# -*- coding: euc-jp -*- require "tkcanvas" def optionMenu(menubutton, varName, firstValue, *rest) varName.value = firstValue configoptions = {'textvariable'=>varName,'indicatoron'=>'on', 'relief'=>'raised','borderwidth'=>2,'highlightthickness'=>2, 'anchor'=>'c','direction'=>'flush'} configoptions.each {|key, value| menubutton.configure(key, value) } menu = TkMenu.new(menubutton) { tearoff 'off' add 'radio', 'label'=>firstValue, 'variable'=>varName } menubutton.menu(menu) for i in rest menu.add 'radio', 'label'=>i, 'variable'=>varName end return menu end if defined?($menubu_demo) && $menubu_demo $menubu_demo.destroy $menubu_demo = nil end $menubu_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w| title("Menu Button Demonstration") iconname("menubutton") } positionWindow($menubu_demo) base_frame = TkFrame.new($menubu_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true) # version check if $tk_version.to_f < 8.0 # label ���� TkLabel.new(base_frame,'font'=>$font,'wraplength'=>'4i','justify'=>'left') { text("�¹Ԥ��褦�Ȥ���������ץȤ� Tk8.0 �ʾ�����ѤǤ��뵡ǽ�����Ѥ��Ƥ��뤿�ᡢ���ʤ��� Ruby#{VERSION}/Tk#{$tk_version}#{(Tk::JAPANIZED_TK)? 'jp': ''} �Ǥ�����˼¹ԤǤ��ޤ���äƥǥ�μ¹Ԥ���ߤ��ޤ����������������Υ����ɻ��ȥܥ�������Ȥǡ��¹Ԥ���ߤ��줿������ץȤΥ������Ȥ��뤳�Ȥϲ�ǽ�Ǥ���") }.pack('side'=>'top') # frame ���� TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame| TkButton.new(frame) { #text 'λ��' text '�Ĥ���' command proc{ tmppath = $menubu_demo $menubu_demo = nil tmppath.destroy } }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes') TkButton.new(frame) { text '�����ɻ���' command proc{showCode 'menubu'} }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes') }.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m') else ; # Tk8.x body = TkFrame.new(base_frame) body.pack('expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both') below = TkMenubutton.new(body) { text "Below" underline 0 direction 'below' relief 'raised' } belowMenu = TkMenu.new(below) { tearoff 0 add 'command', 'label'=>"Below menu: first item", 'command'=>proc {puts "\"You have selected the first item from the Below menu.\""} add 'command', 'label'=>"Below menu: second item", 'command'=>proc {puts "\"You have selected the second item from the Below menu.\""} } below.menu(belowMenu) below.grid('row'=>0, 'column'=>1, 'sticky'=>'n') below = TkMenubutton.new(body) { text "Below" underline 0 direction 'below' relief 'raised' } belowMenu = TkMenu.new(below) { tearoff 0 add 'command', 'label'=>"Below menu: first item", 'command'=>proc {puts "\"You have selected the first item from the Below menu.\""} add 'command', 'label'=>"Below menu: second item", 'command'=>proc {puts "\"You have selected the second item from the Below menu.\""} } below.menu(belowMenu) below.grid('row'=>0, 'column'=>1, 'sticky'=>'n') below = TkMenubutton.new(body) { text "Below" underline 0 direction 'below' relief 'raised' } belowMenu = TkMenu.new(below) { tearoff 0 add 'command', 'label'=>"Below menu: first item", 'command'=>proc {puts "\"You have selected the first item from the Below menu.\""} add 'command', 'label'=>"Below menu: second item", 'command'=>proc {puts "\"You have selected the second item from the Below menu.\""} } below.menu(belowMenu) below.grid('row'=>0, 'column'=>1, 'sticky'=>'n') right = TkMenubutton.new(body) { text "Right" underline 0 direction 'right' relief 'raised' } rightMenu = TkMenu.new(right) { tearoff 0 add 'command', 'label'=>"Right menu: first item", 'command'=>proc {puts "\"You have selected the first item from the Left menu.