require 'test/unit' class TestSymbol < Test::Unit::TestCase # [ruby-core:3573] def assert_eval_inspected(sym, valid = true) n = sym.inspect if valid bug5136 = '[ruby-dev:44314]' assert_not_match(/\A:"/, n, bug5136) end assert_nothing_raised(SyntaxError) {assert_equal(sym, eval(n))} end def test_intern assert_equal(':""', ''.intern.inspect) assert_equal(':$foo', '$foo'.intern.inspect) assert_equal(':"!foo"', '!foo'.intern.inspect) assert_equal(':"foo=="', "foo==".intern.inspect) end def test_all_symbols x = Symbol.all_symbols assert_kind_of(Array, x) assert_empty(x.reject {|s| s.is_a?(Symbol) }) end def test_inspect_invalid # 2) Symbol#inspect sometimes returns invalid symbol representations: assert_eval_inspected(:"!") assert_eval_inspected(:"=", false) assert_eval_inspected(:"0", false) assert_eval_inspected(:"$1") assert_eval_inspected(:"@1", false) assert_eval_inspected(:"@@1", false) assert_eval_inspected(:"@", false) assert_eval_inspected(:"@@", false) end def assert_inspect_evaled(n) assert_nothing_raised(SyntaxError) {assert_equal(n, eval(n).inspect)} end def test_inspect_suboptimal # 3) Symbol#inspect sometimes returns suboptimal symbol representations: assert_inspect_evaled(':foo') assert_inspect_evaled(':foo!') assert_inspect_evaled(':bar?') assert_inspect_evaled(":<<") assert_inspect_evaled(':>>') assert_inspect_evaled(':<=') assert_inspect_evaled(':>=') assert_inspect_evaled(':=~') assert_inspect_evaled(':==') assert_inspect_evaled(':===') assert_raise(SyntaxError) {eval ':='} assert_inspect_evaled(':*') assert_inspect_evaled(':**') assert_raise(SyntaxError) {eval ':***'} assert_inspect_evaled(':+') assert_inspect_evaled(':-') assert_inspect_evaled(':+@') assert_inspect_evaled(':-@') assert_inspect_evaled(':|') assert_inspect_evaled(':^') assert_inspect_evaled(':&') assert_inspect_evaled(':/') assert_inspect_evaled(':%') assert_inspect_evaled(':~') assert_inspect_evaled(':`') assert_inspect_evaled(':[]') assert_inspect_evaled(':[]=') assert_raise(SyntaxError) {eval ':||'} assert_raise(SyntaxError) {eval ':&&'} assert_raise(SyntaxError) {eval ':['} end def test_inspect_dollar # 4) :$- always treats next character literally: assert_raise(SyntaxError) {eval ':$-'} assert_raise(SyntaxError) {eval ":$-\n"} assert_raise(SyntaxError) {eval ":$- "} assert_raise(SyntaxError) {eval ":$-#"} assert_raise(SyntaxError) {eval ':$-('} end def test_inspect_number # 5) Inconsistency between :$0 and :$1? The first one is valid, but the # latter isn't. assert_inspect_evaled(':$0') assert_inspect_evaled(':$1') end def test_inspect valid = %W{$a @a @@a < << <= <=> > >> >= =~ == === * ** + +@ - -@ | ^ & / % ~ \` [] []= ! != !~ a a? a! a= A A? A! A=} valid.each do |sym| assert_equal(':' + sym, sym.intern.inspect) end invalid = %w{$a? $a! $a= @a? @a! @a= @@a? @@a! @@a= =} invalid.each do |sym| assert_equal(':"' + sym + '"', sym.intern.inspect) end end def test_to_proc assert_equal %w(1 2 3), (1..3).map(&:to_s) [ [], [1], [1, 2], [1, [2, 3]], ].each do |ary| ary_id = ary.object_id assert_equal ary_id, ary_ids = ary.collect{|x| x.object_id } assert_equal ary_ids, ary.collect(&:object_id) end end def test_to_proc_yield assert_ruby_status([], <<-"end;", timeout: 5.0) GC.stress = true true.tap(&:itself) end; end def test_to_proc_new_proc assert_ruby_status([], <<-"end;", timeout: 5.0) GC.stress = true 2.times {} end; end def test_to_proc_no_method assert_separately([], <<-"end;", timeout: 5.0) bug11566 = '[ruby-core:70980] [Bug #11566]' assert_raise(NoMethodError, bug11566) {} assert_raise(NoMethodError, bug11566) {:foo.to_proc.(1)} end; end def test_to_proc_arg assert_separately([], <<-"end;", timeout: 5.0) def (obj = b; end assert_same(:itself.to_proc, obj.proc(&:itself)) end; end def test_to_proc_call_with_symbol_proc first = 1 bug11594 = "[ruby-core:71088] [Bug #11594] corrupted the first local variable" # symbol which does not have a Proc ->(&blk) {}.call(&:test_to_proc_call_with_symbol_proc) assert_equal(1, first, bug11594) end def test_call o = def, y); x + y; end assert_equal(3,, 1, 2)) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { } end def m_block_given? block_given? end def m2_block_given?