# frozen_string_literal: true require "set" RSpec.describe "The library itself" do def check_for_debugging_mechanisms(filename) debugging_mechanisms_regex = / (binding\.pry)| (debugger)| (sleep\s*\(?\d+)| (fit\s*\(?("|\w)) /x failing_lines = [] each_line(filename) do |line, number| if line =~ debugging_mechanisms_regex && !line.end_with?("# ignore quality_spec\n") failing_lines << number + 1 end end return if failing_lines.empty? "#{filename} has debugging mechanisms (like binding.pry, sleep, debugger, rspec focusing, etc.) on lines #{failing_lines.join(", ")}" end def check_for_git_merge_conflicts(filename) merge_conflicts_regex = / <<<<<<<| =======| >>>>>>> /x failing_lines = [] each_line(filename) do |line, number| failing_lines << number + 1 if line =~ merge_conflicts_regex end return if failing_lines.empty? "#{filename} has unresolved git merge conflicts on lines #{failing_lines.join(", ")}" end def check_for_tab_characters(filename) failing_lines = [] each_line(filename) do |line, number| failing_lines << number + 1 if line =~ /\t/ end return if failing_lines.empty? "#{filename} has tab characters on lines #{failing_lines.join(", ")}" end def check_for_extra_spaces(filename) failing_lines = [] each_line(filename) do |line, number| next if line =~ /^\s+#.*\s+\n$/ failing_lines << number + 1 if line =~ /\s+\n$/ end return if failing_lines.empty? "#{filename} has spaces on the EOL on lines #{failing_lines.join(", ")}" end def check_for_expendable_words(filename) failing_line_message = [] useless_words = %w[ actually basically clearly just obviously really simply ] pattern = /\b#{Regexp.union(useless_words)}\b/i each_line(filename) do |line, number| next unless word_found = pattern.match(line) failing_line_message << "#{filename}:#{number.succ} has '#{word_found}'. Avoid using these kinds of weak modifiers." end failing_line_message unless failing_line_message.empty? end def check_for_specific_pronouns(filename) failing_line_message = [] specific_pronouns = /\b(he|she|his|hers|him|her|himself|herself)\b/i each_line(filename) do |line, number| next unless word_found = specific_pronouns.match(line) failing_line_message << "#{filename}:#{number.succ} has '#{word_found}'. Use more generic pronouns in documentation." end failing_line_message unless failing_line_message.empty? end it "has no malformed whitespace" do exempt = /\.gitmodules|\.marshal|fixtures|vendor|LICENSE|vcr_cassettes|rbreadline\.diff/ error_messages = [] Dir.chdir(root) do files = ruby_core? ? `git ls-files -z -- lib/bundler lib/bundler.rb spec/bundler` : `git ls-files -z` files.split("\x0").each do |filename| next if filename =~ exempt error_messages << check_for_tab_characters(filename) error_messages << check_for_extra_spaces(filename) end end expect(error_messages.compact).to be_well_formed end it "does not include any leftover debugging or development mechanisms" do exempt = %r{quality_spec.rb|support/helpers|vcr_cassettes|\.md|\.ronn} error_messages = [] Dir.chdir(root) do files = ruby_core? ? `git ls-files -z -- lib/bundler lib/bundler.rb spec/bundler` : `git ls-files -z` files.split("\x0").each do |filename| next if filename =~ exempt error_messages << check_for_debugging_mechanisms(filename) end end expect(error_messages.compact).to be_well_formed end it "does not include any unresolved merge conflicts" do error_messages = [] exempt = %r{lock/lockfile_(bundler_1_)?spec|quality_spec|vcr_cassettes|\.ronn|lockfile_parser\.rb} Dir.chdir(root) do files = ruby_core? ? `git ls-files -z -- lib/bundler lib/bundler.rb spec/bundler` : `git ls-files -z` files.split("\x0").each do |filename| next if filename =~ exempt error_messages << check_for_git_merge_conflicts(filename) end end expect(error_messages.compact).to be_well_formed end it "maintains language quality of the documentation" do included = /ronn/ error_messages = [] Dir.chdir(root) do `git ls-files -z -- man`.split("\x0").each do |filename| next unless filename =~ included error_messages << check_for_expendable_words(filename) error_messages << check_for_specific_pronouns(filename) end end expect(error_messages.compact).to be_well_formed end it "maintains language quality of sentences used in source code" do error_messages = [] exempt = /vendor|vcr_cassettes/ Dir.chdir(root) do lib_files = ruby_core? ? `git ls-files -z -- lib/bundler lib/bundler.rb` : `git ls-files -z -- lib` lib_files.split("\x0").each do |filename| next if filename =~ exempt error_messages << check_for_expendable_words(filename) error_messages << check_for_specific_pronouns(filename) end end expect(error_messages.compact).to be_well_formed end it "documents all used settings" do exemptions = %w[ auto_config_jobs deployment_means_frozen forget_cli_options gem.coc gem.mit inline use_gem_version_promoter_for_major_updates ] all_settings = Hash.new {|h, k| h[k] = [] } documented_settings = [] Bundler::Settings::BOOL_KEYS.each {|k| all_settings[k] << "in Bundler::Settings::BOOL_KEYS" } Bundler::Settings::NUMBER_KEYS.each {|k| all_settings[k] << "in Bundler::Settings::NUMBER_KEYS" } Bundler::Settings::ARRAY_KEYS.each {|k| all_settings[k] << "in Bundler::Settings::ARRAY_KEYS" } Dir.chdir(root) do key_pattern = /([a-z\._-]+)/i lib_files = ruby_core? ? `git ls-files -z -- lib/bundler lib/bundler.rb` : `git ls-files -z -- lib` lib_files.split("\x0").each do |filename| each_line(filename) do |line, number| line.scan(/Bundler\.settings\[:#{key_pattern}\]/).flatten.each {|s| all_settings[s] << "referenced at `#{filename}:#{number.succ}`" } end end documented_settings = File.read("man/bundle-config.ronn")[/LIST OF AVAILABLE KEYS.*/m].scan(/^\* `#{key_pattern}`/).flatten end documented_settings.each do |s| all_settings.delete(s) expect(exemptions.delete(s)).to be_nil, "setting #{s} was exempted but was actually documented" end exemptions.each do |s| expect(all_settings.delete(s)).to be_truthy, "setting #{s} was exempted but unused" end error_messages = all_settings.map do |setting, refs| "The `#{setting}` setting is undocumented\n\t- #{refs.join("\n\t- ")}\n" end expect(error_messages.sort).to be_well_formed expect(documented_settings).to be_sorted end it "can still be built" do Dir.chdir(root) do begin if ruby_core? spec = Gem::Specification.load(gemspec.to_s) spec.bindir = "libexec" File.open(root.join("bundler.gemspec").to_s, "w") {|f| f.write spec.to_ruby } gem_command! :build, root.join("bundler.gemspec").to_s FileUtils.rm(root.join("bundler.gemspec").to_s) else gem_command! :build, gemspec end expect(err).to be_empty, "bundler should build as a gem without warnings, but\n#{err}" ensure # clean up the .gem generated FileUtils.rm("bundler-#{Bundler::VERSION}.gem") end end end it "ships the correct set of files", :ruby_repo do Dir.chdir(root) do git_list = IO.popen("git ls-files -z", &:read).split("\x0").select {|f| f.match(%r{^(lib|exe)/}) } git_list += %w[CHANGELOG.md LICENSE.md README.md bundler.gemspec] git_list += Dir.glob("man/**/*") gem_list = Gem::Specification.load(gemspec.to_s).files expect(git_list.to_set).to eq(gem_list.to_set) end end it "does not contain any warnings" do Dir.chdir(root) do exclusions = %w[ lib/bundler/capistrano.rb lib/bundler/deployment.rb lib/bundler/gem_tasks.rb lib/bundler/vlad.rb lib/bundler/templates/gems.rb ] lib_files = ruby_core? ? `git ls-files -z -- lib/bundler lib/bundler.rb` : `git ls-files -z -- lib` lib_files = lib_files.split("\x0").grep(/\.rb$/) - exclusions lib_files.reject! {|f| f.start_with?("lib/bundler/vendor") } lib_files.map! {|f| f.chomp(".rb") } sys_exec!("ruby -w -Ilib") do |input, _, _| lib_files.each do |f| input.puts "require '#{f.sub(%r{\Alib/}, "")}'" end end warnings = last_command.stdboth.split("\n") # ignore warnings around deprecated Object#=~ method in RubyGems warnings.reject! {|w| w =~ %r{rubygems\/version.rb.*deprecated\ Object#=~} } expect(warnings).to be_well_formed end end it "does not use require internally, but require_relative" do Dir.chdir(root) do exempt = %r{templates/|vendor/} all_bad_requires = [] lib_files = ruby_core? ? `git ls-files -z -- lib/bundler lib/bundler.rb` : `git ls-files -z -- lib` lib_files.split("\x0").each do |filename| next if filename =~ exempt each_line(filename) do |line, number| line.scan(/^ *require "bundler/).each { all_bad_requires << "#{filename}:#{number.succ}" } end end expect(all_bad_requires).to be_empty, "#{all_bad_requires.size} internal requires that should use `require_relative`: #{all_bad_requires}" end end private def each_line(filename, &block) File.readlines(filename, :encoding => "UTF-8").each_with_index(&block) end end