# encoding: utf-8 require_relative '../../spec_helper' require_relative 'fixtures/common' require_relative 'shared/open' describe "File.open" do before :all do @file = tmp("file_open.txt") @unicode_path = tmp("こんにちは.txt") @nonexistent = tmp("fake.txt") rm_r @file, @nonexistent end before :each do ScratchPad.record [] @fh = @fd = nil @flags = File::CREAT | File::TRUNC | File::WRONLY touch @file end after :each do @fh.close if @fh and not @fh.closed? rm_r @file, @unicode_path, @nonexistent end describe "with a block" do it "does not raise error when file is closed inside the block" do @fh = File.open(@file) { |fh| fh.close; fh } @fh.closed?.should == true end it "invokes close on an opened file when exiting the block" do File.open(@file, 'r') { |f| FileSpecs.make_closer f } ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:file_opened, :file_closed] end it "propagates non-StandardErrors produced by close" do lambda { File.open(@file, 'r') { |f| FileSpecs.make_closer f, Exception } }.should raise_error(Exception) ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:file_opened, :file_closed] end it "propagates StandardErrors produced by close" do lambda { File.open(@file, 'r') { |f| FileSpecs.make_closer f, StandardError } }.should raise_error(StandardError) ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:file_opened, :file_closed] end it "does not propagate IOError with 'closed stream' message produced by close" do File.open(@file, 'r') { |f| FileSpecs.make_closer f, IOError.new('closed stream') } ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:file_opened, :file_closed] end end it "opens the file (basic case)" do @fh = File.open(@file) @fh.should be_kind_of(File) File.exist?(@file).should == true end it "opens the file with unicode characters" do @fh = File.open(@unicode_path, "w") @fh.should be_kind_of(File) File.exist?(@unicode_path).should == true end it "opens a file when called with a block" do File.open(@file) { |fh| } File.exist?(@file).should == true end it "opens with mode string" do @fh = File.open(@file, 'w') @fh.should be_kind_of(File) File.exist?(@file).should == true end it "opens a file with mode string and block" do File.open(@file, 'w') { |fh| } File.exist?(@file).should == true end it "opens a file with mode num" do @fh = File.open(@file, @flags) @fh.should be_kind_of(File) File.exist?(@file).should == true end it "opens a file with mode num and block" do File.open(@file, 'w') { |fh| } File.exist?(@file).should == true end it "opens a file with mode and permission as nil" do @fh = File.open(@file, nil, nil) @fh.should be_kind_of(File) end # For this test we delete the file first to reset the perms it "opens the file when passed mode, num and permissions" do rm_r @file File.umask(0011) @fh = File.open(@file, @flags, 0755) @fh.should be_kind_of(File) platform_is_not :windows do @fh.lstat.mode.to_s(8).should == "100744" end File.exist?(@file).should == true end # For this test we delete the file first to reset the perms it "opens the file when passed mode, num, permissions and block" do rm_r @file File.umask(0022) File.open(@file, "w", 0755){ |fh| } platform_is_not :windows do File.stat(@file).mode.to_s(8).should == "100755" end File.exist?(@file).should == true end it "creates the file and returns writable descriptor when called with 'w' mode and r-o permissions" do # it should be possible to write to such a file via returned descriptor, # even though the file permissions are r-r-r. File.open(@file, "w", 0444) { |f| f.write("test") } File.read(@file).should == "test" end platform_is_not :windows do it "opens the existing file, does not change permissions even when they are specified" do File.chmod(0664, @file) orig_perms = File.stat(@file).mode.to_s(8) File.open(@file, "w", 0444) { |f| f.write("test") } File.stat(@file).mode.to_s(8).should == orig_perms File.read(@file).should == "test" end end platform_is_not :windows do as_user do it "creates a new write-only file when invoked with 'w' and '0222'" do rm_r @file File.open(@file, 'w', 0222) {} File.readable?(@file).should == false File.writable?(@file).should == true end end end it "opens the file when call with fd" do @fh = File.open(@file) fh_copy = File.open(@fh.fileno) fh_copy.autoclose = false fh_copy.should be_kind_of(File) File.exist?