#include #include "insns.inc" #include "internal.h" #include "vm_core.h" #include "vm_sync.h" #include "vm_callinfo.h" #include "builtin.h" #include "internal/compile.h" #include "internal/class.h" #include "internal/object.h" #include "internal/string.h" #include "internal/variable.h" #include "insns_info.inc" #include "yjit.h" #include "yjit_iface.h" #include "yjit_core.h" #include "yjit_codegen.h" #include "yjit_asm.h" #include "yjit_utils.h" // Map from YARV opcodes to code generation functions static codegen_fn gen_fns[VM_INSTRUCTION_SIZE] = { NULL }; // Map from method entries to code generation functions static st_table *yjit_method_codegen_table = NULL; // Code block into which we write machine code static codeblock_t block; codeblock_t* cb = NULL; // Code block into which we write out-of-line machine code static codeblock_t outline_block; codeblock_t* ocb = NULL; // Code for exiting back to the interpreter from the leave insn static void *leave_exit_code; // Print the current source location for debugging purposes RBIMPL_ATTR_MAYBE_UNUSED() static void jit_print_loc(jitstate_t* jit, const char* msg) { char *ptr; long len; VALUE path = rb_iseq_path(jit->iseq); RSTRING_GETMEM(path, ptr, len); fprintf(stderr, "%s %.*s:%u\n", msg, (int)len, ptr, rb_iseq_line_no(jit->iseq, jit->insn_idx)); } // Get the current instruction's opcode static int jit_get_opcode(jitstate_t* jit) { return jit->opcode; } // Get the index of the next instruction static uint32_t jit_next_idx(jitstate_t* jit) { return jit->insn_idx + insn_len(jit_get_opcode(jit)); } // Get an instruction argument by index static VALUE jit_get_arg(jitstate_t* jit, size_t arg_idx) { RUBY_ASSERT(arg_idx + 1 < (size_t)insn_len(jit_get_opcode(jit))); return *(jit->pc + arg_idx + 1); } // Load a VALUE into a register and keep track of the reference if it is on the GC heap. static void jit_mov_gc_ptr(jitstate_t* jit, codeblock_t* cb, x86opnd_t reg, VALUE ptr) { RUBY_ASSERT(reg.type == OPND_REG && reg.num_bits == 64); // Load the pointer constant into the specified register mov(cb, reg, const_ptr_opnd((void*)ptr)); // The pointer immediate is encoded as the last part of the mov written out uint32_t ptr_offset = cb->write_pos - sizeof(VALUE); if (!SPECIAL_CONST_P(ptr)) { if (!rb_darray_append(&jit->block->gc_object_offsets, ptr_offset)) { rb_bug("allocation failed"); } } } // Check if we are compiling the instruction at the stub PC // Meaning we are compiling the instruction that is next to execute static bool jit_at_current_insn(jitstate_t* jit) { const VALUE* ec_pc = jit->ec->cfp->pc; return (ec_pc == jit->pc); } // Peek at the nth topmost value on the Ruby stack. // Returns the topmost value when n == 0. static VALUE jit_peek_at_stack(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx, int n) { RUBY_ASSERT(jit_at_current_insn(jit)); // Note: this does not account for ctx->sp_offset because // this is only available when hitting a stub, and while // hitting a stub, cfp->sp needs to be up to date in case // codegen functions trigger GC. See :stub-sp-flush:. VALUE *sp = jit->ec->cfp->sp; return *(sp - 1 - n); } static VALUE jit_peek_at_self(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx) { return jit->ec->cfp->self; } static VALUE jit_peek_at_local(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, int n) { RUBY_ASSERT(jit_at_current_insn(jit)); int32_t local_table_size = jit->iseq->body->local_table_size; RUBY_ASSERT(n < (int)jit->iseq->body->local_table_size); const VALUE *ep = jit->ec->cfp->ep; return ep[-VM_ENV_DATA_SIZE - local_table_size + n + 1]; } // Save the incremented PC on the CFP // This is necessary when calleees can raise or allocate static void jit_save_pc(jitstate_t* jit, x86opnd_t scratch_reg) { mov(cb, scratch_reg, const_ptr_opnd(jit->pc + insn_len(jit->opcode))); mov(cb, mem_opnd(64, REG_CFP, offsetof(rb_control_frame_t, pc)), scratch_reg); } // Save the current SP on the CFP // This realigns the interpreter SP with the JIT SP // Note: this will change the current value of REG_SP, // which could invalidate memory operands static void jit_save_sp(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { if (ctx->sp_offset != 0) { x86opnd_t stack_pointer = ctx_sp_opnd(ctx, 0); lea(cb, REG_SP, stack_pointer); mov(cb, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, sp), REG_SP); ctx->sp_offset = 0; } } static bool jit_guard_known_klass(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t* ctx, VALUE known_klass, insn_opnd_t insn_opnd, VALUE sample_instance, const int max_chain_depth, uint8_t *side_exit); #if RUBY_DEBUG // Increment a profiling counter with counter_name #define GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, counter_name) _gen_counter_inc(cb, &(yjit_runtime_counters . counter_name)) static void _gen_counter_inc(codeblock_t *cb, int64_t *counter) { if (!rb_yjit_opts.gen_stats) return; mov(cb, REG0, const_ptr_opnd(counter)); cb_write_lock_prefix(cb); // for ractors. add(cb, mem_opnd(64, REG0, 0), imm_opnd(1)); } // Increment a counter then take an existing side exit. #define COUNTED_EXIT(side_exit, counter_name) _counted_side_exit(side_exit, &(yjit_runtime_counters . counter_name)) static uint8_t * _counted_side_exit(uint8_t *existing_side_exit, int64_t *counter) { if (!rb_yjit_opts.gen_stats) return existing_side_exit; uint8_t *start = cb_get_ptr(ocb, ocb->write_pos); _gen_counter_inc(ocb, counter); jmp_ptr(ocb, existing_side_exit); return start; } // Add a comment at the current position in the code block static void _add_comment(codeblock_t* cb, const char* comment_str) { // We can't add comments to the outlined code block if (cb == ocb) return; // Avoid adding duplicate comment strings (can happen due to deferred codegen) size_t num_comments = rb_darray_size(yjit_code_comments); if (num_comments > 0) { struct yjit_comment last_comment = rb_darray_get(yjit_code_comments, num_comments - 1); if (last_comment.offset == cb->write_pos && strcmp(last_comment.comment, comment_str) == 0) { return; } } struct yjit_comment new_comment = (struct yjit_comment){ cb->write_pos, comment_str }; rb_darray_append(&yjit_code_comments, new_comment); } // Comments for generated machine code #define ADD_COMMENT(cb, comment) _add_comment((cb), (comment)) yjit_comment_array_t yjit_code_comments; // Verify the ctx's types and mappings against the compile-time stack, self, // and locals. static void verify_ctx(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx) { // Only able to check types when at current insn RUBY_ASSERT(jit_at_current_insn(jit)); VALUE self_val = jit_peek_at_self(jit, ctx); if (type_diff(yjit_type_of_value(self_val), ctx->self_type) == INT_MAX) { rb_bug("verify_ctx: ctx type (%s) incompatible with actual value of self: %s", yjit_type_name(ctx->self_type), rb_obj_info(self_val)); } for (int i = 0; i < ctx->stack_size && i < MAX_TEMP_TYPES; i++) { temp_type_mapping_t learned = ctx_get_opnd_mapping(ctx, OPND_STACK(i)); VALUE val = jit_peek_at_stack(jit, ctx, i); val_type_t detected = yjit_type_of_value(val); if (learned.mapping.kind == TEMP_SELF) { if (self_val != val) { rb_bug("verify_ctx: stack value was mapped to self, but values did not match\n" " stack: %s\n" " self: %s", rb_obj_info(val), rb_obj_info(self_val)); } } if (learned.mapping.kind == TEMP_LOCAL) { int local_idx = learned.mapping.idx; VALUE local_val = jit_peek_at_local(jit, ctx, local_idx); if (local_val != val) { rb_bug("verify_ctx: stack value was mapped to local, but values did not match\n" " stack: %s\n" " local %i: %s", rb_obj_info(val), local_idx, rb_obj_info(local_val)); } } if (type_diff(detected, learned.type) == INT_MAX) { rb_bug("verify_ctx: ctx type (%s) incompatible with actual value on stack: %s", yjit_type_name(learned.type), rb_obj_info(val)); } } int32_t local_table_size = jit->iseq->body->local_table_size; for (int i = 0; i < local_table_size && i < MAX_TEMP_TYPES; i++) { val_type_t learned = ctx->local_types[i]; VALUE val = jit_peek_at_local(jit, ctx, i); val_type_t detected = yjit_type_of_value(val); if (type_diff(detected, learned) == INT_MAX) { rb_bug("verify_ctx: ctx type (%s) incompatible with actual value of local: %s", yjit_type_name(learned), rb_obj_info(val)); } } } #else #define GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, counter_name) ((void)0) #define COUNTED_EXIT(side_exit, counter_name) side_exit #define ADD_COMMENT(cb, comment) ((void)0) #define verify_ctx(jit, ctx) ((void)0) #endif // if RUBY_DEBUG // Generate an exit to return to the interpreter static uint8_t * yjit_gen_exit(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb) { uint8_t *code_ptr = cb_get_ptr(cb, cb->write_pos); ADD_COMMENT(cb, "exit to interpreter"); VALUE *exit_pc = jit->pc; // Generate the code to exit to the interpreters // Write the adjusted SP back into the CFP if (ctx->sp_offset != 0) { x86opnd_t stack_pointer = ctx_sp_opnd(ctx, 0); lea(cb, REG_SP, stack_pointer); mov(cb, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, sp), REG_SP); } // Update the CFP on the EC mov(cb, member_opnd(REG_EC, rb_execution_context_t, cfp), REG_CFP); // Put PC into the return register, which the post call bytes dispatches to mov(cb, RAX, const_ptr_opnd(exit_pc)); mov(cb, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, pc), RAX); // Accumulate stats about interpreter exits #if RUBY_DEBUG if (rb_yjit_opts.gen_stats) { mov(cb, RDI, const_ptr_opnd(exit_pc)); call_ptr(cb, RSI, (void *)&rb_yjit_count_side_exit_op); } #endif pop(cb, REG_SP); pop(cb, REG_EC); pop(cb, REG_CFP); mov(cb, RAX, imm_opnd(Qundef)); ret(cb); return code_ptr; } // Generate a continuation for gen_leave() that exits to the interpreter at REG_CFP->pc. static uint8_t * yjit_gen_leave_exit(codeblock_t *cb) { uint8_t *code_ptr = cb_get_ptr(cb, cb->write_pos); // Note, gen_leave() fully reconstructs interpreter state before // coming here. // Every exit to the interpreter should be counted GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, leave_interp_return); // GEN_COUNTER_INC clobbers RAX, so put the top of the stack // in to RAX and return. mov(cb, RAX, mem_opnd(64, REG_SP, -SIZEOF_VALUE)); sub(cb, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, sp), imm_opnd(SIZEOF_VALUE)); mov(cb, REG_SP, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, sp)); pop(cb, REG_SP); pop(cb, REG_EC); pop(cb, REG_CFP); ret(cb); return code_ptr; } // A shorthand for generating an exit in the outline block static uint8_t * yjit_side_exit(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx) { return yjit_gen_exit(jit, ctx, ocb); } // Generate a runtime guard that ensures the PC is at the start of the iseq, // otherwise take a side exit. This is to handle the situation of optional // parameters. When a function with optional parameters is called, the entry // PC for the method isn't necessarily 0, but we always generated code that // assumes the entry point is 0. static void yjit_pc_guard(const rb_iseq_t *iseq) { RUBY_ASSERT(cb != NULL); mov(cb, REG0, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, pc)); mov(cb, REG1, const_ptr_opnd(iseq->body->iseq_encoded)); xor(cb, REG0, REG1); // xor should impact ZF, so we can jz here uint32_t pc_is_zero = cb_new_label(cb, "pc_is_zero"); jz_label(cb, pc_is_zero); // We're not starting at the first PC, so we need to exit. GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, leave_start_pc_non_zero); pop(cb, REG_SP); pop(cb, REG_EC); pop(cb, REG_CFP); mov(cb, RAX, imm_opnd(Qundef)); ret(cb); // PC should be at the beginning cb_write_label(cb, pc_is_zero); cb_link_labels(cb); } /* Compile an interpreter entry block to be inserted into an iseq Returns `NULL` if compilation fails. */ uint8_t * yjit_entry_prologue(const rb_iseq_t *iseq) { RUBY_ASSERT(cb != NULL); if (cb->write_pos + 1024 >= cb->mem_size) { rb_bug("out of executable memory"); } // Align the current write positon to cache line boundaries cb_align_pos(cb, 64); uint8_t *code_ptr = cb_get_ptr(cb, cb->write_pos); ADD_COMMENT(cb, "yjit prolog"); push(cb, REG_CFP); push(cb, REG_EC); push(cb, REG_SP); // We are passed EC and CFP mov(cb, REG_EC, C_ARG_REGS[0]); mov(cb, REG_CFP, C_ARG_REGS[1]); // Load the current SP from the CFP into REG_SP mov(cb, REG_SP, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, sp)); // Setup cfp->jit_return // TODO: this could use an IP relative LEA instead of an 8 byte immediate mov(cb, REG0, const_ptr_opnd(leave_exit_code)); mov(cb, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, jit_return), REG0); // We're compiling iseqs that we *expect* to start at `insn_idx`. But in // the case of optional parameters, the interpreter can set the pc to a // different location depending on the optional parameters. If an iseq // has optional parameters, we'll add a runtime check that the PC we've // compiled for is the same PC that the interpreter wants us to run with. // If they don't match, then we'll take a side exit. if (iseq->body->param.flags.has_opt) { yjit_pc_guard(iseq); } return code_ptr; } // Generate code to check for interrupts and take a side-exit. // Warning: this function clobbers REG0 static void yjit_check_ints(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* side_exit) { // Check for interrupts // see RUBY_VM_CHECK_INTS(ec) macro ADD_COMMENT(cb, "RUBY_VM_CHECK_INTS(ec)"); mov(cb, REG0_32, member_opnd(REG_EC, rb_execution_context_t, interrupt_mask)); not(cb, REG0_32); test(cb, member_opnd(REG_EC, rb_execution_context_t, interrupt_flag), REG0_32); jnz_ptr(cb, side_exit); } // Generate a stubbed unconditional jump to the next bytecode instruction. // Blocks that are part of a guard chain can use this to share the same successor. static void jit_jump_to_next_insn(jitstate_t *jit, const ctx_t *current_context) { // Reset the depth since in current usages we only ever jump to to // chain_depth > 0 from the same instruction. ctx_t reset_depth = *current_context; reset_depth.chain_depth = 0; blockid_t jump_block = { jit->iseq, jit_next_insn_idx(jit) }; // Generate the jump instruction gen_direct_jump( jit->block, &reset_depth, jump_block ); } // Compile a sequence of bytecode instructions for a given basic block version void yjit_gen_block(block_t *block, rb_execution_context_t *ec) { RUBY_ASSERT(cb != NULL); RUBY_ASSERT(block != NULL); RUBY_ASSERT(!