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synced 2022-11-09 12:17:21 -05:00

darray was used in YJIT which required the functions to not trigger GC. YJIT has now moved to Rust and does not use darray anymore, so we can remove the functions that don't trigger GC and only keep the ones that trigger GC.
179 lines
5.4 KiB
179 lines
5.4 KiB
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Type for a dynamic array. Use to declare a dynamic array.
// It is a pointer so it fits in st_table nicely. Designed
// to be fairly type-safe.
// NULL is a valid empty dynamic array.
// Example:
// rb_darray(char) char_array = NULL;
// rb_darray_append(&char_array, 'e');
// printf("pushed %c\n", *rb_darray_ref(char_array, 0));
// rb_darray_free(char_array);
#define rb_darray(T) struct { rb_darray_meta_t meta; T data[]; } *
// Copy an element out of the array. Warning: not bounds checked.
// T rb_darray_get(rb_darray(T) ary, size_t idx);
#define rb_darray_get(ary, idx) ((ary)->data[(idx)])
// Assign to an element. Warning: not bounds checked.
// void rb_darray_set(rb_darray(T) ary, size_t idx, T element);
#define rb_darray_set(ary, idx, element) ((ary)->data[(idx)] = (element))
// Get a pointer to an element. Warning: not bounds checked.
// T *rb_darray_ref(rb_darray(T) ary, size_t idx);
#define rb_darray_ref(ary, idx) (&((ary)->data[(idx)]))
// Copy a new element into the array. ptr_to_ary is evaluated multiple times.
// void rb_darray_append(rb_darray(T) *ptr_to_ary, T element);
#define rb_darray_append(ptr_to_ary, element) do { \
rb_darray_ensure_space((ptr_to_ary), sizeof(**(ptr_to_ary)), \
sizeof((*(ptr_to_ary))->data[0])); \
rb_darray_set(*(ptr_to_ary), \
(*(ptr_to_ary))->meta.size, \
(element)); \
(*(ptr_to_ary))->meta.size++; \
} while (0)
// Last element of the array
#define rb_darray_back(ary) ((ary)->data[(ary)->meta.size - 1])
// Remove the last element of the array.
#define rb_darray_pop_back(ary) ((ary)->meta.size--)
// Remove element at idx and replace it by the last element
#define rb_darray_remove_unordered(ary, idx) do { \
rb_darray_set(ary, idx, rb_darray_back(ary)); \
rb_darray_pop_back(ary); \
} while (0);
// Iterate over items of the array in a for loop
#define rb_darray_foreach(ary, idx_name, elem_ptr_var) \
for (size_t idx_name = 0; idx_name < rb_darray_size(ary) && ((elem_ptr_var) = rb_darray_ref(ary, idx_name)); ++idx_name)
// Iterate over valid indicies in the array in a for loop
#define rb_darray_for(ary, idx_name) \
for (size_t idx_name = 0; idx_name < rb_darray_size(ary); ++idx_name)
// Make a dynamic array of a certain size. All bytes backing the elements are set to zero.
// Note that NULL is a valid empty dynamic array.
// void rb_darray_make(rb_darray(T) *ptr_to_ary, size_t size);
#define rb_darray_make(ptr_to_ary, size) \
rb_darray_make_impl((ptr_to_ary), size, sizeof(**(ptr_to_ary)), \
#define rb_darray_data_ptr(ary) ((ary)->data)
// Set the size of the array to zero without freeing the backing memory.
// Allows reusing the same array.
#define rb_darray_clear(ary) (ary->meta.size = 0)
typedef struct rb_darray_meta {
size_t size;
size_t capa;
} rb_darray_meta_t;
// Get the size of the dynamic array.
static inline size_t
rb_darray_size(const void *ary)
const rb_darray_meta_t *meta = ary;
return meta ? meta->size : 0;
// Get the capacity of the dynamic array.
static inline size_t
rb_darray_capa(const void *ary)
const rb_darray_meta_t *meta = ary;
return meta ? meta->capa : 0;
// Free the dynamic array.
static inline void
rb_darray_free(void *ary)
rb_darray_meta_t *meta = ary;
ruby_sized_xfree(ary, meta->capa);
// Internal function
// Ensure there is space for one more element.
// Note: header_size can be bigger than sizeof(rb_darray_meta_t) when T is __int128_t, for example.
static inline void
rb_darray_ensure_space(void *ptr_to_ary, size_t header_size, size_t element_size)
rb_darray_meta_t **ptr_to_ptr_to_meta = ptr_to_ary;
rb_darray_meta_t *meta = *ptr_to_ptr_to_meta;
size_t current_capa = rb_darray_capa(meta);
if (rb_darray_size(meta) < current_capa) return;
// Double the capacity
size_t new_capa = current_capa == 0 ? 1 : current_capa * 2;
rb_darray_meta_t *doubled_ary = rb_xrealloc_mul_add(meta, new_capa, element_size, header_size);
// rb_xrealloc functions guarantee that NULL is not returned
assert(doubled_ary != NULL);
if (meta == NULL) {
// First allocation. Initialize size. On subsequence allocations
// realloc takes care of carrying over the size.
doubled_ary->size = 0;
doubled_ary->capa = new_capa;
// We don't have access to the type of the dynamic array in function context.
// Write out result with memcpy to avoid strict aliasing issue.
memcpy(ptr_to_ary, &doubled_ary, sizeof(doubled_ary));
static inline void
rb_darray_make_impl(void *ptr_to_ary, size_t array_size, size_t header_size, size_t element_size)
rb_darray_meta_t **ptr_to_ptr_to_meta = ptr_to_ary;
if (array_size == 0) {
*ptr_to_ptr_to_meta = NULL;
rb_darray_meta_t *meta = rb_xcalloc_mul_add(array_size, element_size, header_size);
// rb_xcalloc functions guarantee that NULL is not returned
assert(meta != NULL);
meta->size = array_size;
meta->capa = array_size;
// We don't have access to the type of the dynamic array in function context.
// Write out result with memcpy to avoid strict aliasing issue.
memcpy(ptr_to_ary, &meta, sizeof(meta));
#endif /* RUBY_DARRAY_H */