/********************************************************************** node.c - ruby node tree $Author: mame $ created at: 09/12/06 21:23:44 JST Copyright (C) 2009 Yusuke Endoh **********************************************************************/ #include "ruby/ruby.h" #include "vm_core.h" #define A(str) rb_str_cat2(buf, (str)) #define AR(str) rb_str_concat(buf, (str)) #define A_INDENT add_indent(buf, indent) #define D_INDENT rb_str_cat2(indent, next_indent) #define D_DEDENT rb_str_resize(indent, RSTRING_LEN(indent) - 4) #define A_ID(id) add_id(buf, (id)) #define A_INT(val) rb_str_catf(buf, "%d", (val)) #define A_LONG(val) rb_str_catf(buf, "%ld", (val)) #define A_LIT(lit) AR(rb_inspect(lit)) #define A_NODE_HEADER(node, term) \ rb_str_catf(buf, "@ %s (line: %d)"term, ruby_node_name(nd_type(node)), nd_line(node)) #define A_FIELD_HEADER(len, name, term) \ rb_str_catf(buf, "+- %.*s:"term, (len), (name)) #define D_FIELD_HEADER(len, name, term) (A_INDENT, A_FIELD_HEADER(len, name, term)) #define D_NULL_NODE (A_INDENT, A("(null node)\n")) #define D_NODE_HEADER(node) (A_INDENT, A_NODE_HEADER(node, "\n")) #define COMPOUND_FIELD(len, name, block) \ do { \ D_FIELD_HEADER((len), (name), "\n"); \ D_INDENT; \ block; \ D_DEDENT; \ } while (0) #define COMPOUND_FIELD1(name, ann, block) \ COMPOUND_FIELD(FIELD_NAME_LEN(name, ann), \ FIELD_NAME_DESC(name, ann), \ block) #define FIELD_NAME_DESC(name, ann) name " (" ann ")" #define FIELD_NAME_LEN(name, ann) (int)( \ comment ? \ rb_strlen_lit(FIELD_NAME_DESC(name, ann)) : \ rb_strlen_lit(name)) #define SIMPLE_FIELD(len, name) \ for (D_FIELD_HEADER((len), (name), " "), field_flag = 1; \ field_flag; /* should be optimized away */ \ A("\n"), field_flag = 0) #define SIMPLE_FIELD1(name, ann) SIMPLE_FIELD(FIELD_NAME_LEN(name, ann), FIELD_NAME_DESC(name, ann)) #define F_CUSTOM1(name, ann) SIMPLE_FIELD1(#name, ann) #define F_ID(name, ann) SIMPLE_FIELD1(#name, ann) A_ID(node->name) #define F_GENTRY(name, ann) SIMPLE_FIELD1(#name, ann) A_ID((node->name)->id) #define F_INT(name, ann) SIMPLE_FIELD1(#name, ann) A_INT(node->name) #define F_LONG(name, ann) SIMPLE_FIELD1(#name, ann) A_LONG(node->name) #define F_LIT(name, ann) SIMPLE_FIELD1(#name, ann) A_LIT(node->name) #define F_MSG(name, ann, desc) SIMPLE_FIELD1(#name, ann) A(desc) #define F_NODE(name, ann) \ COMPOUND_FIELD1(#name, ann, dump_node(buf, indent, comment, node->name)) #define F_OPTION(name, ann) \ COMPOUND_FIELD1(#name, ann, dump_option(buf, indent, node->name)) #define ANN(ann) \ if (comment) { \ A_INDENT; A("| # " ann "\n"); \ } #define LAST_NODE (next_indent = " ") static void add_indent(VALUE buf, VALUE indent) { AR(indent); } static void add_id(VALUE buf, ID id) { if (id == 0) { A("(null)"); } else { VALUE str = rb_id2str(id); if (str) { A(":"); AR(str); } else { A("(internal variable)"); } } } struct add_option_arg { VALUE buf, indent; st_index_t count; }; static int add_option_i(VALUE key, VALUE val, VALUE args) { struct add_option_arg *argp = (void *)args; VALUE buf = argp->buf; VALUE indent = argp->indent; A_INDENT; A("+- "); AR(rb_sym2str(key)); A(": "); A_LIT(val); A("\n"); return ST_CONTINUE; } static void dump_option(VALUE buf, VALUE indent, VALUE opt) { struct add_option_arg arg; if (!RB_TYPE_P(opt, T_HASH)) { A_LIT(opt); return; } arg.buf = buf; arg.indent = indent; arg.count = 0; rb_hash_foreach(opt, add_option_i, (VALUE)&arg); } static void dump_node(VALUE, VALUE, int, NODE *); static const char default_indent[] = "| "; static void dump_array(VALUE buf, VALUE indent, int comment, NODE *node) { int field_flag; const