#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true require 'etc' require 'fiddle/import' require 'set' arch_bits = Integer(ARGV.first || 64) # Help ffi-clang find libclang if arch_bits == 64 # apt install libclang1 ENV['LIBCLANG'] ||= Dir.glob("/lib/#{RUBY_PLATFORM}-gnu/libclang-*.so*").grep_v(/-cpp/).sort.last else # apt install libclang1:i386 ENV['LIBCLANG'] ||= Dir.glob("/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libclang-*.so*").sort.last end require 'ffi/clang' class Node < Struct.new( :kind, :spelling, :type, :typedef_type, :bitwidth, :sizeof_type, :offsetof, :tokens, :enum_value, :children, keyword_init: true, ) end # Parse a C header with ffi-clang and return Node objects. # To ease the maintenance, ffi-clang should be used only inside this class. class HeaderParser def initialize(header, cflags:) @translation_unit = FFI::Clang::Index.new.parse_translation_unit( header, cflags, [], { detailed_preprocessing_record: true } ) end def parse parse_children(@translation_unit.cursor) end private def parse_children(cursor) children = [] cursor.visit_children do |cursor, _parent| child = parse_cursor(cursor) if child.kind != :macro_expansion children << child end next :continue end children end def parse_cursor(cursor) unless cursor.kind.start_with?('cursor_') raise "unexpected cursor kind: #{cursor.kind}" end kind = cursor.kind.to_s.delete_prefix('cursor_').to_sym children = parse_children(cursor) offsetof = {} if kind == :struct children.select { |c| c.kind == :field_decl }.each do |child| offsetof[child.spelling] = cursor.type.offsetof(child.spelling) end end sizeof_type = nil if %i[struct union].include?(kind) sizeof_type = cursor.type.sizeof end tokens = nil if kind == :macro_definition tokens = @translation_unit.tokenize(cursor.extent).map(&:spelling) end enum_value = nil if kind == :enum_constant_decl enum_value = cursor.enum_value end Node.new( kind: kind, spelling: cursor.spelling, type: cursor.type.spelling, typedef_type: cursor.typedef_type.spelling, bitwidth: cursor.bitwidth, sizeof_type: sizeof_type, offsetof: offsetof, tokens: tokens, enum_value: enum_value, children: children, ) end end # Convert Node objects to a Ruby binding source. class BindingGenerator DEFAULTS = { '_Bool' => 'CType::Bool.new' } DEFAULTS.default_proc = proc { |_h, k| "CType::Stub.new(:#{k})" } attr_reader :src # @param macros [Array] Imported macros # @param enums [Hash{ Symbol => Array }] Imported enum values # @param types [Array] Imported types # @param ruby_fields [Hash{ Symbol => Array }] Struct VALUE fields that are considered Ruby objects def initialize(macros:, enums:, types:, ruby_fields:) @src = String.new @macros = macros.sort @enums = enums.transform_keys(&:to_s).transform_values(&:sort).sort.to_h @types = types.sort @ruby_fields = ruby_fields.transform_keys(&:to_s) @references = Set.new end def generate(nodes) # TODO: Support nested declarations nodes_index = nodes.group_by(&:spelling).transform_values(&:last) println "require_relative 'c_type'" println println "module RubyVM::MJIT" println " C = Object.new" println # Define macros @macros.each do |macro| unless definition = generate_macro(nodes_index[macro]) raise "Failed to generate macro: #{macro}" end println " def C.#{macro} = #{definition}" println end # Define enum values @enums.each do |enum, values| values.each do |value| unless definition = generate_enum(nodes_index[enum], value) raise "Failed to generate enum value: #{value}" end println " def C.#{value} = #{definition}" println end end # Define types @types.each do |type| unless definition = generate_node(nodes_index[type]) raise "Failed to generate type: #{type}" end println " def C.#{type}" println "@#{type} ||= #{definition}".gsub(/^/, " ").chomp println " end" println end # Leave a stub for types that are referenced but not targeted (@references - @types).each do |type| println " def C.#{type} = #{DEFAULTS[type]}" println end chomp println "end" end private def generate_macro(node) if node.spelling.start_with?('USE_') # Special case: Always force USE_* to be true or false case node in Node[kind: :macro_definition, tokens: [_, '0' | '1' => token], children: []] (Integer(token) == 1).to_s end else # Otherwise, convert a C expression to a Ruby expression when possible case node in Node[kind: :macro_definition, tokens: tokens, children: []] if tokens.first != node.spelling raise "unexpected first token: '#{tokens.first}' != '#{node.spelling}'" end tokens.drop(1).map do |token| case token when /\A(0x)?