(block->blockid.idx == 0 && block->ctx.stack_size > 0)); // Copy the block's context to avoid mutating it ctx_t ctx_copy = block->ctx; ctx_t* ctx = &ctx_copy; const rb_iseq_t *iseq = block->blockid.iseq; uint32_t insn_idx = block->blockid.idx; const uint32_t starting_insn_idx = insn_idx; // NOTE: if we are ever deployed in production, we // should probably just log an error and return NULL here, // so we can fail more gracefully if (cb->write_pos + 1024 >= cb->mem_size) { rb_bug("out of executable memory"); } if (ocb->write_pos + 1024 >= ocb->mem_size) { rb_bug("out of executable memory (outlined block)"); } // Initialize a JIT state object jitstate_t jit = { .block = block, .iseq = iseq, .ec = ec }; // Mark the start position of the block block->start_pos = cb->write_pos; // For each instruction to compile for (;;) { // Get the current pc and opcode VALUE *pc = yjit_iseq_pc_at_idx(iseq, insn_idx); int opcode = yjit_opcode_at_pc(iseq, pc); RUBY_ASSERT(opcode >= 0 && opcode < VM_INSTRUCTION_SIZE); // opt_getinlinecache wants to be in a block all on its own. Cut the block short // if we run into it. See gen_opt_getinlinecache for details. if (opcode == BIN(opt_getinlinecache) && insn_idx > starting_insn_idx) { jit_jump_to_next_insn(&jit, ctx); break; } // Set the current instruction jit.insn_idx = insn_idx; jit.pc = pc; jit.opcode = opcode; // Verify our existing assumption (DEBUG) if (jit_at_current_insn(&jit)) { verify_ctx(&jit, ctx); } // Lookup the codegen function for this instruction codegen_fn gen_fn = gen_fns[opcode]; if (!gen_fn) { // If we reach an unknown instruction, // exit to the interpreter and stop compiling yjit_gen_exit(&jit, ctx, cb); break; } if (0) { fprintf(stderr, "compiling %d: %s\n", insn_idx, insn_name(opcode)); print_str(cb, insn_name(opcode)); } // :count-placement: // Count bytecode instructions that execute in generated code. // Note that the increment happens even when the output takes side exit. GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, exec_instruction); // Add a comment for the name of the YARV instruction ADD_COMMENT(cb, insn_name(opcode)); // Call the code generation function bool continue_generating = p_desc->gen_fn(&jit, ctx); // For now, reset the chain depth after each instruction as only the // first instruction in the block can concern itself with the depth. ctx->chain_depth = 0; // If we can't compile this instruction // exit to the interpreter and stop compiling if (status == YJIT_CANT_COMPILE) { // TODO: if the codegen funcion makes changes to ctx and then return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE, // the exit this generates would be wrong. We could save a copy of the entry context // and assert that ctx is the same here. yjit_gen_exit(&jit, ctx, cb); break; } // Move to the next instruction p_last_op = p_desc; insn_idx += insn_len(opcode); // If the instruction terminates this block if (status == YJIT_END_BLOCK) { break; } } // Mark the end position of the block block->end_pos = cb->write_pos; // Store the index of the last instruction in the block block->end_idx = insn_idx; if (YJIT_DUMP_MODE >= 2) { // Dump list of compiled instrutions fprintf(stderr, "Compiled the following for iseq=%p:\n", (void *)iseq); for (uint32_t idx = block->blockid.idx; idx < insn_idx; ) { int opcode = yjit_opcode_at_pc(iseq, yjit_iseq_pc_at_idx(iseq, idx)); fprintf(stderr, " %04d %s\n", idx, insn_name(opcode)); idx += insn_len(opcode); } } } static codegen_status_t gen_nop(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { // Do nothing return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } static codegen_status_t gen_dup(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { // Get the top value and its type x86opnd_t dup_val = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 0); temp_type_mapping_t mapping = ctx_get_opnd_mapping(ctx, OPND_STACK(0)); // Push the same value on top x86opnd_t loc0 = ctx_stack_push_mapping(ctx, mapping); mov(cb, REG0, dup_val); mov(cb, loc0, REG0); return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } // duplicate stack top n elements static codegen_status_t gen_dupn(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { rb_num_t n = (rb_num_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 0); // In practice, seems to be only used for n==2 if (n != 2) { return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } x86opnd_t opnd1 = ctx_stack_opnd(ctx, 1); x86opnd_t opnd0 = ctx_stack_opnd(ctx, 0); temp_type_mapping_t mapping1 = ctx_get_opnd_mapping(ctx, OPND_STACK(1)); temp_type_mapping_t mapping0 = ctx_get_opnd_mapping(ctx, OPND_STACK(0)); x86opnd_t dst1 = ctx_stack_push_mapping(ctx, mapping1); mov(cb, REG0, opnd1); mov(cb, dst1, REG0); x86opnd_t dst0 = ctx_stack_push_mapping(ctx, mapping0); mov(cb, REG0, opnd0); mov(cb, dst0, REG0); return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } // Swap top 2 stack entries static codegen_status_t gen_swap(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { x86opnd_t opnd0 = ctx_stack_opnd(ctx, 0); x86opnd_t opnd1 = ctx_stack_opnd(ctx, 1); temp_type_mapping_t mapping0 = ctx_get_opnd_mapping(ctx, OPND_STACK(0)); temp_type_mapping_t mapping1 = ctx_get_opnd_mapping(ctx, OPND_STACK(1)); mov(cb, REG0, opnd0); mov(cb, REG1, opnd1); mov(cb, opnd0, REG1); mov(cb, opnd1, REG0); ctx_set_opnd_mapping(ctx, OPND_STACK(0), mapping1); ctx_set_opnd_mapping(ctx, OPND_STACK(1), mapping0); return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } // set Nth stack entry to stack top static codegen_status_t gen_setn(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { rb_num_t n = (rb_num_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 0); // Set the destination x86opnd_t top_val = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 0); x86opnd_t dst_opnd = ctx_stack_opnd(ctx, (int32_t)n); mov(cb, REG0, top_val); mov(cb, dst_opnd, REG0); temp_type_mapping_t mapping = ctx_get_opnd_mapping(ctx, OPND_STACK(0)); ctx_set_opnd_mapping(ctx, OPND_STACK(n), mapping); return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } // get nth stack value, then push it static codegen_status_t gen_topn(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { int32_t n = (int32_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 0); // Get top n type / operand x86opnd_t top_n_val = ctx_stack_opnd(ctx, n); temp_type_mapping_t mapping = ctx_get_opnd_mapping(ctx, OPND_STACK(n)); x86opnd_t loc0 = ctx_stack_push_mapping(ctx, mapping); mov(cb, REG0, top_n_val); mov(cb, loc0, REG0); return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } static codegen_status_t gen_pop(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { // Decrement SP ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } // Pop n values off the stack static codegen_status_t gen_adjuststack(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { rb_num_t n = (rb_num_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 0); ctx_stack_pop(ctx, n); return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } // new array initialized from top N values static codegen_status_t gen_newarray(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { rb_num_t n = (rb_num_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 0); // Save the PC and SP because we are allocating jit_save_pc(jit, REG0); jit_save_sp(jit, ctx); x86opnd_t values_ptr = ctx_sp_opnd(ctx, -(sizeof(VALUE) * (uint32_t)n)); // call rb_ec_ary_new_from_values(struct rb_execution_context_struct *ec, long n, const VALUE *elts); mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], REG_EC); mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], imm_opnd(n)); lea(cb, C_ARG_REGS[2], values_ptr); call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)rb_ec_ary_new_from_values); ctx_stack_pop(ctx, n); x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_ARRAY); mov(cb, stack_ret, RAX); return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } // dup array static codegen_status_t gen_duparray(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { VALUE ary = jit_get_arg(jit, 0); // Save the PC and SP because we are allocating jit_save_pc(jit, REG0); jit_save_sp(jit, ctx); // call rb_ary_resurrect(VALUE ary); jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], ary); call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)rb_ary_resurrect); x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_ARRAY); mov(cb, stack_ret, RAX); return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } VALUE rb_vm_splat_array(VALUE flag, VALUE ary); // call to_a on the array on the stack static codegen_status_t gen_splatarray(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { VALUE flag = (VALUE) jit_get_arg(jit, 0); // Save the PC and SP because the callee may allocate // Note that this modifies REG_SP, which is why we do it first jit_save_pc(jit, REG0); jit_save_sp(jit, ctx); // Get the operands from the stack x86opnd_t ary_opnd = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); // Call rb_vm_splat_array(flag, ary) jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], flag); mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], ary_opnd); call_ptr(cb, REG1, (void *) rb_vm_splat_array); x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_ARRAY); mov(cb, stack_ret, RAX); return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } static void guard_object_is_heap(codeblock_t *cb, x86opnd_t object_opnd, ctx_t *ctx, uint8_t *side_exit) { ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard object is heap"); // Test that the object is not an immediate test(cb, object_opnd, imm_opnd(RUBY_IMMEDIATE_MASK)); jnz_ptr(cb, side_exit); // Test that the object is not false or nil cmp(cb, object_opnd, imm_opnd(Qnil)); RUBY_ASSERT(Qfalse < Qnil); jbe_ptr(cb, side_exit); } static inline void guard_object_is_array(codeblock_t *cb, x86opnd_t object_opnd, x86opnd_t flags_opnd, ctx_t *ctx, uint8_t *side_exit) { ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard object is array"); // Pull out the type mask mov(cb, flags_opnd, member_opnd(object_opnd, struct RBasic, flags)); and(cb, flags_opnd, imm_opnd(RUBY_T_MASK)); // Compare the result with T_ARRAY cmp(cb, flags_opnd, imm_opnd(T_ARRAY)); jne_ptr(cb, side_exit); } // push enough nils onto the stack to fill out an array static codegen_status_t gen_expandarray(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { int flag = (int) jit_get_arg(jit, 1); // If this instruction has the splat flag, then bail out. if (flag & 0x01) { GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, expandarray_splat); return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } // If this instruction has the postarg flag, then bail out. if (flag & 0x02) { GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, expandarray_postarg); return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } uint8_t *side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx); // num is the number of requested values. If there aren't enough in the // array then we're going to push on nils. rb_num_t num = (rb_num_t) jit_get_arg(jit, 0); x86opnd_t array_opnd = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); // Move the array from the stack into REG0 and check that it's an array. mov(cb, REG0, array_opnd); guard_object_is_heap(cb, REG0, ctx, COUNTED_EXIT(side_exit, expandarray_not_array)); guard_object_is_array(cb, REG0, REG1, ctx, COUNTED_EXIT(side_exit, expandarray_not_array)); // If we don't actually want any values, then just return. if (num == 0) { return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } // Pull out the embed flag to check if it's an embedded array. x86opnd_t flags_opnd = member_opnd(REG0, struct RBasic, flags); mov(cb, REG1, flags_opnd); // Move the length of the embedded array into REG1. and(cb, REG1, imm_opnd(RARRAY_EMBED_LEN_MASK)); shr(cb, REG1, imm_opnd(RARRAY_EMBED_LEN_SHIFT)); // Conditionally move the length of the heap array into REG1. test(cb, flags_opnd, imm_opnd(RARRAY_EMBED_FLAG)); cmovz(cb, REG1, member_opnd(REG0, struct RArray, as.heap.len)); // Only handle the case where the number of values in the array is greater // than or equal to the number of values requested. cmp(cb, REG1, imm_opnd(num)); jl_ptr(cb, COUNTED_EXIT(side_exit, expandarray_rhs_too_small)); // Load the address of the embedded array into REG1. // (struct RArray *)(obj)->as.ary lea(cb, REG1, member_opnd(REG0, struct RArray, as.ary)); // Conditionally load the address of the heap array into REG1. // (struct RArray *)(obj)->as.heap.ptr test(cb, flags_opnd, imm_opnd(RARRAY_EMBED_FLAG)); cmovz(cb, REG1, member_opnd(REG0, struct RArray, as.heap.ptr)); // Loop backward through the array and push each element onto the stack. for (int32_t i = (int32_t) num - 1; i >= 0; i--) { x86opnd_t top = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN); mov(cb, REG0, mem_opnd(64, REG1, i * SIZEOF_VALUE)); mov(cb, top, REG0); } return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } // new hash initialized from top N values static codegen_status_t gen_newhash(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { rb_num_t n = (rb_num_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 0); if (n == 0) { // Save the PC and SP because we are allocating jit_save_pc(jit, REG0); jit_save_sp(jit, ctx); // val = rb_hash_new(); call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)rb_hash_new); x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_HASH); mov(cb, stack_ret, RAX); return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } else { return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } } static codegen_status_t gen_putnil(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { // Write constant at SP x86opnd_t stack_top = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_NIL); mov(cb, stack_top, imm_opnd(Qnil)); return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } static codegen_status_t gen_putobject(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { VALUE arg = jit_get_arg(jit, 0); if (FIXNUM_P(arg)) { // Keep track of the fixnum type tag x86opnd_t stack_top = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_FIXNUM); x86opnd_t imm = imm_opnd((int64_t)arg); // 64-bit immediates can't be directly written to memory if (imm.num_bits <= 32) { mov(cb, stack_top, imm); } else { mov(cb, REG0, imm); mov(cb, stack_top, REG0); } } else if (arg == Qtrue || arg == Qfalse) { x86opnd_t stack_top = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_IMM); mov(cb, stack_top, imm_opnd((int64_t)arg)); } else { // Load the value to push into REG0 // Note that this value may get moved by the GC VALUE put_val = jit_get_arg(jit, 0); jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, REG0, put_val); val_type_t val_type = yjit_type_of_value(put_val); // Write argument at SP x86opnd_t stack_top = ctx_stack_push(ctx, val_type); mov(cb, stack_top, REG0); } return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } static codegen_status_t gen_putobject_int2fix(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { int opcode = jit_get_opcode(jit); int cst_val = (opcode == BIN(putobject_INT2FIX_0_))? 