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synced 2022-11-09 12:17:21 -05:00

http://www.germane-software.com/repos/rexml/tags/3.1.7 r1278@bean: ser | 2007-06-07 00:53:06 -0400 Fixed a double-encoding bug. This was a regression, related to ticket:48. r1292@bean: ser | 2007-07-25 08:19:36 -0400 r1279@bean: ser | 2007-06-09 23:19:02 -0400 Fixes ticket:89 -- encoding CP-1252 was broken. ISO-8859-15 had the same problem. Also in this patch is a fix to merge.rb (unused, but it should at least contain no errors), and a unit test for ticket:88. r1293@bean: ser | 2007-07-25 08:19:37 -0400 r1281@bean: ser | 2007-07-24 11:08:48 -0400 Addresses ticket:85 This is a major rewrite of the XML formatting code. The XML writers have all been extracted out of the classes and put into their own class containers. This makes writing parsers easier, and cleaner. There are three formatters, which correspond to the previous three XML writing modes: REXML::Formatters::Default Prints the XML document exactly as it was parsed REXML::Formatters::Pretty Pretty prints the XML document, destroying whitespace in the document REXML::Formatters::Transitive Pretty prints the XML document, preserving whitespace All of the write() functions have been deprecated (some are still used, but these will also go away) except the write() function on Document, which is left for convenience. To pretty print an XML document the canonical way: formatter = REXML::Formatters::Pretty.new( 5 ) # indent by 5 spaces formatter.write( document, output ) r1294@bean: ser | 2007-07-25 08:19:38 -0400 r1283@bean: ser | 2007-07-24 19:53:30 -0400 This goes with the previous commit. r1295@bean: ser | 2007-07-25 08:19:39 -0400 r1285@bean: ser | 2007-07-24 20:02:07 -0400 And THIS goes with the previous two patches. Dammit. r1296@bean: ser | 2007-07-25 08:19:40 -0400 r1287@bean: ser | 2007-07-24 20:12:25 -0400 Applied patch from Jeff Barczewski. Note that this changes what the values of the name and IDs are from the previous behavior -- the values no longer include the quotes. This is the correct behavior, so I'm leaving it in, but it is not backwards compatible. Also fixes the serializer so that it outputs the doctype in a correct format (needed as a result of this change). r1297@bean: ser | 2007-07-25 08:38:38 -0400 Version update git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@12844 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
1226 lines
43 KiB
1226 lines
43 KiB
require "rexml/parent"
require "rexml/namespace"
require "rexml/attribute"
require "rexml/cdata"
require "rexml/xpath"
require "rexml/parseexception"
module REXML
# An implementation note about namespaces:
# As we parse, when we find namespaces we put them in a hash and assign
# them a unique ID. We then convert the namespace prefix for the node
# to the unique ID. This makes namespace lookup much faster for the
# cost of extra memory use. We save the namespace prefix for the
# context node and convert it back when we write it.
@@namespaces = {}
# Represents a tagged XML element. Elements are characterized by
# having children, attributes, and names, and can themselves be
# children.
class Element < Parent
include Namespace
UNDEFINED = "UNDEFINED"; # The default name
# Mechanisms for accessing attributes and child elements of this
# element.
attr_reader :attributes, :elements
# The context holds information about the processing environment, such as
# whitespace handling.
attr_accessor :context
# Constructor
# arg::
# if not supplied, will be set to the default value.
# If a String, the name of this object will be set to the argument.
# If an Element, the object will be shallowly cloned; name,
# attributes, and namespaces will be copied. Children will +not+ be
# copied.
# parent::
# if supplied, must be a Parent, and will be used as
# the parent of this object.
# context::
# If supplied, must be a hash containing context items. Context items
# include:
# * <tt>:respect_whitespace</tt> the value of this is :+all+ or an array of
# strings being the names of the elements to respect
# whitespace for. Defaults to :+all+.
# * <tt>:compress_whitespace</tt> the value can be :+all+ or an array of
# strings being the names of the elements to ignore whitespace on.
# Overrides :+respect_whitespace+.
# * <tt>:ignore_whitespace_nodes</tt> the value can be :+all+ or an array
# of strings being the names of the elements in which to ignore
# whitespace-only nodes. If this is set, Text nodes which contain only
# whitespace will not be added to the document tree.
# * <tt>:raw</tt> can be :+all+, or an array of strings being the names of
# the elements to process in raw mode. In raw mode, special
# characters in text is not converted to or from entities.
def initialize( arg = UNDEFINED, parent=nil, context=nil )
@elements = Elements.new(self)
@attributes = Attributes.new(self)
@context = context
if arg.kind_of? String
self.name = arg
elsif arg.kind_of? Element
self.name = arg.expanded_name
arg.attributes.each_attribute{ |attribute|
@attributes << Attribute.new( attribute )
@context = arg.context
def inspect
rv = "<#@expanded_name"
@attributes.each_attribute do |attr|
rv << " "
attr.write( rv, 0 )
if children.size > 0
rv << "> ... </>"
rv << "/>"
