require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__) newline = "\n" platform_is :windows do newline = "\r\n" end describe :process_spawn_does_not_close_std_streams, shared: true do platform_is_not :windows do it "does not close STDIN" do code = "STDOUT.puts" cmd = "Process.wait Process.spawn(#{ruby_cmd(code).inspect}, #{@options.inspect})" ruby_exe(cmd, args: "> #{@output}") File.binread(@output).should == %[""#{newline}] end it "does not close STDOUT" do code = "STDOUT.puts 'hello'" cmd = "Process.wait Process.spawn(#{ruby_cmd(code).inspect}, #{@options.inspect})" ruby_exe(cmd, args: "> #{@output}") File.binread(@output).should == "hello#{newline}" end it "does not close STDERR" do code = "STDERR.puts 'hello'" cmd = "Process.wait Process.spawn(#{ruby_cmd(code).inspect}, #{@options.inspect})" ruby_exe(cmd, args: "2> #{@output}") File.binread(@output).should == "hello#{newline}" end end end describe "Process.spawn" do before :each do @name = tmp("process_spawn.txt") end after :each do rm_r @name end it "executes the given command" do lambda { Process.wait Process.spawn("echo spawn") }.should output_to_fd("spawn\n") end it "returns the process ID of the new process as a Fixnum" do pid = Process.spawn(ruby_cmd("exit")) Process.wait pid pid.should be_an_instance_of(Fixnum) end it "returns immediately" do start = pid = Process.spawn(ruby_cmd("sleep 10")) ( - start).should < 5 Process.kill :KILL, pid Process.wait pid end # argv processing describe "with a single argument" do platform_is_not :windows do it "subjects the specified command to shell expansion" do lambda { Process.wait Process.spawn("echo *") }.should_not output_to_fd("*\n") end it "creates an argument array with shell parsing semantics for whitespace" do lambda { Process.wait Process.spawn("echo a b c d") }.should output_to_fd("a b c d\n") end end platform_is :windows do # There is no shell expansion on Windows it "does not subject the specified command to shell expansion on Windows" do lambda { Process.wait Process.spawn("echo *") }.should output_to_fd("*\n") end it "does not create an argument array with shell parsing semantics for whitespace on Windows" do lambda { Process.wait Process.spawn("echo a b c d") }.should output_to_fd("a b c d\n") end end it "calls #to_str to convert the argument to a String" do o = mock("to_str") o.should_receive(:to_str).and_return("echo foo") lambda { Process.wait Process.spawn(o) }.should output_to_fd("foo\n") end it "raises an ArgumentError if the command includes a null byte" do lambda { Process.spawn "\000" }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises a TypeError if the argument does not respond to #to_str" do lambda { Process.spawn :echo }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end describe "with multiple arguments" do it "does not subject the arguments to shell expansion" do lambda { Process.wait Process.spawn("echo", "*") }.should output_to_fd("*\n") end it "preserves whitespace in passed arguments" do out = "a b c d\n" platform_is :windows do # The echo command on Windows takes quotes literally out = "\"a b c d\"\n" end lambda { Process.wait Process.spawn("echo", "a b c d") }.should output_to_fd(out) end it "calls #to_str to convert the arguments to Strings" do o = mock("to_str") o.should_receive(:to_str).and_return("foo") lambda { Process.wait Process.spawn("echo", o) }.should output_to_fd("foo\n") end it "raises an ArgumentError if an argument includes a null byte" do lambda { Process.spawn "echo", "\000" }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises a TypeError if an argument does not respond to #to_str" do lambda { Process.spawn "echo", :foo }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end describe "with a command array" do it "uses the first element as the command name and the second as the argv[0] value" do platform_is_not :windows do lambda { Process.wait Process.spawn(["/bin/sh", "argv_zero"], "-c", "echo $0") }.should output_to_fd("argv_zero\n") end platform_is :windows do lambda { Process.wait Process.spawn(["cmd.exe", "/C"], "/C", "echo", "argv_zero") }.should output_to_fd("argv_zero\n") end end it "does not subject the arguments to shell expansion" do lambda { Process.wait Process.spawn(["echo", "echo"], "*") }.should output_to_fd("*\n") end it "preserves whitespace in passed arguments" do out = "a b c d\n" platform_is :windows do # The echo command on Windows takes quotes literally out = "\"a b c d\"\n" end lambda { Process.wait Process.spawn(["echo", "echo"], "a