# coding: binary require "rexml_test_utils" require "rexml/document" require "rexml/parseexception" require "rexml/output" require "rexml/source" require "rexml/formatters/pretty" require "rexml/undefinednamespaceexception" require "listener" class Tester < Test::Unit::TestCase include REXMLTestUtils include REXML def setup @xsa_source = <<-EOL Lars Marius Garshol larsga@garshol.priv.no http://www.stud.ifi.uio.no/~lmariusg/ EOL end def test_bad_markup [ " foo ", '<0/>', '&', '&a', # '&a;', # FIXME '', '', '', '', '', '', '', "", "\f", "", "\000", # FIXME '', '', '￿', # FIXME '', # FIXME '', ].each do |src| assert_raise( ParseException, %Q{Parse #{src.inspect} should have failed!} ) do Document.new(src) end end end def test_attribute # Testing constructors #a = Attribute.new "hello", "dolly" #b = Attribute.new a #d = Document.new( "" ) #c = d[0].attributes.get_attribute( "hello" ) #assert_equal a, b #for attr in [ a, b, c] # assert_equal "hello", attr.name # assert_equal "dolly", attr.value #end # This because of a reported bug in attribute handling in 1.0a8 source = 'blah' doc = Document.new source doc.elements.each do |a| a.attributes['att'] << 'B' assert_equal "AB", a.attributes['att'] a.attributes['att'] = 'C' assert_equal "C", a.attributes['att'] end # Bryan Murphy text = "this is a {target[@name='test']/@value} test" source = <<-EOL EOL xml = Document.new source value = xml.root.attributes["search"] assert_equal text, value.to_s e = Element.new "test" e.add_attributes({ "name1" => "test1", "name4" => "test4" }) e.add_attributes([["name3","test3"], ["name2","test2"]]) assert_equal "test1", e.attributes["name1"] assert_equal "test2", e.attributes["name2"] assert_equal "test3", e.attributes["name3"] assert_equal "test4", e.attributes["name4"] # ensure that the attributes come out in sorted order assert_equal %w().join(' '), e.to_s end def test_cdata test = "The quick brown fox jumped & < & < \" ' over the lazy dog." source = "" d = REXML::Document.new( source ) # Test constructors cdata = d[0][0] assert_equal test, cdata.value end def test_comment string = "This is a new comment!" source = "" comment = Comment.new string REXML::Formatters::Default.new.write( comment, out = "" ) assert_equal(source, out) comment2 = Comment.new comment assert_equal(comment, comment2) assert_raise(ParseException) { REXML::Document.new("") } assert_raise(ParseException) { REXML::Document.new(" ' > ] > EOL end def test_document # Testing cloning source = "" doc = Document.new source doc2 = Document.new doc # Testing Root assert_equal doc.root.name.to_s, "element" # Testing String source source = @xsa_source doc = Document.new source assert_instance_of XMLDecl, doc.xml_decl assert_instance_of DocType, doc.doctype assert_equal doc.version, "1.0" source = File.new(fixture_path("dash.xml")) doc = Document.new source assert_equal "content-2", doc.elements["//content-2"].name end def test_instruction target = "use" content = "ruby" source = "" instruction = Instruction.new target, content instruction2 = Instruction.new instruction assert_equal(instruction, instruction2) REXML::Formatters::Default.new.write( instruction, out = "" ) assert_equal(source, out) d = Document.new( source ) instruction2 = d[0] assert_equal(instruction.to_s, instruction2.to_s) assert_raise(ParseException) { REXML::Document.new("") } end def test_parent parent = Parent.new begin parent << "Something" rescue Exception parent << Comment.new("Some comment") assert parent.size == 1, "size of parent should be 1" else assert_fail "should have gotten an exception trying to add a "+ "String to a Parent" end source = "" doc = Document.new source three = doc.root.elements["three"] doc.root.insert_before( three, Element.new("two") ) nxt = doc.root.elements["one"] string = "" while nxt string << nxt.name nxt = nxt.next_sibling end assert_equal "onetwothreefive", string doc.root.insert_after( three, Element.new("four") ) string = "" doc.root.each { |element| string << element.name } assert_equal "onetwothreefourfive", string string = "" nxt = doc.root.elements["five"] while nxt string << nxt.name nxt = nxt.previous_sibling end assert_equal "fivefourthreetwoone", string doc.insert_after "//two", Element.new("two-and-half") string = doc.root.elements.collect {|x| x.name}.join assert_equal "onetwotwo-and-halfthreefourfive", string doc.elements["/a/five"].insert_before "../four", Element.new("three-and-half") string = doc.root.elements.collect {|x| x.name}.join assert_equal "onetwotwo-and-halfthreethree-and-halffourfive", string doc.elements["/a/five"].previous_sibling = Element.new("four-and-half") string = doc.root.elements.collect {|x| x.name}.join assert_equal "onetwotwo-and-halfthreethree-and-halffourfour-and-halffive", string doc.elements["/a/one"].next_sibling = Element.new("one-and-half") string = doc.root.elements.collect {|x| x.name}.join assert_equal "oneone-and-halftwotwo-and-halfthreethree-and-halffourfour-and-halffive", string doc = Document.new "" doc.root[1,0] = Element.new "two" string = "" doc.root.each { |el| string << el.name } assert_equal "onetwothree", string end # The Source classes are tested extensively throughout the test suite def test_source # Testing string source source = @xsa_source doc = Document.new source assert_equal doc.root.name.to_s, "xsa" # Testing IO source doc = Document.new File.new(fixture_path("project.xml")) assert_equal doc.root.name.to_s, "Project" end def test_text f = REXML::Formatters::Default.new string = "Some text" text = Text.new(string) assert_equal(string, text.to_s) text2 = Text.new(text) assert_equal(text, text2) #testing substitution string = "0 < ( 1 & 1 )" correct = "0 < ( 1 & 1 )" text = Text.new(string, true) f.write(text,out="") assert_equal(correct, out) string = "Cats & dogs" text = Text.new(string, false, nil, true) assert_equal(string, text.to_s) string2 = "#{string}" doc = Document.new( string2, { :raw => %w{ a b } } ) f.write(doc,out="") assert_equal(string2, out) b = doc.root.add_element( "b" ) b.text = string assert_equal(string, b.get_text.to_s) c = doc.root.add_element("c") c.text = string assert_equal("Cats &amp; dogs", c.get_text.to_s) # test all string = "&<>"" doc = Document.new(string, { :raw => :all }) assert_equal( "&", doc.elements["/a"][0].to_s ) assert_equal( "&", doc.elements["/a"].text ) assert_equal( "<", doc.elements["/a/b"][0].to_s ) assert_equal( "<", doc.elements["/a/b"].text ) assert_equal( ">", doc.elements["/a/c"][0].to_s ) assert_equal( ">", doc.elements["/a/c"].text ) assert_equal( '"', doc.elements["//d"][0].to_s ) assert_equal( '"', doc.elements["//d"].text ) # test some other stuff doc = Document.new('') doc.root.text = 'Sean' assert_equal( 'Sean', doc.to_s ) doc.root.text = 'Elliott' assert_equal( 'Elliott', doc.to_s ) doc.root.add_element( 'c' ) assert_equal( 'Elliott', doc.to_s ) doc.root.text = 'Russell' assert_equal( 'Russell', doc.to_s ) doc.root.text = nil assert_equal( '', doc.to_s ) end def test_xmldecl source = "" # test args # test no args decl2 = XMLDecl.new assert_equal source, decl2.to_s # test XMLDecl decl2 = XMLDecl.new "1.0" assert_equal source, decl2.to_s end def test_xmldecl_utf_16be_encoding_name assert_equal("", XMLDecl.new("1.0", "UTF-16").to_s) end def each_test( element, xpath, num_children ) count = 0 element.each_element( xpath ) { |child| count += 1 yield child if block_given? } assert_equal num_children, count end # This is the biggest test, as the number of permutations of xpath are # enormous. def test_element_access # Testing each_element doc = Document.new File.new(fixture_path("project.xml")) each_test( doc, "/", 1 ) { |child| assert_equal doc.name, child.name } each_test(doc, ".", 1) { |child| assert_equal doc, child } each_test(doc.root, "..", 1) { |child| assert_equal doc, child } each_test(doc.root, "*", 