# Creates a shallow copy of self.
# d = Document.new "<a><b/><b/><c><d/></c></a>"
# new_a = d.root.clone
# puts new_a # => "<a/>"
def clone
self.class.new self
# Evaluates to the root node of the document that this element
# belongs to. If this element doesn't belong to a document, but does
# belong to another Element, the parent's root will be returned, until the
# earliest ancestor is found.
# Note that this is not the same as the document element.
# In the following example, <a> is the document element, and the root
# node is the parent node of the document element. You may ask yourself
# why the root node is useful: consider the doctype and XML declaration,
# and any processing instructions before the document element... they
# are children of the root node, or siblings of the document element.
# The only time this isn't true is when an Element is created that is
# not part of any Document. In this case, the ancestor that has no
# parent acts as the root node.
# d = Document.new '<a><b><c/></b></a>'
# a = d[1] ; c = a[1][1]
# d.root_node == d # TRUE
# a.root_node # namely, d
# c.root_node # again, d
def root_node
parent.nil? ? self : parent.root_node
def root
return elements[1] if self.kind_of? Document
return self if parent.kind_of? Document or parent.nil?
return parent.root
# Evaluates to the document to which this element belongs, or nil if this
# element doesn't belong to a document.
def document
rt = root
rt.parent if rt
# Evaluates to +true+ if whitespace is respected for this element. This
# is the case if:
# 1. Neither :+respect_whitespace+ nor :+compress_whitespace+ has any value
# 2. The context has :+respect_whitespace+ set to :+all+ or
# an array containing the name of this element, and
# :+compress_whitespace+ isn't set to :+all+ or an array containing the
# name of this element.
# The evaluation is tested against +expanded_name+, and so is namespace
# sensitive.
def whitespace
@whitespace = nil
if @context
if @context[:respect_whitespace]
@whitespace = (@context[:respect_whitespace] == :all or
@context[:respect_whitespace].include? expanded_name)
@whitespace = false if (@context[:compress_whitespace] and
(@context[:compress_whitespace] == :all or
@context[:compress_whitespace].include? expanded_name)
@whitespace = true unless @whitespace == false
def ignore_whitespace_nodes
@ignore_whitespace_nodes = false
if @context
if @context[:ignore_whitespace_nodes]
@ignore_whitespace_nodes =
(@context[:ignore_whitespace_nodes] == :all or
@context[:ignore_whitespace_nodes].include? expanded_name)
# Evaluates to +true+ if raw mode is set for this element. This
# is the case if the context has :+raw+ set to :+all+ or
# an array containing the name of this element.
# The evaluation is tested against +expanded_name+, and so is namespace
# sensitive.
def raw
@raw = (@context and @context[:raw] and
(@context[:raw] == :all or
@context[:raw].include? expanded_name))
#once :whitespace, :raw, :ignore_whitespace_nodes
# Namespaces #
# Evaluates to an +Array+ containing the prefixes (names) of all defined
# namespaces at this context node.
# doc = Document.new("<a xmlns:x='1' xmlns:y='2'><b/><c xmlns:z='3'/></a>")
# doc.elements['//b'].prefixes # -> ['x', 'y']
def prefixes
prefixes = []
prefixes = parent.prefixes if parent
prefixes |= attributes.prefixes
return prefixes
def namespaces
namespaces = {}
namespaces = parent.namespaces if parent
namespaces = namespaces.merge( attributes.namespaces )
return namespaces
# Evalutas to the URI for a prefix, or the empty string if no such
# namespace is declared for this element. Evaluates recursively for
# ancestors. Returns the default namespace, if there is one.
# prefix::
# the prefix to search for. If not supplied, returns the default
# namespace if one exists
# Returns::
# the namespace URI as a String, or nil if no such namespace
# exists. If the namespace is undefined, returns an empty string
# doc = Document.new("<a xmlns='1' xmlns:y='2'><b/><c xmlns:z='3'/></a>")
# b = doc.elements['//b']
# b.namespace # -> '1'
# b.namespace("y") # -> '2'
def namespace(prefix=nil)
if prefix.nil?
