define hook-run set $color_type = 0 set $color_highlite = 0 set $color_end = 0 end define ruby_gdb_init if !$color_type set $color_type = "\033[31m" end if !$color_highlite set $color_highlite = "\033[36m" end if !$color_end set $color_end = "\033[m" end if ruby_dummy_gdb_enums.special_consts end end # set prompt \033[36m(gdb)\033[m\040 define rp ruby_gdb_init if (VALUE)($arg0) & RUBY_FIXNUM_FLAG printf "FIXNUM: %ld\n", (long)($arg0) >> 1 else if ((VALUE)($arg0) & ~(~(VALUE)0<<RUBY_SPECIAL_SHIFT)) == RUBY_SYMBOL_FLAG set $id = (($arg0) >> RUBY_SPECIAL_SHIFT) printf "%sSYMBOL%s: ", $color_type, $color_end rp_id $id else if ($arg0) == RUBY_Qfalse echo false\n else if ($arg0) == RUBY_Qtrue echo true\n else if ($arg0) == RUBY_Qnil echo nil\n else if ($arg0) == RUBY_Qundef echo undef\n else if (VALUE)($arg0) & RUBY_IMMEDIATE_MASK if ((VALUE)($arg0) & RUBY_FLONUM_MASK) == RUBY_FLONUM_FLAG printf "%sFLONUM%s: %g\n", $color_type, $color_end, (double)rb_float_value($arg0) else echo immediate\n end else set $flags = ((struct RBasic*)($arg0))->flags if ($flags & RUBY_FL_PROMOTED) == RUBY_FL_PROMOTED printf "[PROMOTED] " end if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_NONE printf "%sT_NONE%s: ", $color_type, $color_end print (struct RBasic *)($arg0) else if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_NIL printf "%sT_NIL%s: ", $color_type, $color_end print (struct RBasic *)($arg0) else if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_OBJECT printf "%sT_OBJECT%s: ", $color_type, $color_end print (struct RObject *)($arg0) else if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_CLASS printf "%sT_CLASS%s%s: ", $color_type, ($flags & RUBY_FL_SINGLETON) ? "*" : "", $color_end rp_class $arg0 else if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_ICLASS printf "%sT_ICLASS%s: ", $color_type, $color_end rp_class $arg0 else if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_MODULE printf "%sT_MODULE%s: ", $color_type, $color_end rp_class $arg0 else if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_FLOAT printf "%sT_FLOAT%s: %.16g ", $color_type, $color_end, (((struct RFloat*)($arg0))->float_value) print (struct RFloat *)($arg0) else if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_STRING printf "%sT_STRING%s: ", $color_type, $color_end rp_string $arg0 $flags else if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_REGEXP set $regsrc = ((struct RRegexp*)($arg0))->src set $rsflags = ((struct RBasic*)$regsrc)->flags printf "%sT_REGEXP%s: ", $color_type, $color_end set print address off output (char *)(($rsflags & RUBY_FL_USER1) ? \ ((struct RString*)$regsrc)->as.heap.ptr : \ ((struct RString*)$regsrc)->as.ary) set print address on printf " len:%ld ", ($rsflags & RUBY_FL_USER1) ? \ ((struct RString*)$regsrc)->as.heap.len : \ (($rsflags & (RUBY_FL_USER2|RUBY_FL_USER3|RUBY_FL_USER4|RUBY_FL_USER5|RUBY_FL_USER6)) >> RUBY_FL_USHIFT+2) if $flags & RUBY_FL_USER6 printf "(none) " end if $flags & RUBY_FL_USER5 printf "(literal) " end if $flags & RUBY_FL_USER4 printf "(fixed) " end printf "encoding:%d ", ($flags & RUBY_ENCODING_MASK) >> RUBY_ENCODING_SHIFT print (struct RRegexp *)($arg0) else if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_ARRAY if ($flags & RUBY_FL_USER1) set $len = (($flags & (RUBY_FL_USER3|RUBY_FL_USER4)) >> (RUBY_FL_USHIFT+3)) printf "%sT_ARRAY%s: len=%ld ", $color_type, $color_end, $len printf "(embed) " if ($len == 0) printf "{(empty)} " else output/x *((VALUE*)((struct RArray*)($arg0))->as.ary) @ $len printf " " end else set $len = ((struct RArray*)($arg0))->as.heap.len printf "%sT_ARRAY%s: len=%ld ", $color_type, $color_end, $len if ($flags & RUBY_FL_USER2) printf "(shared) shared=" output/x ((struct RArray*)($arg0))->as.heap.aux.shared printf " " else printf "(ownership) capa=%ld ", ((struct RArray*)($arg0))->as.heap.aux.capa end if ($len == 0) printf "{(empty)} " else output/x *((VALUE*)((struct RArray*)($arg0))->as.heap.ptr) @ $len printf " " end end print (struct RArray *)($arg0) else if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_FIXNUM printf "%sT_FIXNUM%s: ", $color_type, $color_end print (struct RBasic *)($arg0) else