5) each_test(doc, "Project/Datasets", 1) { |child| assert_equal "Datasets", child.name } each_test(doc, "Project/Datasets/link", 2 ) each_test(doc.root, "/Project/Description", 1) {|child| assert_equal "Description", child.name } each_test(doc.root, "./Description",1 ) { |child| assert_equal "Description",child.name } each_test(doc.root, "../Project",1 ) { |child| assert_equal doc.root, child } #each_test(doc,".../link",2) {|child| assert_equal "link",child.name.to_s} # test get_element first = doc.elements[ "Project" ] assert_equal doc.root, first second = doc.elements[ "Project" ].elements[1] third = doc.elements[ "Project/Creator" ] assert_equal second, third fourth = doc.elements[ "Project/Datasets/link[@idref='18']" ] assert_equal "Test data 1", fourth.attributes["name"] # Testing each_predicate each_test( doc, "Project/Datasets/link[@idref='18']", 1 ) { |child| assert_equal "Test data 1", child.attributes["name"] } # testing next/previous_element creator = doc.elements["//Creator"] lm = creator.next_element assert_equal "LastModifier", lm.name assert_equal "Creator", lm.previous_element.name end def test_child sean = Element.new "Sean" rubbell = Element.new "Rubbell" elliott = sean.add_element "Elliott" sean << rubbell assert_equal elliott, rubbell.previous_sibling assert_equal rubbell, elliott.next_sibling russell = Element.new "Russell" rubbell.replace_with russell assert_equal elliott, russell.previous_sibling assert_equal russell, elliott.next_sibling assert_nil russell.document assert_equal sean, russell.root end # Most of this class is tested elsewhere. Here are the methods which # aren't used in any other class def test_element sean = Element.new "Sean" string = "1) He's a great guy!" sean.text = string russell = Element.new "Russell" sean << russell russell.attributes["email"] = "ser@germane-software.com" assert_equal russell.attributes["email"], "ser@germane-software.com" russell.attributes["webpage"] = "http://www.germane-software.com/~ser" assert sean.has_text?, "element should have text" assert_equal sean.text, string assert sean.has_elements?, "element should have one element" string = "2) What a stud!" sean.add_text string sean.text = "3) Super programmer!" sean.text = nil assert sean.has_text?, "element should still have text" assert_equal sean.text, string russell.delete_attribute "email" assert_nil russell.attributes["email"] russell.attributes.delete "webpage" assert !russell.has_attributes?, "element should have no attributes" end def test_no_format source = "blah" out = "" doc = Document.new( source ) doc.write(out) assert_equal(source, out) end def test_namespace source = <<-EOF EOF doc = Document.new(source) assert_equal("http://www.bar.com/schema", doc.root.namespace( "foo" )) source = <<-EOF EOF doc = Document.new source assert_equal "someuri", doc.root.namespace assert_equal "default", doc.root.elements[1].namespace assert_equal "someuri", doc.root.elements[2].namespace assert_equal "notdefault", doc.root.elements[ 3 ].namespace # Testing namespaces in attributes source = <<-EOF EOF doc = Document.new source b = doc.root.elements["b"] assert_equal "x", b.attributes["b:a"] assert_equal "y", b.attributes["a"] doc = Document.new doc.add_element "sean:blah" doc.root.text = "Some text" out = "" doc.write(out) assert_equal "Some text", out end def test_add_namespace e = Element.new 'a' e.add_namespace 'someuri' e.add_namespace 'foo', 'otheruri' e.add_namespace 'xmlns:bar', 'thirduri' assert_equal 'someuri', e.attributes['xmlns'] assert_equal 'otheruri', e.attributes['xmlns:foo'] assert_equal 'thirduri', e.attributes['xmlns:bar'] end def test_big_documentation f = File.new(fixture_path("documentation.xml")) d = Document.new f assert_equal "Sean Russell", d.elements["documentation/head/author"].text.tr("\n\t", " ").squeeze(" ") out = "" d.write out end def test_tutorial doc = Document.new File.new(fixture_path("tutorial.xml")) out = "" doc.write out end def test_stream c = Listener.new Document.parse_stream( File.new(fixture_path("documentation.xml")), c ) assert(c.ts, "Stream parsing apparantly didn't parse the whole file") assert(c.te, "Stream parsing dropped end tag for documentation") Document.parse_stream(" ", c) Document.parse_stream("<>&", c) assert_equal('<>&', c.normalize) end def test_line doc = Document.new File.new(fixture_path("bad.xml")) assert_fail "There should have been an error" rescue Exception # We should get here er = $! assert($!.line == 5, "Should have been an error on line 5, "+ "but was reported as being on line #{$!.line}" ) end def test_substitution val = "a'b\"c" el = Element.new("a") el.attributes["x"] = val REXML::Formatters::Default.new.write(el, out="") nel = Document.new( out) assert_equal( val, nel.root.attributes["x"] ) end def test_exception source = SourceFactory.create_from "" p = ParseException.new( "dummy message", source ) s = p.to_s begin raise "dummy" rescue Exception p.continued_exception = $! end s = p.to_s end def test_bad_content in_gt = 'content>content' in_lt = 'content' # This is OK tree_gt = Document.new in_gt assert_equal "content>content", tree_gt.elements[1].text # This isn't begin tree_lt = Document.new in_lt assert_fail "Should have gotten a parse error" rescue ParseException end end def test_iso_8859_1_output_function out = "" output = Output.new( out ) koln_iso_8859_1 = "K\xF6ln" koln_utf8 = "K\xc3\xb6ln" source = Source.new( koln_iso_8859_1, 'iso-8859-1' ) results = source.scan(/.*/)[0] koln_utf8.force_encoding('UTF-8') if koln_utf8.respond_to?(:force_encoding) assert_equal koln_utf8, results output << results if koln_iso_8859_1.respond_to?(:force_encoding) koln_iso_8859_1.force_encoding('ISO-8859-1') end assert_equal koln_iso_8859_1, out end def test_attributes_each doc = Document.new("") count = 0 doc.root.elements[1].attributes.each {|k,v| count += 1 } assert_equal 4, count end def test_delete_namespace doc = Document.new "" doc.root.delete_namespace doc.root.delete_namespace 'x' assert_equal "", doc.to_s end def test_each_element_with_attribute doc = Document.new "" arry = [] block = proc { |e| assert arry.include?(e.name) arry.delete e.name } # Yields b, c, d arry = %w{b c d} doc.root.each_element_with_attribute( 'id', &block ) assert_equal 0, arry.size # Yields b, d arry = %w{b d} doc.root.each_element_with_attribute( 'id', '1', &block ) assert_equal 0, arry.size # Yields b arry = ['b'] doc.root.each_element_with_attribute( 'id', '1', 1, &block ) assert_equal 0, arry.size # Yields d arry = ['d'] doc.root.each_element_with_attribute( 'id', '1', 0, 'd', &block ) assert_equal 0, arry.size end def test_each_element_with_text doc = Document.new 'bbd' arry = [] block = proc { |e| assert arry.include?(e.name) arry.delete e.name } # Yields b, c, d arry = %w{b c d} doc.root.each_element_with_text(&block) assert_equal 0, arry.size # Yields b, d arry = %w{b c} doc.root.each_element_with_text( 'b', &block ) assert_equal 0, arry.size # Yields b arry = ['b'] doc.root.each_element_with_text( 'b', 1, &block ) assert_equal 0, arry.size # Yields d arry = ['d'] doc.root.each_element_with_text( nil, 0, 'd', &block ) assert_equal 0, arry.size end def test_element_parse_stream s = Source.new( "some text" ) l = Listener.new class << l def tag_start name, attributes raise "Didn't find proper tag name" unless 'a'==name end end Document::parse_stream(s, l) end def test_deep_clone a = Document.new( 'texttexttext' ) b = a.deep_clone assert_equal a.to_s, b.to_s a = Document.new( 'some < text more > text > ' ) b = a.deep_clone assert_equal a.to_s, b.to_s c = Document.new( b.to_s ) assert_equal a.to_s, c.to_s end def test_whitespace_before_root a = < EOL d = Document.new(a) b = "" d.write( b ) assert_equal a,b end def test_entities a = Document.new( 'eeü' ) assert_equal('eeĆ¼'.force_encoding("UTF-8"), a.root.text) end def