require 'test/unit' class TestFixnum < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @verbose = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = nil end def teardown $VERBOSE = @verbose end def test_pow [1, 2, 2**64, 2**63*3, 2**64*3].each do |y| [-1, 0, 1].each do |x| z1 = x**y z2 = (-x)**y if y % 2 == 1 assert_equal(z2, -z1) else assert_equal(z2, z1) end end end end def test_succ assert_equal(0x40000000, 0x3fffffff.succ, "[ruby-dev:31189]") assert_equal(0x4000000000000000, 0x3fffffffffffffff.succ, "[ruby-dev:31190]") end def test_pred assert_equal(-0x40000001, (-0x40000000).pred) assert_equal(-0x4000000000000001, (-0x4000000000000000).pred) end def test_plus assert_equal(0x40000000, 0x3fffffff+1) assert_equal(0x4000000000000000, 0x3fffffffffffffff+1) assert_equal(-0x40000001, (-0x40000000)+(-1)) assert_equal(-0x4000000000000001, (-0x4000000000000000)+(-1)) assert_equal(-0x80000000, (-0x40000000)+(-0x40000000)) end def test_sub assert_equal(0x40000000, 0x3fffffff-(-1)) assert_equal(0x4000000000000000, 0x3fffffffffffffff-(-1)) assert_equal(-0x40000001, (-0x40000000)-1) assert_equal(-0x4000000000000001, (-0x4000000000000000)-1) assert_equal(-0x80000000, (-0x40000000)-0x40000000) end def test_mult assert_equal(0x40000000, 0x20000000*2) assert_equal(0x4000000000000000, 0x2000000000000000*2) assert_equal(-0x40000001, 33025*(-32513)) assert_equal(-0x4000000000000001, 1380655685*(-3340214413)) assert_equal(0x40000000, (-0x40000000)*(-1)) end def test_div assert_equal(2, 5/2) assert_equal(0, 1/2) assert_equal(-1, -1/2) assert_equal(0, -(1/2)) assert_equal(-1, (-1)/2) assert_equal(0, (-1)/(-2)) assert_equal(-1, 1/(-2)) assert_equal(1, -(1/(-2))) assert_equal(0x3fffffff, 0xbffffffd/3) assert_equal(0x40000000, 0xc0000000/3) assert_equal(0x4000000000000000, 0xc000000000000000/3) assert_equal(-0x40000001, 0xc0000003/(-3)) assert_equal(-0x4000000000000001, 0xc000000000000003/(-3)) assert_equal(0x40000000, (-0x40000000)/(-1), "[ruby-dev:31210]") assert_equal(0x4000000000000000, (-0x4000000000000000)/(-1)) end def test_mod assert_equal(2, (-0x40000000) % 3) assert_equal(0, (-0x40000000) % (-1)) end def test_divmod (-5).upto(5) {|a| (-5).upto(5) {|b| next if b == 0 q, r = a.divmod(b) assert_equal(a, b*q+r) assert(r.abs < b.abs) assert(0 < b ? (0 <= r && r < b) : (b < r && r <= 0)) assert_equal(q, a/b) assert_equal(q, a.div(b)) assert_equal(r, a%b) assert_equal(r, a.modulo(b)) } } end def test_not assert_equal(-0x40000000, ~0x3fffffff) assert_equal(0x3fffffff, ~-0x40000000) end def test_lshift assert_equal(0x40000000, 0x20000000 << 1) assert_equal(-0x40000000, (-0x20000000) << 1) assert_equal(-0x80000000, (-0x40000000) << 1) end def test_rshift assert_equal(0x20000000, 0x40000000 >> 1) assert_equal(-0x20000000, (-0x40000000) >> 1) assert_equal(-0x40000000, (-0x80000000) >> 1) end def test_abs assert_equal(0x40000000, (-0x40000000).abs) assert_equal(0x4000000000000000, (-0x4000000000000000).abs) end def test_to_s assert_equal("1010", 10.to_s(2)) assert_equal("a", 10.to_s(36)) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { 10.to_s(1) } end def test_plus2 assert_equal(2, 1 + 1) assert_equal(4294967297, 1 + 2**32) assert_equal(2.0, 1 + 1.0) assert_raise(TypeError) { 1 + nil } end def test_minus assert_equal(0, 1 - 1) assert_equal(-4294967295, 1 - 2**32) assert_equal(0.0, 1 - 1.0) assert_raise(TypeError) { 1 - nil } end def test_mul assert_equal(6, 2.send(:*, 3)) a = 2**30-1 assert_equal(1152921502459363329, a.send(:*, a)) assert_equal(6.0, 2 * 3.0) assert_raise(TypeError) { 2 * nil } end def