require 'fileutils' require 'tempfile' require 'test/unit' require 'tmpdir' require 'rdoc/generator/texinfo' # give us access to check this stuff before it's rendered class RDoc::Generator::Texinfo; attr_reader :files, :classes; end class RDoc::RDoc; attr_reader :options; attr_reader :gen; end class TestRdocInfoSections < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @output_dir = File.join Dir.tmpdir, "test_rdoc_info_sections_#{$$}" @output_file = File.join @output_dir, 'rdoc.texinfo' @input_file = 'my_file.rb' open @input_file.path, 'w' do |io| io.write TEST_DOC end RDoc::Parser.alias_extension '.rb', File.extname(@input_file.path) @rdoc = @rdoc.document(['--fmt=texinfo', '--quiet', @input_file.path, "--op=#{@output_dir}"]) @text = @output_file end def teardown @input_file.close FileUtils.rm_rf @output_dir end def test_output_exists assert ! @text.empty? end def test_each_class_has_a_chapter assert_section "Class MyClass", '@chapter' end def test_class_descriptions_are_given assert_match(/Documentation for my class/, @text.gsub("\n", ' ')) end def test_included_modules_are_given assert_match(/Includes.* MyModule/m, @text) end def test_class_methods_are_given assert_match(/my_class_method\(my_first_argument\)/, @text) end def test_classes_instance_methods_are_given assert_section 'Class MyClass#my_method' assert_match(/my_method\(my_first_argument\)/, @text) end def test_each_module_has_a_chapter assert_section 'MyModule', '@chapter' end def test_methods_are_shown_only_once methods = do |c| do |m| + '#' + end end.flatten assert_equal methods, methods.uniq end # if system "makeinfo --version > /dev/null" # def test_compiles_to_info # makeinfo_output = `cd #{OUTPUT_DIR} && makeinfo rdoc.texinfo` # assert(File.exist?(File.join(OUTPUT_DIR, '')), # "Info file was not compiled: #{makeinfo_output}") # end # end # def test_constants_are_documented_somehow # assert_section 'DEFAULT_FILENAME' # what kind of section? # assert_section 'DEFAULT_INFO_FILENAME' # end # def test_oh_yeah_dont_forget_files # end def assert_section(name, command = '@section') assert_match"^#{command}.*#{Regexp.escape name}"), @text, "Could not find a #{command} #{name}" end TEST_DOC = <<-DOC ## # Documentation for my module module MyModule ## # Documentation for my included method def my_included_method() end end ## # Documentation for my class class MyClass include MyModule ## # Documentation for my constant MY_CONSTANT = 'my value' ## # Documentation for my class method def self.my_class_method(my_first_argument) end ## # Documentation for my method def my_method(my_first_argument) end end DOC end