require 'test/unit' require 'tempfile' class TestISeq < Test::Unit::TestCase ISeq = RubyVM::InstructionSequence def test_no_linenum bug5894 = '[ruby-dev:45130]' assert_normal_exit('p RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile("1", "mac", "", 0).to_a', bug5894) end def compile(src, line = nil, opt = nil) EnvUtil.suppress_warning do, __FILE__, __FILE__, line, opt) end end def lines src body = compile(src).to_a[13] body.find_all{|e| e.kind_of? Integer} end def test_allocate assert_raise(TypeError) {ISeq.allocate} end def test_to_a_lines src = <<-EOS p __LINE__ # 1 p __LINE__ # 2 # 3 p __LINE__ # 4 EOS assert_equal [1, 2, 4], lines(src) src = <<-EOS # 1 p __LINE__ # 2 # 3 p __LINE__ # 4 # 5 EOS assert_equal [2, 4], lines(src) src = <<-EOS 1 # should be optimized out 2 # should be optimized out p __LINE__ # 3 p __LINE__ # 4 5 # should be optimized out 6 # should be optimized out p __LINE__ # 7 8 # should be optimized out 9 EOS assert_equal [3, 4, 7, 9], lines(src) end def test_unsupport_type ary = compile("p").to_a ary[9] = :foobar assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /:foobar/) {ISeq.load(ary)} end if defined?(RubyVM::InstructionSequence.load) def test_loaded_cdhash_mark iseq = compile(<<-'end;', __LINE__+1) def bug(kw) case kw when "false" then false when "true" then true when "nil" then nil else raise("unhandled argument: #{kw.inspect}") end end end; assert_separately([], <<-"end;") iseq = #{iseq.to_a.inspect} RubyVM::InstructionSequence.load(iseq).eval assert_equal(false, bug("false")) GC.start assert_equal(false, bug("false")) end; end if defined?(RubyVM::InstructionSequence.load) def test_disasm_encoding src = "\u{3042} = 1; \u{3042}; \u{3043}" asm = compile(src).disasm assert_equal(src.encoding, asm.encoding) assert_predicate(asm, :valid_encoding?) src.encode!(Encoding::Shift_JIS) asm = compile(src).disasm assert_equal(src.encoding, asm.encoding) assert_predicate(asm, :valid_encoding?) obj = name = "\u{2603 26a1}" obj.instance_eval("def #{name}; tap {}; end") assert_include(RubyVM::InstructionSequence.of(obj.method(name)).disasm, name) end LINE_BEFORE_METHOD = __LINE__ def method_test_line_trace _a = 1 _b = 2 end def test_line_trace iseq = compile \ %q{ a = 1 b = 2 c = 3 # d = 4 e = 5 # f = 6 g = 7 } assert_equal([1, 2, 3, 5, 7], iseq.line_trace_all) iseq.line_trace_specify(1, true) # line 2 iseq.line_trace_specify(3, true) # line 5 result = []{|tp| result << tp.lineno }.enable{ iseq.eval } assert_equal([2, 5], result) iseq = ISeq.of(self.class.instance_method(:method_test_line_trace)) assert_equal([LINE_BEFORE_METHOD + 3, LINE_BEFORE_METHOD + 5], iseq.line_trace_all) end if false # TODO: now, it is only for C APIs. LINE_OF_HERE = __LINE__ def test_location iseq = ISeq.of(method(:test_location)) assert_equal(__FILE__, iseq.path) assert_match(/#{__FILE__}/, iseq.absolute_path) assert_equal("test_location", iseq.label) assert_equal("test_location", iseq.base_label) assert_equal(LINE_OF_HERE+1, iseq.first_lineno) line = __LINE__ iseq = ISeq.of({}) assert_equal(__FILE__, iseq.path) assert_match(/#{__FILE__}/, iseq.absolute_path) assert_equal("test_location", iseq.base_label) assert_equal("block in test_location", iseq.label) assert_equal(line+1, iseq.first_lineno) end def test_label_fstring c ={ def foobar() end } a, b = eval("# encoding: us-ascii\n'foobar'.freeze"), ISeq.of(c.instance_method(:foobar)).label assert_same a, b end def test_disable_opt src = "a['foo'] = a['bar']; 'a'.freeze" body= compile(src, __LINE__, false).to_a[13] body.each{|insn| next unless Array === insn op = insn.first assert(!op.to_s.match(/^opt_/), "#{op}") } end def test_invalid_source bug11159 = '[ruby-core:69219] [Bug #11159]' assert_raise(TypeError, bug11159) {compile(nil)} assert_raise(TypeError, bug11159) {compile(:foo)} assert_raise(TypeError, bug11159) {compile(1)} end def test_frozen_string_literal_compile_option $f = 'f' line = __LINE__ + 2 code = <<-'EOS' ['foo', 'foo', "#{$f}foo", "#{'foo'}"] EOS s1, s2, s3, s4 = compile(code, line, {frozen_string_literal: true}).eval assert_predicate(s1, :frozen?) assert_predicate(s2, :frozen?) assert_predicate(s3, :frozen?) assert_predicate(s4, :frozen?) end # Safe call chain is not optimized when Coverage is running. # So we can test it only when Coverage is not running. def test_safe_call_chain src = "a&.a&.a&.a&.a&.a" body = compile(src, __LINE__, {peephole_optimization: true}).to_a[13] labels = {|op, arg| op == :branchnil}.map {|op, arg| arg} assert_equal(1, labels.uniq.size) end if (!defined?