prefix = prefix()
if prefix == ''
prefix = "xmlns"
prefix = "xmlns:#{prefix}" unless prefix[0,5] == 'xmlns'
ns = attributes[ prefix ]
ns = parent.namespace(prefix) if ns.nil? and parent
ns = '' if ns.nil? and prefix == 'xmlns'
return ns
# Adds a namespace to this element.
# prefix::
# the prefix string, or the namespace URI if +uri+ is not
# supplied
# uri::
# the namespace URI. May be nil, in which +prefix+ is used as
# the URI
# Evaluates to: this Element
# a = Element.new("a")
# a.add_namespace("xmlns:foo", "bar" )
# a.add_namespace("foo", "bar") # shorthand for previous line
# a.add_namespace("twiddle")
# puts a #-> <a xmlns:foo='bar' xmlns='twiddle'/>
def add_namespace( prefix, uri=nil )
unless uri
@attributes["xmlns"] = prefix
prefix = "xmlns:#{prefix}" unless prefix =~ /^xmlns:/
@attributes[ prefix ] = uri
# Removes a namespace from this node. This only works if the namespace is
# actually declared in this node. If no argument is passed, deletes the
# default namespace.
# Evaluates to: this element
# doc = Document.new "<a xmlns:foo='bar' xmlns='twiddle'/>"
# doc.root.delete_namespace
# puts doc # -> <a xmlns:foo='bar'/>
# doc.root.delete_namespace 'foo'
# puts doc # -> <a/>
def delete_namespace namespace="xmlns"
namespace = "xmlns:#{namespace}" unless namespace == 'xmlns'
attribute = attributes.get_attribute(namespace)
attribute.remove unless attribute.nil?
# Elements #
# Adds a child to this element, optionally setting attributes in
# the element.
# element::
# optional. If Element, the element is added.
# Otherwise, a new Element is constructed with the argument (see
# Element.initialize).
# attrs::
# If supplied, must be a Hash containing String name,value
# pairs, which will be used to set the attributes of the new Element.
# Returns:: the Element that was added
# el = doc.add_element 'my-tag'
# el = doc.add_element 'my-tag', {'attr1'=>'val1', 'attr2'=>'val2'}
# el = Element.new 'my-tag'
# doc.add_element el
def add_element element, attrs=nil
raise "First argument must be either an element name, or an Element object" if element.nil?
el = @elements.add(element)
attrs.each do |key, value|
end if attrs.kind_of? Hash
# Deletes a child element.
# element::
# Must be an +Element+, +String+, or +Integer+. If Element,
# the element is removed. If String, the element is found (via XPath)
# and removed. <em>This means that any parent can remove any
# descendant.<em> If Integer, the Element indexed by that number will be
# removed.
# Returns:: the element that was removed.
# doc.delete_element "/a/b/c[@id='4']"
# doc.delete_element doc.elements["//k"]
# doc.delete_element 1
def delete_element element
@elements.delete element
# Evaluates to +true+ if this element has at least one child Element
# doc = Document.new "<a><b/><c>Text</c></a>"
# doc.root.has_elements # -> true
# doc.elements["/a/b"].has_elements # -> false
# doc.elements["/a/c"].has_elements # -> false
def has_elements?
# Iterates through the child elements, yielding for each Element that
# has a particular attribute set.
# key::
# the name of the attribute to search for
# value::
# the value of the attribute
# max::
# (optional) causes this method to return after yielding
# for this number of matching children
# name::
# (optional) if supplied, this is an XPath that filters
# the children to check.
# doc = Document.new "<a><b @id='1'/><c @id='2'/><d @id='1'/><e/></a>"
# # Yields b, c, d
# doc.root.each_element_with_attribute( 'id' ) {|e| p e}
# # Yields b, d
# doc.root.each_element_with_attribute( 'id', '1' ) {|e| p e}
# # Yields b
# doc.root.each_element_with_attribute( 'id', '1', 1 ) {|e| p e}
# # Yields d
# doc.root.each_element_with_attribute( 'id', '1', 0, 'd' ) {|e| p e}
def each_element_with_attribute( key, value=nil, max=0, name=nil, &block ) # :yields: Element
each_with_something( proc {|child|
if value.nil?
child.attributes[key] != nil
}, max, name, &block )
# Iterates through the children, yielding for each Element that
# has a particular text set.
# text::
# the text to search for. If nil, or not supplied, will itterate
# over all +Element+ children that contain at least one +Text+ node.
# max::
# (optional) causes this method to return after yielding
# for this number of matching children
# name::
# (optional) if supplied, this is an XPath that filters
# the children to check.
# doc = Document.new '<a><b>b</b><c>b</c><d>d</d><e/></a>'
# # Yields b, c, d
# doc.each_element_with_text {|e|p e}
# # Yields b, c
# doc.each_element_with_text('b'){|e|p e}
# # Yields b
# doc.each_element_with_text('b', 1){|e|p e}
# # Yields d
# doc.each_element_with_text(nil, 0, 'd'){|e|p e}
def each_element_with_text( text=nil, max=0, name=nil, &block ) # :yields: Element
each_with_something( proc {|child|
if text.nil?
