require_relative '../spec_helper' require_relative 'fixtures/def' # Language-level method behaviour describe "Redefining a method" do it "replaces the original method" do def barfoo; 100; end barfoo.should == 100 def barfoo; 200; end barfoo.should == 200 end end describe "Defining a method at the top-level" do it "defines it on Object with private visibility by default" do Object.should have_private_instance_method(:some_toplevel_method, false) end it "defines it on Object with public visibility after calling public" do Object.should have_public_instance_method(:public_toplevel_method, false) end end describe "Defining an 'initialize' method" do it "sets the method's visibility to private" do class DefInitializeSpec def initialize end end DefInitializeSpec.should have_private_instance_method(:initialize, false) end end describe "Defining an 'initialize_copy' method" do it "sets the method's visibility to private" do class DefInitializeCopySpec def initialize_copy end end DefInitializeCopySpec.should have_private_instance_method(:initialize_copy, false) end end describe "Defining an 'initialize_dup' method" do it "sets the method's visibility to private" do class DefInitializeDupSpec def initialize_dup end end DefInitializeDupSpec.should have_private_instance_method(:initialize_dup, false) end end describe "Defining an 'initialize_clone' method" do it "sets the method's visibility to private" do class DefInitializeCloneSpec def initialize_clone end end DefInitializeCloneSpec.should have_private_instance_method(:initialize_clone, false) end end describe "Defining a 'respond_to_missing?' method" do it "sets the method's visibility to private" do class DefRespondToMissingPSpec def respond_to_missing? end end DefRespondToMissingPSpec.should have_private_instance_method(:respond_to_missing?, false) end end describe "Defining a method" do it "returns a symbol of the method name" do method_name = def some_method; end method_name.should == :some_method end end describe "An instance method" do it "raises an error with too few arguments" do def foo(a, b); end -> { foo 1 }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, 'wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)') end it "raises an error with too many arguments" do def foo(a); end -> { foo 1, 2 }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, 'wrong number of arguments (given 2, expected 1)') end it "raises FrozenError with the correct class name" do -> { do self.freeze def foo; end end }.should raise_error(FrozenError) { |e| e.message.should.start_with? "can't modify frozen module" } -> { do self.freeze def foo; end end }.should raise_error(FrozenError){ |e| e.message.should.start_with? "can't modify frozen class" } end end describe "An instance method definition with a splat" do it "accepts an unnamed '*' argument" do def foo(*); end; foo.should == nil foo(1, 2).should == nil foo(1, 2, 3, 4, :a, :b, 'c', 'd').should == nil end it "accepts a named * argument" do def foo(*a); a; end; foo.should == [] foo(1, 2).should == [1, 2] foo([:a]).should == [[:a]] end it "accepts non-* arguments before the * argument" do def foo(a, b, c, d, e, *f); [a, b, c, d, e, f]; end foo(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8).should == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, [6, 7, 8]] end it "allows only a single * argument" do -> { eval 'def foo(a, *b, *c); end' }.should raise_error(SyntaxError) end it "requires the presence of any arguments that precede the *" do def foo(a, b, *c); end -> { foo 1 }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, 'wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2+)') end end describe "An instance method with a default argument" do it "evaluates the default when no arguments are passed" do def foo(a = 1) a end foo.should == 1 foo(2).should == 2 end it "evaluates the default empty expression when no arguments are passed" do def foo(a = ()) a end foo.should == nil foo(2).should == 2 end it "assigns an empty Array to an unused splat argument" do def foo(a = 1, *b) [a,b] end foo.should == [1, []] foo(2).should == [2, []] end it "evaluates the default when required arguments precede it" do def foo(a, b = 2) [a,b] end -> { foo }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, 'wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 1..2)') foo(1).should == [1, 2] end it "prefers to assign to a default argument before a splat argument" do def foo(a, b = 2, *c) [a,b,c] end -> { foo }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, 'wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 1+)') foo(1).should == [1,2,[]] end it "prefers to assign to a default argument when there are no required arguments" do def foo(a = 1, *args) [a,args] end foo(2,2).should == [2,[2]] end it "does not evaluate the default when passed a value and a * argument" do def foo(a, b = 2, *args) [a,b,args] end foo(2,3,3).should == [2,3,[3]] end ruby_version_is ''...'2.7' do it "warns and uses a nil value when there is an existing local method with same name" do def bar 1 end -> { eval "def foo(bar = bar) bar end" }.should complain(/circular argument reference/) foo.should == nil foo(2).should == 2 end end ruby_version_is '2.7' do it "raises a SyntaxError when there is an existing method with the same name as the local variable" do def bar 1 end -> { eval "def foo(bar = bar) bar end" }.should raise_error(SyntaxError) end end it "calls a method with the same name as the local when explicitly using ()" do def bar 1 end def foo(bar = bar()) bar end foo.should == 1 foo(2).should == 2 end end describe "A singleton method definition" do it "can be declared for a local variable" do a = def 5 end == 5 end it "can be declared for an instance variable" do @a = def 6 end == 6 end it "can be declared for a global variable" do $__a__ = "hi" def $ 7 end $ == 7 end it "can be declared with an empty method body" do class DefSpec def;end end == nil end it "can be redefined" do obj = def obj.