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Alan Wu f6da559d5b Put YJIT into a single compilation unit
For upstreaming, we want functions we export either prefixed with "rb_"
or made static. Historically we haven't been following this rule, so we
were "leaking" a lot of symbols as `make leak-globals` would tell us.

This change unifies everything YJIT into a single compilation unit,
yjit.o, and makes everything unprefixed static to pass `make leak-globals`.
This manual "unified build" setup is similar to that of vm.o.

Having everything in one compilation unit allows static functions to
be visible across YJIT files and removes the need for declarations in
headers in some cases. Unnecessary declarations were removed.

Other changes of note:
  - switched to MJIT_SYMBOL_EXPORT_BEGIN which indicates stuff as being
    off limits for native extensions
  - the first include of each YJIT file is change to be "internal.h"
  - undefined MAP_STACK before explicitly redefining it since it
    collide's with a definition in system headers. Consider renaming?
2021-10-20 18:19:42 -04:00

4534 lines
152 KiB

// This file is a fragment of the yjit.o compilation unit. See yjit.c.
#include "internal.h"
#include "gc.h"
#include "internal/compile.h"
#include "internal/class.h"
#include "internal/object.h"
#include "internal/sanitizers.h"
#include "internal/string.h"
#include "internal/variable.h"
#include "internal/re.h"
#include "probes.h"
#include "probes_helper.h"
#include "yjit.h"
#include "yjit_iface.h"
#include "yjit_core.h"
#include "yjit_codegen.h"
#include "yjit_asm.h"
// Map from YARV opcodes to code generation functions
static codegen_fn gen_fns[VM_INSTRUCTION_SIZE] = { NULL };
// Map from method entries to code generation functions
static st_table *yjit_method_codegen_table = NULL;
// Code for exiting back to the interpreter from the leave insn
static void *leave_exit_code;
// Code for full logic of returning from C method and exiting to the interpreter
static uint32_t outline_full_cfunc_return_pos;
// For implementing global code invalidation
struct codepage_patch {
uint32_t inline_patch_pos;
uint32_t outlined_target_pos;
typedef rb_darray(struct codepage_patch) patch_array_t;
static patch_array_t global_inval_patches = NULL;
// Print the current source location for debugging purposes
static void
jit_print_loc(jitstate_t *jit, const char *msg)
char *ptr;
long len;
VALUE path = rb_iseq_path(jit->iseq);
RSTRING_GETMEM(path, ptr, len);
fprintf(stderr, "%s %.*s:%u\n", msg, (int)len, ptr, rb_iseq_line_no(jit->iseq, jit->insn_idx));
// dump an object for debugging purposes
static void
jit_obj_info_dump(codeblock_t *cb, x86opnd_t opnd) {
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], opnd);
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)rb_obj_info_dump);
// Get the current instruction's opcode
static int
jit_get_opcode(jitstate_t *jit)
return jit->opcode;
// Get the index of the next instruction
static uint32_t
jit_next_insn_idx(jitstate_t *jit)
return jit->insn_idx + insn_len(jit_get_opcode(jit));
// Get an instruction argument by index
static VALUE
jit_get_arg(jitstate_t *jit, size_t arg_idx)
RUBY_ASSERT(arg_idx + 1 < (size_t)insn_len(jit_get_opcode(jit)));
return *(jit->pc + arg_idx + 1);
// Load a VALUE into a register and keep track of the reference if it is on the GC heap.
static void
jit_mov_gc_ptr(jitstate_t *jit, codeblock_t *cb, x86opnd_t reg, VALUE ptr)
RUBY_ASSERT(reg.type == OPND_REG && reg.num_bits == 64);
// Load the pointer constant into the specified register
mov(cb, reg, const_ptr_opnd((void*)ptr));
// The pointer immediate is encoded as the last part of the mov written out
uint32_t ptr_offset = cb->write_pos - sizeof(VALUE);
if (!SPECIAL_CONST_P(ptr)) {
if (!rb_darray_append(&jit->block->gc_object_offsets, ptr_offset)) {
rb_bug("allocation failed");
// Check if we are compiling the instruction at the stub PC
// Meaning we are compiling the instruction that is next to execute
static bool
jit_at_current_insn(jitstate_t *jit)
const VALUE *ec_pc = jit->ec->cfp->pc;
return (ec_pc == jit->pc);
// Peek at the nth topmost value on the Ruby stack.
// Returns the topmost value when n == 0.
static VALUE
jit_peek_at_stack(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, int n)
// Note: this does not account for ctx->sp_offset because
// this is only available when hitting a stub, and while
// hitting a stub, cfp->sp needs to be up to date in case
// codegen functions trigger GC. See :stub-sp-flush:.
VALUE *sp = jit->ec->cfp->sp;
return *(sp - 1 - n);
static VALUE
jit_peek_at_self(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx)
return jit->ec->cfp->self;
static VALUE
jit_peek_at_local(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, int n)
int32_t local_table_size = jit->iseq->body->local_table_size;
RUBY_ASSERT(n < (int)jit->iseq->body->local_table_size);
const VALUE *ep = jit->ec->cfp->ep;
return ep[-VM_ENV_DATA_SIZE - local_table_size + n + 1];
// Save the incremented PC on the CFP
// This is necessary when calleees can raise or allocate
static void
jit_save_pc(jitstate_t *jit, x86opnd_t scratch_reg)
codeblock_t *cb = jit->cb;
mov(cb, scratch_reg, const_ptr_opnd(jit->pc + insn_len(jit->opcode)));
mov(cb, mem_opnd(64, REG_CFP, offsetof(rb_control_frame_t, pc)), scratch_reg);
// Save the current SP on the CFP
// This realigns the interpreter SP with the JIT SP
// Note: this will change the current value of REG_SP,
// which could invalidate memory operands
static void
jit_save_sp(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx)
if (ctx->sp_offset != 0) {
x86opnd_t stack_pointer = ctx_sp_opnd(ctx, 0);
codeblock_t *cb = jit->cb;
lea(cb, REG_SP, stack_pointer);
mov(cb, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, sp), REG_SP);
ctx->sp_offset = 0;
// jit_save_pc() + jit_save_sp(). Should be used before calling a routine that
// could:
// - Perform GC allocation
// - Take the VM lock through RB_VM_LOCK_ENTER()
// - Perform Ruby method call
static void
jit_prepare_routine_call(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, x86opnd_t scratch_reg)
jit->record_boundary_patch_point = true;
jit_save_pc(jit, scratch_reg);
jit_save_sp(jit, ctx);
// Record the current codeblock write position for rewriting into a jump into
// the outlined block later. Used to implement global code invalidation.
static void
record_global_inval_patch(const codeblock_t *cb, uint32_t outline_block_target_pos)
struct codepage_patch patch_point = { cb->write_pos, outline_block_target_pos };
if (!rb_darray_append(&global_inval_patches, patch_point)) rb_bug("allocation failed");
static bool jit_guard_known_klass(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, VALUE known_klass, insn_opnd_t insn_opnd, VALUE sample_instance, const int max_chain_depth, uint8_t *side_exit);
// Add a comment at the current position in the code block
static void
_add_comment(codeblock_t *cb, const char *comment_str)
// We can't add comments to the outlined code block
if (cb == ocb)
// Avoid adding duplicate comment strings (can happen due to deferred codegen)
size_t num_comments = rb_darray_size(yjit_code_comments);
if (num_comments > 0) {
struct yjit_comment last_comment = rb_darray_get(yjit_code_comments, num_comments - 1);
if (last_comment.offset == cb->write_pos && strcmp(last_comment.comment, comment_str) == 0) {
struct yjit_comment new_comment = (struct yjit_comment){ cb->write_pos, comment_str };
rb_darray_append(&yjit_code_comments, new_comment);
// Comments for generated machine code
#define ADD_COMMENT(cb, comment) _add_comment((cb), (comment))
// Verify the ctx's types and mappings against the compile-time stack, self,
// and locals.
static void
verify_ctx(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx)
// Only able to check types when at current insn
VALUE self_val = jit_peek_at_self(jit, ctx);
if (type_diff(yjit_type_of_value(self_val), ctx->self_type) == INT_MAX) {
rb_bug("verify_ctx: ctx type (%s) incompatible with actual value of self: %s", yjit_type_name(ctx->self_type), rb_obj_info(self_val));
for (int i = 0; i < ctx->stack_size && i < MAX_TEMP_TYPES; i++) {
temp_type_mapping_t learned = ctx_get_opnd_mapping(ctx, OPND_STACK(i));
VALUE val = jit_peek_at_stack(jit, ctx, i);
val_type_t detected = yjit_type_of_value(val);
if (learned.mapping.kind == TEMP_SELF) {
if (self_val != val) {
rb_bug("verify_ctx: stack value was mapped to self, but values did not match\n"
" stack: %s\n"
" self: %s",
if (learned.mapping.kind == TEMP_LOCAL) {
int local_idx = learned.mapping.idx;
VALUE local_val = jit_peek_at_local(jit, ctx, local_idx);
if (local_val != val) {
rb_bug("verify_ctx: stack value was mapped to local, but values did not match\n"
" stack: %s\n"
" local %i: %s",
if (type_diff(detected, learned.type) == INT_MAX) {
rb_bug("verify_ctx: ctx type (%s) incompatible with actual value on stack: %s", yjit_type_name(learned.type), rb_obj_info(val));
int32_t local_table_size = jit->iseq->body->local_table_size;
for (int i = 0; i < local_table_size && i < MAX_TEMP_TYPES; i++) {
val_type_t learned = ctx->local_types[i];
VALUE val = jit_peek_at_local(jit, ctx, i);
val_type_t detected = yjit_type_of_value(val);
if (type_diff(detected, learned) == INT_MAX) {
rb_bug("verify_ctx: ctx type (%s) incompatible with actual value of local: %s", yjit_type_name(learned), rb_obj_info(val));
#define ADD_COMMENT(cb, comment) ((void)0)
#define verify_ctx(jit, ctx) ((void)0)
#endif // if YJIT_STATS
// Increment a profiling counter with counter_name
#define GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, counter_name) _gen_counter_inc(cb, &(yjit_runtime_counters . counter_name))
static void
_gen_counter_inc(codeblock_t *cb, int64_t *counter)
if (!rb_yjit_opts.gen_stats) return;
// Use REG1 because there might be return value in REG0
mov(cb, REG1, const_ptr_opnd(counter));
cb_write_lock_prefix(cb); // for ractors.
add(cb, mem_opnd(64, REG1, 0), imm_opnd(1));
// Increment a counter then take an existing side exit.
#define COUNTED_EXIT(side_exit, counter_name) _counted_side_exit(side_exit, &(yjit_runtime_counters . counter_name))
static uint8_t *
_counted_side_exit(uint8_t *existing_side_exit, int64_t *counter)
if (!rb_yjit_opts.gen_stats) return existing_side_exit;
uint8_t *start = cb_get_ptr(ocb, ocb->write_pos);
_gen_counter_inc(ocb, counter);
jmp_ptr(ocb, existing_side_exit);
return start;
#define GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, counter_name) ((void)0)
#define COUNTED_EXIT(side_exit, counter_name) side_exit
#endif // if YJIT_STATS
// Generate an exit to return to the interpreter
static uint32_t
yjit_gen_exit(VALUE *exit_pc, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
const uint32_t code_pos = cb->write_pos;
ADD_COMMENT(cb, "exit to interpreter");
// Generate the code to exit to the interpreters
// Write the adjusted SP back into the CFP
if (ctx->sp_offset != 0) {
x86opnd_t stack_pointer = ctx_sp_opnd(ctx, 0);
lea(cb, REG_SP, stack_pointer);
mov(cb, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, sp), REG_SP);
// Update CFP->PC
mov(cb, RAX, const_ptr_opnd(exit_pc));
mov(cb, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, pc), RAX);
// Accumulate stats about interpreter exits
if (rb_yjit_opts.gen_stats) {
mov(cb, RDI, const_ptr_opnd(exit_pc));
call_ptr(cb, RSI, (void *)&yjit_count_side_exit_op);
pop(cb, REG_SP);
pop(cb, REG_EC);
pop(cb, REG_CFP);
mov(cb, RAX, imm_opnd(Qundef));
return code_pos;
// Generate a continuation for gen_leave() that exits to the interpreter at REG_CFP->pc.
static uint8_t *
yjit_gen_leave_exit(codeblock_t *cb)
uint8_t *code_ptr = cb_get_ptr(cb, cb->write_pos);
// Note, gen_leave() fully reconstructs interpreter state and leaves the
// return value in RAX before coming here.
// Every exit to the interpreter should be counted
GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, leave_interp_return);
pop(cb, REG_SP);
pop(cb, REG_EC);
pop(cb, REG_CFP);
return code_ptr;
// :side-exit:
// Get an exit for the current instruction in the outlined block. The code
// for each instruction often begins with several guards before proceeding
// to do work. When guards fail, an option we have is to exit to the
// interpreter at an instruction boundary. The piece of code that takes
// care of reconstructing interpreter state and exiting out of generated
// code is called the side exit.
// No guards change the logic for reconstructing interpreter state at the
// moment, so there is one unique side exit for each context. Note that
// it's incorrect to jump to the side exit after any ctx stack push/pop operations
// since they change the logic required for reconstructing interpreter state.
static uint8_t *
yjit_side_exit(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx)
if (!jit->side_exit_for_pc) {
codeblock_t *ocb = jit->ocb;
uint32_t pos = yjit_gen_exit(jit->pc, ctx, ocb);
jit->side_exit_for_pc = cb_get_ptr(ocb, pos);
return jit->side_exit_for_pc;
// Generate a runtime guard that ensures the PC is at the start of the iseq,
// otherwise take a side exit. This is to handle the situation of optional
// parameters. When a function with optional parameters is called, the entry
// PC for the method isn't necessarily 0, but we always generated code that
// assumes the entry point is 0.
static void
yjit_pc_guard(codeblock_t *cb, const rb_iseq_t *iseq)
mov(cb, REG0, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, pc));
mov(cb, REG1, const_ptr_opnd(iseq->body->iseq_encoded));
xor(cb, REG0, REG1);
// xor should impact ZF, so we can jz here
uint32_t pc_is_zero = cb_new_label(cb, "pc_is_zero");
jz_label(cb, pc_is_zero);
// We're not starting at the first PC, so we need to exit.
GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, leave_start_pc_non_zero);
pop(cb, REG_SP);
pop(cb, REG_EC);
pop(cb, REG_CFP);
mov(cb, RAX, imm_opnd(Qundef));
// PC should be at the beginning
cb_write_label(cb, pc_is_zero);
// The code we generate in gen_send_cfunc() doesn't fire the c_return TracePoint event
// like the interpreter. When tracing for c_return is enabled, we patch the code after
// the C method return to call into this to fire the event.
static void
full_cfunc_return(rb_execution_context_t *ec, VALUE return_value)
rb_control_frame_t *cfp = ec->cfp;
const rb_callable_method_entry_t *me = rb_vm_frame_method_entry(cfp);
// CHECK_CFP_CONSISTENCY("full_cfunc_return"); TODO revive this
// Pop the C func's frame and fire the c_return TracePoint event
// Note that this is the same order as vm_call_cfunc_with_frame().
EXEC_EVENT_HOOK(ec, RUBY_EVENT_C_RETURN, cfp->self, me->def->original_id, me->called_id, me->owner, return_value);
// Note, this deviates from the interpreter in that users need to enable
// a c_return TracePoint for this DTrace hook to work. A reasonable change
// since the Ruby return event works this way as well.
RUBY_DTRACE_CMETHOD_RETURN_HOOK(ec, me->owner, me->def->original_id);
// Push return value into the caller's stack. We know that it's a frame that
// uses cfp->sp because we are patching a call done with gen_send_cfunc().
ec->cfp->sp[0] = return_value;
// Landing code for when c_return tracing is enabled. See full_cfunc_return().
static void
codeblock_t *cb = ocb;
outline_full_cfunc_return_pos = ocb->write_pos;
// This chunk of code expect REG_EC to be filled properly and
// RAX to contain the return value of the C method.
// Call full_cfunc_return()
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], REG_EC);
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], RAX);
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)full_cfunc_return);
// Count the exit
GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, traced_cfunc_return);
// Return to the interpreter
pop(cb, REG_SP);
pop(cb, REG_EC);
pop(cb, REG_CFP);
mov(cb, RAX, imm_opnd(Qundef));
Compile an interpreter entry block to be inserted into an iseq
Returns `NULL` if compilation fails.
static uint8_t *
yjit_entry_prologue(codeblock_t *cb, const rb_iseq_t *iseq)
if (cb->write_pos + 1024 >= cb->mem_size) {
rb_bug("out of executable memory");
// Align the current write positon to cache line boundaries
cb_align_pos(cb, 64);
uint8_t *code_ptr = cb_get_ptr(cb, cb->write_pos);
ADD_COMMENT(cb, "yjit prolog");
push(cb, REG_CFP);
push(cb, REG_EC);
push(cb, REG_SP);
// We are passed EC and CFP
mov(cb, REG_EC, C_ARG_REGS[0]);
mov(cb, REG_CFP, C_ARG_REGS[1]);
// Load the current SP from the CFP into REG_SP
mov(cb, REG_SP, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, sp));
// Setup cfp->jit_return
// TODO: this could use an IP relative LEA instead of an 8 byte immediate
mov(cb, REG0, const_ptr_opnd(leave_exit_code));
mov(cb, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, jit_return), REG0);
// We're compiling iseqs that we *expect* to start at `insn_idx`. But in
// the case of optional parameters, the interpreter can set the pc to a
// different location depending on the optional parameters. If an iseq
// has optional parameters, we'll add a runtime check that the PC we've
// compiled for is the same PC that the interpreter wants us to run with.
