#!/usr/bin/ruby -s # -*- coding: us-ascii -*- require 'uri' require 'digest/sha1' require 'digest/sha2' require 'fileutils' require 'shellwords' require 'tmpdir' require File.expand_path("../vcs", __FILE__) STDOUT.sync = true $srcdir ||= nil $exported = nil if ($exported ||= nil) == "" $archname = nil if ($archname ||= nil) == "" $keep_temp ||= nil $patch_file ||= nil $packages ||= nil $digests ||= nil $tooldir = File.expand_path("..", __FILE__) $unicode_version = nil if ($unicode_version ||= nil) == "" def usage <<USAGE usage: #{File.basename $0} [option...] new-directory-to-save [version ...] options: -srcdir=PATH source directory path -exported=PATH make snapshot from already exported working directory -archname=NAME make the basename of snapshots NAME -keep_temp keep temporary working directory -patch_file=PATCH apply PATCH file after export -packages=PKG[,...] make PKG packages (#{PACKAGES.keys.join(", ")}) -digests=ALG[,...] show ALG digests (#{DIGESTS.join(", ")}) version: trunk, stable, branches/*, tags/*, X.Y, X.Y.Z, X.Y.Z-pL each versions may be followed by optional @revision. USAGE end DIGESTS = %w[SHA1 SHA256 SHA512] PACKAGES = { "bzip" => %w".tar.bz2 bzip2 -c", "gzip" => %w".tar.gz gzip -c", "xz" => %w".tar.xz xz -c", "zip" => %w".zip zip -qr", } if system("7z", out: IO::NULL) PACKAGES["gzip"] = %w".tar.gz 7z a dummy -tgzip -mx -so" PACKAGES["zip"] = %w".zip 7z a -tzip -mx" end if gzip = ENV.delete("GZIP") PACKAGES["gzip"].concat(gzip.shellsplit) end ENV["LC_ALL"] = ENV["LANG"] = "C" SVNURL = URI.parse("http://svn.ruby-lang.org/repos/ruby/") GITURL = URI.parse("git://github.com/ruby/ruby.git") RUBY_VERSION_PATTERN = /^\#define\s+RUBY_VERSION\s+"([\d.]+)"/ ENV["VPATH"] ||= "include/ruby" YACC = ENV["YACC"] ||= "bison" ENV["BASERUBY"] ||= "ruby" ENV["RUBY"] ||= "ruby" ENV["MV"] ||= "mv" ENV["RM"] ||= "rm -f" ENV["MINIRUBY"] ||= "ruby" ENV["PROGRAM"] ||= "ruby" ENV["AUTOCONF"] ||= "autoconf" ENV["BUILTIN_TRANSOBJS"] ||= "newline.o" class String # for older ruby alias bytesize size unless method_defined?(:bytesize) end class Dir def self.mktmpdir(path) path = File.join(tmpdir, path+"-#{$$}-#{rand(100000)}") begin mkdir(path) rescue Errno::EEXIST path.succ! retry end path end unless respond_to?(:mktmpdir) end $packages &&= $packages.split(/[, ]+/).tap {|pkg| pkg -= PACKAGES.keys pkg.empty? or abort "#{File.basename $0}: unknown packages - #{pkg.join(", ")}" } $packages ||= PACKAGES.keys $digests &&= $digests.split(/[, ]+/).tap {|dig| dig -= DIGESTS dig.empty? or abort "#{File.basename $0}: unknown digests - #{dig.join(", ")}" } $digests ||= DIGESTS $patch_file &&= File.expand_path($patch_file) path = ENV["PATH"].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) %w[YACC BASERUBY RUBY MV MINIRUBY].each do |var| cmd, = ENV[var].shellsplit unless path.any? {|dir| file = File.expand_path(cmd, dir) File.file?(file) and File.executable?