0:1; // Write constant at SP x86opnd_t stack_top = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_FIXNUM); mov(cb, stack_top, imm_opnd(INT2FIX(cst_val))); return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } static codegen_status_t gen_putself(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { // Load self from CFP mov(cb, REG0, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, self)); // Write it on the stack x86opnd_t stack_top = ctx_stack_push_self(ctx); mov(cb, stack_top, REG0); return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } static codegen_status_t gen_putspecialobject(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { enum vm_special_object_type type = (enum vm_special_object_type)jit_get_arg(jit, 0); if (type == VM_SPECIAL_OBJECT_VMCORE) { x86opnd_t stack_top = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_HEAP); jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, REG0, rb_mRubyVMFrozenCore); mov(cb, stack_top, REG0); return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } else { // TODO: implement for VM_SPECIAL_OBJECT_CBASE and // VM_SPECIAL_OBJECT_CONST_BASE return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } } // Compute the index of a local variable from its slot index static uint32_t slot_to_local_idx(const rb_iseq_t *iseq, int32_t slot_idx) { // Convoluted rules from local_var_name() in iseq.c int32_t local_table_size = iseq->body->local_table_size; int32_t op = slot_idx - VM_ENV_DATA_SIZE; int32_t local_idx = local_idx = local_table_size - op - 1; RUBY_ASSERT(local_idx >= 0 && local_idx < local_table_size); return (uint32_t)local_idx; } static codegen_status_t gen_getlocal_wc0(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { // Compute the offset from BP to the local int32_t slot_idx = (int32_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 0); const int32_t offs = -(SIZEOF_VALUE * slot_idx); uint32_t local_idx = slot_to_local_idx(jit->iseq, slot_idx); // Load environment pointer EP from CFP mov(cb, REG0, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, ep)); // Load the local from the EP mov(cb, REG0, mem_opnd(64, REG0, offs)); // Write the local at SP x86opnd_t stack_top = ctx_stack_push_local(ctx, local_idx); mov(cb, stack_top, REG0); return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } static codegen_status_t gen_getlocal_generic(ctx_t* ctx, uint32_t local_idx, uint32_t level) { // Load environment pointer EP from CFP mov(cb, REG0, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, ep)); while (level--) { // Get the previous EP from the current EP // See GET_PREV_EP(ep) macro // VALUE* prev_ep = ((VALUE *)((ep)[VM_ENV_DATA_INDEX_SPECVAL] & ~0x03)) mov(cb, REG0, mem_opnd(64, REG0, SIZEOF_VALUE * VM_ENV_DATA_INDEX_SPECVAL)); and(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(~0x03)); } // Load the local from the block // val = *(vm_get_ep(GET_EP(), level) - idx); const int32_t offs = -(SIZEOF_VALUE * local_idx); mov(cb, REG0, mem_opnd(64, REG0, offs)); // Write the local at SP x86opnd_t stack_top = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN); mov(cb, stack_top, REG0); return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } static codegen_status_t gen_getlocal(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { int32_t idx = (int32_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 0); int32_t level = (int32_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 1); return gen_getlocal_generic(ctx, idx, level); } static codegen_status_t gen_getlocal_wc1(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { int32_t idx = (int32_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 0); return gen_getlocal_generic(ctx, idx, 1); } static codegen_status_t gen_setlocal_wc0(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { /* vm_env_write(const VALUE *ep, int index, VALUE v) { VALUE flags = ep[VM_ENV_DATA_INDEX_FLAGS]; if (LIKELY((flags & VM_ENV_FLAG_WB_REQUIRED) == 0)) { VM_STACK_ENV_WRITE(ep, index, v); } else { vm_env_write_slowpath(ep, index, v); } } */ int32_t slot_idx = (int32_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 0); uint32_t local_idx = slot_to_local_idx(jit->iseq, slot_idx); // Load environment pointer EP from CFP mov(cb, REG0, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, ep)); // flags & VM_ENV_FLAG_WB_REQUIRED x86opnd_t flags_opnd = mem_opnd(64, REG0, sizeof(VALUE) * VM_ENV_DATA_INDEX_FLAGS); test(cb, flags_opnd, imm_opnd(VM_ENV_FLAG_WB_REQUIRED)); // Create a size-exit to fall back to the interpreter uint8_t *side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx); // if (flags & VM_ENV_FLAG_WB_REQUIRED) != 0 jnz_ptr(cb, side_exit); // Set the type of the local variable in the context val_type_t temp_type = ctx_get_opnd_type(ctx, OPND_STACK(0)); ctx_set_local_type(ctx, local_idx, temp_type); // Pop the value to write from the stack x86opnd_t stack_top = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); mov(cb, REG1, stack_top); // Write the value at the environment pointer const int32_t offs = -8 * slot_idx; mov(cb, mem_opnd(64, REG0, offs), REG1); return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } // Check that `self` is a pointer to an object on the GC heap static void guard_self_is_heap(codeblock_t *cb, x86opnd_t self_opnd, uint8_t *side_exit, ctx_t *ctx) { // `self` is constant throughout the entire region, so we only need to do this check once. if (!ctx->self_type.is_heap) { ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard self is heap"); RUBY_ASSERT(Qfalse < Qnil); test(cb, self_opnd, imm_opnd(RUBY_IMMEDIATE_MASK)); jnz_ptr(cb, side_exit); cmp(cb, self_opnd, imm_opnd(Qnil)); jbe_ptr(cb, side_exit); ctx->self_type.is_heap = 1; } } static void gen_jnz_to_target0(codeblock_t *cb, uint8_t *target0, uint8_t *target1, uint8_t shape) { switch (shape) { case SHAPE_NEXT0: case SHAPE_NEXT1: RUBY_ASSERT(false); break; case SHAPE_DEFAULT: jnz_ptr(cb, target0); break; } } static void gen_jz_to_target0(codeblock_t *cb, uint8_t *target0, uint8_t *target1, uint8_t shape) { switch (shape) { case SHAPE_NEXT0: case SHAPE_NEXT1: RUBY_ASSERT(false); break; case SHAPE_DEFAULT: jz_ptr(cb, target0); break; } } static void gen_jbe_to_target0(codeblock_t *cb, uint8_t *target0, uint8_t *target1, uint8_t shape) { switch (shape) { case SHAPE_NEXT0: case SHAPE_NEXT1: RUBY_ASSERT(false); break; case SHAPE_DEFAULT: jbe_ptr(cb, target0); break; } } enum jcc_kinds { JCC_JNE, JCC_JNZ, JCC_JZ, JCC_JE, JCC_JBE, JCC_JNA, }; // Generate a jump to a stub that recompiles the current YARV instruction on failure. // When depth_limitk is exceeded, generate a jump to a side exit. static void jit_chain_guard(enum jcc_kinds jcc, jitstate_t *jit, const ctx_t *ctx, uint8_t depth_limit, uint8_t *side_exit) { branchgen_fn target0_gen_fn; switch (jcc) { case JCC_JNE: case JCC_JNZ: target0_gen_fn = gen_jnz_to_target0; break; case JCC_JZ: case JCC_JE: target0_gen_fn = gen_jz_to_target0; break; case JCC_JBE: case JCC_JNA: target0_gen_fn = gen_jbe_to_target0; break; default: RUBY_ASSERT(false && "unimplemented jump kind"); break; }; if (ctx->chain_depth < depth_limit) { ctx_t deeper = *ctx; deeper.chain_depth++; gen_branch( jit->block, ctx, (blockid_t) { jit->iseq, jit->insn_idx }, &deeper, BLOCKID_NULL, NULL, target0_gen_fn ); } else { target0_gen_fn(cb, side_exit, NULL, SHAPE_DEFAULT); } } bool rb_iv_index_tbl_lookup(struct st_table *iv_index_tbl, ID id, struct rb_iv_index_tbl_entry **ent); // vm_insnhelper.c enum { GETIVAR_MAX_DEPTH = 10, // up to 5 different classes, and embedded or not for each OPT_AREF_MAX_CHAIN_DEPTH = 2, // hashes and arrays SEND_MAX_DEPTH = 5, // up to 5 different classes }; /* // Codegen for setting an instance variable. // Preconditions: // - receiver is in REG0 // - receiver has the same class as CLASS_OF(comptime_receiver) // - no stack push or pops to ctx since the entry to the codegen of the instruction being compiled static codegen_status_t gen_set_ivar(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, const int max_chain_depth, VALUE comptime_receiver, ID ivar_name, insn_opnd_t reg0_opnd, uint8_t *side_exit) { VALUE comptime_val_klass = CLASS_OF(comptime_receiver); const ctx_t starting_context = *ctx; // make a copy for use with jit_chain_guard // If the class uses the default allocator, instances should all be T_OBJECT // NOTE: This assumes nobody changes the allocator of the class after allocation. // Eventually, we can encode whether an object is T_OBJECT or not // inside object shapes. if (rb_get_alloc_func(comptime_val_klass) != rb_class_allocate_instance) { GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, setivar_not_object); return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } RUBY_ASSERT(BUILTIN_TYPE(comptime_receiver) == T_OBJECT); // because we checked the allocator // ID for the name of the ivar ID id = ivar_name; struct rb_iv_index_tbl_entry *ent; struct st_table *iv_index_tbl = ROBJECT_IV_INDEX_TBL(comptime_receiver); // Lookup index for the ivar the instruction loads if (iv_index_tbl && rb_iv_index_tbl_lookup(iv_index_tbl, id, &ent)) { uint32_t ivar_index = ent->index; val_type_t val_type = ctx_get_opnd_type(ctx, OPND_STACK(0)); x86opnd_t val_to_write = ctx_stack_opnd(ctx, 0); mov(cb, REG1, val_to_write); // Bail if the value to write is a heap object, because this needs a write barrier if (!val_type.is_imm) { ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard value is immediate"); test(cb, REG1, imm_opnd(RUBY_IMMEDIATE_MASK)); jz_ptr(cb, COUNTED_EXIT(side_exit, setivar_val_heapobject)); ctx_upgrade_opnd_type(ctx, OPND_STACK(0), TYPE_IMM); } // Pop the value to write ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); // Bail if this object is frozen ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard self is not frozen"); x86opnd_t flags_opnd = member_opnd(REG0, struct RBasic, flags); test(cb, flags_opnd, imm_opnd(RUBY_FL_FREEZE)); jnz_ptr(cb, COUNTED_EXIT(side_exit, setivar_frozen)); // Pop receiver if it's on the temp stack if (!reg0_opnd.is_self) { (void)ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); } // Compile time self is embedded and the ivar index lands within the object if (RB_FL_TEST_RAW(comptime_receiver, ROBJECT_EMBED) && ivar_index < ROBJECT_EMBED_LEN_MAX) { // See ROBJECT_IVPTR() from include/ruby/internal/core/robject.h // Guard that self is embedded // TODO: BT and JC is shorter ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard embedded setivar"); test(cb, flags_opnd, imm_opnd(ROBJECT_EMBED)); jit_chain_guard(JCC_JZ, jit, &starting_context, max_chain_depth, side_exit); // Store the ivar on the object x86opnd_t ivar_opnd = mem_opnd(64, REG0, offsetof(struct RObject, as.ary) + ivar_index * SIZEOF_VALUE); mov(cb, ivar_opnd, REG1); // Push the ivar on the stack // For attr_writer we'll need to push the value on the stack //x86opnd_t out_opnd = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN); } else { // Compile time value is *not* embeded. // Guard that value is *not* embedded // See ROBJECT_IVPTR() from include/ruby/internal/core/robject.h ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard extended setivar"); x86opnd_t flags_opnd = member_opnd(REG0, struct RBasic, flags); test(cb, flags_opnd, imm_opnd(ROBJECT_EMBED)); jit_chain_guard(JCC_JNZ, jit, &starting_context, max_chain_depth, side_exit); // check that the extended table is big enough if (ivar_index >= ROBJECT_EMBED_LEN_MAX + 1) { // Check that the slot is inside the extended table (num_slots > index) ADD_COMMENT(cb, "check index in extended table"); x86opnd_t num_slots = mem_opnd(32, REG0, offsetof(struct RObject, as.heap.numiv)); cmp(cb, num_slots, imm_opnd(ivar_index)); jle_ptr(cb, COUNTED_EXIT(side_exit, setivar_idx_out_of_range)); } // Get a pointer to the extended table x86opnd_t tbl_opnd = mem_opnd(64, REG0, offsetof(struct RObject, as.heap.ivptr)); mov(cb, REG0, tbl_opnd); // Write the ivar to the extended table x86opnd_t ivar_opnd = mem_opnd(64, REG0, sizeof(VALUE) * ivar_index); mov(cb, ivar_opnd, REG1); } // Jump to next instruction. This allows guard chains to share the same successor. jit_jump_to_next_insn(jit, ctx); return YJIT_END_BLOCK; } GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, setivar_name_not_mapped); return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } */ // Codegen for getting an instance variable. // Preconditions: // - receiver is in REG0 // - receiver has the same class as CLASS_OF(comptime_receiver) // - no stack push or pops to ctx since the entry to the codegen of the instruction being compiled static codegen_status_t gen_get_ivar(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, const int max_chain_depth, VALUE comptime_receiver, ID ivar_name, insn_opnd_t reg0_opnd, uint8_t *side_exit) { VALUE comptime_val_klass = CLASS_OF(comptime_receiver); const ctx_t starting_context = *ctx; // make a copy for use with jit_chain_guard // If the class uses the default allocator, instances should all be T_OBJECT // NOTE: This assumes nobody changes the allocator of the class after allocation. // Eventually, we can encode whether an object is T_OBJECT or not // inside object shapes. if (!RB_TYPE_P(comptime_receiver, T_OBJECT) || rb_get_alloc_func(comptime_val_klass) != rb_class_allocate_instance) { // General case. Call rb_ivar_get(). No need to reconstruct interpreter // state since the routine never raises exceptions or allocate objects // visibile to Ruby. // VALUE rb_ivar_get(VALUE obj, ID id) ADD_COMMENT(cb, "call rb_ivar_get()"); mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], REG0); mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], imm_opnd((int64_t)ivar_name)); call_ptr(cb, REG1, (void *)rb_ivar_get); if (!reg0_opnd.is_self) { (void)ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); } // Push the ivar on the stack x86opnd_t out_opnd = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN); mov(cb, out_opnd, RAX); // Jump to next instruction. This allows guard chains to share the same successor. jit_jump_to_next_insn(jit, ctx); return YJIT_END_BLOCK; } /* // FIXME: // This check was added because of a failure in a test involving the // Nokogiri Document class where we see a T_DATA that still has the default // allocator. // Aaron Patterson argues that this is a bug in the C extension, because // people could call .allocate() on the class and still get a T_OBJECT // For now I added an extra dynamic check that the receiver is T_OBJECT // so we can safely pass all the tests in Shopify Core. // // Guard that the receiver is T_OBJECT // #define RB_BUILTIN_TYPE(x) (int)(((struct RBasic*)(x))->flags & RUBY_T_MASK) ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard receiver is T_OBJECT"); mov(cb, REG1, member_opnd(REG0, struct RBasic, flags)); and(cb, REG1, imm_opnd(RUBY_T_MASK)); cmp(cb, REG1, imm_opnd(T_OBJECT)); jit_chain_guard(JCC_JNE, jit, &starting_context, max_chain_depth, side_exit); */ // ID for the name of the ivar ID id = ivar_name; struct rb_iv_index_tbl_entry *ent; struct st_table *iv_index_tbl = ROBJECT_IV_INDEX_TBL(comptime_receiver); // Lookup index for the ivar the instruction loads if (iv_index_tbl && rb_iv_index_tbl_lookup(iv_index_tbl, id, &ent)) { uint32_t ivar_index = ent->index; // Pop receiver if it's on the temp stack if (!reg0_opnd.is_self) { (void)ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); } // Compile time self is embedded and the ivar index lands within the object if (RB_FL_TEST_RAW(comptime_receiver, ROBJECT_EMBED) && ivar_index < ROBJECT_EMBED_LEN_MAX) { // See ROBJECT_IVPTR() from include/ruby/internal/core/robject.h // Guard that self is embedded // TODO: BT and JC is shorter ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard embedded getivar"); x86opnd_t flags_opnd = member_opnd(REG0, struct RBasic, flags); test(cb, flags_opnd, imm_opnd(ROBJECT_EMBED)); jit_chain_guard(JCC_JZ, jit, &starting_context, max_chain_depth, side_exit); // Load the variable x86opnd_t ivar_opnd = mem_opnd(64, REG0, offsetof(struct RObject, as.ary) + ivar_index * SIZEOF_VALUE); mov(cb, REG1, ivar_opnd); // Guard that the variable is not Qundef cmp(cb, REG1, imm_opnd(Qundef)); mov(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(Qnil)); cmove(cb, REG1, REG0); // Push the ivar on the stack x86opnd_t out_opnd = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN); mov(cb, out_opnd, REG1); } else { // Compile time value is *not* embeded. // Guard that value is *not* embedded // See ROBJECT_IVPTR() from include/ruby/internal/core/robject.h ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard extended getivar"); x86opnd_t flags_opnd = member_opnd(REG0, struct RBasic, flags); test(cb, flags_opnd, imm_opnd(ROBJECT_EMBED)); jit_chain_guard(JCC_JNZ, jit, &starting_context, max_chain_depth, side_exit); // check that the extended table is big enough if (ivar_index >= ROBJECT_EMBED_LEN_MAX + 1) { // Check that the slot is inside the extended table (num_slots > index) x86opnd_t num_slots = mem_opnd(32, REG0, offsetof(struct RObject, as.heap.numiv)); cmp(cb, num_slots, imm_opnd(ivar_index)); jle_ptr(cb, COUNTED_EXIT(side_exit, getivar_idx_out_of_range)); } // Get a pointer to the extended table x86opnd_t tbl_opnd = mem_opnd(64, REG0, offsetof(struct RObject, as.heap.ivptr)); mov(cb, REG0, tbl_opnd); // Read the ivar from the extended table x86opnd_t ivar_opnd = mem_opnd(64, REG0, sizeof(VALUE) * ivar_index); mov(cb, REG0, ivar_opnd); // Check that the ivar is not Qundef cmp(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(Qundef)); mov(cb, REG1, imm_opnd(Qnil)); cmove(cb, REG0, REG1); // Push the ivar on the stack x86opnd_t out_opnd = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN); mov(cb, out_opnd, REG0); } // Jump to next instruction. This allows guard chains to share the same successor. jit_jump_to_next_insn(jit, ctx); return YJIT_END_BLOCK; } GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, getivar_name_not_mapped); return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } static codegen_status_t gen_getinstancevariable(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx) { // Defer compilation so we can specialize