// If they don't match, then we'll take a side exit.
if (iseq->body->param.flags.has_opt) {
yjit_pc_guard(cb, iseq);
return code_ptr;
// Generate code to check for interrupts and take a side-exit.
// Warning: this function clobbers REG0
static void
yjit_check_ints(codeblock_t *cb, uint8_t *side_exit)
// Check for interrupts
// see RUBY_VM_CHECK_INTS(ec) macro
mov(cb, REG0_32, member_opnd(REG_EC, rb_execution_context_t, interrupt_mask));
not(cb, REG0_32);
test(cb, member_opnd(REG_EC, rb_execution_context_t, interrupt_flag), REG0_32);
jnz_ptr(cb, side_exit);
// Generate a stubbed unconditional jump to the next bytecode instruction.
// Blocks that are part of a guard chain can use this to share the same successor.
static void
jit_jump_to_next_insn(jitstate_t *jit, const ctx_t *current_context)
// Reset the depth since in current usages we only ever jump to to
// chain_depth > 0 from the same instruction.
ctx_t reset_depth = *current_context;
reset_depth.chain_depth = 0;
blockid_t jump_block = { jit->iseq, jit_next_insn_idx(jit) };
// We are at the end of the current instruction. Record the boundary.
if (jit->record_boundary_patch_point) {
uint32_t exit_pos = yjit_gen_exit(jit->pc + insn_len(jit->opcode), &reset_depth, ocb);
record_global_inval_patch(cb, exit_pos);
jit->record_boundary_patch_point = false;
// Generate the jump instruction
// Compile a sequence of bytecode instructions for a given basic block version
static void
yjit_gen_block(block_t *block, rb_execution_context_t *ec)
RUBY_ASSERT(!(block->blockid.idx == 0 && block->ctx.stack_size > 0));
// Copy the block's context to avoid mutating it
ctx_t ctx_copy = block->ctx;
ctx_t *ctx = &ctx_copy;
const rb_iseq_t *iseq = block->blockid.iseq;
uint32_t insn_idx = block->blockid.idx;
const uint32_t starting_insn_idx = insn_idx;
// NOTE: if we are ever deployed in production, we
// should probably just log an error and return NULL here,
// so we can fail more gracefully
if (cb->write_pos + 1024 >= cb->mem_size) {
rb_bug("out of executable memory");
if (ocb->write_pos + 1024 >= ocb->mem_size) {
rb_bug("out of executable memory (outlined block)");
// Initialize a JIT state object
jitstate_t jit = {
.cb = cb,
.ocb = ocb,
.block = block,
.iseq = iseq,
.ec = ec
// Mark the start position of the block
block->start_pos = cb->write_pos;
// For each instruction to compile
for (;;) {
// Get the current pc and opcode
VALUE *pc = yjit_iseq_pc_at_idx(iseq, insn_idx);
int opcode = yjit_opcode_at_pc(iseq, pc);
RUBY_ASSERT(opcode >= 0 && opcode < VM_INSTRUCTION_SIZE);
// opt_getinlinecache wants to be in a block all on its own. Cut the block short
// if we run into it. See gen_opt_getinlinecache for details.
if (opcode == BIN(opt_getinlinecache) && insn_idx > starting_insn_idx) {
jit_jump_to_next_insn(&jit, ctx);
// Set the current instruction
jit.insn_idx = insn_idx;
jit.opcode = opcode;
jit.pc = pc;
jit.side_exit_for_pc = NULL;
// If previous instruction requested to record the boundary
if (jit.record_boundary_patch_point) {
// Generate an exit to this instruction and record it
uint32_t exit_pos = yjit_gen_exit(jit.pc, ctx, ocb);
record_global_inval_patch(cb, exit_pos);
jit.record_boundary_patch_point = false;
// Verify our existing assumption (DEBUG)
if (jit_at_current_insn(&jit)) {
verify_ctx(&jit, ctx);
// Lookup the codegen function for this instruction
codegen_fn gen_fn = gen_fns[opcode];
if (!gen_fn) {
// If we reach an unknown instruction,
// exit to the interpreter and stop compiling
yjit_gen_exit(jit.pc, ctx, cb);
if (0) {
fprintf(stderr, "compiling %d: %s\n", insn_idx, insn_name(opcode));
print_str(cb, insn_name(opcode));
// :count-placement:
// Count bytecode instructions that execute in generated code.
// Note that the increment happens even when the output takes side exit.
GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, exec_instruction);
// Add a comment for the name of the YARV instruction
ADD_COMMENT(cb, insn_name(opcode));
// Call the code generation function
codegen_status_t status = gen_fn(&jit, ctx, cb);
// For now, reset the chain depth after each instruction as only the
// first instruction in the block can concern itself with the depth.
ctx->chain_depth = 0;
// If we can't compile this instruction
// exit to the interpreter and stop compiling
if (status == YJIT_CANT_COMPILE) {
// TODO: if the codegen function makes changes to ctx and then return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE,
// the exit this generates would be wrong. We could save a copy of the entry context
// and assert that ctx is the same here.
yjit_gen_exit(jit.pc, ctx, cb);
// Move to the next instruction to compile
insn_idx += insn_len(opcode);
// If the instruction terminates this block
if (status == YJIT_END_BLOCK) {
// Mark the end position of the block
block->end_pos = cb->write_pos;
// Store the index of the last instruction in the block
block->end_idx = insn_idx;
// We currently can't handle cases where the request is for a block that
// doesn't go to the next instruction.
if (YJIT_DUMP_MODE >= 2) {
// Dump list of compiled instrutions
fprintf(stderr, "Compiled the following for iseq=%p:\n", (void *)iseq);
for (uint32_t idx = block->blockid.idx; idx < insn_idx; ) {
int opcode = yjit_opcode_at_pc(iseq, yjit_iseq_pc_at_idx(iseq, idx));
fprintf(stderr, " %04d %s\n", idx, insn_name(opcode));
idx += insn_len(opcode);
static codegen_status_t gen_opt_send_without_block(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb);
static codegen_status_t
gen_nop(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
// Do nothing
static codegen_status_t
gen_dup(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
// Get the top value and its type
x86opnd_t dup_val = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 0);
temp_type_mapping_t mapping = ctx_get_opnd_mapping(ctx, OPND_STACK(0));
// Push the same value on top
x86opnd_t loc0 = ctx_stack_push_mapping(ctx, mapping);
mov(cb, REG0, dup_val);
mov(cb, loc0, REG0);
// duplicate stack top n elements
static codegen_status_t
gen_dupn(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
rb_num_t n = (rb_num_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
// In practice, seems to be only used for n==2
if (n != 2) {
x86opnd_t opnd1 = ctx_stack_opnd(ctx, 1);
x86opnd_t opnd0 = ctx_stack_opnd(ctx, 0);
temp_type_mapping_t mapping1 = ctx_get_opnd_mapping(ctx, OPND_STACK(1));
temp_type_mapping_t mapping0 = ctx_get_opnd_mapping(ctx, OPND_STACK(0));
x86opnd_t dst1 = ctx_stack_push_mapping(ctx, mapping1);
mov(cb, REG0, opnd1);
mov(cb, dst1, REG0);
x86opnd_t dst0 = ctx_stack_push_mapping(ctx, mapping0);
mov(cb, REG0, opnd0);
mov(cb, dst0, REG0);
// Swap top 2 stack entries
static codegen_status_t
gen_swap(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
x86opnd_t opnd0 = ctx_stack_opnd(ctx, 0);
x86opnd_t opnd1 = ctx_stack_opnd(ctx, 1);
temp_type_mapping_t mapping0 = ctx_get_opnd_mapping(ctx, OPND_STACK(0));
temp_type_mapping_t mapping1 = ctx_get_opnd_mapping(ctx, OPND_STACK(1));
mov(cb, REG0, opnd0);
mov(cb, REG1, opnd1);
mov(cb, opnd0, REG1);
mov(cb, opnd1, REG0);
ctx_set_opnd_mapping(ctx, OPND_STACK(0), mapping1);
ctx_set_opnd_mapping(ctx, OPND_STACK(1), mapping0);
// set Nth stack entry to stack top
static codegen_status_t
gen_setn(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
rb_num_t n = (rb_num_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
// Set the destination
x86opnd_t top_val = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 0);
x86opnd_t dst_opnd = ctx_stack_opnd(ctx, (int32_t)n);
mov(cb, REG0, top_val);
mov(cb, dst_opnd, REG0);
temp_type_mapping_t mapping = ctx_get_opnd_mapping(ctx, OPND_STACK(0));
ctx_set_opnd_mapping(ctx, OPND_STACK(n), mapping);
// get nth stack value, then push it
static codegen_status_t
gen_topn(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
int32_t n = (int32_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
// Get top n type / operand
x86opnd_t top_n_val = ctx_stack_opnd(ctx, n);
temp_type_mapping_t mapping = ctx_get_opnd_mapping(ctx, OPND_STACK(n));
x86opnd_t loc0 = ctx_stack_push_mapping(ctx, mapping);
mov(cb, REG0, top_n_val);
mov(cb, loc0, REG0);
static codegen_status_t
gen_pop(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
// Decrement SP
ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
// Pop n values off the stack
static codegen_status_t
gen_adjuststack(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
rb_num_t n = (rb_num_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
ctx_stack_pop(ctx, n);
// new array initialized from top N values
static codegen_status_t
gen_newarray(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
rb_num_t n = (rb_num_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
// Save the PC and SP because we are allocating
jit_prepare_routine_call(jit, ctx, REG0);
x86opnd_t values_ptr = ctx_sp_opnd(ctx, -(sizeof(VALUE) * (uint32_t)n));
// call rb_ec_ary_new_from_values(struct rb_execution_context_struct *ec, long n, const VALUE *elts);
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], REG_EC);
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], imm_opnd(n));
lea(cb, C_ARG_REGS[2], values_ptr);
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)rb_ec_ary_new_from_values);
ctx_stack_pop(ctx, n);
x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_ARRAY);
mov(cb, stack_ret, RAX);
// dup array
static codegen_status_t
gen_duparray(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
VALUE ary = jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
// Save the PC and SP because we are allocating
jit_prepare_routine_call(jit, ctx, REG0);
// call rb_ary_resurrect(VALUE ary);
jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], ary);
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)rb_ary_resurrect);
x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_ARRAY);
mov(cb, stack_ret, RAX);
VALUE rb_vm_splat_array(VALUE flag, VALUE ary);
// call to_a on the array on the stack
static codegen_status_t
gen_splatarray(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
VALUE flag = (VALUE) jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
// Save the PC and SP because the callee may allocate
// Note that this modifies REG_SP, which is why we do it first
jit_prepare_routine_call(jit, ctx, REG0);
// Get the operands from the stack
x86opnd_t ary_opnd = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
// Call rb_vm_splat_array(flag, ary)
jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], flag);
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], ary_opnd);
call_ptr(cb, REG1, (void *) rb_vm_splat_array);
x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_ARRAY);
mov(cb, stack_ret, RAX);
// new range initialized from top 2 values
static codegen_status_t
gen_newrange(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
rb_num_t flag = (rb_num_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
// rb_range_new() allocates and can raise
jit_prepare_routine_call(jit, ctx, REG0);
// val = rb_range_new(low, high, (int)flag);
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], ctx_stack_opnd(ctx, 1));
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], ctx_stack_opnd(ctx, 0));
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[2], imm_opnd(flag));
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)rb_range_new);
ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 2);
x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_HEAP);
mov(cb, stack_ret, RAX);
static void
guard_object_is_heap(codeblock_t *cb, x86opnd_t object_opnd, ctx_t *ctx, uint8_t *side_exit)
ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard object is heap");
// Test that the object is not an immediate
test(cb, object_opnd, imm_opnd(RUBY_IMMEDIATE_MASK));
jnz_ptr(cb, side_exit);
// Test that the object is not false or nil
cmp(cb, object_opnd, imm_opnd(Qnil));
RUBY_ASSERT(Qfalse < Qnil);
jbe_ptr(cb, side_exit);
static inline void
guard_object_is_array(codeblock_t *cb, x86opnd_t object_opnd, x86opnd_t flags_opnd, ctx_t *ctx, uint8_t *side_exit)
ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard object is array");
// Pull out the type mask
mov(cb, flags_opnd, member_opnd(object_opnd, struct RBasic, flags));
and(cb, flags_opnd, imm_opnd(RUBY_T_MASK));
// Compare the result with T_ARRAY
cmp(cb, flags_opnd, imm_opnd(T_ARRAY));
jne_ptr(cb, side_exit);
// push enough nils onto the stack to fill out an array
static codegen_status_t
gen_expandarray(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
int flag = (int) jit_get_arg(jit, 1);
// If this instruction has the splat flag, then bail out.
if (flag & 0x01) {
GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, expandarray_splat);
// If this instruction has the postarg flag, then bail out.
if (flag & 0x02) {
GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, expandarray_postarg);
uint8_t *side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx);
// num is the number of requested values. If there aren't enough in the
// array then we're going to push on nils.
int num = (int)jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
val_type_t array_type = ctx_get_opnd_type(ctx, OPND_STACK(0));
x86opnd_t array_opnd = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
if (array_type.type == ETYPE_NIL) {
// special case for a, b = nil pattern
// push N nils onto the stack
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
x86opnd_t push = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_NIL);
mov(cb, push, imm_opnd(Qnil));
// Move the array from the stack into REG0 and check that it's an array.
mov(cb, REG0, array_opnd);
guard_object_is_heap(cb, REG0, ctx, COUNTED_EXIT(side_exit, expandarray_not_array));
guard_object_is_array(cb, REG0, REG1, ctx, COUNTED_EXIT(side_exit, expandarray_not_array));
// If we don't actually want any values, then just return.
if (num == 0) {
// Pull out the embed flag to check if it's an embedded array.
x86opnd_t flags_opnd = member_opnd(REG0, struct RBasic, flags);
mov(cb, REG1, flags_opnd);
// Move the length of the embedded array into REG1.
and(cb, REG1, imm_opnd(RARRAY_EMBED_LEN_MASK));
shr(cb, REG1, imm_opnd(RARRAY_EMBED_LEN_SHIFT));
// Conditionally move the length of the heap array into REG1.
test(cb, flags_opnd, imm_opnd(RARRAY_EMBED_FLAG));
cmovz(cb, REG1, member_opnd(REG0, struct RArray, as.heap.len));
// Only handle the case where the number of values in the array is greater
// than or equal to the number of values requested.
cmp(cb, REG1, imm_opnd(num));
jl_ptr(cb, COUNTED_EXIT(side_exit, expandarray_rhs_too_small));
// Load the address of the embedded array into REG1.
// (struct RArray *)(obj)->as.ary
lea(cb, REG1, member_opnd(REG0, struct RArray, as.ary));
// Conditionally load the address of the heap array into REG1.
// (struct RArray *)(obj)->as.heap.ptr
test(cb, flags_opnd, imm_opnd(RARRAY_EMBED_FLAG));
cmovz(cb, REG1, member_opnd(REG0, struct RArray, as.heap.ptr));
// Loop backward through the array and push each element onto the stack.
