require 'test/unit' require 'timeout' require 'tmpdir' require 'tempfile' require 'fileutils' class TestArgf < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @tmpdir = Dir.mktmpdir @tmp_count = 0 @t1 = make_tempfile0("argf-foo") @t1.binmode @t1.puts "1" @t1.puts "2" @t1.close @t2 = make_tempfile0("argf-bar") @t2.binmode @t2.puts "3" @t2.puts "4" @t2.close @t3 = make_tempfile0("argf-baz") @t3.binmode @t3.puts "5" @t3.puts "6" @t3.close end def teardown FileUtils.rmtree(@tmpdir) end def make_tempfile0(basename) @tmp_count += 1 open("#{@tmpdir}/#{basename}-#{@tmp_count}", "w") end def make_tempfile t = make_tempfile0("argf-qux") t.puts "foo" t.puts "bar" t.puts "baz" t.close t end def ruby(*args, external_encoding: Encoding::UTF_8) args = ['-e', '$>.write($<.read)'] if args.empty? ruby = EnvUtil.rubybin f = IO.popen([ruby] + args, 'r+', external_encoding: external_encoding) yield(f) ensure f.close unless !f || f.closed? end def no_safe_rename /cygwin|mswin|mingw|bccwin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM end def assert_src_expected(line, src, args = nil) args ||= [@t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path] expected = src.split(/^/) ruby('-e', src, *args) do |f| expected.each_with_index do |e, i| /#=> *(.*)/ =~ e or next a = f.gets assert_not_nil(a, "[ruby-dev:34445]: remained") assert_equal($1, a.chomp, "[ruby-dev:34445]: line #{line+i}") end end end def test_argf assert_src_expected(__LINE__+1, <<-'SRC') a = ARGF b = a.dup p [a.gets.chomp, a.lineno, b.gets.chomp, b.lineno] #=> ["1", 1, "1", 1] p [a.gets.chomp, a.lineno, b.gets.chomp, b.lineno] #=> ["2", 2, "2", 2] a.rewind b.rewind p [a.gets.chomp, a.lineno, b.gets.chomp, b.lineno] #=> ["1", 1, "1", 3] p [a.gets.chomp, a.lineno, b.gets.chomp, b.lineno] #=> ["2", 2, "2", 4] p [a.gets.chomp, a.lineno, b.gets.chomp, b.lineno] #=> ["3", 3, "3", 5] p [a.gets.chomp, a.lineno, b.gets.chomp, b.lineno] #=> ["4", 4, "4", 6] p [a.gets.chomp, a.lineno, b.gets.chomp, b.lineno] #=> ["5", 5, "5", 7] a.rewind b.rewind p [a.gets.chomp, a.lineno, b.gets.chomp, b.lineno] #=> ["5", 5, "5", 8] p [a.gets.chomp, a.lineno, b.gets.chomp, b.lineno] #=> ["6", 6, "6", 9] SRC end def test_lineno assert_src_expected(__LINE__+1, <<-'SRC') a = ARGF a.gets; p $. #=> 1 a.gets; p $. #=> 2 a.gets; p $. #=> 3 a.rewind; p $. #=> 3 a.gets; p $. #=> 3 a.gets; p $. #=> 4 a.rewind; p $. #=> 4 a.gets; p $. #=> 3 a.lineno = 1000; p $. #=> 1000 a.gets; p $. #=> 1001 a.gets; p $. #=> 1002 $. = 2000 a.gets; p $. #=> 2001 a.gets; p $. #=> 2001 SRC end def test_lineno2 assert_src_expected(__LINE__+1, <<-'SRC') a = ARGF.dup a.gets; p $. #=> 1 a.gets; p $. #=> 2 a.gets; p $. #=> 1 a.rewind; p $. #=> 1 a.gets; p $. #=> 1 a.gets; p $. #=> 2 a.gets; p $. #=> 1 a.lineno = 1000; p $. #=> 1 a.gets; p $. #=> 2 a.gets; p $. #=> 2 $. = 2000 a.gets; p $. #=> 2000 a.gets; p $. #=> 2000 SRC end def test_lineno3 assert_in_out_err(["-", @t1.path, @t2.path], <<-INPUT, %w"1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 1 4 4 2", [], "[ruby-core:25205]") ARGF.each do |line| puts [$., ARGF.lineno, ARGF.file.lineno] end INPUT end def test_inplace assert_in_out_err(["-", @t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path], <<-INPUT, [], []) ARGF.inplace_mode = '.bak' while line = ARGF.gets puts line.chomp + '.new' end INPUT