert_equal([h3, {}], f[**h3]) end f = ->(a=1, **x) { [a, x] } assert_equal([1, kw], f[**{}]) assert_equal([1, kw], f[**kw]) assert_equal([1, h], f[**h]) assert_equal([1, h2], f[**h2]) assert_equal([1, h3], f[**h3]) end def test_cfunc_kwsplat_call kw = {} h = {'a'=>1} h2 = {'a'=>1} h3 = {'a'=>1, :a=>1} sc = Class.new do attr_reader :args class << self alias [] new end end c = Class.new(sc) do def initialize(*args) @args = args end end assert_equal([], c[**{}].args) assert_equal([], c[**kw].args) assert_equal([h], c[**h].args) assert_equal([h2], c[**h2].args) assert_equal([h3], c[**h3].args) c = Class.new(sc) do def initialize; end end assert_nil(c[**{}].args) assert_nil(c[**kw].args) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { c[**h] } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { c[**h2] } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { c[**h3] } c = Class.new(sc) do def initialize(args) @args = args end end assert_raise(ArgumentError) { c[**{}] } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { c[**kw] } assert_equal(h, c[**h].args) assert_equal(h2, c[**h2].args) assert_equal(h3, c[**h3].args) c = Class.new(sc) do def initialize(**args) @args = args end end assert_equal(kw, c[**{}].args) assert_equal(kw, c[**kw].args) assert_equal(h, c[**h].args) assert_equal(h2, c[**h2].args) assert_equal(h3, c[**h3].args) c = Class.new(sc) do def initialize(arg, **args) @args = [arg, args] end end assert_raise(ArgumentError) { c[**{}] } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { c[**kw] } assert_equal([h, kw], c[**h].args) assert_equal([h2, kw], c[**h2].args) assert_equal([h3, kw], c[**h3].args) c = Class.new(sc) do def initialize(arg=1, **args) @args = [arg=1, args] end end assert_equal([1, kw], c[**{}].args) assert_equal([1, kw], c[**kw].args) assert_equal([1, h], c[**h].args) assert_equal([1, h2], c[**h2].args) assert_equal([1, h3], c[**h3].args) end def test_method_kwsplat_call kw = {} h = {'a'=>1} h2 = {'a'=>1} h3 = {'a'=>1, :a=>1} c = Object.new def c.m(*args) args end assert_equal([], c.method(:m)[**{}]) assert_equal([], c.method(:m)[**kw]) assert_equal([h], c.method(:m)[**h]) assert_equal([h2], c.method(:m)[**h2]) assert_equal([h3], c.method(:m)[**h3]) c.singleton_class.remove_method(:m) def c.m; end assert_nil(c.method(:m)[**{}]) assert_nil(c.method(:m)[**kw]) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { c.method(:m)[**h] } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { c.method(:m)[**h2] } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { c.method(:m)[**h3] } c.singleton_class.remove_method(:m) def c.m(args) args end assert_raise(ArgumentError) { c.method(:m)[**{}] } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { c.method(:m)[**kw] } assert_equal(h, c.method(:m)[**h]) assert_equal(h2, c.method(:m)[**h2]) assert_equal(h3, c.method(:m)[**h3]) c.singleton_class.remove_method(:m) def c.m(**args) args end assert_equal(kw, c.method(:m)[**{}]) assert_equal(kw, c.method(:m)[**kw]) assert_equal(h, c.method(:m)[**h]) assert_equal(h2, c.method(:m)[**h2]) assert_equal(h3, c.method(:m)[**h3]) c.singleton_class.remove_method(:m) def c.m(arg, **args) [arg, args] end assert_raise(ArgumentError) { c.method(:m)[**{}] } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { c.method(:m)[**kw] } assert_equal([h, kw], c.method(:m)[**h]) assert_equal([h2, kw], c.method(:m)[**h2]) assert_equal([h3, kw], c.method(:m)[**h3]) c.singleton_class.remove_method(:m) def c.m(arg=1, **args) [arg=1, args] end