= Calling Methods Calling a method sends a message to an object so it can perform some work. In ruby you send a message to an object like this: my_method() Note that the parenthesis are optional: my_method Except when there is difference between using and omitting parentheses, this document uses parenthesis when arguments are present to avoid confusion. == Receiver +self+ is the default receiver. If you don't specify any receiver +self+ will be used. To specify a receiver use .: my_object.my_method This sends the +my_method+ message to +my_object+. Any object can be a receiver but depending on the method's visibility sending a message may raise a NoMethodError. == Positional Arguments The positional arguments for the message follow the method name: my_method(argument1) Multiple arguments are separated by a ,: my_method(argument1, argument2) In many cases parenthesis are not necessary when sending a message: my_method argument1, argument2 However, parenthesis are necessary to avoid ambiguity. This will raise a SyntaxError because ruby does not know which method argument3 should be sent to: method_one argument1, method_two argument2, argument3 == Keyword Arguments Keyword arguments follow any positional arguments and are separated by commas like positional arguments: my_method(positional1, keyword1: value1, keyword2: value2) Any keyword arguments not given will use the default value from the method definition. If a keyword argument is given that the method did not list an ArgumentError will be raised. == Block Argument The block argument is always last when sending a message to a method. A block is sent to a method using do ... end or { ... }: my_method do # ... end or: my_method { # ... end do end has lower precedence than { } so: method_1 method_2 { # ... end Sends the block to +method_2+ while: method_1 method_2 do # ... end Sends the block to +method_1+. Note that in the first case if parentheses are used the block is sent to +method_1+. A block will accept arguments from the method it was sent to. Arguments are defined similar to the way a method defines arguments. The block's arguments go in | ... | following the opening do or {: my_method do |argument1, argument2| # ... end == Array to Arguments Conversion Given the following method: def my_method(argument1, argument2) end You can turn an Array into an Argument list with * (or splat) operator: arguments = [1, 2, 3] my_method(*arguments) or: arguments = [2, 3] my_method(1, *arguments) Both are equivalent to: my_method(1, 2, 3) If the method accepts keyword arguments the splat operator will convert a hash at the end of the array into keyword arguments. If the number of objects in the Array do not match the number of arguments for the method an ArgumentError will be raised. If the splat operator comes first in the call, parentheses must be used to avoid a warning. == Proc to Block Conversion Given a method that use a block: def my_method yield self end You can convert a proc or lambda to a block argument with the & operator: argument = proc { |a| puts "#{a.inspect} was yielded" } my_method(&argument) If the splat operator comes first in the call, parenthesis must be used to avoid a warning. Unlike the splat operator described above the & has no commonly recognized name.