char *next_indent = default_indent; F_LONG(nd_alen, "length"); F_NODE(nd_head, "element"); while (node->nd_next && nd_type(node->nd_next) == NODE_ARRAY) { node = node->nd_next; F_NODE(nd_head, "element"); } LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_next, "next element"); } static void dump_node(VALUE buf, VALUE indent, int comment, NODE *node) { int field_flag; int i; const char *next_indent = default_indent; enum node_type type; if (!node) { D_NULL_NODE; return; } D_NODE_HEADER(node); type = nd_type(node); switch (type) { case NODE_BLOCK: ANN("statement sequence"); ANN("format: [nd_head]; ...; [nd_next]"); ANN("example: foo; bar"); i = 0; do { A_INDENT; rb_str_catf(buf, "+- nd_head (%s%d):\n", comment ? "statement #" : "", ++i); if (!node->nd_next) LAST_NODE; D_INDENT; dump_node(buf, indent, comment, node->nd_head); D_DEDENT; } while (node->nd_next && nd_type(node->nd_next) == NODE_BLOCK && (node = node->nd_next, 1)); if (!node->nd_next) break; LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_next, "next block"); break; case NODE_IF: ANN("if statement"); ANN("format: if [nd_cond] then [nd_body] else [nd_else] end"); ANN("example: if x == 1 then foo else bar end"); F_NODE(nd_cond, "condition expr"); F_NODE(nd_body, "then clause"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_else, "else clause"); break; case NODE_CASE: ANN("case statement"); ANN("format: case [nd_head]; [nd_body]; end"); ANN("example: case x; when 1; foo; when 2; bar; else baz; end"); F_NODE(nd_head, "case expr"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_body, "when clauses"); break; case NODE_WHEN: ANN("if statement"); ANN("format: when [nd_head]; [nd_body]; (when or else) [nd_next]"); ANN("example: case x; when 1; foo; when 2; bar; else baz; end"); F_NODE(nd_head, "when value"); F_NODE(nd_body, "when clause"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_next, "next when clause"); break; case NODE_OPT_N: ANN("wrapper for -n option"); ANN("format: ruby -ne '[nd_body]' (nd_cond is `gets')"); ANN("example: ruby -ne 'p $_'"); goto loop; case NODE_WHILE: ANN("while statement"); ANN("format: while [nd_cond]; [nd_body]; end"); ANN("example: while x == 1; foo; end"); goto loop; case NODE_UNTIL: ANN("until statement"); ANN("format: until [nd_cond]; [nd_body]; end"); ANN("example: until x == 1; foo; end"); loop: F_CUSTOM1(nd_state, "begin-end-while?") { A_INT((int)node->nd_state); A((node->nd_state == 1) ? " (while-end)" : " (begin-end-while)"); } F_NODE(nd_cond, "condition"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_body, "body"); break; case NODE_ITER: ANN("method call with block"); ANN("format: [nd_iter] { [nd_body] }"); ANN("example: 3.times { foo }"); goto iter; case NODE_FOR: ANN("for statement"); ANN("format: for * in [nd_iter] do [nd_body] end"); ANN("example: for i in 1..3 do foo end"); iter: F_NODE(nd_iter, "iteration receiver"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_body, "body"); break; case NODE_BREAK: ANN("for statement"); ANN("format: break [nd_stts]"); ANN("example: break 1"); goto jump; case NODE_NEXT: ANN("next statement"); ANN("format: next [nd_stts]"); ANN("example: next 1"); goto jump; case NODE_RETURN: ANN("return statement"); ANN("format: return [nd_stts]"); ANN("example: return 1"); jump: LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_stts, "value"); break; case NODE_REDO: ANN("redo statement"); ANN("format: redo"); ANN("example: redo"); break; case NODE_RETRY: ANN("retry statement"); ANN("format: retry"); ANN("example: retry"); break; case NODE_BEGIN: ANN("begin