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synced 2022-11-09 12:17:21 -05:00

git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@23600 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
85 lines
2.5 KiB
85 lines
2.5 KiB
#!/usr/bin/ruby -I.
require 'optparse'
require 'optparse/time'
require 'pp'
# keywords
CODES = %w[iso-2022-jp shift_jis euc-jp utf8 binary]
CODE_ALIASES = {"jis" => "iso-2022-jp", "sjis" => "shift_jis"}
POSSIBLE_CODES = "(#{(CODES+CODE_ALIASES.keys).join(',')})"
ARGV.options do
opts.banner << " argv..."
# separator
opts.on_tail("common options:")
# no argument, shows at tail
opts.on_tail("--help", "show this message") {puts opts; exit}
# mandatory argument
opts.on("-r", "--require=LIBRARY", String,
"require the LIBRARY, before",
"executing your script") {|lib|@library=lib}
# optional argument
opts.on("-i", "--inplace=[EXTENSION]",
"edit ARGV files in place", # multiline description
"(make backup if EXTENSION supplied)") {|inplace| @inplace = inplace || ''}
opts.on("-N=[NUM]", Integer) {|num|@number=num}
# additional class
opts.on("-t", "--[no-]time[=TIME]", Time, "it's the time") {|time|@time=time}
# limit argument syntax
opts.on("-[0-7]", "-F", "--irs=[OCTAL]", OptionParser::OctalInteger,
"specify record separator", "(\\0, if no argument)") {|irs|@irs=irs}
# boolean switch(default true)
@exec = true
opts.on("-n", "--no-exec[=FLAG]", TrueClass, "not really execute") {|exec|@exec=exec}
# array
opts.on("-a", "--list[=LIST,LIST]", Array, "list") {|list|@list=list}
# fixed size array
opts.on("--pair[=car,cdr]", Array, "pair") {|x,y|@x=x; @y=y}
# keyword completion
opts.on("--code=CODE", CODES, CODE_ALIASES, "select coding system",
"("+CODES.join(",")+",", " "+CODE_ALIASES.keys.join(",")+")") {|c|@code=c}
# optional argument with keyword completion
opts.on("--type[=TYPE]", [:text, :binary], "select type(text, binary)") {|t|@type=t}
# boolean switch with optional argument(default false)
opts.on("-v", "--[no-]verbose=[FLAG]", "run verbosely") {|v|@verbose=v}
# easy way, set local variable
opts.on("-q", "--quit", "quit when ARGV is empty") {|q|@quit=q}
# adding on the fly
opts.on("--add=SWITCH=[ARG]", "add option on the fly", /\A(\w+)(?:=.+)?\Z/) do
|opt, var|
opts.on("--#{opt}", "added in runtime", &eval("proc {|x|@#{var}=x}"))
opts.on_head("specific options:")
# no argument
opts.on_tail("--version", "show version") do
puts OptionParser::Version.join('.')
pp self
begin print ARGV.options; exit end if @quit
ARGV.options = nil # no more parse
puts "ARGV = #{ARGV.join(' ')}" if !ARGV.empty?
#opts.variable.each {|sym| puts "#{sym} = #{opts.send(sym).inspect}"}