=begin = net/imap.rb Copyright (C) 2000 Shugo Maeda This library is distributed under the terms of the Ruby license. You can freely distribute/modify this library. == class Net::IMAP Net::IMAP implements Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) clients. Net::IMAP supports multiple commands. For example, imap = Net::IMAP.new("imap.foo.net", "imap2") imap.authenticate("cram-md5", "bar", "password") imap.select("inbox") t = Thread.start { p imap.fetch(1..-1, "UID") } p imap.search(["BODY", "hello"]) t.join imap.disconnect This script invokes the FETCH command and the SEARCH command concurrently. === Super Class Object === Class Methods : new(host, port = 143) Creates a new Net::IMAP object and connects it to the specified port on the named host. : debug Returns the debug mode. : debug = val Sets the debug mode. : add_authenticator(auth_type, authenticator) Adds an authenticator for Net::IMAP#authenticate. === Methods : greeting Returns an initial greeting response from the server. : responses Returns recorded untagged responses. ex). imap.select("inbox") p imap.responses["EXISTS"][-1] #=> 2 p imap.responses["UIDVALIDITY"][-1] #=> 968263756 : disconnect Disconnects from the server. : capability Sends a CAPABILITY command, and returns a listing of capabilities that the server supports. : noop Sends a NOOP command to the server. It does nothing. : logout Sends a LOGOUT command to inform the server that the client is done with the connection. : authenticate(auth_type, arg...) Sends an AUTEHNTICATE command to authenticate the client. The auth_type parameter is a string that represents the authentication mechanism to be used. Currently Net::IMAP supports "LOGIN" and "CRAM-MD5" for the auth_type. ex). imap.authenticate('LOGIN', user, password) : login(user, password) Sends a LOGIN command to identify the client and carries the plaintext password authenticating this user. : select(mailbox) Sends a SELECT command to select a mailbox so that messages in the mailbox can be accessed. : examine(mailbox) Sends a EXAMINE command to select a mailbox so that messages in the mailbox can be accessed. However, the selected mailbox is identified as read-only. : create(mailbox) Sends a CREATE command to create a new mailbox. : delete(mailbox) Sends a DELETE command to remove the mailbox. : rename(mailbox, newname) Sends a RENAME command to change the name of the mailbox to the newname. : subscribe(mailbox) Sends a SUBSCRIBE command to add the specified mailbox name to the server's set of "active" or "subscribed" mailboxes. : unsubscribe(mailbox) Sends a UNSUBSCRIBE command to remove the specified mailbox name from the server's set of "active" or "subscribed" mailboxes. : list(refname, mailbox) Sends a LIST command, and returns a subset of names from the complete set of all names available to the client. ex). imap.create("foo/bar") imap.create("foo/baz") p imap.list("", "foo/%") #=> [#, #, #] : lsub(refname, mailbox) Sends a LSUB command, and returns a subset of names from the set of names that the user has declared as being "active" or "subscribed". : status(mailbox, attr) Sends a STATUS command, and returns the status of the indicated mailbox. ex). p imap.status("inbox", ["MESSAGES", "RECENT"]) #=> {"RECENT"=>0, "MESSAGES"=>44} : append(mailbox, message, flags = nil, date_time = nil) Sends a APPEND command to append the message to the end of the mailbox. ex). imap.append("inbox", < [1, 6, 7, 8] p imap.search('SUBJECT "hello"') #=> [1, 6, 7, 8] : fetch(set, attr) : uid_fetch(set, attr) Sends a FETCH command to retrieve data associated with a message in the mailbox. the set parameter is a number or an array of numbers or a Range object. the number is a message sequence number (fetch) or a unique identifier (uid_fetch). ex). p imap.fetch(6..8, "UID") #=> [#98}>, #99}>, #100}>] p imap.fetch(6, "BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (SUBJECT)]") #=> [#"Subject: test\r\n\r\n"}>] data = imap.uid_fetch(98, ["RFC822.SIZE", "INTERNALDATE"])[0] p data.seqno #=> 6 p data.attr["RFC822.SIZE"] #=> 611 p data.attr["INTERNALDATE"] #=> "12-Oct-2000 22:40:59 +0900" p data.attr["UID"] #=> 98 : store(set, attr, flags) : uid_store(set, attr, flags) Sends a STORE command to alter data associated with a message in the mailbox. the set parameter is a number or an array of numbers or a Range object. the number is a message sequence number (store) or a unique identifier (uid_store). ex). p imap.store(6..8, "+FLAGS", [:Deleted]) #=> [#[:Seen, :Deleted]}>, #[:Seen, :Deleted]}>, #[:Seen, :Deleted]}>] : copy(set, mailbox) : uid_copy(set, mailbox) Sends a COPY command to copy the specified message(s) to the end of the specified destination mailbox. the set parameter is a number or an array of numbers or a Range object. the number is a message sequence number (copy) or a unique identifier (uid_copy). : sort(sort_keys, search_keys, charset) : uid_sort(sort_keys, search_keys, charset) Sends a SORT command to sort messages in the mailbox. ex). p imap.sort(["FROM"], ["ALL"], "US-ASCII") #=> [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 4, 9] p imap.sort(["DATE"], ["SUBJECT", "hello"], "US-ASCII") #=> [6, 7, 8, 1] : add_response_handler(handler = Proc.new) Adds a response handler. ex). imap.add_response_handler do |resp| p resp end : remove_response_handler(handler) Removes the response handler. : response_handlers Returns all response handlers. =end require "socket" require "monitor" require "md5" module Net class IMAP include MonitorMixin attr_reader :greeting, :responses, :response_handlers def self.debug return @@debug end def self.debug=(val) return @@debug = val end def self.add_authenticator(auth_type, authenticator) @@authenticators[auth_type] = authenticator end def disconnect @sock.shutdown @receiver_thread.join @sock.close end def capability synchronize do send_command("CAPABILITY") return @responses.delete("CAPABILITY")[-1] end end def noop send_command("NOOP") end def logout send_command("LOGOUT") end def authenticate(auth_type, *args) auth_type = auth_type.upcase unless @@authenticators.has_key?(auth_type) raise ArgumentError, format('unknown auth type - "%s"', auth_type) end authenticator = @@authenticators[auth_type].new(*args) send_command("AUTHENTICATE", auth_type) do |resp| if resp.instance_of?(ContinuationRequest) data = authenticator.process(resp.data.text.unpack("m")[0]) send_data([data].pack("m").chomp) end end end def login(user, password) send_command("LOGIN", user, password) end def select(mailbox) synchronize do @responses.clear send_command("SELECT", mailbox) end end def examine(mailbox) synchronize do @responses.clear send_command("EXAMINE", mailbox) end end def create(mailbox) send_command("CREATE", mailbox) end def delete(mailbox) send_command("DELETE", mailbox) end def rename(mailbox, newname) send_command("RENAME", mailbox, newname) end def subscribe(mailbox) send_command("SUBSCRIBE", mailbox) end def unsubscribe(mailbox) send_command("UNSUBSCRIBE", mailbox) end def list(refname, mailbox) synchronize do send_command("LIST", refname, mailbox) return @responses.delete("LIST") end end def lsub(refname, mailbox) synchronize do send_command("LSUB", refname, mailbox) return @responses.delete("LSUB") end end def status(mailbox, attr) synchronize do send_command("STATUS", mailbox, attr) return @responses.delete("STATUS")[-1][1] end end def append(mailbox, message, flags = nil, date_time = nil) args = [] if flags args.push(flags) end args.push(date_time) if date_time args.push(Literal.new(message)) send_command("APPEND", mailbox, *args) end def check send_command("CHECK") end def close send_command("CLOSE") end def expunge synchronize do send_command("EXPUNGE") return @responses.delete("EXPUNGE") end end def search(keys, charset = nil) return search_internal("SEARCH", keys, charset) end def uid_search(keys, charset = nil) return search_internal("UID SEARCH", keys, charset) end def fetch(set, attr) return fetch_internal("FETCH", set, attr) end def uid_fetch(set, attr) return fetch_internal("UID FETCH", set, attr) end def store(set, attr, flags) return store_internal("STORE", set, attr, flags) end def uid_store(set, attr, flags) return store_internal("UID STORE", set, attr, flags) end def copy(set, mailbox) copy_internal("COPY", set, mailbox) end def uid_copy(set, mailbox) copy_internal("UID COPY", set, mailbox) end def sort(sort_keys, search_keys, charset) return sort_internal("SORT", sort_keys, search_keys, charset) end def uid_sort(sort_keys, search_keys, charset) return sort_internal("UID SORT", sort_keys, search_keys, charset) end def add_response_handler(handler = Proc.new) @response_handlers.push(handler) end def remove_response_handler(handler) @response_handlers.delete(handler) end private CRLF = "\r\n" PORT = 143 @@debug = false @@authenticators = {} def initialize(host, port = PORT) super() @host = host @port = port @tag_prefix = "RUBY" @tagno = 0 @parser = ResponseParser.new @sock = TCPSocket.open(host, port) @responses = Hash.new([].freeze) @tagged_responses = {} @response_handlers = [] @tag_arrival = new_cond @greeting = get_response if /\ABYE\z/ni =~ @greeting.name @sock.close raise ByeResponseError, resp[0] end @receiver_thread = Thread.start { receive_responses } end def receive_responses while resp = get_response synchronize do case resp when TaggedResponse @tagged_responses[resp.tag] = resp @tag_arrival.broadcast when UntaggedResponse record_response(resp.name, resp.data) if resp.data.instance_of?(ResponseText) && (code = resp.data.code) record_response(code.name, code.data) end end @response_handlers.each do |handler| handler.call(resp) end end end end def get_tagged_response(tag, cmd) until @tagged_responses.key?(tag) @tag_arrival.wait end resp = @tagged_responses.delete(tag) case resp.name when /\A(?:NO)\z/ni raise NoResponseError, resp.data.text when /\A(?:BAD)\z/ni raise BadResponseError, resp.data.text else return resp end end def get_response buff = "" while true s = @sock.gets(CRLF) break unless s buff.concat(s) if /\{(\d+)\}\r\n/n =~ s s = @sock.read($1.to_i) buff.concat(s) else break end end return nil if buff.length == 0 if @@debug $stderr.print(buff.gsub(/^/n, "S: ")) end return @parser.parse(buff) end def record_response(name, data) unless @responses.has_key?(name) @responses[name] = [] end @responses[name].push(data) end def send_command(cmd, *args, &block) synchronize do tag = generate_tag data = args.collect {|i| format_data(i)}.join(" ") if data.length > 0 put_line(tag + " " + cmd + " " + data) else put_line(tag + " " + cmd) end if block add_response_handler(block) end begin return get_tagged_response(tag, cmd) ensure if block remove_response_handler(block) end end end end def generate_tag @tagno += 1 return format("%s%04d", @tag_prefix, @tagno) end def send_data(*args) data = args.collect {|i| format_data(i)}.join(" ") put_line(data) end def put_line(line) line = line + CRLF @sock.print(line) if @@debug $stderr.print(line.gsub(/^/n, "C: ")) end end def format_data(data) case data when nil return "NIL" when String return format_string(data) when Integer return format_number(data) when Array return format_list(data) when Time return format_time(data) when Symbol return format_symbol(data) else return data.format_data end end def format_string(str) case str when "" return '""' when /[\x80-\xff\r\n]/n # literal return "{" + str.length.to_s + "}" + CRLF + str when /[(){ \x00-\x1f\x7f%*"\\]/n # quoted string return '"' + str.gsub(/["\\]/n, "\\\\\\&") + '"' else # atom return str end end def format_number(num) if num < 0 || num >= 4294967296 raise DataFormatError, num.to_s end return num.to_s end def format_list(list) contents = list.collect {|i| format_data(i)}.join(" ") return "(" + contents + ")" end DATE_MONTH = %w(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec) def format_time(time) t = time.dup.gmtime return format('"%2d-%3s-%4d %02d:%02d:%02d +0000"', t.day, DATE_MONTH[t.month - 1], t.year, t.hour, t.min, t.sec) end def format_symbol(symbol) return "\\" + symbol.to_s end def search_internal(cmd, keys, charset) if keys.instance_of?(String) keys = [RawData.new(keys)] else normalize_searching_criteria(keys) end synchronize do if charset send_command(cmd, "CHARSET", charset, *keys) else send_command(cmd, *keys) end return @responses.delete("SEARCH")[-1] end end def fetch_internal(cmd, set, attr) if attr.instance_of?(String) attr = RawData.new(attr) end synchronize do @responses.delete("FETCH") send_command(cmd, MessageSet.new(set), attr) return @responses.delete("FETCH") end end def store_internal(cmd, set, attr, flags) if attr.instance_of?(String) attr = RawData.new(attr) end synchronize do @responses.delete("FETCH") send_command(cmd, MessageSet.new(set), attr, flags) return @responses.delete("FETCH") end end def copy_internal(cmd, set, mailbox) send_command(cmd, MessageSet.new(set), mailbox) end def sort_internal(cmd, sort_keys, search_keys, charset) if search_keys.instance_of?