on a runtime `self` if (!jit_at_current_insn(jit)) { defer_compilation(jit->block, jit->insn_idx, ctx); return YJIT_END_BLOCK; } ID ivar_name = (ID)jit_get_arg(jit, 0); VALUE comptime_val = jit_peek_at_self(jit, ctx); VALUE comptime_val_klass = CLASS_OF(comptime_val); // Generate a side exit uint8_t *side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx); // Guard that the receiver has the same class as the one from compile time. mov(cb, REG0, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, self)); guard_self_is_heap(cb, REG0, COUNTED_EXIT(side_exit, getivar_se_self_not_heap), ctx); jit_guard_known_klass(jit, ctx, comptime_val_klass, OPND_SELF, comptime_val, GETIVAR_MAX_DEPTH, side_exit); return gen_get_ivar(jit, ctx, GETIVAR_MAX_DEPTH, comptime_val, ivar_name, OPND_SELF, side_exit); } void rb_vm_setinstancevariable(const rb_iseq_t *iseq, VALUE obj, ID id, VALUE val, IVC ic); static codegen_status_t gen_setinstancevariable(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { ID id = (ID)jit_get_arg(jit, 0); IVC ic = (IVC)jit_get_arg(jit, 1); // Save the PC and SP because the callee may allocate // Note that this modifies REG_SP, which is why we do it first jit_save_pc(jit, REG0); jit_save_sp(jit, ctx); // Get the operands from the stack x86opnd_t val_opnd = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); // Call rb_vm_setinstancevariable(iseq, obj, id, val, ic); mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, self)); mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[3], val_opnd); mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[2], imm_opnd(id)); mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[4], const_ptr_opnd(ic)); jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], (VALUE)jit->iseq); call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)rb_vm_setinstancevariable); return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; /* // Defer compilation so we can specialize on a runtime `self` if (!jit_at_current_insn(jit)) { defer_compilation(jit->block, jit->insn_idx, ctx); return YJIT_END_BLOCK; } ID ivar_name = (ID)jit_get_arg(jit, 0); VALUE comptime_val = jit_peek_at_self(jit, ctx); VALUE comptime_val_klass = CLASS_OF(comptime_val); // Generate a side exit uint8_t *side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx); // Guard that the receiver has the same class as the one from compile time. mov(cb, REG0, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, self)); guard_self_is_heap(cb, REG0, COUNTED_EXIT(side_exit, setivar_se_self_not_heap), ctx); jit_guard_known_klass(jit, ctx, comptime_val_klass, OPND_SELF, GETIVAR_MAX_DEPTH, side_exit); return gen_set_ivar(jit, ctx, GETIVAR_MAX_DEPTH, comptime_val, ivar_name, OPND_SELF, side_exit); */ } bool rb_vm_defined(rb_execution_context_t *ec, rb_control_frame_t *reg_cfp, rb_num_t op_type, VALUE obj, VALUE v); static codegen_status_t gen_defined(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { rb_num_t op_type = (rb_num_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 0); VALUE obj = (VALUE)jit_get_arg(jit, 1); VALUE pushval = (VALUE)jit_get_arg(jit, 2); // Save the PC and SP because the callee may allocate // Note that this modifies REG_SP, which is why we do it first jit_save_pc(jit, REG0); jit_save_sp(jit, ctx); // Get the operands from the stack x86opnd_t v_opnd = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); // Call vm_defined(ec, reg_cfp, op_type, obj, v) mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], REG_EC); mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], REG_CFP); mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[2], imm_opnd(op_type)); jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, C_ARG_REGS[3], (VALUE)obj); mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[4], v_opnd); call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)rb_vm_defined); // if (vm_defined(ec, GET_CFP(), op_type, obj, v)) { // val = pushval; // } jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, REG1, (VALUE)pushval); cmp(cb, AL, imm_opnd(0)); mov(cb, RAX, imm_opnd(Qnil)); cmovnz(cb, RAX, REG1); // Push the return value onto the stack val_type_t out_type = SPECIAL_CONST_P(pushval)? TYPE_IMM:TYPE_UNKNOWN; x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, out_type); mov(cb, stack_ret, RAX); return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } static codegen_status_t gen_checktype(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { // TODO: could we specialize on the type we detect uint8_t* side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx); enum ruby_value_type type_val = (enum ruby_value_type)jit_get_arg(jit, 0); // Only three types are emitted by compile.c if (type_val == T_STRING || type_val == T_ARRAY || type_val == T_HASH) { val_type_t val_type = ctx_get_opnd_type(ctx, OPND_STACK(0)); x86opnd_t val = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); x86opnd_t stack_ret; // Check if we know from type information if ((type_val == T_STRING && val_type.type == ETYPE_STRING) || (type_val == T_ARRAY && val_type.type == ETYPE_ARRAY) || (type_val == T_HASH && val_type.type == ETYPE_HASH)) { // guaranteed type match stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_TRUE); mov(cb, stack_ret, imm_opnd(Qtrue)); return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } else if (val_type.is_imm || val_type.type != ETYPE_UNKNOWN) { // guaranteed not to match T_STRING/T_ARRAY/T_HASH stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_FALSE); mov(cb, stack_ret, imm_opnd(Qfalse)); return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } mov(cb, REG0, val); if (!val_type.is_heap) { // if (SPECIAL_CONST_P(val)) { // Bail if receiver is not a heap object test(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(RUBY_IMMEDIATE_MASK)); jnz_ptr(cb, side_exit); cmp(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(Qfalse)); je_ptr(cb, side_exit); cmp(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(Qnil)); je_ptr(cb, side_exit); } // Check type on object mov(cb, REG0, mem_opnd(64, REG0, offsetof(struct RBasic, flags))); and(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(RUBY_T_MASK)); cmp(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(type_val)); mov(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(Qtrue)); mov(cb, REG1, imm_opnd(Qfalse)); cmovne(cb, REG0, REG1); stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_IMM); mov(cb, stack_ret, REG0); return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } else { return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } } static codegen_status_t gen_concatstrings(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { rb_num_t n = (rb_num_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 0); // Save the PC and SP because we are allocating jit_save_pc(jit, REG0); jit_save_sp(jit, ctx); x86opnd_t values_ptr = ctx_sp_opnd(ctx, -(sizeof(VALUE) * (uint32_t)n)); // call rb_str_concat_literals(long n, const VALUE *strings); mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], imm_opnd(n)); lea(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], values_ptr); call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)rb_str_concat_literals); ctx_stack_pop(ctx, n); x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_STRING); mov(cb, stack_ret, RAX); return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } static void guard_two_fixnums(ctx_t* ctx, uint8_t* side_exit) { // Get the stack operand types val_type_t arg1_type = ctx_get_opnd_type(ctx, OPND_STACK(0)); val_type_t arg0_type = ctx_get_opnd_type(ctx, OPND_STACK(1)); if (arg0_type.is_heap || arg1_type.is_heap) { jmp_ptr(cb, side_exit); return; } if (arg0_type.type != ETYPE_FIXNUM && arg0_type.type != ETYPE_UNKNOWN) { jmp_ptr(cb, side_exit); return; } if (arg1_type.type != ETYPE_FIXNUM && arg1_type.type != ETYPE_UNKNOWN) { jmp_ptr(cb, side_exit); return; } RUBY_ASSERT(!arg0_type.is_heap); RUBY_ASSERT(!arg1_type.is_heap); RUBY_ASSERT(arg0_type.type == ETYPE_FIXNUM || arg0_type.type == ETYPE_UNKNOWN); RUBY_ASSERT(arg1_type.type == ETYPE_FIXNUM || arg1_type.type == ETYPE_UNKNOWN); // Get stack operands without popping them x86opnd_t arg1 = ctx_stack_opnd(ctx, 0); x86opnd_t arg0 = ctx_stack_opnd(ctx, 1); // If not fixnums, fall back if (arg0_type.type != ETYPE_FIXNUM) { ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard arg0 fixnum"); test(cb, arg0, imm_opnd(RUBY_FIXNUM_FLAG)); jz_ptr(cb, side_exit); } if (arg1_type.type != ETYPE_FIXNUM) { ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard arg1 fixnum"); test(cb, arg1, imm_opnd(RUBY_FIXNUM_FLAG)); jz_ptr(cb, side_exit); } // Set stack types in context ctx_upgrade_opnd_type(ctx, OPND_STACK(0), TYPE_FIXNUM); ctx_upgrade_opnd_type(ctx, OPND_STACK(1), TYPE_FIXNUM); } // Conditional move operation used by comparison operators typedef void (*cmov_fn)(codeblock_t* cb, x86opnd_t opnd0, x86opnd_t opnd1); static codegen_status_t gen_fixnum_cmp(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx, cmov_fn cmov_op) { // Create a size-exit to fall back to the interpreter // Note: we generate the side-exit before popping operands from the stack uint8_t* side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx); if (!assume_bop_not_redefined(jit->block, INTEGER_REDEFINED_OP_FLAG, BOP_LT)) { return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } // Check that both operands are fixnums guard_two_fixnums(ctx, side_exit); // Get the operands from the stack x86opnd_t arg1 = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); x86opnd_t arg0 = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); // Compare the arguments xor(cb, REG0_32, REG0_32); // REG0 = Qfalse mov(cb, REG1, arg0); cmp(cb, REG1, arg1); mov(cb, REG1, imm_opnd(Qtrue)); cmov_op(cb, REG0, REG1); // Push the output on the stack x86opnd_t dst = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN); mov(cb, dst, REG0); return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } static codegen_status_t gen_opt_lt(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { return gen_fixnum_cmp(jit, ctx, cmovl); } static codegen_status_t gen_opt_le(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { return gen_fixnum_cmp(jit, ctx, cmovle); } static codegen_status_t gen_opt_ge(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { return gen_fixnum_cmp(jit, ctx, cmovge); } static codegen_status_t gen_opt_gt(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { return gen_fixnum_cmp(jit, ctx, cmovg); } VALUE rb_opt_equality_specialized(VALUE recv, VALUE obj); static codegen_status_t gen_opt_eq(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { uint8_t* side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx); // Get the operands from the stack x86opnd_t arg1 = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); x86opnd_t arg0 = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); // Call rb_opt_equality_specialized(VALUE recv, VALUE obj) // We know this method won't allocate or perform calls mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], arg0); mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], arg1); call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)rb_opt_equality_specialized); // If val == Qundef, bail to do a method call cmp(cb, RAX, imm_opnd(Qundef)); je_ptr(cb, side_exit); // Push the return value onto the stack x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_IMM); mov(cb, stack_ret, RAX); return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } static codegen_status_t gen_opt_send_without_block(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx); static codegen_status_t gen_send_general(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, struct rb_call_data *cd, rb_iseq_t *block); static codegen_status_t gen_opt_neq(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { // opt_neq is passed two rb_call_data as arguments: // first for ==, second for != struct rb_call_data *cd = (struct rb_call_data *)jit_get_arg(jit, 1); return gen_send_general(jit, ctx, cd, NULL); } static codegen_status_t gen_opt_aref(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx) { struct rb_call_data * cd = (struct rb_call_data *)jit_get_arg(jit, 0); int32_t argc = (int32_t)vm_ci_argc(cd->ci); // Only JIT one arg calls like `ary[6]` if (argc != 1) { GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, oaref_argc_not_one); return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } // Defer compilation so we can specialize base on a runtime receiver if (!jit_at_current_insn(jit)) { defer_compilation(jit->block, jit->insn_idx, ctx); return YJIT_END_BLOCK; } // Remember the context on entry for adding guard chains const ctx_t starting_context = *ctx; // Specialize base on compile time values VALUE comptime_idx = jit_peek_at_stack(jit, ctx, 0); VALUE comptime_recv = jit_peek_at_stack(jit, ctx, 1); // Create a size-exit to fall back to the interpreter uint8_t *side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx); if (CLASS_OF(comptime_recv) == rb_cArray && RB_FIXNUM_P(comptime_idx)) { if (!assume_bop_not_redefined(jit->block, ARRAY_REDEFINED_OP_FLAG, BOP_AREF)) { return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } // Pop the stack operands x86opnd_t idx_opnd = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); x86opnd_t recv_opnd = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); mov(cb, REG0, recv_opnd); // if (SPECIAL_CONST_P(recv)) { // Bail if receiver is not a heap object test(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(RUBY_IMMEDIATE_MASK)); jnz_ptr(cb, side_exit); cmp(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(Qfalse)); je_ptr(cb, side_exit); cmp(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(Qnil)); je_ptr(cb, side_exit); // Bail if recv has a class other than ::Array. // BOP_AREF check above is only good for ::Array. mov(cb, REG1, mem_opnd(64, REG0, offsetof(struct RBasic, klass))); mov(cb, REG0, const_ptr_opnd((void *)rb_cArray)); cmp(cb, REG0, REG1); jit_chain_guard(JCC_JNE, jit, &starting_context, OPT_AREF_MAX_CHAIN_DEPTH, side_exit); // Bail if idx is not a FIXNUM mov(cb, REG1, idx_opnd); test(cb, REG1, imm_opnd(RUBY_FIXNUM_FLAG)); jz_ptr(cb, COUNTED_EXIT(side_exit, oaref_arg_not_fixnum)); // Call VALUE rb_ary_entry_internal(VALUE ary, long offset). // It never raises or allocates, so we don't need to write to cfp->pc. { mov(cb, RDI, recv_opnd); sar(cb, REG1, imm_opnd(1)); // Convert fixnum to int mov(cb, RSI, REG1); call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)rb_ary_entry_internal); // Push the return value onto the stack x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN); mov(cb, stack_ret, RAX); } // Jump to next instruction. This allows guard chains to share the same successor. jit_jump_to_next_insn(jit, ctx); return YJIT_END_BLOCK; } else if (CLASS_OF(comptime_recv) == rb_cHash) { if (!assume_bop_not_redefined(jit->block, HASH_REDEFINED_OP_FLAG, BOP_AREF)) { return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } // Pop the stack operands x86opnd_t idx_opnd = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); x86opnd_t recv_opnd = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); mov(cb, REG0, recv_opnd); // if (SPECIAL_CONST_P(recv)) { // Bail if receiver is not a heap object test(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(RUBY_IMMEDIATE_MASK)); jnz_ptr(cb, side_exit); cmp(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(Qfalse)); je_ptr(cb, side_exit); cmp(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(Qnil)); je_ptr(cb, side_exit); // Bail if recv has a class other than ::Hash. // BOP_AREF check above is only good for ::Hash. mov(cb, REG1, mem_opnd(64, REG0, offsetof(struct RBasic, klass))); mov(cb, REG0, const_ptr_opnd((void *)rb_cHash)); cmp(cb, REG0, REG1); jit_chain_guard(JCC_JNE, jit, &starting_context, OPT_AREF_MAX_CHAIN_DEPTH, side_exit); // Call VALUE rb_hash_aref(VALUE hash, VALUE key). { // Write incremented pc to cfp->pc as the routine can raise and allocate jit_save_pc(jit, REG0); // About to change REG_SP which these operands depend on. Yikes. mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], recv_opnd); mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], idx_opnd); // Write sp to cfp->sp since rb_hash_aref might need to call #hash on the key jit_save_sp(jit, ctx); call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)rb_hash_aref); // Push the return value onto the stack x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN); mov(cb, stack_ret, RAX); } // Jump to next instruction. This allows guard chains to share the same successor. jit_jump_to_next_insn(jit, ctx); return YJIT_END_BLOCK; } else { // General case. Call the [] method. return gen_opt_send_without_block(jit, ctx); } } VALUE rb_vm_opt_aset(VALUE recv, VALUE obj, VALUE set); static codegen_status_t gen_opt_aset(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx) { // Save the PC and SP because the callee may allocate // Note that this modifies REG_SP, which is why we do it first jit_save_pc(jit, REG0); jit_save_sp(jit, ctx); uint8_t* side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx); // Get the operands from the stack x86opnd_t arg2 = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); x86opnd_t arg1 = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); x86opnd_t arg0 = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); // Call rb_vm_opt_aset(VALUE recv, VALUE obj) mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], arg0); mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], arg1); mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[2], arg2); call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)rb_vm_opt_aset); // If val == Qundef, bail to do a method call cmp(cb, RAX, imm_opnd(Qundef)); je_ptr(cb, side_exit); // Push the return value onto the stack x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN); mov(cb, stack_ret, RAX); return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } static codegen_status_t gen_opt_and(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { // Create a size-exit to fall back to the interpreter // Note: we generate the side-exit before popping operands from the stack uint8_t* side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx); if (!assume_bop_not_redefined(jit->block, INTEGER_REDEFINED_OP_FLAG, BOP_AND)) { return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } // Check that both operands are fixnums guard_two_fixnums(ctx, side_exit); // Get the operands and destination from the stack x86opnd_t arg1 = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); x86opnd_t arg0 = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); // Do the bitwise and arg0 & arg1 mov(cb, REG0, arg0); and(cb, REG0, arg1); // Push the output on the stack x86opnd_t dst = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_FIXNUM); mov(cb, dst, REG0); return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } static codegen_status_t gen_opt_or(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { // Create a size-exit to fall back to the interpreter // Note: we generate the side-exit before popping operands from the stack uint8_t* side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx); if (!assume_bop_not_redefined(jit->block, INTEGER_REDEFINED_OP_FLAG, BOP_OR)) { return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } // Check that both operands are fixnums guard_two_fixnums(ctx, side_exit); // Get the operands and destination from the stack x86opnd_t arg1 = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); x86opnd_t arg0 = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); // Do the bitwise or arg0 | arg1 mov(cb, REG0, arg0); or(cb, REG0, arg1); // Push the output on the stack x86opnd_t dst = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_FIXNUM); mov(cb, dst, REG0); return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } static codegen_status_t gen_opt_minus(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { // Create a size-exit to fall back to the interpreter // Note: we generate the side-exit before popping operands from the stack uint8_t* side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx); if (!assume_bop_not_redefined(jit->block, INTEGER_REDEFINED_OP_FLAG, BOP_MINUS)) { return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } // Check that both operands are fixnums guard_two_fixnums(ctx, side_exit); // Get the operands and destination from the stack x86opnd_t arg1 = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); x86opnd_t arg0 = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); // Subtract arg0 - arg1 and test for overflow mov(cb, REG0, arg0); sub(cb, REG0, arg1); jo_ptr(cb, side_exit); add(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(1)); // Push the output on the stack x86opnd_t dst = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_FIXNUM); mov(cb, dst, REG0); return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } static codegen_status_t gen_opt_plus(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { // Create a size-exit to fall back to the interpreter // Note: we generate the side-exit before popping operands from the stack uint8_t* side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx); if (!assume_bop_not_redefined(jit->block, INTEGER_REDEFINED_OP_FLAG, BOP_PLUS)) { return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } // Check that both operands are fixnums guard_two_fixnums(ctx, side_exit); // Get the operands and destination from the stack x86opnd_t arg1 = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); x86opnd_t arg0 = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); // Add arg0 + arg1 and test for overflow mov(cb, REG0, arg0); sub(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(1)); add(cb, REG0, arg1); jo_ptr(cb, side_exit); // Push the output on the stack x86opnd_t dst = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_FIXNUM); mov(cb, dst, REG0); return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } static codegen_status_t gen_opt_mult(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { // Delegate to send, call the method on the recv return gen_opt_send_without_block(jit, ctx); } static codegen_status_t gen_opt_div(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { // Delegate to send, call the method on the recv return gen_opt_send_without_block(jit, ctx); } VALUE rb_vm_opt_mod(VALUE recv, VALUE obj); static codegen_status_t gen_opt_mod(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { // Save the PC and SP because the callee may allocate bignums // Note that this modifies REG_SP, which is why we do it first jit_save_pc(jit, REG0); jit_save_sp(jit, ctx); uint8_t* side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx); // Get the operands from the stack x86opnd_t arg1 = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); x86opnd_t arg0 = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); // Call rb_vm_opt_mod(VALUE recv, VALUE obj) mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], arg0); mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], arg1); call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)rb_vm_opt_mod); // If val == Qundef, bail to do a method call cmp(cb, RAX, imm_opnd(Qundef)); je_ptr(cb, side_exit); // Push the return value onto the stack x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN); mov(cb, stack_ret, RAX); return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } static codegen_status_t gen_opt_ltlt(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { // Delegate to send, call the method on the recv return gen_opt_send_without_block(jit, ctx); } static codegen_status_t gen_opt_nil_p(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { // Delegate to send, call the method on the recv return gen_opt_send_without_block(jit, ctx); } static codegen_status_t gen_opt_empty_p(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { // Delegate to send, call the method on the recv return gen_opt_send_without_block(jit, ctx); } static codegen_status_t gen_opt_str_freeze(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { if (!assume_bop_not_redefined(jit->block, STRING_REDEFINED_OP_FLAG, BOP_FREEZE)) { return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } VALUE str = jit_get_arg(jit, 0); jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, REG0, str); // Push the return value onto the stack x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_STRING); mov(cb, stack_ret, REG0); return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } static codegen_status_t gen_opt_str_uminus(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { if (!assume_bop_not_redefined(jit->block, STRING_REDEFINED_OP_FLAG, BOP_UMINUS)) { return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } VALUE str = jit_get_arg(jit, 0); jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, REG0, str); // Push the return value onto the stack x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_STRING); mov(cb, stack_ret, REG0); return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } static codegen_status_t gen_opt_not(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx) { return gen_opt_send_without_block(jit, ctx); } static codegen_status_t gen_opt_size(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx) { return gen_opt_send_without_block(jit, ctx); } static codegen_status_t gen_opt_length(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx) { return gen_opt_send_without_block(jit, ctx); } static codegen_status_t gen_opt_regexpmatch2(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx) { return gen_opt_send_without_block(jit, ctx); } void gen_branchif_branch(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* target0, uint8_t* target1, uint8_t shape) { switch (shape) { case SHAPE_NEXT0: jz_ptr(cb, target1); break; case SHAPE_NEXT1: jnz_ptr(cb, target0); break; case SHAPE_DEFAULT: jnz_ptr(cb, target0); jmp_ptr(cb, target1); break; } } static codegen_status_t gen_branchif(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { int32_t jump_offset = (int32_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 0); // Check for interrupts, but only on backward branches that may create loops if (jump_offset < 0) { uint8_t* side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx); yjit_check_ints(cb, side_exit); } // Test if any bit (outside of the Qnil bit) is on // RUBY_Qfalse /* ...0000 0000 */ // RUBY_Qnil /* ...0000 1000 */ x86opnd_t val_opnd = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); test(cb, val_opnd, imm_opnd(~Qnil)); // Get the branch target instruction offsets uint32_t next_idx = jit_next_insn_idx(jit); uint32_t jump_idx = next_idx + jump_offset; blockid_t next_block = { jit->iseq, next_idx }; blockid_t jump_block = { jit->iseq, jump_idx }; // Generate the branch instructions gen_branch( jit->block, ctx, jump_block, ctx, next_block, ctx, gen_branchif_branch ); return YJIT_END_BLOCK; } void gen_branchunless_branch(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* target0, uint8_t* target1, uint8_t shape) { switch (shape) { case SHAPE_NEXT0: jnz_ptr(cb, target1); break; case SHAPE_NEXT1: jz_ptr(cb, target0); break; case SHAPE_DEFAULT: jz_ptr(cb, target0); jmp_ptr(cb, target1); break; } } static codegen_status_t gen_branchunless(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { int32_t jump_offset = (int32_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 0); // Check for interrupts, but only on backward branches that may create loops if (jump_offset < 0) { uint8_t* side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx); yjit_check_ints(cb, side_exit); } // Test if any bit (outside of the Qnil bit) is on // RUBY_Qfalse /* ...0000 0000 */ // RUBY_Qnil /* ...0000 1000 */ x86opnd_t val_opnd = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); test(cb, val_opnd, imm_opnd(~Qnil)); // Get the branch target instruction offsets uint32_t next_idx = jit_next_insn_idx(jit); uint32_t jump_idx = next_idx + jump_offset; blockid_t next_block = { jit->iseq, next_idx }; blockid_t jump_block = { jit->iseq, jump_idx }; // Generate the branch instructions gen_branch( jit->block, ctx, jump_block, ctx, next_block, ctx, gen_branchunless_branch ); return YJIT_END_BLOCK; } void gen_branchnil_branch(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* target0, uint8_t* target1, uint8_t shape) { switch (shape) { case SHAPE_NEXT0: jne_ptr(cb, target1); break; case SHAPE_NEXT1: je_ptr(cb, target0); break; case SHAPE_DEFAULT: je_ptr(cb, target0); jmp_ptr(cb, target1); break; } } static codegen_status_t gen_branchnil(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { int32_t jump_offset = (int32_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 0); // Check for interrupts, but only on backward branches that may create loops if (jump_offset < 0) { uint8_t* side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx); yjit_check_ints(cb, side_exit); } // Test if the value is Qnil // RUBY_Qnil /* ...0000 1000 */ x86opnd_t val_opnd = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); cmp(cb, val_opnd, imm_opnd(Qnil)); // Get the branch target instruction offsets uint32_t next_idx = jit_next_insn_idx(jit); uint32_t jump_idx = next_idx + jump_offset; blockid_t next_block = { jit->iseq, next_idx }; blockid_t jump_block = { jit->iseq, jump_idx }; // Generate the branch instructions gen_branch( jit->block, ctx, jump_block, ctx, next_block, ctx, gen_branchnil_branch ); return YJIT_END_BLOCK; } static codegen_status_t gen_jump(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { int32_t jump_offset = (int32_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 0); // Check for interrupts, but only on backward branches that may create loops if (jump_offset < 0) { uint8_t* side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx); yjit_check_ints(cb, side_exit); } // Get the branch target instruction offsets uint32_t jump_idx = jit_next_insn_idx(jit) + jump_offset; blockid_t jump_block = { jit->iseq, jump_idx }; // Generate the jump instruction gen_direct_jump( jit->block, ctx, jump_block ); return YJIT_END_BLOCK; } /* Guard that a stack operand has the same class as known_klass. Recompile as contingency if possible, or take side exit a last resort. */ static bool jit_guard_known_klass(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, VALUE known_klass, insn_opnd_t insn_opnd, VALUE sample_instance, const int max_chain_depth, uint8_t *side_exit) { val_type_t val_type = ctx_get_opnd_type(ctx, insn_opnd); if (known_klass == rb_cNilClass) { RUBY_ASSERT(!val_type.is_heap); if (val_type.type != ETYPE_NIL) { RUBY_ASSERT(val_type.type == ETYPE_UNKNOWN); ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard object is nil"); cmp(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(Qnil)); jit_chain_guard(JCC_JNE, jit, ctx, max_chain_depth, side_exit); ctx_upgrade_opnd_type(ctx, insn_opnd, TYPE_NIL); } } else if (known_klass == rb_cTrueClass) { RUBY_ASSERT(!val_type.is_heap); if (val_type.type != ETYPE_TRUE) { RUBY_ASSERT(val_type.type == ETYPE_UNKNOWN); ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard object is true"); cmp(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(Qtrue)); jit_chain_guard(JCC_JNE, jit, ctx, max_chain_depth, side_exit); ctx_upgrade_opnd_type(ctx, insn_opnd, TYPE_TRUE); } } else if (known_klass == rb_cFalseClass) { RUBY_ASSERT(!val_type.is_heap); if (val_type.type != ETYPE_FALSE) { RUBY_ASSERT(val_type.type == ETYPE_UNKNOWN); ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard object is false"); STATIC_ASSERT(qfalse_is_zero, Qfalse == 