#!/usr/bin/env ruby ip_name = 'remote_ip' fork{ exec "/usr/bin/env ruby -r tk -e \"Tk.appname('#{ip_name}');Tk.mainloop\"" } require 'remote-tk' 15.times{ break if TkWinfo.interps.find{|ip| ip =~ /^#{ip_name}/} sleep 1 } p TkWinfo.interps ip = RemoteTkIp.new(ip_name) btns = [] ip.eval_proc{ btns << TkButton.new(:command=>proc{ puts 'This procesure is on the controller-ip (Ruby-side)' }, :text=>'print on controller-ip (Ruby-side)').pack(:fill=>:x) btns << TkButton.new(:command=> 'puts {This procesure is on the remote-ip (Tk-side)}', :text=>'print on remote-ip (Tk-side)').pack(:fill=>:x) btns << TkButton.new(:command=> 'ruby { puts "This procedure is on the remote-ip (Ruby-side)" p Array.new(3,"ruby") }', :text=>'ruby cmd on the remote-ip').pack(:fill=>:x) TkButton.new(:command=>'exit', :text=>'QUIT').pack(:fill=>:x) } btns.each_with_index{|b, idx| TkButton.new(:command=>proc{ip.eval_proc{b.flash}}, :text=>"flash button-#{idx}", :padx=>10).pack(:padx=>10, :pady=>2) } TkButton.new(:command=>proc{exit}, :text=>'QUIT', :padx=>10, :pady=>7).pack(:padx=>10, :pady=>7) Tk.mainloop