require_relative '../../spec_helper' require 'bigdecimal' describe "BigDecimal#to_s" do before :each do @bigdec_str = "3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937" @bigneg_str = "-3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993" @bigdec = BigDecimal(@bigdec_str) @bigneg = BigDecimal(@bigneg_str) end it "return type is of class String" do @bigdec.to_s.kind_of?(String).should == true @bigneg.to_s.kind_of?(String).should == true end it "the default format looks like 0.xxxxenn" do @bigdec.to_s.should =~ /^0\.[0-9]*e[0-9]*$/ end it "does not add an exponent for zero values" do BigDecimal("0").to_s.should == "0.0" BigDecimal("+0").to_s.should == "0.0" BigDecimal("-0").to_s.should == "-0.0" end it "takes an optional argument" do -> {@bigdec.to_s("F")}.should_not raise_error() end it "starts with + if + is supplied and value is positive" do @bigdec.to_s("+").should =~ /^\+.*/ @bigneg.to_s("+").should_not =~ /^\+.*/ end it "inserts a space every n chars, if integer n is supplied" do re =\ /\A0\.314 159 265 358 979 323 846 264 338 327 950 288 419 716 939 937E1\z/i @bigdec.to_s(3).should =~ re str1 = '-123.45678 90123 45678 9' BigDecimal("-123.45678901234567890").to_s('5F').should == str1 BigDecimal('1000010').to_s('5F').should == "10000 10.0" # trailing zeroes removed BigDecimal("1.00000000000").to_s('1F').should == "1.0" # 0 is treated as no spaces BigDecimal("1.2345").to_s('0F').should == "1.2345" end it "can return a leading space for values > 0" do @bigdec.to_s(" F").should =~ /\ .*/ @bigneg.to_s(" F").should_not =~ /\ .*/ end it "removes trailing spaces in floating point notation" do BigDecimal('-123.45678901234567890').to_s('F').should == "-123.4567890123456789" BigDecimal('1.2500').to_s('F').should == "1.25" BigDecimal('0000.00000').to_s('F').should == "0.0" BigDecimal('-00.000010000').to_s('F').should == "-0.00001" BigDecimal("5.00000E-2").to_s("F").should == "0.05" BigDecimal("500000").to_s("F").should == "500000.0" BigDecimal("5E2").to_s("F").should == "500.0" BigDecimal("-5E100").to_s("F").should == "-5" + "0" * 100 + ".0" end it "can use engineering notation" do @bigdec.to_s("E").should =~ /^0\.[0-9]*E[0-9]*$/i end it "can use conventional floating point notation" do %w[f F].each do |format_char| @bigdec.to_s(format_char).should == @bigdec_str @bigneg.to_s(format_char).should == @bigneg_str str2 = "+123.45678901 23456789" BigDecimal('123.45678901234567890').to_s("+8#{format_char}").should == str2 end end end