# -*- coding: us-ascii -*- require 'test/unit' require 'timeout' require 'tmpdir' require 'tempfile' require_relative '../lib/jit_support' class TestRubyOptions < Test::Unit::TestCase def self.yjit_enabled? = defined?(RubyVM::YJIT.enabled?) && RubyVM::YJIT.enabled? NO_JIT_DESCRIPTION = if defined?(RubyVM::MJIT) && RubyVM::MJIT.enabled? # checking -DMJIT_FORCE_ENABLE RUBY_DESCRIPTION.sub(/\+MJIT /, '') elsif yjit_enabled? # checking -DYJIT_FORCE_ENABLE RUBY_DESCRIPTION.sub(/\+YJIT /, '') else RUBY_DESCRIPTION end def write_file(filename, content) File.open(filename, "w") {|f| f << content } end def with_tmpchdir Dir.mktmpdir {|d| d = File.realpath(d) Dir.chdir(d) { yield d } } end def test_source_file assert_in_out_err([], "", [], []) end def test_usage assert_in_out_err(%w(-h)) do |r, e| assert_operator(r.size, :<=, 25) longer = r[1..-1].select {|x| x.size > 80} assert_equal([], longer) assert_equal([], e) end end def test_usage_long assert_in_out_err(%w(--help)) do |r, e| longer = r[1..-1].select {|x| x.size > 80} assert_equal([], longer) assert_equal([], e) end end def test_option_variables assert_in_out_err(["-e", 'p [$-p, $-l, $-a]']) do |r, e| assert_equal(["[false, false, false]"], r) assert_equal([], e) end assert_in_out_err(%w(-p -l -a -e) + ['p [$-p, $-l, $-a]'], "foo\nbar\nbaz") do |r, e| assert_equal( [ '[true, true, true]', 'foo', '[true, true, true]', 'bar', '[true, true, true]', 'baz' ], r) assert_equal([], e) end end def test_backtrace_limit assert_in_out_err(%w(--backtrace-limit), "", [], /missing argument for --backtrace-limit/) assert_in_out_err(%w(--backtrace-limit= 1), "", [], /missing argument for --backtrace-limit/) assert_in_out_err(%w(--backtrace-limit=-1), "", [], /wrong limit for backtrace length/) code = 'def f(n);n > 0 ? f(n-1) : raise;end;f(5)' assert_in_out_err(%w(--backtrace-limit=1), code, [], [/.*unhandled exception\n/, /^\tfrom .*\n/, /^\t \.{3} \d+ levels\.{3}\n/]) assert_in_out_err(%w(--backtrace-limit=3), code, [], [/.*unhandled exception\n/, *[/^\tfrom .*\n/]*3, /^\t \.{3} \d+ levels\.{3}\n/]) assert_kind_of(Integer, Thread::Backtrace.limit) assert_in_out_err(%w(--backtrace-limit=1), "p Thread::Backtrace.limit", ['1'], []) end def test_warning save_rubyopt = ENV['RUBYOPT'] ENV['RUBYOPT'] = nil assert_in_out_err(%w(-W0 -e) + ['p $-W'], "", %w(0), []) assert_in_out_err(%w(-W1 -e) + ['p $-W'], "", %w(1), []) assert_in_out_err(%w(-Wx -e) + ['p $-W'], "", %w(2), []) assert_in_out_err(%w(-W -e) + ['p $-W'], "", %w(2), []) assert_in_out_err(%w(-We) + ['p $-W'], "", %w(2), []) assert_in_out_err(%w(-w -W0 -e) + ['p $-W'], "", %w(0), []) assert_in_out_err(%w(-W:deprecated -e) + ['p Warning[:deprecated]'], "", %w(true), []) assert_in_out_err(%w(-W:no-deprecated -e) + ['p Warning[:deprecated]'], "", %w(false), []) assert_in_out_err(%w(-W:experimental -e) + ['p Warning[:experimental]'], "", %w(true), []) assert_in_out_err(%w(-W:no-experimental -e) + ['p Warning[:experimental]'], "", %w(false), []) assert_in_out_err(%w(-W:qux), "", [], /unknown warning category: `qux'/) assert_in_out_err(%w(-w -e) + ['p Warning[:deprecated]'], "", %w(true), []) assert_in_out_err(%w(-W -e) + ['p Warning[:deprecated]'], "", %w(true), []) assert_in_out_err(%w(-We) + ['p Warning[:deprecated]'], "", %w(true), []) assert_in_out_err(%w(-e) + ['p Warning[:deprecated]'], "", %w(false), []) code = 'puts "#{$VERBOSE}:#{Warning[:deprecated]}:#{Warning[:experimental]}"' Tempfile.create(["test_ruby_test_rubyoption", ".rb"]) do |t| t.puts code t.close assert_in_out_err(["-r#{t.path}", '-e', code], "", %w(false:false:true false:false:true), []) assert_in_out_err(["-r#{t.path}", '-w', '-e', code], "", %w(true:true:true true:true:true), []) assert_in_out_err(["-r#{t.path}", '-W:deprecated', '-e', code], "", %w(false:true:true false:true:true), []) assert_in_out_err(["-r#{t.path}", '-W:no-experimental', '-e', code], "", %w(false:false:false false:false:false), []) end ensure ENV['RUBYOPT'] = save_rubyopt end def test_debug assert_in_out_err(["--disable-gems", "-de", "p $DEBUG"], "", %w(true), []) assert_in_out_err(["--disable-gems", "--debug", "-e", "p $DEBUG"], "", %w(true), []) end q = Regexp.method(:quote) VERSION_PATTERN = case RUBY_ENGINE when 'jruby' /^jruby #{q[RUBY_ENGINE_VERSION]} \(#{q[RUBY_VERSION]}\).