mirror of
synced 2022-11-09 12:17:21 -05:00

* include/ruby/intern.h (rb_str_new_literal): define on all platforms, not only gcc. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@49123 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
990 lines
35 KiB
990 lines
35 KiB
intern.h -
created at: Thu Jun 10 14:22:17 JST 1993
Copyright (C) 1993-2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto
Copyright (C) 2000 Network Applied Communication Laboratory, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2000 Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan
#define RUBY_INTERN_H 1
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
#if 0
} /* satisfy cc-mode */
#include "ruby/defines.h"
# include <stdarg.h>
# include <varargs.h>
#include "ruby/st.h"
* Functions and variables that are used by more than one source file of
* the kernel.
/* array.c */
void rb_mem_clear(register VALUE*, register long);
VALUE rb_assoc_new(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_check_array_type(VALUE);
VALUE rb_ary_new(void);
VALUE rb_ary_new_capa(long capa);
VALUE rb_ary_new_from_args(long n, ...);
VALUE rb_ary_new_from_values(long n, const VALUE *elts);
VALUE rb_ary_tmp_new(long);
void rb_ary_free(VALUE);
void rb_ary_modify(VALUE);
VALUE rb_ary_freeze(VALUE);
VALUE rb_ary_shared_with_p(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_ary_aref(int, const VALUE*, VALUE);
VALUE rb_ary_subseq(VALUE, long, long);
void rb_ary_store(VALUE, long, VALUE);
VALUE rb_ary_dup(VALUE);
VALUE rb_ary_resurrect(VALUE ary);
VALUE rb_ary_to_ary(VALUE);
VALUE rb_ary_to_s(VALUE);
VALUE rb_ary_cat(VALUE, const VALUE *, long);
VALUE rb_ary_push(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_ary_pop(VALUE);
VALUE rb_ary_shift(VALUE);
VALUE rb_ary_unshift(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_ary_entry(VALUE, long);
VALUE rb_ary_each(VALUE);
VALUE rb_ary_join(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_ary_reverse(VALUE);
VALUE rb_ary_rotate(VALUE, long);
VALUE rb_ary_sort(VALUE);
VALUE rb_ary_sort_bang(VALUE);
VALUE rb_ary_delete(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_ary_delete_at(VALUE, long);
VALUE rb_ary_clear(VALUE);
VALUE rb_ary_plus(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_ary_concat(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_ary_assoc(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_ary_rassoc(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_ary_includes(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_ary_cmp(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_ary_replace(VALUE copy, VALUE orig);
VALUE rb_get_values_at(VALUE, long, int, const VALUE*, VALUE(*)(VALUE,long));
VALUE rb_ary_resize(VALUE ary, long len);
#define rb_ary_new2 rb_ary_new_capa
#define rb_ary_new3 rb_ary_new_from_args
#define rb_ary_new4 rb_ary_new_from_values
/* bignum.c */
VALUE rb_big_new(size_t, int);
int rb_bigzero_p(VALUE x);
VALUE rb_big_clone(VALUE);
void rb_big_2comp(VALUE);
VALUE rb_big_norm(VALUE);
void rb_big_resize(VALUE big, size_t len);
VALUE rb_cstr_to_inum(const char*, int, int);
VALUE rb_str_to_inum(VALUE, int, int);
VALUE rb_cstr2inum(const char*, int);
VALUE rb_str2inum(VALUE, int);
VALUE rb_big2str(VALUE, int);
long rb_big2long(VALUE);
#define rb_big2int(x) rb_big2long(x)
unsigned long rb_big2ulong(VALUE);
#define rb_big2uint(x) rb_big2ulong(x)
LONG_LONG rb_big2ll(VALUE);
unsigned LONG_LONG rb_big2ull(VALUE);
#endif /* HAVE_LONG_LONG */
void rb_big_pack(VALUE val, unsigned long *buf, long num_longs);
VALUE rb_big_unpack(unsigned long *buf, long num_longs);
int rb_uv_to_utf8(char[6],unsigned long);
VALUE rb_dbl2big(double);
double rb_big2dbl(VALUE);
VALUE rb_big_cmp(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_big_eq(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_big_eql(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_big_plus(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_big_minus(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_big_mul(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_big_div(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_big_idiv(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_big_modulo(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_big_divmod(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_big_pow(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_big_and(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_big_or(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_big_xor(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_big_lshift(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_big_rshift(VALUE, VALUE);