(String) search_keys = [RawData.new(search_keys)] else normalize_searching_criteria(search_keys) end normalize_searching_criteria(search_keys) synchronize do send_command(cmd, sort_keys, charset, *search_keys) return @responses.delete("SORT")[-1] end end def normalize_searching_criteria(keys) keys.collect! do |i| case i when -1, Range, Array MessageSet.new(i) else i end end end class RawData def format_data return @data end private def initialize(data) @data = data end end class Atom def format_data return @data end private def initialize(data) @data = data end end class QuotedString def format_data return '"' + @data.gsub(/["\\]/n, "\\\\\\&") + '"' end private def initialize(data) @data = data end end class Literal def format_data return "{" + @data.length.to_s + "}" + CRLF + @data end private def initialize(data) @data = data end end class MessageSet def format_data return format_internal(@data) end private def initialize(data) @data = data end def format_internal(data) case data when "*" return data when Integer ensure_nz_number(data) if data == -1 return "*" else return data.to_s end when Range return format_internal(data.first) + ":" + format_internal(data.last) when Array return data.collect {|i| format_internal(i)}.join(",") else raise DataFormatError, data.inspect end end def ensure_nz_number(num) if num < -1 || num == 0 || num >= 4294967296 raise DataFormatError, num.inspect end end end ContinuationRequest = Struct.new(:data, :raw_data) UntaggedResponse = Struct.new(:name, :data, :raw_data) TaggedResponse = Struct.new(:tag, :name, :data, :raw_data) ResponseText = Struct.new(:code, :text) ResponseCode = Struct.new(:name, :data) MailboxList = Struct.new(:attr, :delim, :name) StatusData = Struct.new(:mailbox, :attr) FetchData = Struct.new(:seqno, :attr) Envelope = Struct.new(:date, :subject, :from, :sender, :reply_to, :to, :cc, :bcc, :in_reply_to, :message_id) Address = Struct.new(:name, :route, :mailbox, :host) ContentDisposition = Struct.new(:dsp_type, :param) class BodyTypeBasic < Struct.new(:media_type, :media_subtype, :param, :content_id, :description, :encoding, :size, :md5, :disposition, :language, :extension) def multipart? return false end end class BodyTypeText < Struct.new(:media_type, :media_subtype, :param, :content_id, :description, :encoding, :size, :lines, :md5, :disposition, :language, :extension) def multipart? return false end end class BodyTypeMessage < Struct.new(:media_type, :media_subtype, :param, :content_id, :description, :encoding, :size, :envelope, :body, :lines, :md5, :disposition, :language, :extension) def multipart? return false end end class BodyTypeMultipart < Struct.new(:media_type, :media_subtype, :parts, :param, :disposition, :language, :extension) def multipart? return true end end class ResponseParser def parse(str) @str = str @pos = 0 @lex_state = EXPR_BEG @token = nil return response end private EXPR_BEG = :EXPR_BEG EXPR_DATA = :EXPR_DATA EXPR_TEXT = :EXPR_TEXT EXPR_RTEXT = :EXPR_RTEXT EXPR_CTEXT = :EXPR_CTEXT T_SPACE = :SPACE T_NIL = :NIL T_NUMBER = :NUMBER T_ATOM = :ATOM T_QUOTED = :QUOTED T_LPAR = :LPAR T_RPAR = :RPAR T_BSLASH = :BSLASH T_STAR = :STAR T_LBRA = :LBRA T_RBRA = :RBRA T_LITERAL = :LITERAL T_PLUS = :PLUS T_PERCENT = :PERCENT T_CRLF = :CRLF T_EOF = :EOF T_TEXT = :TEXT BEG_REGEXP = /\G(?:\ (?# 1: SPACE )( )|\ (?# 2: NIL )(NIL)(?=[\x80-\xff(){ \x00-\x1f\x7f%*"\\\[\]+])|\ (?# 3: NUMBER )(\d+)(?=[\x80-\xff(){ \x00-\x1f\x7f%*"\\\[\]+])|\ (?# 4: ATOM )([^\x80-\xff(){ \x00-\x1f\x7f%*"\\\[\]+]+)|\ (?# 5: QUOTED )"((?:[^\x80-\xff\x00\r\n"\\]|\\["\\])*)"|\ (?# 6: LPAR )(\()|\ (?# 7: RPAR )(\))|\ (?# 8: BSLASH )(\\)|\ (?# 9: STAR )(\*)|\ (?# 10: LBRA )(\[)|\ (?# 11: RBRA )(\])|\ (?# 12: LITERAL )\{(\d+)\}\r\n|\ (?# 13: PLUS )(\+)|\ (?# 14: PERCENT )(%)|\ (?# 15: CRLF )(\r\n)|\ (?# 16: EOF )(\z))/ni DATA_REGEXP = /\G(?:\ (?# 1: SPACE )( )|\ (?# 2: NIL )(NIL)|\ (?# 3: NUMBER )(\d+)|\ (?# 4: QUOTED )"((?:[^\x80-\xff\x00\r\n"\\]|\\["\\])*)"|\ (?# 5: LITERAL )\{(\d+)\}\r\n|\ (?# 6: LPAR )(\()|\ (?# 7: RPAR )(\)))/ni TEXT_REGEXP = /\G(?:\ (?# 1: TEXT )([^\x00\x80-\xff\r\n]*))/ni RTEXT_REGEXP = /\G(?:\ (?# 1: LBRA )(\[)|\ (?# 2: TEXT )([^\x00\x80-\xff\r\n]*))/ni CTEXT_REGEXP = /\G(?:\ (?