assert_equal("\\n", assert_equal("\\n", assert_equal("\\n", assert_equal("1\n2\n", + ".bak")) assert_equal("3\n4\n", + ".bak")) assert_equal("5\n6\n", + ".bak")) end def test_inplace2 assert_in_out_err(["-", @t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path], <<-INPUT, [], []) ARGF.inplace_mode = '.bak' puts ARGF.gets.chomp + '.new' puts ARGF.gets.chomp + '.new' p ARGF.inplace_mode ARGF.inplace_mode = nil puts ARGF.gets.chomp + '.new' puts ARGF.gets.chomp + '.new' p ARGF.inplace_mode ARGF.inplace_mode = '.bak' puts ARGF.gets.chomp + '.new' p ARGF.inplace_mode ARGF.inplace_mode = nil puts ARGF.gets.chomp + '.new' INPUT assert_equal("\\n\".bak\"\\\nnil\n", assert_equal("3\n4\n", assert_equal("\n\".bak\"\\n", assert_equal("1\n2\n", + ".bak")) assert_equal(false, File.file?(@t2.path + ".bak")) assert_equal("5\n6\n", + ".bak")) end def test_inplace3 assert_in_out_err(["-i.bak", "-", @t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path], <<-INPUT, [], []) puts ARGF.gets.chomp + '.new' puts ARGF.gets.chomp + '.new' p $-i $-i = nil puts ARGF.gets.chomp + '.new' puts ARGF.gets.chomp + '.new' p $-i $-i = '.bak' puts ARGF.gets.chomp + '.new' p $-i $-i = nil puts ARGF.gets.chomp + '.new' INPUT assert_equal("\\n\".bak\"\\\nnil\n", assert_equal("3\n4\n", assert_equal("\n\".bak\"\\n", assert_equal("1\n2\n", + ".bak")) assert_equal(false, File.file?(@t2.path + ".bak")) assert_equal("5\n6\n", + ".bak")) end def test_inplace_rename_impossible t = make_tempfile assert_in_out_err(["-", t.path], <<-INPUT) do |r, e| ARGF.inplace_mode = '/\\\\:' while line = ARGF.gets puts line.chomp + '.new' end INPUT assert_match(/Can't rename .* to .*: .*. skipping file/, e.first) #' assert_equal([], r) assert_equal("foo\nbar\nbaz\n", end base = "argf-\u{30c6 30b9 30c8}" name = "#{@tmpdir}/#{base}" File.write(name, "foo") argf = argf.inplace_mode = '/\\:' assert_warning(/#{base}/) {argf.gets} end def test_inplace_no_backup t = make_tempfile assert_in_out_err(["-", t.path], <<-INPUT) do |r, e| ARGF.inplace_mode = '' while line = ARGF.gets puts line.chomp + '.new' end INPUT if no_safe_rename assert_match(/Can't do inplace edit without backup/, e.join) #' else assert_equal([], e) assert_equal([], r) assert_equal("\\\n", end end end def test_inplace_dup t = make_tempfile assert_in_out_err(["-", t.path], <<-INPUT, [], []) ARGF.inplace_mode = '.bak' f = ARGF.dup while line = f.gets puts line.chomp + '.new' end INPUT assert_equal("\\\n", end def test_inplace_stdin assert_in_out_err(["-", "-"], <<-INPUT, [], /Can't do inplace edit for stdio; skipping/) ARGF.inplace_mode = '.bak' f = ARGF.dup while line = f.gets puts line.chomp + '.new' end INPUT end def test_inplace_stdin2 assert_in_out_err(["-"], <<-INPUT, [], /Can't do inplace edit for stdio/) ARGF.inplace_mode = '.bak' while line = ARGF.gets puts line.chomp + '.new' end INPUT end def test_encoding ruby('-e', <<-SRC, @t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path) do |f| p ARGF.external_encoding.is_a?(Encoding) p ARGF.internal_encoding.is_a?(Encoding) ARGF.gets p ARGF.external_encoding.is_a?