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synced 2022-11-09 12:17:21 -05:00

avoid SEGV trouble. * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c; fix a bug on converting a SJIS string array to a Tcl's list string. * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: wrap Tcl's original "namespace" command to protect from namespace crash. * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: enforce exception-handling. * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: catch IRB_EXIT to work on irb. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: ditto. * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: add TclTkLib.mainloop_thread? * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: (bug fix) callback returns a value. * ext/tk/lib/tk/canvas.rb (delete): bug fix when multiple arguments. * ext/tk/lib/clock.rb: fix 'no method error'. * ext/tk/lib/clock.rb (self.clicks): accept a Symbol argument. * ext/tk/lib/variable.rb: be able to set default_value_type; :numeric, :bool, :string, :symbol, :list, :numlist or nil (default; same to :string). If set a type, TkVariable#value returns a value of the type. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tclx/tclx.rb: add Tk::TclX.signal to warn the risk of using TclX extension's 'signal' command. * ext/tk/sample/irbtk.rb: irb with Ruby/Tk. * ext/tk/sample/demos-*/anilabel.rb: bug fix on 'show code' * ext/tk/sample/demos-*/aniwave.rb: new Ruby/Tk animation demo. * ext/tk/sample/demos-*/pendulum.rb: ditto. * ext/tk/sample/demos-*/goldberg.rb: ditto. * ext/tk/sample/demos-*/widget: add entries of animation demos. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@8046 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
115 lines
3.1 KiB
115 lines
3.1 KiB
# animated wave demo (called by 'widget')
# based on Tcl/Tk8.5a2 widget demos
# destroy toplevel widget for this demo script
if defined?($aniwave_demo) && $aniwave_demo
$aniwave_demo = nil
# create toplevel widget
$aniwave_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
title("Animated Wave Demonstration")
# create label
msg = TkLabel.new($aniwave_demo) {
font $font
wraplength '4i'
justify 'left'
text 'This demonstration contains a canvas widget with a line item inside it. The animation routines work by adjusting the coordinates list of the line.'
# create frame
TkFrame.new($aniwave_demo) {|frame|
TkButton.new(frame) {
text 'Dismiss'
command proc{
tmppath = $aniwave_demo
$aniwave_demo = nil
}.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
TkButton.new(frame) {
text 'See Code'
command proc{showCode 'aniwave'}
}.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
# animated wave
class AnimatedWaveDemo
def initialize(frame, dir=:left)
@direction = dir
# create canvas widget
@c = TkCanvas.new(frame, :width=>300, :height=>200,
@c.pack(:padx=>10, :pady=>10, :expand=>true)
# Creates a coordinates list of a wave.
@waveCoords = []
@backupCoords = []
n = 0
(-10..300).step(5){|n| @waveCoords << [n, 100]; @backupCoords << [n, 100] }
@waveCoords << [n, 0]; @backupCoords << [n, 0]
@waveCoords << [n+5, 200]; @backupCoords << [n+5, 200]
@coordsLen = @waveCoords.length
# Create a smoothed line and arrange for its coordinates to be the
# contents of the variable waveCoords.
@line = TkcLine.new(@c, @waveCoords,
:width=>1, :fill=>'green', :smooth=>true)
# Main animation "loop".
# Theoretically 100 frames-per-second (==10ms between frames)
@timer = TkTimer.new(10){ basicMotion; reverser }
# Arrange for the animation loop to stop when the canvas is deleted
@c.bindtags_unshift(TkBindTag.new('Destroy'){ @timer.stop })
# Basic motion handler. Given what direction the wave is travelling
# in, it advances the y coordinates in the coordinate-list one step in
# that direction.
def basicMotion
@backupCoords, @waveCoords = @waveCoords, @backupCoords
if @direction == :left
@waveCoords[idx][1] = @backupCoords[(idx+1 == @coordsLen)? 0: idx+1][1]
@waveCoords[idx][1] = @backupCoords[(idx == 0)? -1: idx-1][1]
# Oscillation handler. This detects whether to reverse the direction
# of the wave by checking to see if the peak of the wave has moved off
# the screen (whose size we know already.)
def reverser
if @waveCoords[0][1] < 10
@direction = :right
elsif @waveCoords[-1][1] < 10
@direction = :left
# animation control
def move
def stop
# Start the animation processing
AnimatedWaveDemo.new($aniwave_demo, :left).move