# radio3.rb
# This demonstration script creates a toplevel window containing
# several radiobutton widgets.
# radiobutton widget demo (called by 'widget')

# toplevel widget
if defined?($radio3_demo) && $radio3_demo
  $radio3_demo = nil

# demo toplevel widget
$radio3_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
  title("Radiobutton Demonstration 3")

# label 
msg = TkLabel.new($radio3_demo) {
  font $font
  wraplength '5i'
  justify 'left'
  text "Three groups of radiobuttons are displayed below.  If you click on a button then the button will become selected exclusively among all the buttons in its group.  A Tcl variable is associated with each group to indicate which of the group's buttons is selected.  When the 'Tristate' button is pressed, the radio buttons will display the tri-state mode. Selecting any radio button will return the buttons to their respective on/off state. Click the \"See Variables\" button to see the current values of the variables."
msg.grid(:row=>0, :column=>0, :columnspan=>3, :sticky=>'nsew')

# variable
size = TkVariable.new
color = TkVariable.new
align = TkVariable.new

# frame 
TkFrame.new($radio3_demo) {|frame|
  TkGrid(TkFrame.new(frame, :height=>2, :relief=>:sunken, :bd=>2), 
         :columnspan=>4, :row=>0, :sticky=>'ew', :pady=>2)
         TkButton.new(frame, :text=>'See Variables', 
                      :image=>$image['view'], :compound=>:left, 
                        showVars($radio3_demo, ['size', size], 
                                 ['color', color], ['compound', align])
         TkButton.new(frame, :text=>'See Code', 
                      :image=>$image['view'], :compound=>:left, 
                      :command=>proc{showCode 'radio3'}), 
         TkButton.new(frame, :text=>'Dismiss', 
                      :image=>$image['delete'], :compound=>:left, 
                        tmppath = $radio3_demo
                        $radio3_demo = nil
                        $showVarsWin[tmppath.path] = nil
         :padx=>4, :pady=>4)
  frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, :weight=>1)
  TkGrid(frame, :row=>3, :column=>0, :columnspan=>3, :sticky=>'nsew')

# frame 
f_left  = TkLabelFrame.new($radio3_demo, 'text'=>'Point Size', 
                           'pady'=>2, 'padx'=>2)
f_mid   = TkLabelFrame.new($radio3_demo, 'text'=>'Color', 
                           'pady'=>2, 'padx'=>2)
f_right = TkLabelFrame.new($radio3_demo, 'text'=>'Alignment', 
                           'pady'=>2, 'padx'=>2)
f_left .grid('column'=>0, 'row'=>1, 'pady'=>'.5c', 'padx'=>'.5c', 'rowspan'=>2)
f_mid  .grid('column'=>1, 'row'=>1, 'pady'=>'.5c', 'padx'=>'.5c', 'rowspan'=>2)
f_right.grid('column'=>2, 'row'=>1, 'pady'=>'.5c', 'padx'=>'.5c')

TkButton.new($radio3_demo, 'text'=>'Tristate', 
             'command'=>proc{size.value = 'multi'; color.value = 'multi'}){
  grid('column'=>2, 'row'=>2, 'pady'=>'.5c', 'padx'=>'.5c')

# radiobutton 
[10, 12, 14, 18, 24].each {|sz|
  TkRadioButton.new(f_left) {
    text "Point Size #{sz}"
    variable size
    relief 'flat'
    value sz
    tristatevalue 'multi'
  }.pack('side'=>'top', 'pady'=>2, 'anchor'=>'w', 'fill'=>'x')

['Red', 'Green', 'Blue', 'Yellow', 'Orange', 'Purple'].each {|col|
  TkRadioButton.new(f_mid) {
    text col
    variable color
    relief 'flat'
    value col.downcase
    anchor 'w'
    tristatevalue 'multi'
    command proc{f_mid.fg(color.value)}
  }.pack('side'=>'top', 'pady'=>2, 'fill'=>'x')

label = TkLabel.new(f_right, 'text'=>'Label', 'bitmap'=>'questhead', 
label.configure('width'=>TkWinfo.reqwidth(label), 'compound'=>'top')
a_btn = ['Top', 'Left', 'Right', 'Bottom'].collect{|a|
  TkRadioButton.new(f_right, 'text'=>a, 'variable'=>align, 'relief'=>'flat', 
                    'value'=>a.downcase, 'indicatoron'=>0, 'width'=>7, 

Tk.grid('x', a_btn[0])
Tk.grid(a_btn[1], label, a_btn[2])
Tk.grid('x', a_btn[3])