(Encoding) p ARGF.internal_encoding SRC assert_equal("true\ntrue\ntrue\nnil\n", end end def test_tell ruby('-e', <<-SRC, @t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path) do |f| begin ARGF.binmode loop do p ARGF.tell p ARGF.gets end rescue ArgumentError puts "end" end SRC a ="\n") [0, 2, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4].map {|i| i.to_s }. zip((1..6).map {|i| '"' + i.to_s + '\n"' } + ["nil"]).flatten. each do |x| assert_equal(x, a.shift) end assert_equal('end', a.shift) end end def test_seek assert_src_expected(__LINE__+1, <<-'SRC') p ARGF.gets #=> "3\n", IO::SEEK_END) p ARGF.gets #=> "5\n" p ARGF.gets #=> nil begin rescue puts "end" #=> end end SRC end def test_set_pos assert_src_expected(__LINE__+1, <<-'SRC') ARGF.pos = 4 p ARGF.gets #=> "3\n" ARGF.pos = 4 p ARGF.gets #=> "5\n" ARGF.pos = 4 p ARGF.gets #=> nil begin ARGF.pos = 4 rescue puts "end" #=> end end SRC end def test_rewind assert_src_expected(__LINE__+1, <<-'SRC') ARGF.pos = 4 ARGF.rewind p ARGF.gets #=> "1\n" ARGF.pos = 4 p ARGF.gets #=> "3\n" ARGF.pos = 4 p ARGF.gets #=> "5\n" ARGF.pos = 4 p ARGF.gets #=> nil begin ARGF.rewind rescue puts "end" #=> end end SRC end def test_fileno ruby('-e', <<-SRC, @t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path) do |f| p ARGF.fileno ARGF.gets ARGF.gets p ARGF.fileno ARGF.gets ARGF.gets p ARGF.fileno ARGF.gets ARGF.gets p ARGF.fileno ARGF.gets begin ARGF.fileno rescue puts "end" end SRC a ="\n") fd1, fd2, fd3, fd4, tag = a assert_match(/^\d+$/, fd1) assert_match(/^\d+$/, fd2) assert_match(/^\d+$/, fd3) assert_match(/^\d+$/, fd4) assert_equal('end', tag) end end def test_to_io ruby('-e', <<-SRC, @t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path) do |f| 8.times do p ARGF.to_io ARGF.gets end SRC a ="\n") f11, f12, f13, f21, f22, f31, f32, f4 = a assert_equal(f11, f12) assert_equal(f11, f13) assert_equal(f21, f22) assert_equal(f31, f32) assert_match(/\(closed\)/, f4) f4.sub!(/ \(closed\)/, "") assert_equal(f31, f4) end end def test_eof ruby('-e', <<-SRC, @t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path) do |f| begin 8.times do p ARGF.eof? ARGF.gets end rescue IOError puts "end" end SRC a ="\n") (%w(false) + (%w(false true) * 3) + %w(end)).each do |x| assert_equal(x, a.shift) end end t1 = open("#{@tmpdir}/argf-hoge", "w") t1.binmode t1.puts "foo" t1.close t2 = open("#{@tmpdir}/argf-moge", "w") t2.binmode t2.puts "bar" t2.close ruby('-e', 'STDERR.reopen(STDOUT); ARGF.gets; ARGF.skip; p ARGF.eof?', t1.path, t2.path) do |f| assert_equal(%w(false),\n/)) end end def test_read ruby('-e', "p", @t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path) do |f| assert_equal("\"1\\n2\\n3\\n4\\n\"\n", end end def test_read2 ruby('-e', <<-SRC, @t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path) do |f| s = "", s) p s SRC assert_equal("\"1\\n2\\n3\\n4\\n\"\n", end end def test_read2_with_not_empty_buffer ruby('-e', <<-SRC, @t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path) do |f| s = "0123456789", s) p s SRC assert_equal("\"1\\n2\\n3\\n4\\n\"\n", end end def test_read3 ruby('-e', <<-SRC, @t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path) do |f| nil while ARGF.gets p p, "") SRC assert_equal("nil\n\"\"\n", end end def test_readpartial ruby('-e', <<-SRC, @t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path) do |f| s = "" begin loop do s << ARGF.readpartial(1) t = ""; ARGF.readpartial(1, t); s << t # not empty buffer u = "abcdef"; ARGF.readpartial(1, u); s << u end rescue EOFError puts s end SRC assert_equal("1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n", end end