for (int32_t i = (int32_t) num - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
x86opnd_t top = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN);
mov(cb, REG0, mem_opnd(64, REG1, i * SIZEOF_VALUE));
mov(cb, top, REG0);
// new hash initialized from top N values
static codegen_status_t
gen_newhash(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
rb_num_t n = (rb_num_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
if (n == 0) {
// Save the PC and SP because we are allocating
jit_prepare_routine_call(jit, ctx, REG0);
// val = rb_hash_new();
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)rb_hash_new);
x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_HASH);
mov(cb, stack_ret, RAX);
else {
static codegen_status_t
gen_putnil(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
// Write constant at SP
x86opnd_t stack_top = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_NIL);
mov(cb, stack_top, imm_opnd(Qnil));
static codegen_status_t
gen_putobject(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
VALUE arg = jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
if (FIXNUM_P(arg))
// Keep track of the fixnum type tag
x86opnd_t stack_top = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_FIXNUM);
x86opnd_t imm = imm_opnd((int64_t)arg);
// 64-bit immediates can't be directly written to memory
if (imm.num_bits <= 32)
mov(cb, stack_top, imm);
mov(cb, REG0, imm);
mov(cb, stack_top, REG0);
else if (arg == Qtrue || arg == Qfalse)
x86opnd_t stack_top = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_IMM);
mov(cb, stack_top, imm_opnd((int64_t)arg));
// Load the value to push into REG0
// Note that this value may get moved by the GC
VALUE put_val = jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, REG0, put_val);
val_type_t val_type = yjit_type_of_value(put_val);
// Write argument at SP
x86opnd_t stack_top = ctx_stack_push(ctx, val_type);
mov(cb, stack_top, REG0);
static codegen_status_t
gen_putstring(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
VALUE put_val = jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
// Save the PC and SP because the callee will allocate
jit_prepare_routine_call(jit, ctx, REG0);
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], REG_EC);
jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], put_val);
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)rb_ec_str_resurrect);
x86opnd_t stack_top = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_STRING);
mov(cb, stack_top, RAX);
static codegen_status_t
gen_putobject_int2fix(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
int opcode = jit_get_opcode(jit);
int cst_val = (opcode == BIN(putobject_INT2FIX_0_))? 0:1;
// Write constant at SP
x86opnd_t stack_top = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_FIXNUM);
mov(cb, stack_top, imm_opnd(INT2FIX(cst_val)));
static codegen_status_t
gen_putself(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
// Load self from CFP
mov(cb, REG0, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, self));
// Write it on the stack
x86opnd_t stack_top = ctx_stack_push_self(ctx);
mov(cb, stack_top, REG0);
static codegen_status_t
gen_putspecialobject(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
enum vm_special_object_type type = (enum vm_special_object_type)jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
x86opnd_t stack_top = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_HEAP);
jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, REG0, rb_mRubyVMFrozenCore);
mov(cb, stack_top, REG0);
else {
// TODO: implement for VM_SPECIAL_OBJECT_CBASE and
// Get EP at level from CFP
static void
gen_get_ep(codeblock_t *cb, x86opnd_t reg, uint32_t level)
// Load environment pointer EP from CFP
mov(cb, reg, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, ep));
while (level--) {
// Get the previous EP from the current EP
// See GET_PREV_EP(ep) macro
// VALUE *prev_ep = ((VALUE *)((ep)[VM_ENV_DATA_INDEX_SPECVAL] & ~0x03))
mov(cb, reg, mem_opnd(64, REG0, SIZEOF_VALUE * VM_ENV_DATA_INDEX_SPECVAL));
and(cb, reg, imm_opnd(~0x03));
// Compute the index of a local variable from its slot index
static uint32_t
slot_to_local_idx(const rb_iseq_t *iseq, int32_t slot_idx)
// Convoluted rules from local_var_name() in iseq.c
int32_t local_table_size = iseq->body->local_table_size;
int32_t op = slot_idx - VM_ENV_DATA_SIZE;
int32_t local_idx = local_idx = local_table_size - op - 1;
RUBY_ASSERT(local_idx >= 0 && local_idx < local_table_size);
return (uint32_t)local_idx;
static codegen_status_t
gen_getlocal_wc0(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
// Compute the offset from BP to the local
int32_t slot_idx = (int32_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
const int32_t offs = -(SIZEOF_VALUE * slot_idx);
uint32_t local_idx = slot_to_local_idx(jit->iseq, slot_idx);
// Load environment pointer EP (level 0) from CFP
gen_get_ep(cb, REG0, 0);
// Load the local from the EP
mov(cb, REG0, mem_opnd(64, REG0, offs));
// Write the local at SP
x86opnd_t stack_top = ctx_stack_push_local(ctx, local_idx);
mov(cb, stack_top, REG0);
static codegen_status_t
gen_getlocal_generic(ctx_t *ctx, uint32_t local_idx, uint32_t level)
gen_get_ep(cb, REG0, level);
// Load the local from the block
// val = *(vm_get_ep(GET_EP(), level) - idx);
const int32_t offs = -(SIZEOF_VALUE * local_idx);
mov(cb, REG0, mem_opnd(64, REG0, offs));
// Write the local at SP
x86opnd_t stack_top = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN);
mov(cb, stack_top, REG0);
static codegen_status_t
gen_getlocal(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
int32_t idx = (int32_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
int32_t level = (int32_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 1);
return gen_getlocal_generic(ctx, idx, level);
static codegen_status_t
gen_getlocal_wc1(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
int32_t idx = (int32_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
return gen_getlocal_generic(ctx, idx, 1);
static codegen_status_t
gen_setlocal_wc0(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
vm_env_write(const VALUE *ep, int index, VALUE v)
if (LIKELY((flags & VM_ENV_FLAG_WB_REQUIRED) == 0)) {
VM_STACK_ENV_WRITE(ep, index, v);
else {
vm_env_write_slowpath(ep, index, v);
int32_t slot_idx = (int32_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
uint32_t local_idx = slot_to_local_idx(jit->iseq, slot_idx);
// Load environment pointer EP (level 0) from CFP
gen_get_ep(cb, REG0, 0);
x86opnd_t flags_opnd = mem_opnd(64, REG0, sizeof(VALUE) * VM_ENV_DATA_INDEX_FLAGS);
test(cb, flags_opnd, imm_opnd(VM_ENV_FLAG_WB_REQUIRED));
// Create a size-exit to fall back to the interpreter
uint8_t *side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx);
// if (flags & VM_ENV_FLAG_WB_REQUIRED) != 0
jnz_ptr(cb, side_exit);
// Set the type of the local variable in the context
val_type_t temp_type = ctx_get_opnd_type(ctx, OPND_STACK(0));
ctx_set_local_type(ctx, local_idx, temp_type);
// Pop the value to write from the stack
x86opnd_t stack_top = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
mov(cb, REG1, stack_top);
// Write the value at the environment pointer
const int32_t offs = -8 * slot_idx;
mov(cb, mem_opnd(64, REG0, offs), REG1);
static codegen_status_t
gen_setlocal_generic(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, uint32_t local_idx, uint32_t level)
// Load environment pointer EP at level
gen_get_ep(cb, REG0, level);
x86opnd_t flags_opnd = mem_opnd(64, REG0, sizeof(VALUE) * VM_ENV_DATA_INDEX_FLAGS);
test(cb, flags_opnd, imm_opnd(VM_ENV_FLAG_WB_REQUIRED));
// Create a size-exit to fall back to the interpreter
uint8_t *side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx);
// if (flags & VM_ENV_FLAG_WB_REQUIRED) != 0
jnz_ptr(cb, side_exit);
// Pop the value to write from the stack
x86opnd_t stack_top = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
mov(cb, REG1, stack_top);
// Write the value at the environment pointer
const int32_t offs = -(SIZEOF_VALUE * local_idx);
mov(cb, mem_opnd(64, REG0, offs), REG1);
static codegen_status_t
gen_setlocal(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
int32_t idx = (int32_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
int32_t level = (int32_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 1);
return gen_setlocal_generic(jit, ctx, idx, level);
static codegen_status_t
gen_setlocal_wc1(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
int32_t idx = (int32_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
return gen_setlocal_generic(jit, ctx, idx, 1);
// Check that `self` is a pointer to an object on the GC heap
static void
guard_self_is_heap(codeblock_t *cb, x86opnd_t self_opnd, uint8_t *side_exit, ctx_t *ctx)
// `self` is constant throughout the entire region, so we only need to do this check once.
if (!ctx->self_type.is_heap) {
ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard self is heap");
RUBY_ASSERT(Qfalse < Qnil);
test(cb, self_opnd, imm_opnd(RUBY_IMMEDIATE_MASK));
jnz_ptr(cb, side_exit);
cmp(cb, self_opnd, imm_opnd(Qnil));
jbe_ptr(cb, side_exit);
ctx->self_type.is_heap = 1;
static void
gen_jnz_to_target0(codeblock_t *cb, uint8_t *target0, uint8_t *target1, uint8_t shape)
switch (shape) {
jnz_ptr(cb, target0);
static void
gen_jz_to_target0(codeblock_t *cb, uint8_t *target0, uint8_t *target1, uint8_t shape)
switch (shape) {
jz_ptr(cb, target0);
static void
gen_jbe_to_target0(codeblock_t *cb, uint8_t *target0, uint8_t *target1, uint8_t shape)
switch (shape) {
jbe_ptr(cb, target0);
enum jcc_kinds {
// Generate a jump to a stub that recompiles the current YARV instruction on failure.
// When depth_limitk is exceeded, generate a jump to a side exit.
static void
jit_chain_guard(enum jcc_kinds jcc, jitstate_t *jit, const ctx_t *ctx, uint8_t depth_limit, uint8_t *side_exit)
branchgen_fn target0_gen_fn;
switch (jcc) {
case JCC_JNE:
case JCC_JNZ:
target0_gen_fn = gen_jnz_to_target0;
case JCC_JZ:
case JCC_JE:
target0_gen_fn = gen_jz_to_target0;
case JCC_JBE:
case JCC_JNA:
target0_gen_fn = gen_jbe_to_target0;
RUBY_ASSERT(false && "unimplemented jump kind");
if (ctx->chain_depth < depth_limit) {
ctx_t deeper = *ctx;
(blockid_t) { jit->iseq, jit->insn_idx },
else {
target0_gen_fn(cb, side_exit, NULL, SHAPE_DEFAULT);
bool rb_iv_index_tbl_lookup(struct st_table *iv_index_tbl, ID id, struct rb_iv_index_tbl_entry **ent); // vm_insnhelper.c
enum {
GETIVAR_MAX_DEPTH = 10, // up to 5 different classes, and embedded or not for each
OPT_AREF_MAX_CHAIN_DEPTH = 2, // hashes and arrays
SEND_MAX_DEPTH = 5, // up to 5 different classes
static uint32_t
yjit_force_iv_index(VALUE comptime_receiver, VALUE klass, ID name)
ID id = name;
struct rb_iv_index_tbl_entry *ent;
struct st_table *iv_index_tbl = ROBJECT_IV_INDEX_TBL(comptime_receiver);
// Make sure there is a mapping for this ivar in the index table
if (!iv_index_tbl || !rb_iv_index_tbl_lookup(iv_index_tbl, id, &ent)) {
rb_ivar_set(comptime_receiver, id, Qundef);
iv_index_tbl = ROBJECT_IV_INDEX_TBL(comptime_receiver);
// Redo the lookup
RUBY_ASSERT_ALWAYS(rb_iv_index_tbl_lookup(iv_index_tbl, id, &ent));
return ent->index;
VALUE rb_vm_set_ivar_idx(VALUE obj, uint32_t idx, VALUE val);
// Codegen for setting an instance variable.
// Preconditions:
// - receiver is in REG0
// - receiver has the same class as CLASS_OF(comptime_receiver)
// - no stack push or pops to ctx since the entry to the codegen of the instruction being compiled
static codegen_status_t
gen_set_ivar(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, VALUE recv, VALUE klass, ID ivar_name)
// Save the PC and SP because the callee may allocate
// Note that this modifies REG_SP, which is why we do it first
jit_prepare_routine_call(jit, ctx, REG0);
// Get the operands from the stack
x86opnd_t val_opnd = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
x86opnd_t recv_opnd = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
uint32_t ivar_index = yjit_force_iv_index(recv, klass, ivar_name);
// Call rb_vm_set_ivar_idx with the receiver, the index of the ivar, and the value
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], recv_opnd);
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], imm_opnd(ivar_index));
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[2], val_opnd);
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)rb_vm_set_ivar_idx);
x86opnd_t out_opnd = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN);
mov(cb, out_opnd, RAX);
// Codegen for getting an instance variable.
// Preconditions:
// - receiver is in REG0
// - receiver has the same class as CLASS_OF(comptime_receiver)
// - no stack push or pops to ctx since the entry to the codegen of the instruction being compiled
static codegen_status_t
gen_get_ivar(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, const int max_chain_depth, VALUE comptime_receiver, ID ivar_name, insn_opnd_t reg0_opnd, uint8_t *side_exit)
VALUE comptime_val_klass = CLASS_OF(comptime_receiver);
const ctx_t starting_context = *ctx; // make a copy for use with jit_chain_guard
// If the class uses the default allocator, instances should all be T_OBJECT
// NOTE: This assumes nobody changes the allocator of the class after allocation.
// Eventually, we can encode whether an object is T_OBJECT or not
// inside object shapes.
if (!RB_TYPE_P(comptime_receiver, T_OBJECT) ||
rb_get_alloc_func(comptime_val_klass) != rb_class_allocate_instance) {
// General case. Call rb_ivar_get().
// VALUE rb_ivar_get(VALUE obj, ID id)
ADD_COMMENT(cb, "call rb_ivar_get()");
// The function could raise exceptions.
jit_prepare_routine_call(jit, ctx, REG1);
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], REG0);
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], imm_opnd((int64_t)ivar_name));
call_ptr(cb, REG1, (void *)rb_ivar_get);
if (!reg0_opnd.is_self) {
(void)ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
// Push the ivar on the stack
x86opnd_t out_opnd = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN);
mov(cb, out_opnd, RAX);
// Jump to next instruction. This allows guard chains to share the same successor.
jit_jump_to_next_insn(jit, ctx);
// This check was added because of a failure in a test involving the
// Nokogiri Document class where we see a T_DATA that still has the default
// allocator.
// Aaron Patterson argues that this is a bug in the C extension, because
// people could call .allocate() on the class and still get a T_OBJECT
// For now I added an extra dynamic check that the receiver is T_OBJECT
// so we can safely pass all the tests in Shopify Core.
// Guard that the receiver is T_OBJECT
// #define RB_BUILTIN_TYPE(x) (int)(((struct RBasic*)(x))->flags & RUBY_T_MASK)
ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard receiver is T_OBJECT");
mov(cb, REG1, member_opnd(REG0, struct RBasic, flags));
and(cb, REG1, imm_opnd(RUBY_T_MASK));
cmp(cb, REG1, imm_opnd(T_OBJECT));
jit_chain_guard(JCC_JNE, jit, &starting_context, max_chain_depth, side_exit);
uint32_t ivar_index = yjit_force_iv_index(comptime_receiver, CLASS_OF(comptime_receiver), ivar_name);
// Pop receiver if it's on the temp stack
if (!reg0_opnd.is_self) {
(void)ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
// Compile time self is embedded and the ivar index lands within the object
if (RB_FL_TEST_RAW(comptime_receiver, ROBJECT_EMBED) && ivar_index < ROBJECT_EMBED_LEN_MAX) {
// See ROBJECT_IVPTR() from include/ruby/internal/core/robject.h
// Guard that self is embedded
// TODO: BT and JC is shorter
ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard embedded getivar");
x86opnd_t flags_opnd = member_opnd(REG0, struct RBasic, flags);
test(cb, flags_opnd, imm_opnd(ROBJECT_EMBED));
jit_chain_guard(JCC_JZ, jit, &starting_context, max_chain_depth, side_exit);
// Load the variable
x86opnd_t ivar_opnd = mem_opnd(64, REG0, offsetof(struct RObject, as.ary) + ivar_index * SIZEOF_VALUE);
mov(cb, REG1, ivar_opnd);
// Guard that the variable is not Qundef
cmp(cb, REG1, imm_opnd(Qundef));
mov(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(Qnil));
cmove(cb, REG1, REG0);
// Push the ivar on the stack
x86opnd_t out_opnd = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN);
mov(cb, out_opnd, REG1);
else {
// Compile time value is *not* embeded.
// Guard that value is *not* embedded
// See ROBJECT_IVPTR() from include/ruby/internal/core/robject.h
ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard extended getivar");
x86opnd_t flags_opnd = member_opnd(REG0, struct RBasic, flags);
test(cb, flags_opnd, imm_opnd(ROBJECT_EMBED));
jit_chain_guard(JCC_JNZ, jit, &starting_context, max_chain_depth, side_exit);
// check that the extended table is big enough
if (ivar_index >= ROBJECT_EMBED_LEN_MAX + 1) {
// Check that the slot is inside the extended table (num_slots > index)
x86opnd_t num_slots = mem_opnd(32, REG0, offsetof(struct RObject, as.heap.numiv));
cmp(cb, num_slots, imm_opnd(ivar_index));
jle_ptr(cb, COUNTED_EXIT(side_exit, getivar_idx_out_of_range));
// Get a pointer to the extended table
x86opnd_t tbl_opnd = mem_opnd(64, REG0, offsetof(struct RObject, as.heap.ivptr));
mov(cb, REG0, tbl_opnd);
// Read the ivar from the extended table
x86opnd_t ivar_opnd = mem_opnd(64, REG0, sizeof(VALUE) * ivar_index);
mov(cb, REG0, ivar_opnd);
// Check that the ivar is not Qundef
cmp(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(Qundef));
mov(cb, REG1, imm_opnd(Qnil));
cmove(cb, REG0, REG1);
// Push the ivar on the stack
x86opnd_t out_opnd = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN);
mov(cb, out_opnd, REG0);
// Jump to next instruction. This allows guard chains to share the same successor.
jit_jump_to_next_insn(jit, ctx);
static codegen_status_t
gen_getinstancevariable(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
// Defer compilation so we can specialize on a runtime `self`
if (!jit_at_current_insn(jit)) {
defer_compilation(jit, ctx);
ID ivar_name = (ID)jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
VALUE comptime_val = jit_peek_at_self(jit, ctx);
VALUE comptime_val_klass = CLASS_OF(comptime_val);
// Generate a side exit
uint8_t *side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx);
// Guard that the receiver has the same class as the one from compile time.