assert_equal([1, kw], c.method(:m)[**{}]) assert_equal([1, kw], c.method(:m)[**kw]) assert_equal([1, h], c.method(:m)[**h]) assert_equal([1, h2], c.method(:m)[**h2]) assert_equal([1, h3], c.method(:m)[**h3]) end def test_send_kwsplat kw = {} h = {'a'=>1} h2 = {'a'=>1} h3 = {'a'=>1, :a=>1} c = Object.new def c.m(*args) args end assert_equal([], c.send(:m, **{})) assert_equal([], c.send(:m, **kw)) assert_equal([h], c.send(:m, **h)) assert_equal([h2], c.send(:m, **h2)) assert_equal([h3], c.send(:m, **h3)) c.singleton_class.remove_method(:m) def c.m; end assert_nil(c.send(:m, **{})) assert_nil(c.send(:m, **kw)) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { c.send(:m, **h) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { c.send(:m, **h2) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { c.send(:m, **h3) } c.singleton_class.remove_method(:m) def c.m(args) args end assert_raise(ArgumentError) { c.send(:m, **{}) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { c.send(:m, **kw) } assert_equal(h, c.send(:m, **h)) assert_equal(h2, c.send(:m, **h2)) assert_equal(h3, c.send(:m, **h3)) c.singleton_class.remove_method(:m) def c.m(**args) args end assert_equal(kw, c.send(:m, **{})) assert_equal(kw, c.send(:m, **kw)) assert_equal(h, c.send(:m, **h)) assert_equal(h2, c.send(:m, **h2)) assert_equal(h3, c.send(:m, **h3)) c.singleton_class.remove_method(:m) def c.m(arg, **args) [arg, args] end assert_raise(ArgumentError) { c.send(:m, **{}) } assert_warn(/The keyword argument is passed as the last hash parameter.* for `m'/m) do assert_equal([kw, kw], c.send(:m, **kw)) end assert_warn(/The keyword argument is passed as the last hash parameter.* for `m'/m) do assert_equal([h, kw], c.send(:m, **h)) end assert_warn(/The keyword argument is passed as the last hash parameter.* for `m'/m) do assert_equal([h2, kw], c.send(:m, **h2)) end assert_warn(/The keyword argument is passed as the last hash parameter.* for `m'/m) do assert_equal([h3, kw], c.send(:m, **h3)) end c.singleton_class.remove_method(:m) def c.m(arg=1, **args) [arg=1, args] end assert_equal([1, kw], c.send(:m, **{})) assert_equal([1, kw], c.send(:m, **kw)) assert_equal([1, h], c.send(:m, **h)) assert_equal([1, h2], c.send(:m, **h2)) assert_equal([1, h3], c.send(:m, **h3)) end def test_method_missing_kwsplat kw = {} h = {'a'=>1} h2 = {'a'=>1} h3 = {'a'=>1, :a=>1} c = Object.new def c.method_missing(_, *args) args end assert_equal([], c.send(:m, **{})) assert_equal([], c.send(:m, **kw)) assert_equal([h], c.send(:m, **h)) assert_equal([h2], c.send(:m, **h2)) assert_equal([h3], c.send(:m, **h3)) c.singleton_class.remove_method(:method_missing) def c.method_missing(_); end assert_nil(c.send(:m, **{})) assert_nil(c.send(:m, **kw)) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { c.send(:m, **h) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { c.send(:m, **h2) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { c.send(:m, **h3) } c.singleton_class.remove_method(:method_missing) def c.method_missing(_, args) args end assert_raise(ArgumentError) { c.send(:m, **{}) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { c.send(:m, **kw) } assert_equal(h, c.send(:m, **h)) assert_equal(h2, c.send(:m, **h2)) assert_equal(h3, c.send(:m, **h3)) c.singleton_class.remove_method(:method_missing) def c.method_missing(_, **args) args end assert_equal(kw, c.send(:m, **{})) assert_equal(kw, c.send(:m, **kw)) assert_equal(h, c.send(:m, **h)) assert_equal(h2, c.send(:m, **h2)) assert_equal(h3, c.send(:m, **h3)) c.singleton_class.remove_method(:method_missing) def c.method_missing(_, arg, **args) [arg, args] end assert_raise(ArgumentError) { c.send(:m, **{}) } assert_warn(/The keyword argument is passed as the last hash parameter.