*? \[#{ q[RbConfig::CONFIG["host_os"]]}-#{q[RbConfig::CONFIG["host_cpu"]]}\]$/ else /^ruby #{q[RUBY_VERSION]}(?:[p ]|dev|rc).*? \[#{q[RUBY_PLATFORM]}\]$/ end private_constant :VERSION_PATTERN VERSION_PATTERN_WITH_JIT = case RUBY_ENGINE when 'ruby' /^ruby #{q[RUBY_VERSION]}(?:[p ]|dev|rc).*? \+MJIT \[#{q[RUBY_PLATFORM]}\]$/ else VERSION_PATTERN end private_constant :VERSION_PATTERN_WITH_JIT def test_verbose assert_in_out_err([{'RUBY_YJIT_ENABLE' => nil}, "-vve", ""]) do |r, e| assert_match(VERSION_PATTERN, r[0]) if defined?(RubyVM::MJIT) && RubyVM::MJIT.enabled? && !mjit_force_enabled? # checking -DMJIT_FORCE_ENABLE assert_equal(NO_JIT_DESCRIPTION, r[0]) elsif self.class.yjit_enabled? && !yjit_force_enabled? # checking -DYJIT_FORCE_ENABLE assert_equal(NO_JIT_DESCRIPTION, r[0]) else assert_equal(RUBY_DESCRIPTION, r[0]) end assert_equal([], e) end assert_in_out_err(%w(--verbose -e) + ["p $VERBOSE"], "", %w(true), []) assert_in_out_err(%w(--verbose), "", [], []) end def test_copyright assert_in_out_err(%w(--copyright), "", /^ruby - Copyright \(C\) 1993-\d+ Yukihiro Matsumoto$/, []) assert_in_out_err(%w(--verbose -e) + ["p $VERBOSE"], "", %w(true), []) end def test_enable if JITSupport.supported? assert_in_out_err(%w(--enable all -e) + [""], "", [], []) assert_in_out_err(%w(--enable-all -e) + [""], "", [], []) assert_in_out_err(%w(--enable=all -e) + [""], "", [], []) end assert_in_out_err(%w(--enable foobarbazqux -e) + [""], "", [], /unknown argument for --enable: `foobarbazqux'/) assert_in_out_err(%w(--enable), "", [], /missing argument for --enable/) end def test_disable assert_in_out_err(%w(--disable all -e) + [""], "", [], []) assert_in_out_err(%w(--disable-all -e) + [""], "", [], []) assert_in_out_err(%w(--disable=all -e) + [""], "", [], []) assert_in_out_err(%w(--disable foobarbazqux -e) + [""], "", [], /unknown argument for --disable: `foobarbazqux'/) assert_in_out_err(%w(--disable), "", [], /missing argument for --disable/) assert_in_out_err(%w(--disable-gems -e) + ['p defined? Gem'], "", ["nil"], []) assert_in_out_err(%w(--disable-did_you_mean -e) + ['p defined? DidYouMean'], "", ["nil"], []) assert_in_out_err(%w(--disable-gems -e) + ['p defined? DidYouMean'], "", ["nil"], []) end def test_kanji assert_in_out_err(%w(-KU), "p '\u3042'") do |r, e| assert_equal("\"\u3042\"", r.join.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8)) end line = '-eputs"\xc2\xa1".encoding' env = {'RUBYOPT' => nil} assert_in_out_err([env, '-Ke', line], "", ["EUC-JP"], []) assert_in_out_err([env, '-KE', line], "", ["EUC-JP"], []) assert_in_out_err([env, '-Ks', line], "", ["Windows-31J"], []) assert_in_out_err([env, '-KS', line], "", ["Windows-31J"], []) assert_in_out_err([env, '-Ku', line], "", ["UTF-8"], []) assert_in_out_err([env, '-KU', line], "", ["UTF-8"], []) assert_in_out_err([env, '-Kn', line], "", ["ASCII-8BIT"], []) assert_in_out_err([env, '-KN', line], "", ["ASCII-8BIT"], []) assert_in_out_err([env, '-wKe', line], "", ["EUC-JP"], /-K/) end def test_version env = {'RUBY_YJIT_ENABLE' => nil} # unset in children assert_in_out_err([env, '--version']) do |r, e| assert_match(VERSION_PATTERN, r[0]) if ENV['RUBY_YJIT_ENABLE'] == '1' assert_equal(NO_JIT_DESCRIPTION, r[0]) elsif defined?(RubyVM::MJIT) && RubyVM::MJIT.enabled? || self.class.yjit_enabled? # checking -D(M|Y)JIT_FORCE_ENABLE assert_equal(EnvUtil.invoke_ruby(['-e', 'print RUBY_DESCRIPTION'], '', true).first, r[0]) else assert_equal(RUBY_DESCRIPTION, r[0]) end assert_equal([], e) end return if RbConfig::CONFIG["MJIT_SUPPORT"] == 'no' return if yjit_force_enabled? [ %w(--version --mjit --disable=mjit), %w(--version --enable=mjit --disable=mjit), %w(--version --enable-mjit --disable-mjit), *([ %w(--version --jit --disable=jit), %w(--version --enable=jit --disable=jit), %w(--version --enable-jit --disable-jit), ] unless JITSupport.yjit_supported?), ].each do |args| assert_in_out_err([env] + args) do |r, e| assert_match(VERSION_PATTERN, r[0]) assert_match(NO_JIT_DESCRIPTION, r[0]) assert_equal([], e) end end if JITSupport.supported? [ %w(--version --mjit), %w(--version --enable=mjit), %w(--version --enable-mjit), *([ %w(--version --jit), %w(--version --enable=jit), %w(--version --enable-jit), ] unless JITSupport.yjit_supported?), ].each do |args| assert_in_out_err([env] + args) do |r, e| assert_match(VERSION_PATTERN_WITH_JIT, r[0]) if defined?