# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative 'helper' class TestRDocMarkupAttributeManager < RDoc::TestCase def setup super @am = RDoc::Markup::AttributeManager.new @bold_on = @am.changed_attribute_by_name([], [:BOLD]) @bold_off = @am.changed_attribute_by_name([:BOLD], []) @tt_on = @am.changed_attribute_by_name([], [:TT]) @tt_off = @am.changed_attribute_by_name([:TT], []) @em_on = @am.changed_attribute_by_name([], [:EM]) @em_off = @am.changed_attribute_by_name([:EM], []) @bold_em_on = @am.changed_attribute_by_name([], [:BOLD] | [:EM]) @bold_em_off = @am.changed_attribute_by_name([:BOLD] | [:EM], []) @em_then_bold = @am.changed_attribute_by_name([:EM], [:EM] | [:BOLD]) @em_to_bold = @am.changed_attribute_by_name([:EM], [:BOLD]) @am.add_word_pair("{", "}", :WOMBAT) @wombat_on = @am.changed_attribute_by_name([], [:WOMBAT]) @wombat_off = @am.changed_attribute_by_name([:WOMBAT], []) @klass = RDoc::Markup::AttributeManager @formatter = RDoc::Markup::Formatter.new @rdoc.options @formatter.add_tag :BOLD, '', '' @formatter.add_tag :EM, '', '' @formatter.add_tag :TT, '', '' end def crossref(text) crossref_bitmap = @am.attributes.bitmap_for(:_REGEXP_HANDLING_) | @am.attributes.bitmap_for(:CROSSREF) [ @am.changed_attribute_by_name([], [:CROSSREF, :_REGEXP_HANDLING_]), RDoc::Markup::RegexpHandling.new(crossref_bitmap, text), @am.changed_attribute_by_name([:CROSSREF, :_REGEXP_HANDLING_], []) ] end def test_adding assert_equal(["cat ", @wombat_on, "and", @wombat_off, " dog" ], @am.flow("cat {and} dog")) #assert_equal(["cat {and} dog" ], @am.flow("cat \\{and} dog")) end def test_add_html_tag @am.add_html("Test", :TEST) tags = @am.html_tags assert_equal(6, tags.size) assert(tags.has_key?("test")) end def test_add_regexp_handling @am.add_regexp_handling "WikiWord", :WIKIWORD regexp_handlings = @am.regexp_handlings assert_equal 1, regexp_handlings.size assert regexp_handlings.assoc "WikiWord" end def test_add_word_pair @am.add_word_pair '%', '&', 'percent and' assert @am.word_pair_map.include?(/(%)(\S+)(&)/) assert @am.protectable.include?('%') assert !@am.protectable.include?('&') end def test_add_word_pair_angle e = assert_raise ArgumentError do @am.add_word_pair '<', '>', 'angles' end assert_equal "Word flags may not start with '<'", e.message end def test_add_word_pair_invalid assert_raise ArgumentError do @am.add_word_pair("<", "<", :TEST) end end def test_add_word_pair_map @am.add_word_pair("x", "y", :TEST) word_pair_map = @am.word_pair_map assert_includes word_pair_map.keys.map { |r| r.source }, "(x)(\\S+)(y)" end def test_add_word_pair_matching @am.add_word_pair '^', '^', 'caret' assert @am.matching_word_pairs.include?('^') assert @am.protectable.include?('^') end def test_basic assert_equal(["cat"], @am.flow("cat")) assert_equal(["cat ", @bold_on, "and", @bold_off, " dog"], @am.flow("cat *and* dog")) assert_equal(["cat ", @bold_on, "AND", @bold_off, " dog"], @am.flow("cat *AND* dog")) assert_equal(["cat ", @em_on, "And", @em_off, " dog"], @am.flow("cat _And_ dog")) assert_equal(["cat *and dog*"], @am.flow("cat *and dog*")) assert_equal(["*cat and* dog"], @am.flow("*cat and* dog")) assert_equal(["cat *and ", @bold_on, "dog", @bold_off], @am.flow("cat *and *dog*")) assert_equal(["cat ", @em_on, "and", @em_off, " dog"], @am.flow("cat _and_ dog")) assert_equal(["cat_and_dog"], @am.flow("cat_and_dog")) assert_equal(["cat ", @tt_on, "and", @tt_off, " dog"], @am.flow("cat +and+ dog")) assert_equal(["cat ", @tt_on, "X::Y", @tt_off, " dog"], @am.flow("cat +X::Y+ dog")) assert_equal(["cat ", @bold_on, "a_b_c", @bold_off, " dog"], @am.flow("cat *a_b_c* dog")) assert_equal(["cat __ dog"], @am.flow("cat __ dog")) assert_equal(["cat ", @em_on, "_", @em_off, " dog"], @am.flow("cat ___ dog")) assert_equal(["cat and ", @em_on, "5", @em_off, " dogs"], @am.flow("cat and _5_ dogs")) end def test_bold assert_equal [@bold_on, 'bold', @bold_off], @am.flow("*bold*") assert_equal [@bold_on, 'Bold:', @bold_off], @am.flow("*Bold:*") assert_equal [@bold_on, '\\bold', @bold_off], @am.flow("*\\bold*") end def test_bold_html_escaped assert_equal ['cat dog'], @am.flow('cat \dog') end def test_combined assert_equal(["cat ", @em_on, "and", @em_off, " ", @bold_on, "dog", @bold_off], @am.flow("cat _and_ *dog*")) assert_equal(["cat ", @em_on, "a__nd", @em_off, " ", @bold_on, "dog", @bold_off], @am.flow("cat _a__nd_ *dog*")) end def test_convert_attrs str = '+foo+'.dup attrs = RDoc::Markup::AttrSpan.new str.length @am.convert_attrs str, attrs assert_equal "\000foo\000", str str = '+:foo:+'.dup attrs = RDoc::Markup::AttrSpan.new str.length @am.convert_attrs str, attrs assert_equal "\000:foo:\000", str str = '+x-y+'.dup attrs = RDoc::Markup::AttrSpan.new str.length @am.convert_attrs str, attrs assert_equal "\000x-y\000", str end def test_convert_attrs_ignores_code assert_equal 'foo __send__ bar', output('foo __send__ bar') end def test_convert_attrs_ignores_tt assert_equal 'foo __send__ bar', output('foo __send__ bar') end def test_convert_attrs_preserves_double assert_equal 'foo.