(file) } abort "#{File.basename $0}: #{var} command not found - #{cmd}" end end %w[BASERUBY RUBY MINIRUBY].each do |var| `#{ENV[var]} --disable-gem -e1 2>&1` if $?.success? ENV[var] += ' --disable-gem' end end if defined?($help) or defined?($_help) puts usage exit end unless destdir = ARGV.shift abort usage end revisions = ARGV.empty? ? ["trunk"] : ARGV unless tmp = $exported FileUtils.mkpath(destdir) destdir = File.expand_path(destdir) tmp = Dir.mktmpdir("ruby-snapshot") FileUtils.mkpath(tmp) at_exit { Dir.chdir "/" FileUtils.rm_rf(tmp) } unless $keep_temp end def package(vcs, rev, destdir, tmp = nil) patchlevel = false prerelease = false if revision = rev[/@(\d+)\z/, 1] rev = $` end case rev when /\Atrunk\z/ url = vcs.trunk when /\Abranches\// url = vcs.branch($') when /\Atags\// url = vcs.tag($') when /\Astable\z/ vcs.branch_list("ruby_[0-9]*") {|n| url = n[/\Aruby_\d+_\d+\z/]} url &&= vcs.branch(url) when /\A(.*)\.(.*)\.(.*)-(preview|rc)(\d+)/ prerelease = true tag = "#{$4}#{$5}" url = vcs.tag("v#{$1}_#{$2}_#{$3}_#{$4}#{$5}") when /\A(.*)\.(.*)\.(.*)-p(\d+)/ patchlevel = true tag = "p#{$4}" url = vcs.tag("v#{$1}_#{$2}_#{$3}_#{$4}") when /\A(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?\z/ if $3 && ($1 > "2" || $1 == "2" && $2 >= "1") patchlevel = true tag = "" url = vcs.tag("v#{$1}_#{$2}_#{$3}") else url = vcs.branch("ruby_#{rev.tr('.', '_')}") end else warn "#{$0}: unknown version - #{rev}" return end revision ||= vcs.get_revisions(url)[1] version = nil unless revision url = vcs.trunk vcs.grep(RUBY_VERSION_PATTERN, url, "version.h") {version = $1} unless rev == version warn "#{$0}: #{rev} not found" return end revision = vcs.get_revisions(url)[1] end v = nil if $exported if String === $exported v = $exported end else v = "ruby" puts "Exporting #{rev}@#{revision}" exported = tmp ? File.join(tmp, v) : v unless vcs.export(revision, url, exported, true) {|line| print line} warn("Export failed") return end if $srcdir Dir.glob($srcdir + "/{tool/config.{guess,sub},gems/*.gem,.downloaded-cache/*,enc/unicode/data/**/*.txt}") do |file| puts "copying #{file}" dest = exported + file[$srcdir.size..-1] FileUtils.mkpath(File.dirname(dest)) begin FileUtils.ln(file, dest, force: true) rescue SystemCallError FileUtils.cp(file, dest, preserve: true) end end end end Dir.chdir(tmp) if tmp if !File.directory?(v) v = Dir.glob("ruby-*").select(&File.method(:directory?)) v.size == 1 or abort "#{File.basename $0}: not exported" v = v[0] end # get last revision from previous ChangeLog archive last_ChangeLog = Dir["#{v}/doc/ChangeLog-*"].grep(/-(\d+)\z/) {|n| [$1.to_i, n]}.max[1] open(last_ChangeLog) do |f| f.readline unless /\Ar(\d+) / =~ f.readline abort "#{File.basename $0}: Cannot find revision from '#{last_ChangeLog}'" end vcs.export_changelog($1.to_i, revision.to_i, "#{v}/ChangeLog") end open("#{v}/revision.h", "wb") {|f| f.puts "#define RUBY_REVISION #{revision}"} version ||= (versionhdr = IO.read("#{v}/version.h"))[RUBY_VERSION_PATTERN, 1] version or return if patchlevel unless tag.empty? versionhdr ||= IO.read("#{v}/version.h") patchlevel = versionhdr[/^\#define\s+RUBY_PATCHLEVEL\s+(\d+)/, 1] tag = (patchlevel ? "p#{patchlevel}" : "r#{revision}") end elsif prerelease versionhdr ||= IO.read("#{v}/version.h") versionhdr.sub!