test_divide assert_equal(2.0, 4.quo(2)) assert_equal(2.0, 4 / 2) assert_equal(2.0, 4.div(2)) assert_equal(0.5**32, 1.quo(2**32)) assert_equal(0, 1 / (2**32)) assert_equal(0, 1.div(2**32)) assert_kind_of(Float, 1.quo(2.0)) assert_equal(0.5, 1.quo(2.0)) assert_equal(0.5, 1 / 2.0) assert_equal(0, 1.div(2.0)) ### rational changes the behavior of Fixnum#quo #assert_raise(TypeError) { 2.quo(nil) } assert_raise(TypeError, NoMethodError) { 2.quo(nil) } assert_raise(TypeError) { 2 / nil } assert_raise(TypeError) { 2.div(nil) } assert_equal(0, 4.modulo(2)) assert_equal(1, 1.modulo(2**32)) assert_equal(1, 1.modulo(2.0)) assert_raise(TypeError) { 2.modulo(nil) } assert_equal([2, 0], 4.divmod(2)) assert_equal([0, 1], 1.divmod(2**32)) assert_equal([0, 1], 1.divmod(2.0)) assert_raise(TypeError) { 2.divmod(nil) } end def test_pow2 assert_equal(65536, 2**16) assert_equal(4294967296, 2**32) assert_equal(0.5**16, 2**-16) assert_equal(1, (-1)**4294967296) assert_equal(-1, (-1)**4294967295) assert_equal(4, 2**((2**32).coerce(2).first)) assert_equal(2, 4**0.5) assert_equal(0, 0**0.5) assert_equal(1, (0**-1.0).infinite?) ### rational changes the behavior of Fixnum#** #assert_raise(TypeError) { 1 ** nil } assert_raise(TypeError, NoMethodError) { 1 ** nil } end def test_cmp assert(1 != nil) assert_equal(0, 1 <=> 1) assert_equal(-1, 1 <=> 4294967296) assert_equal(0, 1 <=> 1.0) assert_nil(1 <=> nil) assert(1.send(:>, 0)) assert(!(1.send(:>, 1))) assert(!(1.send(:>, 2))) assert(!(1.send(:>, 4294967296))) assert(1.send(:>, 0.0)) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { 1.send(:>, nil) } assert(1.send(:>=, 0)) assert(1.send(:>=, 1)) assert(!(1.send(:>=, 2))) assert(!(1.send(:>=, 4294967296))) assert(1.send(:>=, 0.0)) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { 1.send(:>=, nil) } assert(!(1.send(:<, 0))) assert(!(1.send(:<, 1))) assert(1.send(:<, 2)) assert(1.send(:<, 4294967296)) assert(!(1.send(:<, 0.0))) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { 1.send(:<, nil) } assert(!(1.send(:<=, 0))) assert(1.send(:<=, 1)) assert(1.send(:<=, 2)) assert(1.send(:<=, 4294967296)) assert(!(1.send(:<=, 0.0))) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { 1.send(:<=, nil) } end class DummyNumeric < Numeric def to_int 1 end end def test_and_with_float assert_raise(TypeError) { 1 & 1.5 } end def test_and_with_rational assert_raise(TypeError, "#1792") { 1 & Rational(3, 2) } end def test_and_with_nonintegral_numeric assert_raise(TypeError, "#1792") { 1 & } end def test_or_with_float assert_raise(TypeError) { 1 | 1.5 } end def test_or_with_rational assert_raise(TypeError, "#1792") { 1 | Rational(3, 2) } end def test_or_with_nonintegral_numeric assert_raise(TypeError, "#1792") { 1 | } end def test_xor_with_float assert_raise(TypeError) { 1 ^ 1.5 } end def test_xor_with_rational assert_raise(TypeError, "#1792") { 1 ^ Rational(3, 2) } end def test_xor_with_nonintegral_numeric assert_raise(TypeError, "#1792") { 1 ^ } end def test_singleton_method assert_raise(TypeError) { a = 1; def; end } end def test_frozen assert_equal(true, 1.frozen?) end def assert_eql(a, b, mess) assert a.eql?(b), "expected #{a} & #{b} to be eql? #{mess}" end def test_power_of_1_and_minus_1 bug5715 = '[ruby-core:41498]' big = 1 << 66 assert_eql 1, 1 ** -big , bug5715 assert_eql 1, (-1) ** -big , bug5715 assert_eql -1, (-1) ** -(big+1) , bug5715 end def test_power_of_0 bug5713 = '[ruby-core:41494]' big = 1 << 66 assert_raise(ZeroDivisionError, bug5713) { 0 ** -big } assert_raise(ZeroDivisionError, bug5713) { 0 ** Rational(-2,3) } end end