0); test(cb, REG0, REG0); jit_chain_guard(JCC_JNZ, jit, ctx, max_chain_depth, side_exit); ctx_upgrade_opnd_type(ctx, insn_opnd, TYPE_FALSE); } } else if (known_klass == rb_cInteger && FIXNUM_P(sample_instance)) { RUBY_ASSERT(!val_type.is_heap); // We will guard fixnum and bignum as though they were separate classes // BIGNUM can be handled by the general else case below if (val_type.type != ETYPE_FIXNUM || !val_type.is_imm) { RUBY_ASSERT(val_type.type == ETYPE_UNKNOWN); ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard object is fixnum"); test(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(RUBY_FIXNUM_FLAG)); jit_chain_guard(JCC_JZ, jit, ctx, max_chain_depth, side_exit); ctx_upgrade_opnd_type(ctx, insn_opnd, TYPE_FIXNUM); } } else if (known_klass == rb_cSymbol && STATIC_SYM_P(sample_instance)) { RUBY_ASSERT(!val_type.is_heap); // We will guard STATIC vs DYNAMIC as though they were separate classes // DYNAMIC symbols can be handled by the general else case below if (val_type.type != ETYPE_SYMBOL || !val_type.is_imm) { RUBY_ASSERT(val_type.type == ETYPE_UNKNOWN); ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard object is static symbol"); STATIC_ASSERT(special_shift_is_8, RUBY_SPECIAL_SHIFT == 8); cmp(cb, REG0_8, imm_opnd(RUBY_SYMBOL_FLAG)); jit_chain_guard(JCC_JNE, jit, ctx, max_chain_depth, side_exit); ctx_upgrade_opnd_type(ctx, insn_opnd, TYPE_STATIC_SYMBOL); } } else if (known_klass == rb_cFloat && FLONUM_P(sample_instance)) { RUBY_ASSERT(!val_type.is_heap); if (val_type.type != ETYPE_FLONUM || !val_type.is_imm) { RUBY_ASSERT(val_type.type == ETYPE_UNKNOWN); // We will guard flonum vs heap float as though they were separate classes ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard object is flonum"); mov(cb, REG1, REG0); and(cb, REG1, imm_opnd(RUBY_FLONUM_MASK)); cmp(cb, REG1, imm_opnd(RUBY_FLONUM_FLAG)); jit_chain_guard(JCC_JNE, jit, ctx, max_chain_depth, side_exit); ctx_upgrade_opnd_type(ctx, insn_opnd, TYPE_FLONUM); } } else if (FL_TEST(known_klass, FL_SINGLETON) && sample_instance == rb_attr_get(known_klass, id__attached__)) { // Singleton classes are attached to one specific object, so we can // avoid one memory access (and potentially the is_heap check) by // looking for the expected object directly. // Note that in case the sample instance has a singleton class that // doesn't attach to the sample instance, it means the sample instance // has an empty singleton class that hasn't been materialized yet. In // this case, comparing against the sample instance doesn't gurantee // that its singleton class is empty, so we can't avoid the memory // access. As an example, `Object.new.singleton_class` is an object in // this situation. ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard known object with singleton class"); // TODO: jit_mov_gc_ptr keeps a strong reference, which leaks the object. jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, REG1, sample_instance); cmp(cb, REG0, REG1); jit_chain_guard(JCC_JNE, jit, ctx, max_chain_depth, side_exit); } else { RUBY_ASSERT(!val_type.is_imm); // Check that the receiver is a heap object // Note: if we get here, the class doesn't have immediate instances. if (!val_type.is_heap) { ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard not immediate"); RUBY_ASSERT(Qfalse < Qnil); test(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(RUBY_IMMEDIATE_MASK)); jit_chain_guard(JCC_JNZ, jit, ctx, max_chain_depth, side_exit); cmp(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(Qnil)); jit_chain_guard(JCC_JBE, jit, ctx, max_chain_depth, side_exit); ctx_upgrade_opnd_type(ctx, insn_opnd, TYPE_HEAP); } x86opnd_t klass_opnd = mem_opnd(64, REG0, offsetof(struct RBasic, klass)); // Bail if receiver class is different from known_klass // TODO: jit_mov_gc_ptr keeps a strong reference, which leaks the class. ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard known class"); jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, REG1, known_klass); cmp(cb, klass_opnd, REG1); jit_chain_guard(JCC_JNE, jit, ctx, max_chain_depth, side_exit); } return true; } // Generate ancestry guard for protected callee. // Calls to protected callees only go through when self.is_a?(klass_that_defines_the_callee). static void jit_protected_callee_ancestry_guard(jitstate_t *jit, codeblock_t *cb, const rb_callable_method_entry_t *cme, uint8_t *side_exit) { // See vm_call_method(). mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, self)); jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], cme->defined_class); // Note: PC isn't written to current control frame as rb_is_kind_of() shouldn't raise. // VALUE rb_obj_is_kind_of(VALUE obj, VALUE klass); call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)&rb_obj_is_kind_of); test(cb, RAX, RAX); jz_ptr(cb, COUNTED_EXIT(side_exit, send_se_protected_check_failed)); } // Return true when the codegen function generates code. typedef bool (*method_codegen_t)(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, const struct rb_callinfo *ci, const rb_callable_method_entry_t *cme, rb_iseq_t *block, const int32_t argc); // Codegen for rb_obj_not(). // Note, caller is responsible for generating all the right guards, including // arity guards. static bool jit_rb_obj_not(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, const struct rb_callinfo *ci, const rb_callable_method_entry_t *cme, rb_iseq_t *block, const int32_t argc) { const val_type_t recv_opnd = ctx_get_opnd_type(ctx, OPND_STACK(0)); if (recv_opnd.type == ETYPE_NIL || recv_opnd.type == ETYPE_FALSE) { ADD_COMMENT(cb, "rb_obj_not(nil_or_false)"); ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); x86opnd_t out_opnd = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_TRUE); mov(cb, out_opnd, imm_opnd(Qtrue)); } else if (recv_opnd.is_heap || recv_opnd.type != ETYPE_UNKNOWN) { // Note: recv_opnd.type != ETYPE_NIL && recv_opnd.type != ETYPE_FALSE. ADD_COMMENT(cb, "rb_obj_not(truthy)"); ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); x86opnd_t out_opnd = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_FALSE); mov(cb, out_opnd, imm_opnd(Qfalse)); } else { // jit_guard_known_klass() already ran on the receiver which should // have deduced deduced the type of the receiver. This case should be // rare if not unreachable. return false; } return true; } // Check if we know how to codegen for a particular cfunc method static method_codegen_t lookup_cfunc_codegen(const rb_method_definition_t *def) { method_codegen_t gen_fn; if (st_lookup(yjit_method_codegen_table, def->method_serial, (st_data_t *)&gen_fn)) { return gen_fn; } return NULL; } static codegen_status_t gen_send_cfunc(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, const struct rb_callinfo *ci, const rb_callable_method_entry_t *cme, rb_iseq_t *block, const int32_t argc) { const rb_method_cfunc_t *cfunc = UNALIGNED_MEMBER_PTR(cme->def, body.cfunc); // If the function expects a Ruby array of arguments if (cfunc->argc < 0 && cfunc->argc != -1) { GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_cfunc_ruby_array_varg); return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } // If the argument count doesn't match if (cfunc->argc >= 0 && cfunc->argc != argc) { GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_cfunc_argc_mismatch); return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } // Don't JIT functions that need C stack arguments for now if (argc + 1 > NUM_C_ARG_REGS) { GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_cfunc_toomany_args); return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } // Delegate to codegen for C methods if we have it. { method_codegen_t known_cfunc_codegen; if ((known_cfunc_codegen = lookup_cfunc_codegen(cme->def))) { if (known_cfunc_codegen(jit, ctx, ci, cme, block, argc)) { // cfunc codegen generated code. Terminate the block so // there isn't multiple calls in the same block. jit_jump_to_next_insn(jit, ctx); return YJIT_END_BLOCK; } } } // Callee method ID //ID mid = vm_ci_mid(ci); //printf("JITting call to C function \"%s\", argc: %lu\n", rb_id2name(mid), argc); //print_str(cb, ""); //print_str(cb, "calling CFUNC:"); //print_str(cb, rb_id2name(mid)); //print_str(cb, "recv"); //print_ptr(cb, recv); // Create a size-exit to fall back to the interpreter uint8_t *side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx); // Check for interrupts yjit_check_ints(cb, side_exit); // Stack overflow check // #define CHECK_VM_STACK_OVERFLOW0(cfp, sp, margin) // REG_CFP <= REG_SP + 4 * sizeof(VALUE) + sizeof(rb_control_frame_t) lea(cb, REG0, ctx_sp_opnd(ctx, sizeof(VALUE) * 4 + sizeof(rb_control_frame_t))); cmp(cb, REG_CFP, REG0); jle_ptr(cb, COUNTED_EXIT(side_exit, send_se_cf_overflow)); // Points to the receiver operand on the stack x86opnd_t recv = ctx_stack_opnd(ctx, argc); // Store incremented PC into current control frame in case callee raises. jit_save_pc(jit, REG0); if (block) { // Change cfp->block_code in the current frame. See vm_caller_setup_arg_block(). // VM_CFP_TO_CAPTURED_BLCOK does &cfp->self, rb_captured_block->code.iseq aliases // with cfp->block_code. jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, REG0, (VALUE)block); mov(cb, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, block_code), REG0); } // Increment the stack pointer by 3 (in the callee) // sp += 3 lea(cb, REG0, ctx_sp_opnd(ctx, sizeof(VALUE) * 3)); // Write method entry at sp[-3] // sp[-3] = me; // Put compile time cme into REG1. It's assumed to be valid because we are notified when // any cme we depend on become outdated. See rb_yjit_method_lookup_change(). jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, REG1, (VALUE)cme); mov(cb, mem_opnd(64, REG0, 8 * -3), REG1); // Write block handler at sp[-2] // sp[-2] = block_handler; if (block) { // reg1 = VM_BH_FROM_ISEQ_BLOCK(VM_CFP_TO_CAPTURED_BLOCK(reg_cfp)); lea(cb, REG1, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, self)); or(cb, REG1, imm_opnd(1)); mov(cb, mem_opnd(64, REG0, 8 * -2), REG1); } else { mov(cb, mem_opnd(64, REG0, 8 * -2), imm_opnd(VM_BLOCK_HANDLER_NONE)); } // Write env flags at sp[-1] // sp[-1] = frame_type; uint64_t frame_type = VM_FRAME_MAGIC_CFUNC | VM_FRAME_FLAG_CFRAME | VM_ENV_FLAG_LOCAL; mov(cb, mem_opnd(64, REG0, 8 * -1), imm_opnd(frame_type)); // Allocate a new CFP (ec->cfp--) sub( cb, member_opnd(REG_EC, rb_execution_context_t, cfp), imm_opnd(sizeof(rb_control_frame_t)) ); // Setup the new frame // *cfp = (const struct rb_control_frame_struct) { // .pc = 0, // .sp = sp, // .iseq = 0, // .self = recv, // .ep = sp - 1, // .block_code = 0, // .__bp__ = sp, // }; mov(cb, REG1, member_opnd(REG_EC, rb_execution_context_t, cfp)); mov(cb, member_opnd(REG1, rb_control_frame_t, pc), imm_opnd(0)); mov(cb, member_opnd(REG1, rb_control_frame_t, sp), REG0); mov(cb, member_opnd(REG1, rb_control_frame_t, iseq), imm_opnd(0)); mov(cb, member_opnd(REG1, rb_control_frame_t, block_code), imm_opnd(0)); mov(cb, member_opnd(REG1, rb_control_frame_t, __bp__), REG0); sub(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(sizeof(VALUE))); mov(cb, member_opnd(REG1, rb_control_frame_t, ep), REG0); mov(cb, REG0, recv); mov(cb, member_opnd(REG1, rb_control_frame_t, self), REG0); // Verify that we are calling the right function if (YJIT_CHECK_MODE > 0) { // Call check_cfunc_dispatch mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], recv); jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], (VALUE)ci); mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[2], const_ptr_opnd((void *)cfunc->func)); jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, C_ARG_REGS[3], (VALUE)cme); call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)&check_cfunc_dispatch); } // Copy SP into RAX because REG_SP will get overwritten lea(cb, RAX, ctx_sp_opnd(ctx, 0)); // Pop the C function arguments from the stack (in the caller) ctx_stack_pop(ctx, argc + 1); // Write interpreter SP into CFP. // Needed in case the callee yields to the block. jit_save_sp(jit, ctx); // Non-variadic method if (cfunc->argc >= 0) { // Copy the arguments from the stack to the C argument registers // self is the 0th argument and is at index argc from the stack top for (int32_t i = 0; i < argc + 1; ++i) { x86opnd_t stack_opnd = mem_opnd(64, RAX, -(argc + 1 - i) * SIZEOF_VALUE); x86opnd_t c_arg_reg = C_ARG_REGS[i]; mov(cb, c_arg_reg, stack_opnd); } } // Variadic method if (cfunc->argc == -1) { // The method gets a pointer to the first argument // rb_f_puts(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE recv) mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], imm_opnd(argc)); lea(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], mem_opnd(64, RAX, -(argc) * SIZEOF_VALUE)); mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[2], mem_opnd(64, RAX, -(argc + 1) * SIZEOF_VALUE)); } // Call the C function // VALUE ret = (cfunc->func)(recv, argv[0], argv[1]); // cfunc comes from compile-time cme->def, which we assume to be stable. // Invalidation logic is in rb_yjit_method_lookup_change() call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void*)cfunc->func); // Push the return value on the Ruby stack x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN); mov(cb, stack_ret, RAX); // Pop the stack frame (ec->cfp++) add( cb, member_opnd(REG_EC, rb_execution_context_t, cfp), imm_opnd(sizeof(rb_control_frame_t)) ); // cfunc calls may corrupt types ctx_clear_local_types(ctx); // Note: gen_oswb_iseq() jumps to the next instruction with ctx->sp_offset == 0 // after the call, while this does not. This difference prevents // the two call types from sharing the same successor. // Jump (fall through) to the call continuation block // We do this to end the current block after the call jit_jump_to_next_insn(jit, ctx); return YJIT_END_BLOCK; } static void gen_return_branch(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* target0, uint8_t* target1, uint8_t shape) { switch (shape) { case SHAPE_NEXT0: case SHAPE_NEXT1: RUBY_ASSERT(false); break; case SHAPE_DEFAULT: mov(cb, REG0, const_ptr_opnd(target0)); mov(cb, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, jit_return), REG0); break; } } // Returns whether the iseq only needs positional (lead) argument setup. static bool iseq_lead_only_arg_setup_p(const rb_iseq_t *iseq) { // When iseq->body->local_iseq == iseq, setup_parameters_complex() // doesn't do anything to setup the block parameter. bool takes_block = iseq->body->param.flags.has_block; return (!takes_block || iseq->body->local_iseq == iseq) && iseq->body->param.flags.has_opt == false && iseq->body->param.flags.has_rest == false && iseq->body->param.flags.has_post == false && iseq->body->param.flags.has_kw == false && iseq->body->param.flags.has_kwrest == false && iseq->body->param.flags.accepts_no_kwarg == false; } bool rb_iseq_only_optparam_p(const rb_iseq_t *iseq); bool rb_iseq_only_kwparam_p(const rb_iseq_t *iseq); // If true, the iseq is leaf and it can be replaced by a single C call. static bool rb_leaf_invokebuiltin_iseq_p(const rb_iseq_t *iseq) { unsigned int invokebuiltin_len = insn_len(BIN(opt_invokebuiltin_delegate_leave)); unsigned int leave_len = insn_len(BIN(leave)); return (iseq->body->iseq_size == (invokebuiltin_len + leave_len) && rb_vm_insn_addr2opcode((void *)iseq->body->iseq_encoded[0]) == BIN(opt_invokebuiltin_delegate_leave) && rb_vm_insn_addr2opcode((void *)iseq->body->iseq_encoded[invokebuiltin_len]) == BIN(leave) && iseq->body->builtin_inline_p ); } // Return an rb_builtin_function if the iseq contains only that leaf builtin function. static const struct rb_builtin_function* rb_leaf_builtin_function(const rb_iseq_t *iseq) { if (!rb_leaf_invokebuiltin_iseq_p(iseq)) return NULL; return (const struct rb_builtin_function *)iseq->body->iseq_encoded[1]; } static codegen_status_t gen_send_iseq(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, const