mov(cb, REG0, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, self));
guard_self_is_heap(cb, REG0, COUNTED_EXIT(side_exit, getivar_se_self_not_heap), ctx);
jit_guard_known_klass(jit, ctx, comptime_val_klass, OPND_SELF, comptime_val, GETIVAR_MAX_DEPTH, side_exit);
return gen_get_ivar(jit, ctx, GETIVAR_MAX_DEPTH, comptime_val, ivar_name, OPND_SELF, side_exit);
void rb_vm_setinstancevariable(const rb_iseq_t *iseq, VALUE obj, ID id, VALUE val, IVC ic);
static codegen_status_t
gen_setinstancevariable(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
ID id = (ID)jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
IVC ic = (IVC)jit_get_arg(jit, 1);
// Save the PC and SP because the callee may allocate
// Note that this modifies REG_SP, which is why we do it first
jit_prepare_routine_call(jit, ctx, REG0);
// Get the operands from the stack
x86opnd_t val_opnd = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
// Call rb_vm_setinstancevariable(iseq, obj, id, val, ic);
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, self));
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[3], val_opnd);
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[2], imm_opnd(id));
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[4], const_ptr_opnd(ic));
jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], (VALUE)jit->iseq);
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)rb_vm_setinstancevariable);
bool rb_vm_defined(rb_execution_context_t *ec, rb_control_frame_t *reg_cfp, rb_num_t op_type, VALUE obj, VALUE v);
static codegen_status_t
gen_defined(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
rb_num_t op_type = (rb_num_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
VALUE obj = (VALUE)jit_get_arg(jit, 1);
VALUE pushval = (VALUE)jit_get_arg(jit, 2);
// Save the PC and SP because the callee may allocate
// Note that this modifies REG_SP, which is why we do it first
jit_prepare_routine_call(jit, ctx, REG0);
// Get the operands from the stack
x86opnd_t v_opnd = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
// Call vm_defined(ec, reg_cfp, op_type, obj, v)
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], REG_EC);
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], REG_CFP);
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[2], imm_opnd(op_type));
jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, C_ARG_REGS[3], (VALUE)obj);
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[4], v_opnd);
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)rb_vm_defined);
// if (vm_defined(ec, GET_CFP(), op_type, obj, v)) {
// val = pushval;
// }
jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, REG1, (VALUE)pushval);
cmp(cb, AL, imm_opnd(0));
mov(cb, RAX, imm_opnd(Qnil));
cmovnz(cb, RAX, REG1);
// Push the return value onto the stack
val_type_t out_type = SPECIAL_CONST_P(pushval)? TYPE_IMM:TYPE_UNKNOWN;
x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, out_type);
mov(cb, stack_ret, RAX);
static codegen_status_t
gen_checktype(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
enum ruby_value_type type_val = (enum ruby_value_type)jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
// Only three types are emitted by compile.c
if (type_val == T_STRING || type_val == T_ARRAY || type_val == T_HASH) {
val_type_t val_type = ctx_get_opnd_type(ctx, OPND_STACK(0));
x86opnd_t val = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
x86opnd_t stack_ret;
// Check if we know from type information
if ((type_val == T_STRING && val_type.type == ETYPE_STRING) ||
(type_val == T_ARRAY && val_type.type == ETYPE_ARRAY) ||
(type_val == T_HASH && val_type.type == ETYPE_HASH)) {
// guaranteed type match
stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_TRUE);
mov(cb, stack_ret, imm_opnd(Qtrue));
else if (val_type.is_imm || val_type.type != ETYPE_UNKNOWN) {
// guaranteed not to match T_STRING/T_ARRAY/T_HASH
stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_FALSE);
mov(cb, stack_ret, imm_opnd(Qfalse));
mov(cb, REG0, val);
mov(cb, REG1, imm_opnd(Qfalse));
uint32_t ret = cb_new_label(cb, "ret");
if (!val_type.is_heap) {
// if (SPECIAL_CONST_P(val)) {
// Return Qfalse via REG1 if not on heap
test(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(RUBY_IMMEDIATE_MASK));
jnz_label(cb, ret);
cmp(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(Qnil));
jbe_label(cb, ret);
// Check type on object
mov(cb, REG0, mem_opnd(64, REG0, offsetof(struct RBasic, flags)));
and(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(RUBY_T_MASK));
cmp(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(type_val));
mov(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(Qtrue));
// REG1 contains Qfalse from above
cmove(cb, REG1, REG0);
cb_write_label(cb, ret);
stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_IMM);
mov(cb, stack_ret, REG1);
else {
static codegen_status_t
gen_concatstrings(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
rb_num_t n = (rb_num_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
// Save the PC and SP because we are allocating
jit_prepare_routine_call(jit, ctx, REG0);
x86opnd_t values_ptr = ctx_sp_opnd(ctx, -(sizeof(VALUE) * (uint32_t)n));
// call rb_str_concat_literals(long n, const VALUE *strings);
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], imm_opnd(n));
lea(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], values_ptr);
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)rb_str_concat_literals);
ctx_stack_pop(ctx, n);
x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_STRING);
mov(cb, stack_ret, RAX);
static void
guard_two_fixnums(ctx_t *ctx, uint8_t *side_exit)
// Get the stack operand types
val_type_t arg1_type = ctx_get_opnd_type(ctx, OPND_STACK(0));
val_type_t arg0_type = ctx_get_opnd_type(ctx, OPND_STACK(1));
if (arg0_type.is_heap || arg1_type.is_heap) {
jmp_ptr(cb, side_exit);
if (arg0_type.type != ETYPE_FIXNUM && arg0_type.type != ETYPE_UNKNOWN) {
jmp_ptr(cb, side_exit);
if (arg1_type.type != ETYPE_FIXNUM && arg1_type.type != ETYPE_UNKNOWN) {
jmp_ptr(cb, side_exit);
RUBY_ASSERT(arg0_type.type == ETYPE_FIXNUM || arg0_type.type == ETYPE_UNKNOWN);
RUBY_ASSERT(arg1_type.type == ETYPE_FIXNUM || arg1_type.type == ETYPE_UNKNOWN);
// Get stack operands without popping them
x86opnd_t arg1 = ctx_stack_opnd(ctx, 0);
x86opnd_t arg0 = ctx_stack_opnd(ctx, 1);
// If not fixnums, fall back
if (arg0_type.type != ETYPE_FIXNUM) {
ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard arg0 fixnum");
test(cb, arg0, imm_opnd(RUBY_FIXNUM_FLAG));
jz_ptr(cb, side_exit);
if (arg1_type.type != ETYPE_FIXNUM) {
ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard arg1 fixnum");
test(cb, arg1, imm_opnd(RUBY_FIXNUM_FLAG));
jz_ptr(cb, side_exit);
// Set stack types in context
ctx_upgrade_opnd_type(ctx, OPND_STACK(0), TYPE_FIXNUM);
ctx_upgrade_opnd_type(ctx, OPND_STACK(1), TYPE_FIXNUM);
// Conditional move operation used by comparison operators
typedef void (*cmov_fn)(codeblock_t *cb, x86opnd_t opnd0, x86opnd_t opnd1);
static codegen_status_t
gen_fixnum_cmp(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, cmov_fn cmov_op)
// Defer compilation so we can specialize base on a runtime receiver
if (!jit_at_current_insn(jit)) {
defer_compilation(jit, ctx);
VALUE comptime_a = jit_peek_at_stack(jit, ctx, 1);
VALUE comptime_b = jit_peek_at_stack(jit, ctx, 0);
if (FIXNUM_P(comptime_a) && FIXNUM_P(comptime_b)) {
// Create a size-exit to fall back to the interpreter
// Note: we generate the side-exit before popping operands from the stack
uint8_t *side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx);
if (!assume_bop_not_redefined(jit->block, INTEGER_REDEFINED_OP_FLAG, BOP_LT)) {
// Check that both operands are fixnums
guard_two_fixnums(ctx, side_exit);
// Get the operands from the stack
x86opnd_t arg1 = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
x86opnd_t arg0 = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
// Compare the arguments
xor(cb, REG0_32, REG0_32); // REG0 = Qfalse
mov(cb, REG1, arg0);
cmp(cb, REG1, arg1);
mov(cb, REG1, imm_opnd(Qtrue));
cmov_op(cb, REG0, REG1);
// Push the output on the stack
x86opnd_t dst = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN);
mov(cb, dst, REG0);
else {
return gen_opt_send_without_block(jit, ctx, cb);
static codegen_status_t
gen_opt_lt(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
return gen_fixnum_cmp(jit, ctx, cmovl);
static codegen_status_t
gen_opt_le(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
return gen_fixnum_cmp(jit, ctx, cmovle);
static codegen_status_t
gen_opt_ge(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
return gen_fixnum_cmp(jit, ctx, cmovge);
static codegen_status_t
gen_opt_gt(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
return gen_fixnum_cmp(jit, ctx, cmovg);
// Implements specialized equality for either two fixnum or two strings
// Returns true if code was generated, otherwise false
static bool
gen_equality_specialized(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, uint8_t *side_exit)
VALUE comptime_a = jit_peek_at_stack(jit, ctx, 1);
VALUE comptime_b = jit_peek_at_stack(jit, ctx, 0);
x86opnd_t a_opnd = ctx_stack_opnd(ctx, 1);
x86opnd_t b_opnd = ctx_stack_opnd(ctx, 0);
if (FIXNUM_P(comptime_a) && FIXNUM_P(comptime_b)) {
if (!assume_bop_not_redefined(jit->block, INTEGER_REDEFINED_OP_FLAG, BOP_EQ)) {
// if overridden, emit the generic version
return false;
guard_two_fixnums(ctx, side_exit);
mov(cb, REG0, a_opnd);
cmp(cb, REG0, b_opnd);
mov(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(Qfalse));
mov(cb, REG1, imm_opnd(Qtrue));
cmove(cb, REG0, REG1);
// Push the output on the stack
ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 2);
x86opnd_t dst = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_IMM);
mov(cb, dst, REG0);
return true;
else if (CLASS_OF(comptime_a) == rb_cString &&
CLASS_OF(comptime_b) == rb_cString) {
if (!assume_bop_not_redefined(jit->block, STRING_REDEFINED_OP_FLAG, BOP_EQ)) {
// if overridden, emit the generic version
return false;
// Load a and b in preparation for call later
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], a_opnd);
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], b_opnd);
// Guard that a is a String
mov(cb, REG0, C_ARG_REGS[0]);
jit_guard_known_klass(jit, ctx, rb_cString, OPND_STACK(1), comptime_a, SEND_MAX_DEPTH, side_exit);
uint32_t ret = cb_new_label(cb, "ret");
// If they are equal by identity, return true
cmp(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], C_ARG_REGS[1]);
mov(cb, RAX, imm_opnd(Qtrue));
je_label(cb, ret);
// Otherwise guard that b is a T_STRING (from type info) or String (from runtime guard)
if (ctx_get_opnd_type(ctx, OPND_STACK(0)).type != ETYPE_STRING) {
mov(cb, REG0, C_ARG_REGS[1]);
// Note: any T_STRING is valid here, but we check for a ::String for simplicity
jit_guard_known_klass(jit, ctx, rb_cString, OPND_STACK(0), comptime_b, SEND_MAX_DEPTH, side_exit);
// Call rb_str_eql_internal(a, b)
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)rb_str_eql_internal);
// Push the output on the stack
cb_write_label(cb, ret);
ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 2);
x86opnd_t dst = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_IMM);
mov(cb, dst, RAX);
return true;
else {
return false;
static codegen_status_t
gen_opt_eq(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
// Defer compilation so we can specialize base on a runtime receiver
if (!jit_at_current_insn(jit)) {
defer_compilation(jit, ctx);
// Create a size-exit to fall back to the interpreter
uint8_t *side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx);
if (gen_equality_specialized(jit, ctx, side_exit)) {
jit_jump_to_next_insn(jit, ctx);
else {
return gen_opt_send_without_block(jit, ctx, cb);
static codegen_status_t gen_send_general(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, struct rb_call_data *cd, rb_iseq_t *block);
static codegen_status_t
gen_opt_neq(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
// opt_neq is passed two rb_call_data as arguments:
// first for ==, second for !=
struct rb_call_data *cd = (struct rb_call_data *)jit_get_arg(jit, 1);
return gen_send_general(jit, ctx, cd, NULL);
static codegen_status_t
gen_opt_aref(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
struct rb_call_data * cd = (struct rb_call_data *)jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
int32_t argc = (int32_t)vm_ci_argc(cd->ci);
// Only JIT one arg calls like `ary[6]`
if (argc != 1) {
GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, oaref_argc_not_one);
// Defer compilation so we can specialize base on a runtime receiver
if (!jit_at_current_insn(jit)) {
defer_compilation(jit, ctx);
// Remember the context on entry for adding guard chains
const ctx_t starting_context = *ctx;
// Specialize base on compile time values
VALUE comptime_idx = jit_peek_at_stack(jit, ctx, 0);
VALUE comptime_recv = jit_peek_at_stack(jit, ctx, 1);
// Create a size-exit to fall back to the interpreter
uint8_t *side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx);
if (CLASS_OF(comptime_recv) == rb_cArray && RB_FIXNUM_P(comptime_idx)) {
if (!assume_bop_not_redefined(jit->block, ARRAY_REDEFINED_OP_FLAG, BOP_AREF)) {
// Pop the stack operands
x86opnd_t idx_opnd = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
x86opnd_t recv_opnd = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
mov(cb, REG0, recv_opnd);
// if (SPECIAL_CONST_P(recv)) {
// Bail if receiver is not a heap object
test(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(RUBY_IMMEDIATE_MASK));
jnz_ptr(cb, side_exit);
cmp(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(Qfalse));
je_ptr(cb, side_exit);
cmp(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(Qnil));
je_ptr(cb, side_exit);
// Bail if recv has a class other than ::Array.
// BOP_AREF check above is only good for ::Array.
mov(cb, REG1, mem_opnd(64, REG0, offsetof(struct RBasic, klass)));
mov(cb, REG0, const_ptr_opnd((void *)rb_cArray));
cmp(cb, REG0, REG1);
jit_chain_guard(JCC_JNE, jit, &starting_context, OPT_AREF_MAX_CHAIN_DEPTH, side_exit);
// Bail if idx is not a FIXNUM
mov(cb, REG1, idx_opnd);
test(cb, REG1, imm_opnd(RUBY_FIXNUM_FLAG));
jz_ptr(cb, COUNTED_EXIT(side_exit, oaref_arg_not_fixnum));
// Call VALUE rb_ary_entry_internal(VALUE ary, long offset).
// It never raises or allocates, so we don't need to write to cfp->pc.
mov(cb, RDI, recv_opnd);
sar(cb, REG1, imm_opnd(1)); // Convert fixnum to int
mov(cb, RSI, REG1);
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)rb_ary_entry_internal);
// Push the return value onto the stack
x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN);
mov(cb, stack_ret, RAX);
// Jump to next instruction. This allows guard chains to share the same successor.
jit_jump_to_next_insn(jit, ctx);
else if (CLASS_OF(comptime_recv) == rb_cHash) {
if (!assume_bop_not_redefined(jit->block, HASH_REDEFINED_OP_FLAG, BOP_AREF)) {
x86opnd_t key_opnd = ctx_stack_opnd(ctx, 0);
x86opnd_t recv_opnd = ctx_stack_opnd(ctx, 1);
// Guard that the receiver is a hash
mov(cb, REG0, recv_opnd);
jit_guard_known_klass(jit, ctx, rb_cHash, OPND_STACK(1), comptime_recv, OPT_AREF_MAX_CHAIN_DEPTH, side_exit);
// Setup arguments for rb_hash_aref().
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], REG0);
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], key_opnd);
// Prepare to call rb_hash_aref(). It might call #hash on the key.
jit_prepare_routine_call(jit, ctx, REG0);
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)rb_hash_aref);
// Pop the key and the reciever
(void)ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 2);
// Push the return value onto the stack
x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN);
mov(cb, stack_ret, RAX);
// Jump to next instruction. This allows guard chains to share the same successor.
jit_jump_to_next_insn(jit, ctx);
else {
// General case. Call the [] method.
