/** Network Kanji Filter. (PDS Version) ** -*- coding: ISO-2022-JP -*- ************************************************************************ ** Copyright (C) 1987, Fujitsu LTD. (Itaru ICHIKAWA) ** 連絡先: (株)富士通研究所 ソフト3研 市川 至 ** (E-Mail Address: ichikawa@flab.fujitsu.co.jp) ** Copyright (C) 1996,1998 ** Copyright (C) 2002 ** 連絡先: 琉球大学情報工学科 河野 真治 mime/X0208 support ** (E-Mail Address: kono@ie.u-ryukyu.ac.jp) ** 連絡先: COW for DOS & Win16 & Win32 & OS/2 ** (E-Mail Address: GHG00637@niftyserve.or.p) ** ** このソースのいかなる複写,改変,修正も許諾します。ただし、 ** その際には、誰が貢献したを示すこの部分を残すこと。 ** 再配布や雑誌の付録などの問い合わせも必要ありません。 ** 営利利用も上記に反しない範囲で許可します。 ** バイナリの配布の際にはversion messageを保存することを条件とします。 ** このプログラムについては特に何の保証もしない、悪しからず。 ** ** Everyone is permitted to do anything on this program ** including copying, modifying, improving, ** as long as you don't try to pretend that you wrote it. ** i.e., the above copyright notice has to appear in all copies. ** Binary distribution requires original version messages. ** You don't have to ask before copying, redistribution or publishing. ** THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE. ***********************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************** * 現在、nkf は SorceForge にてメンテナンスが続けられています。 * http://sourceforge.jp/projects/nkf/ ***********************************************************************/ #define NKF_IDENT "$Id$" #define NKF_VERSION "2.0.8" #define NKF_RELEASE_DATE "2008-01-23" #define COPY_RIGHT \ "Copyright (C) 1987, FUJITSU LTD. (I.Ichikawa),2000 S. Kono, COW\n" \ "Copyright (C) 2002-2008 Kono, Furukawa, Naruse, mastodon" #include "config.h" #include "nkf.h" #include "utf8tbl.h" /* state of output_mode and input_mode c2 0 means ASCII JIS_X_0201 ISO_8859_1 JIS_X_0208 EOF all termination c1 32bit data */ /* MIME ENCODE */ #define FIXED_MIME 7 #define STRICT_MIME 8 /* byte order */ enum byte_order { ENDIAN_BIG = 1, ENDIAN_LITTLE = 2, ENDIAN_2143 = 3, ENDIAN_3412 = 4 }; /* ASCII CODE */ #define BS 0x08 #define TAB 0x09 #define LF 0x0a #define CR 0x0d #define ESC 0x1b #define SP 0x20 #define AT 0x40 #define SSP 0xa0 #define DEL 0x7f #define SI 0x0f #define SO 0x0e #define SSO 0x8e #define SS3 0x8f #define CRLF 0x0D0A /* encodings */ enum nkf_encodings { ASCII, ISO_8859_1, ISO_2022_JP, CP50220, CP50221, CP50222, ISO_2022_JP_1, ISO_2022_JP_3, SHIFT_JIS, WINDOWS_31J, CP10001, EUC_JP, CP51932, EUCJP_MS, EUCJP_ASCII, SHIFT_JISX0213, SHIFT_JIS_2004, EUC_JISX0213, EUC_JIS_2004, UTF_8, UTF_8N, UTF_8_BOM, UTF8_MAC, UTF_16, UTF_16BE, UTF_16BE_BOM, UTF_16LE, UTF_16LE_BOM, UTF_32, UTF_32BE, UTF_32BE_BOM, UTF_32LE, UTF_32LE_BOM, NKF_ENCODING_TABLE_SIZE, JIS_X_0201=0x1000, JIS_X_0208=0x1001, JIS_X_0212=0x1002, JIS_X_0213_1=0x1003, JIS_X_0213_2=0x1004, BINARY }; nkf_char s_iconv(nkf_char c2, nkf_char c1, nkf_char c0); nkf_char e_iconv(nkf_char c2, nkf_char c1, nkf_char c0); nkf_char w_iconv(nkf_char c2, nkf_char c1, nkf_char c0); nkf_char w_iconv16(nkf_char c2, nkf_char c1, nkf_char c0); nkf_char w_iconv32(nkf_char c2, nkf_char c1, nkf_char c0); void j_oconv(nkf_char c2, nkf_char c1); void s_oconv(nkf_char c2, nkf_char c1); void e_oconv(nkf_char c2, nkf_char c1); void w_oconv(nkf_char c2, nkf_char c1); void w_oconv16(nkf_char c2, nkf_char c1); void w_oconv32(nkf_char c2, nkf_char c1); typedef struct { const char *name; nkf_char (*iconv)(nkf_char c2, nkf_char c1, nkf_char c0); void (*oconv)(nkf_char c2, nkf_char c1); } nkf_native_encoding; nkf_native_encoding NkfEncodingASCII = { "ASCII", e_iconv, e_oconv }; nkf_native_encoding NkfEncodingISO_2022_JP = { "ISO-2022-JP", e_iconv, j_oconv }; nkf_native_encoding NkfEncodingShift_JIS = { "Shift_JIS", s_iconv, s_oconv }; nkf_native_encoding NkfEncodingEUC_JP = { "EUC-JP", e_iconv, e_oconv }; nkf_native_encoding NkfEncodingUTF_8 = { "UTF-8", w_iconv, w_oconv }; nkf_native_encoding NkfEncodingUTF_16 = { "UTF-16", w_iconv16, w_oconv16 }; nkf_native_encoding NkfEncodingUTF_32 = { "UTF-32", w_iconv32, w_oconv32 }; typedef struct { const int id; const char *name; const nkf_native_encoding *base_encoding; } nkf_encoding; nkf_encoding nkf_encoding_table[] = { {ASCII, "US-ASCII", &NkfEncodingASCII}, {ISO_8859_1, "ISO-8859-1", &NkfEncodingASCII}, {ISO_2022_JP, "ISO-2022-JP", &NkfEncodingISO_2022_JP}, {CP50220, "CP50220", &NkfEncodingISO_2022_JP}, {CP50221, "CP50221", &NkfEncodingISO_2022_JP}, {CP50222, "CP50222", &NkfEncodingISO_2022_JP}, {ISO_2022_JP_1, "ISO-2022-JP-1", &NkfEncodingISO_2022_JP}, {ISO_2022_JP_3, "ISO-2022-JP-3", &NkfEncodingISO_2022_JP}, {SHIFT_JIS, "Shift_JIS", &NkfEncodingShift_JIS}, {WINDOWS_31J, "Windows-31J", &NkfEncodingShift_JIS}, {CP10001, "CP10001", &NkfEncodingShift_JIS}, {EUC_JP, "EUC-JP", &NkfEncodingEUC_JP}, {CP51932, "CP51932", &NkfEncodingEUC_JP}, {EUCJP_MS, "eucJP-MS", &NkfEncodingEUC_JP}, {EUCJP_ASCII, "eucJP-ASCII", &NkfEncodingEUC_JP}, {SHIFT_JISX0213, "Shift_JISX0213", &NkfEncodingShift_JIS}, {SHIFT_JIS_2004, "Shift_JIS-2004", &NkfEncodingShift_JIS}, {EUC_JISX0213, "EUC-JISX0213", &NkfEncodingEUC_JP}, {EUC_JIS_2004, "EUC-JIS-2004", &NkfEncodingEUC_JP}, {UTF_8, "UTF-8", &NkfEncodingUTF_8}, {UTF_8N, "UTF-8N", &NkfEncodingUTF_8}, {UTF_8_BOM, "UTF-8-BOM", &NkfEncodingUTF_8}, {UTF8_MAC, "UTF8-MAC", &NkfEncodingUTF_8}, {UTF_16, "UTF-16", &NkfEncodingUTF_16}, {UTF_16BE, "UTF-16BE", &NkfEncodingUTF_16}, {UTF_16BE_BOM, "UTF-16BE-BOM", &NkfEncodingUTF_16}, {UTF_16LE, "UTF-16LE", &NkfEncodingUTF_16}, {UTF_16LE_BOM, "UTF-16LE-BOM", &NkfEncodingUTF_16}, {UTF_32, "UTF-32", &NkfEncodingUTF_32}, {UTF_32BE, "UTF-32BE", &NkfEncodingUTF_32}, {UTF_32BE_BOM, "UTF-32BE-BOM", &NkfEncodingUTF_32}, {UTF_32LE, "UTF-32LE", &NkfEncodingUTF_32}, {UTF_32LE_BOM, "UTF-32LE-BOM", &NkfEncodingUTF_32}, {BINARY, "BINARY", &NkfEncodingASCII}, {-1, NULL, NULL} }; struct { const char *name; const int id; } encoding_name_to_id_table[] = { {"US-ASCII", ASCII}, {"ASCII", ASCII}, {"ISO-2022-JP", ISO_2022_JP}, {"ISO2022JP-CP932", CP50220}, {"CP50220", CP50220}, {"CP50221", CP50221}, {"CP50222", CP50222}, {"ISO-2022-JP-1", ISO_2022_JP_1}, {"ISO-2022-JP-3", ISO_2022_JP_3}, {"SHIFT_JIS", SHIFT_JIS}, {"SJIS", SHIFT_JIS}, {"WINDOWS-31J", WINDOWS_31J}, {"CSWINDOWS31J", WINDOWS_31J}, {"CP932", WINDOWS_31J}, {"MS932", WINDOWS_31J}, {"CP10001", CP10001}, {"EUCJP", EUC_JP}, {"EUC-JP", EUC_JP}, {"CP51932", CP51932}, {"EUC-JP-MS", EUCJP_MS}, {"EUCJP-MS", EUCJP_MS}, {"EUCJPMS", EUCJP_MS}, {"EUC-JP-ASCII", EUCJP_ASCII}, {"EUCJP-ASCII", EUCJP_ASCII}, {"SHIFT_JISX0213", SHIFT_JISX0213}, {"SHIFT_JIS-2004", SHIFT_JIS_2004}, {"EUC-JISX0213", EUC_JISX0213}, {"EUC-JIS-2004", EUC_JIS_2004}, {"UTF-8", UTF_8}, {"UTF-8N", UTF_8N}, {"UTF-8-BOM", UTF_8_BOM}, {"UTF8-MAC", UTF8_MAC}, {"UTF-8-MAC", UTF8_MAC}, {"UTF-16", UTF_16}, {"UTF-16BE", UTF_16BE}, {"UTF-16BE-BOM", UTF_16BE_BOM}, {"UTF-16LE", UTF_16LE}, {"UTF-16LE-BOM", UTF_16LE_BOM}, {"UTF-32", UTF_32}, {"UTF-32BE", UTF_32BE}, {"UTF-32BE-BOM", UTF_32BE_BOM}, {"UTF-32LE", UTF_32LE}, {"UTF-32LE-BOM", UTF_32LE_BOM}, {"BINARY", BINARY}, {NULL, -1} }; #if defined(DEFAULT_CODE_JIS) #define DEFAULT_ENCIDX ISO_2022_JP #elif defined(DEFAULT_CODE_SJIS) #define DEFAULT_ENCIDX SHIFT_JIS #elif defined(DEFAULT_CODE_EUC) #define DEFAULT_ENCIDX EUC_JP #elif defined(DEFAULT_CODE_UTF8) #define DEFAULT_ENCIDX UTF_8 #else #define DEFAULT_ENCIDX 0 #endif #define is_alnum(c) \ (('a'<=c && c<='z')||('A'<= c && c<='Z')||('0'<=c && c<='9')) /* I don't trust portablity of toupper */ #define nkf_toupper(c) (('a'<=c && c<='z')?(c-('a'-'A')):c) #define nkf_isoctal(c) ('0'<=c && c<='7') #define nkf_isdigit(c) ('0'<=c && c<='9') #define nkf_isxdigit(c) (nkf_isdigit(c) || ('a'<=c && c<='f') || ('A'<=c && c <= 'F')) #define nkf_isblank(c) (c == SP || c == TAB) #define nkf_isspace(c) (nkf_isblank(c) || c == CR || c == LF) #define nkf_isalpha(c) (('a' <= c && c <= 'z') || ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z')) #define nkf_isalnum(c) (nkf_isdigit(c) || nkf_isalpha(c)) #define nkf_isprint(c) (SP<=c && c<='~') #define nkf_isgraph(c) ('!'<=c && c<='~') #define hex2bin(c) (('0'<=c&&c<='9') ? (c-'0') : \ ('A'<=c&&c<='F') ? (c-'A'+10) : \ ('a'<=c&&c<='f') ? (c-'a'+10) : 0) #define bin2hex(c) ("0123456789ABCDEF"[c&15]) #define is_eucg3(c2) (((unsigned short)c2 >> 8) == SS3) #define nkf_noescape_mime(c) ((c == CR) || (c == LF) || \ ((c > SP) && (c < DEL) && (c != '?') && (c != '=') && (c != '_') \ && (c != '(') && (c != ')') && (c != '.') && (c != 0x22))) #define is_ibmext_in_sjis(c2) (CP932_TABLE_BEGIN <= c2 && c2 <= CP932_TABLE_END) #define HOLD_SIZE 1024 #if defined(INT_IS_SHORT) #define IOBUF_SIZE 2048 #else #define IOBUF_SIZE 16384 #endif #define DEFAULT_J 'B' #define DEFAULT_R 'B' #define GETA1 0x22 #define GETA2 0x2e /* MIME preprocessor */ #ifdef EASYWIN /*Easy Win */ extern POINT _BufferSize; #endif struct input_code{ char *name; nkf_char stat; nkf_char score; nkf_char index; nkf_char buf[3]; void (*status_func)(struct input_code *, nkf_char); nkf_char (*iconv_func)(nkf_char c2, nkf_char c1, nkf_char c0); int _file_stat; }; static char *input_codename = NULL; /* NULL: unestablished, "": BINARY */ static nkf_encoding *input_encoding = NULL; static nkf_encoding *output_encoding = NULL; static nkf_char kanji_convert(FILE *f); static nkf_char h_conv(FILE *f,nkf_char c2,nkf_char c1); #if defined(UTF8_INPUT_ENABLE) || defined(UTF8_OUTPUT_ENABLE) /* UCS Mapping * 0: Shift_JIS, eucJP-ascii * 1: eucJP-ms * 2: CP932, CP51932 * 3: CP10001 */ #define UCS_MAP_ASCII 0 #define UCS_MAP_MS 1 #define UCS_MAP_CP932 2 #define UCS_MAP_CP10001 3 static int ms_ucs_map_f = UCS_MAP_ASCII; #endif #ifdef UTF8_INPUT_ENABLE /* no NEC special, NEC-selected IBM extended and IBM extended characters */ static int no_cp932ext_f = FALSE; /* ignore ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE */ static int no_best_fit_chars_f = FALSE; static int input_endian = ENDIAN_BIG; static nkf_char unicode_subchar = '?'; /* the regular substitution character */ static void (*encode_fallback)(nkf_char c) = NULL; static void w_status(struct input_code *, nkf_char); #endif #ifdef UTF8_OUTPUT_ENABLE static int output_bom_f = FALSE; static int output_endian = ENDIAN_BIG; #endif static void fold_conv(nkf_char c2,nkf_char c1); static void eol_conv(nkf_char c2,nkf_char c1); static void z_conv(nkf_char c2,nkf_char c1); static void rot_conv(nkf_char c2,nkf_char c1); static void hira_conv(nkf_char c2,nkf_char c1); static void iso2022jp_check_conv(nkf_char c2,nkf_char c1); static void std_putc(nkf_char c); static nkf_char std_getc(FILE *f); static nkf_char std_ungetc(nkf_char c,FILE *f); static nkf_char broken_getc(FILE *f); static nkf_char broken_ungetc(nkf_char c,FILE *f); static nkf_char mime_getc(FILE *f); static void mime_putc(nkf_char c); /* buffers */ #if !defined(PERL_XS) && !defined(WIN32DLL) static unsigned char stdibuf[IOBUF_SIZE]; static unsigned char stdobuf[IOBUF_SIZE]; #endif /* flags */ static int unbuf_f = FALSE; static int estab_f = FALSE; static int nop_f = FALSE; static int binmode_f = TRUE; /* binary mode */ static int rot_f = FALSE; /* rot14/43 mode */ static int hira_f = FALSE; /* hira/kata henkan */ static int alpha_f = FALSE; /* convert JIx0208 alphbet to ASCII */ static int mime_f = MIME_DECODE_DEFAULT; /* convert MIME B base64 or Q */ static int mime_decode_f = FALSE; /* mime decode is explicitly on */ static int mimebuf_f = FALSE; /* MIME buffered input */ static int broken_f = FALSE; /* convert ESC-less broken JIS */ static int iso8859_f = FALSE; /* ISO8859 through */ static int mimeout_f = FALSE; /* base64 mode */ static int x0201_f = X0201_DEFAULT; /* convert JIS X 0201 */ static int iso2022jp_f = FALSE; /* replace non ISO-2022-JP with GETA */ #ifdef UNICODE_NORMALIZATION static int nfc_f = FALSE; static nkf_char (*i_nfc_getc)(FILE *) = std_getc; /* input of ugetc */ static nkf_char (*i_nfc_ungetc)(nkf_char c ,FILE *f) = std_ungetc; #endif #ifdef INPUT_OPTION static int cap_f = FALSE; static nkf_char (*i_cgetc)(FILE *) = std_getc; /* input of cgetc */ static nkf_char (*i_cungetc)(nkf_char c ,FILE *f) = std_ungetc; static int url_f = FALSE; static nkf_char (*i_ugetc)(FILE *) = std_getc; /* input of ugetc */ static nkf_char (*i_uungetc)(nkf_char c ,FILE *f) = std_ungetc; #endif #define PREFIX_EUCG3 NKF_INT32_C(0x8F00) #define CLASS_MASK NKF_INT32_C(0xFF000000) #define CLASS_UNICODE NKF_INT32_C(0x01000000) #define VALUE_MASK NKF_INT32_C(0x00FFFFFF) #define UNICODE_MAX NKF_INT32_C(0x0010FFFF) #define is_unicode_capsule(c) ((c & CLASS_MASK) == CLASS_UNICODE) #define is_unicode_bmp(c) ((c & VALUE_MASK) <= NKF_INT32_C(0xFFFF)) #ifdef NUMCHAR_OPTION static int numchar_f = FALSE; static nkf_char (*i_ngetc)(FILE *) = std_getc; /* input of ugetc */ static nkf_char (*i_nungetc)(nkf_char c ,FILE *f) = std_ungetc; #endif #ifdef CHECK_OPTION static int noout_f = FALSE; static void no_putc(nkf_char c); static int debug_f = FALSE; static void debug(const char *str); static nkf_char (*iconv_for_check)(nkf_char c2,nkf_char c1,nkf_char c0) = 0; #endif static int guess_f = 0; /* 0: OFF, 1: ON, 2: VERBOSE */ static void set_input_codename(char *codename); #ifdef EXEC_IO static int exec_f = 0; #endif #ifdef SHIFTJIS_CP932 /* invert IBM extended characters to others */ static int cp51932_f = FALSE; /* invert NEC-selected IBM extended characters to IBM extended characters */ static int cp932inv_f = TRUE; /* static nkf_char cp932_conv(nkf_char c2, nkf_char c1); */ #endif /* SHIFTJIS_CP932 */ #ifdef X0212_ENABLE static int x0212_f = FALSE; #endif static int x0213_f = FALSE; static unsigned char prefix_table[256]; static void e_status(struct input_code *, nkf_char); static void s_status(struct input_code *, nkf_char); struct input_code input_code_list[] = { {"EUC-JP", 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, e_status, e_iconv, 0}, {"Shift_JIS", 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, s_status, s_iconv, 0}, #ifdef UTF8_INPUT_ENABLE {"UTF-8", 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, w_status, w_iconv, 0}, {"UTF-16", 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, NULL, w_iconv16, 0}, {"UTF-32", 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, NULL, w_iconv32, 0}, #endif {0} }; static int mimeout_mode = 0; /* 0, -1, 'Q', 'B', 1, 2 */ static int base64_count = 0; /* X0208 -> ASCII converter */ /* fold parameter */ static int f_line = 0; /* chars in line */ static int f_prev = 0; static int fold_preserve_f = FALSE; /* preserve new lines */ static int fold_f = FALSE; static int fold_len = 0; /* options */ static unsigned char kanji_intro = DEFAULT_J; static unsigned char ascii_intro = DEFAULT_R; /* Folding */ #define FOLD_MARGIN 10 #define DEFAULT_FOLD 60 static int fold_margin = FOLD_MARGIN; /* process default */ nkf_char no_connection2(nkf_char c2, nkf_char c1, nkf_char c0) { fprintf(stderr,"nkf internal module connection failure.