# frozen_string_literal: false # save-history.rb - # $Release Version: 0.9.6$ # $Revision$ # by Keiju ISHITSUKA(keiju@ruby-lang.org) # # -- # # # require "readline" module IRB module HistorySavingAbility # :nodoc: end class Context def init_save_history# :nodoc: unless (class<<@io;self;end).include?(HistorySavingAbility) @io.extend(HistorySavingAbility) end end # A copy of the default <code>IRB.conf[:SAVE_HISTORY]</code> def save_history IRB.conf[:SAVE_HISTORY] end remove_method :save_history= if respond_to?(:save_history=) # Sets <code>IRB.conf[:SAVE_HISTORY]</code> to the given +val+ and calls # #init_save_history with this context. # # Will store the number of +val+ entries of history in the #history_file # # Add the following to your +.irbrc+ to change the number of history # entries stored to 1000: # # IRB.conf[:SAVE_HISTORY] = 1000 def save_history=(val) IRB.conf[:SAVE_HISTORY] = val if val main_context = IRB.conf[:MAIN_CONTEXT] main_context = self unless main_context main_context.init_save_history end end # A copy of the default <code>IRB.conf[:HISTORY_FILE]</code> def history_file IRB.conf[:HISTORY_FILE] end # Set <code>IRB.conf[:HISTORY_FILE]</code> to the given +hist+. def history_file=(hist) IRB.conf[:HISTORY_FILE] = hist end end module HistorySavingAbility # :nodoc: include Readline def HistorySavingAbility.extended(obj) IRB.conf[:AT_EXIT].push proc{obj.save_history} obj.load_history obj end def load_history if history_file = IRB.conf[:HISTORY_FILE] history_file = File.expand_path(history_file) end history_file = IRB.rc_file("_history") unless history_file if File.exist?(history_file) open(history_file) do |f| f.each {|l| HISTORY << l.chomp} end end end def save_history if num = IRB.conf[:SAVE_HISTORY] and (num = num.to_i) > 0 if history_file = IRB.conf[:HISTORY_FILE] history_file = File.expand_path(history_file) end history_file = IRB.rc_file("_history") unless history_file # Change the permission of a file that already exists[BUG #7694] begin if File.stat(history_file).mode & 066 != 0 File.chmod(0600, history_file) end rescue Errno::ENOENT rescue raise end open(history_file, 'w', 0600 ) do |f| hist = HISTORY.to_a f.puts(hist[-num..-1] || hist) end end end end end