/* For rb_integer_pack and rb_integer_unpack: */
/* "MS" in MSWORD and MSBYTE means "most significant" */
/* "LS" in LSWORD and LSBYTE means "least significant" */
#define INTEGER_PACK_2COMP 0x80
/* For rb_integer_unpack: */
/* Combinations: */
int rb_integer_pack(VALUE val, void *words, size_t numwords, size_t wordsize, size_t nails, int flags);
VALUE rb_integer_unpack(const void *words, size_t numwords, size_t wordsize, size_t nails, int flags);
size_t rb_absint_size(VALUE val, int *nlz_bits_ret);
size_t rb_absint_numwords(VALUE val, size_t word_numbits, size_t *nlz_bits_ret);
int rb_absint_singlebit_p(VALUE val);
/* rational.c */
VALUE rb_rational_raw(VALUE, VALUE);
#define rb_rational_raw1(x) rb_rational_raw((x), INT2FIX(1))
#define rb_rational_raw2(x,y) rb_rational_raw((x), (y))
VALUE rb_rational_new(VALUE, VALUE);
#define rb_rational_new1(x) rb_rational_new((x), INT2FIX(1))
#define rb_rational_new2(x,y) rb_rational_new((x), (y))
VALUE rb_Rational(VALUE, VALUE);
#define rb_Rational1(x) rb_Rational((x), INT2FIX(1))
#define rb_Rational2(x,y) rb_Rational((x), (y))
VALUE rb_rational_num(VALUE rat);
VALUE rb_rational_den(VALUE rat);
VALUE rb_flt_rationalize_with_prec(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_flt_rationalize(VALUE);
/* complex.c */
VALUE rb_complex_raw(VALUE, VALUE);
#define rb_complex_raw1(x) rb_complex_raw((x), INT2FIX(0))
#define rb_complex_raw2(x,y) rb_complex_raw((x), (y))
VALUE rb_complex_new(VALUE, VALUE);
#define rb_complex_new1(x) rb_complex_new((x), INT2FIX(0))
#define rb_complex_new2(x,y) rb_complex_new((x), (y))
VALUE rb_complex_polar(VALUE, VALUE);
#define rb_Complex1(x) rb_Complex((x), INT2FIX(0))
#define rb_Complex2(x,y) rb_Complex((x), (y))
DEPRECATED(VALUE rb_complex_set_real(VALUE, VALUE));
DEPRECATED(VALUE rb_complex_set_imag(VALUE, VALUE));
/* class.c */
VALUE rb_class_boot(VALUE);
VALUE rb_class_new(VALUE);
VALUE rb_mod_init_copy(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_singleton_class_clone(VALUE);
void rb_singleton_class_attached(VALUE,VALUE);
VALUE rb_make_metaclass(VALUE, VALUE);
void rb_check_inheritable(VALUE);
VALUE rb_class_inherited(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_define_class_id(ID, VALUE);
VALUE rb_define_class_id_under(VALUE, ID, VALUE);
VALUE rb_module_new(void);
VALUE rb_define_module_id(ID);
VALUE rb_define_module_id_under(VALUE, ID);
VALUE rb_include_class_new(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_mod_included_modules(VALUE);
VALUE rb_mod_include_p(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_mod_ancestors(VALUE);
VALUE rb_class_instance_methods(int, const VALUE*, VALUE);
VALUE rb_class_public_instance_methods(int, const VALUE*, VALUE);
VALUE rb_class_protected_instance_methods(int, const VALUE*, VALUE);
VALUE rb_class_private_instance_methods(int, const VALUE*, VALUE);
VALUE rb_obj_singleton_methods(int, const VALUE*, VALUE);
void rb_define_method_id(VALUE, ID, VALUE (*)(ANYARGS), int);
void rb_frozen_class_p(VALUE);
void rb_undef(VALUE, ID);
void rb_define_protected_method(VALUE, const char*, VALUE (*)(ANYARGS), int);
void rb_define_private_method(VALUE, const char*, VALUE (*)(ANYARGS), int);
void rb_define_singleton_method(VALUE, const char*, VALUE(*)(ANYARGS), int);
VALUE rb_singleton_class(VALUE);
/* compar.c */
int rb_cmpint(VALUE, VALUE, VALUE);
NORETURN(void rb_cmperr(VALUE, VALUE));
/* cont.c */
VALUE rb_fiber_new(VALUE (*)(ANYARGS), VALUE);
VALUE rb_fiber_resume(VALUE fib, int argc, const VALUE *argv);
VALUE rb_fiber_yield(int argc, const VALUE *argv);
VALUE rb_fiber_current(void);
VALUE rb_fiber_alive_p(VALUE);
/* enum.c */
VALUE rb_enum_values_pack(int, const VALUE*);
/* enumerator.c */
VALUE rb_enumeratorize(VALUE, VALUE, int, const VALUE *);
typedef VALUE rb_enumerator_size_func(VALUE, VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_enumeratorize_with_size(VALUE, VALUE, int, const VALUE *, rb_enumerator_size_func *);
#define rb_enumeratorize_with_size(obj, id, argc, argv, size_fn) \
rb_enumeratorize_with_size(obj, id, argc, argv, (rb_enumerator_size_func *)(size_fn))
#define SIZED_ENUMERATOR(obj, argc, argv, size_fn) \
rb_enumeratorize_with_size((obj), ID2SYM(rb_frame_this_func()), \
(argc), (argv), (size_fn))
#define RETURN_SIZED_ENUMERATOR(obj, argc, argv, size_fn) do { \
if (!rb_block_given_p()) \