return gen_opt_send_without_block(jit, ctx, cb);
static codegen_status_t
gen_opt_aset(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
// Defer compilation so we can specialize on a runtime `self`
if (!jit_at_current_insn(jit)) {
defer_compilation(jit, ctx);
VALUE comptime_recv = jit_peek_at_stack(jit, ctx, 2);
VALUE comptime_key = jit_peek_at_stack(jit, ctx, 1);
// Get the operands from the stack
x86opnd_t recv = ctx_stack_opnd(ctx, 2);
x86opnd_t key = ctx_stack_opnd(ctx, 1);
x86opnd_t val = ctx_stack_opnd(ctx, 0);
if (CLASS_OF(comptime_recv) == rb_cArray && FIXNUM_P(comptime_key)) {
uint8_t *side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx);
// Guard receiver is an Array
mov(cb, REG0, recv);
jit_guard_known_klass(jit, ctx, rb_cArray, OPND_STACK(2), comptime_recv, SEND_MAX_DEPTH, side_exit);
// Guard key is a fixnum
mov(cb, REG0, key);
jit_guard_known_klass(jit, ctx, rb_cInteger, OPND_STACK(1), comptime_key, SEND_MAX_DEPTH, side_exit);
// Call rb_ary_store
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], recv);
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], key);
sar(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], imm_opnd(1)); // FIX2LONG(key)
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[2], val);
// We might allocate or raise
jit_prepare_routine_call(jit, ctx, REG0);
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)rb_ary_store);
// rb_ary_store returns void
// stored value should still be on stack
mov(cb, REG0, ctx_stack_opnd(ctx, 0));
// Push the return value onto the stack
ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 3);
x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN);
mov(cb, stack_ret, REG0);
jit_jump_to_next_insn(jit, ctx);
else if (CLASS_OF(comptime_recv) == rb_cHash) {
uint8_t *side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx);
// Guard receiver is a Hash
mov(cb, REG0, recv);
jit_guard_known_klass(jit, ctx, rb_cHash, OPND_STACK(2), comptime_recv, SEND_MAX_DEPTH, side_exit);
// Call rb_hash_aset
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], recv);
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], key);
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[2], val);
// We might allocate or raise
jit_prepare_routine_call(jit, ctx, REG0);
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)rb_hash_aset);
// Push the return value onto the stack
ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 3);
x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN);
mov(cb, stack_ret, RAX);
jit_jump_to_next_insn(jit, ctx);
else {
return gen_opt_send_without_block(jit, ctx, cb);
static codegen_status_t
gen_opt_and(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
// Defer compilation so we can specialize on a runtime `self`
if (!jit_at_current_insn(jit)) {
defer_compilation(jit, ctx);
VALUE comptime_a = jit_peek_at_stack(jit, ctx, 1);
VALUE comptime_b = jit_peek_at_stack(jit, ctx, 0);
if (FIXNUM_P(comptime_a) && FIXNUM_P(comptime_b)) {
// Create a size-exit to fall back to the interpreter
// Note: we generate the side-exit before popping operands from the stack
uint8_t *side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx);
if (!assume_bop_not_redefined(jit->block, INTEGER_REDEFINED_OP_FLAG, BOP_AND)) {
// Check that both operands are fixnums
guard_two_fixnums(ctx, side_exit);
// Get the operands and destination from the stack
x86opnd_t arg1 = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
x86opnd_t arg0 = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
// Do the bitwise and arg0 & arg1
mov(cb, REG0, arg0);
and(cb, REG0, arg1);
// Push the output on the stack
x86opnd_t dst = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_FIXNUM);
mov(cb, dst, REG0);
else {
// Delegate to send, call the method on the recv
return gen_opt_send_without_block(jit, ctx, cb);
static codegen_status_t
gen_opt_or(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
// Defer compilation so we can specialize on a runtime `self`
if (!jit_at_current_insn(jit)) {
defer_compilation(jit, ctx);
VALUE comptime_a = jit_peek_at_stack(jit, ctx, 1);
VALUE comptime_b = jit_peek_at_stack(jit, ctx, 0);
if (FIXNUM_P(comptime_a) && FIXNUM_P(comptime_b)) {
// Create a size-exit to fall back to the interpreter
// Note: we generate the side-exit before popping operands from the stack
uint8_t *side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx);
if (!assume_bop_not_redefined(jit->block, INTEGER_REDEFINED_OP_FLAG, BOP_OR)) {
// Check that both operands are fixnums
guard_two_fixnums(ctx, side_exit);
// Get the operands and destination from the stack
x86opnd_t arg1 = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
x86opnd_t arg0 = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
// Do the bitwise or arg0 | arg1
mov(cb, REG0, arg0);
or(cb, REG0, arg1);
// Push the output on the stack
x86opnd_t dst = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_FIXNUM);
mov(cb, dst, REG0);
else {
// Delegate to send, call the method on the recv
return gen_opt_send_without_block(jit, ctx, cb);
static codegen_status_t
gen_opt_minus(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
// Defer compilation so we can specialize on a runtime `self`
if (!jit_at_current_insn(jit)) {
defer_compilation(jit, ctx);
VALUE comptime_a = jit_peek_at_stack(jit, ctx, 1);
VALUE comptime_b = jit_peek_at_stack(jit, ctx, 0);
if (FIXNUM_P(comptime_a) && FIXNUM_P(comptime_b)) {
// Create a size-exit to fall back to the interpreter
// Note: we generate the side-exit before popping operands from the stack
uint8_t *side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx);
if (!assume_bop_not_redefined(jit->block, INTEGER_REDEFINED_OP_FLAG, BOP_MINUS)) {
// Check that both operands are fixnums
guard_two_fixnums(ctx, side_exit);
// Get the operands and destination from the stack
x86opnd_t arg1 = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
x86opnd_t arg0 = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
// Subtract arg0 - arg1 and test for overflow
mov(cb, REG0, arg0);
sub(cb, REG0, arg1);
jo_ptr(cb, side_exit);
add(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(1));
// Push the output on the stack
x86opnd_t dst = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_FIXNUM);
mov(cb, dst, REG0);
else {
// Delegate to send, call the method on the recv
return gen_opt_send_without_block(jit, ctx, cb);
static codegen_status_t
gen_opt_plus(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
// Defer compilation so we can specialize on a runtime `self`
if (!jit_at_current_insn(jit)) {
defer_compilation(jit, ctx);
VALUE comptime_a = jit_peek_at_stack(jit, ctx, 1);
VALUE comptime_b = jit_peek_at_stack(jit, ctx, 0);
if (FIXNUM_P(comptime_a) && FIXNUM_P(comptime_b)) {
// Create a size-exit to fall back to the interpreter
// Note: we generate the side-exit before popping operands from the stack
uint8_t *side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx);
if (!assume_bop_not_redefined(jit->block, INTEGER_REDEFINED_OP_FLAG, BOP_PLUS)) {
// Check that both operands are fixnums
guard_two_fixnums(ctx, side_exit);
// Get the operands and destination from the stack
x86opnd_t arg1 = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
x86opnd_t arg0 = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
// Add arg0 + arg1 and test for overflow
mov(cb, REG0, arg0);
sub(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(1));
add(cb, REG0, arg1);
jo_ptr(cb, side_exit);
// Push the output on the stack
x86opnd_t dst = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_FIXNUM);
mov(cb, dst, REG0);
else {
// Delegate to send, call the method on the recv
return gen_opt_send_without_block(jit, ctx, cb);
static codegen_status_t
gen_opt_mult(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
// Delegate to send, call the method on the recv
return gen_opt_send_without_block(jit, ctx, cb);
static codegen_status_t
gen_opt_div(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
// Delegate to send, call the method on the recv
return gen_opt_send_without_block(jit, ctx, cb);
VALUE rb_vm_opt_mod(VALUE recv, VALUE obj);
static codegen_status_t
gen_opt_mod(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
// Save the PC and SP because the callee may allocate bignums
// Note that this modifies REG_SP, which is why we do it first
jit_prepare_routine_call(jit, ctx, REG0);
uint8_t *side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx);
// Get the operands from the stack
x86opnd_t arg1 = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
x86opnd_t arg0 = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
// Call rb_vm_opt_mod(VALUE recv, VALUE obj)
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], arg0);
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], arg1);
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)rb_vm_opt_mod);
// If val == Qundef, bail to do a method call
cmp(cb, RAX, imm_opnd(Qundef));
je_ptr(cb, side_exit);
// Push the return value onto the stack
x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN);
mov(cb, stack_ret, RAX);
static codegen_status_t
gen_opt_ltlt(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
// Delegate to send, call the method on the recv
return gen_opt_send_without_block(jit, ctx, cb);
static codegen_status_t
gen_opt_nil_p(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
// Delegate to send, call the method on the recv
return gen_opt_send_without_block(jit, ctx, cb);
static codegen_status_t
gen_opt_empty_p(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
// Delegate to send, call the method on the recv
return gen_opt_send_without_block(jit, ctx, cb);
static codegen_status_t
gen_opt_str_freeze(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
if (!assume_bop_not_redefined(jit->block, STRING_REDEFINED_OP_FLAG, BOP_FREEZE)) {
VALUE str = jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, REG0, str);
// Push the return value onto the stack
x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_STRING);
mov(cb, stack_ret, REG0);
static codegen_status_t
gen_opt_str_uminus(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
if (!assume_bop_not_redefined(jit->block, STRING_REDEFINED_OP_FLAG, BOP_UMINUS)) {
VALUE str = jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, REG0, str);
// Push the return value onto the stack
x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_STRING);
mov(cb, stack_ret, REG0);
static codegen_status_t
gen_opt_not(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
return gen_opt_send_without_block(jit, ctx, cb);
static codegen_status_t
gen_opt_size(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
return gen_opt_send_without_block(jit, ctx, cb);
static codegen_status_t
gen_opt_length(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
return gen_opt_send_without_block(jit, ctx, cb);
static codegen_status_t
gen_opt_regexpmatch2(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
return gen_opt_send_without_block(jit, ctx, cb);
static codegen_status_t
gen_opt_case_dispatch(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
// Normally this instruction would lookup the key in a hash and jump to an
// offset based on that.
// Instead we can take the fallback case and continue with the next
// instruciton.
// We'd hope that our jitted code will be sufficiently fast without the
// hash lookup, at least for small hashes, but it's worth revisiting this
// assumption in the future.
ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
return YJIT_KEEP_COMPILING; // continue with the next instruction
static void
gen_branchif_branch(codeblock_t *cb, uint8_t *target0, uint8_t *target1, uint8_t shape)
switch (shape) {
jz_ptr(cb, target1);
jnz_ptr(cb, target0);
jnz_ptr(cb, target0);
jmp_ptr(cb, target1);
static codegen_status_t
gen_branchif(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
int32_t jump_offset = (int32_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
// Check for interrupts, but only on backward branches that may create loops
if (jump_offset < 0) {
uint8_t *side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx);
yjit_check_ints(cb, side_exit);
// Test if any bit (outside of the Qnil bit) is on
// RUBY_Qfalse /* ...0000 0000 */
// RUBY_Qnil /* ...0000 1000 */
x86opnd_t val_opnd = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
test(cb, val_opnd, imm_opnd(~Qnil));
// Get the branch target instruction offsets
uint32_t next_idx = jit_next_insn_idx(jit);
uint32_t jump_idx = next_idx + jump_offset;
blockid_t next_block = { jit->iseq, next_idx };
blockid_t jump_block = { jit->iseq, jump_idx };
// Generate the branch instructions
static void
gen_branchunless_branch(codeblock_t *cb, uint8_t *target0, uint8_t *target1, uint8_t shape)
switch (shape) {
jnz_ptr(cb, target1);
jz_ptr(cb, target0);
jz_ptr(cb, target0);
jmp_ptr(cb, target1);
static codegen_status_t
gen_branchunless(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
int32_t jump_offset = (int32_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
// Check for interrupts, but only on backward branches that may create loops
if (jump_offset < 0) {
uint8_t *side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx);
yjit_check_ints(cb, side_exit);
// Test if any bit (outside of the Qnil bit) is on
// RUBY_Qfalse /* ...0000 0000 */
// RUBY_Qnil /* ...0000 1000 */
x86opnd_t val_opnd = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
test(cb, val_opnd, imm_opnd(~Qnil));
// Get the branch target instruction offsets
uint32_t next_idx = jit_next_insn_idx(jit);
uint32_t jump_idx = next_idx + jump_offset;
blockid_t next_block = { jit->iseq, next_idx };
blockid_t jump_block = { jit->iseq, jump_idx };
// Generate the branch instructions
static void
gen_branchnil_branch(codeblock_t *cb, uint8_t *target0, uint8_t *target1, uint8_t shape)
switch (shape) {
jne_ptr(cb, target1);
je_ptr(cb, target0);
je_ptr(cb, target0);
jmp_ptr(cb, target1);
static codegen_status_t
gen_branchnil(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
int32_t jump_offset = (int32_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
// Check for interrupts, but only on backward branches that may create loops
if (jump_offset < 0) {
uint8_t *side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx);
yjit_check_ints(cb, side_exit);
// Test if the value is Qnil
// RUBY_Qnil /* ...0000 1000 */
x86opnd_t val_opnd = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
cmp(cb, val_opnd, imm_opnd(Qnil));
// Get the branch target instruction offsets
uint32_t next_idx = jit_next_insn_idx(jit);
uint32_t jump_idx = next_idx + jump_offset;
blockid_t next_block = { jit->iseq, next_idx };
blockid_t jump_block = { jit->iseq, jump_idx };
// Generate the branch instructions
static codegen_status_t
gen_jump(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
int32_t jump_offset = (int32_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
// Check for interrupts, but only on backward branches that may create loops
if (jump_offset < 0) {
uint8_t *side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx);
yjit_check_ints(cb, side_exit);
// Get the branch target instruction offsets
uint32_t jump_idx = jit_next_insn_idx(jit) + jump_offset;
blockid_t jump_block = { jit->iseq, jump_idx };
// Generate the jump instruction
Guard that a stack operand has the same class as known_klass.
Recompile as contingency if possible, or take side exit a last resort.
static bool
jit_guard_known_klass(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, VALUE known_klass, insn_opnd_t insn_opnd, VALUE sample_instance, const int max_chain_depth, uint8_t *side_exit)
val_type_t val_type = ctx_get_opnd_type(ctx, insn_opnd);
if (known_klass == rb_cNilClass) {
if (val_type.type != ETYPE_NIL) {
RUBY_ASSERT(val_type.type == ETYPE_UNKNOWN);
ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard object is nil");
cmp(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(Qnil));
jit_chain_guard(JCC_JNE, jit, ctx, max_chain_depth, side_exit);
ctx_upgrade_opnd_type(ctx, insn_opnd, TYPE_NIL);
else if (known_klass == rb_cTrueClass) {
if (val_type.type != ETYPE_TRUE) {
RUBY_ASSERT(val_type.type == ETYPE_UNKNOWN);
ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard object is true");
cmp(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(Qtrue));
jit_chain_guard(JCC_JNE, jit, ctx, max_chain_depth, side_exit);
ctx_upgrade_opnd_type(ctx, insn_opnd, TYPE_TRUE);
else if (known_klass == rb_cFalseClass) {
if (val_type.type != ETYPE_FALSE) {
RUBY_ASSERT(val_type.type == ETYPE_UNKNOWN);
ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard object is false");
STATIC_ASSERT(qfalse_is_zero, Qfalse == 0);
test(cb, REG0, REG0);
jit_chain_guard(JCC_JNZ, jit, ctx, max_chain_depth, side_exit);
ctx_upgrade_opnd_type(ctx, insn_opnd, TYPE_FALSE);
else if (known_klass == rb_cInteger && FIXNUM_P(sample_instance)) {
// We will guard fixnum and bignum as though they were separate classes
// BIGNUM can be handled by the general else case below
if (val_type.type != ETYPE_FIXNUM || !val_type.is_imm) {
RUBY_ASSERT(val_type.type == ETYPE_UNKNOWN);
ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard object is fixnum");
test(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(RUBY_FIXNUM_FLAG));
jit_chain_guard(JCC_JZ, jit, ctx, max_chain_depth, side_exit);
ctx_upgrade_opnd_type(ctx, insn_opnd, TYPE_FIXNUM);
else if (known_klass == rb_cSymbol && STATIC_SYM_P(sample_instance)) {
// We will guard STATIC vs DYNAMIC as though they were separate classes
// DYNAMIC symbols can be handled by the general else case below
if (val_type.type != ETYPE_SYMBOL || !val_type.is_imm) {
RUBY_ASSERT(val_type.type == ETYPE_UNKNOWN);
ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard object is static symbol");
STATIC_ASSERT(special_shift_is_8, RUBY_SPECIAL_SHIFT == 8);
cmp(cb, REG0_8, imm_opnd(RUBY_SYMBOL_FLAG));
jit_chain_guard(JCC_JNE, jit, ctx, max_chain_depth, side_exit);
ctx_upgrade_opnd_type(ctx, insn_opnd, TYPE_STATIC_SYMBOL);
else if (known_klass == rb_cFloat && FLONUM_P(sample_instance)) {
if (val_type.type != ETYPE_FLONUM || !val_type.is_imm) {
RUBY_ASSERT(val_type.type == ETYPE_UNKNOWN);
// We will guard flonum vs heap float as though they were separate classes
ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard object is flonum");
mov(cb, REG1, REG0);
and(cb, REG1, imm_opnd(RUBY_FLONUM_MASK));
cmp(cb, REG1, imm_opnd(RUBY_FLONUM_FLAG));
jit_chain_guard(JCC_JNE, jit, ctx, max_chain_depth, side_exit);
ctx_upgrade_opnd_type(ctx, insn_opnd, TYPE_FLONUM);
else if (FL_TEST(known_klass, FL_SINGLETON) && sample_instance == rb_attr_get(known_klass, id__attached__)) {
// Singleton classes are attached to one specific object, so we can
// avoid one memory access (and potentially the is_heap check) by
// looking for the expected object directly.
// Note that in case the sample instance has a singleton class that
// doesn't attach to the sample instance, it means the sample instance
// has an empty singleton class that hasn't been materialized yet. In
// this case, comparing against the sample instance doesn't gurantee
// that its singleton class is empty, so we can't avoid the memory
// access. As an example, `Object.new.singleton_class` is an object in
// this situation.
ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard known object with singleton class");
// TODO: jit_mov_gc_ptr keeps a strong reference, which leaks the object.
jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, REG1, sample_instance);
cmp(cb, REG0, REG1);
jit_chain_guard(JCC_JNE, jit, ctx, max_chain_depth, side_exit);
else {
// Check that the receiver is a heap object
// Note: if we get here, the class doesn't have immediate instances.
if (!val_type.is_heap) {
ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard not immediate");
RUBY_ASSERT(Qfalse < Qnil);
test(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(RUBY_IMMEDIATE_MASK));
jit_chain_guard(JCC_JNZ, jit, ctx, max_chain_depth, side_exit);
cmp(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(Qnil));
jit_chain_guard(JCC_JBE, jit, ctx, max_chain_depth, side_exit);
ctx_upgrade_opnd_type(ctx, insn_opnd, TYPE_HEAP);
x86opnd_t klass_opnd = mem_opnd(64, REG0, offsetof(struct RBasic, klass));
// Bail if receiver class is different from known_klass
// TODO: jit_mov_gc_ptr keeps a strong reference, which leaks the class.
ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard known class");
jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, REG1, known_klass);
cmp(cb, klass_opnd, REG1);
jit_chain_guard(JCC_JNE, jit, ctx, max_chain_depth, side_exit);
return true;
// Generate ancestry guard for protected callee.
// Calls to protected callees only go through when self.is_a?(klass_that_defines_the_callee).
static void
jit_protected_callee_ancestry_guard(jitstate_t *jit, codeblock_t *cb, const rb_callable_method_entry_t *cme, uint8_t *side_exit)
// See vm_call_method().
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, self));
jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], cme->defined_class);
// Note: PC isn't written to current control frame as rb_is_kind_of() shouldn't raise.
// VALUE rb_obj_is_kind_of(VALUE obj, VALUE klass);
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)&rb_obj_is_kind_of);
test(cb, RAX, RAX);
jz_ptr(cb, COUNTED_EXIT(side_exit, send_se_protected_check_failed));
// Return true when the codegen function generates code.
// known_recv_klass is non-NULL when the caller has used jit_guard_known_klass().