(/^\#define\s+RUBY_PATCHLEVEL_STR\s+"\K.+?(?=")/, tag) IO.write("#{v}/version.h", versionhdr) else tag ||= "r#{revision}" end unless v == $exported if $archname n = $archname elsif tag.empty? n = "ruby-#{version}" else n = "ruby-#{version}-#{tag}" end File.directory?(n) or File.rename v, n v = n end system(*%W"patch -d #{v} -p0 -i #{$patch_file}") if $patch_file if !$exported or $patch_file "take a breath, and go ahead".scan(/./) {|c|print c; sleep(c == "," ? 0.7 : 0.05)}; puts end def (clean = []).add(n) push(n); n end Dir.chdir(v) do File.open(clean.add("cross.rb"), "w") do |f| f.puts "Object.__send__(:remove_const, :CROSS_COMPILING) if defined?(CROSS_COMPILING)" f.puts "CROSS_COMPILING=true" f.puts "Object.__send__(:remove_const, :RUBY_PLATFORM)" f.puts "RUBY_PLATFORM='none'" f.puts "Object.__send__(:remove_const, :RUBY_VERSION)" f.puts "RUBY_VERSION='#{version}'" end unless File.exist?("configure") print "creating configure..." unless system([ENV["AUTOCONF"]]*2) puts " failed" return end puts " done" end clean.add("autom4te.cache") clean.add("enc/unicode/data") print "creating prerequisites..." if File.file?("common.mk") && /^prereq/ =~ commonmk = IO.read("common.mk") puts extout = clean.add('tmp') File.open(clean.add("config.status"), "w") {|f| f.puts "s,@configure_args@,|#_!!_#|,g" f.puts "s,@EXTOUT@,|#_!!_#|#{extout},g" f.puts "s,@bindir@,|#_!!_#|,g" f.puts "s,@ruby_install_name@,|#_!!_#|,g" f.puts "s,@ARCH_FLAG@,|#_!!_#|,g" f.puts "s,@CFLAGS@,|#_!!_#|,g" f.puts "s,@CPPFLAGS@,|#_!!_#|,g" f.puts "s,@CXXFLAGS@,|#_!!_#|,g" f.puts "s,@LDFLAGS@,|#_!!_#|,g" f.puts "s,@DLDFLAGS@,|#_!!_#|,g" f.puts "s,@LIBEXT@,|#_!!_#|a,g" f.puts "s,@OBJEXT@,|#_!!_#|o,g" f.puts "s,@EXEEXT@,|#_!!_#|,g" f.puts "s,@LIBRUBY@,|#_!!_#|libruby.a,g" f.puts "s,@LIBRUBY_A@,|#_!!_#|libruby.a,g" f.puts "s,@RM@,|#_!!_#|rm -f,g" f.puts "s,@CP@,|#_!!_#|cp,g" f.puts "s,@rubyarchdir@,|#_!!_#|,g" f.puts "s,@rubylibprefix@,|#_!!_#|,g" f.puts "s,@ruby_version@,|#_!!_#|#{version},g" } FileUtils.mkpath(hdrdir = "#{extout}/include/ruby") File.open("#{hdrdir}/config.h", "w") {} FileUtils.mkpath(defaults = "#{extout}/rubygems/defaults") File.open("#{defaults}/operating_system.rb", "w") {} File.open("#{defaults}/ruby.rb", "w") {} miniruby = ENV['MINIRUBY'] + " -I. -I#{extout} -rcross" baseruby = ENV["BASERUBY"] mk = IO.read("Makefile.in").gsub(/^@.