* for `method_missing'/m) do assert_equal([kw, kw], c.send(:m, **kw)) end assert_warn(/The keyword argument is passed as the last hash parameter.* for `method_missing'/m) do assert_equal([h, kw], c.send(:m, **h)) end assert_warn(/The keyword argument is passed as the last hash parameter.* for `method_missing'/m) do assert_equal([h2, kw], c.send(:m, **h2)) end assert_warn(/The keyword argument is passed as the last hash parameter.* for `method_missing'/m) do assert_equal([h3, kw], c.send(:m, **h3)) end c.singleton_class.remove_method(:method_missing) def c.method_missing(_, arg=1, **args) [arg=1, args] end assert_equal([1, kw], c.send(:m, **{})) assert_equal([1, kw], c.send(:m, **kw)) assert_equal([1, h], c.send(:m, **h)) assert_equal([1, h2], c.send(:m, **h2)) assert_equal([1, h3], c.send(:m, **h3)) end def p1 Proc.new do |str: "foo", num: 424242| [str, num] end end def test_p1 assert_equal(["foo", 424242], p1[]) assert_equal(["bar", 424242], p1[str: "bar"]) assert_equal(["foo", 111111], p1[num: 111111]) assert_equal(["bar", 111111], p1[str: "bar", num: 111111]) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { p1[str: "bar", check: true] } assert_equal(["foo", 424242], p1["string"] ) end def p2 Proc.new do |x, str: "foo", num: 424242| [x, str, num] end end def test_p2 assert_equal([nil, "foo", 424242], p2[]) assert_equal([:xyz, "foo", 424242], p2[:xyz]) end def p3 Proc.new do |str: "foo", num: 424242, **h| [str, num, h] end end def test_p3 assert_equal(["foo", 424242, {}], p3[]) assert_equal(["bar", 424242, {}], p3[str: "bar"]) assert_equal(["foo", 111111, {}], p3[num: 111111]) assert_equal(["bar", 111111, {}], p3[str: "bar", num: 111111]) assert_equal(["bar", 424242, {:check=>true}], p3[str: "bar", check: true]) assert_equal(["foo", 424242, {}], p3["string"]) end def p4 Proc.new do |str: "foo", num: 424242, **h, &blk| [str, num, h, blk] end end def test_p4 assert_equal(["foo", 424242, {}, nil], p4[]) assert_equal(["bar", 424242, {}, nil], p4[str: "bar"]) assert_equal(["foo", 111111, {}, nil], p4[num: 111111]) assert_equal(["bar", 111111, {}, nil], p4[str: "bar", num: 111111]) assert_equal(["bar", 424242, {:check=>true}, nil], p4[str: "bar", check: true]) a = p4.call {|x| x + 42 } assert_equal(["foo", 424242, {}], a[0, 3]) assert_equal(43, a.last.call(1)) end def p5 Proc.new do |*r, str: "foo", num: 424242, **h| [r, str, num, h] end end def test_p5 assert_equal([[], "foo", 424242, {}], p5[]) assert_equal([[], "bar", 424242, {}], p5[str: "bar"]) assert_equal([[], "foo", 111111, {}], p5[num: 111111]) assert_equal([[], "bar", 111111, {}], p5[str: "bar", num: 111111]) assert_equal([[1], "foo", 424242, {}], p5[1]) assert_equal([[1, 2], "foo", 424242, {}], p5[1, 2]) assert_equal([[1, 2, 3], "foo", 424242, {}], p5[1, 2, 3]) assert_equal([[1], "bar", 424242, {}], p5[1, str: "bar"]) assert_equal([[1, 2], "bar", 424242, {}], p5[1, 2, str: "bar"]) assert_equal([[1, 2, 3], "bar", 424242, {}], p5[1, 2, 3, str: "bar"]) end def p6 Proc.new do |o1, o2=42, *args, p, k: :key, **kw, &b| [o1, o2, args, p, k, kw, b] end end def test_p6 assert_equal([nil, 42, [], nil, :key, {}, nil], p6[]) assert_equal([1, 42, [], 2, :key, {}, nil], p6[1, 2]) assert_equal([1, 2, [], 3, :key, {}, nil], p6[1, 2, 