require_relative '../../../spec_helper' require_relative 'spec_helper' describe "Net::FTP#initialize" do before :each do @ftp = Net::FTP.allocate @ftp.stub!(:connect) @port_args = [] ruby_version_is "2.5" do @port_args << 21 end end it "is private" do Net::FTP.should have_private_instance_method(:initialize) end it "sets self into binary mode" do @ftp.binary.should be_nil @ftp.send(:initialize) @ftp.binary.should be_true end it "sets self into active mode" do @ftp.passive.should be_nil @ftp.send(:initialize) @ftp.passive.should be_false end it "sets self into non-debug mode" do @ftp.debug_mode.should be_nil @ftp.send(:initialize) @ftp.debug_mode.should be_false end it "sets self to not resume file uploads/downloads" do @ftp.resume.should be_nil @ftp.send(:initialize) @ftp.resume.should be_false end describe "when passed no arguments" do it "does not try to connect" do @ftp.should_not_receive(:connect) @ftp.send(:initialize) end end describe "when passed host" do it "tries to connect to the passed host" do @ftp.should_receive(:connect).with("localhost", *@port_args) @ftp.send(:initialize, "localhost") end end describe "when passed host, user" do it "tries to connect to the passed host" do @ftp.should_receive(:connect).with("localhost", *@port_args) @ftp.send(:initialize, "localhost") end it "tries to login with the passed username" do @ftp.should_receive(:login).with("rubyspec", nil, nil) @ftp.send(:initialize, "localhost", "rubyspec") end end describe "when passed host, user, password" do it "tries to connect to the passed host" do @ftp.should_receive(:connect).with("localhost", *@port_args) @ftp.send(:initialize, "localhost") end it "tries to login with the passed username and password" do @ftp.should_receive(:login).with("rubyspec", "rocks", nil) @ftp.send(:initialize, "localhost", "rubyspec", "rocks") end end describe "when passed host, user" do it "tries to connect to the passed host" do @ftp.should_receive(:connect).with("localhost", *@port_args) @ftp.send(:initialize, "localhost") end it "tries to login with the passed username, password and account" do @ftp.should_receive(:login).with("rubyspec", "rocks", "account") @ftp.send(:initialize, "localhost", "rubyspec", "rocks", "account") end end ruby_version_is '2.4' do before :each do @ftp.stub!(:login) end describe 'when the host' do describe 'is set' do describe 'and port option' do describe 'is set' do it 'tries to connect to the host on the specified port' do options = mock('ftp initialize options') options.should_receive(:to_hash).and_return({ port: 8080 }) @ftp.should_receive(:connect).with('localhost', 8080) @ftp.send(:initialize, 'localhost', options) end end describe 'is not set' do it 'tries to connect to the host without a port' do @ftp.should_receive(:connect).with("localhost", *@port_args) @ftp.send(:initialize, 'localhost') end end end describe 'when the username option' do describe 'is set' do describe 'and the password option' do describe 'is set' do describe 'and the account option' do describe 'is set' do it 'tries to log in with the supplied parameters' do options = mock('ftp initialize options') options.should_receive(:to_hash).and_return({ username: 'a', password: 'topsecret', account: 'b' }) @ftp.should_receive(:login).with('a', 'topsecret', 'b') @ftp.send(:initialize, 'localhost', options) end end describe 'is unset' do it 'tries to log in with the supplied parameters' do options = mock('ftp initialize options') options.should_receive(:to_hash).and_return({ username: 'a', password: 'topsecret' }) @ftp.should_receive(:login).with('a', 'topsecret', nil) @ftp.send(:initialize, 'localhost', options) end end end end describe 'is unset' do describe 'and the account option' do describe 'is set' do it 'tries to log in with the supplied parameters' do options = mock('ftp initialize options') options.should_receive(:to_hash).and_return({ username: 'a', account: 'b' }) @ftp.should_receive(:login).with('a', nil, 'b') @ftp.send(:initialize, 'localhost', options) end end describe 'is unset' do it 'tries to log in with the supplied parameters' do options = mock('ftp initialize options') options.should_receive(:to_hash).and_return({ username: 'a'}) @ftp.should_receive(:login).with('a', nil, nil) @ftp.send(:initialize, 'localhost', options) end end end end end end describe 'is not set' do it 'does not try to log in' do options = mock('ftp initialize options') options.should_receive(:to_hash).and_return({}) @ftp.should_not_receive(:login) @ftp.send(:initialize, 'localhost', options) end end end end describe 'is unset' do it 'does not try to connect' do @ftp.should_not_receive(:connect) @ftp.send(:initialize) end it 'does not try to log in' do @ftp.should_not_receive(:login) @ftp.send(:initialize) end end end describe 'when the passive option' do describe 'is set' do describe 'to true' do it 'sets passive to true' do options = mock('ftp initialize options') options.should_receive(:to_hash).and_return({ passive: true }) @ftp.send(:initialize, nil, options) @ftp.passive.should == true end end describe 'to false' do it 'sets passive to false' do options = mock('ftp initialize options') options.should_receive(:to_hash).and_return({ passive: false }) @ftp.send(:initialize, nil, options) @ftp.passive.should == false end end end describe 'is unset' do it 'sets passive to false' do @ftp.send(:initialize) @ftp.passive.should == false end end end describe 'when the debug_mode option' do describe 'is set' do describe 'to true' do it 'sets debug_mode to true' do options = mock('ftp initialize options') options.should_receive(:to_hash).and_return({ debug_mode: true }) @ftp.send(:initialize, nil, options) @ftp.debug_mode.should == true end end describe 'to false' do it 'sets debug_mode to false' do options = mock('ftp initialize options') options.should_receive(:to_hash).and_return({ debug_mode: false }) @ftp.send(:initialize, nil, options) @ftp.debug_mode.should == false end end end describe 'is unset' do it 'sets debug_mode to false' do @ftp.send(:initialize) @ftp.debug_mode.should == false end end end describe 'when the open_timeout option' do describe 'is set' do it 'sets open_timeout to the specified value' do options = mock('ftp initialize options') options.should_receive(:to_hash).and_return({ open_timeout: 42 }) @ftp.send(:initialize, nil, options) @ftp.open_timeout.should == 42 end end describe 'is not set' do it 'sets open_timeout to nil' do @ftp.send(:initialize) @ftp.open_timeout.should == nil end end end describe 'when the read_timeout option' do describe 'is set' do it 'sets read_timeout to the specified value' do options = mock('ftp initialize options') options.should_receive(:to_hash).and_return({ read_timeout: 100 }) @ftp.send(:initialize, nil, options) @ftp.read_timeout.should == 100 end end describe 'is not set' do it 'sets read_timeout to the default value' do @ftp.send(:initialize) @ftp.read_timeout.should == 60 end end end describe 'when the ssl_handshake_timeout option' do describe 'is set' do it 'sets ssl_handshake_timeout to the specified value' do options = mock('ftp initialize options') options.should_receive(:to_hash).and_return({ ssl_handshake_timeout: 23 }) @ftp.send(:initialize, nil, options) @ftp.ssl_handshake_timeout.should == 23 end end describe 'is not set' do it 'sets ssl_handshake_timeout to nil' do @ftp.send(:initialize) @ftp.ssl_handshake_timeout.should == nil end end end describe 'when the ssl option' do describe 'is set' do describe "and the ssl option's value is true" do it 'initializes ssl_context to a blank SSLContext object' do options = mock('ftp initialize options') options.should_receive(:to_hash).and_return({ ssl: true }) ssl_context = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext.allocate ssl_context.stub!(:set_params) OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext.should_receive(:new).and_return(ssl_context) ssl_context.should_receive(:set_params).with({}) @ftp.send(:initialize, nil, options) @ftp.instance_variable_get(:@ssl_context).should == ssl_context end end describe "and the ssl option's value is a hash" do it 'initializes ssl_context to a configured SSLContext object' do options = mock('ftp initialize options') options.should_receive(:to_hash).and_return({ ssl: {key: 'value'} }) ssl_context = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext.allocate ssl_context.stub!(:set_params) OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext.should_receive(:new).and_return(ssl_context) ssl_context.should_receive(:set_params).with({key: 'value'}) @ftp.send(:initialize, nil, options) @ftp.instance_variable_get(:@ssl_context).should == ssl_context end end describe 'and private_data_connection' do describe 'is set' do it 'sets private_data_connection to that value' do options = mock('ftp initialize options') options.should_receive(:to_hash).and_return({ ssl: true, private_data_connection: 'true' }) @ftp.send(:initialize, nil, options) @ftp.instance_variable_get(:@private_data_connection).should == 'true' end end describe 'is not set' do it 'sets private_data_connection to nil' do options = mock('ftp initialize options') options.should_receive(:to_hash).and_return({ ssl: true }) @ftp.send(:initialize, nil, options) @ftp.instance_variable_get(:@private_data_connection).should == true end end end end describe 'is not set' do it 'sets ssl_context to nil' do options = mock('ftp initialize options') options.should_receive(:to_hash).and_return({}) @ftp.send(:initialize, nil, options) @ftp.instance_variable_get(:@ssl_context).should == nil end describe 'private_data_connection' do describe 'is set' do it 'raises an ArgumentError' do options = mock('ftp initialize options') options.should_receive(:to_hash).and_return({ private_data_connection: true }) -> { @ftp.send(:initialize, nil, options) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /private_data_connection can be set to true only when ssl is enabled/) end end describe 'is not set' do it 'sets private_data_connection to false' do options = mock('ftp initialize options') options.should_receive(:to_hash).and_return({}) @ftp.send(:initialize, nil, options) @ftp.instance_variable_get(:@private_data_connection).should == false end end end end end end end