require_relative '../../spec_helper' require_relative 'fixtures/common' describe "Dir.mkdir" do before :all do DirSpecs.create_mock_dirs end after :all do DirSpecs.delete_mock_dirs end it "creates the named directory with the given permissions" do DirSpecs.clear_dirs begin File.exist?('nonexisting').should == false Dir.mkdir 'nonexisting' File.exist?('nonexisting').should == true platform_is_not :windows do Dir.mkdir 'default_perms' a = File.stat('default_perms').mode Dir.mkdir 'reduced', (a - 1) File.stat('reduced').mode.should_not == a end platform_is :windows do Dir.mkdir 'default_perms', 0666 a = File.stat('default_perms').mode Dir.mkdir 'reduced', 0444 File.stat('reduced').mode.should_not == a end Dir.mkdir('always_returns_0').should == 0 platform_is_not(:windows) do File.chmod(0777, "nonexisting","default_perms","reduced","always_returns_0") end platform_is_not(:windows) do File.chmod(0644, "nonexisting","default_perms","reduced","always_returns_0") end ensure DirSpecs.clear_dirs end end it "calls #to_path on non-String arguments" do DirSpecs.clear_dirs p = mock('path') p.should_receive(:to_path).and_return('nonexisting') Dir.mkdir(p) DirSpecs.clear_dirs end it "raises a SystemCallError if any of the directories in the path before the last does not exist" do -> { Dir.mkdir "#{DirSpecs.nonexistent}/subdir" }.should raise_error(SystemCallError) end it "raises Errno::EEXIST if the specified directory already exists" do -> { Dir.mkdir("#{DirSpecs.mock_dir}/dir") }.should raise_error(Errno::EEXIST) end it "raises Errno::EEXIST if the argument points to the existing file" do -> { Dir.mkdir("#{DirSpecs.mock_dir}/file_one.ext") }.should raise_error(Errno::EEXIST) end end # The permissions flag are not supported on Windows as stated in documentation: # The permissions may be modified by the value of File.umask, and are ignored on NT. platform_is_not :windows do as_user do describe "Dir.mkdir" do before :each do @dir = tmp "noperms" end after :each do File.chmod 0777, @dir rm_r @dir end it "raises a SystemCallError when lacking adequate permissions in the parent dir" do Dir.mkdir @dir, 0000 -> { Dir.mkdir "#{@dir}/subdir" }.should raise_error(SystemCallError) end end end end