if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_HASH printf "%sT_HASH%s: ", $color_type, $color_end, if ((struct RHash *)($arg0))->ntbl printf "len=%ld ", ((struct RHash *)($arg0))->ntbl->num_entries end print (struct RHash *)($arg0) else if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_STRUCT printf "%sT_STRUCT%s: len=%ld ", $color_type, $color_end, \ (($flags & (RUBY_FL_USER1|RUBY_FL_USER2)) ? \ ($flags & (RUBY_FL_USER1|RUBY_FL_USER2)) >> (RUBY_FL_USHIFT+1) : \ ((struct RStruct *)($arg0))->as.heap.len) print (struct RStruct *)($arg0) x/xw (($flags & (RUBY_FL_USER1|RUBY_FL_USER2)) ? \ ((struct RStruct *)($arg0))->as.ary : \ ((struct RStruct *)($arg0))->as.heap.ptr) else if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_BIGNUM printf "%sT_BIGNUM%s: sign=%d len=%ld ", $color_type, $color_end, \ (($flags & RUBY_FL_USER1) != 0), \ (($flags & RUBY_FL_USER2) ? \ ($flags & (RUBY_FL_USER5|RUBY_FL_USER4|RUBY_FL_USER3)) >> (RUBY_FL_USHIFT+3) : \ ((struct RBignum*)($arg0))->as.heap.len) if $flags & RUBY_FL_USER2 printf "(embed) " end print (struct RBignum *)($arg0) x/xw (($flags & RUBY_FL_USER2) ? \ ((struct RBignum*)($arg0))->as.ary : \ ((struct RBignum*)($arg0))->as.heap.digits) else if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_RATIONAL printf "%sT_RATIONAL%s: ", $color_type, $color_end print (struct RRational *)($arg0) else if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_COMPLEX printf "%sT_COMPLEX%s: ", $color_type, $color_end print (struct RComplex *)($arg0) else if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_FILE printf "%sT_FILE%s: ", $color_type, $color_end print (struct RFile *)($arg0) output *((struct RFile *)($arg0))->fptr printf "\n" else if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_TRUE printf "%sT_TRUE%s: ", $color_type, $color_end print (struct RBasic *)($arg0) else if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_FALSE printf "%sT_FALSE%s: ", $color_type, $color_end print (struct RBasic *)($arg0) else if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_DATA if ((struct RTypedData *)($arg0))->typed_flag == 1 printf "%sT_DATA%s(%s): ", $color_type, $color_end, ((struct RTypedData *)($arg0))->type->wrap_struct_name print (struct RTypedData *)($arg0) else printf "%sT_DATA%s: ", $color_type, $color_end print (struct RData *)($arg0) end else if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_MATCH printf "%sT_MATCH%s: ", $color_type, $color_end print (struct RMatch *)($arg0) else if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_SYMBOL printf "%sT_SYMBOL%s: ", $color_type, $color_end print (struct RSymbol *)($arg0) set $id_type = ((struct RSymbol *)($arg0))->id & RUBY_ID_SCOPE_MASK if $id_type == RUBY_ID_LOCAL printf "l" else if $id_type == RUBY_ID_INSTANCE printf "i" else if $id_type == RUBY_ID_GLOBAL printf "G" else if $id_type == RUBY_ID_ATTRSET printf "a" else if $id_type == RUBY_ID_CONST printf "C" else if $id_type == RUBY_ID_CLASS printf "c" else printf "j" end end end end end end set $id_fstr = ((struct RSymbol *)($arg0))->fstr rp_string $id_fstr else if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_UNDEF printf "%sT_UNDEF%s: ", $color_type, $color_end print (struct RBasic *)($arg0) else if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_IMEMO printf "%sT_IMEMO%s(", $color_type, $color_end output (enum imemo_type)(($flags>>RUBY_FL_USHIFT)&imemo_mask) printf "): " rp_imemo $arg0 else if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_NODE printf "%sT_NODE%s(", $color_type, $color_end output (enum node_type)(($flags&RUBY_NODE_TYPEMASK)>>RUBY_NODE_TYPESHIFT) printf "): " print *(NODE *)($arg0) else if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_ZOMBIE printf "%sT_ZOMBIE%s: ", $color_type, $color_end print (struct RData *)($arg0) else printf "%sunknown%s: ", $color_type, $color_end print (struct RBasic *)($arg0) end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end document rp Print a Ruby's VALUE. end define rp_id set $id = (ID)$arg0 if $id == '!' || $id == '+' || $id == '-' || $id == '*' || $id == '/' || $id == '%' || $id == '<' || $id == '>' || $id == '`' printf "(:%c)\n", $id else if $id == idDot2 printf "(:..)