(RubyVM::MJIT) && RubyVM::MJIT.enabled? # checking -DMJIT_FORCE_ENABLE assert_equal(RUBY_DESCRIPTION, r[0]) else assert_equal(EnvUtil.invoke_ruby([env, '--mjit', '-e', 'print RUBY_DESCRIPTION'], '', true).first, r[0]) end assert_equal([], e) end end end end def test_eval assert_in_out_err(%w(-e), "", [], /no code specified for -e \(RuntimeError\)/) end def test_require require "pp" assert_in_out_err(%w(-r pp -e) + ["pp 1"], "", %w(1), []) assert_in_out_err(%w(-rpp -e) + ["pp 1"], "", %w(1), []) assert_in_out_err(%w(-ep\ 1 -r), "", %w(1), []) assert_in_out_err(%w(-r), "", [], []) rescue LoadError end def test_include d = Dir.tmpdir assert_in_out_err(["-I" + d, "-e", ""], "", [], []) assert_in_out_err(["-I", d, "-e", ""], "", [], []) end def test_separator assert_in_out_err(%w(-000 -e) + ["print gets"], "foo\nbar\0baz", %W(foo bar\0baz), []) assert_in_out_err(%w(-0141 -e) + ["print gets"], "foo\nbar\0baz", %w(foo ba), []) assert_in_out_err(%w(-0e) + ["print gets"], "foo\nbar\0baz", %W(foo bar\0), []) assert_in_out_err(%w(-00 -e) + ["p gets, gets"], "foo\nbar\n\nbaz\nzot\n\n\n", %w("foo\nbar\n\n" "baz\nzot\n\n"), []) assert_in_out_err(%w(-00 -e) + ["p gets, gets"], "foo\nbar\n\n\n\nbaz\n", %w("foo\nbar\n\n" "baz\n"), []) end def test_autosplit assert_in_out_err(%w(-W0 -an -F: -e) + ["p $F"], "foo:bar:baz\nqux:quux:quuux\n", ['["foo", "bar", "baz\n"]', '["qux", "quux", "quuux\n"]'], []) end def test_chdir assert_in_out_err(%w(-C), "", [], /Can't chdir/) assert_in_out_err(%w(-C test_ruby_test_rubyoptions_foobarbazqux), "", [], /Can't chdir/) d = Dir.tmpdir assert_in_out_err(["-C", d, "-e", "puts Dir.pwd"]) do |r, e| assert_file.identical?(r.join, d) assert_equal([], e) end end def test_yydebug assert_in_out_err(["-ye", ""]) do |r, e| assert_not_equal([], r) assert_equal([], e) end assert_in_out_err(%w(--yydebug -e) + [""]) do |r, e| assert_not_equal([], r) assert_equal([], e) end end def test_encoding assert_in_out_err(%w(--encoding), "", [], /missing argument for --encoding/) assert_in_out_err(%w(--encoding test_ruby_test_rubyoptions_foobarbazqux), "", [], /unknown encoding name - test_ruby_test_rubyoptions_foobarbazqux \(RuntimeError\)/) if /mswin|mingw|aix|android/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM && (str = "\u3042".force_encoding(Encoding.find("external"))).valid_encoding? # This result depends on locale because LANG=C doesn't affect locale # on Windows. # On AIX, the source encoding of stdin with LANG=C is ISO-8859-1, # which allows \u3042. out, err = [str], [] else out, err = [], /invalid multibyte char/ end assert_in_out_err(%w(-Eutf-8), "puts '\u3042'", out, err) assert_in_out_err(%w(--encoding utf-8), "puts '\u3042'", out, err) end def test_syntax_check assert_in_out_err(%w(-c -e a=1+1 -e !a), "", ["Syntax OK"], []) end def test_invalid_option assert_in_out_err(%w(--foobarbazqux), "", [], /invalid option --foobarbazqux/) assert_in_out_err(%W(-\r -e) + [""], "", [], []) assert_in_out_err(%W(-\rx), "", [], /invalid option -\\r \(-h will show valid options\) \(RuntimeError\)/) assert_in_out_err(%W(-\x01), "", [], /invalid option -\\x01 \(-h will show valid options\) \(RuntimeError\)/) assert_in_out_err(%w(-Z), "", [], /invalid option -Z \(-h will show valid options\) \(RuntimeError\)/) end def test_rubyopt rubyopt_orig = ENV['RUBYOPT'] ENV['RUBYOPT'] = ' - -' assert_in_out_err([], "", [], []) ENV['RUBYOPT'] = '-e "p 1"' assert_in_out_err([], "", [], /invalid switch in RUBYOPT: -e \(RuntimeError\)/) ENV['RUBYOPT'] = '-Eus-ascii -KN' assert_in_out_err(%w(-Eutf-8 -KU), "p '\u3042'") do |r, e| assert_equal("\"\u3042\"", r.join.