child.text == text
}, max, name, &block )
# Synonym for Element.elements.each
def each_element( xpath=nil, &block ) # :yields: Element
@elements.each( xpath, &block )
# Synonym for Element.to_a
# This is a little slower than calling elements.each directly.
# xpath:: any XPath by which to search for elements in the tree
# Returns:: an array of Elements that match the supplied path
def get_elements( xpath )
@elements.to_a( xpath )
# Returns the next sibling that is an element, or nil if there is
# no Element sibling after this one
# doc = Document.new '<a><b/>text<c/></a>'
# doc.root.elements['b'].next_element #-> <c/>
# doc.root.elements['c'].next_element #-> nil
def next_element
element = next_sibling
element = element.next_sibling until element.nil? or element.kind_of? Element
return element
# Returns the previous sibling that is an element, or nil if there is
# no Element sibling prior to this one
# doc = Document.new '<a><b/>text<c/></a>'
# doc.root.elements['c'].previous_element #-> <b/>
# doc.root.elements['b'].previous_element #-> nil
def previous_element
element = previous_sibling
element = element.previous_sibling until element.nil? or element.kind_of? Element
return element
# Text #
# Evaluates to +true+ if this element has at least one Text child
def has_text?
not text().nil?
# A convenience method which returns the String value of the _first_
# child text element, if one exists, and +nil+ otherwise.
# <em>Note that an element may have multiple Text elements, perhaps
# separated by other children</em>. Be aware that this method only returns
# the first Text node.
# This method returns the +value+ of the first text child node, which
# ignores the +raw+ setting, so always returns normalized text. See
# the Text::value documentation.
# doc = Document.new "<p>some text <b>this is bold!</b> more text</p>"
# # The element 'p' has two text elements, "some text " and " more text".
# doc.root.text #-> "some text "
def text( path = nil )
rv = get_text(path)
return rv.value unless rv.nil?
# Returns the first child Text node, if any, or +nil+ otherwise.
# This method returns the actual +Text+ node, rather than the String content.
# doc = Document.new "<p>some text <b>this is bold!</b> more text</p>"
# # The element 'p' has two text elements, "some text " and " more text".
# doc.root.get_text.value #-> "some text "
def get_text path = nil
rv = nil
if path
element = @elements[ path ]
rv = element.get_text unless element.nil?
rv = @children.find { |node| node.kind_of? Text }
return rv
# Sets the first Text child of this object. See text() for a
# discussion about Text children.
# If a Text child already exists, the child is replaced by this
# content. This means that Text content can be deleted by calling
# this method with a nil argument. In this case, the next Text
# child becomes the first Text child. In no case is the order of
# any siblings disturbed.
# text::
# If a String, a new Text child is created and added to
# this Element as the first Text child. If Text, the text is set
# as the first Child element. If nil, then any existing first Text
# child is removed.
# Returns:: this Element.
# doc = Document.new '<a><b/></a>'
# doc.root.text = 'Sean' #-> '<a><b/>Sean</a>'
# doc.root.text = 'Elliott' #-> '<a><b/>Elliott</a>'
# doc.root.add_element 'c' #-> '<a><b/>Elliott<c/></a>'
# doc.root.text = 'Russell' #-> '<a><b/>Russell<c/></a>'
# doc.root.text = nil #-> '<a><b/><c/></a>'
def text=( text )
if text.kind_of? String
text = Text.new( text, whitespace(), nil, raw() )
elsif text and !text.kind_of? Text
text = Text.new( text.to_s, whitespace(), nil, raw() )
old_text = get_text
if text.nil?
old_text.remove unless old_text.nil?
if old_text.nil?
self << text
old_text.replace_with( text )
return self
# A helper method to add a Text child. Actual Text instances can
# be added with regular Parent methods, such as add() and <<()
# text::
# if a String, a new Text instance is created and added
# to the parent. If Text, the object is added directly.
# Returns:: this Element
# e = Element.new('a') #-> <e/>
# e.add_text 'foo' #-> <e>foo</e>
# e.add_text Text.new(' bar') #-> <e>foo bar</e>
# Note that at the end of this example, the branch has <b>3</b> nodes; the 'e'
# element and <b>2</b> Text node children.
def add_text( text )
if text.kind_of? String
if @children[-1].kind_of? Text
@children[-1] << text
text = Text.new( text, whitespace(), nil, raw() )
self << text unless text.nil?
return self
def node_type
def xpath
path_elements = []
cur = self
path_elements << __to_xpath_helper( self )
while cur.parent
cur = cur.parent
path_elements << __to_xpath_helper( cur )
return path_elements.reverse.join( "/" )
# Attributes #
def attribute( name, namespace=nil )
prefix = nil
prefix = namespaces.index(namespace) if namespace
attributes.get_attribute( "#{prefix ? prefix + ':' : ''}#{name}" )
# Evaluates to +true+ if this element has any attributes set, false
# otherwise.
def has_attributes?
return !@attributes.empty?