\n"); exit(1); return 0; /* LINT */ } void no_connection(nkf_char c2, nkf_char c1) { no_connection2(c2,c1,0); } static nkf_char (*iconv)(nkf_char c2,nkf_char c1,nkf_char c0) = no_connection2; static void (*oconv)(nkf_char c2,nkf_char c1) = no_connection; static void (*o_zconv)(nkf_char c2,nkf_char c1) = no_connection; static void (*o_fconv)(nkf_char c2,nkf_char c1) = no_connection; static void (*o_eol_conv)(nkf_char c2,nkf_char c1) = no_connection; static void (*o_rot_conv)(nkf_char c2,nkf_char c1) = no_connection; static void (*o_hira_conv)(nkf_char c2,nkf_char c1) = no_connection; static void (*o_base64conv)(nkf_char c2,nkf_char c1) = no_connection; static void (*o_iso2022jp_check_conv)(nkf_char c2,nkf_char c1) = no_connection; /* static redirections */ static void (*o_putc)(nkf_char c) = std_putc; static nkf_char (*i_getc)(FILE *f) = std_getc; /* general input */ static nkf_char (*i_ungetc)(nkf_char c,FILE *f) =std_ungetc; static nkf_char (*i_bgetc)(FILE *) = std_getc; /* input of mgetc */ static nkf_char (*i_bungetc)(nkf_char c ,FILE *f) = std_ungetc; static void (*o_mputc)(nkf_char c) = std_putc ; /* output of mputc */ static nkf_char (*i_mgetc)(FILE *) = std_getc; /* input of mgetc */ static nkf_char (*i_mungetc)(nkf_char c ,FILE *f) = std_ungetc; /* for strict mime */ static nkf_char (*i_mgetc_buf)(FILE *) = std_getc; /* input of mgetc_buf */ static nkf_char (*i_mungetc_buf)(nkf_char c,FILE *f) = std_ungetc; /* Global states */ static int output_mode = ASCII, /* output kanji mode */ input_mode = ASCII, /* input kanji mode */ shift_mode = FALSE; /* TRUE shift out, or X0201 */ static int mime_decode_mode = FALSE; /* MIME mode B base64, Q hex */ /* X0201 / X0208 conversion tables */ /* X0201 kana conversion table */ /* 90-9F A0-DF */ static const unsigned char cv[]= { 0x21,0x21,0x21,0x23,0x21,0x56,0x21,0x57, 0x21,0x22,0x21,0x26,0x25,0x72,0x25,0x21, 0x25,0x23,0x25,0x25,0x25,0x27,0x25,0x29, 0x25,0x63,0x25,0x65,0x25,0x67,0x25,0x43, 0x21,0x3c,0x25,0x22,0x25,0x24,0x25,0x26, 0x25,0x28,0x25,0x2a,0x25,0x2b,0x25,0x2d, 0x25,0x2f,0x25,0x31,0x25,0x33,0x25,0x35, 0x25,0x37,0x25,0x39,0x25,0x3b,0x25,0x3d, 0x25,0x3f,0x25,0x41,0x25,0x44,0x25,0x46, 0x25,0x48,0x25,0x4a,0x25,0x4b,0x25,0x4c, 0x25,0x4d,0x25,0x4e,0x25,0x4f,0x25,0x52, 0x25,0x55,0x25,0x58,0x25,0x5b,0x25,0x5e, 0x25,0x5f,0x25,0x60,0x25,0x61,0x25,0x62, 0x25,0x64,0x25,0x66,0x25,0x68,0x25,0x69, 0x25,0x6a,0x25,0x6b,0x25,0x6c,0x25,0x6d, 0x25,0x6f,0x25,0x73,0x21,0x2b,0x21,0x2c, 0x00,0x00}; /* X0201 kana conversion table for daguten */ /* 90-9F A0-DF */ static const unsigned char dv[]= { 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x25,0x74, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x25,0x2c,0x25,0x2e, 0x25,0x30,0x25,0x32,0x25,0x34,0x25,0x36, 0x25,0x38,0x25,0x3a,0x25,0x3c,0x25,0x3e, 0x25,0x40,0x25,0x42,0x25,0x45,0x25,0x47, 0x25,0x49,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x25,0x50,0x25,0x53, 0x25,0x56,0x25,0x59,0x25,0x5c,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00}; /* X0201 kana conversion table for han-daguten */ /* 90-9F A0-DF */ static const unsigned char ev[]= { 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x25,0x51,0x25,0x54, 0x25,0x57,0x25,0x5a,0x25,0x5d,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00}; /* X0208 kigou conversion table */ /* 0x8140 - 0x819e */ static const unsigned char fv[] = { 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x2c,0x2e,0x00,0x3a, 0x3b,0x3f,0x21,0x00,0x00,0x27,0x60,0x00, 0x5e,0x00,0x5f,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x2d,0x00,0x2f, 0x5c,0x00,0x00,0x7c,0x00,0x00,0x60,0x27, 0x22,0x22,0x28,0x29,0x00,0x00,0x5b,0x5d, 0x7b,0x7d,0x3c,0x3e,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x2b,0x2d,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x3d,0x00,0x3c,0x3e,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x24,0x00,0x00,0x25,0x23,0x26,0x2a,0x40, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 } ; static int option_mode = 0; static int file_out_f = FALSE; #ifdef OVERWRITE static int overwrite_f = FALSE; static int preserve_time_f = FALSE; static int backup_f = FALSE; static char *backup_suffix = ""; #endif static int eolmode_f = 0; /* CR, LF, CRLF */ static int input_eol = 0; /* 0: unestablished, EOF: MIXED */ static nkf_char prev_cr = 0; /* CR or 0 */ #ifdef EASYWIN /*Easy Win */ static int end_check; #endif /*Easy Win */ #define STD_GC_BUFSIZE (256) nkf_char std_gc_buf[STD_GC_BUFSIZE]; nkf_char std_gc_ndx; char* nkf_strcpy(const char *str) { char* result = malloc(strlen(str) + 1); if (!result){ perror(str); return ""; } strcpy(result, str); return result; } static void nkf_str_upcase(const char *src, char *dest, size_t length) { int i = 0; for (; i < length && src[i]; i++) { dest[i] = nkf_toupper(src[i]); } dest[i] = 0; } static nkf_encoding *nkf_enc_from_index(int idx) { if (idx < 0 || NKF_ENCODING_TABLE_SIZE <= idx) { if (idx == BINARY) return &nkf_encoding_table[NKF_ENCODING_TABLE_SIZE]; return 0; } return &nkf_encoding_table[idx]; } static int nkf_enc_find_index(const char *name) { int i, index = -1; if (*name == 'X' && *(name+1) == '-') name += 2; for (i = 0; encoding_name_to_id_table[i].id >= 0; i++) { if (strcmp(name, encoding_name_to_id_table[i].name) == 0) { return encoding_name_to_id_table[i].id; } } return index; } static nkf_encoding *nkf_enc_find(const char *name) { int idx = -1; idx = nkf_enc_find_index(name); if (idx < 0) return 0; return nkf_enc_from_index(idx); } #define nkf_enc_name(enc) (enc)->name #define nkf_enc_to_index(enc) (enc)->id #define nkf_enc_to_base_encoding(enc) (enc)->base_encoding #define nkf_enc_to_iconv(enc) nkf_enc_to_base_encoding(enc)->iconv #define nkf_enc_to_oconv(enc) nkf_enc_to_base_encoding(enc)->oconv #define nkf_enc_asciicompat(enc) (\ nkf_enc_to_base_encoding(enc) == &NkfEncodingASCII ||\ nkf_enc_to_base_encoding(enc) == &NkfEncodingISO_2022_JP) #define nkf_enc_unicode_p(enc) (\ nkf_enc_to_base_encoding(enc) == &NkfEncodingUTF_8 ||\ nkf_enc_to_base_encoding(enc) == &NkfEncodingUTF_16 ||\ nkf_enc_to_base_encoding(enc) == &NkfEncodingUTF_32) #define nkf_enc_cp5022x_p(enc) (\ nkf_enc_to_index(enc) == CP50220 ||\ nkf_enc_to_index(enc) == CP50221 ||\ nkf_enc_to_index(enc) == CP50222) #ifdef DEFAULT_CODE_LOCALE static char* nkf_locale_charmap() { #ifdef HAVE_LANGINFO_H return nl_langinfo(CODESET); #elif defined(__WIN32__) return sprintf("CP%d", GetACP()); #else return NULL; #endif } static nkf_encoding* nkf_locale_encoding() { nkf_encoding *enc = 0; char *encname = nkf_locale_charmap(); if (encname) enc = nkf_enc_find(encname); if (enc < 0) enc = 0; return enc; } #endif /* DEFAULT_CODE_LOCALE */ static nkf_encoding* nkf_default_encoding() { #ifdef DEFAULT_CODE_LOCALE nkf_encoding *enc = nkf_locale_encoding(); if (enc <= 0) enc = nkf_enc_from_index(ISO_2022_JP); return enc; #else return nkf_enc_from_index(DEFAULT_ENCIDX); #endif } #ifndef PERL_XS #ifdef WIN32DLL #define fprintf dllprintf #endif void version(void) { fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT,"Network Kanji Filter Version " NKF_VERSION " (" NKF_RELEASE_DATE ") \n" COPY_RIGHT "\n"); } void usage(void) { fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT, "USAGE: nkf(nkf32,wnkf,nkf2) -[flags] [in file] .. [out file for -O flag]\n" "Flags:\n" "b,u Output is buffered (DEFAULT),Output is unbuffered\n" "j,s,e,w Output code is ISO-2022-JP, Shift JIS, EUC-JP, UTF-8N\n" #ifdef UTF8_OUTPUT_ENABLE " After 'w' you can add more options. -w[ 8 [0], 16 [[BL] [0]] ]\n" #endif "J,S,E,W Input assumption is JIS 7 bit , Shift JIS, EUC-JP, UTF-8\n" #ifdef UTF8_INPUT_ENABLE " After 'W' you can add more options. -W[ 8, 16 [BL] ] \n" #endif "t no conversion\n" "i[@B] Specify the Esc Seq for JIS X 0208-1978/83 (DEFAULT B)\n" "o[BJH] Specify the Esc Seq for ASCII/Roman (DEFAULT B)\n" "r {de/en}crypt ROT13/47\n" "h 1 katakana->hiragana, 2 hiragana->katakana, 3 both\n" "m[BQSN0] MIME decode [B:base64,Q:quoted,S:strict,N:non-strict,0:no decode]\n" "M[BQ] MIME encode [B:base64 Q:quoted]\n" "l ISO8859-1 (Latin-1) support\n" "f/F Folding: -f60 or -f or -f60-10 (fold margin 10) F preserve nl\n" "Z[0-4] Default/0: Convert JISX0208 Alphabet to ASCII\n" " 1: Kankaku to one space 2: to two spaces 3: HTML Entity\n" " 4: JISX0208 Katakana to JISX0201 Katakana\n" "X,x Assume X0201 kana in MS-Kanji, -x preserves X0201\n" "B[0-2] Broken input 0: missing ESC,1: any X on ESC-[($]-X,2: ASCII on NL\n" #ifdef MSDOS "T Text mode output\n" #endif "O Output to File (DEFAULT 'nkf.out')\n" "I Convert non ISO-2022-JP charactor to GETA\n" "d,c Convert line breaks -d: LF -c: CRLF\n" "-L[uwm] line mode u:LF w:CRLF m:CR (DEFAULT noconversion)\n" "v, V Show this usage. V: show configuration\n" "\n" "Long name options\n" " --ic= --oc=\n" " Specify the input or output codeset\n" " --fj --unix --mac --windows\n" " --jis --euc --sjis --utf8 --utf16 --mime --base64\n" " Convert for the system or code\n" " --hiragana --katakana --katakana-hiragana\n" " To Hiragana/Katakana Conversion\n" " --prefix= Insert escape before troublesome characters of Shift_JIS\n" #ifdef INPUT_OPTION " --cap-input, --url-input Convert hex after ':' or '%%'\n" #endif #ifdef NUMCHAR_OPTION " --numchar-input Convert Unicode Character Reference\n" #endif #ifdef UTF8_INPUT_ENABLE " --fb-{skip, html, xml, perl, java, subchar}\n" " Specify how nkf handles unassigned characters\n" #endif #ifdef OVERWRITE " --in-place[=SUFFIX] --overwrite[=SUFFIX]\n" " Overwrite original listed files by filtered result\n" " --overwrite preserves timestamp of original files\n" #endif " -g --guess Guess the input code\n" " --help --version Show this help/the version\n" " For more information, see also man nkf\n" "\n"); version(); } void show_configuration(void) { fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT, "Summary of my nkf " NKF_VERSION " (" NKF_RELEASE_DATE ") configuration:\n" " nkf identity:\n" " " NKF_IDENT "\n" " Compile-time options:\n" " Compiled at: " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ "\n" ); fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT, " Default output encoding: " #ifdef DEFAULT_CODE_LOCALE "%s\n", nkf_enc_name(nkf_default_encoding()) #elif DEFAULT_ENCIDX "%s (%s)\n", nkf_locale_encoding() ? "LOCALE" : "DEFAULT", nkf_enc_name(nkf_default_encoding()) #else "NONE" #endif ); fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT, " Default output end of line: " #if DEFAULT_NEWLINE == CR "CR" #elif DEFAULT_NEWLINE == CRLF "CRLF" #else "LF" #endif "\n" " Decode MIME encoded string: " #if MIME_DECODE_DEFAULT "ON" #else "OFF" #endif "\n" " Convert JIS X 0201 Katakana: " #if X0201_DEFAULT "ON" #else "OFF" #endif "\n" " --help, --version output: " #if HELP_OUTPUT_HELP_OUTPUT "HELP_OUTPUT" #else "STDOUT" #endif "\n"); } #endif /*PERL_XS*/ #ifdef OVERWRITE char *get_backup_filename(const char *suffix, const char *filename) { char *backup_filename; int asterisk_count = 0; int i, j; int filename_length = strlen(filename); for(i = 0; suffix[i]; i++){ if(suffix[i] == '*') asterisk_count++; } if(asterisk_count){ backup_filename = malloc(strlen(suffix) + (asterisk_count * (filename_length - 1)) + 1); if (!backup_filename){ perror("Can't malloc backup filename."); return NULL; } for(i = 0, j = 0; suffix[i];){ if(suffix[i] == '*'){ backup_filename[j] = '\0'; strncat(backup_filename, filename, filename_length); i++; j += filename_length; }else{ backup_filename[j++] = suffix[i++]; } } backup_filename[j] = '\0'; }else{ j = strlen(suffix) + filename_length; backup_filename = malloc( + 1); strcpy(backup_filename, filename); strcat(backup_filename, suffix); backup_filename[j] = '\0'; } return backup_filename; } #endif #ifdef UTF8_INPUT_ENABLE void nkf_each_char_to_hex(void (*f)(nkf_char c2,nkf_char c1), nkf_char c) { int shift = 20; c &= VALUE_MASK; while(shift >= 0){ if(c >= 1<= 0){ (*f)(0, bin2hex(c>>shift)); shift -= 4; } }else{ shift -= 4; } } return; } void encode_fallback_html(nkf_char c) { (*oconv)(0, '&'); (*oconv)(0, '#'); c &= VALUE_MASK; if(c >= NKF_INT32_C(1000000)) (*oconv)(0, 0x30+(c/NKF_INT32_C(1000000))%10); if(c >= NKF_INT32_C(100000)) (*oconv)(0, 0x30+(c/NKF_INT32_C(100000) )%10); if(c >= 10000) (*oconv)(0, 0x30+(c/10000 )%10); if(c >= 1000) (*oconv)(0, 0x30+(c/1000 )%10); if(c >= 100) (*oconv)(0, 0x30+(c/100 )%10); if(c >= 10) (*oconv)(0, 0x30+(c/10 )%10); if(c >= 0) (*oconv)(0, 0x30+ c %10); (*oconv)(0, ';'); return; } void encode_fallback_xml(nkf_char c) { (*oconv)(0, '&'); (*oconv)(0, '#'); (*oconv)(0, 'x'); nkf_each_char_to_hex(oconv, c); (*oconv)(0, ';'); return; } void encode_fallback_java(nkf_char c) { (*oconv)(0, '\\'); c &= VALUE_MASK; if(!is_unicode_bmp(c)){ (*oconv)(0, 'U'); (*oconv)(0, '0'); (*oconv)(0, '0'); (*oconv)(0, bin2hex(c>>20)); (*oconv)(0, bin2hex(c>>16)); }else{ (*oconv)(0, 'u'); } (*oconv)(0, bin2hex(c>>12)); (*oconv)(0, bin2hex(c>> 8)); (*oconv)(0, bin2hex(c>> 4)); (*oconv)(0, bin2hex(c )); return; } void encode_fallback_perl(nkf_char c) { (*oconv)(0, '\\'); (*oconv)(0, 'x'); (*oconv)(0, '{'); nkf_each_char_to_hex(oconv, c); (*oconv)(0, '}'); return; } void encode_fallback_subchar(nkf_char c) { c = unicode_subchar; (*oconv)((c>>8)&0xFF, c&0xFF); return; } #endif static const struct { const char *name; const char *alias; } long_option[] = { {"ic=", ""}, {"oc=", ""}, {"base64","jMB"}, {"euc","e"}, {"euc-input","E"}, {"fj","jm"}, {"help","v"}, {"jis","j"}, {"jis-input","J"}, {"mac","sLm"}, {"mime","jM"}, {"mime-input","m"}, {"msdos","sLw"}, {"sjis","s"}, {"sjis-input","S"}, {"unix","eLu"}, {"version","V"}, {"windows","sLw"}, {"hiragana","h1"}, {"katakana","h2"}, {"katakana-hiragana","h3"}, {"guess=", ""}, {"guess", "g2"}, {"cp932", ""}, {"no-cp932", ""}, #ifdef