b c d") }.should output_to_fd(out) end it "calls #to_ary to convert the argument to an Array" do o = mock("to_ary") platform_is_not :windows do o.should_receive(:to_ary).and_return(["/bin/sh", "argv_zero"]) lambda { Process.wait Process.spawn(o, "-c", "echo $0") }.should output_to_fd("argv_zero\n") end platform_is :windows do o.should_receive(:to_ary).and_return(["cmd.exe", "/C"]) lambda { Process.wait Process.spawn(o, "/C", "echo", "argv_zero") }.should output_to_fd("argv_zero\n") end end it "calls #to_str to convert the first element to a String" do o = mock("to_str") o.should_receive(:to_str).and_return("echo") lambda { Process.wait Process.spawn([o, "echo"], "foo") }.should output_to_fd("foo\n") end it "calls #to_str to convert the second element to a String" do o = mock("to_str") o.should_receive(:to_str).and_return("echo") lambda { Process.wait Process.spawn(["echo", o], "foo") }.should output_to_fd("foo\n") end it "raises an ArgumentError if the Array does not have exactly two elements" do lambda { Process.spawn([]) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) lambda { Process.spawn([:a]) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) lambda { Process.spawn([:a, :b, :c]) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises an ArgumentError if the Strings in the Array include a null byte" do lambda { Process.spawn ["\000", "echo"] }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) lambda { Process.spawn ["echo", "\000"] }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises a TypeError if an element in the Array does not respond to #to_str" do lambda { Process.spawn ["echo", :echo] }.should raise_error(TypeError) lambda { Process.spawn [:echo, "echo"] }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end # env handling after :each do ENV.delete("FOO") end it "sets environment variables in the child environment" do Process.wait Process.spawn({"FOO" => "BAR"}, ruby_cmd(fixture(__FILE__, "env.rb"), args: @name)) == "BAR" end it "unsets environment variables whose value is nil" do ENV["FOO"] = "BAR" Process.wait Process.spawn({"FOO" => nil}, ruby_cmd(fixture(__FILE__, "env.rb"), args: @name)) == "" end it "calls #to_hash to convert the environment" do o = mock("to_hash") o.should_receive(:to_hash).and_return({"FOO" => "BAR"}) Process.wait Process.spawn(o, ruby_cmd(fixture(__FILE__, "env.rb"), args: @name)) == "BAR" end it "calls #to_str to convert the environment keys" do o = mock("to_str") o.should_receive(:to_str).and_return("FOO") Process.wait Process.spawn({o => "BAR"}, ruby_cmd(fixture(__FILE__, "env.rb"), args: @name)) == "BAR" end it "calls #to_str to convert the environment values" do o = mock("to_str") o.should_receive(:to_str).and_return("BAR") Process.wait Process.spawn({"FOO" => o}, ruby_cmd(fixture(__FILE__, "env.rb"), args: @name)) == "BAR" end it "raises an ArgumentError if an environment key includes an equals sign" do lambda do Process.spawn({"FOO=" => "BAR"}, ruby_cmd(fixture(__FILE__, "env.rb"), args: @name)) end.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises an ArgumentError if an environment key includes a null byte" do lambda do Process.spawn({"\000" => "BAR"}, ruby_cmd(fixture(__FILE__, "env.rb"), args: @name)) end.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises an ArgumentError if an environment value includes a null byte" do lambda do Process.spawn({"FOO" => "\000"}, ruby_cmd(fixture(__FILE__, "env.rb"), args: @name)) end.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end # :unsetenv_others before :each do @minimal_env = { "PATH" => ENV["PATH"], "HOME" => ENV["HOME"] } @common_env_spawn_args = [@minimal_env, ruby_cmd(fixture(__FILE__, "env.rb"), options: "--disable-gems", args: @name)] end platform_is_not :windows do it "unsets other environment variables when given a true :unsetenv_others option" do ENV["FOO"] = "BAR" Process.wait Process.spawn(*@common_env_spawn_args, unsetenv_others: true) $?.success?.should be_true == "" end end it "does not unset other environment variables when given a false :unsetenv_others option" do ENV["FOO"] = "BAR" Process.wait Process.spawn(*@common_env_spawn_args, unsetenv_others: false) $?.success?.should be_true == "BAR" end platform_is_not :windows do it "does not unset environment variables included in the environment hash" do env = @minimal_env.merge({"FOO" => "BAR"}) Process.wait Process.spawn(env, ruby_cmd(fixture(__FILE__, "env.rb"), options: "--disable-gems", args: @name), unsetenv_others: true) $?.success?.should be_true == "BAR" end end # :pgroup platform_is_not :windows do it "joins the current process group by default" do lambda do Process.wait Process.spawn(ruby_cmd("print Process.getpgid(")) end.should output_to_fd(Process.getpgid( end it "joins the current process if pgroup: false" do lambda do Process.wait Process.spawn(ruby_cmd("print Process.getpgid("), pgroup: false) end.should output_to_fd(Process.getpgid( end it "joins the current process if pgroup: nil" do lambda do Process.wait Process.spawn(ruby_cmd("print Process.getpgid("), pgroup: nil) end.should output_to_fd(Process.getpgid( end it "joins a new process group if pgroup: true" do process = lambda do Process.wait Process.spawn(ruby_cmd("print Process.getpgid("), pgroup: true) end process.should_not output_to_fd(Process.getpgid( process.should output_to_fd(/\d+/) end it "joins a new process group if pgroup: 0" do process = lambda do Process.wait Process.spawn(ruby_cmd("print Process.getpgid("), pgroup: 0) end process.should_not output_to_fd(Process.getpgid( process.should output_to_fd(/\d+/) end it "joins the specified process group if pgroup: pgid" do pgid = Process.getpgid( lambda do Process.wait Process.spawn(ruby_cmd("print Process.getpgid("), pgroup: pgid) end.should output_to_fd(pgid.to_s) end it "raises an ArgumentError if given a negative :pgroup option" do lambda { Process.spawn("echo", pgroup: -1) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises a TypeError if given a symbol as :pgroup option" do lambda { Process.spawn("echo", pgroup: :true) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end platform_is :windows do it "raises an ArgumentError if given :pgroup option" do lambda { Process.spawn("echo", pgroup: false) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end # :rlimit_core # :rlimit_cpu # :rlimit_data # :chdir it "uses the current working directory as its working directory" do lambda do Process.wait Process.spawn(ruby_cmd("print Dir.pwd")) end.should output_to_fd(Dir.pwd) end describe "when passed :chdir" do before do @dir = tmp("spawn_chdir", false) Dir.mkdir @dir end after do rm_r @dir end it "changes to the directory passed for :chdir" do lambda do Process.wait Process.spawn(ruby_cmd("print Dir.pwd"), chdir: @dir) end.should output_to_fd(@dir) end it "calls #to_path to convert the :chdir value" do dir = mock("spawn_to_path") dir.should_receive(:to_path).and_return(@dir) lambda do Process.wait Process.spawn(ruby_cmd("print Dir.pwd"), chdir: dir) end.should output_to_fd(@dir) end end # :umask it "uses the current umask by default" do lambda do Process.wait Process.spawn(ruby_cmd("print File.umask")) end.should output_to_fd(File.umask.to_s) end platform_is_not :windows do it "sets the umask if given the :umask option" do lambda do Process.wait Process.spawn(ruby_cmd("print File.umask"), umask: 146) end.should output_to_fd("146") end end # redirection it "redirects STDOUT to the given file descriptior if out: Fixnum" do, 'w') do |file| lambda do Process.wait Process.spawn(ruby_cmd(fixture(__FILE__, "print.rb")), out: file.fileno) end.should output_to_fd("glark", file) end end it "redirects STDOUT to the given file if out: IO" do, 'w') do |file| lambda do Process.wait Process.spawn(ruby_cmd(fixture(__FILE__, "print.rb")), out: file) end.should output_to_fd("glark", file) end end it "redirects STDOUT to the given file if out: String" do Process.wait Process.spawn(ruby_cmd(fixture(__FILE__, "print.rb")), out: @name) == "glark" end it "redirects STDOUT to the given file if out: [String name, String mode]" do Process.wait Process.spawn(ruby_cmd(fixture(__FILE__, "print.rb")), out: [@name, 'w']) == "glark" end it "redirects STDERR to the given file descriptior if err: Fixnum" do, 'w') do |file| lambda do Process.wait Process.spawn(ruby_cmd("STDERR.print :glark"), err: file.fileno) end.should output_to_fd("glark", file) end end it "redirects STDERR to the given file descriptor if err: IO" do, 'w') do |file| lambda do Process.wait Process.spawn(ruby_cmd("STDERR.print :glark"), err: file) end.should output_to_fd("glark", file) end end it "redirects STDERR to the given file if err: String" do Process.wait Process.spawn(ruby_cmd("STDERR.print :glark"), err: @name) == "glark" end it "redirects STDERR to child STDOUT if :err => [:child, :out]" do, 'w') do |file| lambda do Process.wait Process.spawn(ruby_cmd("STDERR.print :glark"), :out => file, :err => [:child, :out]) end.should output_to_fd("glark", file) end end it "redirects both