test_element_decl element_decl = Source.new(" ]>") doc = Document.new( element_decl ) d = doc[0] assert_equal("", d.to_s.split(/\n/)[1].strip) end def test_attlist_decl doc = Document.new <<-EOL ]> EOL assert_equal 'gobble', doc.root.attributes['bar'] assert_equal 'xxx', doc.root.elements[2].namespace assert_equal 'two', doc.root.elements[1].namespace assert_equal 'foo', doc.root.namespace doc = Document.new <<-EOL ]> EOL prefixes = doc.root.prefixes.sort correct = ['svg', 'xlink', 'xml'] assert_equal correct, prefixes end def test_attlist_write file=File.new(fixture_path("foo.xml")) doc=Document.new file root = doc.root out = '' doc.write(out) end def test_more_namespaces assert_raise( REXML::UndefinedNamespaceException, %Q{Should have gotten an Undefined Namespace error} ) { doc1 = Document.new("

") } doc2 = Document.new("

") es = XPath.match(doc2, '//c') assert_equal 0, es.size es = XPath.match(doc2, '//n:c') assert_equal 1, es.size doc2.root.add_namespace('m', '2') doc2.root.add_element("m:o") es = XPath.match(doc2, './/o') assert_equal 0, es.size es = XPath.match(doc2, '//n:c') assert_equal 1, es.size end def test_ticket_51 doc = REXML::Document.new <<-EOL X Y Z EOL # The most common case. People not caring about the namespaces much. assert_equal( "XY", XPath.match( doc, "/test/a/text()" ).join ) assert_equal( "XY", XPath.match( doc, "/test/x:a/text()" ).join ) # Surprising? I don't think so, if you believe my definition of the "common case" assert_equal( "XYZ", XPath.match( doc, "//a/text()" ).join ) # These are the uncommon cases. Namespaces are actually important, so we define our own # mappings, and pass them in. assert_equal( "XY", XPath.match( doc, "/f:test/f:a/text()", { "f" => "1" } ).join ) # The namespaces are defined, and override the original mappings assert_equal( "", XPath.match( doc, "/test/a/text()", { "f" => "1" } ).join ) assert_equal( "", XPath.match( doc, "/x:test/x:a/text()", { "f" => "1" } ).join ) assert_equal( "", XPath.match( doc, "//a/text()", { "f" => "1" } ).join ) end def test_processing_instruction d = Document.new("") assert_equal 4, XPath.match(d, '//processing-instruction()' ).size match = XPath.match(d, "//processing-instruction('foo3')" ) assert_equal 1, match.size assert_equal 'bar3', match[0].content end def test_oses_with_bad_EOLs d = Document.new("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n") end # Contributed (with patch to fix bug) by Kouhei def test_ignore_whitespace source = " abc " context_all = {:ignore_whitespace_nodes => :all} context_a = {:ignore_whitespace_nodes => %(a)} context_b = {:ignore_whitespace_nodes => %(b)} tests = [[[" abc ", "def"], context_all], [[" abc ", "def"], context_a], [[" ", " abc ", "def", " "], context_b]] tests.each do |test| assert_equal(test[0], Document.new(source, test[1]).root.texts.collect{|x| x.to_s}) end end def test_0xD_in_preface doc = "\x0D\x0D" doc = Document.new doc end def test_hyphens_in_doctype doc = REXML::Document.new <<-EOQ EOQ assert_equal('a-b-c', doc.doctype.name) end def test_accents docs = [ %Q{ }, ' ', %Q{ }, %Q{ } ] docs.each_with_index { |d,i| begin REXML::Document.new(d) rescue puts "#{i} => #{docs[i]}" raise end } end def test_replace_text e = REXML::Element.new( "a" ) e.add_text( "foo" ) assert_equal( "foo", e.to_s ) e[0].value = "bar" assert_equal( "bar", e.to_s ) e[0].value = "<" assert_equal( "<", e.to_s ) assert_equal( "<", e[0].value ) end def test_write_doctype ## XML Document and Declaration document = REXML::Document.new xmldecl = REXML::XMLDecl.new("1.0", "UTF-8") document.add(xmldecl) s = "" document.write(s) ## XML Doctype str = '' source = REXML::Source.new(str) doctype = REXML::DocType.new(source) document.add(doctype) document.write(s) ## Element element = REXML::Element.new("hoge") document.add(element) document.write(s) end def test_write_cdata src = "A" doc = REXML::Document.new( src ) out = "" doc.write( out ) assert_equal( src, out ) src = "" doc = REXML::Document.new( src ) out = "" doc.write( out ) assert_equal( src, out ) end def test_namespace_attributes source = <<-EOL EOL d = REXML::Document.new( source ) assert_equal( 'foo', REXML::XPath.first(d.root, "//x:b/@x:n").value ) assert_equal( nil, REXML::XPath.first(d.root, "//x:b/@x:n", {})) end def test_null_element_name a = REXML::Document.new assert_raise( RuntimeError ) { a.add_element( nil ) } end def test_text_raw # From the REXML tutorial # (http://www.germane-software.com/software/rexml/test/data/tutorial.html) doc = Document.new <<-EOL ]> EOL a = doc.root # This makes sure that RAW text nodes don't have their entity strings # replaced t = Text.new "Sean", false, nil, true a.text = t assert_equal( "Sean", t.to_s ) assert_equal( "Sean", t.value ) # This makes sure that they do t = Text.new "Sean", false, nil, false a.text = t assert_equal( "&s;", t.to_s ) assert_equal( "Sean", t.value ) t = Text.new "&s;", false, nil, true a.text = t assert_equal( "&s;", t.to_s ) assert_equal( "Sean", t.value ) t = Text.new "&s;", false, nil, true a.text = t assert_equal( "&s;", t.to_s ) assert_equal( "Sean", t.value ) # Ticket #44 t = REXML::Text.new( "&", false, nil, true ) assert_equal( "&", t.to_s ) t = REXML::Text.new("&", false, false) assert_equal( "&amp;", t.to_s ) end def test_to_xpath doc = REXML::Document.new( %q{ }) names = %w{ /tag1/tag2[1] /tag1/tag2[2] } doc.root.elements.each_with_index {|el, i| assert_equal( names[i], el.xpath ) } end def test_transitive doc = REXML::Document.new( "") s = "" doc.write( s, 0, true ) end # This is issue #40 def test_replace_with old = 'oldold' d = REXML::Document.new(old).root new = REXML::Text.new('new',true,nil,true) child = d.children[2] child.replace_with(new) assert_equal( new, d.children[2] ) end def test_repeated_writes a = IO.read(fixture_path("iso8859-1.xml")) f = REXML::Formatters::Pretty.new xmldoc = REXML::Document.new( a ) a_andre = xmldoc.elements['//image'].attributes['caption'] f.write(xmldoc,b="") xmldoc = REXML::Document.new(b) b_andre = xmldoc.elements['//image'].attributes['caption'] assert_equal( a_andre, b_andre ) f.write(xmldoc,c="") xmldoc = REXML::Document.new(c) c_andre = xmldoc.elements['//image'].attributes['caption'] assert_equal( b_andre, c_andre ) o = Output.new(d="","UTF-8") f.write(xmldoc,o) assert_not_equal( c, d ) end def test_ticket_58 doc = REXML::Document.new doc << REXML::XMLDecl.default doc << REXML::Element.new("a") str = "" doc.write(str) assert_equal("", str) doc = REXML::Document.new doc << REXML::XMLDecl.new("1.0", "UTF-8") doc << REXML::Element.new("a") str = "" doc.write(str) assert_equal("", str) end # Incomplete tags should generate an error def test_ticket_53 assert_raise( REXML::ParseException ) { REXML::Document.new( "" ) } assert_raise( REXML::ParseException ) { REXML::Document.new( "" ) } assert_raise( REXML::ParseException ) { REXML::Document.new( "" ) } end def test_ticket_52 source = "" d = REXML::Document.new(source) d.write(k="") assert_equal( source, k ) source = "" target = "\n \n" d = REXML::Document.new(source) REXML::Formatters::Pretty.new(4).write(d,k="") assert_equal( target, k ) end def test_ticket_76 src = "
at&t" assert_raise( ParseException, %Q{"#{src}" is invalid XML} ) { REXML::Document.new(src) } end def test_ticket_21 src = "" assert_raise( ParseException, "invalid XML should be caught" ) { d = REXML::Document.new(src) } begin d = REXML::Document.new(src) rescue assert_match( /missing attribute quote/, $!.message ) end end def test_ticket_63 d = REXML::Document.new(File.new(fixture_path("t63-1.xml"))) end def test_ticket_75 d = REXML::Document.new(File.new(fixture_path("t75.xml"))) assert_equal("tree", d.root.name) end def test_ticket_48_part_II f = REXML::Formatters::Pretty.new #- rexml sanity check (bugs in ruby 1.8.4, ruby 1.8.6) xmldoc = Document.new("") xmldoc << XMLDecl.new(XMLDecl::DEFAULT_VERSION, "UTF-8") content = ['61c3a927223c3e26'].pack("H*") content.force_encoding('UTF-8') if content.respond_to?