return SIZED_ENUMERATOR(obj, argc, argv, size_fn); \
} while (0)
#define RETURN_ENUMERATOR(obj, argc, argv) RETURN_SIZED_ENUMERATOR(obj, argc, argv, 0)
/* error.c */
VALUE rb_exc_new(VALUE, const char*, long);
VALUE rb_exc_new_cstr(VALUE, const char*);
VALUE rb_exc_new_str(VALUE, VALUE);
#define rb_exc_new2 rb_exc_new_cstr
#define rb_exc_new3 rb_exc_new_str
PRINTF_ARGS(NORETURN(void rb_loaderror(const char*, ...)), 1, 2);
PRINTF_ARGS(NORETURN(void rb_loaderror_with_path(VALUE path, const char*, ...)), 2, 3);
PRINTF_ARGS(NORETURN(void rb_name_error(ID, const char*, ...)), 2, 3);
PRINTF_ARGS(NORETURN(void rb_name_error_str(VALUE, const char*, ...)), 2, 3);
NORETURN(void rb_invalid_str(const char*, const char*));
PRINTF_ARGS(void rb_compile_error(const char*, int, const char*, ...), 3, 4);
PRINTF_ARGS(void rb_compile_error_with_enc(const char*, int, void *, const char*, ...), 4, 5);
PRINTF_ARGS(void rb_compile_error_append(const char*, ...), 1, 2);
NORETURN(void rb_error_frozen(const char*));
NORETURN(void rb_error_frozen_object(VALUE));
void rb_error_untrusted(VALUE);
void rb_check_frozen(VALUE);
void rb_check_trusted(VALUE);
#define rb_check_frozen_internal(obj) do { \
VALUE frozen_obj = (obj); \
if (OBJ_FROZEN(frozen_obj)) { \
rb_error_frozen_object(frozen_obj); \
} \
} while (0)
#define rb_check_trusted_internal(obj) ((void) 0)
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define rb_check_frozen(obj) __extension__({rb_check_frozen_internal(obj);})
#define rb_check_trusted(obj) __extension__({rb_check_trusted_internal(obj);})
static inline void
rb_check_frozen_inline(VALUE obj)
#define rb_check_frozen(obj) rb_check_frozen_inline(obj)
static inline void
rb_check_trusted_inline(VALUE obj)
#define rb_check_trusted(obj) rb_check_trusted_inline(obj)
void rb_check_copyable(VALUE obj, VALUE orig);
#define OBJ_INIT_COPY(obj, orig) \
((obj) != (orig) && (rb_obj_init_copy((obj), (orig)), 1))
/* eval.c */
int rb_sourceline(void);
const char *rb_sourcefile(void);
VALUE rb_check_funcall(VALUE, ID, int, const VALUE*);
NORETURN(void rb_error_arity(int, int, int));
#define rb_check_arity rb_check_arity /* for ifdef */
static inline void
rb_check_arity(int argc, int min, int max)
if ((argc < min) || (max != UNLIMITED_ARGUMENTS && argc > max))
rb_error_arity(argc, min, max);
#if defined(NFDBITS) && defined(HAVE_RB_FD_INIT)
typedef struct {
int maxfd;
fd_set *fdset;
} rb_fdset_t;
void rb_fd_init(rb_fdset_t *);
void rb_fd_term(rb_fdset_t *);
void rb_fd_zero(rb_fdset_t *);
void rb_fd_set(int, rb_fdset_t *);
void rb_fd_clr(int, rb_fdset_t *);
int rb_fd_isset(int, const rb_fdset_t *);
void rb_fd_copy(rb_fdset_t *, const fd_set *, int);
void rb_fd_dup(rb_fdset_t *dst, const rb_fdset_t *src);
struct timeval;
int rb_fd_select(int, rb_fdset_t *, rb_fdset_t *, rb_fdset_t *, struct timeval *);
#define rb_fd_ptr(f) ((f)->fdset)
#define rb_fd_max(f) ((f)->maxfd)
#elif defined(_WIN32)
typedef struct {
int capa;
fd_set *fdset;
} rb_fdset_t;
void rb_fd_init(rb_fdset_t *);
void rb_fd_term(rb_fdset_t *);
#define rb_fd_zero(f) ((f)->fdset->fd_count = 0)
void rb_fd_set(int, rb_fdset_t *);
#define rb_fd_clr(n, f) rb_w32_fdclr((n), (f)->fdset)
#define rb_fd_isset(n, f) rb_w32_fdisset((n), (f)->fdset)
#define rb_fd_copy(d, s, n) rb_w32_fd_copy((d), (s), (n))
void rb_w32_fd_copy(rb_fdset_t *, const fd_set *, int);
#define rb_fd_dup(d, s) rb_w32_fd_dup((d), (s))
void rb_w32_fd_dup(rb_fdset_t *dst, const rb_fdset_t *src);
#define rb_fd_select(n, rfds, wfds, efds, timeout) rb_w32_select((n), (rfds) ? ((rb_fdset_t*)(rfds))->fdset : NULL, (wfds) ? ((rb_fdset_t*)(wfds))->fdset : NULL, (efds) ? ((rb_fdset_t*)(efds))->fdset: NULL, (timeout))
#define rb_fd_resize(n, f) ((void)(f))
#define rb_fd_ptr(f) ((f)->fdset)
#define rb_fd_max(f) ((f)->fdset->fd_count)
typedef fd_set rb_fdset_t;
#define rb_fd_zero(f) FD_ZERO(f)
#define rb_fd_set(n, f) FD_SET((n), (f))
#define rb_fd_clr(n, f) FD_CLR((n), (f))
#define rb_fd_isset(n, f) FD_ISSET((n), (f))
#define rb_fd_copy(d, s, n) (*(d) = *(s))
#define rb_fd_dup(d, s) (*(d) = *(s))
#define rb_fd_resize(n, f) ((void)(f))
#define rb_fd_ptr(f) (f)
#define rb_fd_init(f) FD_ZERO(f)
#define rb_fd_init_copy(d, s) (*(d) = *(s))
#define rb_fd_term(f) ((void)(f))
#define rb_fd_max(f) FD_SETSIZE
#define rb_fd_select(n, rfds, wfds, efds, timeout) select((n), (rfds), (wfds), (efds), (timeout))
NORETURN(void rb_exc_raise(VALUE));
NORETURN(void rb_exc_fatal(VALUE));
VALUE rb_f_exit(int, const VALUE*);
VALUE rb_f_abort(int, const VALUE*);