==(other) 1 end (obj==1).should == 1 def obj.==(other) 2 end (obj==2).should == 2 end it "raises FrozenError if frozen" do obj = obj.freeze -> { def; end }.should raise_error(FrozenError) end it "raises FrozenError with the correct class name" do obj = obj.freeze -> { def; end }.should raise_error(FrozenError){ |e| e.message.should.start_with? "can't modify frozen object" } c = obj.singleton_class -> { def; end }.should raise_error(FrozenError){ |e| e.message.should.start_with? "can't modify frozen Class" } m = m.freeze -> { def; end }.should raise_error(FrozenError){ |e| e.message.should.start_with? "can't modify frozen Module" } end end describe "Redefining a singleton method" do it "does not inherit a previously set visibility" do o = class << o; private; def foo; end; end; class << o; should have_private_instance_method(:foo); end class << o; def foo; end; end; class << o; should_not have_private_instance_method(:foo); end class << o; should have_instance_method(:foo); end end end describe "Redefining a singleton method" do it "does not inherit a previously set visibility" do o = class << o; private; def foo; end; end; class << o; should have_private_instance_method(:foo); end class << o; def foo; end; end; class << o; should_not have_private_instance_method(:foo); end class << o; should have_instance_method(:foo); end end end describe "A method defined with extreme default arguments" do it "can redefine itself when the default is evaluated" do class DefSpecs def foo(x = (def foo; "hello"; end;1));x;end end d = == 42 == 1 == 'hello' end it "may use an fcall as a default" do def bar 1 end def foo(x = bar()) x end foo.should == 1 foo(2).should == 2 end it "evaluates the defaults in the method's scope" do def foo(x = ($foo_self = self; nil)); end foo $foo_self.should == self end it "may use preceding arguments as defaults" do def foo(obj, width=obj.length) width end foo('abcde').should == 5 end it "may use a lambda as a default" do def foo(output = 'a', prc = -> n { output * n }) end foo.should == 'aaaaa' end end describe "A singleton method defined with extreme default arguments" do it "may use a method definition as a default" do $__a = def $ = (def $; "hello"; end;1));x;end $ == 42 $ == 1 $ == 'hello' end it "may use an fcall as a default" do a = def 1 end def = bar()) x end == 1 == 2 end it "evaluates the defaults in the singleton scope" do a = def = ($foo_self = self; nil)); 5 ;end $foo_self.should == a end it "may use preceding arguments as defaults" do a = def, width=obj.length) width end'abcde').should == 5 end it "may use a lambda as a default" do a = def = 'a', prc = -> n { output * n }) end == 'aaaaa' end end describe "A method definition inside a metaclass scope" do it "can create a class method" do class DefSpecSingleton class << self def a_class_method;self;end end end DefSpecSingleton.a_class_method.should == DefSpecSingleton -> { Object.a_class_method }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end it "can create a singleton method" do obj = class << obj def a_singleton_method;self;end end obj.a_singleton_method.should == obj -> { }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end it "raises FrozenError if frozen" do obj = obj.freeze class << obj -> { def foo; end }.should raise_error(FrozenError) end end end describe "A nested method definition" do it "creates an instance method when evaluated in an instance method" do class DefSpecNested def create_instance_method def an_instance_method;self;end an_instance_method end end obj = obj.create_instance_method.should == obj obj.an_instance_method.should == obj other = other.an_instance_method.should == other DefSpecNested.should have_instance_method(:an_instance_method) end it "creates a class method when evaluated in a class method" do class DefSpecNested class << self # cleanup remove_method :a_class_method if method_defined? :a_class_method def create_class_method def a_class_method;self;end a_class_method end end end -> { DefSpecNested.a_class_method }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) DefSpecNested.create_class_method.should == DefSpecNested DefSpecNested.a_class_method.should == DefSpecNested -> { Object.a_class_method }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) -> { }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end it "creates a singleton method when evaluated in the metaclass of an instance" do class DefSpecNested def create_singleton_method class << self def a_singleton_method;self;end end a_singleton_method end end obj = obj.create_singleton_method.should == obj obj.a_singleton_method.should == obj other = -> { other.a_singleton_method }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end it "creates a method in the surrounding context when evaluated in a def expr.method" do class DefSpecNested TARGET = def TARGET.defs_method def inherited_method;self;end end end DefSpecNested::TARGET.defs_method DefSpecNested.should have_instance_method :inherited_method DefSpecNested::TARGET.should_not have_method :inherited_method obj = obj.inherited_method.should == obj end # See it "inside an instance_eval creates a singleton method" do class DefSpecNested OBJ = OBJ.instance_eval do def create_method_in_instance_eval(a = (def arg_method; end)) def body_method; end end end end obj = DefSpecNested::OBJ obj.create_method_in_instance_eval obj.should have_method :arg_method obj.should have_method :body_method