statement"); ANN("format: begin; [nd_body]; end"); ANN("example: begin; 1; end"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_body, "body"); break; case NODE_RESCUE: ANN("rescue clause"); ANN("format: begin; [nd_body]; (rescue) [nd_resq]; else [nd_else]; end"); ANN("example: begin; foo; rescue; bar; else; baz; end"); F_NODE(nd_head, "body"); F_NODE(nd_resq, "rescue clause list"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_else, "rescue else clause"); break; case NODE_RESBODY: ANN("rescue clause (cont'd)"); ANN("format: rescue [nd_args]; [nd_body]; (rescue) [nd_head]"); ANN("example: begin; foo; rescue; bar; else; baz; end"); F_NODE(nd_args, "rescue exceptions"); F_NODE(nd_body, "rescue clause"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_head, "next rescue clause"); break; case NODE_ENSURE: ANN("ensure clause"); ANN("format: begin; [nd_head]; ensure; [nd_ensr]; end"); ANN("example: begin; foo; ensure; bar; end"); F_NODE(nd_head, "body"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_ensr, "ensure clause"); break; case NODE_AND: ANN("&& operator"); ANN("format: [nd_1st] && [nd_2nd]"); ANN("example: foo && bar"); goto andor; case NODE_OR: ANN("|| operator"); ANN("format: [nd_1st] || [nd_2nd]"); ANN("example: foo || bar"); andor: while (1) { F_NODE(nd_1st, "left expr"); if (!node->nd_2nd || nd_type(node->nd_2nd) != type) break; node = node->nd_2nd; } LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_2nd, "right expr"); break; case NODE_MASGN: ANN("multiple assignment"); ANN("format: [nd_head], [nd_args] = [nd_value]"); ANN("example: a, b = foo"); F_NODE(nd_value, "rhsn"); F_NODE(nd_head, "lhsn"); if ((VALUE)node->nd_args != (VALUE)-1) { LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_args, "splatn"); } else { F_MSG(nd_args, "splatn", "-1 (rest argument without name)"); } break; case NODE_LASGN: ANN("local variable assignment"); ANN("format: [nd_vid](lvar) = [nd_value]"); ANN("example: x = foo"); goto asgn; case NODE_DASGN: ANN("dynamic variable assignment (out of current scope)"); ANN("format: [nd_vid](dvar) = [nd_value]"); ANN("example: x = nil; 1.times { x = foo }"); goto asgn; case NODE_DASGN_CURR: ANN("dynamic variable assignment (in current scope)"); ANN("format: [nd_vid](current dvar) = [nd_value]"); ANN("example: 1.times { x = foo }"); goto asgn; case NODE_IASGN: ANN("instance variable assignment"); ANN("format: [nd_vid](ivar) = [nd_value]"); ANN("example: @x = foo"); goto asgn; case NODE_CVASGN: ANN("class variable assignment"); ANN("format: [nd_vid](cvar) = [nd_value]"); ANN("example: @@x = foo"); asgn: F_ID(nd_vid, "variable"); LAST_NODE; if (node->nd_value == (NODE *)-1) { F_MSG(nd_value, "rvalue", "(required keyword argument)"); } else { F_NODE(nd_value, "rvalue"); } break; case NODE_GASGN: ANN("global variable assignment"); ANN("format: [nd_entry](gvar) = [nd_value]"); ANN("example: $x = foo"); F_GENTRY(nd_entry, "global variable"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_value, "rvalue"); break; case NODE_CDECL: ANN("constant declaration"); ANN("format: [nd_else]::[nd_vid](constant) = [nd_value]"); ANN("example: X = foo"); if (node->nd_vid) { F_ID(nd_vid, "variable"); F_MSG(nd_else, "extension", "not used"); } else { F_MSG(nd_vid, "variable", "0 (see extension field)"); F_NODE(nd_else, "extension"); } LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_value, "rvalue"); break; case NODE_OP_ASGN1: ANN("array assignment with operator"); ANN("format: [nd_value] [ [nd_args->nd_body] ] [nd_vid]= [nd_args->nd_head]"); ANN("example: ary[1] += foo"); F_NODE(nd_recv, "receiver"); F_ID(nd_vid, "operator"); F_NODE(nd_args->nd_body, "index"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_args->nd_head, "rvalue"); break; case NODE_OP_ASGN2: ANN("attr assignment with operator"); ANN("format: [nd_value].