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synced 2022-11-09 12:17:21 -05:00

* win32/ifchange.bat: add --keep option as well as tool/ifchange. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@43309 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
87 lines
1.7 KiB
Executable file
87 lines
1.7 KiB
Executable file
@echo off
:: usage: ifchange target temporary
set timestamp=
set keepsuffix=
for %%I in (%1) do set opt=%%~I
if "%opt%" == "--timestamp" (
set timestamp=.
goto :optloop
) else if "%opt:~0,12%" == "--timestamp=" (
set timestamp=%opt:~12%
goto :optloop
) else if "%opt%" == "--keep" (
set keepsuffix=.old
goto :optloop
) else if "%opt:~0,7%" == "--keep=" (
set keepsuffix=%opt:~7%
goto :optloop
if "%opt%" == "" goto :end
set dest=%1
set src=%2
set dest=%dest:/=\%
set src=%src:/=\%
if not "%dest%" == "" if not "%dest%" == "%%dest:/=\%%" goto :nt
if not exist %2 goto :end
:: check if fc.exe works.
echo foo > conftst1.tmp
echo bar > conftst2.tmp
fc.exe conftst1.tmp conftst2.tmp > nul
if not errorlevel 1 goto :brokenfc
del conftst1.tmp > nul
del conftst2.tmp > nul
:: target does not exist or new file differs from it.
if not exist %1 goto :update
fc.exe %1 %2 > nul
if errorlevel 1 goto :update
echo %1 unchanged.
del %2
goto :end
del conftest1.tmp > nul
del conftest2.tmp > nul
echo FC.EXE does not work properly.
echo assuming %1 should be changed.
echo %1 updated.
:: if exist %1 del %1
dir /b %2
if "%keepsuffix%" != "" %1 %1%keepsuffix%
copy %2 %1
del %2
goto :end
if not exist %src% goto :end
if exist %dest% (
fc.exe %dest% %src% > nul && (
echo %1 unchanged.
del %src%
goto :nt_end
echo %1 updated.
copy %src% %dest% > nul
del %src%
if "%timestamp%" == "" goto :end
if "%timestamp%" == "." (
for %%I in ("%dest%") do set timestamp=%%~dpI.time.%%~nxI
goto :end > "%timestamp%"