// See yjit_reg_method().
typedef bool (*method_codegen_t)(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, const struct rb_callinfo *ci, const rb_callable_method_entry_t *cme, rb_iseq_t *block, const int32_t argc, VALUE *known_recv_klass);
// Register a specialized codegen function for a particular method. Note that
// the if the function returns true, the code it generates runs without a
// control frame and without interrupt checks. To avoid creating observable
// behavior changes, the codegen function should only target simple code paths
// that do not allocate and do not make method calls.
static void
yjit_reg_method(VALUE klass, const char *mid_str, method_codegen_t gen_fn)
ID mid = rb_intern(mid_str);
const rb_method_entry_t *me = rb_method_entry_at(klass, mid);
if (!me) {
rb_bug("undefined optimized method: %s", rb_id2name(mid));
// For now, only cfuncs are supported
RUBY_ASSERT(me && me->def);
st_insert(yjit_method_codegen_table, (st_data_t)me->def->method_serial, (st_data_t)gen_fn);
// Codegen for rb_obj_not().
// Note, caller is responsible for generating all the right guards, including
// arity guards.
static bool
jit_rb_obj_not(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, const struct rb_callinfo *ci, const rb_callable_method_entry_t *cme, rb_iseq_t *block, const int32_t argc, VALUE *known_recv_klass)
const val_type_t recv_opnd = ctx_get_opnd_type(ctx, OPND_STACK(0));
if (recv_opnd.type == ETYPE_NIL || recv_opnd.type == ETYPE_FALSE) {
ADD_COMMENT(cb, "rb_obj_not(nil_or_false)");
ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
x86opnd_t out_opnd = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_TRUE);
mov(cb, out_opnd, imm_opnd(Qtrue));
else if (recv_opnd.is_heap || recv_opnd.type != ETYPE_UNKNOWN) {
// Note: recv_opnd.type != ETYPE_NIL && recv_opnd.type != ETYPE_FALSE.
ADD_COMMENT(cb, "rb_obj_not(truthy)");
ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
x86opnd_t out_opnd = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_FALSE);
mov(cb, out_opnd, imm_opnd(Qfalse));
else {
// jit_guard_known_klass() already ran on the receiver which should
// have deduced deduced the type of the receiver. This case should be
// rare if not unreachable.
return false;
return true;
// Codegen for rb_true()
static bool
jit_rb_true(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, const struct rb_callinfo *ci, const rb_callable_method_entry_t *cme, rb_iseq_t *block, const int32_t argc, VALUE *known_recv_klass)
ADD_COMMENT(cb, "nil? == true");
ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_TRUE);
mov(cb, stack_ret, imm_opnd(Qtrue));
return true;
// Codegen for rb_false()
static bool
jit_rb_false(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, const struct rb_callinfo *ci, const rb_callable_method_entry_t *cme, rb_iseq_t *block, const int32_t argc, VALUE *known_recv_klass)
ADD_COMMENT(cb, "nil? == false");
ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_FALSE);
mov(cb, stack_ret, imm_opnd(Qfalse));
return true;
// Codegen for rb_obj_equal()
// object identity comparison
static bool
jit_rb_obj_equal(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, const struct rb_callinfo *ci, const rb_callable_method_entry_t *cme, rb_iseq_t *block, const int32_t argc, VALUE *known_recv_klass)
ADD_COMMENT(cb, "equal?");
x86opnd_t obj1 = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
x86opnd_t obj2 = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
mov(cb, REG0, obj1);
cmp(cb, REG0, obj2);
mov(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(Qtrue));
mov(cb, REG1, imm_opnd(Qfalse));
cmovne(cb, REG0, REG1);
x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_IMM);
mov(cb, stack_ret, REG0);
return true;
// Codegen for rb_str_to_s()
// When String#to_s is called on a String instance, the method returns self and
// most of the overhead comes from setting up the method call. We observed that
// this situation happens a lot in some workloads.
static bool
jit_rb_str_to_s(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, const struct rb_callinfo *ci, const rb_callable_method_entry_t *cme, rb_iseq_t *block, const int32_t argc, VALUE *recv_known_klass)
if (recv_known_klass && *recv_known_klass == rb_cString) {
ADD_COMMENT(cb, "to_s on plain string");
// The method returns the receiver, which is already on the stack.
// No stack movement.
return true;
return false;
static bool
jit_thread_s_current(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, const struct rb_callinfo *ci, const rb_callable_method_entry_t *cme, rb_iseq_t *block, const int32_t argc, VALUE *recv_known_klass)
ADD_COMMENT(cb, "Thread.current");
ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
// ec->thread_ptr
mov(cb, REG0, member_opnd(REG_EC, rb_execution_context_t, thread_ptr));
// thread->self
mov(cb, REG0, member_opnd(REG0, rb_thread_t, self));
x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_HEAP);
mov(cb, stack_ret, REG0);
return true;
// Check if we know how to codegen for a particular cfunc method
static method_codegen_t
lookup_cfunc_codegen(const rb_method_definition_t *def)
method_codegen_t gen_fn;
if (st_lookup(yjit_method_codegen_table, def->method_serial, (st_data_t *)&gen_fn)) {
return gen_fn;
return NULL;
static codegen_status_t
gen_send_cfunc(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, const struct rb_callinfo *ci, const rb_callable_method_entry_t *cme, rb_iseq_t *block, const int32_t argc, VALUE *recv_known_klass)
const rb_method_cfunc_t *cfunc = UNALIGNED_MEMBER_PTR(cme->def, body.cfunc);
// If the function expects a Ruby array of arguments
if (cfunc->argc < 0 && cfunc->argc != -1) {
GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_cfunc_ruby_array_varg);
// If the argument count doesn't match
if (cfunc->argc >= 0 && cfunc->argc != argc) {
GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_cfunc_argc_mismatch);
// Don't JIT functions that need C stack arguments for now
if (cfunc->argc >= 0 && argc + 1 > NUM_C_ARG_REGS) {
GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_cfunc_toomany_args);
// Don't JIT if tracing c_call or c_return
rb_event_flag_t tracing_events;
if (rb_multi_ractor_p()) {
tracing_events = ruby_vm_event_enabled_global_flags;
else {
// We could always use ruby_vm_event_enabled_global_flags,
// but since events are never removed from it, doing so would mean
// we don't compile even after tracing is disabled.
tracing_events = rb_ec_ractor_hooks(jit->ec)->events;
if (tracing_events & (RUBY_EVENT_C_CALL | RUBY_EVENT_C_RETURN)) {
GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_cfunc_tracing);
// Delegate to codegen for C methods if we have it.
method_codegen_t known_cfunc_codegen;
if ((known_cfunc_codegen = lookup_cfunc_codegen(cme->def))) {
if (known_cfunc_codegen(jit, ctx, ci, cme, block, argc, recv_known_klass)) {
// cfunc codegen generated code. Terminate the block so
// there isn't multiple calls in the same block.
jit_jump_to_next_insn(jit, ctx);
// Callee method ID
//ID mid = vm_ci_mid(ci);
//printf("JITting call to C function \"%s\", argc: %lu\n", rb_id2name(mid), argc);
//print_str(cb, "");
//print_str(cb, "calling CFUNC:");
//print_str(cb, rb_id2name(mid));
//print_str(cb, "recv");
//print_ptr(cb, recv);
// Create a size-exit to fall back to the interpreter
uint8_t *side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx);
// Check for interrupts
yjit_check_ints(cb, side_exit);
// Stack overflow check
// #define CHECK_VM_STACK_OVERFLOW0(cfp, sp, margin)
// REG_CFP <= REG_SP + 4 * sizeof(VALUE) + sizeof(rb_control_frame_t)
lea(cb, REG0, ctx_sp_opnd(ctx, sizeof(VALUE) * 4 + 2 * sizeof(rb_control_frame_t)));
cmp(cb, REG_CFP, REG0);
jle_ptr(cb, COUNTED_EXIT(side_exit, send_se_cf_overflow));
// Points to the receiver operand on the stack
x86opnd_t recv = ctx_stack_opnd(ctx, argc);
// Store incremented PC into current control frame in case callee raises.
jit_save_pc(jit, REG0);
if (block) {
// Change cfp->block_code in the current frame. See vm_caller_setup_arg_block().
// VM_CFP_TO_CAPTURED_BLCOK does &cfp->self, rb_captured_block->code.iseq aliases
// with cfp->block_code.
jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, REG0, (VALUE)block);
mov(cb, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, block_code), REG0);
// Increment the stack pointer by 3 (in the callee)
// sp += 3
lea(cb, REG0, ctx_sp_opnd(ctx, sizeof(VALUE) * 3));
// Write method entry at sp[-3]
// sp[-3] = me;
// Put compile time cme into REG1. It's assumed to be valid because we are notified when
// any cme we depend on become outdated. See rb_yjit_method_lookup_change().
jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, REG1, (VALUE)cme);
mov(cb, mem_opnd(64, REG0, 8 * -3), REG1);
// Write block handler at sp[-2]
// sp[-2] = block_handler;
if (block) {
lea(cb, REG1, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, self));
or(cb, REG1, imm_opnd(1));
mov(cb, mem_opnd(64, REG0, 8 * -2), REG1);
else {
mov(cb, mem_opnd(64, REG0, 8 * -2), imm_opnd(VM_BLOCK_HANDLER_NONE));
// Write env flags at sp[-1]
// sp[-1] = frame_type;
mov(cb, mem_opnd(64, REG0, 8 * -1), imm_opnd(frame_type));
// Allocate a new CFP (ec->cfp--)
member_opnd(REG_EC, rb_execution_context_t, cfp),
// Setup the new frame
// *cfp = (const struct rb_control_frame_struct) {
// .pc = 0,
// .sp = sp,
// .iseq = 0,
// .self = recv,
// .ep = sp - 1,
// .block_code = 0,
// .__bp__ = sp,
// };
mov(cb, REG1, member_opnd(REG_EC, rb_execution_context_t, cfp));
mov(cb, member_opnd(REG1, rb_control_frame_t, pc), imm_opnd(0));
mov(cb, member_opnd(REG1, rb_control_frame_t, sp), REG0);
mov(cb, member_opnd(REG1, rb_control_frame_t, iseq), imm_opnd(0));
mov(cb, member_opnd(REG1, rb_control_frame_t, block_code), imm_opnd(0));
mov(cb, member_opnd(REG1, rb_control_frame_t, __bp__), REG0);
sub(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(sizeof(VALUE)));
mov(cb, member_opnd(REG1, rb_control_frame_t, ep), REG0);
mov(cb, REG0, recv);
mov(cb, member_opnd(REG1, rb_control_frame_t, self), REG0);
// Verify that we are calling the right function
if (YJIT_CHECK_MODE > 0) {
// Call check_cfunc_dispatch
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], recv);
jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], (VALUE)ci);
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[2], const_ptr_opnd((void *)cfunc->func));
jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, C_ARG_REGS[3], (VALUE)cme);
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)&check_cfunc_dispatch);
// Copy SP into RAX because REG_SP will get overwritten
lea(cb, RAX, ctx_sp_opnd(ctx, 0));
// Pop the C function arguments from the stack (in the caller)
ctx_stack_pop(ctx, argc + 1);
// Write interpreter SP into CFP.
// Needed in case the callee yields to the block.
jit_save_sp(jit, ctx);
// Non-variadic method
if (cfunc->argc >= 0) {
// Copy the arguments from the stack to the C argument registers
// self is the 0th argument and is at index argc from the stack top
for (int32_t i = 0; i < argc + 1; ++i)
x86opnd_t stack_opnd = mem_opnd(64, RAX, -(argc + 1 - i) * SIZEOF_VALUE);
x86opnd_t c_arg_reg = C_ARG_REGS[i];
mov(cb, c_arg_reg, stack_opnd);
// Variadic method
if (cfunc->argc == -1) {
// The method gets a pointer to the first argument
// rb_f_puts(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE recv)
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], imm_opnd(argc));
lea(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], mem_opnd(64, RAX, -(argc) * SIZEOF_VALUE));
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[2], mem_opnd(64, RAX, -(argc + 1) * SIZEOF_VALUE));
// Call the C function
// VALUE ret = (cfunc->func)(recv, argv[0], argv[1]);
// cfunc comes from compile-time cme->def, which we assume to be stable.
// Invalidation logic is in rb_yjit_method_lookup_change()
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void*)cfunc->func);
// Record code position for TracePoint patching. See full_cfunc_return().
record_global_inval_patch(cb, outline_full_cfunc_return_pos);
// Push the return value on the Ruby stack
x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN);
mov(cb, stack_ret, RAX);
// Pop the stack frame (ec->cfp++)
member_opnd(REG_EC, rb_execution_context_t, cfp),
// cfunc calls may corrupt types
// Note: the return block of gen_send_iseq() has ctx->sp_offset == 1
// which allows for sharing the same successor.
// Jump (fall through) to the call continuation block
// We do this to end the current block after the call
jit_jump_to_next_insn(jit, ctx);
static void
gen_return_branch(codeblock_t *cb, uint8_t *target0, uint8_t *target1, uint8_t shape)
switch (shape) {
mov(cb, REG0, const_ptr_opnd(target0));
mov(cb, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, jit_return), REG0);
// Returns whether the iseq only needs positional (lead) argument setup.
static bool
iseq_lead_only_arg_setup_p(const rb_iseq_t *iseq)
// When iseq->body->local_iseq == iseq, setup_parameters_complex()
// doesn't do anything to setup the block parameter.
bool takes_block = iseq->body->param.flags.has_block;
return (!takes_block || iseq->body->local_iseq == iseq) &&
iseq->body->param.flags.has_opt == false &&
iseq->body->param.flags.has_rest == false &&
iseq->body->param.flags.has_post == false &&
iseq->body->param.flags.has_kw == false &&
iseq->body->param.flags.has_kwrest == false &&
iseq->body->param.flags.accepts_no_kwarg == false;
bool rb_iseq_only_optparam_p(const rb_iseq_t *iseq);
bool rb_iseq_only_kwparam_p(const rb_iseq_t *iseq);
// If true, the iseq is leaf and it can be replaced by a single C call.
static bool
rb_leaf_invokebuiltin_iseq_p(const rb_iseq_t *iseq)
unsigned int invokebuiltin_len = insn_len(BIN(opt_invokebuiltin_delegate_leave));
unsigned int leave_len = insn_len(BIN(leave));
return (iseq->body->iseq_size == (invokebuiltin_len + leave_len) &&
rb_vm_insn_addr2opcode((void *)iseq->body->iseq_encoded[0]) == BIN(opt_invokebuiltin_delegate_leave) &&
rb_vm_insn_addr2opcode((void *)iseq->body->iseq_encoded[invokebuiltin_len]) == BIN(leave) &&
// Return an rb_builtin_function if the iseq contains only that leaf builtin function.
static const struct rb_builtin_function*
rb_leaf_builtin_function(const rb_iseq_t *iseq)
if (!rb_leaf_invokebuiltin_iseq_p(iseq))
return NULL;
return (const struct rb_builtin_function *)iseq->body->iseq_encoded[1];
static codegen_status_t
gen_send_iseq(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, const struct rb_callinfo *ci, const rb_callable_method_entry_t *cme, rb_iseq_t *block, const int32_t argc)
const rb_iseq_t *iseq = def_iseq_ptr(cme->def);
if (vm_ci_flag(ci) & VM_CALL_TAILCALL) {
// We can't handle tailcalls
GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_iseq_tailcall);
// Arity handling and optional parameter setup
int num_params = iseq->body->param.size;
uint32_t start_pc_offset = 0;
if (iseq_lead_only_arg_setup_p(iseq)) {
num_params = iseq->body->param.lead_num;
if (num_params != argc) {
GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_iseq_arity_error);
else if (rb_iseq_only_optparam_p(iseq)) {
// These are iseqs with 0 or more required parameters followed by 1
// or more optional parameters.
// We follow the logic of vm_call_iseq_setup_normal_opt_start()
// and these are the preconditions required for using that fast path.
RUBY_ASSERT(vm_ci_markable(ci) && ((vm_ci_flag(ci) &
const int required_num = iseq->body->param.lead_num;
const int opts_filled = argc - required_num;
const int opt_num = iseq->body->param.opt_num;
if (opts_filled < 0 || opts_filled > opt_num) {
GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_iseq_arity_error);
num_params -= opt_num - opts_filled;
start_pc_offset = (uint32_t)iseq->body->param.opt_table[opts_filled];
else if (rb_iseq_only_kwparam_p(iseq)) {
// vm_callee_setup_arg() has a fast path for this.
GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_iseq_only_keywords);
else {
// Only handle iseqs that have simple parameter setup.
// See vm_callee_setup_arg().
GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_iseq_complex_callee);
// Number of locals that are not parameters
const int num_locals = iseq->body->local_table_size - num_params;
// Create a size-exit to fall back to the interpreter
uint8_t *side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx);
// Check for interrupts
yjit_check_ints(cb, side_exit);
const struct rb_builtin_function *leaf_builtin = rb_leaf_builtin_function(iseq);
if (leaf_builtin && !block && leaf_builtin->argc + 1 <= NUM_C_ARG_REGS) {
ADD_COMMENT(cb, "inlined leaf builtin");
// Call the builtin func (ec, recv, arg1, arg2, ...)
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], REG_EC);
// Copy self and arguments
for (int32_t i = 0; i < leaf_builtin->argc + 1; i++) {
x86opnd_t stack_opnd = ctx_stack_opnd(ctx, leaf_builtin->argc - i);
x86opnd_t c_arg_reg = C_ARG_REGS[i + 1];
mov(cb, c_arg_reg, stack_opnd);
ctx_stack_pop(ctx, leaf_builtin->argc + 1);
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)leaf_builtin->func_ptr);
// Push the return value
x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN);
mov(cb, stack_ret, RAX);
// Note: assuming that the leaf builtin doesn't change local variables here.