X0212_ENABLE {"x0212", ""}, #endif #ifdef UTF8_OUTPUT_ENABLE {"utf8", "w"}, {"utf16", "w16"}, {"ms-ucs-map", ""}, {"fb-skip", ""}, {"fb-html", ""}, {"fb-xml", ""}, {"fb-perl", ""}, {"fb-java", ""}, {"fb-subchar", ""}, {"fb-subchar=", ""}, #endif #ifdef UTF8_INPUT_ENABLE {"utf8-input", "W"}, {"utf16-input", "W16"}, {"no-cp932ext", ""}, {"no-best-fit-chars",""}, #endif #ifdef UNICODE_NORMALIZATION {"utf8mac-input", ""}, #endif #ifdef OVERWRITE {"overwrite", ""}, {"overwrite=", ""}, {"in-place", ""}, {"in-place=", ""}, #endif #ifdef INPUT_OPTION {"cap-input", ""}, {"url-input", ""}, #endif #ifdef NUMCHAR_OPTION {"numchar-input", ""}, #endif #ifdef CHECK_OPTION {"no-output", ""}, {"debug", ""}, #endif #ifdef SHIFTJIS_CP932 {"cp932inv", ""}, #endif #ifdef EXEC_IO {"exec-in", ""}, {"exec-out", ""}, #endif {"prefix=", ""}, }; static void set_input_encoding(nkf_encoding *enc) { switch (nkf_enc_to_index(enc)) { case CP50220: case CP50221: case CP50222: #ifdef SHIFTJIS_CP932 cp51932_f = TRUE; #endif #ifdef UTF8_OUTPUT_ENABLE ms_ucs_map_f = UCS_MAP_CP932; #endif break; case ISO_2022_JP_1: #ifdef X0212_ENABLE x0212_f = TRUE; #endif break; case ISO_2022_JP_3: #ifdef X0212_ENABLE x0212_f = TRUE; #endif x0213_f = TRUE; break; case SHIFT_JIS: break; case WINDOWS_31J: #ifdef SHIFTJIS_CP932 cp51932_f = TRUE; #endif #ifdef UTF8_OUTPUT_ENABLE ms_ucs_map_f = UCS_MAP_CP932; #endif break; case EUC_JP: break; case CP10001: #ifdef SHIFTJIS_CP932 cp51932_f = TRUE; #endif #ifdef UTF8_OUTPUT_ENABLE ms_ucs_map_f = UCS_MAP_CP10001; #endif break; case CP51932: #ifdef SHIFTJIS_CP932 cp51932_f = TRUE; #endif #ifdef UTF8_OUTPUT_ENABLE ms_ucs_map_f = UCS_MAP_CP932; #endif break; case EUCJP_MS: #ifdef SHIFTJIS_CP932 cp51932_f = FALSE; #endif #ifdef UTF8_OUTPUT_ENABLE ms_ucs_map_f = UCS_MAP_MS; #endif break; case EUCJP_ASCII: #ifdef SHIFTJIS_CP932 cp51932_f = FALSE; #endif #ifdef UTF8_OUTPUT_ENABLE ms_ucs_map_f = UCS_MAP_ASCII; #endif break; case SHIFT_JISX0213: case SHIFT_JIS_2004: x0213_f = TRUE; #ifdef SHIFTJIS_CP932 cp51932_f = FALSE; #endif break; case EUC_JISX0213: case EUC_JIS_2004: x0213_f = TRUE; #ifdef SHIFTJIS_CP932 cp51932_f = FALSE; #endif break; #ifdef UTF8_INPUT_ENABLE #ifdef UNICODE_NORMALIZATION case UTF8_MAC: nfc_f = TRUE; break; #endif case UTF_16: case UTF_16BE: case UTF_16BE_BOM: input_endian = ENDIAN_BIG; break; case UTF_16LE: case UTF_16LE_BOM: input_endian = ENDIAN_LITTLE; break; case UTF_32: case UTF_32BE: case UTF_32BE_BOM: input_endian = ENDIAN_BIG; break; case UTF_32LE: case UTF_32LE_BOM: input_endian = ENDIAN_LITTLE; break; #endif } } static void set_output_encoding(nkf_encoding *enc) { switch (nkf_enc_to_index(enc)) { case CP50220: x0201_f = TRUE; #ifdef SHIFTJIS_CP932 if (cp932inv_f == TRUE) cp932inv_f = FALSE; #endif #ifdef UTF8_OUTPUT_ENABLE ms_ucs_map_f = UCS_MAP_CP932; #endif break; case CP50221: #ifdef SHIFTJIS_CP932 if (cp932inv_f == TRUE) cp932inv_f = FALSE; #endif #ifdef UTF8_OUTPUT_ENABLE ms_ucs_map_f = UCS_MAP_CP932; #endif break; case ISO_2022_JP_1: #ifdef X0212_ENABLE x0212_f = TRUE; #endif #ifdef SHIFTJIS_CP932 if (cp932inv_f == TRUE) cp932inv_f = FALSE; #endif break; case ISO_2022_JP_3: #ifdef X0212_ENABLE x0212_f = TRUE; #endif x0213_f = TRUE; #ifdef SHIFTJIS_CP932 if (cp932inv_f == TRUE) cp932inv_f = FALSE; #endif break; case SHIFT_JIS: break; case WINDOWS_31J: #ifdef UTF8_OUTPUT_ENABLE ms_ucs_map_f = UCS_MAP_CP932; #endif break; case CP10001: #ifdef UTF8_OUTPUT_ENABLE ms_ucs_map_f = UCS_MAP_CP10001; #endif break; case EUC_JP: x0212_f = TRUE; #ifdef SHIFTJIS_CP932 if (cp932inv_f == TRUE) cp932inv_f = FALSE; #endif #ifdef UTF8_OUTPUT_ENABLE ms_ucs_map_f = UCS_MAP_CP932; #endif break; case CP51932: #ifdef SHIFTJIS_CP932 if (cp932inv_f == TRUE) cp932inv_f = FALSE; #endif #ifdef UTF8_OUTPUT_ENABLE ms_ucs_map_f = UCS_MAP_CP932; #endif break; case EUCJP_MS: #ifdef X0212_ENABLE x0212_f = TRUE; #endif #ifdef UTF8_OUTPUT_ENABLE ms_ucs_map_f = UCS_MAP_MS; #endif break; case EUCJP_ASCII: #ifdef X0212_ENABLE x0212_f = TRUE; #endif #ifdef UTF8_OUTPUT_ENABLE ms_ucs_map_f = UCS_MAP_ASCII; #endif break; case SHIFT_JISX0213: case SHIFT_JIS_2004: x0213_f = TRUE; #ifdef SHIFTJIS_CP932 if (cp932inv_f == TRUE) cp932inv_f = FALSE; #endif break; case EUC_JISX0213: case EUC_JIS_2004: #ifdef X0212_ENABLE x0212_f = TRUE; #endif x0213_f = TRUE; #ifdef SHIFTJIS_CP932 if (cp932inv_f == TRUE) cp932inv_f = FALSE; #endif break; #ifdef UTF8_OUTPUT_ENABLE case UTF_8_BOM: output_bom_f = TRUE; break; case UTF_16: case UTF_16BE_BOM: output_bom_f = TRUE; break; case UTF_16LE: output_endian = ENDIAN_LITTLE; output_bom_f = FALSE; break; case UTF_16LE_BOM: output_endian = ENDIAN_LITTLE; output_bom_f = TRUE; break; case UTF_32BE_BOM: output_bom_f = TRUE; break; case UTF_32LE: output_endian = ENDIAN_LITTLE; output_bom_f = FALSE; break; case UTF_32LE_BOM: output_endian = ENDIAN_LITTLE; output_bom_f = TRUE; break; #endif } } struct input_code * find_inputcode_byfunc(nkf_char (*iconv_func)(nkf_char c2,nkf_char c1,nkf_char c0)) { if (iconv_func){ struct input_code *p = input_code_list; while (p->name){ if (iconv_func == p->iconv_func){ return p; } p++; } } return 0; } void set_iconv(nkf_char f, nkf_char (*iconv_func)(nkf_char c2,nkf_char c1,nkf_char c0)) { #ifdef INPUT_CODE_FIX if (f || !input_encoding) #endif if (estab_f != f){ estab_f = f; } if (iconv_func #ifdef INPUT_CODE_FIX && (f == -TRUE || !input_encoding) /* -TRUE means "FORCE" */ #endif ){ iconv = iconv_func; } #ifdef CHECK_OPTION if (estab_f && iconv_for_check != iconv){ struct input_code *p = find_inputcode_byfunc(iconv); if (p){ set_input_codename(p->name); debug(p->name); } iconv_for_check = iconv; } #endif } #ifdef X0212_ENABLE nkf_char x0212_shift(nkf_char c) { nkf_char ret = c; c &= 0x7f; if (is_eucg3(ret)){ if (0x75 <= c && c <= 0x7f){ ret = c + (0x109 - 0x75); } }else{ if (0x75 <= c && c <= 0x7f){ ret = c + (0x113 - 0x75); } } return ret; } nkf_char x0212_unshift(nkf_char c) { nkf_char ret = c; if (0x7f <= c && c <= 0x88){ ret = c + (0x75 - 0x7f); }else if (0x89 <= c && c <= 0x92){ ret = PREFIX_EUCG3 | 0x80 | (c + (0x75 - 0x89)); } return ret; } #endif /* X0212_ENABLE */ nkf_char e2s_conv(nkf_char c2, nkf_char c1, nkf_char *p2, nkf_char *p1) { nkf_char ndx; if (is_eucg3(c2)){ ndx = c2 & 0x7f; if (x0213_f){ if((0x21 <= ndx && ndx <= 0x2F)){ if (p2) *p2 = ((ndx - 1) >> 1) + 0xec - ndx / 8 * 3; if (p1) *p1 = c1 + ((ndx & 1) ? ((c1 < 0x60) ? 0x1f : 0x20) : 0x7e); return 0; }else if(0x6E <= ndx && ndx <= 0x7E){ if (p2) *p2 = ((ndx - 1) >> 1) + 0xbe; if (p1) *p1 = c1 + ((ndx & 1) ? ((c1 < 0x60) ? 0x1f : 0x20) : 0x7e); return 0; } return 1; } #ifdef X0212_ENABLE else if(nkf_isgraph(ndx)){ nkf_char val = 0; const unsigned short *ptr; ptr = x0212_shiftjis[ndx - 0x21]; if (ptr){ val = ptr[(c1 & 0x7f) - 0x21]; } if (val){ c2 = val >> 8; c1 = val & 0xff; if (p2) *p2 = c2; if (p1) *p1 = c1; return 0; } c2 = x0212_shift(c2); } #endif /* X0212_ENABLE */ } if(0x7F < c2) return 1; if (p2) *p2 = ((c2 - 1) >> 1) + ((c2 <= 0x5e) ? 0x71 : 0xb1); if (p1) *p1 = c1 + ((c2 & 1) ? ((c1 < 0x60) ? 0x1f : 0x20) : 0x7e); return 0; } nkf_char s2e_conv(nkf_char c2, nkf_char c1, nkf_char *p2, nkf_char *p1) { #if defined(SHIFTJIS_CP932) || defined(X0212_ENABLE) nkf_char val; #endif static const char shift_jisx0213_s1a3_table[5][2] ={ { 1, 8}, { 3, 4}, { 5,12}, {13,14}, {15, 0} }; #ifdef SHIFTJIS_CP932 if (!cp932inv_f && is_ibmext_in_sjis(c2)){ val = shiftjis_cp932[c2 - CP932_TABLE_BEGIN][c1 - 0x40]; if (val){ c2 = val >> 8; c1 = val & 0xff; } } if (cp932inv_f && CP932INV_TABLE_BEGIN <= c2 && c2 <= CP932INV_TABLE_END){ nkf_char c = cp932inv[c2 - CP932INV_TABLE_BEGIN][c1 - 0x40]; if (c){ c2 = c >> 8; c1 = c & 0xff; } } #endif /* SHIFTJIS_CP932 */ #ifdef X0212_ENABLE if (!x0213_f && is_ibmext_in_sjis(c2)){ val = shiftjis_x0212[c2 - 0xfa][c1 - 0x40]; if (val){ if (val > 0x7FFF){ c2 = PREFIX_EUCG3 | ((val >> 8) & 0x7f); c1 = val & 0xff; }else{ c2 = val >> 8; c1 = val & 0xff; } if (p2) *p2 = c2; if (p1) *p1 = c1; return 0; } } #endif if(c2 >= 0x80){ if(x0213_f && c2 >= 0xF0){ if(c2 <= 0xF3 || (c2 == 0xF4 && c1 < 0x9F)){ /* k=1, 3<=k<=5, k=8, 12<=k<=15 */ c2 = PREFIX_EUCG3 | 0x20 | shift_jisx0213_s1a3_table[c2 - 0xF0][0x9E < c1]; }else{ /* 78<=k<=94 */ c2 = PREFIX_EUCG3 | (c2 * 2 - 0x17B); if (0x9E < c1) c2++; } }else{ #define SJ0162 0x00e1 /* 01 - 62 ku offset */ #define SJ6394 0x0161 /* 63 - 94 ku offset */ c2 = c2 + c2 - ((c2 <= 0x9F) ? SJ0162 : SJ6394); if (0x9E < c1) c2++; } if (c1 < 0x9F) c1 = c1 - ((c1 > DEL) ? SP : 0x1F); else { c1 = c1 - 0x7E; } } #ifdef X0212_ENABLE c2 = x0212_unshift(c2); #endif if (p2) *p2 = c2; if (p1) *p1 = c1; return 0; } #if defined(UTF8_INPUT_ENABLE) || defined(UTF8_OUTPUT_ENABLE) void w16w_conv(nkf_char val, nkf_char *p2, nkf_char *p1, nkf_char *p0) { val &= VALUE_MASK; if (val < 0x80){ *p2 = val; *p1 = 0; *p0 = 0; }else if (val < 0x800){ *p2 = 0xc0 | (val >> 6); *p1 = 0x80 | (val & 0x3f); *p0 = 0; } else if (val <= NKF_INT32_C(0xFFFF)) { *p2 = 0xe0 | (val >> 12); *p1 = 0x80 | ((val >> 6) & 0x3f); *p0 = 0x80 | (val & 0x3f); } else if (val <= NKF_INT32_C(0x10FFFF)) { *p2 = 0xe0 | (val >> 16); *p1 = 0x80 | ((val >> 12) & 0x3f); *p0 = 0x8080 | ((val << 2) & 0x3f00)| (val & 0x3f); } else { *p2 = 0; *p1 = 0; *p0 = 0; } } nkf_char ww16_conv(nkf_char c2, nkf_char c1, nkf_char c0) { nkf_char val; if (c2 >= 0xf8) { val = -1; } else if (c2 >= 0xf0){ /* c2: 1st, c1: 2nd, c0: 3rd/4th */ val = (c2 & 0x0f) << 18; val |= (c1 & 0x3f) << 12; val |= (c0 & 0x3f00) >> 2; val |= (c0 & 0x3f); }else if (c2 >= 0xe0){ val = (c2 & 0x0f) << 12; val |= (c1 & 0x3f) << 6; val |= (c0 & 0x3f); }else if (c2 >= 0xc0){ val = (c2 & 0x1f) << 6; val |= (c1 & 0x3f); }else{ val = c2; } return val; } #endif #ifdef UTF8_INPUT_ENABLE nkf_char w_iconv_common(nkf_char c1, nkf_char c0, const unsigned short *const *pp, nkf_char psize, nkf_char *p2, nkf_char *p1) { nkf_char c2; const unsigned short *p; unsigned short val; if (pp == 0) return 1; c1 -= 0x80; if (c1 < 0 || psize <= c1) return 1; p = pp[c1]; if (p == 0) return 1; c0 -= 0x80; if (c0 < 0 || sizeof_utf8_to_euc_C2 <= c0) return 1; val = p[c0]; if (val == 0) return 1; if (no_cp932ext_f && ( (val>>8) == 0x2D || /* NEC special characters */ val > NKF_INT32_C(0xF300) /* IBM extended characters */ )) return 1; c2 = val >> 8; if (val > 0x7FFF){ c2 &= 0x7f; c2 |= PREFIX_EUCG3; } if (c2 == SO) c2 = JIS_X_0201; c1 = val & 0x7f; if (p2) *p2 = c2; if (p1) *p1 = c1; return 0; } nkf_char unicode_to_jis_common(nkf_char c2, nkf_char c1, nkf_char c0, nkf_char *p2, nkf_char *p1) { const unsigned short *const *pp; const unsigned short *const *const *ppp; static const char no_best_fit_chars_table_C2[] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}; static const char no_best_fit_chars_table_C2_ms[] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0}; static const char no_best_fit_chars_table_932_C2[] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0}; static const char no_best_fit_chars_table_932_C3[] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}; nkf_char ret = 0; if(c2 < 0x80){ *p2 = 0; *p1 = c2; }else if(c2 < 0xe0){ if(no_best_fit_chars_f){ if(ms_ucs_map_f == UCS_MAP_CP932){ switch(c2){ case 0xC2: if(no_best_fit_chars_table_932_C2[c1&0x3F]) return 1; break; case 0xC3: if(no_best_fit_chars_table_932_C3[c1&0x3F]) return 1; break; } }else if(!cp932inv_f){ switch(c2){ case 0xC2: if(no_best_fit_chars_table_C2[c1&0x3F]) return 1; break; case 0xC3: if(no_best_fit_chars_table_932_C3[c1&0x3F]) return 1; break; } }else if(ms_ucs_map_f == UCS_MAP_MS){ if(c2 == 0xC2 && no_best_fit_chars_table_C2_ms[c1&0x3F]) return 1; }else if(ms_ucs_map_f == UCS_MAP_CP10001){ switch(c2){ case 0xC2: switch(c1){ case 0xA2: case 0xA3: case 0xA5: case 0xA6: case 0xAC: case 0xAF: case 0xB8: return 1; } break; } } } pp = ms_ucs_map_f == UCS_MAP_CP932 ? utf8_to_euc_2bytes_932 : ms_ucs_map_f == UCS_MAP_MS ? utf8_to_euc_2bytes_ms : ms_ucs_map_f == UCS_MAP_CP10001 ? utf8_to_euc_2bytes_mac : utf8_to_euc_2bytes; ret = w_iconv_common(c2, c1, pp, sizeof_utf8_to_euc_2bytes, p2, p1); }else if(c0 < 0xF0){ if(no_best_fit_chars_f){ if(ms_ucs_map_f == UCS_MAP_CP932){ if(c2 == 0xE3 && c1 == 0x82 && c0 == 0x94) return 1; }else if(ms_ucs_map_f == UCS_MAP_MS){ switch(c2){ case 0xE2: switch(c1){ case 0x80: if(c0 == 0x94 || c0 == 0x96 || c0 == 0xBE) return 1; break; case 0x88: if(c0 == 0x92) return 1; break; } break; case 0xE3: if(c1 == 0x80 || c0 == 0x9C) return 1; break; } }else if(ms_ucs_map_f == UCS_MAP_CP10001){ switch(c2){ case 0xE3: switch(c1){ case 0x82: if(c0 == 0x94) return 1; break; case 0x83: if(c0 == 0xBB) return 1; break; } break; } }else{ switch(c2){ case 0xE2: switch(c1){ case 0x80: if(c0 == 0x95) return 1; break; case 0x88: if(c0 == 0xA5) return 1; break; } break; case 0xEF: switch(c1){ case 0xBC: if(c0 == 0x8D) return 1; break; case 0xBD: if(c0 == 0x9E && !cp932inv_f) return 1; break; case 0xBF: if(0xA0 <= c0 && c0 <= 0xA5) return 1; break; } break; } } } ppp = ms_ucs_map_f == UCS_MAP_CP932 ? utf8_to_euc_3bytes_932 : ms_ucs_map_f == UCS_MAP_MS ? utf8_to_euc_3bytes_ms : ms_ucs_map_f == UCS_MAP_CP10001 ? utf8_to_euc_3bytes_mac : utf8_to_euc_3bytes; ret = w_iconv_common(c1, c0, ppp[c2 - 0xE0], sizeof_utf8_to_euc_C2, p2, p1); }else return -1; #ifdef SHIFTJIS_CP932 if (!ret && !cp932inv_f && is_eucg3(*p2)) { nkf_char s2, s1; if (e2s_conv(*p2, *p1, &s2, &s1) == 0) { s2e_conv(s2, s1, p2, p1); }else{ ret = 1; } } #endif return ret; } #ifdef UTF8_OUTPUT_ENABLE nkf_char e2w_conv(nkf_char c2, nkf_char c1) { const unsigned short *p; if (c2 == JIS_X_0201) { if (ms_ucs_map_f == UCS_MAP_CP10001) { switch (c1) { case 0x20: return 0xA0; case 0x7D: return 0xA9; } } p = euc_to_utf8_1byte; #ifdef X0212_ENABLE } else if (is_eucg3(c2)){ if(ms_ucs_map_f == UCS_MAP_ASCII&& c2 == NKF_INT32_C(0x8F22) && c1 == 0x43){ return 0xA6; } c2 = (c2&0x7f) - 0x21; if (0<=c2 && c2 0){ if (p2) *p2 = 0; if (p1) *p1 = CLASS_UNICODE | ww16_conv(c2, c1, c0); ret = 0; } #endif } return