3]) assert_equal([1, 2, [3], 4, :key, {}, nil], p6[1, 2, 3, 4]) assert_equal([1, 2, [3, 4], 5, :key, {str: "bar"}, nil], p6[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, str: "bar"]) end def test_proc_parameters assert_equal([[:key, :str], [:key, :num]], p1.parameters); assert_equal([[:opt, :x], [:key, :str], [:key, :num]], p2.parameters); assert_equal([[:key, :str], [:key, :num], [:keyrest, :h]], p3.parameters); assert_equal([[:key, :str], [:key, :num], [:keyrest, :h], [:block, :blk]], p4.parameters); assert_equal([[:rest, :r], [:key, :str], [:key, :num], [:keyrest, :h]], p5.parameters); assert_equal([[:opt, :o1], [:opt, :o2], [:rest, :args], [:opt, :p], [:key, :k], [:keyrest, :kw], [:block, :b]], p6.parameters) end def m1(*args, **options) yield(*args, **options) end def test_block blk = Proc.new {|str: "foo", num: 424242| [str, num] } assert_equal(["foo", 424242], m1(&blk)) assert_equal(["bar", 424242], m1(str: "bar", &blk)) assert_equal(["foo", 111111], m1(num: 111111, &blk)) assert_equal(["bar", 111111], m1(str: "bar", num: 111111, &blk)) end def rest_keyrest(*args, **opt) return *args, opt end def test_rest_keyrest bug7665 = '[ruby-core:51278]' bug8463 = '[ruby-core:55203] [Bug #8463]' expect = [*%w[foo bar], {zzz: 42}] assert_warn(/The last argument is used as the keyword parameter.* for `rest_keyrest'/m) do assert_equal(expect, rest_keyrest(*expect), bug7665) end pr = proc {|*args, **opt| next *args, opt} assert_warn(/The last argument is used as the keyword parameter.* for `call'/m) do assert_equal(expect, pr.call(*expect), bug7665) end assert_warn(/The last argument is used as the keyword parameter.* for `call'/m) do assert_equal(expect, pr.call(expect), bug8463) end pr = proc {|a, *b, **opt| next a, *b, opt} assert_warn(/The last argument is used as the keyword parameter.* for `call'/m) do assert_equal(expect, pr.call(expect), bug8463) end pr = proc {|a, **opt| next a, opt} assert_warn(/The last argument is used as the keyword parameter.* for `call'/m) do assert_equal(expect.values_at(0, -1), pr.call(expect), bug8463) end end def req_plus_keyword(x, **h) [x, h] end def opt_plus_keyword(x=1, **h) [x, h] end def splat_plus_keyword(*a, **h) [a, h] end def test_keyword_split assert_warn(/The keyword argument is passed as the last hash parameter.* for `req_plus_keyword'/m) do assert_equal([{:a=>1}, {}], req_plus_keyword(:a=>1)) end assert_warn(/The keyword argument is passed as the last hash parameter.* for `req_plus_keyword'/m) do assert_equal([{"a"=>1}, {}], req_plus_keyword("a"=>1)) end assert_warn(/The keyword argument is passed as the last hash parameter.* for `req_plus_keyword'/m) do assert_equal([{"a"=>1, :a=>1}, {}], req_plus_keyword("a"=>1, :a=>1)) end assert_equal([{:a=>1}, {}], req_plus_keyword({:a=>1})) assert_equal([{"a"=>1}, {}], req_plus_keyword({"a"=>1})) assert_equal([{"a"=>1, :a=>1}, {}], req_plus_keyword({"a"=>1, :a=>1})) assert_equal([1, {:a=>1}], opt_plus_keyword(:a=>1)) assert_equal([1, {"a"=>1}], opt_plus_keyword("a"=>1)) assert_equal([1, {"a"=>1, :a=>1}], opt_plus_keyword("a"=>1, :a=>1)) assert_warn(/The last argument is used as the keyword parameter.* for `opt_plus_keyword'/m) do assert_equal([1, {:a=>1}], opt_plus_keyword({:a=>1})) end assert_equal([{"a"=>1}, {}], opt_plus_keyword({"a"=>1})) assert_warn(/The last argument is split into positional and keyword parameters.