void rb_remove_method(VALUE, const char*);
void rb_remove_method_id(VALUE, ID);
DEPRECATED(static inline void rb_disable_super(void));
DEPRECATED(static inline void rb_enable_super(void));
static inline void rb_disable_super(void)
/* obsolete - no use */
static inline void rb_enable_super(void)
rb_warning("rb_enable_super() is obsolete");
#define rb_disable_super(klass, name) rb_disable_super()
#define rb_enable_super(klass, name) rb_enable_super()
typedef VALUE (*rb_alloc_func_t)(VALUE);
void rb_define_alloc_func(VALUE, rb_alloc_func_t);
void rb_undef_alloc_func(VALUE);
rb_alloc_func_t rb_get_alloc_func(VALUE);
DEPRECATED(void rb_clear_cache(void));
void rb_clear_constant_cache(void);
void rb_clear_method_cache_by_class(VALUE);
void rb_alias(VALUE, ID, ID);
void rb_attr(VALUE,ID,int,int,int);
int rb_method_boundp(VALUE, ID, int);
int rb_method_basic_definition_p(VALUE, ID);
VALUE rb_eval_cmd(VALUE, VALUE, int);
int rb_obj_respond_to(VALUE, ID, int);
int rb_respond_to(VALUE, ID);
VALUE rb_f_notimplement(int argc, const VALUE *argv, VALUE obj);
void rb_interrupt(void);
void rb_backtrace(void);
ID rb_frame_this_func(void);
VALUE rb_obj_instance_eval(int, const VALUE*, VALUE);
VALUE rb_obj_instance_exec(int, const VALUE*, VALUE);
VALUE rb_mod_module_eval(int, const VALUE*, VALUE);
VALUE rb_mod_module_exec(int, const VALUE*, VALUE);
void rb_load(VALUE, int);
void rb_load_protect(VALUE, int, int*);
NORETURN(void rb_jump_tag(int));
int rb_provided(const char*);
int rb_feature_provided(const char *, const char **);
void rb_provide(const char*);
VALUE rb_f_require(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_require_safe(VALUE, int);
void rb_obj_call_init(VALUE, int, const VALUE*);
VALUE rb_class_new_instance(int, const VALUE*, VALUE);
VALUE rb_block_proc(void);
VALUE rb_block_lambda(void);
VALUE rb_proc_new(VALUE (*)(ANYARGS/* VALUE yieldarg[, VALUE procarg] */), VALUE);
VALUE rb_obj_is_proc(VALUE);
VALUE rb_proc_call(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_proc_call_with_block(VALUE, int argc, const VALUE *argv, VALUE);
int rb_proc_arity(VALUE);
VALUE rb_proc_lambda_p(VALUE);
VALUE rb_binding_new(void);
VALUE rb_obj_method(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_obj_is_method(VALUE);
VALUE rb_method_call(int, const VALUE*, VALUE);
VALUE rb_method_call_with_block(int, const VALUE *, VALUE, VALUE);
int rb_mod_method_arity(VALUE, ID);
int rb_obj_method_arity(VALUE, ID);
VALUE rb_protect(VALUE (*)(VALUE), VALUE, int*);
void rb_set_end_proc(void (*)(VALUE), VALUE);
void rb_exec_end_proc(void);
void rb_thread_schedule(void);
void rb_thread_wait_fd(int);
int rb_thread_fd_writable(int);
void rb_thread_fd_close(int);
int rb_thread_alone(void);
void rb_thread_sleep(int);
void rb_thread_sleep_forever(void);
void rb_thread_sleep_deadly(void);
VALUE rb_thread_stop(void);
VALUE rb_thread_wakeup(VALUE);
VALUE rb_thread_wakeup_alive(VALUE);
VALUE rb_thread_run(VALUE);
VALUE rb_thread_kill(VALUE);
VALUE rb_thread_create(VALUE (*)(ANYARGS), void*);
int rb_thread_fd_select(int, rb_fdset_t *, rb_fdset_t *, rb_fdset_t *, struct timeval *);
void rb_thread_wait_for(struct timeval);
VALUE rb_thread_current(void);
VALUE rb_thread_main(void);
VALUE rb_thread_local_aref(VALUE, ID);
VALUE rb_thread_local_aset(VALUE, ID, VALUE);
void rb_thread_atfork(void);
void rb_thread_atfork_before_exec(void);
VALUE rb_exec_recursive(VALUE(*)(VALUE, VALUE, int),VALUE,VALUE);
VALUE rb_exec_recursive_paired(VALUE(*)(VALUE, VALUE, int),VALUE,VALUE,VALUE);
VALUE rb_exec_recursive_outer(VALUE(*)(VALUE, VALUE, int),VALUE,VALUE);
VALUE rb_exec_recursive_paired_outer(VALUE(*)(VALUE, VALUE, int),VALUE,VALUE,VALUE);
/* dir.c */
VALUE rb_dir_getwd(void);
/* file.c */
VALUE rb_file_s_expand_path(int, const VALUE *);
VALUE rb_file_expand_path(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_file_s_absolute_path(int, const VALUE *);
VALUE rb_file_absolute_path(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_file_dirname(VALUE fname);
int rb_find_file_ext_safe(VALUE*, const char* const*, int);
VALUE rb_find_file_safe(VALUE, int);
int rb_find_file_ext(VALUE*, const char* const*);
VALUE rb_find_file(VALUE);
VALUE rb_file_directory_p(VALUE,VALUE);
VALUE rb_str_encode_ospath(VALUE);
int rb_is_absolute_path(const char *);
/* gc.c */
NORETURN(void rb_memerror(void));
int rb_during_gc(void);
void rb_gc_mark_locations(const VALUE*, const VALUE*);
void rb_mark_tbl(struct st_table*);
void rb_mark_set(struct st_table*);
void rb_mark_hash(struct st_table*);