ret; } #ifdef UTF8_INPUT_ENABLE nkf_char w16e_conv(nkf_char val, nkf_char *p2, nkf_char *p1) { nkf_char c2, c1, c0; nkf_char ret = 0; val &= VALUE_MASK; if (val < 0x80){ *p2 = 0; *p1 = val; }else{ w16w_conv(val, &c2, &c1, &c0); ret = unicode_to_jis_common(c2, c1, c0, p2, p1); #ifdef NUMCHAR_OPTION if (ret > 0){ *p2 = 0; *p1 = CLASS_UNICODE | val; ret = 0; } #endif } return ret; } #endif nkf_char e_iconv(nkf_char c2, nkf_char c1, nkf_char c0) { if (c2 == JIS_X_0201) { c1 &= 0x7f; #ifdef X0212_ENABLE }else if (c2 == 0x8f){ if (c0 == 0){ return -1; } if (!cp51932_f && !x0213_f && 0xF5 <= c1 && c1 <= 0xFE && 0xA1 <= c0 && c0 <= 0xFE) { /* encoding is eucJP-ms, so invert to Unicode Private User Area */ c1 = (c1 - 0xF5) * 94 + c0 - 0xA1 + 0xE3AC + CLASS_UNICODE; c2 = 0; } else { c2 = (c2 << 8) | (c1 & 0x7f); c1 = c0 & 0x7f; #ifdef SHIFTJIS_CP932 if (cp51932_f){ nkf_char s2, s1; if (e2s_conv(c2, c1, &s2, &s1) == 0){ s2e_conv(s2, s1, &c2, &c1); if (c2 < 0x100){ c1 &= 0x7f; c2 &= 0x7f; } } } #endif /* SHIFTJIS_CP932 */ } #endif /* X0212_ENABLE */ } else if (c2 == SSO){ c2 = JIS_X_0201; c1 &= 0x7f; } else if ((c2 == EOF) || (c2 == 0) || c2 < SP) { /* NOP */ } else { if (!cp51932_f && ms_ucs_map_f && 0xF5 <= c2 && c2 <= 0xFE && 0xA1 <= c1 && c1 <= 0xFE) { /* encoding is eucJP-ms, so invert to Unicode Private User Area */ c1 = (c2 - 0xF5) * 94 + c1 - 0xA1 + 0xE000 + CLASS_UNICODE; c2 = 0; } else { c1 &= 0x7f; c2 &= 0x7f; #ifdef SHIFTJIS_CP932 if (cp51932_f && 0x79 <= c2 && c2 <= 0x7c){ nkf_char s2, s1; if (e2s_conv(c2, c1, &s2, &s1) == 0){ s2e_conv(s2, s1, &c2, &c1); if (c2 < 0x100){ c1 &= 0x7f; c2 &= 0x7f; } } } #endif /* SHIFTJIS_CP932 */ } } (*oconv)(c2, c1); return 0; } nkf_char s_iconv(nkf_char c2, nkf_char c1, nkf_char c0) { if (c2 == JIS_X_0201) { c1 &= 0x7f; } else if ((c2 == EOF) || (c2 == 0) || c2 < SP) { /* NOP */ } else if (!x0213_f && 0xF0 <= c2 && c2 <= 0xF9 && 0x40 <= c1 && c1 <= 0xFC) { /* CP932 UDC */ if(c1 == 0x7F) return 0; c1 = (c2 - 0xF0) * 188 + (c1 - 0x40 - (0x7E < c1)) + 0xE000 + CLASS_UNICODE; c2 = 0; } else { nkf_char ret = s2e_conv(c2, c1, &c2, &c1); if (ret) return ret; } (*oconv)(c2, c1); return 0; } nkf_char w_iconv(nkf_char c2, nkf_char c1, nkf_char c0) { nkf_char ret = 0; static const char w_iconv_utf8_1st_byte[] = { /* 0xC0 - 0xFF */ 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 30, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 32, 33, 33, 40, 41, 41, 41, 42, 43, 43, 43, 50, 50, 50, 50, 60, 60, 70, 70}; if (c2 < 0 || 0xff < c2) { }else if (c2 == 0) { /* 0 : 1 byte*/ c0 = 0; } else if ((c2 & 0xc0) == 0x80) { /* 0x80-0xbf : trail byte */ return 0; } else{ switch (w_iconv_utf8_1st_byte[c2 - 0xC0]) { case 21: if (c1 < 0x80 || 0xBF < c1) return 0; break; case 30: if (c0 == 0) return -1; if (c1 < 0xA0 || 0xBF < c1 || (c0 & 0xc0) != 0x80) return 0; break; case 31: case 33: if (c0 == 0) return -1; if ((c1 & 0xc0) != 0x80 || (c0 & 0xc0) != 0x80) return 0; break; case 32: if (c0 == 0) return -1; if (c1 < 0x80 || 0x9F < c1 || (c0 & 0xc0) != 0x80) return 0; break; case 40: if (c0 == 0) return -2; if (c1 < 0x90 || 0xBF < c1 || (c0 & 0xc0c0) != 0x8080) return 0; break; case 41: if (c0 == 0) return -2; if (c1 < 0x80 || 0xBF < c1 || (c0 & 0xc0c0) != 0x8080) return 0; break; case 42: if (c0 == 0) return -2; if (c1 < 0x80 || 0x8F < c1 || (c0 & 0xc0c0) != 0x8080) return 0; break; default: return 0; break; } } if (c2 == 0 || c2 == EOF){ } else if ((c2 & 0xf8) == 0xf0) { /* 4 bytes */ c1 = CLASS_UNICODE | ww16_conv(c2, c1, c0); c2 = 0; } else { ret = w2e_conv(c2, c1, c0, &c2, &c1); } if (ret == 0){ (*oconv)(c2, c1); } return ret; } nkf_char w_iconv16(nkf_char c2, nkf_char c1, nkf_char c0) { nkf_char ret = 0; if ((c2==0 && c1 < 0x80) || c2==EOF) { (*oconv)(c2, c1); return 0; }else if (0xD8 <= c2 && c2 <= 0xDB) { if (c0 < NKF_INT32_C(0xDC00) || NKF_INT32_C(0xDFFF) < c0) return -2; c1 = CLASS_UNICODE | ((c2 << 18) + (c1 << 10) + c0 - NKF_INT32_C(0x35FDC00)); c2 = 0; }else if ((c2>>3) == 27) { /* unpaired surrogate */ /* return 2; */ return 1; }else ret = w16e_conv(((c2 & 0xff)<<8) + c1, &c2, &c1); if (ret) return ret; (*oconv)(c2, c1); return 0; } nkf_char w_iconv32(nkf_char c2, nkf_char c1, nkf_char c0) { int ret = 0; if ((c2 == 0 && c1 < 0x80) || c2==EOF) { } else if (is_unicode_bmp(c1)) { ret = w16e_conv(c1, &c2, &c1); } else { c2 = 0; c1 = CLASS_UNICODE | c1; } if (ret) return ret; (*oconv)(c2, c1); return 0; } #endif void j_oconv(nkf_char c2, nkf_char c1) { #ifdef NUMCHAR_OPTION if (c2 == 0 && is_unicode_capsule(c1)){ w16e_conv(c1, &c2, &c1); if (c2 == 0 && is_unicode_capsule(c1)){ c2 = c1 & VALUE_MASK; if (ms_ucs_map_f && 0xE000 <= c2 && c2 <= 0xE757) { /* CP5022x UDC */ c1 &= 0xFFF; c2 = 0x7F + c1 / 94; c1 = 0x21 + c1 % 94; } else { if (encode_fallback) (*encode_fallback)(c1); return; } } } #endif if (c2 == EOF) { if (output_mode !=ASCII && output_mode!=ISO_8859_1) { (*o_putc)(ESC); (*o_putc)('('); (*o_putc)(ascii_intro); output_mode = ASCII; } (*o_putc)(EOF); #ifdef X0212_ENABLE } else if (is_eucg3(c2)){ if(x0213_f){ if(output_mode!=JIS_X_0213_2){ output_mode = JIS_X_0213_2; (*o_putc)(ESC); (*o_putc)('$'); (*o_putc)('('); (*o_putc)(0x50); } }else{ if(output_mode!=JIS_X_0212){ output_mode = JIS_X_0212; (*o_putc)(ESC); (*o_putc)('$'); (*o_putc)('('); (*o_putc)(0x44); } } (*o_putc)(c2 & 0x7f); (*o_putc)(c1); #endif } else if (c2==JIS_X_0201) { if (output_mode!=JIS_X_0201) { output_mode = JIS_X_0201; (*o_putc)(ESC); (*o_putc)('('); (*o_putc)('I'); } (*o_putc)(c1); } else if (c2==ISO_8859_1) { /* iso8859 introduction, or 8th bit on */ /* Can we convert in 7bit form using ESC-'-'-A ? Is this popular? */ output_mode = ISO_8859_1; (*o_putc)(c1|0x80); } else if (c2 == 0) { if (output_mode !=ASCII && output_mode!=ISO_8859_1) { (*o_putc)(ESC); (*o_putc)('('); (*o_putc)(ascii_intro); output_mode = ASCII; } (*o_putc)(c1); } else { if(ms_ucs_map_f ? c2<0x20 || 0x92 0x3e); (*o_putc)(c2); (*o_putc)(c1); return; } else { if(encode_fallback)(*encode_fallback)(c1); return; } } } #endif if (c2 == EOF) { (*o_putc)(EOF); return; } else if (c2 == 0) { output_mode = ASCII; (*o_putc)(c1); } else if (c2 == JIS_X_0201) { output_mode = SHIFT_JIS; (*o_putc)(c1|0x80); } else if (c2 == ISO_8859_1) { output_mode = ISO_8859_1; (*o_putc)(c1 | 0x080); #ifdef X0212_ENABLE } else if (is_eucg3(c2)){ output_mode = SHIFT_JIS; if (e2s_conv(c2, c1, &c2, &c1) == 0){ (*o_putc)(c2); (*o_putc)(c1); } #endif } else { if (!nkf_isprint(c1) || !nkf_isprint(c2)) { set_iconv(FALSE, 0); return; /* too late to rescue this char */ } output_mode = SHIFT_JIS; e2s_conv(c2, c1, &c2, &c1); #ifdef SHIFTJIS_CP932 if (cp932inv_f && CP932INV_TABLE_BEGIN <= c2 && c2 <= CP932INV_TABLE_END){ nkf_char c = cp932inv[c2 - CP932INV_TABLE_BEGIN][c1 - 0x40]; if (c){ c2 = c >> 8; c1 = c & 0xff; } } #endif /* SHIFTJIS_CP932 */ (*o_putc)(c2); if (prefix_table[(unsigned char)c1]){ (*o_putc)(prefix_table[(unsigned char)c1]); } (*o_putc)(c1); } } #ifdef UTF8_OUTPUT_ENABLE void w_oconv(nkf_char c2, nkf_char c1) { nkf_char c0; nkf_char val; if (output_bom_f) { output_bom_f = FALSE; (*o_putc)('\357'); (*o_putc)('\273'); (*o_putc)('\277'); } if (c2 == EOF) { (*o_putc)(EOF); return; } #ifdef NUMCHAR_OPTION if (c2 == 0 && is_unicode_capsule(c1)){ val = c1 & VALUE_MASK; if (val < 0x80){ (*o_putc)(val); }else if (val < 0x800){ (*o_putc)(0xC0 | (val >> 6)); (*o_putc)(0x80 | (val & 0x3f)); } else if (val <= NKF_INT32_C(0xFFFF)) { (*o_putc)(0xE0 | (val >> 12)); (*o_putc)(0x80 | ((val >> 6) & 0x3f)); (*o_putc)(0x80 | (val & 0x3f)); } else if (val <= NKF_INT32_C(0x10FFFF)) { (*o_putc)(0xF0 | ( val>>18)); (*o_putc)(0x80 | ((val>>12) & 0x3f)); (*o_putc)(0x80 | ((val>> 6) & 0x3f)); (*o_putc)(0x80 | ( val & 0x3f)); } return; } #endif if (c2 == 0) { output_mode = ASCII; (*o_putc)(c1); } else if (c2 == ISO_8859_1) { output_mode = UTF_8; (*o_putc)(c1 | 0x080); } else { output_mode = UTF_8; val = e2w_conv(c2, c1); if (val){ w16w_conv(val, &c2, &c1, &c0); (*o_putc)(c2); if (c1){ (*o_putc)(c1); if (c0) (*o_putc)(c0); } } } } void w_oconv16(nkf_char c2, nkf_char c1) { if (output_bom_f) { output_bom_f = FALSE; if (output_endian == ENDIAN_LITTLE){ (*o_putc)((unsigned char)'\377'); (*o_putc)('\376'); }else{ (*o_putc)('\376'); (*o_putc)((unsigned char)'\377'); } } if (c2 == EOF) { (*o_putc)(EOF); return; } if (c2 == ISO_8859_1) { c2 = 0; c1 |= 0x80; #ifdef NUMCHAR_OPTION } else if (c2 == 0 && is_unicode_capsule(c1)) { if (is_unicode_bmp(c1)) { c2 = (c1 >> 8) & 0xff; c1 &= 0xff; } else { c1 &= VALUE_MASK; if (c1 <= UNICODE_MAX) { c2 = (c1 >> 10) + NKF_INT32_C(0xD7C0); /* high surrogate */ c1 = (c1 & 0x3FF) + NKF_INT32_C(0xDC00); /* low surrogate */ if (output_endian == ENDIAN_LITTLE){ (*o_putc)(c2 & 0xff); (*o_putc)((c2 >> 8) & 0xff); (*o_putc)(c1 & 0xff); (*o_putc)((c1 >> 8) & 0xff); }else{ (*o_putc)((c2 >> 8) & 0xff); (*o_putc)(c2 & 0xff); (*o_putc)((c1 >> 8) & 0xff); (*o_putc)(c1 & 0xff); } } return; } #endif } else if (c2) { nkf_char val = e2w_conv(c2, c1); c2 = (val >> 8) & 0xff; c1 = val & 0xff; if (!val) return; } if (output_endian == ENDIAN_LITTLE){ (*o_putc)(c1); (*o_putc)(c2); }else{ (*o_putc)(c2); (*o_putc)(c1); } } void w_oconv32(nkf_char c2, nkf_char c1) { if (output_bom_f) { output_bom_f = FALSE; if (output_endian == ENDIAN_LITTLE){ (*o_putc)((unsigned char)'\377'); (*o_putc)('\376'); (*o_putc)('\000'); (*o_putc)('\000'); }else{ (*o_putc)('\000'); (*o_putc)('\000'); (*o_putc)('\376'); (*o_putc)((unsigned char)'\377'); } } if (c2 == EOF) { (*o_putc)(EOF); return; } if (c2 == ISO_8859_1) { c1 |= 0x80; #ifdef NUMCHAR_OPTION } else if (c2 == 0 && is_unicode_capsule(c1)) { c1 &= VALUE_MASK; #endif } else if (c2) { c1 = e2w_conv(c2, c1); if (!c1) return; } if (output_endian == ENDIAN_LITTLE){ (*o_putc)( c1 & NKF_INT32_C(0x000000FF)); (*o_putc)((c1 & NKF_INT32_C(0x0000FF00)) >> 8); (*o_putc)((c1 & NKF_INT32_C(0x00FF0000)) >> 16); (*o_putc)('\000'); }else{ (*o_putc)('\000'); (*o_putc)((c1 & NKF_INT32_C(0x00FF0000)) >> 16); (*o_putc)((c1 & NKF_INT32_C(0x0000FF00)) >> 8); (*o_putc)( c1 & NKF_INT32_C(0x000000FF)); } } #endif #define SCORE_L2 (1) /* 第2水準漢字 */ #define SCORE_KANA (SCORE_L2 << 1) /* いわゆる半角カナ */ #define SCORE_DEPEND (SCORE_KANA << 1) /* 機種依存文字 */ #define SCORE_CP932 (SCORE_DEPEND << 1) /* CP932 による読み換え (IBM extended characters) */ #define SCORE_X0212 (SCORE_CP932 << 1) /* JIS X 0212 */ #define SCORE_NO_EXIST (SCORE_X0212 << 1) /* 存在しない文字 */ #define SCORE_iMIME (SCORE_NO_EXIST << 1) /* MIME による指定 */ #define SCORE_ERROR (SCORE_iMIME << 1) /* エラー */ #define SCORE_INIT (SCORE_iMIME) static const unsigned char score_table_A0[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, SCORE_DEPEND, SCORE_DEPEND, SCORE_DEPEND, SCORE_DEPEND, SCORE_DEPEND, SCORE_DEPEND, SCORE_NO_EXIST, }; static const unsigned char score_table_F0[] = { SCORE_L2, SCORE_L2, SCORE_L2, SCORE_L2, SCORE_L2, SCORE_DEPEND, SCORE_NO_EXIST, SCORE_NO_EXIST, SCORE_DEPEND, SCORE_DEPEND, SCORE_CP932, SCORE_CP932, SCORE_CP932, SCORE_NO_EXIST, SCORE_NO_EXIST, SCORE_ERROR, }; void set_code_score(struct input_code *ptr, nkf_char score) { if (ptr){ ptr->score |= score; } } void clr_code_score(struct input_code *ptr, nkf_char score) { if (ptr){ ptr->score &= ~score; } } void code_score(struct input_code *ptr) { nkf_char c2 = ptr->buf[0]; #ifdef UTF8_OUTPUT_ENABLE nkf_char c1 = ptr->buf[1]; #endif if (c2 < 0){ set_code_score(ptr, SCORE_ERROR); }else if (c2 == SSO){ set_code_score(ptr, SCORE_KANA); }else if (c2 == 0x8f){ set_code_score(ptr, SCORE_X0212); #ifdef UTF8_OUTPUT_ENABLE }else if (!e2w_conv(c2, c1)){ set_code_score(ptr, SCORE_NO_EXIST); #endif }else if ((c2 & 0x70) == 0x20){ set_code_score(ptr, score_table_A0[c2 & 0x0f]); }else if ((c2 & 0x70) == 0x70){ set_code_score(ptr, score_table_F0[c2 & 0x0f]); }else if ((c2 & 0x70) >= 0x50){ set_code_score(ptr, SCORE_L2); } } void status_disable(struct input_code *ptr) { ptr->stat = -1; ptr->buf[0] = -1; code_score(ptr); if (iconv == ptr->iconv_func) set_iconv(FALSE, 0); } void status_push_ch(struct input_code *ptr, nkf_char c) { ptr->buf[ptr->index++] = c; } void status_clear(struct input_code *ptr) { ptr->stat = 0; ptr->index = 0; } void status_reset(struct input_code *ptr) { status_clear(ptr); ptr->score = SCORE_INIT; } void status_reinit(struct input_code *ptr) { status_reset(ptr); ptr->_file_stat = 0; } void status_check(struct input_code *ptr, nkf_char c) { if (c <= DEL && estab_f){ status_reset(ptr); } } void s_status(struct input_code *ptr, nkf_char c) { switch(ptr->stat){ case -1: status_check(ptr, c); break; case 0: if (c <= DEL){ break; #ifdef NUMCHAR_OPTION }else if (is_unicode_capsule(c)){ break; #endif }else if (0xa1 <= c && c <= 0xdf){ status_push_ch(ptr, SSO); status_push_ch(ptr, c); code_score(ptr); status_clear(ptr); }else if ((0x81 <= c && c < 0xa0) || (0xe0 <= c && c <= 0xea)){ ptr->stat = 1; status_push_ch(ptr, c); }else if (0xed <= c && c <= 0xee){ ptr->stat = 3; status_push_ch(ptr, c); #ifdef SHIFTJIS_CP932 }else if (is_ibmext_in_sjis(c)){ ptr->stat = 2; status_push_ch(ptr, c); #endif /* SHIFTJIS_CP932 */ #ifdef X0212_ENABLE }else if (0xf0 <= c && c <= 0xfc){ ptr->stat = 1; status_push_ch(ptr, c); #endif /* X0212_ENABLE */ }else{ status_disable(ptr); } break; case 1: if ((0x40 <= c && c <= 0x7e) || (0x80 <= c && c <= 0xfc)){ status_push_ch(ptr, c); s2e_conv(ptr->buf[0], ptr->buf[1], &ptr->buf[0], &ptr->buf[1]); code_score(ptr); status_clear(ptr); }else{ status_disable(ptr); } break; case 2: #ifdef SHIFTJIS_CP932 if ((0x40 <= c && c <= 0x7e) || (0x80 <= c && c <= 0xfc)) { status_push_ch(ptr, c); if (s2e_conv(ptr->buf[0], ptr->buf[1], &ptr->buf[0], &ptr->buf[1]) == 0) { set_code_score(ptr, SCORE_CP932); status_clear(ptr); break; } } #endif /* SHIFTJIS_CP932 */ status_disable(ptr); break; case 3: if ((0x40 <= c && c <= 0x7e) || (0x80 <= c && c <= 0xfc)){ status_push_ch(ptr, c); s2e_conv(ptr->buf[0], ptr->buf[1], &ptr->buf[0], &ptr->buf[1]); set_code_score(ptr, SCORE_CP932); status_clear(ptr); }else{ status_disable(ptr); } break; } } void e_status(struct input_code *ptr, nkf_char c) { switch (ptr->stat){ case -1: status_check(ptr, c); break; case 0: if (c <= DEL){ break; #ifdef NUMCHAR_OPTION }else if (is_unicode_capsule(c)){ break; #endif }else if (SSO == c || (0xa1 <= c && c <= 0xfe)){ ptr->stat = 1; status_push_ch(ptr, c); #ifdef X0212_ENABLE }else if (0x8f == c){ ptr->stat = 2; status_push_ch(ptr, c); #endif /* X0212_ENABLE */ }else{ status_disable(ptr); } break; case 1: if (0xa1 <= c && c <= 0xfe){ status_push_ch(ptr, c); code_score(ptr); status_clear(ptr); }else{ status_disable(ptr); } break; #ifdef X0212_ENABLE case 2: if (0xa1 <= c && c <= 0xfe){ ptr->stat = 1; status_push_ch(ptr, c); }else{ status_disable(ptr); } #endif /* X0212_ENABLE */ } } #ifdef UTF8_INPUT_ENABLE void w_status(struct input_code *ptr, nkf_char c) { switch (ptr->stat){ case -1: status_check(ptr, c); break; case 0: if (c <= DEL){ break; #ifdef NUMCHAR_OPTION }else if (is_unicode_capsule(c)){ break; #endif }else if (0xc0 <= c && c <= 0xdf){ ptr->stat = 1; status_push_ch(ptr, c); }else if (0xe0 <= c && c <= 0xef){ ptr->stat = 2; status_push_ch(ptr, c); }else if (0xf0 <= c && c <= 0xf4){ ptr->stat = 3; status_push_ch(ptr, c); }else{ status_disable(ptr); } break; case 1: case 2: if (0x80 <= c && c <= 0xbf){ status_push_ch(ptr, c); if (ptr->index > ptr->stat){ int bom = (ptr->buf[0] == 0xef && ptr->buf[1] == 0xbb && ptr->buf[2] == 0xbf); w2e_conv(ptr->buf[0], ptr->buf[1], ptr->buf[2], &ptr->buf[0], &ptr->buf[1]); if (!bom){ code_score(ptr); } status_clear(ptr); } }else{ status_disable(ptr); } break; case 3: if (0x80 <= c && c <= 0xbf){ if (ptr->index < ptr->stat){ status_push_ch(ptr, c); } else { status_clear(ptr); } }else{ status_disable(ptr); } break; } } #endif void code_status(nkf_char c) { int action_flag = 1; struct input_code *result = 0; struct input_code *p = input_code_list; while (p->name){ if (!p->status_func) { ++p; continue; } if (!p->status_func) continue; (p->status_func)(p, c); if (p->stat > 0){ action_flag = 0; }else if(p->stat == 0){ if (result){ action_flag = 0; }else{ result = p; } } ++p; } if (action_flag){ if (result && !estab_f){ set_iconv(TRUE, result->iconv_func); }else if (c <= DEL){ struct input_code *ptr = input_code_list; while (ptr->name){ status_reset(ptr); ++ptr; } } } } #ifndef WIN32DLL nkf_char std_getc(FILE *f) { if (std_gc_ndx){ return std_gc_buf[--std_gc_ndx]; } return getc(f); } #endif /*WIN32DLL*/ nkf_char std_ungetc(nkf_char c, FILE *f) { if (std_gc_ndx == STD_GC_BUFSIZE){ return EOF; } std_gc_buf[std_gc_ndx++] = c; return c; } #ifndef WIN32DLL void std_putc(nkf_char c) { if(c!=EOF) putchar(c); } #endif /*WIN32DLL*/ static unsigned char hold_buf[HOLD_SIZE*2]; static int hold_count = 0; nkf_char push_hold_buf(nkf_char c2) { if (hold_count >= HOLD_SIZE*2) return (EOF); hold_buf[hold_count++] = (unsigned char)c2; return ((hold_count >= HOLD_SIZE*2) ? EOF : hold_count); } nkf_char h_conv(FILE *f, nkf_char c2, nkf_char c1) { nkf_char ret, c3, c0; int hold_index; /** it must NOT be in the kanji shifte sequence */ /** it must NOT be written in JIS7 */ /** and it must be after 2 byte 8bit code */ hold_count = 0; push_hold_buf(c2); push_hold_buf(c1); while ((c1 = (*i_getc)(f)) != EOF) { if (c1 == ESC){ (*i_ungetc)(c1,f); break; } code_status(c1); if (push_hold_buf(c1) == EOF || estab_f){ break; } } if (!estab_f){ struct input_code *p = input_code_list; struct input_code *result = p; if (c1 == EOF){ code_status(c1); } while (p->name){ if (p->status_func && p->score < result->score){ result = p; } ++p; } set_iconv(TRUE, result->iconv_func); } /** now, ** 1) EOF is detected, or ** 2) Code is established, or ** 3) Buffer is FULL (but last word is pushed) ** ** in 1) and 3) cases, we continue to use ** Kanji codes by oconv and leave estab_f unchanged. **/ ret = c1; hold_index = 0; while (hold_index < hold_count){ c2 = hold_buf[hold_index++]; if (c2 <= DEL #ifdef NUMCHAR_OPTION || is_unicode_capsule(c2) #endif ){ (*iconv)(0, c2, 0); continue; }else if (iconv == s_iconv && 0xa1 <= c2 && c2 <= 0xdf){ (*iconv)(JIS_X_0201, c2, 0); continue; } if (hold_index < hold_count){ c1 = hold_buf[hold_index++]; }else{ c1 = (*i_getc)(f); if (c1 == EOF){ c3 = EOF; break; } code_status(c1); } c0 = 0; switch ((*iconv)(c2, c1, 0)) { /* can be EUC/SJIS/UTF-8 */ case -2: /* 4 bytes UTF-8 */ if (hold_index < hold_count){ c0 = hold_buf[hold_index++]; } else if ((c0 = (*i_getc)(f)) == EOF) { ret = EOF; break; } else { code_status(c0); c0 <<= 8; if (hold_index < hold_count){ c3 = hold_buf[hold_index++]; } else if ((c3 = (*i_getc)(f)) == EOF) { c0 = ret = EOF; break; } else { code_status(c3); (*iconv)(c2, c1, c0|c3); } } break; case -1: /* 3 bytes EUC or UTF-8 */ if (hold_index < hold_count){ c0 = hold_buf[hold_index++]; } else if ((c0 = (*i_getc)(f)) == EOF) { ret = EOF; break; } else { code_status(c0); } (*iconv)(c2, c1, c0); break; } if (c0 == EOF) break; } return ret; } /* * Check and Ignore BOM */ void check_bom(FILE *f) { int c2; switch(c2 = (*i_getc)(f)){ case 0x00: if((c2 = (*i_getc)(f)) == 0x00){ if((c2 = (*i_getc)(f)) == 0xFE){ if((c2 = (*i_getc)(f)) == 0xFF){ if(!input_encoding){ set_iconv(TRUE, w_iconv32); } if (iconv == w_iconv32) { input_endian = ENDIAN_BIG; return; } (*i_ungetc)(0xFF,f); }else (*i_ungetc)(c2,f); (*i_ungetc)(0xFE,f); }else if(c2 == 0xFF){ if((c2 = (*i_getc)(f)) == 0xFE){ if(!input_encoding){ set_iconv(TRUE, w_iconv32); } if (iconv == w_iconv32) { input_endian = ENDIAN_2143; return; } (*i_ungetc)(0xFF,f); }else (*i_ungetc)(c2,f); (*i_ungetc)(0xFF,f); }else (*i_ungetc)(c2,f); (*i_ungetc)(0x00,f); }else (*i_ungetc)(c2,f); (*i_ungetc)(0x00,f); break; case 0xEF: if((c2 = (*i_getc)(f)) == 0xBB){ if((c2 = (*i_getc)(f)) == 0xBF){ if(!input_encoding){ set_iconv(TRUE, w_iconv); } if (iconv == w_iconv) { return; } (*i_ungetc)(0xBF,f); }else (*i_ungetc)(c2,f); (*i_ungetc)(0xBB,f); }else (*i_ungetc)(c2,f); (*i_ungetc)(0xEF,f); break; case 0xFE: if((c2 = (*i_getc)(f)) == 0xFF){ if((c2 = (*i_getc)(f)) == 0x00){ if((c2 = (*i_getc)(f)) == 0x00){ if(!input_encoding){ set_iconv(TRUE, w_iconv32); } if (iconv == w_iconv32) { input_endian = ENDIAN_3412; return; } (*i_ungetc)(0x00,f); }else (*i_ungetc)(c2,f); (*i_ungetc)(0x00,f); }else (*i_ungetc)(c2,f); if(!input_encoding){ set_iconv(TRUE, w_iconv16); } if (iconv == w_iconv16) { input_endian = ENDIAN_BIG; return; } (*i_ungetc)(0xFF,f); }else (*i_ungetc)(c2,f); (*i_ungetc)(0xFE,f); break; case 0xFF: if((c2 = (*i_getc)(f)) == 0xFE){ if((c2 = (*i_getc)(f)) == 0x00){ if((c2 = (*i_getc)(f)) == 0x00){ if(!input_encoding){ set_iconv(TRUE, w_iconv32); } if (iconv == w_iconv32) { input_endian = ENDIAN_LITTLE; return; } (*i_ungetc)(0x00,f); }else (*i_ungetc)(c2,f); (*i_ungetc)(0x00,f); }else (*i_ungetc)(c2,f); if(!input_encoding){ set_iconv(TRUE, w_iconv16); } if (iconv == w_iconv16) { input_endian = ENDIAN_LITTLE; return; } (*i_ungetc)(0xFE,f); }else (*i_ungetc)(c2,f); (*i_ungetc)(0xFF,f); break; default: (*i_ungetc)(c2,f); break; } } static struct { int count; nkf_char status; nkf_char buf[3]; } broken_state; static void init_broken_state(void) { memset(&broken_state, 0, sizeof(broken_state)); } static void push_broken_buf(nkf_char c) { broken_state.buf[broken_state.count++] = c; } static nkf_char pop_broken_buf(void) { return broken_state.buf[--broken_state.count]; } nkf_char broken_getc(FILE *f) { nkf_char c, c1; if (broken_state.count > 0) { return pop_broken_buf(); } c = (*i_bgetc)(f); if (c=='$' && broken_state.status != ESC && (input_mode==ASCII || input_mode==JIS_X_0201)) { c1= (*i_bgetc)(f); broken_state.status = 0; if (c1=='@'|| c1=='B') { push_broken_buf(c1); push_broken_buf(c); return ESC; } else { (*i_bungetc)(c1,f); return c; } } else if (c=='(' && broken_state.status != ESC && (input_mode==JIS_X_0208 || input_mode==JIS_X_0201)) { /* ) */ c1= (*i_bgetc)(f); broken_state.status = 0; if (c1=='J'|| c1=='B') { push_broken_buf(c1); push_broken_buf(c); return ESC; } else { (*i_bungetc)(c1,f); return c; } } else { broken_state.status = c; return c; } } nkf_char broken_ungetc(nkf_char c, FILE *f) { if (broken_state.count < 2) push_broken_buf(c); return c; } void eol_conv(nkf_char c2, nkf_char c1) { if (guess_f && input_eol != EOF) { if (c2 == 0 && c1 == LF) { if (!input_eol) input_eol = prev_cr ? CRLF : LF; else if (input_eol != (prev_cr ? CRLF : LF)) input_eol = EOF; } else if (c2 == 0 && c1 == CR && input_eol == LF) input_eol = EOF; else if (!prev_cr); else if (!input_eol) input_eol = CR; else if (input_eol != CR) input_eol = EOF; } if (prev_cr || (c2 == 0 && c1 == LF)) { prev_cr = 0; if (eolmode_f != LF) (*o_eol_conv)(0, CR); if (eolmode_f != CR) (*o_eol_conv)(0, LF); } if (c2 == 0 && c1 == CR) prev_cr = CR; else if (c2 != 0 || c1 != LF) (*o_eol_conv)(c2, c1); } /* Return value of fold_conv() LF add newline and output char CR add newline and output nothing SP space 0 skip 1 (or else) normal output fold state in prev (previous character) >0x80 Japanese (X0208/X0201) <0x80 ASCII LF new line SP space This fold algorthm does not preserve heading space in a line. This is the main difference from fmt. */ #define char_size(c2,c1) (c2?2:1) void fold_conv(nkf_char c2, nkf_char c1) { nkf_char prev0; nkf_char fold_state; if (c1== CR && !fold_preserve_f) { fold_state=0; /* ignore cr */ }else if (c1== LF&&f_prev==CR && fold_preserve_f) { f_prev = LF; fold_state=0; /* ignore cr */ } else if (c1== BS) { if (f_line>0) f_line--; fold_state = 1; } else if (c2==EOF && f_line != 0) { /* close open last line */ fold_state = LF; } else if ((c1==LF && !fold_preserve_f) || ((c1==CR||(c1==LF&&f_prev!=CR)) && fold_preserve_f)) { /* new line */ if (fold_preserve_f) { f_prev = c1; f_line = 0; fold_state = CR; } else if ((f_prev == c1 && !fold_preserve_f) || (f_prev == LF && fold_preserve_f) ) { /* duplicate newline */ if (f_line) { f_line = 0; fold_state = LF; /* output two newline */ } else { f_line = 0; fold_state = 1; } } else { if (f_prev&0x80) { /* Japanese? */ f_prev = c1; fold_state = 0; /* ignore given single newline */ } else if (f_prev==SP) { fold_state = 0; } else { f_prev = c1; if (++f_line<=fold_len) fold_state = SP; else { f_line = 0; fold_state = CR; /* fold and output nothing */ } } } } else if (c1=='\f') { f_prev = LF; f_line = 0; fold_state = LF; /* output newline and clear */ } else if ( (c2==0 && c1==SP)|| (c2==0 && c1==TAB)|| (c2=='!'&& c1=='!')) { /* X0208 kankaku or ascii space */ if (f_prev == SP) { fold_state = 0; /* remove duplicate spaces */ } else { f_prev = SP; if (++f_line<=fold_len) fold_state = SP; /* output ASCII space only */ else { f_prev = SP; f_line = 0; fold_state = CR; /* fold and output nothing */ } } } else { prev0 = f_prev; /* we still need this one... , but almost done */ f_prev = c1; if (c2 || c2==JIS_X_0201) f_prev |= 0x80; /* this is Japanese */ f_line += char_size(c2,c1); if (f_line<=fold_len) { /* normal case */ fold_state = 1; } else { if (f_line>fold_len+fold_margin) { /* too many kinsoku suspension */ f_line = char_size(c2,c1); fold_state = LF; /* We can't wait, do fold now */ } else if (c2==JIS_X_0201) { /* simple kinsoku rules return 1 means no folding */ if (c1==(0xde&0x7f)) fold_state = 1; /* ゛*/ else if (c1==(0xdf&0x7f)) fold_state = 1; /* ゜*/ else if (c1==(0xa4&0x7f)) fold_state = 1; /* 。*/ else if (c1==(0xa3&0x7f)) fold_state = 1; /* ,*/ else if (c1==(0xa1&0x7f)) fold_state = 1; /* 」*/ else if (c1==(0xb0&0x7f)) fold_state = 1; /* - */ else if (SP<=c1 && c1<=(0xdf&0x7f)) { /* X0201 */ f_line = 1; fold_state = LF;/* add one new f_line before this character */ } else { f_line = 1; fold_state = LF;/* add one new f_line before this character */ } } else if (c2==0) { /* kinsoku point in ASCII */ if ( c1==')'|| /* { [ ( */ c1==']'|| c1=='}'|| c1=='.'|| c1==','|| c1=='!'|| c1=='?'|| c1=='/'|| c1==':'|| c1==';') { fold_state = 1; /* just after special */ } else if (!is_alnum(prev0)) { f_line = char_size(c2,c1); fold_state = LF; } else if ((prev0==SP) || /* ignored new f_line */ (prev0==LF)|| /* ignored new f_line */ (prev0&0x80)) { /* X0208 - ASCII */ f_line = char_size(c2,c1); fold_state = LF;/* add one new f_line before this character */ } else { fold_state = 1; /* default no fold in ASCII */ } } else { if (c2=='!') { if (c1=='"') fold_state = 1; /* 、 */ else if (c1=='#') fold_state = 1; /* 。 */ else if (c1=='W') fold_state = 1; /* 」 */ else if (c1=='K') fold_state = 1; /* ) */ else if (c1=='$') fold_state = 1; /* , */ else if (c1=='%') fold_state = 1; /* . */ else if (c1=='\'') fold_state = 1; /* + */ else if (c1=='(') fold_state = 1; /* ; */ else if (c1==')') fold_state = 1; /* ? */ else if (c1=='*') fold_state = 1; /* ! */ else if (c1=='+') fold_state = 1; /* ゛ */ else if (c1==',') fold_state = 1; /* ゜ */ /* default no fold in kinsoku */ else { fold_state = LF; f_line = char_size(c2,c1); /* add one new f_line before this character */ } } else { f_line = char_size(c2,c1); fold_state = LF; /* add one new f_line before this character */ } } } } /* terminator process */ switch(fold_state) { case LF: OCONV_NEWLINE((*o_fconv)); (*o_fconv)(c2,c1); break; case 0: return; case CR: OCONV_NEWLINE((*o_fconv)); break; case TAB: case SP: (*o_fconv)(0,SP); break; default: (*o_fconv)(c2,c1); } } nkf_char z_prev2=0,z_prev1=0; void z_conv(nkf_char c2, nkf_char c1) { /* if (c2) c1 &= 0x7f; assertion */ if (c2 == JIS_X_0201 && (c1 == 0x20 || c1 == 0x7D || c1 == 0x7E)) { (*o_zconv)(c2,c1); return; } if (x0201_f) { if (z_prev2 == JIS_X_0201) { if (c2 == JIS_X_0201) { if (c1 == (0xde&0x7f)) { /* 濁点 */ z_prev2 = 0; (*o_zconv)(dv[(z_prev1-SP)*2], dv[(z_prev1-SP)*2+1]); return; } else if (c1 == (0xdf&0x7f) && ev[(z_prev1-SP)*2]) { /* 半濁点 */ z_prev2 = 0; (*o_zconv)(ev[(z_prev1-SP)*2], ev[(z_prev1-SP)*2+1]); return; } } z_prev2 = 0; (*o_zconv)(cv[(z_prev1-SP)*2], cv[(z_prev1-SP)*2+1]); } if (c2 == JIS_X_0201) { if (dv[(c1-SP)*2] || ev[(c1-SP)*2]) { /* wait for 濁点 or 半濁点 */ z_prev1 = c1; z_prev2 = c2; return; } else { (*o_zconv)(cv[(c1-SP)*2], cv[(c1-SP)*2+1]); return; } } } if (c2 == EOF) { (*o_zconv)(c2, c1); return; } if (alpha_f&1 && c2 == 0x23) { /* JISX0208 Alphabet */ c2 = 0; } else if (c2 == 0x21) { /* JISX0208 Kigou */ if (0x21==c1) { if (alpha_f&2) { c2 = 0; c1 = SP; } else if (alpha_f&4) { (*o_zconv)(0, SP); (*o_zconv)(0, SP); return; } } else if (alpha_f&1 && 0x20': entity = ">"; break; case '<': entity = "<"; break; case '\"': entity = """; break; case '&': entity = "&"; break; } if (entity){ while (*entity) (*o_zconv)(0, *entity++); return; } } if (alpha_f & 16) { /* JIS X 0208 Katakana to JIS X 0201 Katakana */ if (c2 == 0x21) { nkf_char c = 0; switch (c1) { case 0x23: /* U+3002 (0x8142) Ideographic Full Stop -> U+FF61 (0xA1) Halfwidth Ideographic Full Stop */ c = 0xA1; break; case 0x56: /* U+300C (0x8175) Left Corner Bracket -> U+FF62 (0xA2) Halfwidth Left Corner Bracket */ c = 0xA2; break; case 0x57: /* U+300D (0x8176) Right Corner Bracket -> U+FF63 (0xA3) Halfwidth Right Corner Bracket */ c = 0xA3; break; case 0x22: /* U+3001 (0x8141) Ideographic Comma -> U+FF64 (0xA4) Halfwidth Ideographic Comma */ c = 0xA4; break; case 0x26: /* U+30FB (0x8145) Katakana Middle Dot -> U+FF65 (0xA5) Halfwidth Katakana Middle Dot */ c = 0xA5; break; case 0x3C: /* U+30FC (0x815B) Katakana-Hiragana Prolonged Sound Mark -> U+FF70 (0xB0) Halfwidth Katakana-Hiragana Prolonged Sound Mark */ c = 0xB0; break; case 0x2B: /* U+309B (0x814A) Katakana-Hiragana Voiced Sound Mark -> U+FF9E (0xDE) Halfwidth Katakana Voiced Sound Mark */ c = 0xDE; break; case 0x2C: /* U+309C (0x814B) Katakana-Hiragana Semi-Voiced Sound Mark -> U+FF9F (0xDF) Halfwidth Katakana Semi-Voiced Sound Mark */ c = 0xDF; break; } if (c) { (*o_zconv)(JIS_X_0201, c); return; } } else if (c2 == 0x25) { /* JISX0208 Katakana */ static const int fullwidth_to_halfwidth[] = { 0x0000, 0x2700, 0x3100, 0x2800, 0x3200, 0x2900, 0x3300, 0x2A00, 0x3400, 0x2B00, 0x3500, 0x3600, 0x365E, 0x3700, 0x375E, 0x3800, 0x385E, 0x3900, 0x395E, 0x3A00, 0x3A5E, 0x3B00, 0x3B5E, 0x3C00, 0x3C5E, 0x3D00, 0x3D5E, 0x3E00, 0x3E5E, 0x3F00, 0x3F5E, 0x4000, 0x405E, 0x4100, 0x415E, 0x2F00, 0x4200, 0x425E, 0x4300, 0x435E, 0x4400, 0x445E, 0x4500, 0x4600, 0x4700, 0x4800, 0x4900, 0x4A00, 0x4A5E, 0x4A5F, 0x4B00, 0x4B5E, 0x4B5F, 0x4C00, 0x4C5E, 0x4C5F, 0x4D00, 0x4D5E, 0x4D5F, 0x4E00, 0x4E5E, 0x4E5F, 0x4F00, 0x5000, 0x5100, 0x5200, 0x5300, 0x2C00, 0x5400, 0x2D00, 0x5500, 0x2E00, 0x5600, 0x5700, 0x5800, 0x5900, 0x5A00, 0x5B00, 0x0000, 0x5C00, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x2600, 0x5D00, 0x335E, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000 }; if (fullwidth_to_halfwidth[c1-0x20]){ c2 = fullwidth_to_halfwidth[c1-0x20]; (*o_zconv)(JIS_X_0201, c2>>8); if (c2 & 0xFF) { (*o_zconv)(JIS_X_0201, c2&0xFF); } return; } } } (*o_zconv)(c2,c1); } #define rot13(c) ( \ ( c < 'A') ? c: \ (c <= 'M') ? (c + 13): \ (c <= 'Z') ? (c - 13): \ (c < 'a') ? (c): \ (c <= 'm') ? (c + 13): \ (c <= 'z') ? (c - 13): \ (c) \ ) #define rot47(c) ( \ ( c < '!') ? c: \ ( c <= 'O') ? (c + 47) : \ ( c <= '~') ? (c - 47) : \ c \ ) void rot_conv(nkf_char c2, nkf_char c1) { if (c2==0 || c2==JIS_X_0201 || c2==ISO_8859_1) { c1 = rot13(c1); } else if (c2) { c1 = rot47(c1); c2 = rot47(c2); } (*o_rot_conv)(c2,c1); } void hira_conv(nkf_char c2, nkf_char c1) { if (hira_f & 1) { if (c2 == 0x25) { if (0x20 < c1 && c1 < 0x74) { c2 = 0x24; (*o_hira_conv)(c2,c1); return; } else if (c1 == 0x74 && nkf_enc_unicode_p(output_encoding)) { c2 = 0; c1 = CLASS_UNICODE | 0x3094; (*o_hira_conv)(c2,c1); return; } } else if (c2 == 0x21 && (c1 == 0x33 || c1 == 0x34)) { c1 += 2; (*o_hira_conv)(c2,c1); return; } } if (hira_f & 2) { if (c2 == 0 && c1 == (CLASS_UNICODE | 0x3094)) { c2 = 0x25; c1 = 0x74; } else if (c2 == 0x24 && 0x20 < c1 && c1 < 0x74) { c2 = 0x25; } else if (c2 == 0x21 && (c1 == 0x35 || c1 == 0x36)) { c1 -= 2; } } (*o_hira_conv)(c2,c1); } void iso2022jp_check_conv(nkf_char c2, nkf_char c1) { #define RANGE_NUM_MAX 18 static const nkf_char range[RANGE_NUM_MAX][2] = { {0x222f, 0x2239,}, {0x2242, 0x2249,}, {0x2251, 0x225b,}, {0x226b, 0x2271,}, {0x227a, 0x227d,}, {0x2321, 0x232f,}, {0x233a, 0x2340,}, {0x235b, 0x2360,}, {0x237b, 0x237e,}, {0x2474, 0x247e,}, {0x2577, 0x257e,}, {0x2639, 0x2640,}, {0x2659, 0x267e,}, {0x2742, 0x2750,}, {0x2772, 0x277e,}, {0x2841, 0x287e,}, {0x4f54, 0x4f7e,}, {0x7425, 0x747e}, }; nkf_char i; nkf_char start, end, c; if(c2 >= 0x00 && c2 <= 0x20 && c1 >= 0x7f && c1 <= 0xff) { c2 = GETA1; c1 = GETA2; } if((c2 >= 0x29 && c2 <= 0x2f) || (c2 >= 0x75 && c2 <= 0x7e)) { c2 = GETA1; c1 = GETA2; } for (i = 0; i < RANGE_NUM_MAX; i++) { start = range[i][0]; end = range[i][1]; c = (c2 << 8) + c1; if (c >= start && c <= end) { c2 = GETA1; c1 = GETA2; } } (*o_iso2022jp_check_conv)(c2,c1); } /* This converts =?ISO-2022-JP?B?HOGE HOGE?= */ static const unsigned char *mime_pattern[] = { (const unsigned char *)"\075?EUC-JP?B?", (const unsigned char *)"\075?SHIFT_JIS?B?", (const unsigned char *)"\075?ISO-8859-1?Q?", (const unsigned char *)"\075?ISO-8859-1?B?", (const unsigned char *)"\075?ISO-2022-JP?B?", (const unsigned char *)"\075?ISO-2022-JP?Q?", #if defined(UTF8_INPUT_ENABLE) (const unsigned char *)"\075?UTF-8?B?", (const unsigned char *)"\075?UTF-8?Q?", #endif (const unsigned char *)"\075?US-ASCII?Q?", NULL }; /* 該当するコードの優先度を上げるための目印 */ nkf_char (*mime_priority_func[])(nkf_char c2, nkf_char c1, nkf_char c0) = { e_iconv, s_iconv, 0, 0, 0, 0, #if defined(UTF8_INPUT_ENABLE) w_iconv, w_iconv, #endif 0, }; static const nkf_char mime_encode[] = { EUC_JP, SHIFT_JIS, ISO_8859_1, ISO_8859_1, JIS_X_0208, JIS_X_0201, #if defined(UTF8_INPUT_ENABLE) UTF_8, UTF_8, #endif ASCII, 0 }; static const nkf_char mime_encode_method[] = { 'B', 'B','Q', 'B', 'B', 'Q', #if defined(UTF8_INPUT_ENABLE) 'B', 'Q', #endif 'Q', 0 }; /* MIME preprocessor fifo */ #define MIME_BUF_SIZE (1024) /* 2^n ring buffer */ #define MIME_BUF_MASK (MIME_BUF_SIZE-1) #define mime_input_buf(n) mime_input_state.buf[(n)&MIME_BUF_MASK] static struct { unsigned char buf[MIME_BUF_SIZE]; unsigned int top; unsigned int last; /* decoded */ unsigned int input; /* undecoded */ } mime_input_state; static nkf_char (*mime_iconv_back)(nkf_char c2,nkf_char c1,nkf_char c0) = NULL; #define MAXRECOVER 20 static void mime_input_buf_unshift(nkf_char c) { mime_input_buf(--mime_input_state.top) = (unsigned char)c; } nkf_char mime_ungetc(nkf_char c, FILE *f) { mime_input_buf_unshift(c); return c; } nkf_char mime_ungetc_buf(nkf_char c, FILE *f) { if (mimebuf_f) (*i_mungetc_buf)(c,f); else mime_input_buf(--mime_input_state.input) = (unsigned char)c; return c; } nkf_char mime_getc_buf(FILE *f) { /* we don't keep eof of mime_input_buf, becase it contains ?= as a terminator. It was checked in mime_integrity. */ return ((mimebuf_f)? (*i_mgetc_buf)(f):mime_input_buf(mime_input_state.input++)); } void switch_mime_getc(void) { if (i_getc!=mime_getc) { i_mgetc = i_getc; i_getc = mime_getc; i_mungetc = i_ungetc; i_ungetc = mime_ungetc; if(mime_f==STRICT_MIME) { i_mgetc_buf = i_mgetc; i_mgetc = mime_getc_buf; i_mungetc_buf = i_mungetc; i_mungetc = mime_ungetc_buf; } } } void unswitch_mime_getc(void) { if(mime_f==STRICT_MIME) { i_mgetc = i_mgetc_buf; i_mungetc = i_mungetc_buf; } i_getc = i_mgetc; i_ungetc = i_mungetc; if(mime_iconv_back)set_iconv(FALSE, mime_iconv_back); mime_iconv_back = NULL; } nkf_char mime_integrity(FILE *f, const unsigned char *p) { nkf_char c,d; unsigned int q; /* In buffered mode, read until =? or NL or buffer full */ mime_input_state.input = mime_input_state.top; mime_input_state.last = mime_input_state.top; while(*p) mime_input_buf(mime_input_state.input++) = *p++; d = 0; q = mime_input_state.input; while((c=(*i_getc)(f))!=EOF) { if (((mime_input_state.input-mime_input_state.top)&MIME_BUF_MASK)==0) { break; /* buffer full */ } if (c=='=' && d=='?') { /* checked. skip header, start decode */ mime_input_buf(mime_input_state.input++) = (unsigned char)c; /* mime_last_input = mime_input_state.input; */ mime_input_state.input = q; switch_mime_getc(); return 1; } if (!( (c=='+'||c=='/'|| c=='=' || c=='?' || is_alnum(c)))) break; /* Should we check length mod 4? */ mime_input_buf(mime_input_state.input++) = (unsigned char)c; d=c; } /* In case of Incomplete MIME, no MIME decode */ mime_input_buf(mime_input_state.input++) = (unsigned char)c; mime_input_state.last = mime_input_state.input; /* point undecoded buffer */ mime_decode_mode = 1; /* no decode on mime_input_buf last in mime_getc */ switch_mime_getc(); /* anyway we need buffered getc */ return 1; } nkf_char mime_begin_strict(FILE *f) { nkf_char c1 = 0; int i,j,k; const unsigned char *p,*q; nkf_char r[MAXRECOVER]; /* recovery buffer, max mime pattern length */ mime_decode_mode = FALSE; /* =? has been checked */ j = 0; p = mime_pattern[j]; r[0]='='; r[1]='?'; for(i=2;p[i]>SP;i++) { /* start at =? */ if (((r[i] = c1 = (*i_getc)(f))==EOF) || nkf_toupper(c1) != p[i]) { /* pattern fails, try next one */ q = p; while (mime_pattern[++j]) { p = mime_pattern[j]; for(k=2;k i */ if (p[k]!=q[k]) break; if (k==i && nkf_toupper(c1)==p[k]) break; } p = mime_pattern[j]; if (p) continue; /* found next one, continue */ /* all fails, output from recovery buffer */ (*i_ungetc)(c1,f); for(j=0;jscore & (SCORE_DEPEND|SCORE_CP932)) input_codename = "CP932"; } else if (strcmp(input_codename, "EUC-JP") == 0) { if (p->score & (SCORE_X0212)) input_codename = "EUCJP-MS"; else if (p->score & (SCORE_DEPEND|SCORE_CP932)) input_codename = "CP51932"; } else if (strcmp(input_codename, "ISO-2022-JP") == 0) { if (p->score & (SCORE_KANA)) input_codename = "CP50221"; else if (p->score & (SCORE_DEPEND|SCORE_CP932)) input_codename = "CP50220"; } } return input_codename; } #if !defined(PERL_XS) && !defined(WIN32DLL) void print_guessed_code(char *filename) { if (filename != NULL) printf("%s: ", filename); if (input_codename && !*input_codename) { printf("BINARY\n"); } else { input_codename = get_guessed_code(); if (guess_f == 1) { printf("%s\n", input_codename); } else { printf("%s%s\n", input_codename, input_eol == CR ? " (CR)" : input_eol == LF ? " (LF)" : input_eol == CRLF ? " (CRLF)" : input_eol == EOF ? " (MIXED NL)" : ""); } } } #endif /*WIN32DLL*/ #ifdef INPUT_OPTION nkf_char hex_getc(nkf_char ch, FILE *f, nkf_char (*g)(FILE *f), nkf_char (*u)(nkf_char c, FILE *f)) { nkf_char c1, c2, c3; c1 = (*g)(f); if (c1 != ch){ return c1; } c2 = (*g)(f); if (!nkf_isxdigit(c2)){ (*u)(c2, f); return c1; } c3 = (*g)(f); if (!nkf_isxdigit(c3)){ (*u)(c2, f); (*u)(c3, f); return c1; } return (hex2bin(c2) << 4) | hex2bin(c3); } nkf_char cap_getc(FILE *f) { return hex_getc(':', f, i_cgetc, i_cungetc); } nkf_char cap_ungetc(nkf_char c, FILE *f) { return (*i_cungetc)(c, f); } nkf_char url_getc(FILE *f) { return hex_getc('%', f, i_ugetc, i_uungetc); } nkf_char url_ungetc(nkf_char c, FILE *f) { return (*i_uungetc)(c, f); } #endif #ifdef NUMCHAR_OPTION nkf_char numchar_getc(FILE *f) { nkf_char (*g)(FILE *) = i_ngetc; nkf_char (*u)(nkf_char c ,FILE *f) = i_nungetc; int i = 0, j; nkf_char buf[8]; long c = -1; buf[i] = (*g)(f); if (buf[i] == '&'){ buf[++i] = (*g)(f); if (buf[i] == '#'){ c = 0; buf[++i] = (*g)(f); if (buf[i] == 'x' || buf[i] == 'X'){ for (j = 0; j < 7; j++){ buf[++i] = (*g)(f); if (!nkf_isxdigit(buf[i])){ if (buf[i] != ';'){ c = -1; } break; } c <<= 4; c |= hex2bin(buf[i]); } }else{ for (j = 0; j < 8; j++){ if (j){ buf[++i] = (*g)(f); } if (!nkf_isdigit(buf[i])){ if (buf[i] != ';'){ c = -1; } break; } c *= 10; c += hex2bin(buf[i]); } } } } if (c != -1){ return CLASS_UNICODE | c; } while (i > 0){ (*u)(buf[i], f); --i; } return buf[0]; } nkf_char numchar_ungetc(nkf_char c, FILE *f) { return (*i_nungetc)(c, f); } #endif #ifdef UNICODE_NORMALIZATION /* Normalization Form C */ nkf_char nfc_getc(FILE *f) { nkf_char (*g)(FILE *f) = i_nfc_getc; nkf_char (*u)(nkf_char c ,FILE *f) = i_nfc_ungetc; int i=0, j, k=1, lower, upper; nkf_char buf[9]; const unsigned char *array; buf[i] = (*g)(f); while (k > 0 && ((buf[i] & 0xc0) != 0x80)){ lower=0, upper=NORMALIZATION_TABLE_LENGTH-1; while (upper >= lower) { j = (lower+upper) / 2; array = normalization_table[j].nfd; for (k=0; k < NORMALIZATION_TABLE_NFD_LENGTH && array[k]; k++){ if (array[k] != buf[k]){ array[k] < buf[k] ? (lower = j + 1) : (upper = j - 1); k = 0; break; } else if (k >= i) buf[++i] = (*g)(f); } if (k > 0){ array = normalization_table[j].nfc; for (i=0; i < NORMALIZATION_TABLE_NFC_LENGTH && array[i]; i++) buf[i] = (nkf_char)(array[i]); i--; break; } } while (i > 0) (*u)(buf[i--], f); } return buf[0]; } nkf_char nfc_ungetc(nkf_char c, FILE *f) { return (*i_nfc_ungetc)(c, f); } #endif /* UNICODE_NORMALIZATION */ static nkf_char base64decode(nkf_char c) { int i; if (c > '@') { if (c < '[') { i = c - 'A'; /* A..Z 0-25 */ } else if (c == '_') { i = '?' /* 63 */ ; /* _ 63 */ } else { i = c - 'G' /* - 'a' + 26 */ ; /* a..z 26-51 */ } } else if (c > '/') { i = c - '0' + '4' /* - '0' + 52 */ ; /* 0..9 52-61 */ } else if (c == '+' || c == '-') { i = '>' /* 62 */ ; /* + and - 62 */ } else { i = '?' /* 63 */ ; /* / 63 */ } return (i); } nkf_char mime_getc(FILE *f) { nkf_char c1, c2, c3, c4, cc; nkf_char t1, t2, t3, t4, mode, exit_mode; nkf_char lwsp_count; char *lwsp_buf; char *lwsp_buf_new; nkf_char lwsp_size = 128; if (mime_input_state.top != mime_input_state.last) { /* Something is in FIFO */ return mime_input_buf(mime_input_state.top++); } if (mime_decode_mode==1 ||mime_decode_mode==FALSE) { mime_decode_mode=FALSE; unswitch_mime_getc(); return (*i_getc)(f); } if (mimebuf_f == FIXED_MIME) exit_mode = mime_decode_mode; else exit_mode = FALSE; if (mime_decode_mode == 'Q') { if ((c1 = (*i_mgetc)(f)) == EOF) return (EOF); restart_mime_q: if (c1=='_' && mimebuf_f != FIXED_MIME) return SP; if (c1<=SP || DEL<=c1) { mime_decode_mode = exit_mode; /* prepare for quit */ return c1; } if (c1!='=' && (c1!='?' || mimebuf_f == FIXED_MIME)) { return c1; } mime_decode_mode = exit_mode; /* prepare for quit */ if ((c2 = (*i_mgetc)(f)) == EOF) return (EOF); if (c1=='?'&&c2=='=' && mimebuf_f != FIXED_MIME) { /* end Q encoding */ input_mode = exit_mode; lwsp_count = 0; lwsp_buf = malloc((lwsp_size+5)*sizeof(char)); if (lwsp_buf==NULL) { perror("can't malloc"); return -1; } while ((c1=(*i_getc)(f))!=EOF) { switch (c1) { case LF: case CR: if (c1==LF) { if ((c1=(*i_getc)(f))!=EOF && (c1==SP||c1==TAB)) { i_ungetc(SP,f); continue; } else { i_ungetc(c1,f); } c1 = LF; } else { if ((c1=(*i_getc)(f))!=EOF && c1 == LF) { if ((c1=(*i_getc)(f))!