DefSpecNested.should_not have_instance_method :arg_method DefSpecNested.should_not have_instance_method :body_method end it "creates an instance method inside" do cls = do def do_def def new_def 1 end end end obj = obj.do_def obj.new_def.should == 1 == 1 -> { }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end end describe "A method definition always resets the visibility to public for nested definitions" do it "in" do cls = do private def do_def def new_def 1 end end end obj = -> { obj.do_def }.should raise_error(NoMethodError, /private/) obj.send :do_def obj.new_def.should == 1 == 1 -> { }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end it "at the toplevel" do obj = -> { obj.toplevel_define_other_method }.should raise_error(NoMethodError, /private/) toplevel_define_other_method nested_method_in_toplevel_method.should == 42 == 42 end end describe "A method definition inside an instance_eval" do it "creates a singleton method" do obj = obj.instance_eval do def an_instance_eval_method;self;end end obj.an_instance_eval_method.should == obj other = -> { other.an_instance_eval_method }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end it "creates a singleton method when evaluated inside a metaclass" do obj = obj.instance_eval do class << self def a_metaclass_eval_method;self;end end end obj.a_metaclass_eval_method.should == obj other = -> { other.a_metaclass_eval_method }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end it "creates a class method when the receiver is a class" do DefSpecNested.instance_eval do def an_instance_eval_class_method;self;end end DefSpecNested.an_instance_eval_class_method.should == DefSpecNested -> { Object.an_instance_eval_class_method }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end it "creates a class method when the receiver is an anonymous class" do m = m.instance_eval do def klass_method :test end end m.klass_method.should == :test -> { Object.klass_method }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end it "creates a class method when instance_eval is within class" do m = do instance_eval do def klass_method :test end end end m.klass_method.should == :test -> { Object.klass_method }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end end describe "A method definition inside an instance_exec" do it "creates a class method when the receiver is a class" do DefSpecNested.instance_exec(1) do |param| @stuff = param def an_instance_exec_class_method; @stuff; end end DefSpecNested.an_instance_exec_class_method.should == 1 -> { Object.an_instance_exec_class_method }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end it "creates a class method when the receiver is an anonymous class" do m = m.instance_exec(1) do |param| @stuff = param def klass_method @stuff end end m.klass_method.should == 1 -> { Object.klass_method }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end it "creates a class method when instance_exec is within class" do m = do instance_exec(2) do |param| @stuff = param def klass_method @stuff end end end m.klass_method.should == 2 -> { Object.klass_method }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end end describe "A method definition in an eval" do it "creates an instance method" do class DefSpecNested def eval_instance_method eval "def an_eval_instance_method;self;end", binding an_eval_instance_method end end obj = obj.eval_instance_method.should == obj obj.an_eval_instance_method.should == obj other = other.an_eval_instance_method.should == other -> { }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end it "creates a class method" do class DefSpecNestedB class << self def eval_class_method eval "def an_eval_class_method;self;end" #, binding an_eval_class_method end end end DefSpecNestedB.eval_class_method.should == DefSpecNestedB DefSpecNestedB.an_eval_class_method.should == DefSpecNestedB -> { Object.an_eval_class_method }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) -> {}.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end it "creates a singleton method" do class DefSpecNested def eval_singleton_method class << self eval "def an_eval_singleton_method;self;end", binding end an_eval_singleton_method end end obj = obj.eval_singleton_method.should == obj obj.an_eval_singleton_method.should == obj other = -> { other.an_eval_singleton_method }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end end describe "a method definition that sets more than one default parameter all to the same value" do def foo(a=b=c={}) [a,b,c] end it "assigns them all the same object by default" do foo.should == [{},{},{}] a, b, c = foo a.should eql(b) a.should eql(c) end it "allows the first argument to be given, and sets the rest to null" do foo(1).should == [1,nil,nil] end it "assigns the parameters different objects across different default calls" do a, _b, _c = foo d, _e, _f = foo a.should_not equal(d) end it "only allows overriding the default value of the first such parameter in each set" do -> { foo(1,2) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, 'wrong number of arguments (given 2, expected 0..1)') end def bar(a=b=c=1,d=2) [a,b,c,d] end it "treats the argument after the multi-parameter normally" do bar.should == [1,1,1,2] bar(3).should == [3,nil,nil,2] bar(3,4).should == [3,nil,nil,4] -> { bar(3,4,5) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, 'wrong number of arguments (given 3, expected 0..2)') end end describe "The def keyword" do describe "within a closure" do it "looks outside the closure for the visibility" do module DefSpecsLambdaVisibility private -> { def some_method; end }.call end DefSpecsLambdaVisibility.should have_private_instance_method("some_method") end end end