void rb_gc_mark_maybe(VALUE);
void rb_gc_mark(VALUE);
void rb_gc_force_recycle(VALUE);
void rb_gc(void);
void rb_gc_copy_finalizer(VALUE,VALUE);
void rb_gc_finalize_deferred(void);
void rb_gc_call_finalizer_at_exit(void);
VALUE rb_gc_enable(void);
VALUE rb_gc_disable(void);
VALUE rb_gc_start(void);
VALUE rb_define_finalizer(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_undefine_finalizer(VALUE);
size_t rb_gc_count(void);
size_t rb_gc_stat(VALUE);
VALUE rb_gc_latest_gc_info(VALUE);
/* hash.c */
void st_foreach_safe(struct st_table *, int (*)(ANYARGS), st_data_t);
VALUE rb_check_hash_type(VALUE);
void rb_hash_foreach(VALUE, int (*)(ANYARGS), VALUE);
VALUE rb_hash(VALUE);
VALUE rb_hash_new(void);
VALUE rb_hash_dup(VALUE);
VALUE rb_hash_freeze(VALUE);
VALUE rb_hash_aref(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_hash_lookup(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_hash_lookup2(VALUE, VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_hash_fetch(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_hash_aset(VALUE, VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_hash_clear(VALUE);
VALUE rb_hash_delete_if(VALUE);
VALUE rb_hash_delete(VALUE,VALUE);
VALUE rb_hash_set_ifnone(VALUE hash, VALUE ifnone);
typedef VALUE rb_hash_update_func(VALUE newkey, VALUE oldkey, VALUE value);
VALUE rb_hash_update_by(VALUE hash1, VALUE hash2, rb_hash_update_func *func);
struct st_table *rb_hash_tbl(VALUE);
int rb_path_check(const char*);
int rb_env_path_tainted(void);
VALUE rb_env_clear(void);
VALUE rb_hash_size(VALUE);
DEPRECATED(int rb_hash_iter_lev(VALUE));
DEPRECATED(VALUE rb_hash_ifnone(VALUE));
/* io.c */
#define rb_defout rb_stdout
RUBY_EXTERN VALUE rb_output_fs;
RUBY_EXTERN VALUE rb_default_rs;
RUBY_EXTERN VALUE rb_output_rs;
VALUE rb_io_write(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_io_gets(VALUE);
VALUE rb_io_getbyte(VALUE);
VALUE rb_io_ungetc(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_io_ungetbyte(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_io_close(VALUE);
VALUE rb_io_flush(VALUE);
VALUE rb_io_eof(VALUE);
VALUE rb_io_binmode(VALUE);
VALUE rb_io_ascii8bit_binmode(VALUE);
VALUE rb_io_addstr(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_io_printf(int, const VALUE*, VALUE);
VALUE rb_io_print(int, const VALUE*, VALUE);
VALUE rb_io_puts(int, const VALUE*, VALUE);
VALUE rb_io_fdopen(int, int, const char*);
VALUE rb_io_get_io(VALUE);
VALUE rb_file_open(const char*, const char*);
VALUE rb_file_open_str(VALUE, const char*);
VALUE rb_gets(void);
void rb_write_error(const char*);
void rb_write_error2(const char*, long);
void rb_close_before_exec(int lowfd, int maxhint, VALUE noclose_fds);
int rb_pipe(int *pipes);
int rb_reserved_fd_p(int fd);
int rb_cloexec_open(const char *pathname, int flags, mode_t mode);
int rb_cloexec_dup(int oldfd);
int rb_cloexec_dup2(int oldfd, int newfd);
int rb_cloexec_pipe(int fildes[2]);
int rb_cloexec_fcntl_dupfd(int fd, int minfd);
#define RB_RESERVED_FD_P(fd) rb_reserved_fd_p(fd)
void rb_update_max_fd(int fd);
void rb_fd_fix_cloexec(int fd);
/* marshal.c */
VALUE rb_marshal_dump(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_marshal_load(VALUE);
void rb_marshal_define_compat(VALUE newclass, VALUE oldclass, VALUE (*dumper)(VALUE), VALUE (*loader)(VALUE, VALUE));
/* numeric.c */
NORETURN(void rb_num_zerodiv(void));
VALUE rb_num_coerce_bin(VALUE, VALUE, ID);
VALUE rb_num_coerce_cmp(VALUE, VALUE, ID);
VALUE rb_num_coerce_relop(VALUE, VALUE, ID);
VALUE rb_num_coerce_bit(VALUE, VALUE, ID);
VALUE rb_num2fix(VALUE);
VALUE rb_fix2str(VALUE, int);
VALUE rb_dbl_cmp(double, double);
/* object.c */
int rb_eql(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_any_to_s(VALUE);
VALUE rb_inspect(VALUE);
VALUE rb_obj_is_instance_of(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_obj_is_kind_of(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_obj_alloc(VALUE);
VALUE rb_obj_clone(VALUE);
VALUE rb_obj_dup(VALUE);
VALUE rb_obj_init_copy(VALUE,VALUE);
VALUE rb_obj_taint(VALUE);
VALUE rb_obj_tainted(VALUE);
VALUE rb_obj_untaint(VALUE);
VALUE rb_obj_untrust(VALUE);
VALUE rb_obj_untrusted(VALUE);
VALUE rb_obj_trust(VALUE);
VALUE rb_obj_freeze(VALUE);
VALUE rb_obj_frozen_p(VALUE);
VALUE rb_obj_id(VALUE);
VALUE rb_obj_class(VALUE);
VALUE rb_class_real(VALUE);
VALUE rb_class_inherited_p(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_class_superclass(VALUE);
VALUE rb_class_get_superclass(VALUE);
VALUE rb_convert_type(VALUE,int,const char*,const char*);