(Coverage) || !Coverage.running?) def test_parent_iseq_mark assert_separately([], <<-'end;', timeout: 20) ->{ ->{ ->{ eval <<-EOS class Segfault define_method :segfault do x = nil GC.disable 1000.times do |n| n.times do x = (foo rescue $!).local_variables end GC.start end x end end EOS }.call }.call }.call at_exit { assert_equal([:n, :x], } end; end def test_syntax_error_message feature11951 = '[Feature #11951]' src, line = <<-'end;', __LINE__+1 def x@;end def y@;end end; e1 = e2 = nil m1 = EnvUtil.verbose_warning do e1 = assert_raise(SyntaxError) do eval(src, nil, __FILE__, line) end end m2 = EnvUtil.verbose_warning do e2 = assert_raise(SyntaxError) do, __FILE__, __FILE__, line) end end assert_equal([m1, e1.message], [m2, e2.message], feature11951) e1, e2 = e1.message.lines assert_send([e1, :start_with?, __FILE__]) assert_send([e2, :start_with?, __FILE__]) end def test_compile_file_error Tempfile.create(%w"test_iseq .rb") do |f| f.puts "end" f.close path = f.path assert_in_out_err(%W[- #{path}], "#{<<-"begin;"}\n#{<<-"end;"}", /keyword_end/, [], success: true) begin; path = ARGV[0] begin RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile_file(path) rescue SyntaxError => e puts e.message end end; end end def test_translate_by_object assert_separately([], <<-"end;") class Object def translate end end assert_equal(0, eval("0")) end; end def test_inspect %W[foo \u{30d1 30b9}].each do |name| assert_match /@#{name}/, ISeq.compile("", name).inspect, name m = ISeq.compile("class TestISeq::Inspect; def #{name}; end; instance_method(:#{name}); end").eval assert_match /:#{name}@/, ISeq.of(m).inspect, name end end def sample_iseq ISeq.compile <<-EOS.gsub(/^.*?: /, "") 1: class C 2: def foo 3: begin 4: rescue 5: p :rescue 6: ensure 7: p :ensure 8: end 9: end 10: def bar 11: 1.times{ 12: 2.times{ 13: } 14: } 15: end 16: end 17: class D < C 18: end EOS end def test_each_child iseq = sample_iseq collect_iseq = lambda{|iseq| iseqs = [] iseq.each_child{|child_iseq| iseqs << } ["#{iseq.label}@#{iseq.first_lineno}", *iseqs.sort_by{|k, *| k}] } expected = ["@1", ["@1", ["bar@10", ["block in bar@11", ["block (2 levels) in bar@12"]]], ["foo@2", ["ensure in foo@2"], ["rescue in foo@4"]]], ["@17"]] assert_equal expected, end def test_trace_points collect_iseq = lambda{|iseq| iseqs = [] iseq.each_child{|child_iseq| iseqs << } [["#{iseq.label}@#{iseq.first_lineno}", iseq.trace_points], *iseqs.sort_by{|k, *| k}] } assert_equal [["@1", [[1, :line], [17, :line]]], [["@1", [[1, :class], [2, :line], [10, :line], [16, :end]]], [["bar@10", [[10, :call], [11, :line], [15, :return]]], [["block in bar@11", [[11, :b_call], [12, :line], [14, :b_return]]], [["block (2 levels) in bar@12", [[12, :b_call], [13, :b_return]]]]]], [["foo@2", [[2, :call], [4, :line], [7, :line], [9, :return]]], [["ensure in foo@2", [[7, :line]]]], [["rescue in foo@4", [[5, :line]]]]]], [["@17", [[17, :class], [18, :end]]]]], end def test_empty_iseq_lineno iseq = ISeq.compile(<<-EOS) # 1 # 2 def foo # line 3 empty method end # line 4 1.time do # line 5 empty block end # line 6 class C # line 7 empty class end EOS iseq.each_child{|ci| ary = ci.to_a type = ary[9] name = ary[5] line = ary[13].first case ary[9] when :method assert_equal "foo", name assert_equal 3, line when :class assert_equal '', name assert_equal 7, line when :block assert_equal 'block in ', name assert_equal 5, line else raise "unknown ary: " + ary.inspect end } end def test_to_binary_with_objects skip "does not work on other than x86" unless /x(?:86|64)|i\d86/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM code = "[]"{|i|"< e skip e.message if /compile with coverage/ =~ e.message raise end skip "trace events does not load correctly since r62851" iseq2 = RubyVM::InstructionSequence.load_from_binary(bin) assert_equal(iseq.to_a, iseq2.to_a) end end