* for `opt_plus_keyword'/m) do assert_equal([{"a"=>1}, {:a=>1}], opt_plus_keyword({"a"=>1, :a=>1})) end assert_equal([[], {:a=>1}], splat_plus_keyword(:a=>1)) assert_equal([[], {"a"=>1}], splat_plus_keyword("a"=>1)) assert_equal([[], {"a"=>1, :a=>1}], splat_plus_keyword("a"=>1, :a=>1)) assert_warn(/The last argument is used as the keyword parameter.* for `splat_plus_keyword'/m) do assert_equal([[], {:a=>1}], splat_plus_keyword({:a=>1})) end assert_equal([[{"a"=>1}], {}], splat_plus_keyword({"a"=>1})) assert_warn(/The last argument is split into positional and keyword parameters.* for `splat_plus_keyword'/m) do assert_equal([[{"a"=>1}], {:a=>1}], splat_plus_keyword({"a"=>1, :a=>1})) end end def test_bare_kwrest # valid syntax, but its semantics is undefined assert_valid_syntax("def bug7662(**) end") assert_valid_syntax("def bug7662(*, **) end") assert_valid_syntax("def bug7662(a, **) end") end def test_without_paren bug7942 = '[ruby-core:52820] [Bug #7942]' assert_valid_syntax("def bug7942 a: 1; end") assert_valid_syntax("def bug7942 a: 1, **; end") o = Object.new eval("def o.bug7942 a: 1; a; end", nil, __FILE__, __LINE__) assert_equal(1, o.bug7942(), bug7942) assert_equal(42, o.bug7942(a: 42), bug7942) o = Object.new eval("def o.bug7942 a: 1, **; a; end", nil, __FILE__, __LINE__) assert_equal(1, o.bug7942(), bug7942) assert_equal(42, o.bug7942(a: 42), bug7942) end def test_required_keyword feature7701 = '[ruby-core:51454] [Feature #7701] required keyword argument' o = Object.new assert_nothing_raised(SyntaxError, feature7701) do eval("def o.foo(a:) a; end", nil, "xyzzy") eval("def o.bar(a:,**b) [a, b]; end") end assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, /missing keyword/, feature7701) {o.foo} assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, /unknown keyword/, feature7701) {o.foo(a:0, b:1)} begin o.foo(a: 0, b: 1) rescue => e assert_equal('xyzzy', e.backtrace_locations[0].path) end assert_equal(42, o.foo(a: 42), feature7701) assert_equal([[:keyreq, :a]], o.method(:foo).parameters, feature7701) bug8139 = '[ruby-core:53608] [Bug #8139] required keyword argument with rest hash' assert_equal([42, {}], o.bar(a: 42), feature7701) assert_equal([42, {c: feature7701}], o.bar(a: 42, c: feature7701), feature7701) assert_equal([[:keyreq, :a], [:keyrest, :b]], o.method(:bar).parameters, feature7701) assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, /missing keyword/, bug8139) {o.bar(c: bug8139)} assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, /missing keyword/, bug8139) {o.bar} end def test_required_keyword_with_newline bug9669 = '[ruby-core:61658] [Bug #9669]' assert_nothing_raised(SyntaxError, bug9669) do eval(<<-'end;', nil, __FILE__, __LINE__) def bug9669.foo a: return a end end; end assert_equal(42, bug9669.foo(a: 42)) o = nil assert_nothing_raised(SyntaxError, bug9669) do eval(<<-'end;', nil, __FILE__, __LINE__) o = { a: 1 } end; end assert_equal({a: 1}, o, bug9669) end def test_required_keyword_with_reserved bug10279 = '[ruby-core:65211] [Bug #10279]' h = nil assert_nothing_raised(SyntaxError, bug10279) do break eval(<<-'end;', nil, __FILE__, __LINE__) h = {a: if true then 42 end} end; end assert_equal({a: 42}, h, bug10279) end def test_block_required_keyword feature7701 = '[ruby-core:51454] [Feature #7701] required keyword argument' b = assert_nothing_raised(SyntaxError, feature7701) do break eval("proc {|a:| a}", nil, 'xyzzy', __LINE__) end assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, /missing keyword/, feature7701) {b.call} e = assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, /unknown