\d+\z/, '(', '-', '<<', ')' token when *@enums.values.flatten "self.#{token}" else raise "unexpected macro token: #{token}" end end.join(' ') end end end def generate_enum(node, value) case node in Node[kind: :enum_decl, children:] children.find { |c| c.spelling == value }&.enum_value in Node[kind: :typedef_decl, children: [child]] generate_enum(child, value) end end # Generate code from a node. Used for constructing a complex nested node. # @param node [Node] def generate_node(node) case node&.kind when :struct, :union # node.spelling is often empty for union, but we'd like to give it a name when it has one. buf = +"CType::#{node.kind.to_s.sub(/\A[a-z]/, &:upcase)}.new(\n" buf << " \"#{node.spelling}\", #{node.sizeof_type},\n" node.children.each do |child| field_builder = proc do |field, type| if node.kind == :struct to_ruby = @ruby_fields.fetch(node.spelling, []).include?(field) " #{field}: [#{node.offsetof.fetch(field)}, #{type}#{', true' if to_ruby}],\n" else " #{field}: #{type},\n" end end case child # BitField is struct-specific. So it must be handled here. in Node[kind: :field_decl, spelling:, bitwidth:, children: [_grandchild]] if bitwidth > 0 buf << field_builder.call(spelling, "CType::BitField.new(#{bitwidth}, #{node.offsetof.fetch(spelling) % 8})") # In most cases, we'd like to let generate_type handle the type unless it's "(unnamed ...)". in Node[kind: :field_decl, spelling:, type:] if !type.empty? && !type.match?(/\(unnamed [^)]+\)\z/) buf << field_builder.call(spelling, generate_type(type)) # Lastly, "(unnamed ...)" struct and union are handled here, which are also struct-specific. in Node[kind: :field_decl, spelling:, children: [grandchild]] buf << field_builder.call(spelling, generate_node(grandchild).gsub(/^/, ' ').sub(/\A +/, '')) else # forward declarations are ignored end end buf << ")" when :typedef_decl case node.children in [child] generate_node(child) in [child, Node[kind: :integer_literal]] generate_node(child) in _ unless node.typedef_type.empty? generate_type(node.typedef_type) end when :enum_decl generate_type('int') when :type_ref generate_type(node.spelling) end end # Generate code from a type name. Used for resolving the name of a simple leaf node. # @param type [String] def generate_type(type) if type.match?(/\[\d+\]\z/) return "CType::Pointer.new { #{generate_type(type.sub!(/\[\d+\]\z/, ''))} }" end type = type.delete_suffix('const') if type.end_with?('*') return "CType::Pointer.new { #{generate_type(type.delete_suffix('*').rstrip)} }" end type = type.gsub(/((const|volatile) )+/, '').rstrip if type.start_with?(/(struct|union|enum) /) target = type.split(' ', 2).last push_target(target) "self.#{target}" else begin ctype = Fiddle::Importer.parse_ctype(type) "CType::Immediate.new(#{ctype})" rescue Fiddle::DLError push_target(type) "self.#{type}" end end end def print(str) @src << str end def println(str = "") @src << str << "\n" end def chomp @src.delete_suffix!("\n") end def rstrip! @src.rstrip! end def push_target(target) unless target.match?(/\A\w+\z/) raise "invalid target: #{target}" end @references << target end end src_dir = File.expand_path('../..', __dir__) if arch_bits == 64 build_dir = File.join(src_dir, '.ruby') ruby_platform = RUBY_PLATFORM else build_dir = File.join(src_dir, '.ruby-m32') ruby_platform = 'i686-linux' end cflags = [ src_dir, build_dir, File.join(src_dir, 'include'), File.join(build_dir, ".ext/include/#{ruby_platform}"), ].map { |dir| "-I#{dir}" } nodes = HeaderParser.new(File.join(src_dir, 'mjit_compiler.h'), cflags: cflags).parse generator = BindingGenerator.new( macros: %w[ USE_LAZY_LOAD USE_RVARGC VM_CALL_KW_SPLAT VM_CALL_TAILCALL NOT_COMPILED_STACK_SIZE ], enums: { rb_method_type_t: %w[ VM_METHOD_TYPE_ISEQ VM_METHOD_TYPE_CFUNC ], vm_call_flag_bits: %w[ VM_CALL_KW_SPLAT_bit VM_CALL_TAILCALL_bit ], }, types: %w[ IC IVC RB_BUILTIN VALUE compile_status iseq_inline_constant_cache iseq_inline_constant_cache_entry iseq_inline_iv_cache_entry iseq_inline_storage_entry rb_builtin_function rb_cref_t rb_iseq_constant_body rb_iseq_struct rb_iseq_t rb_iv_index_tbl_entry rb_mjit_compile_info rb_serial_t rb_mjit_unit CALL_DATA rb_call_data rb_callcache rb_callable_method_entry_struct rb_method_definition_struct rb_method_iseq_t rb_callinfo rb_method_type_t mjit_options compile_branch inlined_call_context rb_iseq_location_t ], ruby_fields: { rb_iseq_location_struct: %w[ pathobj base_label label first_lineno ] }, ) generator.generate(nodes) File.write(File.join(src_dir, "lib/mjit/c_#{arch_bits}.rb"), generator.src)