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* ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/*.rb : replace obj.send() -> obj.__send__() * ext/tk/lib/remote-tk.rb: add a new library which create an object to control a Tk interpreter on the other process git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@6384 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
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Ruby/Tk does NOT support forking the process on which Tk interpreter
is running (unless NEVER control Tk interpreter under the forked child
process). In the library 'tk.rb', a Tk interpreter is initialized.
Therefore, if you want running Tk under a child process, please call
"require 'tk'" in the child process.
# If do fork and exec(<new Ruby/Tk>) on the child process, you can
# control Ruby/Tk interpreter on the child process by 'send' command
# of Tcl/Tk. About this, please see Tk.appsend and Tk.rb_appsend, or
# 'remote-tk.rb' and the sample 'sample/remote-ip_sample.rb'.
For example, the following sample1 will NOT work, and sample2 will
work properly.
---<sample1: NOT work>---------------------------------------
require 'tk' ## init Tk interpreter under parent process
exit! if fork ## exit parent process
## child process
TkButton.new(:text=>'QUIT', :command=>proc{exit}).pack
---<sample2: will work>--------------------------------------
exit! if fork ## exit main process
## child process
require 'tk' ## init Tk interpreter under child process
TkButton.new(:text=>'QUIT', :command=>proc{exit}).pack
2004/05/22 Hidetoshi NAGAI