def test_readpartial2 ruby('-e', <<-SRC) do |f| s = "" begin loop do s << ARGF.readpartial(1) t = ""; ARGF.readpartial(1, t); s << t end rescue EOFError $stdout.binmode puts s end SRC f.binmode f.puts("foo") f.puts("bar") f.puts("baz") f.close_write assert_equal("foo\nbar\nbaz\n", end end def test_readpartial_eof_twice ruby('-W1', '-e', <<-SRC, @t1.path) do |f| $stderr = $stdout print ARGF.readpartial(256) ARGF.readpartial(256) rescue p($!.class) ARGF.readpartial(256) rescue p($!.class) SRC assert_equal("1\n2\nEOFError\nEOFError\n", end end def test_getc ruby('-e', <<-SRC, @t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path) do |f| s = "" while c = ARGF.getc s << c end puts s SRC assert_equal("1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n", end end def test_getbyte ruby('-e', <<-SRC, @t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path) do |f| s = [] while c = ARGF.getbyte s << c end p s SRC assert_equal("[49, 10, 50, 10, 51, 10, 52, 10, 53, 10, 54, 10]\n", end end def test_readchar ruby('-e', <<-SRC, @t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path) do |f| s = "" begin while c = ARGF.readchar s << c end rescue EOFError puts s end SRC assert_equal("1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n", end end def test_readbyte ruby('-e', <<-SRC, @t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path) do |f| begin s = [] while c = ARGF.readbyte s << c end rescue EOFError p s end SRC assert_equal("[49, 10, 50, 10, 51, 10, 52, 10, 53, 10, 54, 10]\n", end end def test_each_line ruby('-e', <<-SRC, @t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path) do |f| s = [] ARGF.each_line {|l| s << l } p s SRC assert_equal("[\"1\\n\", \"2\\n\", \"3\\n\", \"4\\n\", \"5\\n\", \"6\\n\"]\n", end end def test_each_line_paragraph assert_in_out_err(['-e', 'ARGF.each_line("") {|para| p para}'], "a\n\nb\n", ["\"a\\n\\n\"", "\"b\\n\""], []) end def test_each_byte ruby('-e', <<-SRC, @t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path) do |f| s = [] ARGF.each_byte {|c| s << c } p s SRC assert_equal("[49, 10, 50, 10, 51, 10, 52, 10, 53, 10, 54, 10]\n", end end def test_each_char ruby('-e', <<-SRC, @t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path) do |f| s = "" ARGF.each_char {|c| s << c } puts s SRC assert_equal("1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n", end end def test_filename ruby('-e', <<-SRC, @t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path) do |f| begin puts ARGF.filename.dump end while ARGF.gets puts ARGF.filename.dump SRC a ="\n") assert_equal(@t1.path.dump, a.shift) assert_equal(@t1.path.dump, a.shift) assert_equal(@t1.path.dump, a.shift) assert_equal(@t2.path.dump, a.shift) assert_equal(@t2.path.dump, a.shift) assert_equal(@t3.path.dump, a.shift) assert_equal(@t3.path.dump, a.shift) assert_equal(@t3.path.dump, a.shift) end end def test_filename2 ruby('-e', <<-SRC, @t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path) do |f| begin puts $FILENAME.dump end while ARGF.gets puts $FILENAME.dump SRC a ="\n") assert_equal(@t1.path.dump, a.shift) assert_equal(@t1.path.dump, a.shift) assert_equal(@t1.path.dump, a.shift) assert_equal(@t2.path.dump, a.shift) assert_equal(@t2.path.dump, a.shift) assert_equal(@t3.path.dump, a.shift) assert_equal(@t3.path.dump, a.shift) assert_equal(@t3.path.dump, a.shift) end