STDERR and STDOUT to the given file descriptior" do, 'w') do |file| lambda do Process.wait Process.spawn(ruby_cmd("print(:glark); STDOUT.flush; STDERR.print(:bang)"), [:out, :err] => file.fileno) end.should output_to_fd("glarkbang", file) end end it "redirects both STDERR and STDOUT to the given IO" do, 'w') do |file| lambda do Process.wait Process.spawn(ruby_cmd("print(:glark); STDOUT.flush; STDERR.print(:bang)"), [:out, :err] => file) end.should output_to_fd("glarkbang", file) end end it "redirects both STDERR and STDOUT at the time to the given name" do touch @name Process.wait Process.spawn(ruby_cmd("print(:glark); STDOUT.flush; STDERR.print(:bang)"), [:out, :err] => @name) == "glarkbang" end context "when passed close_others: true" do before :each do @output = tmp("spawn_close_others_true") @options = { close_others: true } end after :each do rm_r @output end it "closes file descriptors >= 3 in the child process" do IO.pipe do |r, w| begin pid = Process.spawn(ruby_cmd("while File.exist? '#{@name}'; sleep 0.1; end"), @options) w.close lambda { r.read_nonblock(1) }.should raise_error(EOFError) ensure rm_r @name Process.wait(pid) if pid end end end it_should_behave_like :process_spawn_does_not_close_std_streams end context "when passed close_others: false" do before :each do @output = tmp("spawn_close_others_false") @options = { close_others: false } end after :each do rm_r @output end it "closes file descriptors >= 3 in the child process because they are set close_on_exec by default" do IO.pipe do |r, w| begin pid = Process.spawn(ruby_cmd("while File.exist? '#{@name}'; sleep 0.1; end"), @options) w.close lambda { r.read_nonblock(1) }.should raise_error(EOFError) ensure rm_r @name Process.wait(pid) if pid end end end platform_is_not :windows do it "does not close file descriptors >= 3 in the child process if fds are set close_on_exec=false" do IO.pipe do |r, w| r.close_on_exec = false w.close_on_exec = false begin pid = Process.spawn(ruby_cmd("while File.exist? '#{@name}'; sleep 0.1; end"), @options) w.close lambda { r.read_nonblock(1) }.should raise_error(Errno::EAGAIN) ensure rm_r @name Process.wait(pid) if pid end end end end it_should_behave_like :process_spawn_does_not_close_std_streams end # error handling it "raises an ArgumentError if passed no command arguments" do lambda { Process.spawn }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises an ArgumentError if passed env or options but no command arguments" do lambda { Process.spawn({}) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises an ArgumentError if passed env and options but no command arguments" do lambda { Process.spawn({}, {}) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises an Errno::ENOENT for an empty string" do lambda { Process.spawn "" }.should raise_error(Errno::ENOENT) end it "raises an Errno::ENOENT if the command does not exist" do lambda { Process.spawn "nonesuch" }.should raise_error(Errno::ENOENT) end unless File.executable?(__FILE__) # Some FS (e.g. vboxfs) locate all files executable platform_is_not :windows do it "raises an Errno::EACCES when the file does not have execute permissions" do lambda { Process.spawn __FILE__ }.should raise_error(Errno::EACCES) end end platform_is :windows do it "raises Errno::EACCES or Errno::ENOEXEC when the file is not an executable file" do lambda { Process.spawn __FILE__ }.should raise_error(->(e){[Errno::EACCES, Errno::ENOEXEC].find{|exc| exc === e}}) end end end it "raises an Errno::EACCES when passed a directory" do lambda { Process.spawn File.dirname(__FILE__) }.should raise_error(Errno::EACCES) end it "raises an ArgumentError when passed a string key in options" do lambda { Process.spawn("echo", "chdir" => Dir.pwd) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises an ArgumentError when passed an unknown option key" do lambda { Process.spawn("echo", nonesuch: :foo) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end platform_is_not :windows do describe "with Integer option keys" do before :each do @name = tmp("spawn_fd_map.txt") @io = new_io @name, "w+" @io.sync = true end after :each do @io.close unless @io.closed? rm_r @name end it "maps the key to a file descriptor in the child that inherits the file descriptor from the parent specified by the value" do child_fd = @io.fileno + 1 args = ruby_cmd(fixture(__FILE__, "map_fd.rb"), args: [child_fd.to_s]) pid = Process.spawn(*args, { child_fd => @io }) Process.waitpid pid @io.rewind == "writing to fd: #{child_fd}" end end end end