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8)) assert_equal([], e) end ENV['RUBYOPT'] = '-w' assert_in_out_err(%w(), "p $VERBOSE", ["true"]) assert_in_out_err(%w(-W1), "p $VERBOSE", ["false"]) assert_in_out_err(%w(-W0), "p $VERBOSE", ["nil"]) assert_in_out_err(%w(), "p Warning[:deprecated]", ["true"]) assert_in_out_err(%w(-W0), "p Warning[:deprecated]", ["false"]) assert_in_out_err(%w(-W1), "p Warning[:deprecated]", ["false"]) assert_in_out_err(%w(-W2), "p Warning[:deprecated]", ["true"]) ENV['RUBYOPT'] = '-W:deprecated' assert_in_out_err(%w(), "p Warning[:deprecated]", ["true"]) ENV['RUBYOPT'] = '-W:no-deprecated' assert_in_out_err(%w(), "p Warning[:deprecated]", ["false"]) ENV['RUBYOPT'] = '-W:experimental' assert_in_out_err(%w(), "p Warning[:experimental]", ["true"]) ENV['RUBYOPT'] = '-W:no-experimental' assert_in_out_err(%w(), "p Warning[:experimental]", ["false"]) ENV['RUBYOPT'] = '-W:qux' assert_in_out_err(%w(), "", [], /unknown warning category: `qux'/) ensure if rubyopt_orig ENV['RUBYOPT'] = rubyopt_orig else ENV.delete('RUBYOPT') end end def test_search rubypath_orig = ENV['RUBYPATH'] path_orig = ENV['PATH'] Tempfile.create(["test_ruby_test_rubyoption", ".rb"]) {|t| t.puts "p 1" t.close @verbose = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = nil path, name = File.split(t.path) ENV['PATH'] = (path_orig && RbConfig::CONFIG['LIBPATHENV'] == 'PATH') ? [path, path_orig].join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) : path assert_in_out_err(%w(-S) + [name], "", %w(1), []) ENV['PATH'] = path_orig ENV['RUBYPATH'] = path assert_in_out_err(%w(-S) + [name], "", %w(1), []) } ensure if rubypath_orig ENV['RUBYPATH'] = rubypath_orig else ENV.delete('RUBYPATH') end if path_orig ENV['PATH'] = path_orig else ENV.delete('PATH') end $VERBOSE = @verbose end def test_shebang assert_in_out_err([], "#! /test_r_u_b_y_test_r_u_b_y_options_foobarbazqux\r\np 1\r\n", [], /: no Ruby script found in input/) assert_in_out_err([], "#! /test_r_u_b_y_test_r_u_b_y_options_foobarbazqux -foo -bar\r\np 1\r\n", [], /: no Ruby script found in input/) warning = /mswin|mingw/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM ? [] : /shebang line ending with \\r/ assert_in_out_err([{'RUBYOPT' => nil}], "#!ruby -KU -Eutf-8\r\np \"\u3042\"\r\n", ["\"\u3042\""], warning, encoding: Encoding::UTF_8) bug4118 = '[ruby-dev:42680]' assert_in_out_err(%w[], "#!/bin/sh\n""#!shebang\n""#!ruby\n""puts __LINE__\n", %w[4], [], bug4118) assert_in_out_err(%w[-x], "#!/bin/sh\n""#!shebang\n""#!ruby\n""puts __LINE__\n", %w[4], [], bug4118) assert_ruby_status(%w[], "#! ruby -- /", '[ruby-core:82267] [Bug #13786]') assert_ruby_status(%w[], "#!") assert_in_out_err(%w[-c], "#!", ["Syntax OK"]) end def test_flag_in_shebang Tempfile.create(%w"pflag .rb") do |script| code = "#!ruby -p" script.puts(code) script.close assert_in_out_err([script.path, script.path], '', [code]) end Tempfile.create(%w"sflag .rb") do |script| script.puts("#!ruby -s") script.puts("p $abc") script.close assert_in_out_err([script.path, "-abc=foo"], '', ['"foo"']) end end def test_sflag assert_in_out_err(%w(- -abc -def=foo -ghi-jkl -- -xyz), "#!ruby -s\np [$abc, $def, $ghi_jkl, defined?($xyz)]\n", ['[true, "foo", true, nil]'], []) assert_in_out_err(%w(- -#), "#!ruby -s\n", [], /invalid name for global variable - -# \(NameError\)/) assert_in_out_err(%w(- -#=foo), "#!ruby -s\n", [], /invalid name for global variable - -# \(NameError\)/) end def test_assignment_in_conditional Tempfile.create(["test_ruby_test_rubyoption", ".rb"]) {|t| t.puts "if a = 1" t.puts "end" t.puts "0.times do" t.puts " if b = 2" t.puts " a += b" t.puts " end" t.puts "end" t.flush warning = ' warning: found `= literal\' in conditional, should be ==' err = ["#{t.path}:1:#{warning}", "#{t.path}:4:#{warning}", ] bug2136 = '[ruby-dev:39363]' assert_in_out_err(["-w", t.path], "", [], err, bug2136) assert_in_out_err(["-wr", t.path, "-e", ""], "", [], err, bug2136) t.rewind t.truncate(0) t.puts "if a = ''; end" t.puts "if a = []; end" t.puts "if a = [1]; end" t.puts "if a = [a]; end" t.puts "if a = {}; end" t.puts "if a = {1=>2}; end" t.puts "if a = {3=>a}; end" t.flush err = ["#{t.path}:1:#{warning}", "#{t.path}:2:#{warning}", "#{t.path}:3:#{warning}", "#{t.path}:5:#{warning}", "#{t.path}:6:#{warning}", ] feature4299 = '[ruby-dev:43083]' assert_in_out_err(["-w", t.path], "", [], err, feature4299) assert_in_out_err(["-wr", t.path, "-e", ""], "", [], err, feature4299) } end def test_indentation_check all_assertions do |a| Tempfile.create(["test_ruby_test_rubyoption", ".rb"]) do |t| [ "begin", "if false", "for _ in []", "while false", "def foo", "class X", "module M", ["-> do", "end"], ["-> {", "}"], ["if false;", "else ; end"], ["if false;", "elsif false ; end"], ["begin", "rescue ; end"], ["begin rescue", "else ; end"], ["begin", "ensure ; end"], [" case nil", "when true; end"], ["case nil; when true", "end"], ["if false;", "end", "if true\nelse ", "end"], ["else", " end", "_ = if true\n"], ["begin\n def f() = nil", "end"], ["begin\n def self.f() = nil", "end"], ].each do |b, e = 'end', pre = nil, post = nil| src = ["#{pre}#{b}\n", " #{e}\n#{post}"] k = b[/\A\s*(\S+)/, 1] e = e[/\A\s*(\S+)/, 1] n = 1 + src[0].count("\n") n1 = 1 + (pre ? pre.count("\n") : 0) a.for("no directives with #{src}") do err = ["#{t.path}:#{n}: warning: mismatched indentations at '#{e}' with '#{k}' at #{n1}"] t.rewind t.truncate(0) t.puts src t.flush assert_in_out_err(["-w", t.path], "", [], err) assert_in_out_err(["-wr", t.path, "-e", ""], "", [], err) end a.for("false directive with #{src}") do t.rewind t.truncate(0) t.puts "# -*- warn-indent: false -*-" t.puts src t.flush assert_in_out_err(["-w", t.path], "", [], [], '[ruby-core:25442]') end a.for("false and true directives with #{src}") do err = ["#{t.path}:#{n+2}: warning: mismatched indentations at '#{e}' with '#{k}' at #{n1+2}"] t.rewind t.truncate(0) t.puts "# -*- warn-indent: false -*-" t.puts "# -*- warn-indent: true -*-" t.puts src t.flush assert_in_out_err(["-w", t.path], "", [], err, '[ruby-core:25442]') end a.for("false directives after #{src}") do t.rewind t.truncate(0) t.puts "# -*- warn-indent: true -*-" t.puts src[0] t.puts "# -*- warn-indent: false -*-" t.puts src[1] t.flush assert_in_out_err(["-w", t.path], "", [], [], '[ruby-core:25442]') end a.for("BOM with #{src}") do err = ["#{t.path}:#{n}: warning: mismatched indentations at '#{e}' with '#{k}' at #{n1}"] t.rewind t.truncate(0) t.print "\u{feff}" t.puts src t.flush assert_in_out_err(["-w", t.path], "", [], err) assert_in_out_err(["-wr", t.path, "-e", ""], "", [], err) end end end end end def test_notfound notexist = "./notexist.rb" dir, *rubybin = RbConfig::CONFIG.values_at('bindir', 'RUBY_INSTALL_NAME', 'EXEEXT') rubybin = "#{dir}/#{rubybin.join('')}" rubybin.tr!('/', '\\') if /mswin|mingw/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM rubybin = Regexp.quote(rubybin) pat = Regexp.quote(notexist) bug1573 = '[ruby-core:23717]' assert_file.not_exist?(notexist) assert_in_out_err(["-r", notexist, "-ep"], "", [], /.* -- #{pat} \(LoadError\)/, bug1573) assert_in_out_err([notexist], "", [], /#{rubybin}:.* -- #{pat} \(LoadError\)/, bug1573) end def test_program_name ruby = EnvUtil.rubybin IO.popen([ruby, '-e', 'print $0']) {|f| assert_equal('-e', f.read) } IO.popen([ruby, '-'], 'r+') {|f| f << 'print $0' f.close_write assert_equal('-', f.read) } Dir.mktmpdir {|d| n1 = File.join(d, 't1') open(n1, 'w') {|f| f << 'print $0' } IO.popen([ruby, n1]) {|f| assert_equal(n1, f.read) } if File.respond_to? :symlink n2 = File.join(d, 't2') begin File.symlink(n1, n2) rescue Errno::EACCES else IO.popen([ruby, n2]) {|f| assert_equal(n2, f.read) } end end Dir.chdir(d) { n3 = '-e' open(n3, 'w') {|f| f << 'print $0' } IO.popen([ruby, '--', n3]) {|f| assert_equal(n3, f.read) } n4 = '-' IO.popen([ruby, '--', n4], 'r+') {|f| f << 'print $0' f.close_write assert_equal(n4, f.read) } } } end if /linux|freebsd|netbsd|openbsd|darwin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM PSCMD = EnvUtil.find_executable("ps", "-o", "command", "-p", $$.to_s) {|out| /ruby/=~out} PSCMD&.pop end def test_set_program_name omit "platform dependent feature" unless defined?