keyword/, feature7701) {b.call(a:0, b:1)} assert_equal('xyzzy', e.backtrace_locations[0].path) assert_equal(42, b.call(a: 42), feature7701) assert_equal([[:keyreq, :a]], b.parameters, feature7701) bug8139 = '[ruby-core:53608] [Bug #8139] required keyword argument with rest hash' b = assert_nothing_raised(SyntaxError, feature7701) do break eval("proc {|a:, **bl| [a, bl]}", nil, __FILE__, __LINE__) end assert_equal([42, {}], b.call(a: 42), feature7701) assert_equal([42, {c: feature7701}], b.call(a: 42, c: feature7701), feature7701) assert_equal([[:keyreq, :a], [:keyrest, :bl]], b.parameters, feature7701) assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, /missing keyword/, bug8139) {b.call(c: bug8139)} assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, /missing keyword/, bug8139) {b.call} b = assert_nothing_raised(SyntaxError, feature7701) do break eval("proc {|m, a:| [m, a]}", nil, 'xyzzy', __LINE__) end assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, /missing keyword/) {b.call} assert_equal([:ok, 42], b.call(:ok, a: 42)) e = assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, /unknown keyword/) {b.call(42, a:0, b:1)} assert_equal('xyzzy', e.backtrace_locations[0].path) assert_equal([[:opt, :m], [:keyreq, :a]], b.parameters) end def test_super_with_keyword bug8236 = '[ruby-core:54094] [Bug #8236]' base = Class.new do def foo(*args) args end end a = Class.new(base) do def foo(arg, bar: 'x') super end end b = Class.new(base) do def foo(*args, bar: 'x') super end end assert_equal([42, {:bar=>"x"}], a.new.foo(42), bug8236) assert_equal([42, {:bar=>"x"}], b.new.foo(42), bug8236) end def test_zsuper_only_named_kwrest bug8416 = '[ruby-core:55033] [Bug #8416]' base = Class.new do def foo(**h) h end end a = Class.new(base) do def foo(**h) super end end assert_equal({:bar=>"x"}, a.new.foo(bar: "x"), bug8416) end def test_zsuper_only_anonymous_kwrest bug8416 = '[ruby-core:55033] [Bug #8416]' base = Class.new do def foo(**h) h end end a = Class.new(base) do def foo(**) super end end assert_equal({:bar=>"x"}, a.new.foo(bar: "x"), bug8416) end def test_precedence_of_keyword_arguments bug8040 = '[ruby-core:53199] [Bug #8040]' a = Class.new do def foo(x, **h) [x, h] end end assert_equal([{}, {}], a.new.foo({})) assert_equal([{}, {:bar=>"x"}], a.new.foo({}, bar: "x"), bug8040) end def test_precedence_of_keyword_arguments_with_post_argument bug8993 = '[ruby-core:57706] [Bug #8993]' a = Class.new do def foo(a, b, c=1, *d, e, f:2, **g) [a, b, c, d, e, f, g] end end assert_warn(/The keyword argument is passed as the last hash parameter.* for `foo'/m) do assert_equal([1, 2, 1, [], {:f=>5}, 2, {}], a.new.foo(1, 2, f:5), bug8993) end end def test_splat_keyword_nondestructive bug9776 = '[ruby-core:62161] [Bug #9776]' h = {a: 1} assert_equal({a:1, b:2}, {**h, b:2}) assert_equal({a:1}, h, bug9776) pr = proc {|**opt| next opt} assert_equal({a: 1}, pr.call(**h)) assert_equal({a: 1, b: 2}, pr.call(**h, b: 2)) assert_equal({a: 1}, h, bug9776) end def test_splat_hash_conversion bug9898 = '[ruby-core:62921] [Bug #9898]' o = Object.new def o.to_hash() { a: 1 } end assert_equal({a: 1}, m1(**o) {|x| break x}, bug9898) o2 = Object.new def o2.to_hash() { b: 2 } end assert_equal({a: 1, b: 2}, m1(**o, **o2) {|x| break x}, bug9898) end def test_implicit_hash_conversion bug10016 = '[ruby-core:63593] [Bug #10016]' o = Object.new def o.to_hash() { k: 9 } end assert_equal([1, 42, [], o, :key, {}, nil], f9(1, o)) assert_warn(/The last argument is used as the keyword parameter.