(:force_encoding) #- is some UTF-8 text but just to make sure my editor won't magically convert.. xmldoc.root.add_attribute('attr', content) f.write(xmldoc,out=[]) xmldoc = REXML::Document.new(out.join) sanity1 = xmldoc.root.attributes['attr'] f.write(xmldoc,out=[]) xmldoc = REXML::Document.new(out.join) sanity2 = xmldoc.root.attributes['attr'] f.write(xmldoc,out=[]) assert_equal( sanity1, sanity2 ) end def test_ticket_88 doc = REXML::Document.new("") assert_equal("", doc.to_s) doc = REXML::Document.new("") assert_equal("", doc.to_s) end def test_ticket_85 xml = < ENDXML yml = " " zml = "" # The pretty printer ignores all whitespace, anyway so output1 == output2 f = REXML::Formatters::Pretty.new( 2 ) d = Document.new( xml, :ignore_whitespace_nodes=>:all ) f.write( d, output1="" ) d = Document.new( xml ) f.write( d, output2="" ) # Output directives should override whitespace directives. assert_equal( output1, output2 ) # The base case. d = Document.new(yml) f.write( d, output3="" ) assert_equal( output3.strip, output2.strip ) d = Document.new(yml) f.write( d, output4="" ) assert_equal( output3.strip, output4.strip ) end def test_ticket_91 source=" great " expected=" great " d = Document.new( source ) d.root.add_element( "bah" ) p=REXML::Formatters::Pretty.new(2) p.compact = true # Don't add whitespace to text nodes unless necessary p.write(d,out="") assert_equal( expected, out ) end def test_ticket_95 testd = REXML::Document.new "" testd.write(out1="") testd.elements["//c[2]"].xpath testd.write(out2="") assert_equal(out1,out2) end def test_ticket_102 doc = REXML::Document.new '' assert_equal( "foo", doc.root.elements["item"].attribute("name","ns").to_s ) assert_equal( "item", doc.root.elements["item[@name='foo']"].name ) end def test_ticket_14 # Per .2.5 Node Tests of XPath spec assert_raise( REXML::UndefinedNamespaceException, %Q{Should have gotten an Undefined Namespace error} ) { d = Document.new("") } end # 5.7 Text Nodes # Character data is grouped into text nodes. As much character data as # possible is grouped into each text node: a text node never has an # immediately following or preceding sibling that is a text node. The # string-value of a text node is the character data. A text node always has # at least one character of data. def test_ticket_105 d = Document.new("") d.root.add_text( "a" ) d.root.add_text( "b" ) assert_equal( 1, d.root.children.size ) end # phantom namespace same as default namespace def test_ticket_121 doc = REXML::Document.new( 'text' ) assert_equal 'text', doc.text( "/doc/item[@name='foo']" ) assert_equal "name='foo'", doc.root.elements["item"].attribute("name", "ns").inspect assert_equal "text", doc.root.elements["item[@name='foo']"].to_s end def test_ticket_135 bean_element = REXML::Element.new("bean") textToAdd = "(&(|(memberof=CN=somegroupabcdefgh,OU=OUsucks,DC=hookemhorns,DC=com)(mail=*someco.com))(acct=%u)(!(extraparameter:" bean_element.add_element("prop", {"key"=> "filter"}).add_text(textToAdd) doc = REXML::Document.new doc.add_element(bean_element) REXML::Formatters::Pretty.new(3).write( doc, out = "" ) assert_equal "\n \n (&#38;(|(memberof=CN=somegroupabcdefgh,OU=OUsucks,DC=hookemhorns,DC=com)(mail=*someco.com))(acct=%u)(!(extraparameter:\n \n", out end def test_ticket_138 doc = REXML::Document.new( '' ) expected = { "inkscape" => attribute("xmlns:inkscape", "http://www.inkscape.org/namespaces/inkscape"), "version" => { "inkscape" => attribute("inkscape:version", "0.44"), "" => attribute("version", "1.0"), }, } assert_equal(expected, doc.root.attributes) assert_equal(expected, REXML::Document.new(doc.root.to_s).root.attributes) end def test_empty_doc assert(REXML::Document.new('').children.empty?) end private def attribute(name, value) REXML::Attribute.new(name, value) end end