require 'test/unit' require_relative 'envutil' class TestISeq < Test::Unit::TestCase ISeq = RubyVM::InstructionSequence def test_no_linenum bug5894 = '[ruby-dev:45130]' assert_normal_exit('p RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile("1", "mac", "", 0).to_a', bug5894) end def lines src body =[13] lines = body.find_all{|e| e.kind_of? Fixnum} end def test_to_a_lines src = <<-EOS p __LINE__ # 1 p __LINE__ # 2 # 3 p __LINE__ # 4 EOS assert_equal [1, 2, 4], lines(src) src = <<-EOS # 1 p __LINE__ # 2 # 3 p __LINE__ # 4 # 5 EOS assert_equal [2, 4], lines(src) src = <<-EOS 1 # should be optimized out 2 # should be optimized out p __LINE__ # 3 p __LINE__ # 4 5 # should be optimized out 6 # should be optimized out p __LINE__ # 7 8 # should be optimized out 9 EOS assert_equal [3, 4, 7, 9], lines(src) end def test_unsupport_type ary = RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile("p").to_a ary[9] = :foobar assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /:foobar/) {RubyVM::InstructionSequence.load(ary)} end if defined?(RubyVM::InstructionSequence.load) def test_disasm_encoding src = "\u{3042} = 1; \u{3042}" enc, Encoding.default_internal = Encoding.default_internal, src.encoding assert_equal(src.encoding, RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile(src).disasm.encoding) src.encode!(Encoding::Shift_JIS) assert_equal(true, RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile(src).disasm.ascii_only?) ensure Encoding.default_internal = enc end LINE_BEFORE_METHOD = __LINE__ def method_test_line_trace a = 1 b = 2 end def test_line_trace iseq = ISeq.compile \ %q{ a = 1 b = 2 c = 3 # d = 4 e = 5 # f = 6 g = 7 } assert_equal([1, 2, 3, 5, 7], iseq.line_trace_all) iseq.line_trace_specify(1, true) # line 2 iseq.line_trace_specify(3, true) # line 5 result = []{|tp| result << tp.lineno }.enable{ iseq.eval } assert_equal([2, 5], result) iseq = ISeq.of(self.class.instance_method(:method_test_line_trace)) assert_equal([LINE_BEFORE_METHOD + 3, LINE_BEFORE_METHOD + 5], iseq.line_trace_all) end if false # TODO: now, it is only for C APIs. LINE_OF_HERE = __LINE__ def test_location iseq = ISeq.of(method(:test_location)) assert_equal(__FILE__, iseq.path) assert(/#{__FILE__}/ =~ iseq.absolute_path) assert_equal("test_location", iseq.label) assert_equal("test_location", iseq.base_label) assert_equal(LINE_OF_HERE+1, iseq.first_lineno) line = __LINE__ iseq = ISeq.of({}) assert_equal(__FILE__, iseq.path) assert(/#{__FILE__}/ =~ iseq.absolute_path) assert_equal("test_location", iseq.base_label) assert_equal("block in test_location", iseq.label) assert_equal(line+1, iseq.first_lineno) end def test_label_fstring c ={ def foobar() end } a, b = eval("# encoding: us-ascii\n'foobar'.freeze"), ISeq.of(c.instance_method(:foobar)).label assert_same a, b end end