end def test_file ruby('-e', <<-SRC, @t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path) do |f| begin puts ARGF.file.path.dump end while ARGF.gets puts ARGF.file.path.dump SRC a ="\n") assert_equal(@t1.path.dump, a.shift) assert_equal(@t1.path.dump, a.shift) assert_equal(@t1.path.dump, a.shift) assert_equal(@t2.path.dump, a.shift) assert_equal(@t2.path.dump, a.shift) assert_equal(@t3.path.dump, a.shift) assert_equal(@t3.path.dump, a.shift) assert_equal(@t3.path.dump, a.shift) end end def test_binmode bug5268 = '[ruby-core:39234]' open(@t3.path, "wb") {|f| f.write "5\r\n6\r\n"} ruby('-e', "ARGF.binmode; STDOUT.binmode; puts", @t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path) do |f| f.binmode assert_equal("1\n2\n3\n4\n5\r\n6\r\n",, bug5268) end end def test_textmode bug5268 = '[ruby-core:39234]' open(@t3.path, "wb") {|f| f.write "5\r\n6\r\n"} ruby('-e', "STDOUT.binmode; puts", @t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path) do |f| f.binmode assert_equal("1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n",, bug5268) end end unless def test_skip ruby('-e', <<-SRC, @t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path) do |f| ARGF.skip puts ARGF.gets ARGF.skip puts SRC assert_equal("1\n3\n4\n5\n6\n", end end def test_skip_in_each_line ruby('-e', <<-SRC, @t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path) do |f| ARGF.each_line {|l| print l; ARGF.skip} SRC assert_equal("1\n3\n5\n",, '[ruby-list:49185]') end ruby('-e', <<-SRC, @t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path) do |f| ARGF.each_line {|l| ARGF.skip; puts [l, ARGF.gets].map {|s| s ? s.chomp : s.inspect}.join("+")} SRC assert_equal("1+3\n4+5\n6+nil\n",, '[ruby-list:49185]') end end def test_skip_in_each_byte ruby('-e', <<-SRC, @t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path) do |f| ARGF.each_byte {|l| print l; ARGF.skip} SRC assert_equal("135".unpack("C*").join(""),, '[ruby-list:49185]') end end def test_skip_in_each_char [[@t1, "\u{3042}"], [@t2, "\u{3044}"], [@t3, "\u{3046}"]].each do |f, s| File.write(f.path, s, mode: "w:utf-8") end ruby('-Eutf-8', '-e', <<-SRC, @t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path) do |f| ARGF.each_char {|l| print l; ARGF.skip} SRC assert_equal("\u{3042 3044 3046}",, '[ruby-list:49185]') end end def test_skip_in_each_codepoint [[@t1, "\u{3042}"], [@t2, "\u{3044}"], [@t3, "\u{3046}"]].each do |f, s| File.write(f.path, s, mode: "w:utf-8") end ruby('-Eutf-8', '-Eutf-8', '-e', <<-SRC, @t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path) do |f| ARGF.each_codepoint {|l| printf "%x:", l; ARGF.skip} SRC assert_equal("3042:3044:3046:",, '[ruby-list:49185]') end end def test_close ruby('-e', <<-SRC, @t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path) do |f| ARGF.close puts SRC assert_equal("3\n4\n5\n6\n", end end def test_close_replace ruby('-e', <<-SRC) do |f| ARGF.close ARGV.replace ['#{@t1.path}', '#{@t2.path}', '#{@t3.path}'] puts SRC assert_equal("1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n", end end def test_closed ruby('-e', <<-SRC, @t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path) do |f| 3.times do p ARGF.closed? ARGF.gets ARGF.gets end p ARGF.closed? ARGF.gets p ARGF.closed? SRC assert_equal("false\nfalse\nfalse\nfalse\ntrue\n", end end def test_argv ruby('-e', "p