\n" else if $id == idDot3 printf "(:...)\n" else if $id == idUPlus printf "(:+@)\n" else if $id == idUMinus printf "(:-@)\n" else if $id == idPow printf "(:**)\n" else if $id == idCmp printf "(:<=>)\n" else if $id == idLTLT printf "(:<<)\n" else if $id == idLE printf "(:<=)\n" else if $id == idGE printf "(:>=)\n" else if $id == idEq printf "(:==)\n" else if $id == idEqq printf "(:===)\n" else if $id == idNeq printf "(:!=)\n" else if $id == idEqTilde printf "(:=~)\n" else if $id == idNeqTilde printf "(:!~)\n" else if $id == idAREF printf "(:[])\n" else if $id == idASET printf "(:[]=)\n" else if $id <= tLAST_OP_ID printf "O" else set $id_type = $id & RUBY_ID_SCOPE_MASK if $id_type == RUBY_ID_LOCAL printf "l" else if $id_type == RUBY_ID_INSTANCE printf "i" else if $id_type == RUBY_ID_GLOBAL printf "G" else if $id_type == RUBY_ID_ATTRSET printf "a" else if $id_type == RUBY_ID_CONST printf "C" else if $id_type == RUBY_ID_CLASS printf "c" else printf "j" end end end end end end end printf "(%ld): ", $id set $str = lookup_id_str($id) if $str rp_string $str else echo undef\n end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end document rp_id Print an ID. end define rp_string set $flags = ((struct RBasic*)($arg0))->flags set print address off output (char *)(($flags & RUBY_FL_USER1) ? \ ((struct RString*)($arg0))->as.heap.ptr : \ ((struct RString*)($arg0))->as.ary) set print address on printf " bytesize:%ld ", ($flags & RUBY_FL_USER1) ? \ ((struct RString*)($arg0))->as.heap.len : \ (($flags & (RUBY_FL_USER2|RUBY_FL_USER3|RUBY_FL_USER4|RUBY_FL_USER5|RUBY_FL_USER6)) >> RUBY_FL_USHIFT+2) if !($flags & RUBY_FL_USER1) printf "(embed) " else if ($flags & RUBY_FL_USER2) printf "(shared) " end if ($flags & RUBY_FL_USER3) printf "(assoc) " end end printf "encoding:%d ", ($flags & RUBY_ENCODING_MASK) >> RUBY_ENCODING_SHIFT if ($flags & RUBY_ENC_CODERANGE_MASK) == 0 printf "coderange:unknown " else if ($flags & RUBY_ENC_CODERANGE_MASK) == RUBY_ENC_CODERANGE_7BIT printf "coderange:7bit " else if ($flags & RUBY_ENC_CODERANGE_MASK) == RUBY_ENC_CODERANGE_VALID printf "coderange:valid " else printf "coderange:broken " end end end print (struct RString *)($arg0) end document rp_string Print the content of a String. end define rp_class printf "(struct RClass *) %p", (void*)$arg0 if ((struct RClass *)($arg0))->ptr.origin_ != $arg0 printf " -> %p", ((struct RClass *)($arg0))->ptr.origin_ end printf "\n" rb_classname $arg0 print *(struct RClass *)($arg0) print *((struct RClass *)($arg0))->ptr end document rp_class Print the content of a Class/Module. end define rp_imemo set $flags = (((struct RBasic *)($arg0))->flags >> RUBY_FL_USHIFT) & imemo_mask if $flags == imemo_cref printf "(rb_cref_t *) %p\n", (void*)$arg0 print *(rb_cref_t *)$arg0 else if $flags == imemo_svar printf "(struct vm_svar *) %p\n", (void*)$arg0 print *(struct vm_svar *)$arg0 else if $flags == imemo_throw_data printf "(struct vm_throw_data *) %p\n", (void*)$arg0 print *(struct vm_throw_data *)$arg0 else if $flags == imemo_ifunc printf "(struct vm_ifunc *) %p\n", (void*)$arg0 print *(struct vm_ifunc *)$arg0 else if $flags == imemo_memo printf "(struct MEMO *) %p\n", (void*)$arg0 print *(struct MEMO *)$arg0 else printf "(struct RIMemo *) %p\n", (void*)$arg0 print *(struct RIMemo *)$arg0 end end end end end end document rp_imemo Print the content of a memo end define nd_type print (enum node_type)((((NODE*)($arg0))->flags&RUBY_NODE_TYPEMASK)>>RUBY_NODE_TYPESHIFT) end document nd_type Print a Ruby' node type. end define nd_file print ((NODE*)($arg0))->nd_file end document nd_file Print the source file name of a node. end define nd_line print ((unsigned int)((((NODE*)($arg0))->flags>>RUBY_NODE_LSHIFT)&RUBY_NODE_LMASK)) end document nd_line Print the source line number of a node. end # Print members of ruby node. define nd_head printf "%su1.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end rp ($arg0).u1.node end define nd_alen printf "%su2.argc%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end p ($arg0).u2.argc end define nd_next printf "%su3.