/********************************************************************** transient_heap.c - implement transient_heap. Copyright (C) 2018 Koichi Sasada **********************************************************************/ #include "debug_counter.h" #include "gc.h" #include "internal.h" #include "internal/gc.h" #include "internal/hash.h" #include "internal/sanitizers.h" #include "internal/static_assert.h" #include "internal/struct.h" #include "internal/variable.h" #include "ruby/debug.h" #include "ruby/ruby.h" #include "ruby_assert.h" #include "transient_heap.h" #include "vm_debug.h" #include "vm_sync.h" #if USE_TRANSIENT_HEAP /* USE_TRANSIENT_HEAP */ /* * 1: enable assertions * 2: enable verify all transient heaps */ #ifndef TRANSIENT_HEAP_CHECK_MODE #define TRANSIENT_HEAP_CHECK_MODE 0 #endif #define TH_ASSERT(expr) RUBY_ASSERT_MESG_WHEN(TRANSIENT_HEAP_CHECK_MODE > 0, expr, #expr) /* * 1: show events * 2: show dump at events * 3: show all operations */ #define TRANSIENT_HEAP_DEBUG 0 /* For Debug: Provide blocks infinitely. * This mode generates blocks unlimitedly * and prohibit access free'ed blocks to check invalid access. */ #define TRANSIENT_HEAP_DEBUG_INFINITE_BLOCK 0 #if TRANSIENT_HEAP_DEBUG_INFINITE_BLOCK #include <sys/mman.h> #include <errno.h> #endif /* For Debug: Prohibit promoting to malloc space. */ #define TRANSIENT_HEAP_DEBUG_DONT_PROMOTE 0 /* size configuration */ #define TRANSIENT_HEAP_PROMOTED_DEFAULT_SIZE 1024 /* K M */ #define TRANSIENT_HEAP_BLOCK_SIZE (1024 * 32 ) /* 32KB int16_t */ #define TRANSIENT_HEAP_TOTAL_SIZE (1024 * 1024 * 32) /* 32 MB */ #define TRANSIENT_HEAP_ALLOC_MAX (1024 * 2 ) /* 2 KB */ #define TRANSIENT_HEAP_BLOCK_NUM (TRANSIENT_HEAP_TOTAL_SIZE / TRANSIENT_HEAP_BLOCK_SIZE) #define TRANSIENT_HEAP_USABLE_SIZE (TRANSIENT_HEAP_BLOCK_SIZE - sizeof(struct transient_heap_block_header)) #define TRANSIENT_HEAP_ALLOC_MAGIC 0xfeab #define TRANSIENT_HEAP_ALLOC_ALIGN RUBY_ALIGNOF(void *) #define TRANSIENT_HEAP_ALLOC_MARKING_LAST -1 #define TRANSIENT_HEAP_ALLOC_MARKING_FREE -2 enum transient_heap_status { transient_heap_none, transient_heap_marking, transient_heap_escaping }; struct transient_heap_block { struct transient_heap_block_header { int16_t index; int16_t last_marked_index; int16_t objects; struct transient_heap_block *next_block; } info; char buff[TRANSIENT_HEAP_USABLE_SIZE]; }; struct transient_heap { struct transient_heap_block *using_blocks; struct transient_heap_block *marked_blocks; struct transient_heap_block *free_blocks; int total_objects; int total_marked_objects; int total_blocks; enum transient_heap_status status; VALUE *promoted_objects; int promoted_objects_size; int promoted_objects_index; struct transient_heap_block *arena; int arena_index; /* increment only */ }; struct transient_alloc_header { uint16_t magic; uint16_t size; int16_t next_marked_index; int16_t dummy; VALUE obj; }; static struct transient_heap global_transient_heap; static void transient_heap_promote_add(struct transient_heap* theap, VALUE obj); static const void *transient_heap_ptr(VALUE obj, int error); static int transient_header_managed_ptr_p(struct transient_heap* theap, const void *ptr); #define ROUND_UP(v, a) (((size_t)(v) + (a) - 1) & ~((a) - 1)) static void transient_heap_block_dump(struct transient_heap* theap, struct transient_heap_block *block) { int i=0, n=0; while (i<block->info.index) { void *ptr = &block->buff[i]; struct transient_alloc_header *header = ptr; fprintf(stderr, "%4d %8d %p size:%4d next:%4d %s\n", n, i, ptr, header->size, header->next_marked_index, rb_obj_info(header->obj)); i += header->size; n++; } } static void transient_heap_blocks_dump(struct transient_heap* theap, struct transient_heap_block *block, const char *type_str) { while (block) { fprintf(stderr, "- transient_heap_dump: %s:%p index:%d objects:%d last_marked_index:%d next:%p\n", type_str, (void *)block, block->info.index, block->info.objects, block->info.last_marked_index, (void *)block->info.next_block); transient_heap_block_dump(theap, block); block = block->info.next_block; } } static void transient_heap_dump(struct transient_heap* theap) { fprintf(stderr, "transient_heap_dump objects:%d marked_objects:%d blocks:%d\n", theap->total_objects, theap->total_marked_objects, theap->total_blocks); transient_heap_blocks_dump(theap, theap->using_blocks, "using_blocks"); transient_heap_blocks_dump(theap, theap->marked_blocks, "marked_blocks"); transient_heap_blocks_dump(theap, theap->free_blocks, "free_blocks"); } /* Debug: dump all transient_heap blocks */ void rb_transient_heap_dump(void) { transient_heap_dump(&global_transient_heap); } #if TRANSIENT_HEAP_CHECK_MODE >= 2 ATTRIBUTE_NO_ADDRESS_SAFETY_ANALYSIS(static void transient_heap_ptr_check(struct transient_heap *theap, VALUE obj)); static void transient_heap_ptr_check(struct transient_heap *theap, VALUE obj) { if (obj != Qundef) { const void *ptr = transient_heap_ptr(obj, FALSE); TH_ASSERT(ptr == NULL || transient_header_managed_ptr_p(theap, ptr)); } } ATTRIBUTE_NO_ADDRESS_SAFETY_ANALYSIS(static int transient_heap_block_verify(struct transient_heap *theap, struct transient_heap_block *block)); static int transient_heap_block_verify(struct transient_heap *theap, struct transient_heap_block *block) { int i=0, n=0; struct transient_alloc_header *header; while (i<block->info.index) { header = (void *)&block->buff[i]; TH_ASSERT(header->magic == TRANSIENT_HEAP_ALLOC_MAGIC); transient_heap_ptr_check(theap, header->obj); n ++; i += header->size; } TH_ASSERT(block->info.objects == n); return n; } static int transient_heap_blocks_verify(struct transient_heap *theap, struct transient_heap_block *blocks, int *block_num_ptr) { int n = 0; struct transient_heap_block *block = blocks; while (block) { n += transient_heap_block_verify(theap, block); *block_num_ptr += 1; block = block->info.next_block; } return n; } #endif static void transient_heap_verify(struct transient_heap *theap) { #if TRANSIENT_HEAP_CHECK_MODE >= 2 int n=0, block_num=0; n += transient_heap_blocks_verify(theap, theap->using_blocks, &block_num); n += transient_heap_blocks_verify(theap, theap->marked_blocks, &block_num); TH_ASSERT(n == theap->total_objects); TH_ASSERT(n >= theap->total_marked_objects); TH_ASSERT(block_num == theap->total_blocks); #endif } /* Debug: check assertions for all transient_heap blocks */ void rb_transient_heap_verify(void) { transient_heap_verify(&global_transient_heap); } static struct transient_heap* transient_heap_get(void) { struct transient_heap* theap = &global_transient_heap; transient_heap_verify(theap); return theap; } static void reset_block(struct transient_heap_block *block) { __msan_allocated_memory(block, sizeof block); block->info.index = 0; block->info.objects = 0; block->info.last_marked_index = TRANSIENT_HEAP_ALLOC_MARKING_LAST; block->info.next_block = NULL; __asan_poison_memory_region(&block->buff, sizeof