=EOF && (c1==SP||c1==TAB)) { i_ungetc(SP,f); continue; } else { i_ungetc(c1,f); } i_ungetc(LF,f); } else { i_ungetc(c1,f); } c1 = CR; } break; case SP: case TAB: lwsp_buf[lwsp_count] = (unsigned char)c1; if (lwsp_count++>lwsp_size){ lwsp_size <<= 1; lwsp_buf_new = realloc(lwsp_buf, (lwsp_size+5)*sizeof(char)); if (lwsp_buf_new==NULL) { free(lwsp_buf); perror("can't realloc"); return -1; } lwsp_buf = lwsp_buf_new; } continue; } break; } if (lwsp_count > 0 && (c1 != '=' || (lwsp_buf[lwsp_count-1] != SP && lwsp_buf[lwsp_count-1] != TAB))) { i_ungetc(c1,f); for(lwsp_count--;lwsp_count>0;lwsp_count--) i_ungetc(lwsp_buf[lwsp_count],f); c1 = lwsp_buf[0]; } free(lwsp_buf); return c1; } if (c1=='='&&c2lwsp_size){ lwsp_size <<= 1; lwsp_buf_new = realloc(lwsp_buf, (lwsp_size+5)*sizeof(char)); if (lwsp_buf_new==NULL) { free(lwsp_buf); perror("can't realloc"); return -1; } lwsp_buf = lwsp_buf_new; } continue; } break; } if (lwsp_count > 0 && (c1 != '=' || (lwsp_buf[lwsp_count-1] != SP && lwsp_buf[lwsp_count-1] != TAB))) { i_ungetc(c1,f); for(lwsp_count--;lwsp_count>0;lwsp_count--) i_ungetc(lwsp_buf[lwsp_count],f); c1 = lwsp_buf[0]; } free(lwsp_buf); return c1; } mime_c3_retry: if ((c3 = (*i_mgetc)(f))<=SP) { if (c3==EOF) return (EOF); if (mime_f != STRICT_MIME) goto mime_c3_retry; if (mimebuf_f!=FIXED_MIME) input_mode = ASCII; return c3; } mime_c4_retry: if ((c4 = (*i_mgetc)(f))<=SP) { if (c4==EOF) return (EOF); if (mime_f != STRICT_MIME) goto mime_c4_retry; if (mimebuf_f!=FIXED_MIME) input_mode = ASCII; return c4; } mime_decode_mode = mode; /* still in MIME sigh... */ /* BASE 64 decoding */ t1 = 0x3f & base64decode(c1); t2 = 0x3f & base64decode(c2); t3 = 0x3f & base64decode(c3); t4 = 0x3f & base64decode(c4); cc = ((t1 << 2) & 0x0fc) | ((t2 >> 4) & 0x03); if (c2 != '=') { mime_input_buf(mime_input_state.last++) = (unsigned char)cc; cc = ((t2 << 4) & 0x0f0) | ((t3 >> 2) & 0x0f); if (c3 != '=') { mime_input_buf(mime_input_state.last++) = (unsigned char)cc; cc = ((t3 << 6) & 0x0c0) | (t4 & 0x3f); if (c4 != '=') mime_input_buf(mime_input_state.last++) = (unsigned char)cc; } } else { return c1; } return mime_input_buf(mime_input_state.top++); } static const char basis_64[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; #define MIMEOUT_BUF_LENGTH (60) static struct { char buf[MIMEOUT_BUF_LENGTH+1]; int count; nkf_char state; } mimeout_state; /*nkf_char mime_lastchar2, mime_lastchar1;*/ static void open_mime(nkf_char mode) { const unsigned char *p; int i; int j; p = mime_pattern[0]; for(i=0;mime_pattern[i];i++) { if (mode == mime_encode[i]) { p = mime_pattern[i]; break; } } mimeout_mode = mime_encode_method[i]; i = 0; if (base64_count>45) { if (mimeout_state.count>0 && nkf_isblank(mimeout_state.buf[i])){ (*o_mputc)(mimeout_state.buf[i]); i++; } PUT_NEWLINE((*o_mputc)); (*o_mputc)(SP); base64_count = 1; if (mimeout_state.count>0 && (mimeout_state.buf[i]==SP || mimeout_state.buf[i]==TAB || mimeout_state.buf[i]==CR || mimeout_state.buf[i]==LF)) { i++; } } for (;i 0){ if (c2 == EOF){ if (base64_count + mimeout_state.count/3*4> 73){ (*o_base64conv)(EOF,0); OCONV_NEWLINE((*o_base64conv)); (*o_base64conv)(0,SP); base64_count = 1; } } else { if (base64_count + mimeout_state.count/3*4> 66) { (*o_base64conv)(EOF,0); OCONV_NEWLINE((*o_base64conv)); (*o_base64conv)(0,SP); base64_count = 1; mimeout_mode = -1; } } } else if (c2) { if (c2 != EOF && base64_count + mimeout_state.count/3*4> 60) { mimeout_mode = (output_mode==ASCII ||output_mode == ISO_8859_1) ? 'Q' : 'B'; open_mime(output_mode); (*o_base64conv)(EOF,0); OCONV_NEWLINE((*o_base64conv)); (*o_base64conv)(0,SP); base64_count = 1; mimeout_mode = -1; } } } static void close_mime(void) { (*o_mputc)('?'); (*o_mputc)('='); base64_count += 2; mimeout_mode = 0; } static void eof_mime(void) { switch(mimeout_mode) { case 'Q': case 'B': break; case 2: (*o_mputc)(basis_64[((mimeout_state.state & 0x3)<< 4)]); (*o_mputc)('='); (*o_mputc)('='); base64_count += 3; break; case 1: (*o_mputc)(basis_64[((mimeout_state.state & 0xF) << 2)]); (*o_mputc)('='); base64_count += 2; break; } if (mimeout_mode > 0) { if (mimeout_f!=FIXED_MIME) { close_mime(); } else if (mimeout_mode != 'Q') mimeout_mode = 'B'; } } static void mimeout_addchar(nkf_char c) { switch(mimeout_mode) { case 'Q': if (c==CR||c==LF) { (*o_mputc)(c); base64_count = 0; } else if(!nkf_isalnum(c)) { (*o_mputc)('='); (*o_mputc)(bin2hex(((c>>4)&0xf))); (*o_mputc)(bin2hex((c&0xf))); base64_count += 3; } else { (*o_mputc)(c); base64_count++; } break; case 'B': mimeout_state.state=c; (*o_mputc)(basis_64[c>>2]); mimeout_mode=2; base64_count ++; break; case 2: (*o_mputc)(basis_64[((mimeout_state.state & 0x3)<< 4) | ((c & 0xF0) >> 4)]); mimeout_state.state=c; mimeout_mode=1; base64_count ++; break; case 1: (*o_mputc)(basis_64[((mimeout_state.state & 0xF) << 2) | ((c & 0xC0) >>6)]); (*o_mputc)(basis_64[c & 0x3F]); mimeout_mode='B'; base64_count += 2; break; default: (*o_mputc)(c); base64_count++; break; } } static void mime_putc(nkf_char c) { int i, j; nkf_char lastchar; if (mimeout_f == FIXED_MIME){ if (mimeout_mode == 'Q'){ if (base64_count > 71){ if (c!=CR && c!=LF) { (*o_mputc)('='); PUT_NEWLINE((*o_mputc)); } base64_count = 0; } }else{ if (base64_count > 71){ eof_mime(); PUT_NEWLINE((*o_mputc)); base64_count = 0; } if (c == EOF) { /* c==EOF */ eof_mime(); } } if (c != EOF) { /* c==EOF */ mimeout_addchar(c); } return; } /* mimeout_f != FIXED_MIME */ if (c == EOF) { /* c==EOF */ if (mimeout_mode == -1 && mimeout_state.count > 1) open_mime(output_mode); j = mimeout_state.count; mimeout_state.count = 0; i = 0; if (mimeout_mode > 0) { if (!nkf_isblank(mimeout_state.buf[j-1])) { for (;i 0){ lastchar = mimeout_state.buf[mimeout_state.count - 1]; }else{ lastchar = -1; } if (mimeout_mode=='Q') { if (c <= DEL && (output_mode==ASCII ||output_mode == ISO_8859_1)) { if (c == CR || c == LF) { close_mime(); (*o_mputc)(c); base64_count = 0; return; } else if (c <= SP) { close_mime(); if (base64_count > 70) { PUT_NEWLINE((*o_mputc)); base64_count = 0; } if (!nkf_isblank(c)) { (*o_mputc)(SP); base64_count++; } } else { if (base64_count > 70) { close_mime(); PUT_NEWLINE((*o_mputc)); (*o_mputc)(SP); base64_count = 1; open_mime(output_mode); } if (!nkf_noescape_mime(c)) { mimeout_addchar(c); return; } } (*o_mputc)(c); base64_count++; } return; } if (mimeout_mode <= 0) { if (c <= DEL && (output_mode==ASCII ||output_mode == ISO_8859_1)) { if (nkf_isspace(c)) { int flag = 0; if (mimeout_mode == -1) { flag = 1; } if (c==CR || c==LF) { if (flag) { open_mime(output_mode); output_mode = 0; } else { base64_count = 0; } } for (i=0;i 1 && base64_count + mimeout_state.count > 76 && mimeout_state.buf[0] != CR && mimeout_state.buf[0] != LF){ PUT_NEWLINE((*o_mputc)); base64_count = 0; if (!nkf_isspace(mimeout_state.buf[0])){ (*o_mputc)(SP); base64_count++; } } mimeout_state.buf[mimeout_state.count++] = (char)c; if (mimeout_state.count>MIMEOUT_BUF_LENGTH) { open_mime(output_mode); } } return; }else{ if (lastchar==CR || lastchar == LF){ for (i=0;iMIMEOUT_BUF_LENGTH) { eof_mime(); for (i=0;i0 && SPMIMEOUT_BUF_LENGTH) { j = mimeout_state.count; mimeout_state.count = 0; for (i=0;i0) { j = mimeout_state.count; mimeout_state.count = 0; for (i=0;iinput_buffer_size = IOBUF_SIZE; converter->input_buffer = malloc(converter->input_buffer_size); if (converter->input_buffer == NULL) perror("can't malloc"); converter->output_buffer_size = IOBUF_SIZE * 2; converter->output_buffer = malloc(converter->output_buffer_size); if (converter->output_buffer == NULL) perror("can't malloc"); converter->cd = iconv_open(tocode, fromcode); if (converter->cd == (iconv_t)-1) { switch (errno) { case EINVAL: perror(fprintf("iconv doesn't support %s to %s conversion.", fromcode, tocode)); return -1; default: perror("can't iconv_open"); } } } size_t nkf_iconv_convert(nkf_iconv_t *converter, FILE *input) { size_t invalid = (size_t)0; char *input_buffer = converter->input_buffer; size_t input_length = (size_t)0; char *output_buffer = converter->output_buffer; size_t output_length = converter->output_buffer_size; int c; do { if (c != EOF) { while ((c = (*i_getc)(f)) != EOF) { input_buffer[input_length++] = c; if (input_length < converter->input_buffer_size) break; } } size_t ret = iconv(converter->cd, &input_buffer, &input_length, &output_buffer, &output_length); while (output_length-- > 0) { (*o_putc)(output_buffer[converter->output_buffer_size-output_length]); } if (ret == (size_t) - 1) { switch (errno) { case EINVAL: if (input_buffer != converter->input_buffer) memmove(converter->input_buffer, input_buffer, input_length); break; case E2BIG: converter->output_buffer_size *= 2; output_buffer = realloc(converter->outbuf, converter->output_buffer_size); if (output_buffer == NULL) { perror("can't realloc"); return -1; } converter->output_buffer = output_buffer; break; default: perror("can't iconv"); return -1; } } else { invalid += ret; } } while (1); return invalid; } void nkf_iconv_close(nkf_iconv_t *convert) { free(converter->inbuf); free(converter->outbuf); iconv_close(converter->cd); } #endif void reinit(void) { { struct input_code *p = input_code_list; while (p->name){ status_reinit(p++); } } unbuf_f = FALSE; estab_f = FALSE; nop_f = FALSE; binmode_f = TRUE; rot_f = FALSE; hira_f = FALSE; alpha_f = FALSE; mime_f = MIME_DECODE_DEFAULT; mime_decode_f = FALSE; mimebuf_f = FALSE; broken_f = FALSE; iso8859_f = FALSE; mimeout_f = FALSE; x0201_f = X0201_DEFAULT; iso2022jp_f = FALSE; #if defined(UTF8_INPUT_ENABLE) || defined(UTF8_OUTPUT_ENABLE) ms_ucs_map_f = UCS_MAP_ASCII; #endif #ifdef UTF8_INPUT_ENABLE no_cp932ext_f = FALSE; no_best_fit_chars_f = FALSE; encode_fallback = NULL; unicode_subchar = '?'; input_endian = ENDIAN_BIG; #endif #ifdef UTF8_OUTPUT_ENABLE output_bom_f = FALSE; output_endian = ENDIAN_BIG; #endif #ifdef UNICODE_NORMALIZATION nfc_f = FALSE; #endif #ifdef INPUT_OPTION cap_f = FALSE; url_f = FALSE; numchar_f = FALSE; #endif #ifdef CHECK_OPTION noout_f = FALSE; debug_f = FALSE; #endif guess_f = 0; #ifdef EXEC_IO exec_f = 0; #endif #ifdef SHIFTJIS_CP932 cp51932_f = TRUE; cp932inv_f = TRUE; #endif #ifdef X0212_ENABLE x0212_f = FALSE; x0213_f = FALSE; #endif { int i; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++){ prefix_table[i] = 0; } } hold_count = 0; mimeout_state.count = 0; mimeout_mode = 0; base64_count = 0; f_line = 0; f_prev = 0; fold_preserve_f = FALSE; fold_f = FALSE; fold_len = 0; kanji_intro = DEFAULT_J; ascii_intro = DEFAULT_R; fold_margin = FOLD_MARGIN; o_zconv = no_connection; o_fconv = no_connection; o_eol_conv = no_connection; o_rot_conv = no_connection; o_hira_conv = no_connection; o_base64conv = no_connection; o_iso2022jp_check_conv = no_connection; o_putc = std_putc; i_getc = std_getc; i_ungetc = std_ungetc; i_bgetc = std_getc; i_bungetc = std_ungetc; o_mputc = std_putc; i_mgetc = std_getc; i_mungetc = std_ungetc; i_mgetc_buf = std_getc; i_mungetc_buf = std_ungetc; output_mode = ASCII; input_mode = ASCII; shift_mode = FALSE; mime_decode_mode = FALSE; file_out_f = FALSE; eolmode_f = 0; input_eol = 0; prev_cr = 0; option_mode = 0; init_broken_state(); z_prev2=0,z_prev1=0; #ifdef CHECK_OPTION iconv_for_check = 0; #endif input_codename = NULL; input_encoding = NULL; output_encoding = NULL; #ifdef WIN32DLL reinitdll(); #endif /*WIN32DLL*/ } void module_connection(void) { if (input_encoding) set_input_encoding(input_encoding); if (!output_encoding) { output_encoding = nkf_default_encoding(); } set_output_encoding(output_encoding); oconv = nkf_enc_to_oconv(output_encoding); o_putc = std_putc; /* replace continucation module, from output side */ /* output redicrection */ #ifdef CHECK_OPTION if (noout_f || guess_f){ o_putc = no_putc; } #endif if (mimeout_f) { o_mputc = o_putc; o_putc = mime_putc; if (mimeout_f == TRUE) { o_base64conv = oconv; oconv = base64_conv; } /* base64_count = 0; */ } if (eolmode_f || guess_f) { o_eol_conv = oconv; oconv = eol_conv; } if (rot_f) { o_rot_conv = oconv; oconv = rot_conv; } if (iso2022jp_f) { o_iso2022jp_check_conv = oconv; oconv = iso2022jp_check_conv; } if (hira_f) { o_hira_conv = oconv; oconv = hira_conv; } if (fold_f) { o_fconv = oconv; oconv = fold_conv; f_line = 0; } if (alpha_f || x0201_f) { o_zconv = oconv; oconv = z_conv; } i_getc = std_getc; i_ungetc = std_ungetc; /* input redicrection */ #ifdef INPUT_OPTION if (cap_f){ i_cgetc = i_getc; i_getc = cap_getc; i_cungetc = i_ungetc; i_ungetc= cap_ungetc; } if (url_f){ i_ugetc = i_getc; i_getc = url_getc; i_uungetc = i_ungetc; i_ungetc= url_ungetc; } #endif #ifdef NUMCHAR_OPTION if (numchar_f){ i_ngetc = i_getc; i_getc = numchar_getc; i_nungetc = i_ungetc; i_ungetc= numchar_ungetc; } #endif #ifdef UNICODE_NORMALIZATION if (nfc_f){ i_nfc_getc = i_getc; i_getc = nfc_getc; i_nfc_ungetc = i_ungetc; i_ungetc= nfc_ungetc; } #endif if (mime_f && mimebuf_f==FIXED_MIME) { i_mgetc = i_getc; i_getc = mime_getc; i_mungetc = i_ungetc; i_ungetc = mime_ungetc; } if (broken_f & 1) { i_bgetc = i_getc; i_getc = broken_getc; i_bungetc = i_ungetc; i_ungetc = broken_ungetc; } if (input_encoding) { set_iconv(-TRUE, nkf_enc_to_iconv(input_encoding)); } else { set_iconv(FALSE, e_iconv); } { struct input_code *p = input_code_list; while (p->name){ status_reinit(p++); } } } /* Conversion main loop. Code detection only. */ #if !defined(PERL_XS) && !defined(WIN32DLL) nkf_char noconvert(FILE *f) { nkf_char c; if (nop_f == 2) module_connection(); while ((c = (*i_getc)(f)) != EOF) (*o_putc)(c); (*o_putc)(EOF); return 1; } #endif nkf_char kanji_convert(FILE *f) { nkf_char c3, c2=0, c1, c0=0; int is_8bit = FALSE; if (input_encoding && !nkf_enc_asciicompat(input_encoding)) { is_8bit = TRUE; } input_mode = ASCII; output_mode = ASCII; shift_mode = FALSE; #define NEXT continue /* no output, get next */ #define SEND ; /* output c1 and c2, get next */ #define LAST break /* end of loop, go closing */ module_connection(); check_bom(f); while ((c1 = (*i_getc)(f)) != EOF) { #ifdef INPUT_CODE_FIX if (!input_encoding) #endif code_status(c1); if (c2) { /* second byte */ if (c2 > ((input_encoding && nkf_enc_cp5022x_p(input_encoding)) ? 