# Adds an attribute to this element, overwriting any existing attribute
# by the same name.
# key::
# can be either an Attribute or a String. If an Attribute,
# the attribute is added to the list of Element attributes. If String,
# the argument is used as the name of the new attribute, and the value
# parameter must be supplied.
# value::
# Required if +key+ is a String, and ignored if the first argument is
# an Attribute. This is a String, and is used as the value
# of the new Attribute. This should be the unnormalized value of the
# attribute (without entities).
# Returns:: the Attribute added
# e = Element.new 'e'
# e.add_attribute( 'a', 'b' ) #-> <e a='b'/>
# e.add_attribute( 'x:a', 'c' ) #-> <e a='b' x:a='c'/>
# e.add_attribute Attribute.new('b', 'd') #-> <e a='b' x:a='c' b='d'/>
def add_attribute( key, value=nil )
if key.kind_of? Attribute
@attributes << key
@attributes[key] = value
# Add multiple attributes to this element.
# hash:: is either a hash, or array of arrays
# el.add_attributes( {"name1"=>"value1", "name2"=>"value2"} )
# el.add_attributes( [ ["name1","value1"], ["name2"=>"value2"] ] )
def add_attributes hash
if hash.kind_of? Hash
hash.each_pair {|key, value| @attributes[key] = value }
elsif hash.kind_of? Array
hash.each { |value| @attributes[ value[0] ] = value[1] }
# Removes an attribute
# key::
# either an Attribute or a String. In either case, the
# attribute is found by matching the attribute name to the argument,
# and then removed. If no attribute is found, no action is taken.
# Returns::
# the attribute removed, or nil if this Element did not contain
# a matching attribute
# e = Element.new('E')
# e.add_attribute( 'name', 'Sean' ) #-> <E name='Sean'/>
# r = e.add_attribute( 'sur:name', 'Russell' ) #-> <E name='Sean' sur:name='Russell'/>
# e.delete_attribute( 'name' ) #-> <E sur:name='Russell'/>
# e.delete_attribute( r ) #-> <E/>
def delete_attribute(key)
attr = @attributes.get_attribute(key)
attr.remove unless attr.nil?
# Other Utilities #
# Get an array of all CData children.
def cdatas
find_all { |child| child.kind_of? CData }.freeze
# Get an array of all Comment children.
def comments
find_all { |child| child.kind_of? Comment }.freeze
# Get an array of all Instruction children.
def instructions
find_all { |child| child.kind_of? Instruction }.freeze
# Get an array of all Text children.
def texts
find_all { |child| child.kind_of? Text }.freeze
# See REXML::Formatters
# Writes out this element, and recursively, all children.
# output::
# output an object which supports '<< string'; this is where the
# document will be written.
# indent::
# An integer. If -1, no indenting will be used; otherwise, the
# indentation will be this number of spaces, and children will be
# indented an additional amount. Defaults to -1
# transitive::
# If transitive is true and indent is >= 0, then the output will be
# pretty-printed in such a way that the added whitespace does not affect
# the parse tree of the document
# ie_hack::
# Internet Explorer is the worst piece of crap to have ever been
# written, with the possible exception of Windows itself. Since IE is
# unable to parse proper XML, we have to provide a hack to generate XML
# that IE's limited abilities can handle. This hack inserts a space
# before the /> on empty tags. Defaults to false
# out = ''
# doc.write( out ) #-> doc is written to the string 'out'
# doc.write( $stdout ) #-> doc written to the console
def write(writer=$stdout, indent=-1, transitive=false, ie_hack=false)
Kernel.warn("#{self.class.name}.write is deprecated. See REXML::Formatters")
formatter = if indent > -1
if transitive
REXML::Formatters::Transitive.new( indent, ie_hack )
REXML::Formatters::Pretty.new( indent, ie_hack )
REXML::Formatters::Default.new( ie_hack )
formatter.write( self, output )
def __to_xpath_helper node
rv = node.expanded_name.clone
if node.parent
results = node.parent.find_all {|n|
n.kind_of?(REXML::Element) and n.expanded_name == node.expanded_name
if results.length > 1
idx = results.index( node )
rv << "[#{idx+1}]"
# A private helper method
def each_with_something( test, max=0, name=nil )