block->buff); } static void connect_to_free_blocks(struct transient_heap *theap, struct transient_heap_block *block) { block->info.next_block = theap->free_blocks; theap->free_blocks = block; } static void connect_to_using_blocks(struct transient_heap *theap, struct transient_heap_block *block) { block->info.next_block = theap->using_blocks; theap->using_blocks = block; } #if 0 static void connect_to_marked_blocks(struct transient_heap *theap, struct transient_heap_block *block) { block->info.next_block = theap->marked_blocks; theap->marked_blocks = block; } #endif static void append_to_marked_blocks(struct transient_heap *theap, struct transient_heap_block *append_blocks) { if (theap->marked_blocks) { struct transient_heap_block *block = theap->marked_blocks, *last_block = NULL; while (block) { last_block = block; block = block->info.next_block; } TH_ASSERT(last_block->info.next_block == NULL); last_block->info.next_block = append_blocks; } else { theap->marked_blocks = append_blocks; } } static struct transient_heap_block * transient_heap_block_alloc(struct transient_heap* theap) { struct transient_heap_block *block; #if TRANSIENT_HEAP_DEBUG_INFINITE_BLOCK block = mmap(NULL, TRANSIENT_HEAP_BLOCK_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0); if (block == MAP_FAILED) rb_bug("transient_heap_block_alloc: err:%d\n", errno); #else if (theap->arena == NULL) { theap->arena = rb_aligned_malloc(TRANSIENT_HEAP_BLOCK_SIZE, TRANSIENT_HEAP_TOTAL_SIZE); if (theap->arena == NULL) { rb_bug("transient_heap_block_alloc: failed\n"); } } TH_ASSERT(theap->arena_index < TRANSIENT_HEAP_BLOCK_NUM); block = &theap->arena[theap->arena_index++]; TH_ASSERT(((intptr_t)block & (TRANSIENT_HEAP_BLOCK_SIZE - 1)) == 0); #endif reset_block(block); TH_ASSERT(((intptr_t)block->buff & (TRANSIENT_HEAP_ALLOC_ALIGN-1)) == 0); if (0) fprintf(stderr, "transient_heap_block_alloc: %4d %p\n", theap->total_blocks, (void *)block); return block; } static struct transient_heap_block * transient_heap_allocatable_block(struct transient_heap* theap) { struct transient_heap_block *block; #if TRANSIENT_HEAP_DEBUG_INFINITE_BLOCK block = transient_heap_block_alloc(theap); theap->total_blocks++; #else /* get one block from free_blocks */ block = theap->free_blocks; if (block) { theap->free_blocks = block->info.next_block; block->info.next_block = NULL; theap->total_blocks++; } #endif return block; } static struct transient_alloc_header * transient_heap_allocatable_header(struct transient_heap* theap, size_t size) { struct transient_heap_block *block = theap->using_blocks; while (block) { TH_ASSERT(block->info.index <= (int16_t)TRANSIENT_HEAP_USABLE_SIZE); if (TRANSIENT_HEAP_USABLE_SIZE - block->info.index >= size) { struct transient_alloc_header *header = (void *)&block->buff[block->info.index]; block->info.index += size; block->info.objects++; return header; } else { block = transient_heap_allocatable_block(theap); if (block) connect_to_using_blocks(theap, block); } } return NULL; } void * rb_transient_heap_alloc(VALUE obj, size_t req_size) { void *ret; RB_VM_LOCK_ENTER(); { struct transient_heap* theap = transient_heap_get(); size_t size = ROUND_UP(req_size + sizeof(struct transient_alloc_header), TRANSIENT_HEAP_ALLOC_ALIGN); TH_ASSERT(RB_TYPE_P(obj, T_ARRAY) || RB_TYPE_P(obj, T_OBJECT) || RB_TYPE_P(obj, T_STRUCT) || RB_TYPE_P(obj, T_HASH)); /* supported types */ if (size > TRANSIENT_HEAP_ALLOC_MAX) { if (TRANSIENT_HEAP_DEBUG >= 3) fprintf(stderr, "rb_transient_heap_alloc: [too big: %ld] %s\n", (long)size, rb_obj_info(obj)); ret = NULL; } #if TRANSIENT_HEAP_DEBUG_DONT_PROMOTE == 0 else if (RB_OBJ_PROMOTED_RAW(obj)) { if (TRANSIENT_HEAP_DEBUG >= 3) fprintf(stderr, "rb_transient_heap_alloc: [promoted object] %s\n", rb_obj_info(obj)); ret = NULL; } #else else if (RBASIC_CLASS(obj) == 0) { if (TRANSIENT_HEAP_DEBUG >= 3) fprintf(stderr, "rb_transient_heap_alloc: [hidden object] %s\n", rb_obj_info(obj)); ret = NULL; } #endif else { struct transient_alloc_header *header = transient_heap_allocatable_header(theap, size); if (header) { void *ptr; /* header is poisoned to prevent buffer overflow, should * unpoison first... */ asan_unpoison_memory_region(header, sizeof *header, true); header->size = size; header->magic = TRANSIENT_HEAP_ALLOC_MAGIC; header->next_marked_index = TRANSIENT_HEAP_ALLOC_MARKING_FREE; header->obj = obj; /* TODO: can we eliminate it? */ /* header is fixed; shall poison again */ asan_poison_memory_region(header, sizeof *header); ptr = header + 1; theap->total_objects++; /* statistics */ #if TRANSIENT_HEAP_DEBUG_DONT_PROMOTE if (RB_OBJ_PROMOTED_RAW(obj)) { transient_heap_promote_add(theap, obj); } #endif if (TRANSIENT_HEAP_DEBUG >= 3) fprintf(stderr, "rb_transient_heap_alloc: header:%p ptr:%p size:%d obj:%s\n", (void *)header, ptr, (int)size, rb_obj_info(obj)); RB_DEBUG_COUNTER_INC(theap_alloc); /* ptr is set up; OK to unpoison. */ asan_unpoison_memory_region(ptr, size - sizeof *header, true); ret = ptr; } else { if (TRANSIENT_HEAP_DEBUG >= 3) fprintf(stderr, "rb_transient_heap_alloc: [no enough space: %ld] %s\n", (long)size, rb_obj_info(obj)); RB_DEBUG_COUNTER_INC(theap_alloc_fail); ret = NULL; } } } RB_VM_LOCK_LEAVE(); return ret; } void Init_TransientHeap(void) { int i, block_num; struct transient_heap* theap = transient_heap_get(); #if TRANSIENT_HEAP_DEBUG_INFINITE_BLOCK block_num = 0; #else TH_ASSERT(TRANSIENT_HEAP_BLOCK_SIZE * TRANSIENT_HEAP_BLOCK_NUM == TRANSIENT_HEAP_TOTAL_SIZE); block_num = TRANSIENT_HEAP_BLOCK_NUM; #endif for (i=0; i<block_num; i++) { connect_to_free_blocks(theap, transient_heap_block_alloc(theap)); } theap->using_blocks = transient_heap_allocatable_block(theap); theap->promoted_objects_size = TRANSIENT_HEAP_PROMOTED_DEFAULT_SIZE; theap->promoted_objects_index = 0; /* should not use ALLOC_N to be free from GC */ theap->promoted_objects = malloc(sizeof(VALUE) * theap->promoted_objects_size); STATIC_ASSERT( integer_overflow, sizeof(VALUE) <= SIZE_MAX / TRANSIENT_HEAP_PROMOTED_DEFAULT_SIZE); if (theap->promoted_objects == NULL) rb_bug("Init_TransientHeap: malloc failed."); } static struct transient_heap_block * blocks_alloc_header_to_block(struct transient_heap *theap, struct transient_heap_block *blocks, struct transient_alloc_header *header) { struct transient_heap_block *block = blocks; while (block) { if (block->buff <= (char *)header && (char *)header < block->buff + TRANSIENT_HEAP_USABLE_SIZE) { return block; } block = block->info.next_block; } return NULL; } static struct transient_heap_block * alloc_header_to_block_verbose(struct transient_heap *theap, struct transient_alloc_header *header) { struct transient_heap_block *block; if ((block = blocks_alloc_header_to_block(theap, theap->marked_blocks, header)) != NULL) { if (TRANSIENT_HEAP_DEBUG >= 3) fprintf(stderr, "alloc_header_to_block: found in marked_blocks\n"); return block; } else