struct rb_callinfo *ci, const rb_callable_method_entry_t *cme, rb_iseq_t *block, const int32_t argc) { const rb_iseq_t *iseq = def_iseq_ptr(cme->def); if (vm_ci_flag(ci) & VM_CALL_TAILCALL) { // We can't handle tailcalls GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_iseq_tailcall); return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } // Arity handling and optional parameter setup int num_params = iseq->body->param.size; uint32_t start_pc_offset = 0; if (iseq_lead_only_arg_setup_p(iseq)) { num_params = iseq->body->param.lead_num; if (num_params != argc) { GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_iseq_arity_error); return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } } else if (rb_iseq_only_optparam_p(iseq)) { // These are iseqs with 0 or more required parameters followed by 1 // or more optional parameters. // We follow the logic of vm_call_iseq_setup_normal_opt_start() // and these are the preconditions required for using that fast path. RUBY_ASSERT(vm_ci_markable(ci) && ((vm_ci_flag(ci) & (VM_CALL_KW_SPLAT | VM_CALL_KWARG | VM_CALL_ARGS_SPLAT)) == 0)); const int required_num = iseq->body->param.lead_num; const int opts_filled = argc - required_num; const int opt_num = iseq->body->param.opt_num; if (opts_filled < 0 || opts_filled > opt_num) { GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_iseq_arity_error); return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } num_params -= opt_num - opts_filled; start_pc_offset = (uint32_t)iseq->body->param.opt_table[opts_filled]; } else if (rb_iseq_only_kwparam_p(iseq)) { // vm_callee_setup_arg() has a fast path for this. GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_iseq_only_keywords); return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } else { // Only handle iseqs that have simple parameter setup. // See vm_callee_setup_arg(). GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_iseq_complex_callee); return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } // The starting pc of the callee frame const VALUE *start_pc = &iseq->body->iseq_encoded[start_pc_offset]; // Number of locals that are not parameters const int num_locals = iseq->body->local_table_size - num_params; // Create a size-exit to fall back to the interpreter uint8_t *side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx); // Check for interrupts yjit_check_ints(cb, side_exit); const struct rb_builtin_function *leaf_builtin = rb_leaf_builtin_function(iseq); if (leaf_builtin && !block && leaf_builtin->argc + 1 <= NUM_C_ARG_REGS) { ADD_COMMENT(cb, "inlined leaf builtin"); // Call the builtin func (ec, recv, arg1, arg2, ...) mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], REG_EC); // Copy self and arguments for (int32_t i = 0; i < leaf_builtin->argc + 1; i++) { x86opnd_t stack_opnd = ctx_stack_opnd(ctx, leaf_builtin->argc - i); x86opnd_t c_arg_reg = C_ARG_REGS[i + 1]; mov(cb, c_arg_reg, stack_opnd); } ctx_stack_pop(ctx, leaf_builtin->argc + 1); call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)leaf_builtin->func_ptr); // Push the return value x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN); mov(cb, stack_ret, RAX); // Note: assuming that the leaf builtin doesn't change local variables here. // Seems like a safe assumption. return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } // Stack overflow check // #define CHECK_VM_STACK_OVERFLOW0(cfp, sp, margin) ADD_COMMENT(cb, "stack overflow check"); lea(cb, REG0, ctx_sp_opnd(ctx, sizeof(VALUE) * (num_locals + iseq->body->stack_max) + sizeof(rb_control_frame_t))); cmp(cb, REG_CFP, REG0); jle_ptr(cb, COUNTED_EXIT(side_exit, send_se_cf_overflow)); // Points to the receiver operand on the stack x86opnd_t recv = ctx_stack_opnd(ctx, argc); // Store the updated SP on the current frame (pop arguments and receiver) lea(cb, REG0, ctx_sp_opnd(ctx, sizeof(VALUE) * -(argc + 1))); mov(cb, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, sp), REG0); // Store the next PC in the current frame jit_save_pc(jit, REG0); if (block) { // Change cfp->block_code in the current frame. See vm_caller_setup_arg_block(). // VM_CFP_TO_CAPTURED_BLCOK does &cfp->self, rb_captured_block->code.iseq aliases // with cfp->block_code. jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, REG0, (VALUE)block); mov(cb, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, block_code), REG0); } // Adjust the callee's stack pointer lea(cb, REG0, ctx_sp_opnd(ctx, sizeof(VALUE) * (3 + num_locals))); // Initialize local variables to Qnil for (int i = 0; i < num_locals; i++) { mov(cb, mem_opnd(64, REG0, sizeof(VALUE) * (i - num_locals - 3)), imm_opnd(Qnil)); } // Put compile time cme into REG1. It's assumed to be valid because we are notified when // any cme we depend on become outdated. See rb_yjit_method_lookup_change(). jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, REG1, (VALUE)cme); // Write method entry at sp[-3] // sp[-3] = me; mov(cb, mem_opnd(64, REG0, 8 * -3), REG1); // Write block handler at sp[-2] // sp[-2] = block_handler; if (block) { // reg1 = VM_BH_FROM_ISEQ_BLOCK(VM_CFP_TO_CAPTURED_BLOCK(reg_cfp)); lea(cb, REG1, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, self)); or(cb, REG1, imm_opnd(1)); mov(cb, mem_opnd(64, REG0, 8 * -2), REG1); } else { mov(cb, mem_opnd(64, REG0, 8 * -2), imm_opnd(VM_BLOCK_HANDLER_NONE)); } // Write env flags at sp[-1] // sp[-1] = frame_type; uint64_t frame_type = VM_FRAME_MAGIC_METHOD | VM_ENV_FLAG_LOCAL; mov(cb, mem_opnd(64, REG0, 8 * -1), imm_opnd(frame_type)); // Allocate a new CFP (ec->cfp--) sub(cb, REG_CFP, imm_opnd(sizeof(rb_control_frame_t))); mov(cb, member_opnd(REG_EC, rb_execution_context_t, cfp), REG_CFP); // Setup the new frame // *cfp = (const struct rb_control_frame_struct) { // .pc = pc, // .sp = sp, // .iseq = iseq, // .self = recv, // .ep = sp - 1, // .block_code = 0, // .__bp__ = sp, // }; mov(cb, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, block_code), imm_opnd(0)); mov(cb, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, sp), REG0); mov(cb, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, __bp__), REG0); sub(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(sizeof(VALUE))); mov(cb, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, ep), REG0); mov(cb, REG0, recv); mov(cb, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, self), REG0); jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, REG0, (VALUE)iseq); mov(cb, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, iseq), REG0); mov(cb, REG0, const_ptr_opnd(start_pc)); mov(cb, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, pc), REG0); // Stub so we can return to JITted code blockid_t return_block = { jit->iseq, jit_next_insn_idx(jit) }; // Create a context for the callee ctx_t callee_ctx = DEFAULT_CTX; // Set the argument types in the callee's context for (int32_t arg_idx = 0; arg_idx < argc; ++arg_idx) { val_type_t arg_type = ctx_get_opnd_type(ctx, OPND_STACK(argc - arg_idx - 1)); ctx_set_local_type(&callee_ctx, arg_idx, arg_type); } val_type_t recv_type = ctx_get_opnd_type(ctx, OPND_STACK(argc)); ctx_upgrade_opnd_type(&callee_ctx, OPND_SELF, recv_type); // The callee might change locals through Kernel#binding and other means. ctx_clear_local_types(ctx); // Pop arguments and receiver in return context, push the return value // After the return, the JIT and interpreter SP will match up ctx_t return_ctx = *ctx; ctx_stack_pop(&return_ctx, argc + 1); ctx_stack_push(&return_ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN); return_ctx.sp_offset = 0; return_ctx.chain_depth = 0; // Write the JIT return address on the callee frame gen_branch( jit->block, ctx, return_block, &return_ctx, return_block, &return_ctx, gen_return_branch ); //print_str(cb, "calling Ruby func:"); //print_str(cb, rb_id2name(vm_ci_mid(ci))); // Load the updated SP from the CFP mov(cb, REG_SP, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, sp)); // Directly jump to the entry point of the callee gen_direct_jump( jit->block, &callee_ctx, (blockid_t){ iseq, start_pc_offset } ); return true; } const rb_callable_method_entry_t * rb_aliased_callable_method_entry(const rb_callable_method_entry_t *me); static codegen_status_t gen_send_general(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, struct rb_call_data *cd, rb_iseq_t *block) { // Relevant definitions: // rb_execution_context_t : vm_core.h // invoker, cfunc logic : method.h, vm_method.c // rb_callinfo : vm_callinfo.h // rb_callable_method_entry_t : method.h // vm_call_cfunc_with_frame : vm_insnhelper.c // // For a general overview for how the interpreter calls methods, // see vm_call_method(). const struct rb_callinfo *ci = cd->ci; // info about the call site int32_t argc = (int32_t)vm_ci_argc(ci); ID mid = vm_ci_mid(ci); // Don't JIT calls with keyword splat if (vm_ci_flag(ci) & VM_CALL_KW_SPLAT) { GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_kw_splat); return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } // Don't JIT calls that aren't simple // Note, not using VM_CALL_ARGS_SIMPLE because sometimes we pass a block. if ((vm_ci_flag(ci) & (VM_CALL_KW_SPLAT | VM_CALL_KWARG | VM_CALL_ARGS_SPLAT | VM_CALL_ARGS_BLOCKARG)) != 0) { GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_callsite_not_simple); return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } // Defer compilation so we can specialize on class of receiver if (!jit_at_current_insn(jit)) { defer_compilation(jit->block, jit->insn_idx, ctx); return YJIT_END_BLOCK; } VALUE comptime_recv = jit_peek_at_stack(jit, ctx, argc); VALUE comptime_recv_klass = CLASS_OF(comptime_recv); // Guard that the receiver has the same class as the one from compile time uint8_t *side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx); // Points to the receiver operand on the stack x86opnd_t recv = ctx_stack_opnd(ctx, argc); insn_opnd_t recv_opnd = OPND_STACK(argc); mov(cb, REG0, recv); if (!jit_guard_known_klass(jit, ctx, comptime_recv_klass, recv_opnd, comptime_recv, SEND_MAX_DEPTH, side_exit)) { return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } // Do method lookup const rb_callable_method_entry_t *cme = rb_callable_method_entry(comptime_recv_klass, mid); if (!cme) { // TODO: counter return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } switch (METHOD_ENTRY_VISI(cme)) { case METHOD_VISI_PUBLIC: // Can always call public methods break; case METHOD_VISI_PRIVATE: if (!(vm_ci_flag(ci) & VM_CALL_FCALL)) { // Can only call private methods with FCALL callsites. // (at the moment they are callsites without a receiver or an explicit `self` receiver) return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } break; case METHOD_VISI_PROTECTED: jit_protected_callee_ancestry_guard(jit, cb, cme, side_exit); break; case METHOD_VISI_UNDEF: RUBY_ASSERT(false && "cmes should always have a visibility"); break; } // Register block for invalidation RUBY_ASSERT(cme->called_id == mid); assume_method_lookup_stable(comptime_recv_klass, cme, jit->block); // To handle the aliased method case (VM_METHOD_TYPE_ALIAS) while (true) { // switch on the method type switch (cme->def->type) { case VM_METHOD_TYPE_ISEQ: return gen_send_iseq(jit, ctx, ci, cme, block, argc); case VM_METHOD_TYPE_CFUNC: return gen_send_cfunc(jit, ctx, ci, cme, block, argc); case VM_METHOD_TYPE_IVAR: if (argc != 0) { // Argument count mismatch. Getters take no arguments. GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_getter_arity); return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } else { mov(cb, REG0, recv); ID ivar_name = cme->def->body.attr.id; return gen_get_ivar(jit, ctx, SEND_MAX_DEPTH, comptime_recv, ivar_name, recv_opnd, side_exit); } case VM_METHOD_TYPE_ATTRSET: GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_ivar_set_method); return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; case VM_METHOD_TYPE_BMETHOD: GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_bmethod); return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; case VM_METHOD_TYPE_ZSUPER: GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_zsuper_method); return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; case VM_METHOD_TYPE_ALIAS: { // Retrieve the alised method and re-enter the switch cme = rb_aliased_callable_method_entry(cme); continue; } case VM_METHOD_TYPE_UNDEF: GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_undef_method); return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; case VM_METHOD_TYPE_NOTIMPLEMENTED: GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_not_implemented_method); return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; case VM_METHOD_TYPE_OPTIMIZED: GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_optimized_method); return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; case VM_METHOD_TYPE_MISSING: GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_missing_method); return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; case VM_METHOD_TYPE_REFINED: GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_refined_method); return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; // no default case so compiler issues a warning if this is not exhaustive } // Unreachable RUBY_ASSERT(false); } } static codegen_status_t gen_opt_send_without_block(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx) { struct rb_call_data *cd = (struct rb_call_data *)jit_get_arg(jit, 0); return gen_send_general(jit, ctx, cd, NULL); } static codegen_status_t gen_send(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx) { struct rb_call_data *cd = (struct rb_call_data *)jit_get_arg(jit, 0); rb_iseq_t *block = (rb_iseq_t *)jit_get_arg(jit, 1); return gen_send_general(jit, ctx, cd, block); } // Not in use as it's incorrect in some situations. See comments. RBIMPL_ATTR_MAYBE_UNUSED() static codegen_status_t gen_invokesuper(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx) { struct rb_call_data *cd = (struct rb_call_data *)jit_get_arg(jit, 0); rb_iseq_t *block = (rb_iseq_t *)jit_get_arg(jit, 1); // Defer compilation so we can specialize on class of receiver if (!jit_at_current_insn(jit)) { defer_compilation(jit->block, jit->insn_idx, ctx); return YJIT_END_BLOCK; } const rb_callable_method_entry_t *me = rb_vm_frame_method_entry(jit->ec->cfp); if (!me) { return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } else if (me->def->type == VM_METHOD_TYPE_BMETHOD) { // In the interpreter the method id can change which is tested for and // invalidates the cache. // By skipping super calls inside a BMETHOD definition, I believe we // avoid this case return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } VALUE current_defined_class = me->defined_class; ID mid = me->def->original_id; // vm_search_normal_superclass if (BUILTIN_TYPE(current_defined_class) == T_ICLASS && FL_TEST_RAW(RBASIC(current_defined_class)->klass, RMODULE_IS_REFINEMENT)) { return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } VALUE comptime_superclass = RCLASS_SUPER(RCLASS_ORIGIN(current_defined_class)); const struct rb_callinfo *ci = cd->ci; int32_t argc = (int32_t)vm_ci_argc(ci); // Don't JIT calls that aren't simple // Note, not using VM_CALL_ARGS_SIMPLE because sometimes we pass a block. if ((vm_ci_flag(ci) & (VM_CALL_KW_SPLAT | VM_CALL_KWARG | VM_CALL_ARGS_SPLAT | VM_CALL_ARGS_BLOCKARG)) != 0) { GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_callsite_not_simple); return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } VALUE comptime_recv = jit_peek_at_stack(jit, ctx, argc); VALUE comptime_recv_klass = CLASS_OF(comptime_recv); // Ensure we haven't rebound this method onto an incompatible class. // In the interpreter we try to avoid making this check by performing some // cheaper calculations first, but since we specialize on the receiver // class and so only have to do this