(m = nil) if m [block_given?,] else block_given? end end def test_block_given_to_proc bug8531 = '[Bug #8531]' m = :m_block_given?.to_proc assert(!, "#{bug8531} without block") assert( {}, "#{bug8531} with block") assert(!, "#{bug8531} without block second") end def test_block_persist_between_calls bug8531 = '[Bug #8531]' m2 = :m2_block_given?.to_proc assert_equal([true, false],, m2) {}, "#{bug8531} nested with block") assert_equal([false, false],, m2), "#{bug8531} nested without block") end def test_succ assert_equal(:fop, :foo.succ) end def test_cmp assert_equal(0, :FoO <=> :FoO) assert_equal(-1, :FoO <=> :fOO) assert_equal(1, :fOO <=> :FoO) assert_nil(:foo <=> "foo") end def test_casecmp assert_equal(0, :FoO.casecmp(:fOO)) assert_equal(1, :FoO.casecmp(:BaR)) assert_equal(-1, :baR.casecmp(:FoO)) assert_nil(:foo.casecmp("foo")) end def test_length assert_equal(3, :FoO.length) assert_equal(3, :FoO.size) end def test_empty assert_equal(false, :FoO.empty?) assert_equal(true, :"".empty?) end def test_case assert_equal(:FOO, :FoO.upcase) assert_equal(:foo, :FoO.downcase) assert_equal(:Foo, :foo.capitalize) assert_equal(:fOo, :FoO.swapcase) end def test_symbol_poped assert_nothing_raised { eval('a = 1; :"#{ a }"; 1') } end def test_ascii_incomat_inspect [Encoding::UTF_16LE, Encoding::UTF_16BE, Encoding::UTF_32LE, Encoding::UTF_32BE].each do |e| assert_equal(':"abc"', "abc".encode(e).to_sym.inspect) assert_equal(':"\\u3042\\u3044\\u3046"', "\u3042\u3044\u3046".encode(e).to_sym.inspect) end end def test_symbol_encoding assert_equal(Encoding::US_ASCII, "$-A".force_encoding("iso-8859-15").intern.encoding) assert_equal(Encoding::US_ASCII, "foobar~!".force_encoding("iso-8859-15").intern.encoding) assert_equal(Encoding::UTF_8, "\u{2192}".intern.encoding) assert_raise(EncodingError) {"\xb0a".force_encoding("utf-8").intern} end def test_singleton_method assert_raise(TypeError) { a = :foo; def; end } end SymbolsForEval = [ :foo, "dynsym_#{Random.rand(10000)}_#{}".to_sym ] def test_instance_eval bug11086 = '[ruby-core:68961] [Bug #11086]' SymbolsForEval.each do |sym| assert_nothing_raised(TypeError, sym, bug11086) { sym.instance_eval {} } assert_raise(TypeError, sym, bug11086) { sym.instance_eval {def foo; end} } end end def test_instance_exec bug11086 = '[ruby-core:68961] [Bug #11086]' SymbolsForEval.each do |sym| assert_nothing_raised(TypeError, sym, bug11086) { sym.instance_exec {} } assert_raise(TypeError, sym, bug11086) { sym.instance_exec {def foo; end} } end end def test_frozen_symbol assert_equal(true, :foo.frozen?) assert_equal(true, :each.frozen?) assert_equal(true, :+.frozen?) assert_equal(true, "foo#{}".to_sym.frozen?) assert_equal(true, :foo.to_sym.frozen?) end def test_symbol_gc_1 assert_normal_exit('".".intern;GC.start(immediate_sweep:false);eval %[GC.start;".".intern]', '', child_env: '--disable-gems') assert_normal_exit('".".intern;GC.start(immediate_sweep:false);eval %[GC.start;:"."]', '', child_env: '--disable-gems') assert_normal_exit('".".intern;GC.start(immediate_sweep:false);eval %[GC.start;%i"."]', '', child_env: '--disable-gems') assert_normal_exit('tap{".".intern};GC.start(immediate_sweep:false);' + 'eval %[syms=Symbol.all_symbols;GC.start;syms.each(&:to_sym)]', '', child_env: '--disable-gems') end def test_dynamic_attrset_id bug10259 = '[ruby-dev:48559] [Bug #10259]' class << (obj = attr_writer :unagi end assert_nothing_raised(NoMethodError, bug10259) {obj.send("unagi=".intern, 1)} end def test_symbol_fstr_leak bug10686 = '[ruby-core:67268] [Bug #10686]' x = 0 assert_no_memory_leak([], '200_000.times { |i| i.to_s.to_sym }; GC.start', <<-"end;", bug10686, limit: 1.71, rss: true) 200_000.times { |i| (i + 200_000).to_s.to_sym } end; end def test_hash_redefinition assert_separately([], <<-'end;') bug11035 = '[ruby-core:68767] [Bug #11035]' class Symbol def hash raise end end h = {} assert_nothing_raised(RuntimeError, bug11035) { h[:foo] = 1 } assert_nothing_raised(RuntimeError, bug11035) { h['bar'.to_sym] = 2 } end; end end