VALUE rb_check_convert_type(VALUE,int,const char*,const char*);
VALUE rb_check_to_integer(VALUE, const char *);
VALUE rb_check_to_float(VALUE);
VALUE rb_to_int(VALUE);
VALUE rb_check_to_int(VALUE);
VALUE rb_Integer(VALUE);
VALUE rb_to_float(VALUE);
VALUE rb_Float(VALUE);
VALUE rb_String(VALUE);
VALUE rb_Array(VALUE);
double rb_cstr_to_dbl(const char*, int);
double rb_str_to_dbl(VALUE, int);
/* parse.y */
RUBY_EXTERN int ruby_sourceline;
RUBY_EXTERN char *ruby_sourcefile;
ID rb_id_attrset(ID);
int rb_is_const_id(ID);
int rb_is_global_id(ID);
int rb_is_instance_id(ID);
int rb_is_attrset_id(ID);
int rb_is_class_id(ID);
int rb_is_local_id(ID);
int rb_is_junk_id(ID);
int rb_symname_p(const char*);
int rb_sym_interned_p(VALUE);
VALUE rb_backref_get(void);
void rb_backref_set(VALUE);
VALUE rb_lastline_get(void);
void rb_lastline_set(VALUE);
VALUE rb_sym_all_symbols(void);
/* process.c */
void rb_last_status_set(int status, rb_pid_t pid);
VALUE rb_last_status_get(void);
int rb_proc_exec(const char*);
VALUE rb_f_exec(int, const VALUE*);
rb_pid_t rb_waitpid(rb_pid_t pid, int *status, int flags);
void rb_syswait(rb_pid_t pid);
rb_pid_t rb_spawn(int, const VALUE*);
rb_pid_t rb_spawn_err(int, const VALUE*, char*, size_t);
VALUE rb_proc_times(VALUE);
VALUE rb_detach_process(rb_pid_t pid);
/* range.c */
VALUE rb_range_new(VALUE, VALUE, int);
VALUE rb_range_beg_len(VALUE, long*, long*, long, int);
int rb_range_values(VALUE range, VALUE *begp, VALUE *endp, int *exclp);
/* random.c */
unsigned int rb_genrand_int32(void);
double rb_genrand_real(void);
void rb_reset_random_seed(void);
VALUE rb_random_bytes(VALUE rnd, long n);
VALUE rb_random_int(VALUE rnd, VALUE max);
unsigned int rb_random_int32(VALUE rnd);
double rb_random_real(VALUE rnd);
unsigned long rb_random_ulong_limited(VALUE rnd, unsigned long limit);
unsigned long rb_genrand_ulong_limited(unsigned long i);
/* re.c */
#define rb_memcmp memcmp
int rb_memcicmp(const void*,const void*,long);
void rb_match_busy(VALUE);
VALUE rb_reg_nth_defined(int, VALUE);
VALUE rb_reg_nth_match(int, VALUE);
int rb_reg_backref_number(VALUE match, VALUE backref);
VALUE rb_reg_last_match(VALUE);
VALUE rb_reg_match_pre(VALUE);
VALUE rb_reg_match_post(VALUE);
VALUE rb_reg_match_last(VALUE);
VALUE rb_reg_new_str(VALUE, int);
VALUE rb_reg_new(const char *, long, int);
VALUE rb_reg_alloc(void);
VALUE rb_reg_init_str(VALUE re, VALUE s, int options);
VALUE rb_reg_match(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_reg_match2(VALUE);
int rb_reg_options(VALUE);
/* ruby.c */
#define rb_argv rb_get_argv()
VALUE rb_get_argv(void);
void *rb_load_file(const char*);
void *rb_load_file_str(VALUE);
/* signal.c */
VALUE rb_f_kill(int, const VALUE*);
#define posix_signal ruby_posix_signal
RETSIGTYPE (*posix_signal(int, RETSIGTYPE (*)(int)))(int);
void rb_trap_exit(void);
void rb_trap_exec(void);
const char *ruby_signal_name(int);
void ruby_default_signal(int);
/* sprintf.c */
VALUE rb_f_sprintf(int, const VALUE*);
PRINTF_ARGS(VALUE rb_sprintf(const char*, ...), 1, 2);
VALUE rb_vsprintf(const char*, va_list);
PRINTF_ARGS(VALUE rb_str_catf(VALUE, const char*, ...), 2, 3);
VALUE rb_str_vcatf(VALUE, const char*, va_list);
VALUE rb_str_format(int, const VALUE *, VALUE);
/* string.c */
VALUE rb_str_new(const char*, long);
VALUE rb_str_new_cstr(const char*);
VALUE rb_str_new_shared(VALUE);
VALUE rb_str_new_frozen(VALUE);
VALUE rb_str_new_with_class(VALUE, const char*, long);
VALUE rb_tainted_str_new_cstr(const char*);
VALUE rb_tainted_str_new(const char*, long);
VALUE rb_external_str_new(const char*, long);
VALUE rb_external_str_new_cstr(const char*);
VALUE rb_locale_str_new(const char*, long);
VALUE rb_locale_str_new_cstr(const char*);
VALUE rb_filesystem_str_new(const char*, long);
VALUE rb_filesystem_str_new_cstr(const char*);
VALUE rb_str_buf_new(long);
VALUE rb_str_buf_new_cstr(const char*);
VALUE rb_str_buf_new2(const char*);
VALUE rb_str_tmp_new(long);
VALUE rb_usascii_str_new(const char*, long);
VALUE rb_usascii_str_new_cstr(const char*);
VALUE rb_utf8_str_new(const char*, long);
VALUE rb_utf8_str_new_cstr(const char*);
VALUE rb_str_new_static(const char *, long);
VALUE rb_usascii_str_new_static(const char *, long);
VALUE rb_utf8_str_new_static(const char *, long);
void rb_str_free(VALUE);
void rb_str_shared_replace(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_str_buf_append(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_str_buf_cat(VALUE, const char*, long);
VALUE rb_str_buf_cat2(VALUE, const char*);