once at compile time this is fine to // always check and side exit. if (!rb_obj_is_kind_of(comptime_recv, current_defined_class)) { return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } // Because we're assuming only one current_defined_class for a given // receiver class we need to check that the superclass doesn't also // re-include the same module. if (rb_class_search_ancestor(comptime_superclass, current_defined_class)) { return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } // Do method lookup const rb_callable_method_entry_t *cme = rb_callable_method_entry(comptime_superclass, mid); if (!cme) { return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } // Check that we'll be able to write this method dispatch before generating checks switch (cme->def->type) { case VM_METHOD_TYPE_ISEQ: case VM_METHOD_TYPE_CFUNC: break; default: // others unimplemented return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } // Guard that the receiver has the same class as the one from compile time uint8_t *side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx); if (!block) { // Guard no block passed // rb_vm_frame_block_handler(GET_EC()->cfp) == VM_BLOCK_HANDLER_NONE // note, we assume VM_ASSERT(VM_ENV_LOCAL_P(ep)) // // TODO: this could properly forward the current block handler, but // would require changes to gen_send_* ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard no block given"); mov(cb, REG0, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, ep)); mov(cb, REG0, mem_opnd(64, REG0, SIZEOF_VALUE * VM_ENV_DATA_INDEX_SPECVAL)); cmp(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(VM_BLOCK_HANDLER_NONE)); jne_ptr(cb, side_exit); } // Points to the receiver operand on the stack x86opnd_t recv = ctx_stack_opnd(ctx, argc); insn_opnd_t recv_opnd = OPND_STACK(argc); mov(cb, REG0, recv); // FIXME: This guard and the assume_method_lookup_stable() call below isn't // always enough to correctly replicate the interpreter's behavior of // searching at runtime for the callee through the method entry of the stack frame. if (!jit_guard_known_klass(jit, ctx, comptime_recv_klass, recv_opnd, comptime_recv, SEND_MAX_DEPTH, side_exit)) { return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } assume_method_lookup_stable(comptime_recv_klass, cme, jit->block); // Method calls may corrupt types ctx_clear_local_types(ctx); switch (cme->def->type) { case VM_METHOD_TYPE_ISEQ: return gen_send_iseq(jit, ctx, ci, cme, block, argc); case VM_METHOD_TYPE_CFUNC: return gen_send_cfunc(jit, ctx, ci, cme, block, argc); default: break; } RUBY_ASSERT_ALWAYS(false); } static codegen_status_t gen_leave(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { // Only the return value should be on the stack RUBY_ASSERT(ctx->stack_size == 1); // Create a size-exit to fall back to the interpreter uint8_t* side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx); // Load environment pointer EP from CFP mov(cb, REG1, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, ep)); // Check for interrupts ADD_COMMENT(cb, "check for interrupts"); yjit_check_ints(cb, COUNTED_EXIT(side_exit, leave_se_interrupt)); // Load the return value mov(cb, REG0, ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1)); // Pop the current frame (ec->cfp++) // Note: the return PC is already in the previous CFP add(cb, REG_CFP, imm_opnd(sizeof(rb_control_frame_t))); mov(cb, member_opnd(REG_EC, rb_execution_context_t, cfp), REG_CFP); // Push the return value on the caller frame // The SP points one above the topmost value add(cb, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, sp), imm_opnd(SIZEOF_VALUE)); mov(cb, REG_SP, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, sp)); mov(cb, mem_opnd(64, REG_SP, -SIZEOF_VALUE), REG0); // Jump to the JIT return address on the frame that was just popped const int32_t offset_to_jit_return = -((int32_t)sizeof(rb_control_frame_t)) + (int32_t)offsetof(rb_control_frame_t, jit_return); jmp_rm(cb, mem_opnd(64, REG_CFP, offset_to_jit_return)); return YJIT_END_BLOCK; } RUBY_EXTERN rb_serial_t ruby_vm_global_constant_state; static codegen_status_t gen_getglobal(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { ID gid = jit_get_arg(jit, 0); // Save the PC and SP because we might make a Ruby call for warning jit_save_pc(jit, REG0); jit_save_sp(jit, ctx); mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], imm_opnd(gid)); call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)&rb_gvar_get); x86opnd_t top = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN); mov(cb, top, RAX); return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } static codegen_status_t gen_setglobal(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { ID gid = jit_get_arg(jit, 0); // Save the PC and SP because we might make a Ruby call for // Kernel#set_trace_var jit_save_pc(jit, REG0); jit_save_sp(jit, ctx); mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], imm_opnd(gid)); x86opnd_t val = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], val); call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)&rb_gvar_set); return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } static codegen_status_t gen_tostring(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx) { // Save the PC and SP because we might make a Ruby call for // Kernel#set_trace_var jit_save_pc(jit, REG0); jit_save_sp(jit, ctx); x86opnd_t str = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); x86opnd_t val = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1); mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], str); mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], val); call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)&rb_obj_as_string_result); // Push the return value x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_STRING); mov(cb, stack_ret, RAX); return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } static codegen_status_t gen_opt_getinlinecache(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx) { VALUE jump_offset = jit_get_arg(jit, 0); VALUE const_cache_as_value = jit_get_arg(jit, 1); IC ic = (IC)const_cache_as_value; // See vm_ic_hit_p(). struct iseq_inline_constant_cache_entry *ice = ic->entry; if (!ice || // cache not filled ice->ic_serial != ruby_vm_global_constant_state || // cache out of date ice->ic_cref /* cache only valid for certain lexical scopes */) { // In these cases, leave a block that unconditionally side exits // for the interpreter to invalidate. return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } // Optimize for single ractor mode. // FIXME: This leaks when st_insert raises NoMemoryError if (!assume_single_ractor_mode(jit->block)) return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; // Invalidate output code on any and all constant writes // FIXME: This leaks when st_insert raises NoMemoryError assume_stable_global_constant_state(jit->block); val_type_t type = yjit_type_of_value(ice->value); x86opnd_t stack_top = ctx_stack_push(ctx, type); jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, REG0, ice->value); mov(cb, stack_top, REG0); // Jump over the code for filling the cache uint32_t jump_idx = jit_next_insn_idx(jit) + (int32_t)jump_offset; gen_direct_jump( jit->block, ctx, (blockid_t){ .iseq = jit->iseq, .idx = jump_idx } ); return YJIT_END_BLOCK; } // Push the explict block parameter onto the temporary stack. Part of the // interpreter's scheme for avoiding Proc allocations when delegating // explict block parameters. static codegen_status_t gen_getblockparamproxy(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx) { // A mirror of the interpreter code. Checking for the case // where it's pushing rb_block_param_proxy. uint8_t *side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx); // EP level VALUE level = jit_get_arg(jit, 1); if (level != 0) { // Bail on non zero level to make getting the ep simple return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } // Load environment pointer EP from CFP mov(cb, REG0, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, ep)); // Bail when VM_ENV_FLAGS(ep, VM_FRAME_FLAG_MODIFIED_BLOCK_PARAM) is non zero test(cb, mem_opnd(64, REG0, SIZEOF_VALUE * VM_ENV_DATA_INDEX_FLAGS), imm_opnd(VM_FRAME_FLAG_MODIFIED_BLOCK_PARAM)); jnz_ptr(cb, side_exit); // Load the block handler for the current frame // note, VM_ASSERT(VM_ENV_LOCAL_P(ep)) mov(cb, REG0, mem_opnd(64, REG0, SIZEOF_VALUE * VM_ENV_DATA_INDEX_SPECVAL)); // Block handler is a tagged pointer. Look at the tag. 0x03 is from VM_BH_ISEQ_BLOCK_P(). and(cb, REG0_8, imm_opnd(0x3)); // Bail unless VM_BH_ISEQ_BLOCK_P(bh). This also checks for null. cmp(cb, REG0_8, imm_opnd(0x1)); jne_ptr(cb, side_exit); // Push rb_block_param_proxy. It's a root, so no need to use jit_mov_gc_ptr. mov(cb, REG0, const_ptr_opnd((void *)rb_block_param_proxy)); RUBY_ASSERT(!SPECIAL_CONST_P(rb_block_param_proxy)); x86opnd_t top = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_HEAP); mov(cb, top, REG0); return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } // opt_invokebuiltin_delegate calls a builtin function, like // invokebuiltin does, but instead of taking arguments from the top of the // stack uses the argument locals (and self) from the current method. static codegen_status_t gen_opt_invokebuiltin_delegate(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx) { const struct rb_builtin_function *bf = (struct rb_builtin_function *)jit_get_arg(jit, 0); int32_t start_index = (int32_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 1); if (bf->argc + 2 >= NUM_C_ARG_REGS) { return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE; } // If the calls don't allocate, do they need up to date PC, SP? jit_save_pc(jit, REG0); jit_save_sp(jit, ctx); if (bf->argc > 0) { // Load environment pointer EP from CFP mov(cb, REG0, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, ep)); } // Call the builtin func (ec, recv, arg1, arg2, ...) mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], REG_EC); mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, self)); // Copy arguments from locals for (int32_t i = 0; i < bf->argc; i++) { const int32_t offs = -jit->iseq->body->local_table_size - VM_ENV_DATA_SIZE + 1 + start_index + i; x86opnd_t local_opnd = mem_opnd(64, REG0, offs * SIZEOF_VALUE); x86opnd_t c_arg_reg = C_ARG_REGS[i + 2]; mov(cb, c_arg_reg, local_opnd); } call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)bf->func_ptr); // Push the return value x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN); mov(cb, stack_ret, RAX); return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; } static void yjit_reg_method(VALUE klass, const char *mid_str, method_codegen_t gen_fn) { ID mid = rb_intern(mid_str); const rb_method_entry_t *me = rb_method_entry_at(klass, mid); if (!me) { rb_bug("undefined optimized method: %s", rb_id2name(mid)); } // For now, only cfuncs are supported VM_ASSERT(me && me->def); VM_ASSERT(me->def->type == VM_METHOD_TYPE_CFUNC); st_insert(yjit_method_codegen_table, (st_data_t)me->def->method_serial, (st_data_t)gen_fn); } static void yjit_reg_op(int opcode, codegen_fn gen_fn) { RUBY_ASSERT(opcode >= 0 && opcode < VM_INSTRUCTION_SIZE); // Check that the op wasn't previously registered RUBY_ASSERT(gen_fns[opcode] == NULL); gen_fns[opcode] = gen_fn; } void yjit_init_codegen(void) { // Initialize the code blocks uint32_t mem_size = rb_yjit_opts.exec_mem_size * 1024 * 1024; uint8_t *mem_block = alloc_exec_mem(mem_size); cb = █ cb_init(cb, mem_block, mem_size/2); ocb = &outline_block; cb_init(ocb, mem_block + mem_size/2, mem_size/2); // Generate the interpreter exit code for leave leave_exit_code = yjit_gen_leave_exit(cb); // Map YARV opcodes to the corresponding codegen functions yjit_reg_op(BIN(nop), gen_nop); yjit_reg_op(BIN(dup), gen_dup); yjit_reg_op(BIN(dupn), gen_dupn); yjit_reg_op(BIN(swap), gen_swap); yjit_reg_op(BIN(setn), gen_setn); yjit_reg_op(BIN(topn), gen_topn); yjit_reg_op(BIN(pop), gen_pop); yjit_reg_op(BIN(adjuststack), gen_adjuststack); yjit_reg_op(BIN(newarray), gen_newarray); yjit_reg_op(BIN(duparray), gen_duparray); yjit_reg_op(BIN(splatarray), gen_splatarray); yjit_reg_op(BIN(expandarray), gen_expandarray); yjit_reg_op(BIN(newhash), gen_newhash); yjit_reg_op(BIN(concatstrings), gen_concatstrings); yjit_reg_op(BIN(putnil), gen_putnil); yjit_reg_op(BIN(putobject), gen_putobject); yjit_reg_op(BIN(putobject_INT2FIX_0_), gen_putobject_int2fix); yjit_reg_op(BIN(putobject_INT2FIX_1_), gen_putobject_int2fix); yjit_reg_op(BIN(putself), gen_putself); yjit_reg_op(BIN(putspecialobject), gen_putspecialobject); yjit_reg_op(BIN(getlocal), gen_getlocal); yjit_reg_op(BIN(getlocal_WC_0), gen_getlocal_wc0); yjit_reg_op(BIN(getlocal_WC_1), gen_getlocal_wc1); yjit_reg_op(BIN(setlocal_WC_0), gen_setlocal_wc0); yjit_reg_op(BIN(getinstancevariable), gen_getinstancevariable); yjit_reg_op(BIN(setinstancevariable), gen_setinstancevariable); yjit_reg_op(BIN(defined), gen_defined); yjit_reg_op(BIN(checktype), gen_checktype); yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_lt), gen_opt_lt); yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_le), gen_opt_le); yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_ge), gen_opt_ge); yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_gt), gen_opt_gt); yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_eq), gen_opt_eq); yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_neq), gen_opt_neq); yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_aref), gen_opt_aref); yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_aset), gen_opt_aset); yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_and), gen_opt_and); yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_or), gen_opt_or); yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_minus), gen_opt_minus); yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_plus), gen_opt_plus); yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_mult), gen_opt_mult); yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_div), gen_opt_div); yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_mod), gen_opt_mod); yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_ltlt), gen_opt_ltlt); yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_nil_p), gen_opt_nil_p); yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_empty_p), gen_opt_empty_p); yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_str_freeze), gen_opt_str_freeze); yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_str_uminus), gen_opt_str_uminus); yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_not), gen_opt_not); yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_size), gen_opt_size); yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_length), gen_opt_length); yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_regexpmatch2), gen_opt_regexpmatch2); yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_getinlinecache), gen_opt_getinlinecache); yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_invokebuiltin_delegate), gen_opt_invokebuiltin_delegate); yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_invokebuiltin_delegate_leave), gen_opt_invokebuiltin_delegate); yjit_reg_op(BIN(branchif), gen_branchif); yjit_reg_op(BIN(branchunless), gen_branchunless); yjit_reg_op(BIN(branchnil), gen_branchnil); yjit_reg_op(BIN(jump), gen_jump); yjit_reg_op(BIN(getblockparamproxy), gen_getblockparamproxy); yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_send_without_block), gen_opt_send_without_block); yjit_reg_op(BIN(send), gen_send); yjit_reg_op(BIN(leave), gen_leave); yjit_reg_op(BIN(getglobal), gen_getglobal); yjit_reg_op(BIN(setglobal), gen_setglobal); yjit_reg_op(BIN(tostring), gen_tostring); yjit_method_codegen_table = st_init_numtable(); yjit_reg_method(rb_cBasicObject, "!", jit_rb_obj_not); }