num = 0
@elements.each( name ){ |child|
yield child if test.call(child) and num += 1
return if max>0 and num == max
# A class which provides filtering of children for Elements, and
# XPath search support. You are expected to only encounter this class as
# the <tt>element.elements</tt> object. Therefore, you are
# _not_ expected to instantiate this yourself.
class Elements
include Enumerable
# Constructor
# parent:: the parent Element
def initialize parent
@element = parent
# Fetches a child element. Filters only Element children, regardless of
# the XPath match.
# index::
# the search parameter. This is either an Integer, which
# will be used to find the index'th child Element, or an XPath,
# which will be used to search for the Element. <em>Because
# of the nature of XPath searches, any element in the connected XML
# document can be fetched through any other element.</em> <b>The
# Integer index is 1-based, not 0-based.</b> This means that the first
# child element is at index 1, not 0, and the +n+th element is at index
# +n+, not <tt>n-1</tt>. This is because XPath indexes element children
# starting from 1, not 0, and the indexes should be the same.
# name::
# optional, and only used in the first argument is an
# Integer. In that case, the index'th child Element that has the
# supplied name will be returned. Note again that the indexes start at 1.
# Returns:: the first matching Element, or nil if no child matched
# doc = Document.new '<a><b/><c id="1"/><c id="2"/><d/></a>'
# doc.root.elements[1] #-> <b/>
# doc.root.elements['c'] #-> <c id="1"/>
# doc.root.elements[2,'c'] #-> <c id="2"/>
def []( index, name=nil)
if index.kind_of? Integer
raise "index (#{index}) must be >= 1" if index < 1
name = literalize(name) if name
num = 0
child = nil
@element.find { |child|
child.kind_of? Element and
(name.nil? ? true : child.has_name?( name )) and
(num += 1) == index
return XPath::first( @element, index )
#{ |element|
# return element if element.kind_of? Element
#return nil
# Sets an element, replacing any previous matching element. If no
# existing element is found ,the element is added.
# index:: Used to find a matching element to replace. See []().
# element::
# The element to replace the existing element with
# the previous element
# Returns:: nil if no previous element was found.
# doc = Document.new '<a/>'
# doc.root.elements[10] = Element.new('b') #-> <a><b/></a>
# doc.root.elements[1] #-> <b/>
# doc.root.elements[1] = Element.new('c') #-> <a><c/></a>
# doc.root.elements['c'] = Element.new('d') #-> <a><d/></a>
def []=( index, element )
previous = self[index]
if previous.nil?
@element.add element
previous.replace_with element
return previous
# Returns +true+ if there are no +Element+ children, +false+ otherwise
def empty?
@element.find{ |child| child.kind_of? Element}.nil?
# Returns the index of the supplied child (starting at 1), or -1 if
# the element is not a child
# element:: an +Element+ child
def index element
rv = 0
found = @element.find do |child|
child.kind_of? Element and
(rv += 1) and
child == element
return rv if found == element
return -1
# Deletes a child Element
# element::
# Either an Element, which is removed directly; an
# xpath, where the first matching child is removed; or an Integer,
# where the n'th Element is removed.
# Returns:: the removed child
# doc = Document.new '<a><b/><c/><c id="1"/></a>'
# b = doc.root.elements[1]
# doc.root.elements.delete b #-> <a><c/><c id="1"/></a>
# doc.elements.delete("a/c[@id='1']") #-> <a><c/></a>
# doc.root.elements.delete 1 #-> <a/>
def delete element
if element.kind_of? Element
@element.delete element
el = self[element]
el.remove if el
# Removes multiple elements. Filters for Element children, regardless of
# XPath matching.
# xpath:: all elements matching this String path are removed.
# Returns:: an Array of Elements that have been removed
# doc = Document.new '<a><c/><c/><c/><c/></a>'
# deleted = doc.elements.delete_all 'a/c' #-> [<c/>, <c/>, <c/>, <c/>]
def delete_all( xpath )
rv = []
XPath::each( @element, xpath) {|element|
rv << element if element.kind_of? Element
rv.each do |element|
@element.delete element
return rv
# Adds an element
# element::
# if supplied, is either an Element, String, or
# Source (see Element.initialize). If not supplied or nil, a
# new, default Element will be constructed
# Returns:: the added Element
# a = Element.new 'a'
# a.elements.add Element.new 'b' #-> <a><b/></a>
# a.elements.add 'c' #-> <a><b/><c/></a>
def add element=nil
rv = nil
if element.nil?
Element.new "", self, @element.context
elsif not element.kind_of?(Element)
Element.new element, self, @element.context
@element << element
element.context = @element.context
alias :<< :add
# Iterates through all of the child Elements, optionally filtering
# them by a given XPath
# xpath::
# optional. If supplied, this is a String XPath, and is used to
# filter the children, so that only matching children are yielded. Note
# that XPaths are automatically filtered for Elements, so that
# non-Element children will not be yielded
# doc = Document.new '<a><b/><c/><d/>sean<b/><c/><d/></a>'
# doc.root.each {|e|p e} #-> Yields b, c, d, b, c, d elements
# doc.root.each('b') {|e|p e} #-> Yields b, b elements
# doc.root.each('child::node()') {|e|p e}
# #-> Yields <b/>, <c/>, <d/>, <b/>, <c/>, <d/>
# XPath.each(doc.root, 'child::node()', &block)
# #-> Yields <b/>, <c/>, <d/>, sean, <b/>, <c/>, <d/>
def each( xpath=nil, &block)
XPath::each( @element, xpath ) {|e| yield e if e.kind_of? Element }
def collect( xpath=nil, &block )
collection = []
XPath::each( @element, xpath ) {|e|
collection << yield(e) if e.kind_of?(Element)
def inject( xpath=nil, initial=nil, &block )
first = true
XPath::each( @element, xpath ) {|e|
if (e.kind_of? Element)
if (first and initial == nil)