VALUE rb_str_buf_cat_ascii(VALUE, const char*);
VALUE rb_obj_as_string(VALUE);
VALUE rb_check_string_type(VALUE);
void rb_must_asciicompat(VALUE);
VALUE rb_str_dup(VALUE);
VALUE rb_str_resurrect(VALUE str);
VALUE rb_str_locktmp(VALUE);
VALUE rb_str_unlocktmp(VALUE);
VALUE rb_str_dup_frozen(VALUE);
#define rb_str_dup_frozen rb_str_new_frozen
VALUE rb_str_plus(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_str_times(VALUE, VALUE);
long rb_str_sublen(VALUE, long);
VALUE rb_str_substr(VALUE, long, long);
VALUE rb_str_subseq(VALUE, long, long);
char *rb_str_subpos(VALUE, long, long*);
void rb_str_modify(VALUE);
void rb_str_modify_expand(VALUE, long);
VALUE rb_str_freeze(VALUE);
void rb_str_set_len(VALUE, long);
VALUE rb_str_resize(VALUE, long);
VALUE rb_str_cat(VALUE, const char*, long);
VALUE rb_str_cat_cstr(VALUE, const char*);
VALUE rb_str_cat2(VALUE, const char*);
VALUE rb_str_append(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_str_concat(VALUE, VALUE);
st_index_t rb_memhash(const void *ptr, long len);
st_index_t rb_hash_start(st_index_t);
st_index_t rb_hash_uint32(st_index_t, uint32_t);
st_index_t rb_hash_uint(st_index_t, st_index_t);
st_index_t rb_hash_end(st_index_t);
#define rb_hash_uint32(h, i) st_hash_uint32((h), (i))
#define rb_hash_uint(h, i) st_hash_uint((h), (i))
#define rb_hash_end(h) st_hash_end(h)
st_index_t rb_str_hash(VALUE);
int rb_str_hash_cmp(VALUE,VALUE);
int rb_str_comparable(VALUE, VALUE);
int rb_str_cmp(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_str_equal(VALUE str1, VALUE str2);
VALUE rb_str_drop_bytes(VALUE, long);
void rb_str_update(VALUE, long, long, VALUE);
VALUE rb_str_replace(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_str_inspect(VALUE);
VALUE rb_str_dump(VALUE);
VALUE rb_str_split(VALUE, const char*);
DEPRECATED(void rb_str_associate(VALUE, VALUE));
DEPRECATED(VALUE rb_str_associated(VALUE));
void rb_str_setter(VALUE, ID, VALUE*);
VALUE rb_str_intern(VALUE);
VALUE rb_sym_to_s(VALUE);
long rb_str_strlen(VALUE);
VALUE rb_str_length(VALUE);
long rb_str_offset(VALUE, long);
size_t rb_str_capacity(VALUE);
VALUE rb_str_ellipsize(VALUE, long);
VALUE rb_str_scrub(VALUE, VALUE);
#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__PCC__)
#define rb_str_new(str, len) __extension__ ( \
{ \
(__builtin_constant_p(str) && __builtin_constant_p(len)) ? \
rb_str_new_static((str), (len)) : \
rb_str_new((str), (len)); \
#define rb_str_new_cstr(str) __extension__ ( \
{ \
(__builtin_constant_p(str)) ? \
rb_str_new_static((str), (long)strlen(str)) : \
rb_str_new_cstr(str); \
#define rb_usascii_str_new(str, len) __extension__ ( \
{ \
(__builtin_constant_p(str) && __builtin_constant_p(len)) ? \
rb_usascii_str_new_static((str), (len)) : \
rb_usascii_str_new((str), (len)); \
#define rb_utf8_str_new(str, len) __extension__ ( \
{ \
(__builtin_constant_p(str) && __builtin_constant_p(len)) ? \
rb_utf8_str_new_static((str), (len)) : \
rb_utf8_str_new((str), (len)); \
#define rb_tainted_str_new_cstr(str) __extension__ ( \
{ \
(__builtin_constant_p(str)) ? \
rb_tainted_str_new((str), (long)strlen(str)) : \
rb_tainted_str_new_cstr(str); \
#define rb_usascii_str_new_cstr(str) __extension__ ( \
{ \
(__builtin_constant_p(str)) ? \
rb_usascii_str_new_static((str), (long)strlen(str)) : \
rb_usascii_str_new_cstr(str); \
#define rb_utf8_str_new_cstr(str) __extension__ ( \
{ \
(__builtin_constant_p(str)) ? \
rb_utf8_str_new_static((str), (long)strlen(str)) : \
rb_utf8_str_new_cstr(str); \
#define rb_external_str_new_cstr(str) __extension__ ( \
{ \
(__builtin_constant_p(str)) ? \
rb_external_str_new((str), (long)strlen(str)) : \
rb_external_str_new_cstr(str); \
#define rb_locale_str_new_cstr(str) __extension__ ( \
{ \
(__builtin_constant_p(str)) ? \
rb_locale_str_new((str), (long)strlen(str)) : \
rb_locale_str_new_cstr(str); \
#define rb_str_buf_new_cstr(str) __extension__ ( \
{ \
(__builtin_constant_p(str)) ? \
rb_str_buf_cat(rb_str_buf_new((long)strlen(str)), \
(str), (long)strlen(str)) : \
rb_str_buf_new_cstr(str); \
#define rb_str_cat_cstr(str, ptr) __extension__ ( \
{ \
(__builtin_constant_p(ptr)) ? \
rb_str_cat((str), (ptr), (long)strlen(ptr)) : \
rb_str_cat_cstr((str), (ptr)); \
#define rb_exc_new_cstr(klass, ptr) __extension__ ( \
{ \
(__builtin_constant_p(ptr)) ? \
rb_exc_new((klass), (ptr), (long)strlen(ptr)) : \
rb_exc_new_cstr((klass), (ptr)); \
#define rb_str_new2 rb_str_new_cstr
#define rb_str_new3 rb_str_new_shared
#define rb_str_new4 rb_str_new_frozen