* for `m1'/m) do assert_equal([1, 9], m1(1, o) {|a, k: 0| break [a, k]}, bug10016) end assert_warn(/The last argument is used as the keyword parameter.* for `m1'/m) do assert_equal([1, 9], m1(1, o, &->(a, k: 0) {break [a, k]}), bug10016) end end def test_splat_hash m = Object.new def m.f() :ok; end def m.f1(a) a; end def m.f2(a = nil) a; end def m.f3(**a) a; end def m.f4(*a) a; end o = {a: 1} assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, /unknown keyword: :a/) { m.f(**o) } o = {} assert_equal(:ok, m.f(**o), '[ruby-core:68124] [Bug #10856]') a = [] assert_equal(:ok, m.f(*a, **o), '[ruby-core:83638] [Bug #10856]') assert_equal(:OK, m.f1(*a, :OK, **o), '[ruby-core:91825] [Bug #10856]') assert_equal({}, m.f1(*a, o), '[ruby-core:91825] [Bug #10856]') o = {a: 42} assert_warning('', 'splat to mandatory') do assert_equal({a: 42}, m.f1(**o)) end assert_warning('') do assert_equal({a: 42}, m.f2(**o), '[ruby-core:82280] [Bug #13791]') end assert_warning('', 'splat to kwrest') do assert_equal({a: 42}, m.f3(**o)) end assert_warning('', 'splat to rest') do assert_equal([{a: 42}], m.f4(**o)) end assert_warning('') do assert_equal({a: 42}, m.f2("a".to_sym => 42), '[ruby-core:82291] [Bug #13793]') end o = {} a = [:ok] assert_equal(:ok, m.f2(*a, **o), '[ruby-core:83638] [Bug #10856]') end def test_gced_object_in_stack bug8964 = '[ruby-dev:47729] [Bug #8964]' assert_normal_exit %q{ def m(a: []) end GC.stress = true tap { m } GC.start tap { m } }, bug8964 assert_normal_exit %q{ prc = Proc.new {|a: []|} GC.stress = true tap { prc.call } GC.start tap { prc.call } }, bug8964 end def test_dynamic_symbol_keyword bug10266 = '[ruby-dev:48564] [Bug #10266]' assert_separately(['-', bug10266], "#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}") begin; bug = ARGV.shift "hoge".to_sym assert_nothing_raised(bug) {eval("def a(hoge:); end")} end; end def test_unknown_keyword_with_block bug10413 = '[ruby-core:65837] [Bug #10413]' class << (o = Object.new) def bar(k2: 'v2') end def foo bar(k1: 1) end end assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, /unknown keyword: :k1/, bug10413) { o.foo {raise "unreachable"} } end def test_unknown_keyword bug13004 = '[ruby-dev:49893] [Bug #13004]' assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, /unknown keyword: :"invalid-argument"/, bug13004) { [].sample(random: nil, "invalid-argument": nil) } end def test_super_with_anon_restkeywords bug10659 = '[ruby-core:67157] [Bug #10659]' foo = Class.new do def foo(**h) h end end class << (obj = foo.new) def foo(bar: "bar", **) super end end assert_nothing_raised(TypeError, bug10659) { assert_equal({:bar => "bar"}, obj.foo, bug10659) } end def m(a) yield a end def test_nonsymbol_key result = m(["a" => 10]) { |a = nil, **b| [a, b] } assert_equal([{"a" => 10}, {}], result) end def method_for_test_to_hash_call_during_setup_complex_parameters k1:, k2:, **rest_kw [k1, k2, rest_kw] end def test_to_hash_call_during_setup_complex_parameters sym = "sym_#{Time.now}".to_sym h = method_for_test_to_hash_call_during_setup_complex_parameters k1: "foo", k2: "bar", sym => "baz" assert_equal ["foo", "bar", {sym => "baz"}], h, '[Bug #11027]' end class AttrSetTest attr_accessor :foo alias set_foo :foo= end def test_attr_set_method_cache obj = AttrSetTest.new h = {a: 1, b: 2} 2.times{ obj.foo = 1 assert_equal(1, obj.foo) obj.set_foo 2 assert_equal(2, obj.foo) obj.set_foo(x: 1, y: 2) assert_equal({x: 1, y: 2}, obj.foo) obj.set_foo(x: 1, y: 2, **h) assert_equal({x: 