initial = e
first = false
initial = yield( initial, e ) if e.kind_of? Element
# Returns the number of +Element+ children of the parent object.
# doc = Document.new '<a>sean<b/>elliott<b/>russell<b/></a>'
# doc.root.size #-> 6, 3 element and 3 text nodes
# doc.root.elements.size #-> 3
def size
count = 0
@element.each {|child| count+=1 if child.kind_of? Element }
# Returns an Array of Element children. An XPath may be supplied to
# filter the children. Only Element children are returned, even if the
# supplied XPath matches non-Element children.
# doc = Document.new '<a>sean<b/>elliott<c/></a>'
# doc.root.elements.to_a #-> [ <b/>, <c/> ]
# doc.root.elements.to_a("child::node()") #-> [ <b/>, <c/> ]
# XPath.match(doc.root, "child::node()") #-> [ sean, <b/>, elliott, <c/> ]
def to_a( xpath=nil )
rv = XPath.match( @element, xpath )
return rv.find_all{|e| e.kind_of? Element} if xpath
# Private helper class. Removes quotes from quoted strings
def literalize name
name = name[1..-2] if name[0] == ?' or name[0] == ?" #'
# A class that defines the set of Attributes of an Element and provides
# operations for accessing elements in that set.
class Attributes < Hash
# Constructor
# element:: the Element of which this is an Attribute
def initialize element
@element = element
# Fetches an attribute value. If you want to get the Attribute itself,
# use get_attribute()
# name:: an XPath attribute name. Namespaces are relevant here.
# Returns::
# the String value of the matching attribute, or +nil+ if no
# matching attribute was found. This is the unnormalized value
# (with entities expanded).
# doc = Document.new "<a foo:att='1' bar:att='2' att='<'/>"
# doc.root.attributes['att'] #-> '<'
# doc.root.attributes['bar:att'] #-> '2'
def [](name)
attr = get_attribute(name)
return attr.value unless attr.nil?
return nil
def to_a
# Returns the number of attributes the owning Element contains.
# doc = Document "<a x='1' y='2' foo:x='3'/>"
# doc.root.attributes.length #-> 3
def length
c = 0
each_attribute { c+=1 }
alias :size :length
# Itterates over the attributes of an Element. Yields actual Attribute
# nodes, not String values.
# doc = Document.new '<a x="1" y="2"/>'
# doc.root.attributes.each_attribute {|attr|
# p attr.expanded_name+" => "+attr.value
# }
def each_attribute # :yields: attribute
each_value do |val|
if val.kind_of? Attribute
yield val
val.each_value { |atr| yield atr }
# Itterates over each attribute of an Element, yielding the expanded name
# and value as a pair of Strings.
# doc = Document.new '<a x="1" y="2"/>'
# doc.root.attributes.each {|name, value| p name+" => "+value }
def each
each_attribute do |attr|
yield attr.expanded_name, attr.value
# Fetches an attribute
# name::
# the name by which to search for the attribute. Can be a
# <tt>prefix:name</tt> namespace name.
# Returns:: The first matching attribute, or nil if there was none. This
# value is an Attribute node, not the String value of the attribute.
# doc = Document.new '<a x:foo="1" foo="2" bar="3"/>'
# doc.root.attributes.get_attribute("foo").value #-> "2"
# doc.root.attributes.get_attribute("x:foo").value #-> "1"
def get_attribute( name )
attr = fetch( name, nil )
if attr.nil?
return nil if name.nil?
# Look for prefix
name =~ Namespace::NAMESPLIT
prefix, n = $1, $2
if prefix
attr = fetch( n, nil )
# check prefix
if attr == nil
elsif attr.kind_of? Attribute
return attr if prefix == attr.prefix
attr = attr[ prefix ]
return attr
element_document = @element.document
if element_document and element_document.doctype
expn = @element.expanded_name
expn = element_document.doctype.name if expn.size == 0
attr_val = element_document.doctype.attribute_of(expn, name)
return Attribute.new( name, attr_val ) if attr_val
return nil
if attr.kind_of? Hash
attr = attr[ @element.prefix ]