[attr] [nd_next->nd_mid]= [nd_value]"); ANN(" where [attr]: [nd_next->nd_vid]"); ANN("example: struct.field += foo"); F_NODE(nd_recv, "receiver"); F_CUSTOM1(nd_next->nd_vid, "attr") { if (node->nd_next->nd_aid) A("? "); A_ID(node->nd_next->nd_vid); } F_CUSTOM1(nd_next->nd_mid, "operator") { switch (node->nd_next->nd_mid) { case 0: A("0 (||)"); break; case 1: A("1 (&&)"); break; default: A_ID(node->nd_next->nd_mid); } } LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_value, "rvalue"); break; case NODE_OP_ASGN_AND: ANN("assignment with && operator"); ANN("format: [nd_head] &&= [nd_value]"); ANN("example: foo &&= bar"); goto asgn_andor; case NODE_OP_ASGN_OR: ANN("assignment with || operator"); ANN("format: [nd_head] ||= [nd_value]"); ANN("example: foo ||= bar"); asgn_andor: F_NODE(nd_head, "variable"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_value, "rvalue"); break; case NODE_CALL: ANN("method invocation"); ANN("format: [nd_recv].[nd_mid]([nd_args])"); ANN("example: obj.foo(1)"); F_ID(nd_mid, "method id"); F_NODE(nd_recv, "receiver"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_args, "arguments"); break; case NODE_FCALL: ANN("function call"); ANN("format: [nd_mid]([nd_args])"); ANN("example: foo(1)"); F_ID(nd_mid, "method id"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_args, "arguments"); break; case NODE_VCALL: ANN("function call with no argument"); ANN("format: [nd_mid]"); ANN("example: foo"); F_ID(nd_mid, "method id"); break; case NODE_QCALL: ANN("safe method invocation"); ANN("format: [nd_recv]&.[nd_mid]([nd_args])"); ANN("example: obj&.foo(1)"); F_ID(nd_mid, "method id"); F_NODE(nd_recv, "receiver"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_args, "arguments"); break; case NODE_SUPER: ANN("super invocation"); ANN("format: super [nd_args]"); ANN("example: super 1"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_args, "arguments"); break; case NODE_ZSUPER: ANN("super invocation with no argument"); ANN("format: super"); ANN("example: super"); break; case NODE_ARRAY: ANN("array constructor"); ANN("format: [ [nd_head], [nd_next].. ] (length: [nd_alen])"); ANN("example: [1, 2, 3]"); goto ary; case NODE_VALUES: ANN("return arguments"); ANN("format: [ [nd_head], [nd_next].. ] (length: [nd_alen])"); ANN("example: return 1, 2, 3"); ary: dump_array(buf, indent, comment, node); break; case NODE_ZARRAY: ANN("empty array constructor"); ANN("format: []"); ANN("example: []"); break; case NODE_HASH: ANN("hash constructor"); ANN("format: { [nd_head] }"); ANN("example: { 1 => 2, 3 => 4 }"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_head, "contents"); break; case NODE_YIELD: ANN("yield invocation"); ANN("format: yield [nd_head]"); ANN("example: yield 1"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_head, "arguments"); break; case NODE_LVAR: ANN("local variable reference"); ANN("format: [nd_vid](lvar)"); ANN("example: x"); goto var; case NODE_DVAR: ANN("dynamic variable reference"); ANN("format: [nd_vid](dvar)"); ANN("example: 1.times { x = 1; x }"); goto var; case NODE_IVAR: ANN("instance variable reference"); ANN("format: [nd_vid](ivar)"); ANN("example: @x"); goto var; case NODE_CONST: ANN("constant reference"); ANN("format: [nd_vid](constant)"); ANN("example: X"); goto var; case NODE_CVAR: ANN("class variable