(PSCMD) and PSCMD with_tmpchdir do write_file("test-script", "$0 = 'hello world'; /test-script/ =~ Process.argv0 or $0 = 'Process.argv0 changed!'; sleep 60") pid = spawn(EnvUtil.rubybin, "test-script") ps = nil now = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) stop = now + 30 begin sleep 0.1 ps = `#{PSCMD.join(' ')} #{pid}` break if /hello world/ =~ ps now = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) end until Process.wait(pid, Process::WNOHANG) || now > stop assert_match(/hello world/, ps) assert_operator now, :<, stop Process.kill :KILL, pid EnvUtil.timeout(5) { Process.wait(pid) } end end def test_setproctitle omit "platform dependent feature" unless defined?(PSCMD) and PSCMD assert_separately([], "#{<<-"{#"}\n#{<<-'};'}") {# assert_raise(ArgumentError) do Process.setproctitle("hello\0") end }; with_tmpchdir do write_file("test-script", "$_0 = $0.dup; Process.setproctitle('hello world'); $0 == $_0 or Process.setproctitle('$0 changed!'); sleep 60") pid = spawn(EnvUtil.rubybin, "test-script") ps = nil now = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) stop = now + 30 begin sleep 0.1 ps = `#{PSCMD.join(' ')} #{pid}` break if /hello world/ =~ ps now = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) end until Process.wait(pid, Process::WNOHANG) || now > stop assert_match(/hello world/, ps) assert_operator now, :<, stop Process.kill :KILL, pid Timeout.timeout(5) { Process.wait(pid) } end end module SEGVTest opts = {} unless /mswin|mingw/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM opts[:rlimit_core] = 0 end ExecOptions = opts.freeze ExpectedStderrList = [ %r( -e:(?:1:)?\s\[BUG\]\sSegmentation\sfault.*\n )x, %r( #{ Regexp.quote(NO_JIT_DESCRIPTION) }\n\n )x, %r( (?:--\s(?:.+\n)*\n)? --\sControl\sframe\sinformation\s-+\n (?:(?:c:.*\n)|(?:^\s+.+\n))* \n )x, %r( (?: --\sRuby\slevel\sbacktrace\sinformation\s----------------------------------------\n (?:-e:1:in\s\`(?:block\sin\s)?
\'\n)* -e:1:in\s\`kill\'\n \n )? )x, %r( (?:--\sMachine(?:.+\n)*\n)? )x, %r( (?: --\sC\slevel\sbacktrace\sinformation\s-------------------------------------------\n (?:(?:.*\s)?\[0x\h+\].*\n|.*:\d+\n)*\n )? )x, %r( (?:--\sOther\sruntime\sinformation\s-+\n (?:.*\n)* )? )x, ] end def assert_segv(args, message=nil) omit if ENV['RUBY_ON_BUG'] test_stdin = "" opt = SEGVTest::ExecOptions.dup list = SEGVTest::ExpectedStderrList assert_in_out_err(args, test_stdin, //, list, encoding: "ASCII-8BIT", **opt) end def test_segv_test assert_segv(["--disable-gems", "-e", "Process.kill :SEGV, $$"]) end def test_segv_loaded_features bug7402 = '[ruby-core:49573]' status = assert_segv(['-e', 'END {Process.kill :SEGV, $$}', '-e', 'class Bogus; def to_str; exit true; end; end', '-e', '$".clear', '-e', '$".unshift Bogus.new', '-e', '(p $"; abort) unless $".size == 1', ]) assert_not_predicate(status, :success?, "segv but success #{bug7402}") end def test_segv_setproctitle bug7597 = '[ruby-dev:46786]' Tempfile.create(["test_ruby_test_bug7597", ".rb"]) {|t| t.write "f" * 100 t.flush assert_segv(["--disable-gems", "-e", "$0=ARGV[0]; Process.kill :SEGV, $$", t.path], bug7597) } end def test_DATA Tempfile.create(["test_ruby_test_rubyoption", ".rb"]) {|t| t.puts "puts DATA.read.inspect" t.puts "__END__" t.puts "foo" t.puts "bar" t.puts "baz" t.flush assert_in_out_err([t.path], "", %w("foo\\nbar\\nbaz\\n"), []) } end def test_unused_variable feature3446 = '[ruby-dev:41620]' assert_in_out_err(["-we", "a=1"], "", [], [], feature3446) assert_in_out_err(["-we", "def foo\n a=1\nend"], "", [], ["-e:2: warning: assigned but unused variable - a"], feature3446) assert_in_out_err(["-we", "def foo\n eval('a=1')\nend"], "", [], [], feature3446) assert_in_out_err(["-we", "1.times do\n a=1\nend"], "", [], [], feature3446) assert_in_out_err(["-we", "def foo\n 1.times do\n a=1\n end\nend"], "", [], ["-e:3: warning: assigned but unused variable - a"], feature3446) assert_in_out_err(["-we", "def foo\n"" 1.times do |a| end\n""end"], "", [], []) feature6693 = '[ruby-core:46160]' assert_in_out_err(["-we", "def foo\n _a=1\nend"], "", [], [], feature6693) bug7408 = '[ruby-core:49659]' assert_in_out_err(["-we", "def foo\n a=1\n :a\nend"], "", [], ["-e:2: warning: assigned but unused variable - a"], bug7408) feature7730 = '[ruby-core:51580]' assert_in_out_err(["-w", "-"], "a=1", [], ["-:1: warning: assigned but unused variable - a"], feature7730) assert_in_out_err(["-w", "-"], "eval('a=1')", [], [], feature7730) end def test_script_from_stdin begin require 'pty' require 'io/console' rescue LoadError return end require 'timeout' result = nil IO.pipe {|r, w| begin PTY.open {|m, s| s.echo = false m.print("\C-d") pid = spawn(EnvUtil.rubybin, :in => s, :out => w) w.close assert_nothing_raised('[ruby-dev:37798]') do result = EnvUtil.timeout(3) {r.read} end Process.wait pid } rescue RuntimeError omit $! end } assert_equal("", result, '[ruby-dev:37798]') IO.pipe {|r, w| PTY.open {|m, s| s.echo = false pid = spawn(EnvUtil.rubybin, :in => s, :out => w) w.close m.print("$stdin.read; p $stdin.gets\n\C-d") m.print("abc\n\C-d") m.print("zzz\n") result = r.read Process.wait pid } } assert_equal("\"zzz\\n\"\n", result, '[ruby-core:30910]') end def test_unmatching_glob bug3851 = '[ruby-core:32478]' a = "a[foo" Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| open(File.join(dir, a), "w") {|f| f.puts("p 42")} assert_in_out_err(["-C", dir, a], "", ["42"], [], bug3851) File.unlink(File.join(dir, a)) assert_in_out_err(["-C", dir, a], "", [], /LoadError/, bug3851) end end case RUBY_PLATFORM when /mswin|mingw/ def test_command_line_glob_nonascii bug10555 = '[ruby-dev:48752] [Bug #10555]' name = "\u{3042}.txt" expected = name.encode("external") rescue "?.txt" with_tmpchdir do |dir| open(name, "w") {} assert_in_out_err(["-e", "puts ARGV", "?.txt"], "", [expected], [], bug10555, encoding: "external") end end def test_command_line_progname_nonascii bug10555 = '[ruby-dev:48752] [Bug #10555]' name = expected = nil unless (0x80..0x10000).any? {|c| name = c.chr(Encoding::UTF_8) expected = name.encode("locale") rescue nil } omit "can't make locale name" end name << ".rb" expected << ".rb" with_tmpchdir do |dir| open(name, "w") {|f| f.puts "puts File.basename($0)"} assert_in_out_err([name], "", [expected], [], bug10555, encoding: "locale") end end def test_command_line_glob_with_dir bug10941 = '[ruby-core:68430] [Bug #10941]' with_tmpchdir do |dir| Dir.mkdir('test') assert_in_out_err(["-e", "", "test/*"], "", [], [], bug10941) end end Ougai = %W[\u{68ee}O\u{5916}.txt \u{68ee 9d0e 5916}.txt \u{68ee 9dd7 5916}.txt] def test_command_line_glob_noncodepage with_tmpchdir do |dir| Ougai.each {|f| open(f, "w") {}} assert_in_out_err(["-Eutf-8", "-e", "puts ARGV", "*"], "", Ougai, encoding: "utf-8") ougai = Ougai.map {|f| f.encode("external", replace: "?")} assert_in_out_err(["-e", "puts ARGV", "*.txt"], "", ougai) end end def assert_e_script_encoding(str, args = []) cmds = [ EnvUtil::LANG_ENVS.inject({}) {|h, k| h[k] = ENV[k]; h}, *args, '-e', "s = '#{str}'", '-e', 'puts s.encoding.name', '-e', 'puts s.dump', ] assert_in_out_err(cmds, "", [str.encoding.name, str.dump], [], "#{str.encoding}:#{str.dump} #{args.inspect}") end # tested codepages: 437 850 852 855 932 65001 # Since the codepage is shared all processes per conhost.exe, do # not chcp, or parallel test may break. def test_locale_codepage locale = Encoding.find("locale") list = %W"\u{c7} \u{452} \u{3066 3059 3068}" list.each do |s| assert_e_script_encoding(s, %w[-U]) end list.each do |s| s = s.encode(locale) rescue next assert_e_script_encoding(s) assert_e_script_encoding(s, %W[-E#{locale.name}]) end end when /cygwin/ def test_command_line_non_ascii assert_separately([{"LC_ALL"=>"ja_JP.SJIS"}, "-", "\u{3042}".encode("SJIS")], <<-"end;") bug12184 = '[ruby-dev:49519] [Bug #12184]' a = ARGV[0] assert_equal([Encoding::SJIS, 130, 160], [a.encoding, *a.bytes], bug12184) end; end end def test_script_is_directory feature2408 = '[ruby-core:26925]' assert_in_out_err(%w[.], "", [], /Is a directory -- \./, feature2408) end def test_pflag_gsub bug7157 = '[ruby-core:47967]' assert_in_out_err(['-p', '-e', 'gsub(/t.*/){"TEST"}'], %[test], %w[TEST], [], bug7157) end def test_pflag_sub bug7157 = '[ruby-core:47967]' assert_in_out_err(['-p', '-e', 'sub(/t.