(@file).should == true end it "opens a file that no exists when use File::WRONLY mode" do lambda { File.open(@nonexistent, File::WRONLY) }.should raise_error(Errno::ENOENT) end it "opens a file that no exists when use File::RDONLY mode" do lambda { File.open(@nonexistent, File::RDONLY) }.should raise_error(Errno::ENOENT) end it "opens a file that no exists when use 'r' mode" do lambda { File.open(@nonexistent, 'r') }.should raise_error(Errno::ENOENT) end it "opens a file that no exists when use File::EXCL mode" do lambda { File.open(@nonexistent, File::EXCL) }.should raise_error(Errno::ENOENT) end it "opens a file that no exists when use File::NONBLOCK mode" do lambda { File.open(@nonexistent, File::NONBLOCK) }.should raise_error(Errno::ENOENT) end platform_is_not :openbsd, :windows do it "opens a file that no exists when use File::TRUNC mode" do lambda { File.open(@nonexistent, File::TRUNC) }.should raise_error(Errno::ENOENT) end end platform_is :openbsd, :windows do it "does not open a file that does no exists when using File::TRUNC mode" do lambda { File.open(@nonexistent, File::TRUNC) }.should raise_error(Errno::EINVAL) end end platform_is_not :windows do it "opens a file that no exists when use File::NOCTTY mode" do lambda { File.open(@nonexistent, File::NOCTTY) }.should raise_error(Errno::ENOENT) end end it "opens a file that no exists when use File::CREAT mode" do @fh = File.open(@nonexistent, File::CREAT) { |f| f } @fh.should be_kind_of(File) File.exist?(@file).should == true end it "opens a file that no exists when use 'a' mode" do @fh = File.open(@nonexistent, 'a') { |f| f } @fh.should be_kind_of(File) File.exist?(@file).should == true end it "opens a file that no exists when use 'w' mode" do @fh = File.open(@nonexistent, 'w') { |f| f } @fh.should be_kind_of(File) File.exist?(@file).should == true end # Check the grants associated to the different open modes combinations. it "raises an ArgumentError exception when call with an unknown mode" do lambda { File.open(@file, "q") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "can read in a block when call open with RDONLY mode" do File.open(@file, File::RDONLY) do |f| f.gets.should == nil end end it "can read in a block when call open with 'r' mode" do File.open(@file, "r") do |f| f.gets.should == nil end end it "raises an IO exception when write in a block opened with RDONLY mode" do File.open(@file, File::RDONLY) do |f| lambda { f.puts "writing ..." }.should raise_error(IOError) end end it "raises an IO exception when write in a block opened with 'r' mode" do File.open(@file, "r") do |f| lambda { f.puts "writing ..." }.should raise_error(IOError) end end it "can't write in a block when call open with File::WRONLY||File::RDONLY mode" do File.open(@file, File::WRONLY|File::RDONLY ) do |f| f.puts("writing").should == nil end end it "can't read in a block when call open with File::WRONLY||File::RDONLY mode" do lambda { File.open(@file, File::WRONLY|File::RDONLY ) do |f| f.gets.should == nil end }.should raise_error(IOError) end it "can write in a block when call open with WRONLY mode" do File.open(@file, File::WRONLY) do |f| f.puts("writing").should == nil end end it "can write in a block when call open with 'w' mode" do File.open(@file, "w") do |f| f.puts("writing").should == nil end end it "raises an IOError when read in a block opened with WRONLY mode" do File.open(@file, File::WRONLY) do |f| lambda { f.gets }.should raise_error(IOError) end end it "raises an IOError when read in a block opened with 'w' mode" do File.open(@file, "w") do |f| lambda { f.gets }.should raise_error(IOError) end end it "raises an IOError when read in a block opened with 'a' mode" do File.open(@file, "a") do |f| lambda { f.gets }.should raise_error(IOError) end end it "raises an IOError when read in a block opened with 'a' mode" do File.open(@file, "a") do |f| f.puts("writing").should == nil lambda { f.gets }.should raise_error(IOError) end end it "raises an IOError when read in a block opened with 'a' mode" do File.open(@file, File::WRONLY|File::APPEND ) do |f| lambda { f.gets }.should raise_error(IOError) end end it "raises an IOError when read in a block opened with File::WRONLY|File::APPEND mode" do File.open(@file, File::WRONLY|File::APPEND ) do |f| f.puts("writing").should == nil lambda { f.gets }.should raise_error(IOError) end end it "raises an IOError when read in a block opened with File::RDONLY|File::APPEND mode" do lambda { File.open(@file, File::RDONLY|File::APPEND ) do |f| f.puts("writing") end }.should raise_error(IOError) end it "can