reference"); ANN("format: [nd_vid](cvar)"); ANN("example: @@x"); var: F_ID(nd_vid, "local variable"); break; case NODE_GVAR: ANN("global variable reference"); ANN("format: [nd_entry](gvar)"); ANN("example: $x"); F_GENTRY(nd_entry, "global variable"); break; case NODE_NTH_REF: ANN("nth special variable reference"); ANN("format: $[nd_nth]"); ANN("example: $1, $2, .."); F_CUSTOM1(nd_nth, "variable") { A("$"); A_LONG(node->nd_nth); } break; case NODE_BACK_REF: ANN("back special variable reference"); ANN("format: $[nd_nth]"); ANN("example: $&, $`, $', $+"); F_CUSTOM1(nd_nth, "variable") { char name[3]; name[0] = '$'; name[1] = (char)node->nd_nth; name[2] = '\0'; A(name); } break; case NODE_MATCH: ANN("match expression (against $_ implicitly)"); ANN("format: [nd_lit] (in condition)"); ANN("example: if /foo/; foo; end"); F_LIT(nd_lit, "regexp"); break; case NODE_MATCH2: ANN("match expression (regexp first)"); ANN("format: [nd_recv] =~ [nd_value]"); ANN("example: /foo/ =~ 'foo'"); F_NODE(nd_recv, "regexp (receiver)"); if (!node->nd_args) LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_value, "string (argument)"); if (node->nd_args) { LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_args, "named captures"); } break; case NODE_MATCH3: ANN("match expression (regexp second)"); ANN("format: [nd_recv] =~ [nd_value]"); ANN("example: 'foo' =~ /foo/"); F_NODE(nd_recv, "string (receiver)"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_value, "regexp (argument)"); break; case NODE_LIT: ANN("literal"); ANN("format: [nd_lit]"); ANN("example: 1, /foo/"); goto lit; case NODE_STR: ANN("string literal"); ANN("format: [nd_lit]"); ANN("example: 'foo'"); goto lit; case NODE_XSTR: ANN("xstring literal"); ANN("format: [nd_lit]"); ANN("example: `foo`"); lit: F_LIT(nd_lit, "literal"); break; case NODE_DSTR: ANN("string literal with interpolation"); ANN("format: [nd_lit]"); ANN("example: \"foo#{ bar }baz\""); goto dlit; case NODE_DXSTR: ANN("xstring literal with interpolation"); ANN("format: [nd_lit]"); ANN("example: `foo#{ bar }baz`"); goto dlit; case NODE_DREGX: ANN("regexp literal with interpolation"); ANN("format: [nd_lit]"); ANN("example: /foo#{ bar }baz/"); goto dlit; case NODE_DREGX_ONCE: ANN("regexp literal with interpolation and once flag"); ANN("format: [nd_lit]"); ANN("example: /foo#{ bar }baz/o"); goto dlit; case NODE_DSYM: ANN("symbol literal with interpolation"); ANN("format: [nd_lit]"); ANN("example: :\"foo#{ bar }baz\""); dlit: F_LIT(nd_lit, "preceding string"); F_NODE(nd_next->nd_head, "interpolation"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_next->nd_next, "tailing strings"); break; case NODE_EVSTR: ANN("interpolation expression"); ANN("format: \"..#{ [nd_lit] }..\""); ANN("example: \"foo#{ bar }baz\""); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_body, "body"); break; case NODE_ARGSCAT: ANN("splat argument following arguments"); ANN("format: ..(*[nd_head], [nd_body..])"); ANN("example: foo(*ary, post_arg1, post_arg2)"); F_NODE(nd_head, "preceding array"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_body, "following array"); break; case NODE_ARGSPUSH: ANN("splat argument following one argument"); ANN("format: ..(*[nd_head], [nd_body])"); ANN("example: foo(*ary, post_arg)"); F_NODE(nd_head, "preceding array"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_body, "following element"); break; case NODE_SPLAT: ANN("splat argument"); ANN("format: *[nd_head]"); ANN("example: foo(*ary)"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_head, "splat'ed array"); break; case NODE_BLOCK_PASS: ANN("arguments with block argument"); ANN("format: ..