*/){"TEST"}'], %[test], %w[TEST], [], bug7157) end def assert_norun_with_rflag(*opt) bug10435 = "[ruby-dev:48712] [Bug #10435]: should not run with #{opt} option" stderr = [] Tempfile.create(%w"bug10435- .rb") do |script| dir, base = File.split(script.path) script.puts "abort ':run'" script.close opts = ['-C', dir, '-r', "./#{base}", *opt] _, e = assert_in_out_err([*opts, '-ep'], "", //) stderr.concat(e) if e stderr << "---" _, e = assert_in_out_err([*opts, base], "", //) stderr.concat(e) if e end assert_not_include(stderr, ":run", bug10435) end def test_dump_syntax_with_rflag assert_norun_with_rflag('-c') assert_norun_with_rflag('--dump=syntax') end def test_dump_yydebug_with_rflag assert_norun_with_rflag('-y') assert_norun_with_rflag('--dump=yydebug') end def test_dump_parsetree_with_rflag assert_norun_with_rflag('--dump=parsetree') assert_norun_with_rflag('--dump=parsetree', '-e', '#frozen-string-literal: true') end def test_dump_insns_with_rflag assert_norun_with_rflag('--dump=insns') end def test_frozen_string_literal all_assertions do |a| [["disable", "false"], ["enable", "true"]].each do |opt, exp| %W[frozen_string_literal frozen-string-literal].each do |arg| key = "#{opt}=#{arg}" negopt = exp == "true" ? "disable" : "enable" env = {"RUBYOPT"=>"--#{negopt}=#{arg}"} a.for(key) do assert_in_out_err([env, "--disable=gems", "--#{key}"], 'p("foo".frozen?)', [exp]) end end end %W"disable enable".product(%W[false true]) do |opt, exp| a.for("#{opt}=>#{exp}") do assert_in_out_err(["-w", "--disable=gems", "--#{opt}=frozen-string-literal"], <<-"end;", [exp]) #-*- frozen-string-literal: #{exp} -*- p("foo".frozen?) end; end end end end def test_frozen_string_literal_debug with_debug_pat = /created at/ wo_debug_pat = /can\'t modify frozen String: "\w+" \(FrozenError\)\n\z/ frozen = [ ["--enable-frozen-string-literal", true], ["--disable-frozen-string-literal", false], [nil, false], ] debugs = [ ["--debug-frozen-string-literal", true], ["--debug=frozen-string-literal", true], ["--debug", true], [nil, false], ] opts = ["--disable=gems"] frozen.product(debugs) do |(opt1, freeze), (opt2, debug)| opt = opts + [opt1, opt2].compact err = !freeze ? [] : debug ? with_debug_pat : wo_debug_pat [ ['"foo" << "bar"', err], ['"foo#{123}bar" << "bar"', []], ['+"foo#{123}bar" << "bar"', []], ['-"foo#{123}bar" << "bar"', wo_debug_pat], ].each do |code, expected| assert_in_out_err(opt, code, [], expected, "#{opt} #{code}") end end end def test___dir__encoding lang = {"LC_ALL"=>ENV["LC_ALL"]||ENV["LANG"]} with_tmpchdir do testdir = "\u30c6\u30b9\u30c8" Dir.mkdir(testdir) Dir.chdir(testdir) do open("test.rb", "w") do |f| f.puts <<-END if __FILE__.encoding == __dir__.encoding p true else puts "__FILE__: \#{__FILE__.encoding}, __dir__: \#{__dir__.encoding}" end END end r, = EnvUtil.invoke_ruby([lang, "test.rb"], "", true) assert_equal "true", r.chomp, "the encoding of __FILE__ and __dir__ should be same" end end end def test_cwd_encoding with_tmpchdir do testdir = "\u30c6\u30b9\u30c8" Dir.mkdir(testdir) Dir.chdir(testdir) do File.write("a.rb", "require './b'") File.write("b.rb", "puts 'ok'") assert_ruby_status([{"RUBYLIB"=>"."}, *%w[-E cp932:utf-8 a.rb]]) end end end def test_rubylib_invalid_encoding env = {"RUBYLIB"=>"\xFF", "LOCALE"=>"en_US.UTF-8", "LC_ALL"=>"en_US.UTF-8"} assert_ruby_status([env, "-e;"]) end def test_null_script omit "#{IO::NULL} is not a character device" unless File.chardev?(IO::NULL) assert_in_out_err([IO::NULL], success: true) end def test_jit_debug # mswin uses prebuilt precompiled header. Thus it does not show a pch compilation log to check "-O0 -O1". if JITSupport.supported? && !RUBY_PLATFORM.match?(/mswin/) env = { 'MJIT_SEARCH_BUILD_DIR' => 'true' } assert_in_out_err([env, "--disable-yjit", "--mjit-debug=-O0 -O1", "--mjit-verbose=2", "" ], "", [], /-O0 -O1/) end end private def mjit_force_enabled? "#{RbConfig::CONFIG['CFLAGS']} #{RbConfig::CONFIG['CPPFLAGS']}".match?(/(\A|\s)-D ?MJIT_FORCE_ENABLE\b/) end def yjit_force_enabled? "#{RbConfig::CONFIG['CFLAGS']} #{RbConfig::CONFIG['CPPFLAGS']}".match?(/(\A|\s)-D ?YJIT_FORCE_ENABLE\b/) end end