*\n/, '') vars = { "srcdir"=>".", "CHDIR"=>"cd", "NULLCMD"=>":", "PATH_SEPARATOR"=>File::PATH_SEPARATOR, "IFCHANGE"=>"tool/ifchange", "MKDIR_P"=>"mkdir -p", "RMALL"=>"rm -fr", "MINIRUBY"=>miniruby, "RUNRUBY"=>miniruby, "RUBY"=>ENV["RUBY"], "HAVE_BASERUBY"=>"yes", "BASERUBY"=>baseruby, "BOOTSTRAPRUBY"=>baseruby, "PWD"=>Dir.pwd, "CONFIGURE"=>"configure", "arch"=>"noarch", "UNICODE_FILES"=>"", } vars["UNICODE_VERSION"] = $unicode_version if $unicode_version args = vars.dup mk.gsub!(/@([A-Za-z_]\w*)@/) {args.delete($1); vars[$1] || ENV[$1]} mk << commonmk.gsub(/\{\$([^(){}]*)[^{}]*\}/, "") mk << <<-'APPEND' prereq: clean-cache $(CLEAN_CACHE) clean-cache $(CLEAN_CACHE): after-update touch-unicode-files: update-download:: touch-unicode-files update-download:: update-gems after-update:: extract-gems extract-gems: update-gems update-gems: APPEND open(clean.add("Makefile"), "w") do |f| f.puts "prereq: update-download" f.puts mk end system("make", "prereq", *args.map {|arg| arg.join("=")}) clean.push("rbconfig.rb", ".rbconfig.time", "enc.mk") print "prerequisites" else system(*%W"#{YACC} -o parse.c parse.y") end vcs.after_export(".") if exported FileUtils.rm_rf(clean) unless $keep_temp FileUtils.rm_rf(".downloaded-cache") if File.exist?("gems/bundled_gems") gems = Dir.glob("gems/*.gem") gems -= File.readlines("gems/bundled_gems").map {|line| 'gems/'+line.split(' ').join('-')+'.gem' } FileUtils.rm_f(gems) else FileUtils.rm_rf("gems") end unless $?.success? puts " failed" return end puts " done" end if v == "." v = File.basename(Dir.pwd) Dir.chdir ".." else Dir.chdir(File.dirname(v)) v = File.basename(v) end tarball = nil return $packages.collect do |mesg| (ext, *cmd) = PACKAGES[mesg] File.directory?(destdir) or FileUtils.mkpath(destdir) file = File.join(destdir, "#{$archname||v}#{ext}") case ext when /\.tar/ if tarball next if tarball.empty? else tarball = "#{$archname||v}.tar" print "creating tarball... #{tarball}" if system("tar", "cf", tarball, v) puts " done" else puts " failed" tarball = "" next end end print "creating #{mesg} tarball... #{file}" done = system(*cmd, tarball, out: file) else print "creating #{mesg} archive... #{file}" done = system(*cmd, file, v) end if done puts " done" file else puts " failed" nil end end.compact ensure FileUtils.rm_rf(v) if v and !$exported and !$keep_temp end if [$srcdir, ($svn||=nil), ($git||=nil)].compact.size > 1 abort "#{File.basename $0}: -srcdir, -svn, and -git are exclusive" end if $srcdir vcs = VCS.detect($srcdir) elsif $svn vcs = VCS::SVN.new($svn == true ? SVNURL : URI.parse($svn)) elsif $git vcs = VCS::GIT.new($git == true ? GITURL : URI.parse($git)) else vcs = VCS::SVN.new(SVNURL) end success = true revisions.collect {|rev| package(vcs, rev, destdir, tmp)}.flatten.each do |name| if !name success = false next end str = open(name, "rb") {|f| f.read} puts "* #{name}" puts " SIZE: #{str.bytesize} bytes" $digests.each do |alg| printf " %-8s%s\n", "#{alg}:", Digest.const_get(alg).hexdigest(str) end end exit false if !success # vim:fileencoding=US-ASCII sw=2 ts=4 noexpandtab ff=unix