([nd_head], &[nd_body])"); ANN("example: foo(x, &blk)"); F_NODE(nd_head, "other arguments"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_body, "block argument"); break; case NODE_DEFN: ANN("method definition"); ANN("format: def [nd_mid] [nd_defn]; end"); ANN("example; def foo; bar; end"); F_ID(nd_mid, "method name"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_defn, "method definition"); break; case NODE_DEFS: ANN("singleton method definition"); ANN("format: def [nd_recv].[nd_mid] [nd_defn]; end"); ANN("example; def obj.foo; bar; end"); F_NODE(nd_recv, "receiver"); F_ID(nd_mid, "method name"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_defn, "method definition"); break; case NODE_ALIAS: ANN("method alias statement"); ANN("format: alias [u1.node] [u2.node]"); ANN("example: alias bar foo"); F_NODE(u1.node, "new name"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(u2.node, "old name"); break; case NODE_VALIAS: ANN("global variable alias statement"); ANN("format: alias [u1.id](gvar) [u2.id](gvar)"); ANN("example: alias $y $x"); F_ID(u1.id, "new name"); F_ID(u2.id, "old name"); break; case NODE_UNDEF: ANN("method alias statement"); ANN("format: undef [u2.node]"); ANN("example: undef foo"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(u2.node, "old name"); break; case NODE_CLASS: ANN("class definition"); ANN("format: class [nd_cpath] < [nd_super]; [nd_body]; end"); ANN("example: class C2 < C; ..; end"); F_NODE(nd_cpath, "class path"); F_NODE(nd_super, "superclass"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_body, "class definition"); break; case NODE_MODULE: ANN("module definition"); ANN("format: module [nd_cpath]; [nd_body]; end"); ANN("example: module M; ..; end"); F_NODE(nd_cpath, "module path"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_body, "module definition"); break; case NODE_SCLASS: ANN("singleton class definition"); ANN("format: class << [nd_recv]; [nd_body]; end"); ANN("example: class << obj; ..; end"); F_NODE(nd_recv, "receiver"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_body, "singleton class definition"); break; case NODE_COLON2: ANN("scoped constant reference"); ANN("format: [nd_head]::[nd_mid]"); ANN("example: M::C"); F_ID(nd_mid, "constant name"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_head, "receiver"); break; case NODE_COLON3: ANN("top-level constant reference"); ANN("format: ::[nd_mid]"); ANN("example: ::Object"); F_ID(nd_mid, "constant name"); break; case NODE_DOT2: ANN("range constructor (incl.)"); ANN("format: [nd_beg]..[nd_end]"); ANN("example: 1..5"); goto dot; case NODE_DOT3: ANN("range constructor (excl.)"); ANN("format: [nd_beg]...[nd_end]"); ANN("example: 1...5"); goto dot; case NODE_FLIP2: ANN("flip-flop condition (incl.)"); ANN("format: [nd_beg]..[nd_end]"); ANN("example: if (x==1)..(x==5); foo; end"); goto dot; case NODE_FLIP3: ANN("flip-flop condition (excl.)"); ANN("format: [nd_beg]...[nd_end]"); ANN("example: if (x==1)...(x==5); foo; end"); dot: F_NODE(nd_beg, "begin"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_end, "end"); break; case NODE_SELF: ANN("self"); ANN("format: self"); ANN("example: self"); break; case NODE_NIL: ANN("nil"); ANN("format: nil"); ANN("example: nil"); break; case NODE_TRUE: ANN("true"); ANN("format: true"); ANN("example: true"); break; case NODE_FALSE: ANN("false"); ANN("format: false"); ANN("example: false"); break; case NODE_ERRINFO: ANN("virtual reference to $!"); ANN("format: rescue => id"); ANN("example: rescue => id"); break; case NODE_DEFINED: ANN("defined? expression"); ANN("format: defined?