1, y: 2, **h}, obj.foo) } end def test_kwrest_overwritten bug13015 = '[ruby-core:78536] [Bug #13015]' klass = EnvUtil.labeled_class("Parent") do def initialize(d:) end end klass = EnvUtil.labeled_class("Child", klass) do def initialize(d:, **h) h = [2, 3] super end end assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /expected Hash/, bug13015) do klass.new(d: 4) end end def test_non_keyword_hash_subclass bug12884 = '[ruby-core:77813] [Bug #12884]' klass = EnvUtil.labeled_class("Child", Hash) obj = Object.new def obj.t(params = klass.new, d: nil); params; end x = klass.new x["foo"] = "bar" result = obj.t(x) assert_equal(x, result) assert_kind_of(klass, result, bug12884) end def test_arity_error_message obj = Object.new def obj.t(x:) end assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, /required keyword: x\)/) do obj.t(42) end obj = Object.new def obj.t(x:, y:, z: nil) end assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, /required keywords: x, y\)/) do obj.t(42) end end def many_kwargs(a0: '', a1: '', a2: '', a3: '', a4: '', a5: '', a6: '', a7: '', b0: '', b1: '', b2: '', b3: '', b4: '', b5: '', b6: '', b7: '', c0: '', c1: '', c2: '', c3: '', c4: '', c5: '', c6: '', c7: '', d0: '', d1: '', d2: '', d3: '', d4: '', d5: '', d6: '', d7: '', e0: '') [a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, e0] end def test_many_kwargs i = 0 assert_equal(:ok, many_kwargs(a0: :ok)[i], "#{i}: a0"); i+=1 assert_equal(:ok, many_kwargs(a1: :ok)[i], "#{i}: a1"); i+=1 assert_equal(:ok, many_kwargs(a2: :ok)[i], "#{i}: a2"); i+=1 assert_equal(:ok, many_kwargs(a3: :ok)[i], "#{i}: a3"); i+=1 assert_equal(:ok, many_kwargs(a4: :ok)[i], "#{i}: a4"); i+=1 assert_equal(:ok, many_kwargs(a5: :ok)[i], "#{i}: a5"); i+=1 assert_equal(:ok, many_kwargs(a6: :ok)[i], "#{i}: a6"); i+=1 assert_equal(:ok, many_kwargs(a7: :ok)[i], "#{i}: a7"); i+=1 assert_equal(:ok, many_kwargs(b0: :ok)[i], "#{i}: b0"); i+=1 assert_equal(:ok, many_kwargs(b1: :ok)[i], "#{i}: b1"); i+=1 assert_equal(:ok, many_kwargs(b2: :ok)[i], "#{i}: b2"); i+=1 assert_equal(:ok, many_kwargs(b3: :ok)[i], "#{i}: b3"); i+=1 assert_equal(:ok, many_kwargs(b4: :ok)[i], "#{i}: b4"); i+=1 assert_equal(:ok, many_kwargs(b5: :ok)[i], "#{i}: b5"); i+=1 assert_equal(:ok, many_kwargs(b6: :ok)[i], "#{i}: b6"); i+=1 assert_equal(:ok, many_kwargs(b7: :ok)[i], "#{i}: b7"); i+=1 assert_equal(:ok, many_kwargs(c0: :ok)[i], "#{i}: c0"); i+=1 assert_equal(:ok, many_kwargs(c1: :ok)[i], "#{i}: c1"); i+=1 assert_equal(:ok, many_kwargs(c2: :ok)[i], "#{i}: c2"); i+=1 assert_equal(:ok, many_kwargs(c3: :ok)[i], "#{i}: c3"); i+=1 assert_equal(:ok, many_kwargs(c4: :ok)[i], "#{i}: c4"); i+=1 assert_equal(:ok, many_kwargs(c5: :ok)[i], "#{i}: c5"); i+=1 assert_equal(:ok, many_kwargs(c6: :ok)[i], "#{i}: c6"); i+=1 assert_equal(:ok, many_kwargs(c7: :ok)[i], "#{i}: c7"); i+=1 assert_equal(:ok, many_kwargs(d0: :ok)[i], "#{i}: d0"); i+=1 assert_equal(:ok, many_kwargs(d1: :ok)[i], "#{i}: d1"); i+=1 assert_equal(:ok, many_kwargs(d2: :ok)[i], "#{i}: d2"); i+=1 assert_equal(:ok, many_kwargs(d3: :ok)[i], "#{i}: d3"); i+=1 assert_equal(:ok, many_kwargs(d4: :ok)[i], "#{i}: d4"); i+=1 assert_equal(:ok, many_kwargs(d5: :ok)[i], "#{i}: d5"); i+=1 assert_equal(:ok, many_kwargs(d6: :ok)[i], "#{i}: d6"); i+=1 assert_equal(:ok, many_kwargs(d7: :ok)[i], "#{i}: d7"); i+=1 assert_equal(:ok, many_kwargs(e0: :ok)[i], "#{i}: e0"); i+=1 end def test_splat_empty_hash_with_block_passing assert_valid_syntax("bug15087(**{}, &nil)") end end