# 1: TEXT )([^\x00\x80-\xff\r\n\]]*))/ni Token = Struct.new(:symbol, :value) def response token = lookahead case token.symbol when T_PLUS result = continue_req when T_STAR result = response_untagged else result = response_tagged end match(T_CRLF) match(T_EOF) return result end def continue_req match(T_PLUS) match(T_SPACE) return ContinuationRequest.new(resp_text, @str) end def response_untagged match(T_STAR) match(T_SPACE) token = lookahead if token.symbol == T_NUMBER return numeric_response elsif token.symbol == T_ATOM case token.value when /\A(?:OK|NO|BAD|BYE|PREAUTH)\z/ni return response_cond when /\A(?:FLAGS)\z/ni return flags_response when /\A(?:LIST|LSUB)\z/ni return list_response when /\A(?:SEARCH|SORT)\z/ni return search_response when /\A(?:STATUS)\z/ni return status_response when /\A(?:CAPABILITY)\z/ni return capability_response else return text_response end else parse_error("unexpected token %s", token.symbol) end end def response_tagged tag = atom match(T_SPACE) token = match(T_ATOM) name = token.value.upcase match(T_SPACE) return TaggedResponse.new(tag, name, resp_text, @str) end def response_cond token = match(T_ATOM) name = token.value.upcase match(T_SPACE) return UntaggedResponse.new(name, resp_text, @str) end def numeric_response n = number match(T_SPACE) token = match(T_ATOM) name = token.value.upcase case name when "EXISTS", "RECENT", "EXPUNGE" return UntaggedResponse.new(name, n, @str) when "FETCH" shift_token match(T_SPACE) data = FetchData.new(n, msg_att) return UntaggedResponse.new(name, data, @str) end end def msg_att match(T_LPAR) attr = {} while true token = lookahead case token.symbol when T_RPAR shift_token break when T_SPACE shift_token token = lookahead end case token.value when /\A(?:ENVELOPE)\z/ni name, val = envelope_data when /\A(?:FLAGS)\z/ni name, val = flags_data when /\A(?:INTERNALDATE)\z/ni name, val = internaldate_data when /\A(?:RFC822(?:\.HEADER|\.TEXT)?)\z/ni name, val = rfc822_text when /\A(?:RFC822\.SIZE)\z/ni name, val = rfc822_size when /\A(?:BODY(?:STRUCTURE)?)\z/ni name, val = body_data when /\A(?:UID)\z/ni name, val = uid_data else parse_error("unknown attribute `%s'", token.value) end attr[name] = val end return attr end def envelope_data token = match(T_ATOM) name = token.value.upcase match(T_SPACE) return name, envelope end def envelope @lex_state = EXPR_DATA match(T_LPAR) date = nstring match(T_SPACE) subject = nstring match(T_SPACE) from = address_list match(T_SPACE) sender = address_list match(T_SPACE) reply_to = address_list match(T_SPACE) to = address_list match(T_SPACE) cc = address_list match(T_SPACE) bcc = address_list match(T_SPACE) in_reply_to = nstring match(T_SPACE) message_id = nstring match(T_RPAR) @lex_state = EXPR_BEG return Envelope.new(date, subject, from, sender, reply_to, to, cc, bcc, in_reply_to, message_id) end def flags_data token = match(T_ATOM) name = token.value.upcase match(T_SPACE) return name, flag_list end def internaldate_data token = match(T_ATOM) name = token.value.upcase match(T_SPACE) token = match(T_QUOTED) return name, token.value end def rfc822_text token = match(T_ATOM) name = token.value.upcase match(T_SPACE) return name, nstring end def rfc822_size token = match(T_ATOM) name = token.value.upcase match(T_SPACE) return name, number end def body_data token = match(T_ATOM) name = token.value.upcase token = lookahead if token.symbol == T_SPACE shift_token return name, body end name.concat(section) token = lookahead if token.symbol == T_ATOM name.concat(token.value) shift_token end match(T_SPACE) data = nstring return name, data end def body @lex_state = EXPR_DATA match(T_LPAR) token = lookahead if token.symbol == T_LPAR result = body_type_mpart else result = body_type_1part end match(T_RPAR) @lex_state = EXPR_BEG return result end def body_type_1part token = lookahead case token.value when /\A(?:TEXT)\z/ni return body_type_text when /\A(?:MESSAGE)\z/ni return body_type_msg else return body_type_basic end end def body_type_basic mtype, msubtype = media_type match(T_SPACE) param, content_id, desc, enc, size = body_fields md5, disposition, language, extension = body_ext_1part return BodyTypeBasic.new(mtype, msubtype, param, content_id, desc, enc, size, md5, disposition, language, extension) end def body_type_text mtype, msubtype = media_type match(T_SPACE) param, content_id, desc, enc, size = body_fields match(T_SPACE) lines = number md5, disposition, language, extension = body_ext_1part return BodyTypeText.new(mtype, msubtype, param, content_id, desc, enc, size, lines, md5, disposition, language, extension) end def body_type_msg mtype, msubtype = media_type match(T_SPACE) param, content_id, desc, enc, size = body_fields match(T_SPACE) env = envelope match(T_SPACE) b = body match(T_SPACE) lines = number md5, disposition, language, extension = body_ext_1part