return attr
# Sets an attribute, overwriting any existing attribute value by the
# same name. Namespace is significant.
# name:: the name of the attribute
# value::
# (optional) If supplied, the value of the attribute. If
# nil, any existing matching attribute is deleted.
# Returns::
# Owning element
# doc = Document.new "<a x:foo='1' foo='3'/>"
# doc.root.attributes['y:foo'] = '2'
# doc.root.attributes['foo'] = '4'
# doc.root.attributes['x:foo'] = nil
def []=( name, value )
if value.nil? # Delete the named attribute
attr = get_attribute(name)
delete attr
element_document = @element.document
unless value.kind_of? Attribute
if @element.document and @element.document.doctype
value = Text::normalize( value, @element.document.doctype )
value = Text::normalize( value, nil )
value = Attribute.new(name, value)
value.element = @element
old_attr = fetch(value.name, nil)
if old_attr.nil?
store(value.name, value)
elsif old_attr.kind_of? Hash
old_attr[value.prefix] = value
elsif old_attr.prefix != value.prefix
# Check for conflicting namespaces
raise ParseException.new(
"Namespace conflict in adding attribute \"#{value.name}\": "+
"Prefix \"#{old_attr.prefix}\" = "+
"\"#{@element.namespace(old_attr.prefix)}\" and prefix "+
"\"#{value.prefix}\" = \"#{@element.namespace(value.prefix)}\"") if
value.prefix != "xmlns" and old_attr.prefix != "xmlns" and
@element.namespace( old_attr.prefix ) ==
@element.namespace( value.prefix )
store value.name, { old_attr.prefix => old_attr,
value.prefix => value }
store value.name, value
return @element
# Returns an array of Strings containing all of the prefixes declared
# by this set of # attributes. The array does not include the default
# namespace declaration, if one exists.
# doc = Document.new("<a xmlns='foo' xmlns:x='bar' xmlns:y='twee' "+
# "z='glorp' p:k='gru'/>")
# prefixes = doc.root.attributes.prefixes #-> ['x', 'y']
def prefixes
ns = []
each_attribute do |attribute|
ns << attribute.name if attribute.prefix == 'xmlns'
if @element.document and @element.document.doctype
expn = @element.expanded_name
expn = @element.document.doctype.name if expn.size == 0
@element.document.doctype.attributes_of(expn).each {
ns << attribute.name if attribute.prefix == 'xmlns'
def namespaces
namespaces = {}
each_attribute do |attribute|
namespaces[attribute.name] = attribute.value if attribute.prefix == 'xmlns' or attribute.name == 'xmlns'
if @element.document and @element.document.doctype
expn = @element.expanded_name
expn = @element.document.doctype.name if expn.size == 0
@element.document.doctype.attributes_of(expn).each {
namespaces[attribute.name] = attribute.value if attribute.prefix == 'xmlns' or attribute.name == 'xmlns'
# Removes an attribute
# attribute::
# either a String, which is the name of the attribute to remove --
# namespaces are significant here -- or the attribute to remove.
# Returns:: the owning element
# doc = Document.new "<a y:foo='0' x:foo='1' foo='3' z:foo='4'/>"
# doc.root.attributes.delete 'foo' #-> <a y:foo='0' x:foo='1' z:foo='4'/>"
# doc.root.attributes.delete 'x:foo' #-> <a y:foo='0' z:foo='4'/>"
# attr = doc.root.attributes.get_attribute('y:foo')
# doc.root.attributes.delete attr #-> <a z:foo='4'/>"
def delete( attribute )
name = nil
prefix = nil
if attribute.kind_of? Attribute
name = attribute.name
prefix = attribute.prefix
attribute =~ Namespace::NAMESPLIT
prefix, name = $1, $2
prefix = '' unless prefix
old = fetch(name, nil)
attr = nil
if old.kind_of? Hash # the supplied attribute is one of many
attr = old.delete(prefix)
if old.size == 1
repl = nil
old.each_value{|v| repl = v}
store name, repl
elsif old.nil?
return @element
else # the supplied attribute is a top-level one
attr = old
res = super(name)
# Adds an attribute, overriding any existing attribute by the
# same name. Namespaces are significant.
# attribute:: An Attribute
def add( attribute )
self[attribute.name] = attribute
alias :<< :add
# Deletes all attributes matching a name. Namespaces are significant.
# name::
# A String; all attributes that match this path will be removed
# Returns:: an Array of the Attributes that were removed
def delete_all( name )
rv = []
each_attribute { |attribute|
rv << attribute if attribute.expanded_name == name
rv.each{ |attr| attr.remove }
return rv
# The +get_attribute_ns+ method retrieves a method by its namespace
# and name. Thus it is possible to reliably identify an attribute
# even if an XML processor has changed the prefix.
# Method contributed by Henrik Martensson
def get_attribute_ns(namespace, name)
each_attribute() { |attribute|
if name == attribute.name &&
namespace == attribute.namespace()
return attribute