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end rp ($arg0).u3.node end define nd_cond printf "%su1.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end rp ($arg0).u1.node end define nd_body printf "%su2.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end rp ($arg0).u2.node end define nd_else printf "%su3.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end rp ($arg0).u3.node end define nd_orig printf "%su3.value%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end rp ($arg0).u3.value end define nd_resq printf "%su2.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end rp ($arg0).u2.node end define nd_ensr printf "%su3.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end rp ($arg0).u3.node end define nd_1st printf "%su1.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end rp ($arg0).u1.node end define nd_2nd printf "%su2.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end rp ($arg0).u2.node end define nd_stts printf "%su1.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end rp ($arg0).u1.node end define nd_entry printf "%su3.entry%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end p ($arg0).u3.entry end define nd_vid printf " ", $color_highlite, $color_end p ($arg0) end define nd_cflag printf " ", $color_highlite, $color_end p ($arg0) end define nd_cval printf "%su3.value%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end rp ($arg0).u3.value end define nd_cnt printf "%su3.cnt%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end p ($arg0).u3.cnt end define nd_tbl printf "%su1.tbl%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end p ($arg0).u1.tbl end define nd_var printf "%su1.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end rp ($arg0).u1.node end define nd_ibdy printf "%su2.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end rp ($arg0).u2.node end define nd_iter printf "%su3.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end rp ($arg0).u3.node end define nd_value printf "%su2.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end rp ($arg0).u2.node end define nd_aid printf " ", $color_highlite, $color_end p ($arg0) end define nd_lit printf "%su1.value%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end rp ($arg0).u1.value end define nd_frml printf "%su1.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end rp ($arg0).u1.node end define nd_rest printf "%su2.argc%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end p ($arg0).u2.argc end define nd_opt printf "%su1.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end rp ($arg0).u1.node end define nd_recv printf "%su1.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end rp ($arg0).u1.node end define nd_mid printf " ", $color_highlite, $color_end p ($arg0) end define nd_args printf "%su3.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end rp ($arg0).u3.node end define nd_noex printf " ", $color_highlite, $color_end p ($arg0) end define nd_defn printf "%su3.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end rp ($arg0).u3.node end define nd_old printf " ", $color_highlite, $color_end p ($arg0) end define nd_new printf " ", $color_highlite, $color_end p ($arg0) end define nd_cfnc printf "%su1.cfunc%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end p ($arg0).u1.cfunc end define nd_argc printf "%su2.argc%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end p ($arg0).u2.argc end define nd_cname printf " ", $color_highlite, $color_end p ($arg0) end define nd_super printf "%su3.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end rp ($arg0).u3.node end define nd_modl printf " ", $color_highlite, $color_end p ($arg0) end define nd_clss printf "%su1.value%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end rp ($arg0).u1.value end define nd_beg printf "%su1.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end rp ($arg0).u1.node end define nd_end printf "%su2.