return BodyTypeMessage.new(mtype, msubtype, param, content_id, desc, enc, size, env, b, lines, md5, disposition, language, extension) end def body_type_mpart parts = [] while true token = lookahead if token.symbol == T_SPACE shift_token break end parts.push(body) end mtype = "MULTIPART" msubtype = string.upcase param, disposition, language, extension = body_ext_mpart return BodyTypeMultipart.new(mtype, msubtype, parts, param, disposition, language, extension) end def media_type mtype = string.upcase match(T_SPACE) msubtype = string.upcase return mtype, msubtype end def body_fields param = body_fld_param match(T_SPACE) content_id = nstring match(T_SPACE) desc = nstring match(T_SPACE) enc = string.upcase match(T_SPACE) size = number return param, content_id, desc, enc, size end def body_fld_param token = lookahead if token.symbol == T_NIL shift_token return nil end match(T_LPAR) param = {} while true token = lookahead case token.symbol when T_RPAR shift_token break when T_SPACE shift_token end name = string.upcase match(T_SPACE) val = string param[name] = val end return param end def body_ext_1part token = lookahead if token.symbol == T_SPACE shift_token else return nil end md5 = nstring token = lookahead if token.symbol == T_SPACE shift_token else return md5 end disposition = body_fld_dsp token = lookahead if token.symbol == T_SPACE shift_token else return md5, disposition end language = body_fld_lang token = lookahead if token.symbol == T_SPACE shift_token else return md5, disposition, language end extension = body_extensions return md5, disposition, language, extension end def body_ext_mpart token = lookahead if token.symbol == T_SPACE shift_token else return nil end param = body_fld_param token = lookahead if token.symbol == T_SPACE shift_token else return param end disposition = body_fld_dsp match(T_SPACE) language = body_fld_lang token = lookahead if token.symbol == T_SPACE shift_token else return param, disposition, language end extension = body_extensions return param, disposition, language, extension end def body_fld_dsp token = lookahead if token.symbol == T_NIL shift_token return nil end match(T_LPAR) dsp_type = string.upcase match(T_SPACE) param = body_fld_param match(T_RPAR) return ContentDisposition.new(dsp_type, param) end def body_fld_lang token = lookahead if token.symbol == T_LPAR shift_token result = [] while true token = lookahead case token.symbol when T_RPAR shift_token return result when T_SPACE shift_token end result.push(string.upcase) end else lang = nstring if lang return lang.upcase else return lang end end end def body_extensions result = [] while true token = lookahead case token.symbol when T_RPAR return result when T_SPACE shift_token end result.push(body_extension) end end def body_extension token = lookahead case token.symbol when T_LPAR shift_token result = body_extensions match(T_RPAR) return result when T_NUMBER return number else return nstring end end def section str = "" token = match(T_LBRA) str.concat(token.value) token = match(T_ATOM, T_NUMBER, T_RBRA) if token.symbol == T_RBRA str.concat(token.value) return str end str.concat(token.value) token = lookahead if token.symbol == T_SPACE shift_token str.concat(token.value) token = match(T_LPAR) str.concat(token.value) while true token = lookahead case token.symbol when T_RPAR str.concat(token.value) shift_token break when T_SPACE shift_token str.concat(token.value) end str.concat(format_string(astring)) end end token = match(T_RBRA) str.concat(token.value) return str end def format_string(str) case str when "" return '""' when /[\x80-\xff\r\n]/n # literal return "{" + str.length.to_s + "}" + CRLF + str when /[(){ \x00-\x1f\x7f%*"\\]/n # quoted string return '"' + str.gsub(/["\\]/n, "\\\\\\&") + '"' else # atom return str end end def uid_data token = match(T_ATOM) name = token.value.upcase match(T_SPACE) return name, number end def text_response token = match(T_ATOM) name = token.value.upcase match(T_SPACE) @lex_state = EXPR_TEXT token = match(T_TEXT) @lex_state = EXPR_BEG return UntaggedResponse.new(name, token.value) end def flags_response token = match(T_ATOM) name = token.value.upcase match(T_SPACE) return UntaggedResponse.new(name, flag_list, @str) end def list_response token = match(T_ATOM) name = token.value.upcase match(T_SPACE) return UntaggedResponse.new(name, mailbox_list, @str) end def mailbox_list attr = flag_list