ARGF.argv; p $*", @t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path) do |f| assert_equal([@t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path].inspect, f.gets.chomp) assert_equal([@t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path].inspect, f.gets.chomp) end end def test_readlines_limit_0 bug4024 = '[ruby-dev:42538]' t = make_tempfile argf = begin assert_raise(ArgumentError, bug4024) do argf.readlines(0) end ensure argf.close end end def test_each_line_limit_0 bug4024 = '[ruby-dev:42538]' t = make_tempfile argf = begin assert_raise(ArgumentError, bug4024) do argf.each_line(0).next end ensure argf.close end end def test_unreadable bug4274 = '[ruby-core:34446]' paths = (1..2).map do t ="bug4274-") path = t.path t.close! path end argf =*paths) paths.each do |path| assert_raise_with_message(Errno::ENOENT, /- #{Regexp.quote(path)}\z/) {argf.gets} end assert_nil(argf.gets, bug4274) end def test_readlines_twice bug5952 = '[ruby-dev:45160]' assert_ruby_status(["-e", "2.times {STDIN.tty?; readlines}"], "", bug5952) end def test_lines ruby('-W1', '-e', <<-SRC, @t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path) do |f| $stderr = $stdout s = [] ARGF.lines {|l| s << l } p s SRC assert_match(/deprecated/, f.gets) assert_equal("[\"1\\n\", \"2\\n\", \"3\\n\", \"4\\n\", \"5\\n\", \"6\\n\"]\n", end end def test_bytes ruby('-W1', '-e', <<-SRC, @t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path) do |f| $stderr = $stdout print Marshal.dump(ARGF.bytes.to_a) SRC assert_match(/deprecated/, f.gets) assert_equal([49, 10, 50, 10, 51, 10, 52, 10, 53, 10, 54, 10], Marshal.load( end end def test_chars ruby('-W1', '-e', <<-SRC, @t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path) do |f| $stderr = $stdout print [Marshal.dump(ARGF.chars.to_a)].pack('m') SRC assert_match(/deprecated/, f.gets) assert_equal(["1", "\n", "2", "\n", "3", "\n", "4", "\n", "5", "\n", "6", "\n"], Marshal.load('m').first)) end end def test_codepoints ruby('-W1', '-e', <<-SRC, @t1.path, @t2.path, @t3.path) do |f| $stderr = $stdout print Marshal.dump(ARGF.codepoints.to_a) SRC assert_match(/deprecated/, f.gets) assert_equal([49, 10, 50, 10, 51, 10, 52, 10, 53, 10, 54, 10], Marshal.load( end end def test_read_nonblock ruby('-e', <<-SRC) do |f| $stdout.sync = true :wait_readable == ARGF.read_nonblock(1, "", exception: false) or abort "did not return :wait_readable" begin ARGF.read_nonblock(1) abort 'fail to raise IO::WaitReadable' rescue IO::WaitReadable end puts 'starting select'[ARGF]) == [[ARGF], [], []] or abort 'did not awaken for readability (before byte)' buf = '' buf.object_id == ARGF.read_nonblock(1, buf).object_id or abort "read destination buffer failed" print buf[ARGF]) == [[ARGF], [], []] or abort 'did not awaken for readability (before EOF)' ARGF.read_nonblock(1, buf, exception: false) == nil or abort "EOF should return nil if exception: false" begin ARGF.read_nonblock(1, buf) abort 'fail to raise IO::WaitReadable' rescue EOFError puts 'done with eof' end SRC f.sync = true assert_equal "starting select\n", f.gets f.write('.') # wake up from assert_equal '.', f.close_write assert_equal "done with eof\n", f.gets end end def test_wrong_type assert_separately([], <<-'end;') bug11610 = '[ruby-core:71140] [Bug #11610]' ARGV[0] = nil assert_raise(TypeError, bug11610) {gets} end; end end