// Seems like a safe assumption.
// Stack overflow check
// Note that vm_push_frame checks it against a decremented cfp, hence the multiply by 2.
// #define CHECK_VM_STACK_OVERFLOW0(cfp, sp, margin)
ADD_COMMENT(cb, "stack overflow check");
lea(cb, REG0, ctx_sp_opnd(ctx, sizeof(VALUE) * (num_locals + iseq->body->stack_max) + 2 * sizeof(rb_control_frame_t)));
cmp(cb, REG_CFP, REG0);
jle_ptr(cb, COUNTED_EXIT(side_exit, send_se_cf_overflow));
// Points to the receiver operand on the stack
x86opnd_t recv = ctx_stack_opnd(ctx, argc);
// Store the updated SP on the current frame (pop arguments and receiver)
lea(cb, REG0, ctx_sp_opnd(ctx, sizeof(VALUE) * -(argc + 1)));
mov(cb, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, sp), REG0);
// Store the next PC in the current frame
jit_save_pc(jit, REG0);
if (block) {
// Change cfp->block_code in the current frame. See vm_caller_setup_arg_block().
// VM_CFP_TO_CAPTURED_BLCOK does &cfp->self, rb_captured_block->code.iseq aliases
// with cfp->block_code.
jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, REG0, (VALUE)block);
mov(cb, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, block_code), REG0);
// Adjust the callee's stack pointer
lea(cb, REG0, ctx_sp_opnd(ctx, sizeof(VALUE) * (3 + num_locals)));
// Initialize local variables to Qnil
for (int i = 0; i < num_locals; i++) {
mov(cb, mem_opnd(64, REG0, sizeof(VALUE) * (i - num_locals - 3)), imm_opnd(Qnil));
// Put compile time cme into REG1. It's assumed to be valid because we are notified when
// any cme we depend on become outdated. See rb_yjit_method_lookup_change().
jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, REG1, (VALUE)cme);
// Write method entry at sp[-3]
// sp[-3] = me;
mov(cb, mem_opnd(64, REG0, 8 * -3), REG1);
// Write block handler at sp[-2]
// sp[-2] = block_handler;
if (block) {
lea(cb, REG1, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, self));
or(cb, REG1, imm_opnd(1));
mov(cb, mem_opnd(64, REG0, 8 * -2), REG1);
else {
mov(cb, mem_opnd(64, REG0, 8 * -2), imm_opnd(VM_BLOCK_HANDLER_NONE));
// Write env flags at sp[-1]
// sp[-1] = frame_type;
uint64_t frame_type = VM_FRAME_MAGIC_METHOD | VM_ENV_FLAG_LOCAL;
mov(cb, mem_opnd(64, REG0, 8 * -1), imm_opnd(frame_type));
// Allocate a new CFP (ec->cfp--)
sub(cb, REG_CFP, imm_opnd(sizeof(rb_control_frame_t)));
mov(cb, member_opnd(REG_EC, rb_execution_context_t, cfp), REG_CFP);
// Setup the new frame
// *cfp = (const struct rb_control_frame_struct) {
// .pc = pc,
// .sp = sp,
// .iseq = iseq,
// .self = recv,
// .ep = sp - 1,
// .block_code = 0,
// .__bp__ = sp,
// };
mov(cb, REG1, recv);
mov(cb, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, self), REG1);
mov(cb, REG_SP, REG0); // Switch to the callee's REG_SP
mov(cb, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, sp), REG0);
mov(cb, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, __bp__), REG0);
sub(cb, REG0, imm_opnd(sizeof(VALUE)));
mov(cb, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, ep), REG0);
jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, REG0, (VALUE)iseq);
mov(cb, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, iseq), REG0);
mov(cb, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, block_code), imm_opnd(0));
// No need to set cfp->pc since the callee sets it whenever calling into routines
// that could look at it through jit_save_pc().
// mov(cb, REG0, const_ptr_opnd(start_pc));
// mov(cb, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, pc), REG0);
// Stub so we can return to JITted code
blockid_t return_block = { jit->iseq, jit_next_insn_idx(jit) };
// Create a context for the callee
ctx_t callee_ctx = DEFAULT_CTX;
// Set the argument types in the callee's context
for (int32_t arg_idx = 0; arg_idx < argc; ++arg_idx) {
val_type_t arg_type = ctx_get_opnd_type(ctx, OPND_STACK(argc - arg_idx - 1));
ctx_set_local_type(&callee_ctx, arg_idx, arg_type);
val_type_t recv_type = ctx_get_opnd_type(ctx, OPND_STACK(argc));
ctx_upgrade_opnd_type(&callee_ctx, OPND_SELF, recv_type);
// The callee might change locals through Kernel#binding and other means.
// Pop arguments and receiver in return context, push the return value
// After the return, sp_offset will be 1. The codegen for leave writes
// the return value in case of JIT-to-JIT return.
ctx_t return_ctx = *ctx;
ctx_stack_pop(&return_ctx, argc + 1);
ctx_stack_push(&return_ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN);
return_ctx.sp_offset = 1;
return_ctx.chain_depth = 0;
// Write the JIT return address on the callee frame
//print_str(cb, "calling Ruby func:");
//print_str(cb, rb_id2name(vm_ci_mid(ci)));
// Directly jump to the entry point of the callee
(blockid_t){ iseq, start_pc_offset }
const rb_callable_method_entry_t *
rb_aliased_callable_method_entry(const rb_callable_method_entry_t *me);
static codegen_status_t
gen_send_general(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, struct rb_call_data *cd, rb_iseq_t *block)
// Relevant definitions:
// rb_execution_context_t : vm_core.h
// invoker, cfunc logic : method.h, vm_method.c
// rb_callinfo : vm_callinfo.h
// rb_callable_method_entry_t : method.h
// vm_call_cfunc_with_frame : vm_insnhelper.c
// For a general overview for how the interpreter calls methods,
// see vm_call_method().
const struct rb_callinfo *ci = cd->ci; // info about the call site
int32_t argc = (int32_t)vm_ci_argc(ci);
ID mid = vm_ci_mid(ci);
// Don't JIT calls with keyword splat
if (vm_ci_flag(ci) & VM_CALL_KW_SPLAT) {
GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_kw_splat);
// Don't JIT calls that aren't simple
// Note, not using VM_CALL_ARGS_SIMPLE because sometimes we pass a block.
if ((vm_ci_flag(ci) & VM_CALL_ARGS_SPLAT) != 0) {
GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_args_splat);
if ((vm_ci_flag(ci) & VM_CALL_KWARG) != 0) {
GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_keywords);
if ((vm_ci_flag(ci) & VM_CALL_ARGS_BLOCKARG) != 0) {
GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_block_arg);
// Defer compilation so we can specialize on class of receiver
if (!jit_at_current_insn(jit)) {
defer_compilation(jit, ctx);
VALUE comptime_recv = jit_peek_at_stack(jit, ctx, argc);
VALUE comptime_recv_klass = CLASS_OF(comptime_recv);
// Guard that the receiver has the same class as the one from compile time
uint8_t *side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx);
// Points to the receiver operand on the stack
x86opnd_t recv = ctx_stack_opnd(ctx, argc);
insn_opnd_t recv_opnd = OPND_STACK(argc);
mov(cb, REG0, recv);
if (!jit_guard_known_klass(jit, ctx, comptime_recv_klass, recv_opnd, comptime_recv, SEND_MAX_DEPTH, side_exit)) {
// Do method lookup
const rb_callable_method_entry_t *cme = rb_callable_method_entry(comptime_recv_klass, mid);
if (!cme) {
// TODO: counter
switch (METHOD_ENTRY_VISI(cme)) {
// Can always call public methods
if (!(vm_ci_flag(ci) & VM_CALL_FCALL)) {
// Can only call private methods with FCALL callsites.
// (at the moment they are callsites without a receiver or an explicit `self` receiver)
jit_protected_callee_ancestry_guard(jit, cb, cme, side_exit);
RUBY_ASSERT(false && "cmes should always have a visibility");
// Register block for invalidation
RUBY_ASSERT(cme->called_id == mid);
assume_method_lookup_stable(comptime_recv_klass, cme, jit->block);
// To handle the aliased method case (VM_METHOD_TYPE_ALIAS)
while (true) {
// switch on the method type
switch (cme->def->type) {
return gen_send_iseq(jit, ctx, ci, cme, block, argc);
return gen_send_cfunc(jit, ctx, ci, cme, block, argc, &comptime_recv_klass);
if (argc != 0) {
// Argument count mismatch. Getters take no arguments.
GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_getter_arity);
else {
mov(cb, REG0, recv);
ID ivar_name = cme->def->body.attr.id;
return gen_get_ivar(jit, ctx, SEND_MAX_DEPTH, comptime_recv, ivar_name, recv_opnd, side_exit);
if (argc != 1 || !RB_TYPE_P(comptime_recv, T_OBJECT)) {
GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_ivar_set_method);
else {
ID ivar_name = cme->def->body.attr.id;
return gen_set_ivar(jit, ctx, comptime_recv, comptime_recv_klass, ivar_name);
GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_bmethod);
GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_zsuper_method);
// Retrieve the alised method and re-enter the switch
cme = rb_aliased_callable_method_entry(cme);
GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_undef_method);
GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_not_implemented_method);
GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_optimized_method);
GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_missing_method);
GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_refined_method);
// no default case so compiler issues a warning if this is not exhaustive
// Unreachable
static codegen_status_t
gen_opt_send_without_block(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
struct rb_call_data *cd = (struct rb_call_data *)jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
return gen_send_general(jit, ctx, cd, NULL);
static codegen_status_t
gen_send(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
struct rb_call_data *cd = (struct rb_call_data *)jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
rb_iseq_t *block = (rb_iseq_t *)jit_get_arg(jit, 1);
return gen_send_general(jit, ctx, cd, block);
static codegen_status_t
gen_invokesuper(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
struct rb_call_data *cd = (struct rb_call_data *)jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
rb_iseq_t *block = (rb_iseq_t *)jit_get_arg(jit, 1);
// Defer compilation so we can specialize on class of receiver
if (!jit_at_current_insn(jit)) {
defer_compilation(jit, ctx);
const rb_callable_method_entry_t *me = rb_vm_frame_method_entry(jit->ec->cfp);
if (!me) {
// FIXME: We should track and invalidate this block when this cme is invalidated
VALUE current_defined_class = me->defined_class;
ID mid = me->def->original_id;
if (me != rb_callable_method_entry(current_defined_class, me->called_id)) {
// Though we likely could generate this call, as we are only concerned
// with the method entry remaining valid, assume_method_lookup_stable
// below requires that the method lookup matches as well
// vm_search_normal_superclass
if (BUILTIN_TYPE(current_defined_class) == T_ICLASS && FL_TEST_RAW(RBASIC(current_defined_class)->klass, RMODULE_IS_REFINEMENT)) {
VALUE comptime_superclass = RCLASS_SUPER(RCLASS_ORIGIN(current_defined_class));
const struct rb_callinfo *ci = cd->ci;
int32_t argc = (int32_t)vm_ci_argc(ci);
// Don't JIT calls that aren't simple
// Note, not using VM_CALL_ARGS_SIMPLE because sometimes we pass a block.
if ((vm_ci_flag(ci) & VM_CALL_ARGS_SPLAT) != 0) {
GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_args_splat);
if ((vm_ci_flag(ci) & VM_CALL_KWARG) != 0) {
GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_keywords);
if ((vm_ci_flag(ci) & VM_CALL_KW_SPLAT) != 0) {
GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_kw_splat);
if ((vm_ci_flag(ci) & VM_CALL_ARGS_BLOCKARG) != 0) {
GEN_COUNTER_INC(cb, send_block_arg);
// Ensure we haven't rebound this method onto an incompatible class.
// In the interpreter we try to avoid making this check by performing some
// cheaper calculations first, but since we specialize on the method entry
// and so only have to do this once at compile time this is fine to always
// check and side exit.
VALUE comptime_recv = jit_peek_at_stack(jit, ctx, argc);
if (!rb_obj_is_kind_of(comptime_recv, current_defined_class)) {
// Do method lookup
const rb_callable_method_entry_t *cme = rb_callable_method_entry(comptime_superclass, mid);
if (!cme) {
// Check that we'll be able to write this method dispatch before generating checks
switch (cme->def->type) {
// others unimplemented
// Guard that the receiver has the same class as the one from compile time
uint8_t *side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx);
if (jit->ec->cfp->ep[VM_ENV_DATA_INDEX_ME_CREF] != (VALUE)me) {
// This will be the case for super within a block
ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard known me");
mov(cb, REG0, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, ep));
x86opnd_t ep_me_opnd = mem_opnd(64, REG0, SIZEOF_VALUE * VM_ENV_DATA_INDEX_ME_CREF);
jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, REG1, (VALUE)me);
cmp(cb, ep_me_opnd, REG1);
jne_ptr(cb, COUNTED_EXIT(side_exit, invokesuper_me_changed));
if (!block) {
// Guard no block passed
// rb_vm_frame_block_handler(GET_EC()->cfp) == VM_BLOCK_HANDLER_NONE
// note, we assume VM_ASSERT(VM_ENV_LOCAL_P(ep))
// TODO: this could properly forward the current block handler, but
// would require changes to gen_send_*
ADD_COMMENT(cb, "guard no block given");
// EP is in REG0 from above
x86opnd_t ep_specval_opnd = mem_opnd(64, REG0, SIZEOF_VALUE * VM_ENV_DATA_INDEX_SPECVAL);
cmp(cb, ep_specval_opnd, imm_opnd(VM_BLOCK_HANDLER_NONE));
jne_ptr(cb, COUNTED_EXIT(side_exit, invokesuper_block));
// Points to the receiver operand on the stack
x86opnd_t recv = ctx_stack_opnd(ctx, argc);
mov(cb, REG0, recv);
// We need to assume that both our current method entry and the super
// method entry we invoke remain stable
assume_method_lookup_stable(current_defined_class, me, jit->block);
assume_method_lookup_stable(comptime_superclass, cme, jit->block);
// Method calls may corrupt types
switch (cme->def->type) {
return gen_send_iseq(jit, ctx, ci, cme, block, argc);
return gen_send_cfunc(jit, ctx, ci, cme, block, argc, NULL);
static codegen_status_t
gen_leave(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
// Only the return value should be on the stack
RUBY_ASSERT(ctx->stack_size == 1);
// Create a size-exit to fall back to the interpreter
uint8_t *side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx);
// Load environment pointer EP from CFP
mov(cb, REG1, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, ep));
// Check for interrupts
ADD_COMMENT(cb, "check for interrupts");
yjit_check_ints(cb, COUNTED_EXIT(side_exit, leave_se_interrupt));
// Load the return value
mov(cb, REG0, ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1));
// Pop the current frame (ec->cfp++)
// Note: the return PC is already in the previous CFP
add(cb, REG_CFP, imm_opnd(sizeof(rb_control_frame_t)));
mov(cb, member_opnd(REG_EC, rb_execution_context_t, cfp), REG_CFP);
// Reload REG_SP for the caller and write the return value.
// Top of the stack is REG_SP[0] since the caller has sp_offset=1.
mov(cb, REG_SP, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, sp));
mov(cb, mem_opnd(64, REG_SP, 0), REG0);
// Jump to the JIT return address on the frame that was just popped
const int32_t offset_to_jit_return = -((int32_t)sizeof(rb_control_frame_t)) + (int32_t)offsetof(rb_control_frame_t, jit_return);
jmp_rm(cb, mem_opnd(64, REG_CFP, offset_to_jit_return));
RUBY_EXTERN rb_serial_t ruby_vm_global_constant_state;
static codegen_status_t
gen_getglobal(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
ID gid = jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
// Save the PC and SP because we might make a Ruby call for warning
jit_prepare_routine_call(jit, ctx, REG0);
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], imm_opnd(gid));
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)&rb_gvar_get);
x86opnd_t top = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN);
mov(cb, top, RAX);
static codegen_status_t
gen_setglobal(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
ID gid = jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
// Save the PC and SP because we might make a Ruby call for
// Kernel#set_trace_var
jit_prepare_routine_call(jit, ctx, REG0);
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], imm_opnd(gid));
x86opnd_t val = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], val);
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)&rb_gvar_set);
static codegen_status_t
gen_tostring(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
// Save the PC and SP because we might make a Ruby call for
// Kernel#set_trace_var
jit_prepare_routine_call(jit, ctx, REG0);
x86opnd_t str = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
x86opnd_t val = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], str);
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], val);
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)&rb_obj_as_string_result);
// Push the return value
x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_STRING);
mov(cb, stack_ret, RAX);
static codegen_status_t
gen_toregexp(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
rb_num_t opt = jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
rb_num_t cnt = jit_get_arg(jit, 1);
// Save the PC and SP because this allocates an object and could
// raise an exception.
jit_prepare_routine_call(jit, ctx, REG0);
x86opnd_t values_ptr = ctx_sp_opnd(ctx, -(sizeof(VALUE) * (uint32_t)cnt));
ctx_stack_pop(ctx, cnt);
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], imm_opnd(0));
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], imm_opnd(cnt));
lea(cb, C_ARG_REGS[2], values_ptr);
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)&rb_ary_tmp_new_from_values);
// Save the array so we can clear it later
push(cb, RAX);
push(cb, RAX); // Alignment
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], RAX);
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], imm_opnd(opt));
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)&rb_reg_new_ary);
// The actual regex is in RAX now. Pop the temp array from
// rb_ary_tmp_new_from_values into C arg regs so we can clear it
pop(cb, REG1); // Alignment
pop(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0]);
// The value we want to push on the stack is in RAX right now
x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN);
mov(cb, stack_ret, RAX);
// Clear the temp array.