read and write in a block when call open with RDWR mode" do File.open(@file, File::RDWR) do |f| f.gets.should == nil f.puts("writing").should == nil f.rewind f.gets.should == "writing\n" end end it "can't read in a block when call open with File::EXCL mode" do lambda { File.open(@file, File::EXCL) do |f| f.puts("writing").should == nil end }.should raise_error(IOError) end it "can read in a block when call open with File::EXCL mode" do File.open(@file, File::EXCL) do |f| f.gets.should == nil end end it "can read and write in a block when call open with File::RDWR|File::EXCL mode" do File.open(@file, File::RDWR|File::EXCL) do |f| f.gets.should == nil f.puts("writing").should == nil f.rewind f.gets.should == "writing\n" end end it "raises an Errorno::EEXIST if the file exists when open with File::CREAT|File::EXCL" do lambda { File.open(@file, File::CREAT|File::EXCL) do |f| f.puts("writing") end }.should raise_error(Errno::EEXIST) end it "creates a new file when use File::WRONLY|File::APPEND mode" do @fh = File.open(@file, File::WRONLY|File::APPEND) @fh.should be_kind_of(File) File.exist?(@file).should == true end it "opens a file when use File::WRONLY|File::APPEND mode" do File.open(@file, File::WRONLY) do |f| f.puts("hello file") end File.open(@file, File::RDWR|File::APPEND) do |f| f.puts("bye file") f.rewind f.gets.should == "hello file\n" f.gets.should == "bye file\n" f.gets.should == nil end end it "raises an IOError if the file exists when open with File::RDONLY|File::APPEND" do lambda { File.open(@file, File::RDONLY|File::APPEND) do |f| f.puts("writing").should == nil end }.should raise_error(IOError) end platform_is_not :openbsd, :windows do it "truncates the file when passed File::TRUNC mode" do File.open(@file, File::RDWR) { |f| f.puts "hello file" } @fh = File.open(@file, File::TRUNC) @fh.gets.should == nil end it "can't read in a block when call open with File::TRUNC mode" do File.open(@file, File::TRUNC) do |f| f.gets.should == nil end end end it "opens a file when use File::WRONLY|File::TRUNC mode" do fh1 = File.open(@file, "w") begin @fh = File.open(@file, File::WRONLY|File::TRUNC) @fh.should be_kind_of(File) File.exist?(@file).should == true ensure fh1.close end end platform_is_not :openbsd, :windows do it "can't write in a block when call open with File::TRUNC mode" do lambda { File.open(@file, File::TRUNC) do |f| f.puts("writing") end }.should raise_error(IOError) end it "raises an Errorno::EEXIST if the file exists when open with File::RDONLY|File::TRUNC" do lambda { File.open(@file, File::RDONLY|File::TRUNC) do |f| f.puts("writing").should == nil end }.should raise_error(IOError) end end platform_is :openbsd, :windows do it "can't write in a block when call open with File::TRUNC mode" do lambda { File.open(@file, File::TRUNC) do |f| f.puts("writing") end }.should raise_error(Errno::EINVAL) end it "raises an Errorno::EEXIST if the file exists when open with File::RDONLY|File::TRUNC" do lambda { File.open(@file, File::RDONLY|File::TRUNC) do |f| f.puts("writing").should == nil end }.should raise_error(Errno::EINVAL) end end platform_is_not :windows do as_user do it "raises an Errno::EACCES when opening non-permitted file" do @fh = File.open(@file, "w") @fh.chmod(000) lambda { fh1 = File.open(@file); fh1.close }.should raise_error(Errno::EACCES) end end end as_user do it "raises an Errno::EACCES when opening read-only file" do @fh = File.open(@file, "w") @fh.chmod(0444) lambda { File.open(@file, "w") }.should raise_error(Errno::EACCES) end end it "opens a file for binary read" do @fh = File.open(@file, "rb") @fh.should be_kind_of(File) File.exist?(@file).should == true end it "opens a file for binary write" do @fh = File.open(@file, "wb") @fh.should be_kind_of(File) File.exist?(@file).should == true end it "opens a file for read-write and truncate the file" do File.open(@file, "w") { |f| f.puts "testing" } File.size(@file).should > 0 File.open(@file, "w+") do |f| f.pos.should == 0 f.eof?.should == true end File.size(@file).should == 0 end it "opens a file for binary read-write starting at the beginning of the file" do File.open(@file, "w") { |f| f.puts "testing" } File.size(@file).should > 0 File.open(@file, "rb+") do |f| f.pos.should == 0 f.eof?.should == false end end it "opens a file for binary read-write and truncate the file" do File.open(@file, "w") { |f| f.puts "testing" } File.size(@file).should > 0 File.open(@file, "wb+") do |f| f.pos.should == 0 f.eof?.should == true end File.size(@file).should == 0 end platform_is :linux do guard -> { defined?