#define rb_str_new5 rb_str_new_with_class
#define rb_tainted_str_new2 rb_tainted_str_new_cstr
#define rb_str_buf_new2 rb_str_buf_new_cstr
#define rb_usascii_str_new2 rb_usascii_str_new_cstr
#define rb_str_buf_cat rb_str_cat
#define rb_str_buf_cat2 rb_str_cat_cstr
#define rb_str_cat2 rb_str_cat_cstr
#define rb_str_new_literal(str) rb_str_new_static((str), sizeof(str)-1)
#define rb_usascii_str_new_literal(str) rb_usascii_str_new_static((str), sizeof(str)-1)
#define rb_utf8_str_new_literal(str) rb_utf8_str_new_static((str), sizeof(str)-1)
#define rb_enc_str_new_literal(str, enc) rb_enc_str_new_static((str), sizeof(str)-1, (enc))
/* struct.c */
VALUE rb_struct_new(VALUE, ...);
VALUE rb_struct_define(const char*, ...);
VALUE rb_struct_define_under(VALUE, const char*, ...);
VALUE rb_struct_alloc(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_struct_initialize(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_struct_aref(VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_struct_aset(VALUE, VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_struct_getmember(VALUE, ID);
VALUE rb_struct_s_members(VALUE);
VALUE rb_struct_members(VALUE);
VALUE rb_struct_alloc_noinit(VALUE);
VALUE rb_struct_define_without_accessor(const char *, VALUE, rb_alloc_func_t, ...);
VALUE rb_struct_define_without_accessor_under(VALUE outer, const char *class_name, VALUE super, rb_alloc_func_t alloc, ...);
/* thread.c */
typedef void rb_unblock_function_t(void *);
typedef VALUE rb_blocking_function_t(void *);
void rb_thread_check_ints(void);
int rb_thread_interrupted(VALUE thval);
#define RUBY_UBF_IO ((rb_unblock_function_t *)-1)
#define RUBY_UBF_PROCESS ((rb_unblock_function_t *)-1)
VALUE rb_mutex_new(void);
VALUE rb_mutex_locked_p(VALUE mutex);
VALUE rb_mutex_trylock(VALUE mutex);
VALUE rb_mutex_lock(VALUE mutex);
VALUE rb_mutex_unlock(VALUE mutex);
VALUE rb_mutex_sleep(VALUE self, VALUE timeout);
VALUE rb_mutex_synchronize(VALUE mutex, VALUE (*func)(VALUE arg), VALUE arg);
/* time.c */
VALUE rb_time_new(time_t, long);
VALUE rb_time_nano_new(time_t, long);
VALUE rb_time_num_new(VALUE, VALUE);
struct timeval rb_time_interval(VALUE num);
struct timeval rb_time_timeval(VALUE time);
struct timespec rb_time_timespec(VALUE time);
/* variable.c */
VALUE rb_mod_name(VALUE);
VALUE rb_class_path(VALUE);
VALUE rb_class_path_cached(VALUE);
void rb_set_class_path(VALUE, VALUE, const char*);
void rb_set_class_path_string(VALUE, VALUE, VALUE);
VALUE rb_path_to_class(VALUE);
VALUE rb_path2class(const char*);
void rb_name_class(VALUE, ID);
VALUE rb_class_name(VALUE);
void rb_autoload(VALUE, ID, const char*);
VALUE rb_autoload_load(VALUE, ID);
VALUE rb_autoload_p(VALUE, ID);
VALUE rb_f_trace_var(int, const VALUE*);
VALUE rb_f_untrace_var(int, const VALUE*);
VALUE rb_f_global_variables(void);
void rb_alias_variable(ID, ID);
struct st_table* rb_generic_ivar_table(VALUE);
void rb_copy_generic_ivar(VALUE,VALUE);
void rb_free_generic_ivar(VALUE);
VALUE rb_ivar_get(VALUE, ID);
VALUE rb_ivar_set(VALUE, ID, VALUE);
VALUE rb_ivar_defined(VALUE, ID);
void rb_ivar_foreach(VALUE, int (*)(ANYARGS), st_data_t);
st_index_t rb_ivar_count(VALUE);
VALUE rb_attr_get(VALUE, ID);
VALUE rb_obj_instance_variables(VALUE);
VALUE rb_obj_remove_instance_variable(VALUE, VALUE);
void *rb_mod_const_at(VALUE, void*);
void *rb_mod_const_of(VALUE, void*);
VALUE rb_const_list(void*);
VALUE rb_mod_constants(int, const VALUE *, VALUE);
VALUE rb_mod_remove_const(VALUE, VALUE);
int rb_const_defined(VALUE, ID);
int rb_const_defined_at(VALUE, ID);
int rb_const_defined_from(VALUE, ID);
VALUE rb_const_get(VALUE, ID);
VALUE rb_const_get_at(VALUE, ID);
VALUE rb_const_get_from(VALUE, ID);
void rb_const_set(VALUE, ID, VALUE);
VALUE rb_const_remove(VALUE, ID);
VALUE rb_mod_const_missing(VALUE,VALUE);
VALUE rb_cvar_defined(VALUE, ID);
void rb_cvar_set(VALUE, ID, VALUE);
VALUE rb_cvar_get(VALUE, ID);
void rb_cv_set(VALUE, const char*, VALUE);
VALUE rb_cv_get(VALUE, const char*);
void rb_define_class_variable(VALUE, const char*, VALUE);
VALUE rb_mod_class_variables(int, const VALUE*, VALUE);
VALUE rb_mod_remove_cvar(VALUE, VALUE);
ID rb_frame_callee(void);
VALUE rb_str_succ(VALUE);
VALUE rb_time_succ(VALUE);
int rb_frame_method_id_and_class(ID *idp, VALUE *klassp);
VALUE rb_make_backtrace(void);
VALUE rb_make_exception(int, const VALUE*);
/* deprecated */
DEPRECATED(void rb_frame_pop(void));
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#if 0
{ /* satisfy cc-mode */
} /* extern "C" { */
#endif /* RUBY_INTERN_H */