([nd_head])"); ANN("example: defined?(foo)"); F_NODE(nd_head, "expr"); break; case NODE_POSTEXE: ANN("post-execution"); ANN("format: END { [nd_body] }"); ANN("example: END { foo }"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_body, "END clause"); break; case NODE_ATTRASGN: ANN("attr assignment"); ANN("format: [nd_recv].[nd_mid] = [nd_args]"); ANN("example: struct.field = foo"); if (node->nd_recv == (NODE *) 1) { F_MSG(nd_recv, "receiver", "1 (self)"); } else { F_NODE(nd_recv, "receiver"); } F_ID(nd_mid, "method name"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_args, "arguments"); break; case NODE_PRELUDE: ANN("pre-execution"); ANN("format: BEGIN { [nd_head] }; [nd_body]"); ANN("example: bar; BEGIN { foo }"); #define nd_compile_option u3.value F_NODE(nd_head, "prelude"); if (!node->nd_compile_option) LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_body, "body"); if (node->nd_compile_option) { LAST_NODE; F_OPTION(nd_compile_option, "compile_option"); } break; case NODE_LAMBDA: ANN("lambda expression"); ANN("format: -> [nd_body]"); ANN("example: -> { foo }"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_body, "lambda clause"); break; case NODE_OPT_ARG: ANN("optional arguments"); ANN("format: def method_name([nd_body=some], [nd_next..])"); ANN("example: def foo(a, b=1, c); end"); F_NODE(nd_body, "body"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_next, "next"); break; case NODE_KW_ARG: ANN("keyword arguments"); ANN("format: def method_name([nd_body=some], [nd_next..])"); ANN("example: def foo(a:1, b:2); end"); F_NODE(nd_body, "body"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_next, "next"); break; case NODE_POSTARG: ANN("post arguments"); ANN("format: *[nd_1st], [nd_2nd..] = .."); ANN("example: a, *rest, z = foo"); if ((VALUE)node->nd_1st != (VALUE)-1) { F_NODE(nd_1st, "rest argument"); } else { F_MSG(nd_1st, "rest argument", "-1 (rest argument without name)"); } LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_2nd, "post arguments"); break; case NODE_ARGS: ANN("method parameters"); ANN("format: def method_name(.., [nd_opt=some], *[nd_rest], [nd_pid], .., &[nd_body])"); ANN("example: def foo(a, b, opt1=1, opt2=2, *rest, y, z, &blk); end"); F_INT(nd_ainfo->pre_args_num, "count of mandatory (pre-)arguments"); F_NODE(nd_ainfo->pre_init, "initialization of (pre-)arguments"); F_INT(nd_ainfo->post_args_num, "count of mandatory post-arguments"); F_NODE(nd_ainfo->post_init, "initialization of post-arguments"); F_ID(nd_ainfo->first_post_arg, "first post argument"); F_ID(nd_ainfo->rest_arg, "rest argument"); F_ID(nd_ainfo->block_arg, "block argument"); F_NODE(nd_ainfo->opt_args, "optional arguments"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_ainfo->kw_args, "keyword arguments"); F_NODE(nd_ainfo->kw_rest_arg, "keyword rest argument"); break; case NODE_SCOPE: ANN("new scope"); ANN("format: [nd_tbl]: local table, [nd_args]: arguments, [nd_body]: body"); F_CUSTOM1(nd_tbl, "local table") { ID *tbl = node->nd_tbl; int i; int size = tbl ? (int)*tbl++ : 0; if (size == 0) A("(empty)"); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { A_ID(tbl[i]); if (i < size - 1) A(","); } } F_NODE(nd_args, "arguments"); LAST_NODE; F_NODE(nd_body, "body"); break; default: rb_bug("dump_node: unknown node: %s", ruby_node_name(nd_type(node))); } } VALUE rb_parser_dump_tree(NODE *node, int comment) { VALUE buf = rb_str_new_cstr( "###########################################################\n" "## Do NOT use