(File::TMPFILE) } do it "creates an unnamed temporary file with File::TMPFILE" do dir = tmp("tmpfilespec") mkdir_p dir begin Dir["#{dir}/*"].should == [] File.open(dir, "r+", flags: File::TMPFILE) do |io| io.write("ruby") io.flush io.rewind io.read.should == "ruby" Dir["#{dir}/*"].should == [] end rescue Errno::EOPNOTSUPP, Errno::EINVAL, Errno::EISDIR # EOPNOTSUPP: no support from the filesystem # EINVAL: presumably bug in glibc 1.should == 1 ensure rm_r dir end end end end it "raises a TypeError if passed a filename that is not a String or Integer type" do lambda { File.open(true) }.should raise_error(TypeError) lambda { File.open(false) }.should raise_error(TypeError) lambda { File.open(nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "raises a SystemCallError if passed an invalid Integer type" do lambda { File.open(-1) }.should raise_error(SystemCallError) end it "raises an ArgumentError if passed the wrong number of arguments" do lambda { File.open(@file, File::CREAT, 0755, 'test') }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises an ArgumentError if passed an invalid string for mode" do lambda { File.open(@file, 'fake') }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "defaults external_encoding to ASCII-8BIT for binary modes" do File.open(@file, 'rb') {|f| f.external_encoding.should == Encoding::ASCII_8BIT} File.open(@file, 'wb+') {|f| f.external_encoding.should == Encoding::ASCII_8BIT} end it "uses the second argument as an options Hash" do @fh = File.open(@file, mode: "r") @fh.should be_an_instance_of(File) end it "calls #to_hash to convert the second argument to a Hash" do options = mock("file open options") options.should_receive(:to_hash).and_return({ mode: "r" }) @fh = File.open(@file, options) end it "accepts extra flags as a keyword argument and combine with a string mode" do lambda { File.open(@file, "w", flags: File::EXCL) { } }.should raise_error(Errno::EEXIST) lambda { File.open(@file, mode: "w", flags: File::EXCL) { } }.should raise_error(Errno::EEXIST) end it "accepts extra flags as a keyword argument and combine with an integer mode" do lambda { File.open(@file, File::WRONLY | File::CREAT, flags: File::EXCL) { } }.should raise_error(Errno::EEXIST) end platform_is_not :windows do describe "on a FIFO" do before :each do @fifo = tmp("File_open_fifo") File.mkfifo(@fifo) end after :each do rm_r @fifo end it "opens it as a normal file" do file_w, file_r, read_bytes, written_length = nil # open in threads, due to blocking open and writes writer = Thread.new do file_w = File.open(@fifo, 'w') written_length = file_w.syswrite('hello') end reader = Thread.new do file_r = File.open(@fifo, 'r') read_bytes = file_r.sysread(5) end begin writer.join reader.join written_length.should == 5 read_bytes.should == 'hello' ensure file_w.close if file_w file_r.close if file_r end end end end ruby_version_is "2.6" do context "'x' flag" do before :each do @xfile = tmp("x-flag") rm_r @xfile end after :each do rm_r @xfile end it "does nothing if the file doesn't exist" do File.open(@xfile, "wx") { |f| f.write("content") } File.read(@xfile).should == "content" end it "throws a Errno::EEXIST error if the file exists" do touch @xfile lambda { File.open(@xfile, "wx") }.should raise_error(Errno::EEXIST) end it "can't be used with 'r' and 'a' flags" do lambda { File.open(@xfile, "rx") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, 'invalid access mode rx') lambda { File.open(@xfile, "ax") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, 'invalid access mode ax') end end end end describe "File.open when passed a file descriptor" do before do @content = "File#open when passed a file descriptor" @name = tmp("file_open_with_fd.txt") @fd = new_fd @name, "w:utf-8" @file = nil end after do @file.close if @file and not @file.closed? rm_r @name end it "opens a file" do @file = File.open(@fd, "w") @file.should be_an_instance_of(File) @file.fileno.should equal(@fd) @file.write @content @file.flush File.read(@name).should == @content end it "opens a file when passed a block" do @file = File.open(@fd, "w") do |f| f.should be_an_instance_of(File) f.fileno.should equal(@fd) f.write @content f end File.read(@name).should == @content end end platform_is_not :windows do describe "File.open" do it_behaves_like :open_directory, :open end end