0x92 : DEL)) { /* in case of 8th bit is on */ if (!estab_f&&!mime_decode_mode) { /* in case of not established yet */ /* It is still ambiguious */ if (h_conv(f, c2, c1)==EOF) LAST; else c2 = 0; NEXT; } else { /* in case of already established */ if (c1 < AT) { /* ignore bogus code and not CP5022x UCD */ c2 = 0; NEXT; } else { SEND; } } } else /* second byte, 7 bit code */ /* it might be kanji shitfted */ if ((c1 == DEL) || (c1 <= SP)) { /* ignore bogus first code */ c2 = 0; NEXT; } else SEND; } else { /* first byte */ #ifdef UTF8_INPUT_ENABLE if (iconv == w_iconv16) { if (input_endian == ENDIAN_BIG) { c2 = c1; if ((c1 = (*i_getc)(f)) != EOF) { if (0xD8 <= c2 && c2 <= 0xDB) { if ((c0 = (*i_getc)(f)) != EOF) { c0 <<= 8; if ((c3 = (*i_getc)(f)) != EOF) { c0 |= c3; } else c2 = EOF; } else c2 = EOF; } } else c2 = EOF; } else { if ((c2 = (*i_getc)(f)) != EOF) { if (0xD8 <= c2 && c2 <= 0xDB) { if ((c3 = (*i_getc)(f)) != EOF) { if ((c0 = (*i_getc)(f)) != EOF) { c0 <<= 8; c0 |= c3; } else c2 = EOF; } else c2 = EOF; } } else c2 = EOF; } SEND; } else if(iconv == w_iconv32){ int c3 = c1; if((c2 = (*i_getc)(f)) != EOF && (c1 = (*i_getc)(f)) != EOF && (c0 = (*i_getc)(f)) != EOF){ switch(input_endian){ case ENDIAN_BIG: c1 = (c2&0xFF)<<16 | (c1&0xFF)<<8 | (c0&0xFF); break; case ENDIAN_LITTLE: c1 = (c3&0xFF) | (c2&0xFF)<<8 | (c1&0xFF)<<16; break; case ENDIAN_2143: c1 = (c3&0xFF)<<16 | (c1&0xFF) | (c0&0xFF)<<8; break; case ENDIAN_3412: c1 = (c3&0xFF)<<8 | (c2&0xFF) | (c0&0xFF)<<16; break; } c2 = 0; }else{ c2 = EOF; } SEND; } else #endif #ifdef NUMCHAR_OPTION if (is_unicode_capsule(c1)){ SEND; } else #endif if (c1 > ((input_encoding && nkf_enc_cp5022x_p(input_encoding)) ? 0x92 : DEL)) { /* 8 bit code */ if (!estab_f && !iso8859_f) { /* not established yet */ c2 = c1; NEXT; } else { /* estab_f==TRUE */ if (iso8859_f) { c2 = ISO_8859_1; c1 &= 0x7f; SEND; } else if (SSP<=c1 && c1<0xe0 && iconv == s_iconv) { /* SJIS X0201 Case... */ if (iso2022jp_f && !x0201_f) { (*oconv)(GETA1, GETA2); NEXT; } else { c2 = JIS_X_0201; c1 &= 0x7f; SEND; } } else if (c1==SSO && iconv != s_iconv) { /* EUC X0201 Case */ c1 = (*i_getc)(f); /* skip SSO */ code_status(c1); if (SSP<=c1 && c1<0xe0) { if (iso2022jp_f && !x0201_f) { (*oconv)(GETA1, GETA2); NEXT; } else { c2 = JIS_X_0201; c1 &= 0x7f; SEND; } } else { /* bogus code, skip SSO and one byte */ NEXT; } } else if (ms_ucs_map_f == UCS_MAP_CP10001 && (c1 == 0xFD || c1 == 0xFE)) { /* CP10001 */ c2 = JIS_X_0201; c1 &= 0x7f; SEND; } else { /* already established */ c2 = c1; NEXT; } } } else if ((c1 > SP) && (c1 != DEL)) { /* in case of Roman characters */ if (shift_mode) { /* output 1 shifted byte */ if (iso8859_f) { c2 = ISO_8859_1; SEND; } else if (SP <= c1 && c1 < (0xe0&0x7f)){ /* output 1 shifted byte */ if (iso2022jp_f && !x0201_f) { (*oconv)(GETA1, GETA2); NEXT; } else { c2 = JIS_X_0201; SEND; } } else { /* look like bogus code */ NEXT; } } else if (input_mode == JIS_X_0208 || input_mode == JIS_X_0212 || input_mode == JIS_X_0213_1 || input_mode == JIS_X_0213_2) { /* in case of Kanji shifted */ c2 = c1; NEXT; } else if (c1 == '=' && mime_f && !mime_decode_mode) { /* Check MIME code */ if ((c1 = (*i_getc)(f)) == EOF) { (*oconv)(0, '='); LAST; } else if (c1 == '?') { /* =? is mime conversion start sequence */ if(mime_f == STRICT_MIME) { /* check in real detail */ if (mime_begin_strict(f) == EOF) LAST; else NEXT; } else if (mime_begin(f) == EOF) LAST; else NEXT; } else { (*oconv)(0, '='); (*i_ungetc)(c1,f); NEXT; } } else { /* normal ASCII code */ SEND; } } else if (c1 == SI && (!is_8bit || mime_decode_mode)) { shift_mode = FALSE; NEXT; } else if (c1 == SO && (!is_8bit || mime_decode_mode)) { shift_mode = TRUE; NEXT; } else if (c1 == ESC && (!is_8bit || mime_decode_mode)) { if ((c1 = (*i_getc)(f)) == EOF) { /* (*oconv)(0, ESC); don't send bogus code */ LAST; } else if (c1 == '$') { if ((c1 = (*i_getc)(f)) == EOF) { /* (*oconv)(0, ESC); don't send bogus code (*oconv)(0, '$'); */ LAST; } else if (c1 == '@'|| c1 == 'B') { /* This is kanji introduction */ input_mode = JIS_X_0208; shift_mode = FALSE; set_input_codename("ISO-2022-JP"); #ifdef CHECK_OPTION debug("ISO-2022-JP"); #endif NEXT; } else if (c1 == '(') { if ((c1 = (*i_getc)(f)) == EOF) { /* don't send bogus code (*oconv)(0, ESC); (*oconv)(0, '$'); (*oconv)(0, '('); */ LAST; } else if (c1 == '@'|| c1 == 'B') { /* This is kanji introduction */ input_mode = JIS_X_0208; shift_mode = FALSE; NEXT; #ifdef X0212_ENABLE } else if (c1 == 'D'){ input_mode = JIS_X_0212; shift_mode = FALSE; NEXT; #endif /* X0212_ENABLE */ } else if (c1 == 0x4F){ input_mode = JIS_X_0213_1; shift_mode = FALSE; NEXT; } else if (c1 == 0x50){ input_mode = JIS_X_0213_2; shift_mode = FALSE; NEXT; } else { /* could be some special code */ (*oconv)(0, ESC); (*oconv)(0, '$'); (*oconv)(0, '('); (*oconv)(0, c1); NEXT; } } else if (broken_f&0x2) { /* accept any ESC-(-x as broken code ... */ input_mode = JIS_X_0208; shift_mode = FALSE; NEXT; } else { (*oconv)(0, ESC); (*oconv)(0, '$'); (*oconv)(0, c1); NEXT; } } else if (c1 == '(') { if ((c1 = (*i_getc)(f)) == EOF) { /* don't send bogus code (*oconv)(0, ESC); (*oconv)(0, '('); */ LAST; } else { if (c1 == 'I') { /* This is X0201 kana introduction */ input_mode = JIS_X_0201; shift_mode = JIS_X_0201; NEXT; } else if (c1 == 'B' || c1 == 'J' || c1 == 'H') { /* This is X0208 kanji introduction */ input_mode = ASCII; shift_mode = FALSE; NEXT; } else if (broken_f&0x2) { input_mode = ASCII; shift_mode = FALSE; NEXT; } else { (*oconv)(0, ESC); (*oconv)(0, '('); /* maintain various input_mode here */ SEND; } } } else if ( c1 == 'N' || c1 == 'n'){ /* SS2 */ c3 = (*i_getc)(f); /* skip SS2 */ if ( (SP<=c3 && c3 < 0x60) || (0xa0<=c3 && c3 < 0xe0)){ c1 = c3; c2 = JIS_X_0201; SEND; }else{ (*i_ungetc)(c3, f); /* lonely ESC */ (*oconv)(0, ESC); SEND; } } else { /* lonely ESC */ (*oconv)(0, ESC); SEND; } } else if (c1 == ESC && iconv == s_iconv) { /* ESC in Shift_JIS */ if ((c1 = (*i_getc)(f)) == EOF) { /* (*oconv)(0, ESC); don't send bogus code */ LAST; } else if (c1 == '$') { /* J-PHONE emoji */ if ((c1 = (*i_getc)(f)) == EOF) { /* (*oconv)(0, ESC); don't send bogus code (*oconv)(0, '$'); */ LAST; } else { if (('E' <= c1 && c1 <= 'G') || ('O' <= c1 && c1 <= 'Q')) { /* NUM : 0 1 2 3 4 5 BYTE: G E F O P Q C%7 : 1 6 0 2 3 4 C%7 : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 NUM : 2 0 3 4 5 X 1 */ static const char jphone_emoji_first_table[7] = {2, 0, 3, 4, 5, 0, 1}; c0 = (jphone_emoji_first_table[c1 % 7] << 8) - SP + 0xE000 + CLASS_UNICODE; while ((c1 = (*i_getc)(f)) != EOF) { if (SP <= c1 && c1 <= 'z') { (*oconv)(0, c1 + c0); } else break; /* c1 == SO */ } } } if (c1 == EOF) LAST; NEXT; } else { /* lonely ESC */ (*oconv)(0, ESC); SEND; } } else if (c1 == LF || c1 == CR) { if (broken_f&4) { input_mode = ASCII; set_iconv(FALSE, 0); SEND; } else if (mime_decode_f && !mime_decode_mode){ if (c1 == LF) { if ((c1=(*i_getc)(f))!=EOF && c1 == SP) { i_ungetc(SP,f); continue; } else { i_ungetc(c1,f); } c1 = LF; SEND; } else { /* if (c1 == CR)*/ if ((c1=(*i_getc)(f))!=EOF) { if (c1==SP) { i_ungetc(SP,f); continue; } else if (c1 == LF && (c1=(*i_getc)(f))!=EOF && c1 == SP) { i_ungetc(SP,f); continue; } else { i_ungetc(c1,f); } i_ungetc(LF,f); } else { i_ungetc(c1,f); } c1 = CR; SEND; } } } else if (c1 == DEL && input_mode == JIS_X_0208) { /* CP5022x */ c2 = c1; NEXT; } else SEND; } /* send: */ switch(input_mode){ case ASCII: switch ((*iconv)(c2, c1, c0)) { /* can be EUC / SJIS / UTF-8 / UTF-16 */ case -2: /* 4 bytes UTF-8 */ if ((c0 = (*i_getc)(f)) != EOF) { code_status(c0); c0 <<= 8; if ((c3 = (*i_getc)(f)) != EOF) { code_status(c3); (*iconv)(c2, c1, c0|c3); } } break; case -1: /* 3 bytes EUC or UTF-8 */ if ((c0 = (*i_getc)(f)) != EOF) { code_status(c0); (*iconv)(c2, c1, c0); } break; } break; case JIS_X_0208: case JIS_X_0213_1: if (ms_ucs_map_f && 0x7F <= c2 && c2 <= 0x92 && 0x21 <= c1 && c1 <= 0x7E) { /* CP932 UDC */ if(c1 == 0x7F) return 0; c1 = (c2 - 0x7F) * 94 + c1 - 0x21 + 0xE000 + CLASS_UNICODE; c2 = 0; } (*oconv)(c2, c1); /* this is JIS, not SJIS/EUC case */ break; #ifdef X0212_ENABLE case JIS_X_0212: (*oconv)(PREFIX_EUCG3 | c2, c1); break; #endif /* X0212_ENABLE */ case JIS_X_0213_2: (*oconv)(PREFIX_EUCG3 | c2, c1); break; default: (*oconv)(input_mode, c1); /* other special case */ } c2 = 0; c0 = 0; continue; /* goto next_word */ } /* epilogue */ (*iconv)(EOF, 0, 0); if (!input_codename) { if (is_8bit) { struct input_code *p = input_code_list; struct input_code *result = p; while (p->name){ if (p->score < result->score) result = p; ++p; } set_input_codename(result->name); #ifdef CHECK_OPTION debug(result->name); #endif } } return 1; } void options(unsigned char *cp) { nkf_char i, j; unsigned char *p; unsigned char *cp_back = NULL; char codeset[32]; nkf_encoding *enc; if (option_mode==1) return; while(*cp && *cp++!='-'); while (*cp || cp_back) { if(!*cp){ cp = cp_back; cp_back = NULL; continue; } p = 0; switch (*cp++) { case '-': /* literal options */ if (!*cp || *cp == SP) { /* ignore the rest of arguments */ option_mode = 1; return; } for (i=0;i 0) && **argv == '-'; argc--, argv++) { cp = (unsigned char *)*argv; options(cp); #ifdef EXEC_IO if (exec_f){ int fds[2], pid; if (pipe(fds) < 0 || (pid = fork()) < 0){ abort(); } if (pid == 0){ if (exec_f > 0){ close(fds[0]); dup2(fds[1], 1); }else{ close(fds[1]); dup2(fds[0], 0); } execvp(argv[1], &argv[1]); } if (exec_f > 0){ close(fds[1]); dup2(fds[0], 0); }else{ close(fds[0]); dup2(fds[1], 1); } argc = 0; break; } #endif } if (guess_f) { #ifdef CHECK_OPTION int debug_f_back = debug_f; #endif #ifdef EXEC_IO int exec_f_back = exec_f; #endif #ifdef X0212_ENABLE int x0212_f_back = x0212_f; #endif int x0213_f_back = x0213_f; int guess_f_back = guess_f; reinit(); guess_f = guess_f_back; mime_f = FALSE; #ifdef CHECK_OPTION debug_f = debug_f_back; #endif #ifdef EXEC_IO exec_f = exec_f_back; #endif #ifdef X0212_ENABLE x0212_f = x0212_f_back; #endif x0213_f = x0213_f_back; } if (binmode_f == TRUE) #if defined(__OS2__) && (defined(__IBMC__) || defined(__IBMCPP__)) if (freopen("","wb",stdout) == NULL) return (-1); #else setbinmode(stdout); #endif if (unbuf_f) setbuf(stdout, (char *) NULL); else setvbuffer(stdout, (char *) stdobuf, IOBUF_SIZE); if (argc == 0) { if (binmode_f == TRUE) #if defined(__OS2__) && (defined(__IBMC__) || defined(__IBMCPP__)) if (freopen("","rb",stdin) == NULL) return (-1); #else setbinmode(stdin); #endif setvbuffer(stdin, (char *) stdibuf, IOBUF_SIZE); if (nop_f) noconvert(stdin); else { kanji_convert(stdin); if (guess_f) print_guessed_code(NULL); } } else { int nfiles = argc; int is_argument_error = FALSE; while (argc--) { input_codename = NULL; input_eol = 0; #ifdef CHECK_OPTION iconv_for_check = 0; #endif if ((fin = fopen((origfname = *argv++), "r")) == NULL) { perror(*(argv-1)); is_argument_error = TRUE; continue; } else { #ifdef OVERWRITE int fd = 0; int fd_backup = 0; #endif /* reopen file for stdout */ if (file_out_f == TRUE) { #ifdef OVERWRITE if (overwrite_f){ outfname = malloc(strlen(origfname) + strlen(".nkftmpXXXXXX") + 1); if (!outfname){ perror(origfname); return -1; } strcpy(outfname, origfname); #ifdef MSDOS { int i; for (i = strlen(outfname); i; --i){ if (outfname[i - 1] == '/' || outfname[i - 1] == '\\'){ break; } } outfname[i] = '\0'; } strcat(outfname, "ntXXXXXX"); mktemp(outfname); fd = open(outfname, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_EXCL, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE); #else strcat(outfname, ".nkftmpXXXXXX"); fd = mkstemp(outfname); #endif if (fd < 0 || (fd_backup = dup(fileno(stdout))) < 0 || dup2(fd, fileno(stdout)) < 0 ){ perror(origfname); return -1; } }else #endif if(argc == 1) { outfname = *argv++; argc--; } else { outfname = "nkf.out"; } if(freopen(outfname, "w", stdout) == NULL) { perror (outfname); return (-1); } if (binmode_f == TRUE) { #if defined(__OS2__) && (defined(__IBMC__) || defined(__IBMCPP__)) if (freopen("","wb",stdout) == NULL) return (-1); #else setbinmode(stdout); #endif } } if (binmode_f == TRUE) #if defined(__OS2__) && (defined(__IBMC__) || defined(__IBMCPP__)) if (freopen("","rb",fin) == NULL) return (-1); #else setbinmode(fin); #endif setvbuffer(fin, (char *) stdibuf, IOBUF_SIZE); if (nop_f) noconvert(fin); else { char *filename = NULL; kanji_convert(fin); if (nfiles > 1) filename = origfname; if (guess_f) print_guessed_code(filename); } fclose(fin); #ifdef OVERWRITE if (overwrite_f) { struct stat sb; #if defined(MSDOS) && !defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__WIN32__) && !defined(__WATCOMC__) && !defined(__EMX__) && !defined(__OS2__) && !defined(__DJGPP__) time_t tb[2]; #else struct utimbuf tb; #endif fflush(stdout); close(fd); if (dup2(fd_backup, fileno(stdout)) < 0){ perror("dup2"); } if (stat(origfname, &sb)) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't stat %s\n", origfname); } /* パーミッションを復元 */ if (chmod(outfname, sb.st_mode)) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't set permission %s\n", outfname); } /* タイムスタンプを復元 */ if(preserve_time_f){ #if defined(MSDOS) && !defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__WIN32__) && !defined(__WATCOMC__) && !defined(__EMX__) && !defined(__OS2__) && !defined(__DJGPP__) tb[0] = tb[1] = sb.st_mtime; if (utime(outfname, tb)) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't set timestamp %s\n", outfname); } #else tb.actime = sb.st_atime; tb.modtime = sb.st_mtime; if (utime(outfname, &tb)) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't set timestamp %s\n", outfname); } #endif } if(backup_f){ char *backup_filename = get_backup_filename(backup_suffix, origfname); #ifdef MSDOS unlink(backup_filename); #endif if (rename(origfname, backup_filename)) { perror(backup_filename); fprintf(stderr, "Can't rename %s to %s\n", origfname, backup_filename); } }else{ #ifdef MSDOS if (unlink(origfname)){ perror(origfname); } #endif } if (rename(outfname, origfname)) { perror(origfname); fprintf(stderr, "Can't rename %s to %s\n", outfname, origfname); } free(outfname); } #endif } } if (is_argument_error) return(-1); } #ifdef EASYWIN /*Easy Win */ if (file_out_f == FALSE) scanf("%d",&end_check); else fclose(stdout); #else /* for Other OS */ if (file_out_f == TRUE) fclose(stdout); #endif /*Easy Win */ return (0); } #endif /* WIN32DLL */