\""} add 'command', 'label'=>"Right menu: second item", 'command'=>proc {puts "\"You have selected the second item from the Right menu.\""} } right.menu(rightMenu) right.grid('row'=>1, 'column'=>0, 'sticky'=>'w') left = TkMenubutton.new(body) { text "Left" underline 0 direction 'left' relief 'raised' } leftMenu = TkMenu.new(left) { tearoff 0 add 'command', 'label'=>"Left menu: first item", 'command'=>proc {puts "\"You have selected the first item from the Left menu.\""} add 'command', 'label'=>"Left menu: second item", 'command'=>proc {puts "\"You have selected the second item from the Left menu.\""} } left.menu(leftMenu) left.grid('row'=>1, 'column'=>2, 'sticky'=>'e') center = TkFrame.new(body) { grid('row'=>1, 'column'=>1, 'sticky'=>'news') } above = TkMenubutton.new(body) { text "Above" underline 0 direction 'above' relief 'raised' } aboveMenu = TkMenu.new(above) { tearoff 0 add 'command', 'label'=>"Above menu: first item", 'command'=>proc {puts "\"You have selected the first item from the Above menu.\""} add 'command', 'label'=>"Above menu: second item", 'command'=>proc {puts "\"You have selected the second item from the Above menu.\""} } above.menu(aboveMenu) above.grid('row'=>2, 'column'=>1, 'sticky'=>'s') center = TkFrame.new(body) { grid('row'=>1, 'column'=>1, 'sticky'=>'news') } TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame| TkButton.new(frame) { #text 'λ��' text '�Ĥ���' command proc { tmppath = $menubu_demo $menubu_demo = nil tmppath.destroy } }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes') TkButton.new(frame) { text '�����ɻ���' command proc { showCode 'menubu' } }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes') }.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m') msg = TkLabel.new(center) { # font $font wraplength '4i' justify 'left' text "����ϥ�˥塼�ܥ���Υǥ�Ǥ���\"Below\"�Υܥ����\ ���˥�˥塼��Ф���\"Right\"�Υܥ���ϱ��˥�˥塼��Ф��ơ�\ �ġĤȤʤ�ޤ�������ʸ�Ϥβ��ˤ�2�ĤΥ��ץ�����˥塼������ޤ���\ 1�Ĥ����̤Υ�˥塼�ǡ��⤦1�Ĥ�16���Υѥ�åȤǤ���" } msg.pack('side'=>'top', 'padx'=>25, 'pady'=>25) TkFrame.new(center) {|f| menubuttonoptions = TkVariable.new mbutton = TkMenubutton.new(f) options = optionMenu(mbutton, menubuttonoptions, 'one', 'two', 'three') mbutton.pack('side'=>'left', 'padx'=>25, 'pady'=>25) paletteColor = TkVariable.new colors = ['Black','red4','DarkGreen','NavyBlue', 'gray75', 'Red','Green','Blue','gray50','Yellow','Cyan','Magenta', 'White','Brown','DarkSeaGreen','DarkViolet'] colorMenuButton = TkMenubutton.new(f) m = optionMenu(colorMenuButton, paletteColor, *colors) begin windowingsystem = Tk.windowingsystem() rescue windowingsystem = "" end if windowingsystem == "classic" || windowingsystem == "aqua" topBorderColor = 'Black' bottomBorderColor = 'Black' else topBorderColor = 'gray50' bottomBorderColor = 'gray75' end for i in 0..15 image = TkPhotoImage.new('height'=>16, 'width'=>16) image.put(topBorderColor, 0, 0, 16, 1) image.put(topBorderColor, 0, 1, 1, 16) image.put(bottomBorderColor, 0, 15, 16, 16) image.put(bottomBorderColor, 15, 1, 16, 16) image.put(colors[i], 1, 1, 15, 15) selectimage = TkPhotoImage.new('height'=>16, 'width'=>16) selectimage.put('Black', 0, 0, 16, 2) selectimage.put('Black', 0, 2, 2, 16) selectimage.put('Black', 2, 14, 16, 16) selectimage.put('Black', 14, 2, 16, 14) selectimage.put(colors[i], 2, 2, 14, 14) m.entryconfigure(i, 'image'=>image, 'selectimage'=>selectimage, 'hidemargin'=>'on') end m.configure('tearoff', 'on') for c in ['Black', 'gray75', 'gray50', 'White'] m.entryconfigure(c, 'columnbreak'=>1) end colorMenuButton.pack('side'=>'left', 'padx'=>25, 'pady'=>25) pack 'padx'=>25, 'pady'=>25 } end ; # Tk8.x