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# frozen_string_literal: true
module Bundler
module Plugin
class API
# This class provides the base to build source plugins
# All the method here are required to build a source plugin (except
# `uri_hash`, `gem_install_dir`; they are helpers).
# Defaults for methods, where ever possible are provided which is
# expected to work. But, all source plugins have to override
# `fetch_gemspec_files` and `install`. Defaults are also not provided for
# `remote!`, `cache!` and `unlock!`.
# The defaults shall work for most situations but nevertheless they can
# be (preferably should be) overridden as per the plugins' needs safely
# (as long as they behave as expected).
# On overriding `initialize` you should call super first.
# If required plugin should override `hash`, `==` and `eql?` methods to be
# able to match objects representing same sources, but may be created in
# different situation (like form gemfile and lockfile). The default ones
# checks only for class and uri, but elaborate source plugins may need
# more comparisons (e.g. git checking on branch or tag).
# @!attribute [r] uri
# @return [String] the remote specified with `source` block in Gemfile
# @!attribute [r] options
# @return [String] options passed during initialization (either from
# lockfile or Gemfile)
# @!attribute [r] name
# @return [String] name that can be used to uniquely identify a source
# @!attribute [rw] dependency_names
# @return [Array<String>] Names of dependencies that the source should
# try to resolve. It is not necessary to use this list internally. This
# is present to be compatible with `Definition` and is used by
# rubygems source.
module Source
attr_reader :uri, :options, :name
attr_accessor :dependency_names
def initialize(opts)
@options = opts
@dependency_names = []
@uri = opts["uri"]
@type = opts["type"]
@name = opts["name"] || "#{@type} at #{@uri}"
# This is used by the default `spec` method to constructs the
# Specification objects for the gems and versions that can be installed
# by this source plugin.
# Note: If the spec method is overridden, this function is not necessary
# @return [Array<String>] paths of the gemspec files for gems that can
# be installed
def fetch_gemspec_files
# Options to be saved in the lockfile so that the source plugin is able
# to check out same version of gem later.
# There options are passed when the source plugin is created from the
# lock file.
# @return [Hash]
def options_to_lock
# Install the gem specified by the spec at appropriate path.
# `install_path` provides a sufficient default, if the source can only
# satisfy one gem, but is not binding.
# @return [String] post installation message (if any)
def install(spec, opts)
raise MalformattedPlugin, "Source plugins need to override the install method."
# It builds extensions, generates bins and installs them for the spec
# provided.
# It depends on `spec.loaded_from` to get full_gem_path. The source
# plugins should set that.
# It should be called in `install` after the plugin is done placing the
# gem at correct install location.
# It also runs Gem hooks `pre_install`, `post_build` and `post_install`
# Note: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
def post_install(spec, disable_exts = false)
opts = { :env_shebang => false, :disable_extensions => disable_exts }
installer = Bundler::Source::Path::Installer.new(spec, opts)
# A default installation path to install a single gem. If the source
# servers multiple gems, it's not of much use and the source should one
# of its own.
def install_path
@install_path ||=
base_name = File.basename(Bundler::URI.parse(uri).normalize.path)
# Parses the gemspec files to find the specs for the gems that can be
# satisfied by the source.
# Few important points to keep in mind:
# - If the gems are not installed then it shall return specs for all
# the gems it can satisfy
# - If gem is installed (that is to be detected by the plugin itself)
# then it shall return at least the specs that are installed.
# - The `loaded_from` for each of the specs shall be correct (it is
# used to find the load path)
# @return [Bundler::Index] index containing the specs
def specs
files = fetch_gemspec_files
Bundler::Index.build do |index|
files.each do |file|
next unless spec = Bundler.load_gemspec(file)
spec.source = self
index << spec
# Set internal representation to fetch the gems/specs locally.
# When this is called, the source should try to fetch the specs and
# install from the local system.
def local!
# Set internal representation to fetch the gems/specs from remote.
# When this is called, the source should try to fetch the specs and
# install from remote path.
def remote!
# Set internal representation to fetch the gems/specs from app cache.
# When this is called, the source should try to fetch the specs and
# install from the path provided by `app_cache_path`.
def cached!
# This is called to update the spec and installation.
# If the source plugin is loaded from lockfile or otherwise, it shall
# refresh the cache/specs (e.g. git sources can make a fresh clone).
def unlock!
# Name of directory where plugin the is expected to cache the gems when
# #cache is called.
# Also this name is matched against the directories in cache for pruning
# This is used by `app_cache_path`
def app_cache_dirname
base_name = File.basename(Bundler::URI.parse(uri).normalize.path)
# This method is called while caching to save copy of the gems that the
# source can resolve to path provided by `app_cache_app`so that they can
# be reinstalled from the cache without querying the remote (i.e. an
# alternative to remote)
# This is stored with the app and source plugins should try to provide
# specs and install only from this cache when `cached!` is called.
# This cache is different from the internal caching that can be done
# at sub paths of `cache_path` (from API). This can be though as caching
# by bundler.
def cache(spec, custom_path = nil)
new_cache_path = app_cache_path(custom_path)
FileUtils.cp_r(install_path, new_cache_path)
# This shall check if two source object represent the same source.
# The comparison shall take place only on the attribute that can be
# inferred from the options passed from Gemfile and not on attributes
# that are used to pin down the gem to specific version (e.g. Git
# sources should compare on branch and tag but not on commit hash)
# The sources objects are constructed from Gemfile as well as from
# lockfile. To converge the sources, it is necessary that they match.
# The same applies for `eql?` and `hash`
def ==(other)
other.is_a?(self.class) && uri == other.uri
# When overriding `eql?` please preserve the behaviour as mentioned in
# docstring for `==` method.
alias_method :eql?, :==
# When overriding `hash` please preserve the behaviour as mentioned in
# docstring for `==` method, i.e. two methods equal by above comparison
# should have same hash.
def hash
[self.class, uri].hash
# A helper method, not necessary if not used internally.
def installed?
# The full path where the plugin should cache the gem so that it can be
# installed latter.
# Note: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
def app_cache_path(custom_path = nil)
@app_cache_path ||= Bundler.app_cache(custom_path).join(app_cache_dirname)
# Used by definition.
# Note: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
def unmet_deps
# Used by definition.
# Note: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
def spec_names
# Used by definition.
# Note: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
def add_dependency_names(names)
@dependencies |= Array(names)
# NOTE: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
def can_lock?(spec)
spec.source == self
# Generates the content to be entered into the lockfile.
# Saves type and remote and also calls to `options_to_lock`.
# Plugin should use `options_to_lock` to save information in lockfile
# and not override this.
# Note: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
def to_lock
out = String.new("#{LockfileParser::PLUGIN}\n")
out << " remote: #{@uri}\n"
out << " type: #{@type}\n"
options_to_lock.each do |opt, value|
out << " #{opt}: #{value}\n"
out << " specs:\n"
def to_s
"plugin source for #{@type} with uri #{@uri}"
alias_method :identifier, :to_s
# NOTE: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
def include?(other)
other == self
def uri_hash
# NOTE: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
def gem_install_dir
# It is used to obtain the full_gem_path.
# spec's loaded_from path is expanded against this to get full_gem_path
# Note: Do not override if you don't know what you are doing.
def root
# @private
# This API on source might not be stable, and for now we expect plugins
# to download all specs in `#specs`, so we implement the method for
# compatibility purposes and leave it undocumented (and don't support)
# overriding it)
def double_check_for(*); end