__send__ :bar', output('foo.__send__ :bar') assert_equal 'use __FILE__ to', output('use __FILE__ to') end def test_convert_attrs_does_not_ignore_after_tt assert_equal 'the IF:key directive', output('the IF:_key_ directive') end def test_escapes assert_equal 'text', output('text') assert_equal 'text', output('\\text') assert_equal '', output('\\') assert_equal '', output('\\') assert_equal '\\', output('\\\\') assert_equal 'text', output('*text*') assert_equal '*text*', output('\\*text*') assert_equal '\\', output('\\') assert_equal '\\text', output('\\text') assert_equal '\\\\text', output('\\\\text') assert_equal 'text \\ text', output('text \\ text') assert_equal 'and \\s matches space', output('and \\s matches space') assert_equal 'use text for code', output('use \\text for code') assert_equal 'use text for code', output('use \\text\\ for code') assert_equal 'use text for code', output('use \\\\text for code') assert_equal 'use text for code', output('use \\text for code') assert_equal 'use +text+ for code', output('use \\+text+ for code') assert_equal 'use text for code', output('use \\+text+ for code') assert_equal 'illegal not changed', output('illegal not changed') assert_equal 'unhandled


unchanged', output('unhandled


unchanged') end def test_html_like_em_bold assert_equal ["cat ", @em_on, "and ", @em_to_bold, "dog", @bold_off], @am.flow("cat and dog") end def test_html_like_em_bold_SGML assert_equal ["cat ", @em_on, "and ", @em_to_bold, "dog", @bold_off], @am.flow("cat and dog") end def test_html_like_em_bold_nested_1 assert_equal(["cat ", @bold_em_on, "and", @bold_em_off, " dog"], @am.flow("cat and dog")) end def test_html_like_em_bold_nested_2 assert_equal ["cat ", @em_on, "and ", @em_then_bold, "dog", @bold_em_off], @am.flow("cat and dog") end def test_html_like_em_bold_nested_mixed_case assert_equal ["cat ", @em_on, "and ", @em_then_bold, "dog", @bold_em_off], @am.flow("cat and dog") end def test_html_like_em_bold_mixed_case assert_equal ["cat ", @em_on, "and", @em_off, " ", @bold_on, "dog", @bold_off], @am.flow("cat and dog") end def test_html_like_teletype assert_equal ["cat ", @tt_on, "dog", @tt_off], @am.flow("cat dog") end def test_html_like_teletype_em_bold_SGML assert_equal [@tt_on, "cat", @tt_off, " ", @em_on, "and ", @em_to_bold, "dog", @bold_off], @am.flow("cat and dog") end def test_initial_html html_tags = @am.html_tags assert html_tags.is_a?(Hash) assert_equal(5, html_tags.size) end def test_initial_word_pairs word_pairs = @am.matching_word_pairs assert word_pairs.is_a?(Hash) assert_equal(3, word_pairs.size) end def test_mask_protected_sequence def @am.str() @str end def @am.str=(str) @str = str end @am.str = 'foo'.dup @am.mask_protected_sequences assert_equal "foo", @am.str @am.str = 'foo\\'.dup @am.mask_protected_sequences assert_equal "foo<\x04/code>", @am.str, 'escaped close' @am.str = 'foo\\\\'.dup @am.mask_protected_sequences assert_equal "foo\\", @am.str, 'escaped backslash' end def test_protect assert_equal(['cat \\ dog'], @am.flow('cat \\ dog')) assert_equal(["cat dog"], @am.flow("cat \\dog")) assert_equal(["cat ", @em_on, "and", @em_off, " dog"], @am.flow("cat and \\dog")) assert_equal(["*word* or text"], @am.flow("\\*word* or \\text")) assert_equal(["_cat_", @em_on, "dog", @em_off], @am.flow("\\_cat_dog")) end def test_lost_tag_for_the_second_time str = "cat dog" assert_equal(["cat ", @tt_on, "dog", @tt_off], @am.flow(str)) assert_equal(["cat ", @tt_on, "dog", @tt_off], @am.flow(str)) end def test_regexp_handling @am.add_regexp_handling(RDoc::CrossReference::CROSSREF_REGEXP, :CROSSREF) # # The apostrophes in "cats'" and "dogs'" suppress the flagging of these # words as potential cross-references, which is necessary for the unit # tests. Unfortunately, the markup engine right now does not actually # check whether a cross-reference is valid before flagging it. # assert_equal(["cats'"], @am.flow("cats'")) assert_equal(["cats' ", crossref("#fred"), " dogs'"].flatten, @am.flow("cats' #fred dogs'")) assert_equal([crossref("#fred"), " dogs'"].flatten, @am.flow("#fred dogs'")) assert_equal(["cats' ", crossref("#fred")].flatten, @am.flow("cats' #fred")) end def test_tt_html assert_equal [@tt_on, '"\n"', @tt_off], @am.flow('"\n"') end def output str @formatter.convert_flow @am.flow str end end