# frozen_string_literal: true require 'net/smtp' require 'stringio' require 'test/unit' module Net class TestSMTP < Test::Unit::TestCase CA_FILE = File.expand_path("../fixtures/cacert.pem", __dir__) SERVER_KEY = File.expand_path("../fixtures/server.key", __dir__) SERVER_CERT = File.expand_path("../fixtures/server.crt", __dir__) class FakeSocket attr_reader :write_io def initialize out = "250 OK\n" @write_io = StringIO.new @read_io = StringIO.new out end def writeline line @write_io.write "#{line}\r\n" end def readline line = @read_io.gets raise 'ran out of input' unless line line.chop end end def setup @server_threads = [] end def teardown @server_threads.each {|th| th.join } end def test_critical smtp = Net::SMTP.new 'localhost', 25 assert_raise RuntimeError do smtp.send :critical do raise 'fail on purpose' end end assert_kind_of Net::SMTP::Response, smtp.send(:critical), '[Bug #9125]' end def test_esmtp smtp = Net::SMTP.new 'localhost', 25 assert smtp.esmtp assert smtp.esmtp? smtp.esmtp = 'omg' assert_equal 'omg', smtp.esmtp assert_equal 'omg', smtp.esmtp? end def test_rset smtp = Net::SMTP.new 'localhost', 25 smtp.instance_variable_set :@socket, FakeSocket.new assert smtp.rset end def test_mailfrom sock = FakeSocket.new smtp = Net::SMTP.new 'localhost', 25 smtp.instance_variable_set :@socket, sock assert smtp.mailfrom("foo@example.com").success? assert_equal "MAIL FROM:\r\n", sock.write_io.string end def test_rcptto sock = FakeSocket.new smtp = Net::SMTP.new 'localhost', 25 smtp.instance_variable_set :@socket, sock assert smtp.rcptto("foo@example.com").success? assert_equal "RCPT TO:\r\n", sock.write_io.string end def test_auth_plain sock = FakeSocket.new smtp = Net::SMTP.new 'localhost', 25 smtp.instance_variable_set :@socket, sock assert smtp.auth_plain("foo", "bar").success? assert_equal "AUTH PLAIN AGZvbwBiYXI=\r\n", sock.write_io.string end def test_crlf_injection smtp = Net::SMTP.new 'localhost', 25 smtp.instance_variable_set :@socket, FakeSocket.new assert_raise(ArgumentError) do smtp.mailfrom("foo\r\nbar") end assert_raise(ArgumentError) do smtp.mailfrom("foo\rbar") end assert_raise(ArgumentError) do smtp.mailfrom("foo\nbar") end assert_raise(ArgumentError) do smtp.rcptto("foo\r\nbar") end end def test_tls_connect servers = Socket.tcp_server_sockets("localhost", 0) ctx = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext.new ctx.ca_file = CA_FILE ctx.key = File.open(SERVER_KEY) { |f| OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(f) } ctx.cert = File.open(SERVER_CERT) { |f| OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(f) } begin sock = nil Thread.start do s = accept(servers) sock = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket.new(s, ctx) sock.sync_close = true sock.accept sock.write("220 localhost Service ready\r\n") sock.gets sock.write("250 localhost\r\n") sock.gets sock.write("221 localhost Service closing transmission channel\r\n") end smtp = Net::SMTP.new("localhost", servers[0].local_address.ip_port) smtp.enable_tls smtp.open_timeout = 1 smtp.start(tls_verify: false) do end ensure sock.close if sock servers.each(&:close) end rescue LoadError # skip (require openssl) end def test_tls_connect_timeout servers = Socket.tcp_server_sockets("localhost", 0) begin sock = nil Thread.start do sock = accept(servers) end smtp = Net::SMTP.new("localhost", servers[0].local_address.ip_port) smtp.enable_tls smtp.open_timeout = 0.1 assert_raise(Net::OpenTimeout) do smtp.start do end end rescue LoadError # skip (require openssl) ensure sock.close if sock servers.each(&:close) end end def test_eof_error_backtrace bug13018 = '[ruby-core:78550] [Bug #13018]' servers = Socket.tcp_server_sockets("localhost", 0) begin sock = nil t = Thread.start do sock = accept(servers) sock.close end smtp = Net::SMTP.new("localhost", servers[0].local_address.ip_port) e = assert_raise(EOFError, bug13018) do smtp.start do end end assert_equal(EOFError, e.class, bug13018) assert(e.backtrace.grep(%r"\bnet/smtp\.rb:").size > 0, bug13018) ensure sock.close if sock servers.each(&:close) t.join end end def test_start port = fake_server_start smtp = Net::SMTP.start('localhost', port) smtp.finish end def test_start_with_position_argument port = fake_server_start(helo: 'myname', user: 'account', password: 'password') smtp = Net::SMTP.start('localhost', port, 'myname', 'account', 'password', :plain) smtp.finish end def test_start_with_keyword_argument port = fake_server_start(helo: 'myname', user: 'account', password: 'password') smtp = Net::SMTP.start('localhost', port, helo: 'myname', user: 'account', secret: 'password', authtype: :plain) smtp.finish end def test_start_password_is_secret port = fake_server_start(helo: 'myname', user: 'account', password: 'password') smtp = Net::SMTP.start('localhost', port, helo: 'myname', user: 'account', password: 'password', authtype: :plain) smtp.finish end def test_start_invalid_number_of_arguments err = assert_raise ArgumentError do Net::SMTP.start('localhost', 25, 'myname', 'account', 'password', :plain, :invalid_arg) end assert_equal('wrong number of arguments (given 7, expected 1..6)', err.message) end def test_start_instance port = fake_server_start smtp = Net::SMTP.new('localhost', port) smtp.start smtp.finish end def test_start_instance_with_position_argument port = fake_server_start(helo: 'myname', user: 'account', password: 'password') smtp = Net::SMTP.new('localhost', port) smtp.start('myname', 'account', 'password', :plain) smtp.finish end def test_start_instance_with_keyword_argument port = fake_server_start(helo: 'myname', user: 'account', password: 'password') smtp = Net::SMTP.new('localhost', port) smtp.start(helo: 'myname', user: 'account', secret: 'password', authtype: :plain) smtp.finish end def test_start_instance_password_is_secret port = fake_server_start(helo: 'myname', user: 'account', password: 'password') smtp = Net::SMTP.new('localhost', port) smtp.start(helo: 'myname', user: 'account', password: 'password', authtype: :plain) smtp.finish end def test_start_instance_invalid_number_of_arguments smtp = Net::SMTP.new('localhost') err = assert_raise ArgumentError do smtp.start('myname', 'account', 'password', :plain, :invalid_arg) end assert_equal('wrong number of arguments (given 5, expected 0..4)', err.message) end private def accept(servers) Socket.accept_loop(servers) { |s, _| break s } end def fake_server_start(helo: 'localhost', user: nil, password: nil) servers = Socket.tcp_server_sockets('localhost', 0) @server_threads << Thread.start do Thread.current.abort_on_exception = true sock = accept(servers) sock.puts "220 ready\r\n" assert_equal("EHLO #{helo}\r\n", sock.gets) sock.puts "220-servername\r\n220 AUTH PLAIN\r\n" if user credential = ["\0#{user}\0#{password}"].pack('m0') assert_equal("AUTH PLAIN #{credential}\r\n", sock.gets) sock.puts "235 2.7.0 Authentication successful\r\n" end assert_equal("QUIT\r\n", sock.gets) sock.puts "221 2.0.0 Bye\r\n" sock.close servers.each(&:close) end port = servers[0].local_address.ip_port return port end end end