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)&rb_ary_clear);
static codegen_status_t
gen_getspecial(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
// This takes two arguments, key and type
// key is only used when type == 0
// A non-zero type determines which type of backref to fetch
//rb_num_t key = jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
rb_num_t type = jit_get_arg(jit, 1);
if (type == 0) {
// not yet implemented
else if (type & 0x01) {
// Fetch a "special" backref based on a char encoded by shifting by 1
// Can raise if matchdata uninitialized
jit_prepare_routine_call(jit, ctx, REG0);
// call rb_backref_get()
ADD_COMMENT(cb, "rb_backref_get");
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)rb_backref_get);
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], RAX);
switch (type >> 1) {
case '&':
ADD_COMMENT(cb, "rb_reg_last_match");
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)rb_reg_last_match);
case '`':
ADD_COMMENT(cb, "rb_reg_match_pre");
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)rb_reg_match_pre);
case '\'':
ADD_COMMENT(cb, "rb_reg_match_post");
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)rb_reg_match_post);
case '+':
ADD_COMMENT(cb, "rb_reg_match_last");
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)rb_reg_match_last);
rb_bug("invalid back-ref");
x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN);
mov(cb, stack_ret, RAX);
else {
// Fetch the N-th match from the last backref based on type shifted by 1
// Can raise if matchdata uninitialized
jit_prepare_routine_call(jit, ctx, REG0);
// call rb_backref_get()
ADD_COMMENT(cb, "rb_backref_get");
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)rb_backref_get);
// rb_reg_nth_match((int)(type >> 1), backref);
ADD_COMMENT(cb, "rb_reg_nth_match");
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], imm_opnd(type >> 1));
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], RAX);
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)rb_reg_nth_match);
x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN);
mov(cb, stack_ret, RAX);
rb_vm_getclassvariable(const rb_iseq_t *iseq, const rb_cref_t *cref, const rb_control_frame_t *cfp, ID id, ICVARC ic);
rb_cref_t *
rb_vm_get_cref(const VALUE *ep);
static codegen_status_t
gen_getclassvariable(jitstate_t* jit, ctx_t* ctx, codeblock_t* cb)
// rb_vm_getclassvariable can raise exceptions.
jit_prepare_routine_call(jit, ctx, REG0);
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, ep));
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)rb_vm_get_cref);
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, iseq));
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], RAX);
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[2], REG_CFP);
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[3], imm_opnd(jit_get_arg(jit, 0)));
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[4], imm_opnd(jit_get_arg(jit, 1)));
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)rb_vm_getclassvariable);
x86opnd_t stack_top = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN);
mov(cb, stack_top, RAX);
static codegen_status_t
gen_opt_getinlinecache(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
VALUE jump_offset = jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
VALUE const_cache_as_value = jit_get_arg(jit, 1);
IC ic = (IC)const_cache_as_value;
// See vm_ic_hit_p(). The same conditions are checked in yjit_constant_ic_update().
struct iseq_inline_constant_cache_entry *ice = ic->entry;
if (!ice || // cache not filled
ice->ic_serial != ruby_vm_global_constant_state /* cache out of date */) {
// In these cases, leave a block that unconditionally side exits
// for the interpreter to invalidate.
if (ice->ic_cref) {
// Cache is keyed on a certain lexical scope. Use the interpreter's cache.
uint8_t *side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx);
// Call function to verify the cache. It doesn't allocate or call methods.
bool rb_vm_ic_hit_p(IC ic, const VALUE *reg_ep);
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], const_ptr_opnd((void *)ic));
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, ep));
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)rb_vm_ic_hit_p);
// Check the result. _Bool is one byte in SysV.
test(cb, AL, AL);
jz_ptr(cb, COUNTED_EXIT(side_exit, opt_getinlinecache_miss));
// Push ic->entry->value
mov(cb, REG0, const_ptr_opnd((void *)ic));
mov(cb, REG0, member_opnd(REG0, struct iseq_inline_constant_cache, entry));
x86opnd_t stack_top = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN);
mov(cb, REG0, member_opnd(REG0, struct iseq_inline_constant_cache_entry, value));
mov(cb, stack_top, REG0);
else {
// Optimize for single ractor mode.
// FIXME: This leaks when st_insert raises NoMemoryError
if (!assume_single_ractor_mode(jit->block)) return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE;
// Invalidate output code on any and all constant writes
// FIXME: This leaks when st_insert raises NoMemoryError
val_type_t type = yjit_type_of_value(ice->value);
x86opnd_t stack_top = ctx_stack_push(ctx, type);
jit_mov_gc_ptr(jit, cb, REG0, ice->value);
mov(cb, stack_top, REG0);
// Jump over the code for filling the cache
uint32_t jump_idx = jit_next_insn_idx(jit) + (int32_t)jump_offset;
(blockid_t){ .iseq = jit->iseq, .idx = jump_idx }
// Push the explict block parameter onto the temporary stack. Part of the
// interpreter's scheme for avoiding Proc allocations when delegating
// explict block parameters.
static codegen_status_t
gen_getblockparamproxy(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
// A mirror of the interpreter code. Checking for the case
// where it's pushing rb_block_param_proxy.
uint8_t *side_exit = yjit_side_exit(jit, ctx);
// EP level
uint32_t level = (uint32_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 1);
// Load environment pointer EP from CFP
gen_get_ep(cb, REG0, level);
jnz_ptr(cb, COUNTED_EXIT(side_exit, gbpp_block_param_modified));
// Load the block handler for the current frame
// note, VM_ASSERT(VM_ENV_LOCAL_P(ep))
mov(cb, REG0, mem_opnd(64, REG0, SIZEOF_VALUE * VM_ENV_DATA_INDEX_SPECVAL));
// Block handler is a tagged pointer. Look at the tag. 0x03 is from VM_BH_ISEQ_BLOCK_P().
and(cb, REG0_8, imm_opnd(0x3));
// Bail unless VM_BH_ISEQ_BLOCK_P(bh). This also checks for null.
cmp(cb, REG0_8, imm_opnd(0x1));
jnz_ptr(cb, COUNTED_EXIT(side_exit, gbpp_block_handler_not_iseq));
// Push rb_block_param_proxy. It's a root, so no need to use jit_mov_gc_ptr.
mov(cb, REG0, const_ptr_opnd((void *)rb_block_param_proxy));
x86opnd_t top = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_HEAP);
mov(cb, top, REG0);
static codegen_status_t
gen_invokebuiltin(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
const struct rb_builtin_function *bf = (struct rb_builtin_function *)jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
// ec, self, and arguments
if (bf->argc + 2 > NUM_C_ARG_REGS) {
// If the calls don't allocate, do they need up to date PC, SP?
jit_prepare_routine_call(jit, ctx, REG0);
// Call the builtin func (ec, recv, arg1, arg2, ...)
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], REG_EC);
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, self));
// Copy arguments from locals
for (int32_t i = 0; i < bf->argc; i++) {
x86opnd_t stack_opnd = ctx_stack_opnd(ctx, bf->argc - i - 1);
x86opnd_t c_arg_reg = C_ARG_REGS[2 + i];
mov(cb, c_arg_reg, stack_opnd);
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)bf->func_ptr);
// Push the return value
ctx_stack_pop(ctx, bf->argc);
x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN);
mov(cb, stack_ret, RAX);
// opt_invokebuiltin_delegate calls a builtin function, like
// invokebuiltin does, but instead of taking arguments from the top of the
// stack uses the argument locals (and self) from the current method.
static codegen_status_t
gen_opt_invokebuiltin_delegate(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx, codeblock_t *cb)
const struct rb_builtin_function *bf = (struct rb_builtin_function *)jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
int32_t start_index = (int32_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 1);
// ec, self, and arguments
if (bf->argc + 2 > NUM_C_ARG_REGS) {
// If the calls don't allocate, do they need up to date PC, SP?
jit_prepare_routine_call(jit, ctx, REG0);
if (bf->argc > 0) {
// Load environment pointer EP from CFP
mov(cb, REG0, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, ep));
// Call the builtin func (ec, recv, arg1, arg2, ...)
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], REG_EC);
mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, self));
// Copy arguments from locals
for (int32_t i = 0; i < bf->argc; i++) {
const int32_t offs = -jit->iseq->body->local_table_size - VM_ENV_DATA_SIZE + 1 + start_index + i;
x86opnd_t local_opnd = mem_opnd(64, REG0, offs * SIZEOF_VALUE);
x86opnd_t c_arg_reg = C_ARG_REGS[i + 2];
mov(cb, c_arg_reg, local_opnd);
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)bf->func_ptr);
// Push the return value
x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN);
mov(cb, stack_ret, RAX);
static int tracing_invalidate_all_i(void *vstart, void *vend, size_t stride, void *data);
static void invalidate_all_blocks_for_tracing(const rb_iseq_t *iseq);
// Invalidate all generated code and patch C method return code to contain
// logic for firing the c_return TracePoint event. Once rb_vm_barrier()
// returns, all other ractors are pausing inside RB_VM_LOCK_ENTER(), which
// means they are inside a C routine. If there are any generated code on-stack,
// they are waiting for a return from a C routine. For every routine call, we
// patch in an exit after the body of the containing VM instruction. This makes
// it so all the invalidated code exit as soon as execution logically reaches
// the next VM instruction. The interpreter takes care of firing the tracing
// event if it so happens that the next VM instruction has one attached.
// The c_return event needs special handling as our codegen never outputs code
// that contains tracing logic. If we let the normal output code run until the
// start of the next VM instruction by relying on the patching scheme above, we
// would fail to fire the c_return event. The interpreter doesn't fire the
// event at an instruction boundary, so simply exiting to the interpreter isn't
// enough. To handle it, we patch in the full logic at the return address. See
// full_cfunc_return().
// In addition to patching, we prevent future entries into invalidated code by
// removing all live blocks from their iseq.
if (!rb_yjit_enabled_p()) return;
// Stop other ractors since we are going to patch machine code.
// Make it so all live block versions are no longer valid branch targets
rb_objspace_each_objects(tracing_invalidate_all_i, NULL);
// Apply patches
const uint32_t old_pos = cb->write_pos;
rb_darray_for(global_inval_patches, patch_idx) {
struct codepage_patch patch = rb_darray_get(global_inval_patches, patch_idx);
cb_set_pos(cb, patch.inline_patch_pos);
uint8_t *jump_target = cb_get_ptr(ocb, patch.outlined_target_pos);
jmp_ptr(cb, jump_target);
cb_set_pos(cb, old_pos);
// Freeze invalidated part of the codepage. We only want to wait for
// running instances of the code to exit from now on, so we shouldn't
// change the code. There could be other ractors sleeping in
// branch_stub_hit(), for example. We could harden this by changing memory
// protection on the frozen range.
RUBY_ASSERT_ALWAYS(yjit_codepage_frozen_bytes <= old_pos && "frozen bytes should increase monotonically");
yjit_codepage_frozen_bytes = old_pos;
static int
tracing_invalidate_all_i(void *vstart, void *vend, size_t stride, void *data)
VALUE v = (VALUE)vstart;
for (; v != (VALUE)vend; v += stride) {
void *ptr = asan_poisoned_object_p(v);
asan_unpoison_object(v, false);
if (rb_obj_is_iseq(v)) {
rb_iseq_t *iseq = (rb_iseq_t *)v;
asan_poison_object_if(ptr, v);
return 0;
static void
invalidate_all_blocks_for_tracing(const rb_iseq_t *iseq)
struct rb_iseq_constant_body *body = iseq->body;
if (!body) return; // iseq yet to be initialized
// Empty all blocks on the iseq so we don't compile new blocks that jump to the
// invalidted region.
// TODO Leaking the blocks for now since we might have situations where
// a different ractor is waiting in branch_stub_hit(). If we free the block
// that ractor can wake up with a dangling block.
rb_darray_for(body->yjit_blocks, version_array_idx) {
rb_yjit_block_array_t version_array = rb_darray_get(body->yjit_blocks, version_array_idx);
rb_darray_for(version_array, version_idx) {
// Stop listening for invalidation events like basic operation redefinition.
block_t *block = rb_darray_get(version_array, version_idx);
body->yjit_blocks = NULL;
// Reset output code entry point
body->jit_func = NULL;
static void
yjit_reg_op(int opcode, codegen_fn gen_fn)
RUBY_ASSERT(opcode >= 0 && opcode < VM_INSTRUCTION_SIZE);
// Check that the op wasn't previously registered
RUBY_ASSERT(gen_fns[opcode] == NULL);
gen_fns[opcode] = gen_fn;
// Initialize the code blocks
uint32_t mem_size = rb_yjit_opts.exec_mem_size * 1024 * 1024;
uint8_t *mem_block = alloc_exec_mem(mem_size);
cb = &block;
cb_init(cb, mem_block, mem_size/2);
ocb = &outline_block;
cb_init(ocb, mem_block + mem_size/2, mem_size/2);
// Generate the interpreter exit code for leave
leave_exit_code = yjit_gen_leave_exit(cb);
// Generate full exit code for C func
// Map YARV opcodes to the corresponding codegen functions
yjit_reg_op(BIN(nop), gen_nop);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(dup), gen_dup);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(dupn), gen_dupn);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(swap), gen_swap);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(setn), gen_setn);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(topn), gen_topn);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(pop), gen_pop);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(adjuststack), gen_adjuststack);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(newarray), gen_newarray);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(duparray), gen_duparray);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(splatarray), gen_splatarray);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(expandarray), gen_expandarray);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(newhash), gen_newhash);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(newrange), gen_newrange);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(concatstrings), gen_concatstrings);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(putnil), gen_putnil);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(putobject), gen_putobject);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(putstring), gen_putstring);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(putobject_INT2FIX_0_), gen_putobject_int2fix);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(putobject_INT2FIX_1_), gen_putobject_int2fix);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(putself), gen_putself);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(putspecialobject), gen_putspecialobject);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(getlocal), gen_getlocal);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(getlocal_WC_0), gen_getlocal_wc0);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(getlocal_WC_1), gen_getlocal_wc1);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(setlocal), gen_setlocal);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(setlocal_WC_0), gen_setlocal_wc0);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(setlocal_WC_1), gen_setlocal_wc1);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(getinstancevariable), gen_getinstancevariable);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(setinstancevariable), gen_setinstancevariable);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(defined), gen_defined);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(checktype), gen_checktype);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_lt), gen_opt_lt);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_le), gen_opt_le);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_ge), gen_opt_ge);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_gt), gen_opt_gt);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_eq), gen_opt_eq);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_neq), gen_opt_neq);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_aref), gen_opt_aref);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_aset), gen_opt_aset);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_and), gen_opt_and);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_or), gen_opt_or);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_minus), gen_opt_minus);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_plus), gen_opt_plus);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_mult), gen_opt_mult);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_div), gen_opt_div);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_mod), gen_opt_mod);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_ltlt), gen_opt_ltlt);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_nil_p), gen_opt_nil_p);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_empty_p), gen_opt_empty_p);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_str_freeze), gen_opt_str_freeze);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_str_uminus), gen_opt_str_uminus);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_not), gen_opt_not);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_size), gen_opt_size);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_length), gen_opt_length);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_regexpmatch2), gen_opt_regexpmatch2);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_getinlinecache), gen_opt_getinlinecache);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(invokebuiltin), gen_invokebuiltin);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_invokebuiltin_delegate), gen_opt_invokebuiltin_delegate);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_invokebuiltin_delegate_leave), gen_opt_invokebuiltin_delegate);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_case_dispatch), gen_opt_case_dispatch);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(branchif), gen_branchif);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(branchunless), gen_branchunless);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(branchnil), gen_branchnil);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(jump), gen_jump);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(getblockparamproxy), gen_getblockparamproxy);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_send_without_block), gen_opt_send_without_block);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(send), gen_send);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(invokesuper), gen_invokesuper);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(leave), gen_leave);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(getglobal), gen_getglobal);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(setglobal), gen_setglobal);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(tostring), gen_tostring);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(toregexp), gen_toregexp);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(getspecial), gen_getspecial);
yjit_reg_op(BIN(getclassvariable), gen_getclassvariable);
yjit_method_codegen_table = st_init_numtable();
// Specialization for C methods. See yjit_reg_method() for details.
yjit_reg_method(rb_cBasicObject, "!", jit_rb_obj_not);
yjit_reg_method(rb_cNilClass, "nil?", jit_rb_true);
yjit_reg_method(rb_mKernel, "nil?", jit_rb_false);
yjit_reg_method(rb_cBasicObject, "==", jit_rb_obj_equal);
yjit_reg_method(rb_cBasicObject, "equal?", jit_rb_obj_equal);
yjit_reg_method(rb_mKernel, "eql?", jit_rb_obj_equal);
yjit_reg_method(rb_cModule, "==", jit_rb_obj_equal);
yjit_reg_method(rb_cSymbol, "==", jit_rb_obj_equal);
yjit_reg_method(rb_cSymbol, "===", jit_rb_obj_equal);
// rb_str_to_s() methods in string.c
yjit_reg_method(rb_cString, "to_s", jit_rb_str_to_s);
yjit_reg_method(rb_cString, "to_str", jit_rb_str_to_s);
// Thread.current
yjit_reg_method(rb_singleton_class(rb_cThread), "current", jit_thread_s_current);