match(T_SPACE) token = match(T_QUOTED, T_NIL) if token.symbol == T_NIL delim = nil else delim = token.value end match(T_SPACE) name = astring return MailboxList.new(attr, delim, name) end def search_response token = match(T_ATOM) name = token.value.upcase token = lookahead if token.symbol == T_SPACE shift_token data = [] while true token = lookahead case token.symbol when T_CRLF break when T_SPACE shift_token end data.push(number) end else data = [] end return UntaggedResponse.new(name, data, @str) end def status_response token = match(T_ATOM) name = token.value.upcase match(T_SPACE) mailbox = astring match(T_SPACE) match(T_LPAR) attr = {} while true token = lookahead case token.symbol when T_RPAR shift_token break when T_SPACE shift_token end token = match(T_ATOM) key = token.value.upcase match(T_SPACE) val = number attr[key] = val end data = StatusData.new(mailbox, attr) return UntaggedResponse.new(name, data, @str) end def capability_response token = match(T_ATOM) name = token.value.upcase match(T_SPACE) data = [] while true token = lookahead case token.symbol when T_CRLF break when T_SPACE shift_token end data.push(atom.upcase) end return UntaggedResponse.new(name, data, @str) end def resp_text @lex_state = EXPR_RTEXT token = lookahead if token.symbol == T_LBRA code = resp_text_code else code = nil end token = match(T_TEXT) @lex_state = EXPR_BEG return ResponseText.new(code, token.value) end def resp_text_code @lex_state = EXPR_BEG match(T_LBRA) token = match(T_ATOM) name = token.value.upcase case name when /\A(?:ALERT|PARSE|READ-ONLY|READ-WRITE|TRYCREATE)\z/n result = ResponseCode.new(name, nil) when /\A(?:PERMANENTFLAGS)\z/n match(T_SPACE) result = ResponseCode.new(name, flag_list) when /\A(?:UIDVALIDITY|UIDNEXT|UNSEEN)\z/n match(T_SPACE) result = ResponseCode.new(name, number) else match(T_SPACE) @lex_state = EXPR_CTEXT token = match(T_TEXT) @lex_state = EXPR_BEG result = ResponseCode.new(name, token.value) end match(T_RBRA) @lex_state = EXPR_RTEXT return result end def address_list token = lookahead if token.symbol == T_NIL shift_token return nil else result = [] match(T_LPAR) while true token = lookahead case token.symbol when T_RPAR shift_token break when T_SPACE shift_token end result.push(address) end return result end end ADDRESS_REGEXP = /\G\ (?# 1: NAME )(?:NIL|"((?:[^\x80-\xff\x00\r\n"\\]|\\["\\])*)") \ (?# 2: ROUTE )(?:NIL|"((?:[^\x80-\xff\x00\r\n"\\]|\\["\\])*)") \ (?# 3: MAILBOX )(?:NIL|"((?:[^\x80-\xff\x00\r\n"\\]|\\["\\])*)") \ (?# 4: HOST )(?:NIL|"((?:[^\x80-\xff\x00\r\n"\\]|\\["\\])*)")\ \)/ni def address match(T_LPAR) if @str.index(ADDRESS_REGEXP, @pos) # address does not include literal. @pos = $~.end(0) name = $1 route = $2 mailbox = $3 host = $4 for s in [name, route, mailbox, host] if s s.gsub!(/\\(["\\])/n, "\\1") end end else name = nstring match(T_SPACE) route = nstring match(T_SPACE) mailbox = nstring match(T_SPACE) host = nstring match(T_RPAR) end return Address.new(name, route, mailbox, host) end # def flag_list # result = [] # match(T_LPAR) # while true # token = lookahead # case token.symbol # when T_RPAR # shift_token # break # when T_SPACE # shift_token # end # result.push(flag) # end # return result # end # def flag # token = lookahead # if token.symbol == T_BSLASH # shift_token # token = lookahead # if token.symbol == T_STAR # shift_token # return token.value.intern # else # return atom.intern # end # else # return atom # end # end FLAG_REGEXP = /\ (?# FLAG )\\([^\x80-\xff(){ \x00-\x1f\x7f%"\\]+)|\ (?# ATOM )([^\x80-\xff(){ \x00-\x1f\x7f%*"\\]+)/n def flag_list if @str.index(/\(([^)]*)\)/ni, @pos) @pos = $~.end(0) return $1.scan(FLAG_REGEXP).collect { |flag, atom| atom || flag.intern } else parse_error("invalid flag list") end end def nstring token = lookahead if token.symbol == T_NIL shift_token return nil else return string end end def astring token = lookahead if string_token?(token) return string else return atom end end def string token = match(T_QUOTED, T_LITERAL) return token.value end STRING_TOKENS = [T_QUOTED, T_LITERAL] def string_token?(token) return STRING_TOKENS.include?(token.symbol) end def atom result = "" while true token = lookahead if atom_token?(token) result.concat(token.value) shift_token else if result.empty? parse_error("unexpected token %s", token.symbol) else return result end end end end ATOM_TOKENS = [ T_ATOM, T_NUMBER, T_NIL, T_LBRA, T_RBRA, T_PLUS ] def atom_token?