this node dump for any purpose other than ##\n" "## debug and research. Compatibility is not guaranteed. ##\n" "###########################################################\n\n" ); dump_node(buf, rb_str_new_cstr("# "), comment, node); return buf; } void rb_gc_free_node(VALUE obj) { switch (nd_type(obj)) { case NODE_SCOPE: if (RNODE(obj)->nd_tbl) { xfree(RNODE(obj)->nd_tbl); } break; case NODE_ARGS: if (RNODE(obj)->nd_ainfo) { xfree(RNODE(obj)->nd_ainfo); } break; case NODE_ALLOCA: xfree(RNODE(obj)->u1.node); break; } } size_t rb_node_memsize(VALUE obj) { size_t size = 0; switch (nd_type(obj)) { case NODE_SCOPE: if (RNODE(obj)->nd_tbl) { size += (RNODE(obj)->nd_tbl[0]+1) * sizeof(*RNODE(obj)->nd_tbl); } break; case NODE_ARGS: if (RNODE(obj)->nd_ainfo) { size += sizeof(*RNODE(obj)->nd_ainfo); } break; case NODE_ALLOCA: size += RNODE(obj)->nd_cnt * sizeof(VALUE); break; } return size; } VALUE rb_gc_mark_node(NODE *obj) { switch (nd_type(obj)) { case NODE_IF: /* 1,2,3 */ case NODE_FOR: case NODE_ITER: case NODE_WHEN: case NODE_MASGN: case NODE_RESCUE: case NODE_RESBODY: case NODE_CLASS: case NODE_BLOCK_PASS: case NODE_MATCH2: rb_gc_mark(RNODE(obj)->u2.value); /* fall through */ case NODE_BLOCK: /* 1,3 */ case NODE_ARRAY: case NODE_DSTR: case NODE_DXSTR: case NODE_DREGX: case NODE_DREGX_ONCE: case NODE_ENSURE: case NODE_CALL: case NODE_DEFS: case NODE_OP_ASGN1: rb_gc_mark(RNODE(obj)->u1.value); /* fall through */ case NODE_SUPER: /* 3 */ case NODE_FCALL: case NODE_DEFN: case NODE_ARGS_AUX: return RNODE(obj)->u3.value; case NODE_WHILE: /* 1,2 */ case NODE_UNTIL: case NODE_AND: case NODE_OR: case NODE_CASE: case NODE_SCLASS: case NODE_DOT2: case NODE_DOT3: case NODE_FLIP2: case NODE_FLIP3: case NODE_MATCH3: case NODE_OP_ASGN_OR: case NODE_OP_ASGN_AND: case NODE_MODULE: case NODE_ALIAS: case NODE_VALIAS: case NODE_ARGSCAT: rb_gc_mark(RNODE(obj)->u1.value); /* fall through */ case NODE_GASGN: /* 2 */ case NODE_LASGN: case NODE_DASGN: case NODE_DASGN_CURR: case NODE_IASGN: case NODE_IASGN2: case NODE_CVASGN: case NODE_COLON3: case NODE_OPT_N: case NODE_EVSTR: case NODE_UNDEF: case NODE_POSTEXE: return RNODE(obj)->u2.value; case NODE_HASH: /* 1 */ case NODE_LIT: case NODE_STR: case NODE_XSTR: case NODE_DEFINED: case NODE_MATCH: case NODE_RETURN: case NODE_BREAK: case NODE_NEXT: case NODE_YIELD: case NODE_COLON2: case NODE_SPLAT: case NODE_TO_ARY: return RNODE(obj)->u1.value; case NODE_SCOPE: /* 2,3 */ case NODE_CDECL: case NODE_OPT_ARG: rb_gc_mark(RNODE(obj)->u3.value); return RNODE(obj)->u2.value; case NODE_ARGS: /* custom */ { struct rb_args_info *args = obj->u3.args; if (args) { if (args->pre_init) rb_gc_mark((VALUE)args->pre_init); if (args->post_init) rb_gc_mark((VALUE)args->post_init); if (args->opt_args) rb_gc_mark((VALUE)args->opt_args); if (args->kw_args) rb_gc_mark((VALUE)args->kw_args); if (args->kw_rest_arg) rb_gc_mark((VALUE)args->kw_rest_arg); } } return RNODE(obj)->u2.value; case NODE_ZARRAY: /* - */ case NODE_ZSUPER: case NODE_VCALL: case NODE_GVAR: case NODE_LVAR: case NODE_DVAR: case NODE_IVAR: case NODE_CVAR: case NODE_NTH_REF: case NODE_BACK_REF: case NODE_REDO: case NODE_RETRY: case NODE_SELF: case NODE_NIL: case NODE_TRUE: case NODE_FALSE: case NODE_ERRINFO: case NODE_BLOCK_ARG: break; case NODE_ALLOCA: rb_gc_mark_locations((VALUE*)RNODE(obj)->u1.value, (VALUE*)RNODE(obj)->u1.value + RNODE(obj)->u3.cnt); rb_gc_mark(RNODE(obj)->u2.value); break; default: /* unlisted NODE */ rb_gc_mark_maybe(RNODE(obj)->u1.value); rb_gc_mark_maybe(RNODE(obj)->u2.value); rb_gc_mark_maybe(RNODE(obj)->u3.value); } return 0; }