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end rp ($arg0).u2.node end define nd_state printf "%su3.state%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end p ($arg0).u3.state end define nd_rval printf "%su2.value%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end rp ($arg0).u2.value end define nd_nth printf "%su2.argc%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end p ($arg0).u2.argc end define nd_tag printf " ", $color_highlite, $color_end p ($arg0) end define nd_tval printf "%su2.value%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end rp ($arg0).u2.value end define nd_tree set $buf = (struct RString *)rb_str_buf_new(0) call dump_node((VALUE)($buf), rb_str_new(0, 0), 0, ($arg0)) printf "%s\n", $buf->as.heap.ptr end define rb_p call rb_p($arg0) end define rb_numtable_entry set $rb_numtable_tbl = $arg0 set $rb_numtable_id = (st_data_t)$arg1 set $rb_numtable_key = 0 set $rb_numtable_rec = 0 if $rb_numtable_tbl->entries_packed set $rb_numtable_p = $rb_numtable_tbl->as.packed.bins while $rb_numtable_p && $rb_numtable_p < $rb_numtable_tbl->as.packed.bins+$rb_numtable_tbl->num_entries if $rb_numtable_p.k == $rb_numtable_id set $rb_numtable_key = $rb_numtable_p.k set $rb_numtable_rec = $rb_numtable_p.v set $rb_numtable_p = 0 else set $rb_numtable_p = $rb_numtable_p + 1 end end else set $rb_numtable_p = $rb_numtable_tbl->as.big.bins[st_numhash($rb_numtable_id) % $rb_numtable_tbl->num_bins] while $rb_numtable_p if $rb_numtable_p->key == $rb_numtable_id set $rb_numtable_key = $rb_numtable_p->key set $rb_numtable_rec = $rb_numtable_p->record set $rb_numtable_p = 0 else set $rb_numtable_p = $rb_numtable_p->next end end end end define rb_id2name ruby_gdb_init printf "%sID%s: ", $color_type, $color_end rp_id $arg0 end document rb_id2name Print the name of id end define rb_method_entry set $rb_method_entry_klass = (struct RClass *)$arg0 set $rb_method_entry_id = (ID)$arg1 set $rb_method_entry_me = (rb_method_entry_t *)0 while !$rb_method_entry_me && $rb_method_entry_klass rb_numtable_entry $rb_method_entry_klass->m_tbl_wrapper->tbl $rb_method_entry_id set $rb_method_entry_me = (rb_method_entry_t *)$rb_numtable_rec if !$rb_method_entry_me set $rb_method_entry_klass = (struct RClass *)RCLASS_SUPER($rb_method_entry_klass) end end if $rb_method_entry_me print *$rb_method_entry_klass print *$rb_method_entry_me else echo method not found\n end end document rb_method_entry Search method entry by class and id end define rb_classname # up to 128bit int set $rb_classname_permanent = "0123456789ABCDEF" set $rb_classname = classname($arg0, $rb_classname_permanent) if $rb_classname != RUBY_Qnil rp $rb_classname else echo anonymous class/module\n end end define rb_ancestors set $rb_ancestors_module = $arg0 while $rb_ancestors_module rp_class $rb_ancestors_module set $rb_ancestors_module = RCLASS_SUPER($rb_ancestors_module) end end document rb_ancestors Print ancestors. end define rb_backtrace call rb_backtrace() end define iseq if ruby_dummy_gdb_enums.special_consts end if ($arg0)->type == ISEQ_ELEMENT_NONE echo [none]\n end if ($arg0)->type == ISEQ_ELEMENT_LABEL print *(LABEL*)($arg0) end if ($arg0)->type == ISEQ_ELEMENT_INSN print *(INSN*)($arg0) if ((INSN*)($arg0))->insn_id != YARVINSN_jump set $i = 0 set $operand_size = ((INSN*)($arg0))->operand_size set $operands = ((INSN*)($arg0))->operands while $i < $operand_size rp $operands[$i++] end end end if ($arg0)->type == ISEQ_ELEMENT_ADJUST print *(ADJUST*)($arg0) end end define rb_ps rb_ps_vm ruby_current_vm end document rb_ps Dump all threads and their callstacks end define rb_ps_vm print $ps_vm = (rb_vm_t*)$arg0 set $ps_thread_ln = $ps_vm-> set $ps_thread_ln_last = $ps_vm->living_threads.n.prev while 1 set $ps_thread_th = (rb_thread_t *)$ps_thread_ln set $ps_thread = (VALUE)($ps_thread_th->self) rb_ps_thread $ps_thread if $ps_thread_ln == $ps_thread_ln_last loop_break end set $ps_thread_ln = $ps_thread_ln->next end end document rb_ps_vm Dump all threads in a (rb_vm_t*) and their callstacks end define rb_ps_thread set $ps_thread = (struct RTypedData*)$arg0 set $ps_thread_th = (rb_thread_t*)$ps_thread->data printf "* #<Thread:%p rb_thread_t:%p native_thread:%p>\n", \ $ps_thread, $ps_thread_th, $ps_thread_th->thread_id end # Details: define trace_machine_instructions set logging on set height 0 set width 0 display/i $pc while !$exit_code info line *$pc si end end define SDR call rb_vmdebug_stack_dump_raw_current() end