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* test/rubygems: Ditto. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@41873 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
240 lines
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240 lines
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require 'rubygems'
require 'rubygems/dependency'
require 'rubygems/exceptions'
require 'rubygems/util/list'
require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
# Given a set of Gem::Dependency objects as +needed+ and a way to query the
# set of available specs via +set+, calculates a set of ActivationRequest
# objects which indicate all the specs that should be activated to meet the
# all the requirements.
class Gem::DependencyResolver
# Contains all the conflicts encountered while doing resolution
attr_reader :conflicts
attr_accessor :development
attr_reader :missing
# When a missing dependency, don't stop. Just go on and record what was
# missing.
attr_accessor :soft_missing
def self.compose_sets *sets
# Provide a DependencyResolver that queries only against the already
# installed gems.
def self.for_current_gems needed
new needed, Gem::DependencyResolver::CurrentSet.new
# Create DependencyResolver object which will resolve the tree starting
# with +needed+ Depedency objects.
# +set+ is an object that provides where to look for specifications to
# satisify the Dependencies. This defaults to IndexSet, which will query
# rubygems.org.
def initialize needed, set = nil
@set = set || Gem::DependencyResolver::IndexSet.new
@needed = needed
@conflicts = nil
@development = false
@missing = []
@soft_missing = false
def requests s, act, reqs=nil
s.dependencies.reverse_each do |d|
next if d.type == :development and not @development
reqs = Gem::List.new Gem::DependencyResolver::DependencyRequest.new(d, act), reqs
@set.prefetch reqs
# Proceed with resolution! Returns an array of ActivationRequest objects.
def resolve
@conflicts = []
needed = nil
@needed.reverse_each do |n|
needed = Gem::List.new(Gem::DependencyResolver::DependencyRequest.new(n, nil), needed)
res = resolve_for needed, nil
raise Gem::DependencyResolutionError, res if
res.kind_of? Gem::DependencyResolver::DependencyConflict
# The meat of the algorithm. Given +needed+ DependencyRequest objects and
# +specs+ being a list to ActivationRequest, calculate a new list of
# ActivationRequest objects.
def resolve_for needed, specs
while needed
dep = needed.value
needed = needed.tail
# If there is already a spec activated for the requested name...
if specs && existing = specs.find { |s| dep.name == s.name }
# then we're done since this new dep matches the
# existing spec.
next if dep.matches_spec? existing
# There is a conflict! We return the conflict
# object which will be seen by the caller and be
# handled at the right level.
# If the existing activation indicates that there
# are other possibles for it, then issue the conflict
# on the dep for the activation itself. Otherwise, issue
# it on the requester's request itself.
if existing.others_possible?
conflict =
Gem::DependencyResolver::DependencyConflict.new dep, existing
depreq = existing.request.requester.request
conflict =
Gem::DependencyResolver::DependencyConflict.new depreq, existing, dep
@conflicts << conflict
return conflict
# Get a list of all specs that satisfy dep
possible = @set.find_all dep
case possible.size
when 0
@missing << dep
unless @soft_missing
# If there are none, then our work here is done.
raise Gem::UnsatisfiableDependencyError, dep
when 1
# If there is one, then we just add it to specs
# and process the specs dependencies by adding
# them to needed.
spec = possible.first
act = Gem::DependencyResolver::ActivationRequest.new spec, dep, false
specs = Gem::List.prepend specs, act
# Put the deps for at the beginning of needed
# rather than the end to match the depth first
# searching done by the multiple case code below.
# This keeps the error messages consistent.
needed = requests(spec, act, needed)
# There are multiple specs for this dep. This is
# the case that this class is built to handle.
# Sort them so that we try the highest versions
# first.
possible = possible.sort_by { |s| [s.source, s.version] }
# We track the conflicts seen so that we can report them
# to help the user figure out how to fix the situation.
conflicts = []
# To figure out which to pick, we keep resolving
# given each one being activated and if there isn't
# a conflict, we know we've found a full set.
# We use an until loop rather than #reverse_each
# to keep the stack short since we're using a recursive
# algorithm.
until possible.empty?
s = possible.pop
# Recursively call #resolve_for with this spec
# and add it's dependencies into the picture...
act = Gem::DependencyResolver::ActivationRequest.new s, dep
try = requests(s, act, needed)
res = resolve_for try, Gem::List.prepend(specs, act)
# While trying to resolve these dependencies, there may
# be a conflict!
if res.kind_of? Gem::DependencyResolver::DependencyConflict
# The conflict might be created not by this invocation
# but rather one up the stack, so if we can't attempt
# to resolve this conflict (conflict isn't with the spec +s+)
# then just return it so the caller can try to sort it out.
return res unless res.for_spec? s
# Otherwise, this is a conflict that we can attempt to fix
conflicts << [s, res]
# Optimization:
# Because the conflict indicates the dependency that trigger
# it, we can prune possible based on this new information.
# This cuts down on the number of iterations needed.
possible.delete_if { |x| !res.dependency.matches_spec? x }
# No conflict, return the specs
return res
# We tried all possibles and nothing worked, so we let the user
# know and include as much information about the problem since
# the user is going to have to take action to fix this.
raise Gem::ImpossibleDependenciesError.new(dep, conflicts)
require 'rubygems/dependency_resolver/api_set'
require 'rubygems/dependency_resolver/api_specification'
require 'rubygems/dependency_resolver/activation_request'
require 'rubygems/dependency_resolver/composed_set'
require 'rubygems/dependency_resolver/current_set'
require 'rubygems/dependency_resolver/dependency_conflict'
require 'rubygems/dependency_resolver/dependency_request'
require 'rubygems/dependency_resolver/index_set'
require 'rubygems/dependency_resolver/index_specification'
require 'rubygems/dependency_resolver/installed_specification'
require 'rubygems/dependency_resolver/installer_set'