(token) return ATOM_TOKENS.include?(token.symbol) end def number token = match(T_NUMBER) return token.value.to_i end def nil_atom match(T_NIL) return nil end def match(*args) token = lookahead unless args.include?(token.symbol) parse_error('unexpected token %s (expected %s)', token.symbol.id2name, args.collect {|i| i.id2name}.join(" or ")) end shift_token return token end def lookahead unless @token @token = next_token end return @token end def shift_token @token = nil end def next_token case @lex_state when EXPR_BEG if @str.index(BEG_REGEXP, @pos) @pos = $~.end(0) if $1 return Token.new(T_SPACE, $+) elsif $2 return Token.new(T_NIL, $+) elsif $3 return Token.new(T_NUMBER, $+) elsif $4 return Token.new(T_ATOM, $+) elsif $5 return Token.new(T_QUOTED, $+.gsub(/\\(["\\])/n, "\\1")) elsif $6 return Token.new(T_LPAR, $+) elsif $7 return Token.new(T_RPAR, $+) elsif $8 return Token.new(T_BSLASH, $+) elsif $9 return Token.new(T_STAR, $+) elsif $10 return Token.new(T_LBRA, $+) elsif $11 return Token.new(T_RBRA, $+) elsif $12 len = $+.to_i val = @str[@pos, len] @pos += len return Token.new(T_LITERAL, val) elsif $13 return Token.new(T_PLUS, $+) elsif $14 return Token.new(T_PERCENT, $+) elsif $15 return Token.new(T_CRLF, $+) elsif $16 return Token.new(T_EOF, $+) else parse_error("[Net::IMAP BUG] BEG_REGEXP is invalid") end else @str.index(/\S*/n, @pos) parse_error("unknown token - %s", $&.dump) end when EXPR_DATA if @str.index(DATA_REGEXP, @pos) @pos = $~.end(0) if $1 return Token.new(T_SPACE, $+) elsif $2 return Token.new(T_NIL, $+) elsif $3 return Token.new(T_NUMBER, $+) elsif $4 return Token.new(T_QUOTED, $+.gsub(/\\(["\\])/n, "\\1")) elsif $5 len = $+.to_i val = @str[@pos, len] @pos += len return Token.new(T_LITERAL, val) elsif $6 return Token.new(T_LPAR, $+) elsif $7 return Token.new(T_RPAR, $+) else parse_error("[Net::IMAP BUG] BEG_REGEXP is invalid") end else @str.index(/\S*/n, @pos) parse_error("unknown token - %s", $&.dump) end when EXPR_TEXT if @str.index(TEXT_REGEXP, @pos) @pos = $~.end(0) if $1 return Token.new(T_TEXT, $+) else parse_error("[Net::IMAP BUG] TEXT_REGEXP is invalid") end else @str.index(/\S*/n, @pos) parse_error("unknown token - %s", $&.dump) end when EXPR_RTEXT if @str.index(RTEXT_REGEXP, @pos) @pos = $~.end(0) if $1 return Token.new(T_LBRA, $+) elsif $2 return Token.new(T_TEXT, $+) else parse_error("[Net::IMAP BUG] RTEXT_REGEXP is invalid") end else @str.index(/\S*/n, @pos) parse_error("unknown token - %s", $&.dump) end when EXPR_CTEXT if @str.index(CTEXT_REGEXP, @pos) @pos = $~.end(0) if $1 return Token.new(T_TEXT, $+) else parse_error("[Net::IMAP BUG] CTEXT_REGEXP is invalid") end else @str.index(/\S*/n, @pos) #/ parse_error("unknown token - %s", $&.dump) end else parse_error("illegal @lex_state - %s", @lex_state.inspect) end end def parse_error(fmt, *args) if IMAP.debug $stderr.printf("@str: %s\n", @str.dump) $stderr.printf("@pos: %d\n", @pos) $stderr.printf("@lex_state: %s\n", @lex_state) if @token.symbol $stderr.printf("@token.symbol: %s\n", @token.symbol) $stderr.printf("@token.value: %s\n", @token.value.inspect) end end raise ResponseParseError, format(fmt, *args) end end class LoginAuthenticator def process(data) case @state when STATE_USER @state = STATE_PASSWORD return @user when STATE_PASSWORD return @password end end private STATE_USER = :USER STATE_PASSWORD = :PASSWORD def initialize(user, password) @user = user @password = password @state = STATE_USER end end add_authenticator "LOGIN", LoginAuthenticator class CramMD5Authenticator def process(challenge) digest = hmac_md5(challenge, @password) return @user + " " + digest end private def initialize(user, password) @user = user @password = password end def hmac_md5(text, key) if key.length > 64 md5 = MD5.new(key) key = md5.digest end k_ipad = key + "\0" * (64 - key.length) k_opad = key + "\0" * (64 - key.length) for i in 0..63 k_ipad[i] ^= 0x36 k_opad[i] ^= 0x5c end md5 = MD5.new md5.update(k_ipad) md5.update(text) digest = md5.digest md5 = MD5.new md5.update(k_opad) md5.update(digest) return md5.hexdigest end end add_authenticator "CRAM-MD5", CramMD5Authenticator class Error < StandardError end class DataFormatError < Error end class ResponseParseError < Error end class ResponseError < Error end class NoResponseError < ResponseError end class BadResponseError < ResponseError end class ByeResponseError < ResponseError end end end