if ((block = blocks_alloc_header_to_block(theap, theap->using_blocks, header)) != NULL) { if (TRANSIENT_HEAP_DEBUG >= 3) fprintf(stderr, "alloc_header_to_block: found in using_blocks\n"); return block; } else { return NULL; } } static struct transient_alloc_header * ptr_to_alloc_header(const void *ptr) { struct transient_alloc_header *header = (void *)ptr; header -= 1; return header; } static int transient_header_managed_ptr_p(struct transient_heap* theap, const void *ptr) { if (alloc_header_to_block_verbose(theap, ptr_to_alloc_header(ptr))) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } int rb_transient_heap_managed_ptr_p(const void *ptr) { return transient_header_managed_ptr_p(transient_heap_get(), ptr); } static struct transient_heap_block * alloc_header_to_block(struct transient_heap *theap, struct transient_alloc_header *header) { struct transient_heap_block *block; #if TRANSIENT_HEAP_DEBUG_INFINITE_BLOCK block = alloc_header_to_block_verbose(theap, header); if (block == NULL) { transient_heap_dump(theap); rb_bug("alloc_header_to_block: not found in mark_blocks (%p)\n", header); } #else block = (void *)((intptr_t)header & ~(TRANSIENT_HEAP_BLOCK_SIZE-1)); TH_ASSERT(block == alloc_header_to_block_verbose(theap, header)); #endif return block; } void rb_transient_heap_mark(VALUE obj, const void *ptr) { ASSERT_vm_locking(); struct transient_alloc_header *header = ptr_to_alloc_header(ptr); asan_unpoison_memory_region(header, sizeof *header, false); if (header->magic != TRANSIENT_HEAP_ALLOC_MAGIC) rb_bug("rb_transient_heap_mark: wrong header, %s (%p)", rb_obj_info(obj), ptr); if (TRANSIENT_HEAP_DEBUG >= 3) fprintf(stderr, "rb_transient_heap_mark: %s (%p)\n", rb_obj_info(obj), ptr); #if TRANSIENT_HEAP_CHECK_MODE > 0 { struct transient_heap* theap = transient_heap_get(); TH_ASSERT(theap->status == transient_heap_marking); TH_ASSERT(transient_header_managed_ptr_p(theap, ptr)); if (header->magic != TRANSIENT_HEAP_ALLOC_MAGIC) { transient_heap_dump(theap); rb_bug("rb_transient_heap_mark: magic is broken"); } else if (header->obj != obj) { // transient_heap_dump(theap); rb_bug("rb_transient_heap_mark: unmatch (%s is stored, but %s is given)\n", rb_obj_info(header->obj), rb_obj_info(obj)); } } #endif if (header->next_marked_index != TRANSIENT_HEAP_ALLOC_MARKING_FREE) { /* already marked */ return; } else { struct transient_heap* theap = transient_heap_get(); struct transient_heap_block *block = alloc_header_to_block(theap, header); __asan_unpoison_memory_region(&block->info, sizeof block->info); header->next_marked_index = block->info.last_marked_index; block->info.last_marked_index = (int)((char *)header - block->buff); theap->total_marked_objects++; transient_heap_verify(theap); } } ATTRIBUTE_NO_ADDRESS_SAFETY_ANALYSIS(static const void *transient_heap_ptr(VALUE obj, int error)); static const void * transient_heap_ptr(VALUE obj, int error) { const void *ptr = NULL; switch (BUILTIN_TYPE(obj)) { case T_ARRAY: if (RARRAY_TRANSIENT_P(obj)) { TH_ASSERT(!FL_TEST_RAW(obj, RARRAY_EMBED_FLAG)); ptr = RARRAY(obj)->as.heap.ptr; } break; case T_OBJECT: if (ROBJ_TRANSIENT_P(obj)) { ptr = ROBJECT_IVPTR(obj); } break; case T_STRUCT: if (RSTRUCT_TRANSIENT_P(obj)) { ptr = rb_struct_const_heap_ptr(obj); } break; case T_HASH: if (RHASH_TRANSIENT_P(obj)) { TH_ASSERT(RHASH_AR_TABLE_P(obj)); ptr = (VALUE *)(RHASH(obj)->as.ar); } else { ptr = NULL; } break; default: if (error) { rb_bug("transient_heap_ptr: unknown obj %s\n", rb_obj_info(obj)); } } return ptr; } static void transient_heap_promote_add(struct transient_heap* theap, VALUE obj) { if (TRANSIENT_HEAP_DEBUG >= 3) fprintf(stderr, "rb_transient_heap_promote: %s\n", rb_obj_info(obj)); if (TRANSIENT_HEAP_DEBUG_DONT_PROMOTE) { /* duplicate check */ int i; for (i=0; i<theap->promoted_objects_index; i++) { if (theap->promoted_objects[i] == obj) return; } } if (theap->promoted_objects_size <= theap->promoted_objects_index) { theap->promoted_objects_size *= 2; if (TRANSIENT_HEAP_DEBUG >= 1) fprintf(stderr, "rb_transient_heap_promote: expand table to %d\n", theap->promoted_objects_size); if (UNLIKELY((size_t)theap->promoted_objects_size > SIZE_MAX / sizeof(VALUE))) { /* realloc failure due to integer overflow */ theap->promoted_objects = NULL; } else { theap->promoted_objects = realloc(theap->promoted_objects, theap->promoted_objects_size * sizeof(VALUE)); } if (theap->promoted_objects == NULL) rb_bug("rb_transient_heap_promote: realloc failed"); } theap->promoted_objects[theap->promoted_objects_index++] = obj; } void rb_transient_heap_promote(VALUE obj) { ASSERT_vm_locking(); if (transient_heap_ptr(obj, FALSE)) { struct transient_heap* theap = transient_heap_get(); transient_heap_promote_add(theap, obj); } else { /* ignore */ } } static struct transient_alloc_header * alloc_header(struct transient_heap_block* block, int index) { return (void *)&block->buff[index]; } static void transient_heap_reset(void) { ASSERT_vm_locking(); struct transient_heap* theap = transient_heap_get(); struct transient_heap_block* block; if (TRANSIENT_HEAP_DEBUG >= 1) fprintf(stderr, "!! transient_heap_reset\n"); block = theap->marked_blocks; while (block) { struct transient_heap_block *next_block = block->info.next_block; theap->total_objects -= block->info.objects; #if TRANSIENT_HEAP_DEBUG_INFINITE_BLOCK if (madvise(block, TRANSIENT_HEAP_BLOCK_SIZE, MADV_DONTNEED) != 0) { rb_bug("madvise err:%d", errno); } if (mprotect(block, TRANSIENT_HEAP_BLOCK_SIZE, PROT_NONE) != 0) { rb_bug("mprotect err:%d", errno); } #else reset_block(block); connect_to_free_blocks(theap, block); #endif theap->total_blocks--; block = next_block; } if (TRANSIENT_HEAP_DEBUG >= 1) fprintf(stderr, "!! transient_heap_reset block_num:%d\n", theap->total_blocks); theap->marked_blocks = NULL; theap->total_marked_objects = 0; } static void transient_heap_block_evacuate(struct transient_heap* theap, struct transient_heap_block* block) { int marked_index = block->info.last_marked_index; block->info.last_marked_index = TRANSIENT_HEAP_ALLOC_MARKING_LAST; while (marked_index >= 0) { struct transient_alloc_header *header = alloc_header(block, marked_index); asan_unpoison_memory_region(header, sizeof *header, true); VALUE obj = header->obj; TH_ASSERT(header->magic == TRANSIENT_HEAP_ALLOC_MAGIC); if (header->magic != TRANSIENT_HEAP_ALLOC_MAGIC) rb_bug("transient_heap_block_evacuate: wrong header %p %s\n", (void *)header, rb_obj_info(obj)); if (TRANSIENT_HEAP_DEBUG >= 3) fprintf(stderr, " * transient_heap_block_evacuate %p %s\n", (void *)header, rb_obj_info(obj)); if (obj != Qnil) { RB_DEBUG_COUNTER_INC(theap_evacuate); switch (BUILTIN_TYPE(obj)) { case T_ARRAY: rb_ary_transient_heap_evacuate(obj, !TRANSIENT_HEAP_DEBUG_DONT_PROMOTE); break; case T_OBJECT: rb_obj_transient_heap_evacuate(obj, !TRANSIENT_HEAP_DEBUG_DONT_PROMOTE); break; case T_STRUCT: rb_struct_transient_heap_evacuate(obj, !TRANSIENT_HEAP_DEBUG_DONT_PROMOTE); break; case T_HASH: rb_hash_transient_heap_evacuate(obj, !TRANSIENT_HEAP_DEBUG_DONT_PROMOTE); break; default: rb_bug("unsupported: %s\n", rb_obj_info(obj)); } header->obj = Qundef; /* for debug */ } marked_index = header->next_marked_index; asan_poison_memory_region(header, sizeof *header); } } #if USE_RUBY_DEBUG_LOG static const char * transient_heap_status_cstr(enum transient_heap_status status) { switch (status) { case transient_heap_none: return "none"; case transient_heap_marking: return "marking"; case transient_heap_escaping: return "escaping"; } UNREACHABLE_RETURN(NULL); } #endif static void transient_heap_update_status(struct transient_heap* theap, enum transient_heap_status status) { RUBY_DEBUG_LOG("%s -> %s", transient_heap_status_cstr(theap->status), transient_heap_status_cstr(status)); TH_ASSERT(theap->status != status); theap->status = status; } static void transient_heap_evacuate(void *dmy) { RB_VM_LOCK_ENTER(); rb_vm_barrier(); { struct transient_heap* theap = transient_heap_get(); if (theap->status == transient_heap_marking) { if (TRANSIENT_HEAP_DEBUG >= 1) fprintf(stderr, "!! transient_heap_evacuate: skip while transient_heap_marking\n"); } else { VALUE gc_disabled = rb_gc_disable_no_rest(); struct transient_heap_block* block; RUBY_DEBUG_LOG("start gc_disabled:%d", RTEST(gc_disabled)); if (TRANSIENT_HEAP_DEBUG >= 1) { int i; fprintf(stderr, "!! transient_heap_evacuate start total_blocks:%d\n", theap->total_blocks); if (TRANSIENT_HEAP_DEBUG >= 4) { for (i=0; i<theap->promoted_objects_index; i++) fprintf(stderr, "%4d %s\n", i, rb_obj_info(theap->promoted_objects[i])); } } if (TRANSIENT_HEAP_DEBUG >= 2) transient_heap_dump(theap); TH_ASSERT(theap->status == transient_heap_none); transient_heap_update_status(theap, transient_heap_escaping); /* evacuate from marked blocks */ block = theap->marked_blocks; while (block) { transient_heap_block_evacuate(theap, block); block = block->info.next_block; } /* evacuate from using blocks only affect incremental marking */ block = theap->using_blocks; while (block) { transient_heap_block_evacuate(theap, block); block = block->info.next_block; } /* all objects in marked_objects are escaped. */ transient_heap_reset(); if (TRANSIENT_HEAP_DEBUG > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "!! transient_heap_evacuate end total_blocks:%d\n", theap->total_blocks); } transient_heap_verify(theap); transient_heap_update_status(theap, transient_heap_none); if (gc_disabled != Qtrue) rb_gc_enable(); RUBY_DEBUG_LOG("finish", 0); } } RB_VM_LOCK_LEAVE(); } static void clear_marked_index(struct transient_heap_block* block) { int marked_index = block->info.last_marked_index; while (marked_index != TRANSIENT_HEAP_ALLOC_MARKING_LAST) { struct transient_alloc_header *header = alloc_header(block, marked_index); /* header is poisoned to prevent buffer overflow, should * unpoison first... */ asan_unpoison_memory_region(header, sizeof *header, false); TH_ASSERT(marked_index != TRANSIENT_HEAP_ALLOC_MARKING_FREE); if (0) fprintf(stderr, "clear_marked_index - block:%p mark_index:%d\n", (void *)block, marked_index); marked_index = header->next_marked_index; header->next_marked_index = TRANSIENT_HEAP_ALLOC_MARKING_FREE; } block->info.last_marked_index = TRANSIENT_HEAP_ALLOC_MARKING_LAST; } static void blocks_clear_marked_index(struct transient_heap_block* block) { while (block) { clear_marked_index(block); block = block->info.next_block; } } static void transient_heap_block_update_refs(struct transient_heap* theap, struct transient_heap_block* block) { int marked_index = block->info.last_marked_index; while (marked_index >= 0) { struct transient_alloc_header *header = alloc_header(block, marked_index); asan_unpoison_memory_region(header, sizeof *header, false); header->obj = rb_gc_location(header->obj); marked_index = header->next_marked_index; asan_poison_memory_region(header, sizeof *header); } } static void transient_heap_blocks_update_refs(struct transient_heap* theap, struct transient_heap_block *block, const char *type_str) { while (block) { transient_heap_block_update_refs(theap, block); block = block->info.next_block; } } void rb_transient_heap_update_references(void) { ASSERT_vm_locking(); struct transient_heap* theap = transient_heap_get(); int i; transient_heap_blocks_update_refs(theap, theap->using_blocks, "using_blocks"); transient_heap_blocks_update_refs(theap, theap->marked_blocks, "marked_blocks"); for (i=0; i<theap->promoted_objects_index; i++) { VALUE obj = theap->promoted_objects[i]; theap->promoted_objects[i] = rb_gc_location(obj); } } void rb_transient_heap_start_marking(int full_marking) { ASSERT_vm_locking(); RUBY_DEBUG_LOG("full?:%d", full_marking); struct transient_heap* theap = transient_heap_get(); if (TRANSIENT_HEAP_DEBUG >= 1) fprintf(stderr, "!! rb_transient_heap_start_marking objects:%d blocks:%d promoted:%d full_marking:%d\n", theap->total_objects, theap->total_blocks, theap->promoted_objects_index, full_marking); if (TRANSIENT_HEAP_DEBUG >= 2) transient_heap_dump(theap); blocks_clear_marked_index(theap->marked_blocks); blocks_clear_marked_index(theap->using_blocks); if (theap->using_blocks) { if (theap->using_blocks->info.objects > 0) { append_to_marked_blocks(theap, theap->using_blocks); theap->using_blocks = NULL; } else { append_to_marked_blocks(theap, theap->using_blocks->info.next_block); theap->using_blocks->info.next_block = NULL; } } if (theap->using_blocks == NULL) { theap->using_blocks = transient_heap_allocatable_block(theap); } TH_ASSERT(theap->status == transient_heap_none); transient_heap_update_status(theap, transient_heap_marking); theap->total_marked_objects = 0; if (full_marking) { theap->promoted_objects_index = 0; } else { /* mark promoted objects */ int i; for (i=0; i<theap->promoted_objects_index; i++) { VALUE obj = theap->promoted_objects[i]; const void *ptr = transient_heap_ptr(obj, TRUE); if (ptr) { rb_transient_heap_mark(obj, ptr); } } } transient_heap_verify(theap); } void rb_transient_heap_finish_marking(void) { ASSERT_vm_locking(); RUBY_DEBUG_LOG("", 0); struct transient_heap* theap = transient_heap_get(); if (TRANSIENT_HEAP_DEBUG >= 1) fprintf(stderr, "!! rb_transient_heap_finish_marking objects:%d, marked:%d\n", theap->total_objects, theap->total_marked_objects); if (TRANSIENT_HEAP_DEBUG >= 2) transient_heap_dump(theap); TH_ASSERT(theap->total_objects >= theap->total_marked_objects); TH_ASSERT(theap->status == transient_heap_marking); transient_heap_update_status(theap, transient_heap_none); if (theap->total_marked_objects > 0) { if (TRANSIENT_HEAP_DEBUG >= 1) fprintf(stderr, "-> rb_transient_heap_finish_marking register escape func.\n"); rb_postponed_job_register_one(0, transient_heap_evacuate, NULL); } else { transient_heap_reset(); } transient_heap_verify(theap); } #endif /* USE_TRANSIENT_HEAP */