mirror of
synced 2022-11-09 12:17:21 -05:00

http://www.germane-software.com/repos/rexml/trunk/test/. Many tests are failed temporary. I'll fix them quickly. Sorry. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@29282 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE issuezilla [
<!-- This DTD describes a structure that contains one or more -->
<!-- IssueZilla issues. IssueZilla is a derivative of BugZilla -->
<!-- (http://bugzilla.mozilla.org) developed for use with SourceCast -->
<!-- $Id: issuezilla.dtd 34364 2003-11-18 00:30:16Z kmaples $ -->
<!ELEMENT issuezilla (issue+)>
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<!-- version : Current version of IssueZilla. -->
<!-- urlbase : Full url to source installation of issueZilla. -->
<!-- maintainer : Email address of person responsible for -->
<!-- installation usually 'webmaster@foo.com' -->
<!-- exporter : Email address of the individual performing the -->
<!-- XML export. -->
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<!-- to facilitate development): -->
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component, version, rep_platform, assigned_to,
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creation_ts, qa_contact?, status_whiteboard?, issue_file_loc?,
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<!-- priority : Priority (severity) assigned to issue. -->
<!-- resolution : The issue's resolution, if any -->
<!-- component : Product against which issue is reported. -->
<!-- version : Version associated with component. -->
<!-- platform : Platform issue reported against (e.g. linux, etc.).-->
<!-- assigned_to : Email of person issue currently assigned to. -->
<!-- delta_ts : Last modified timestamp ('yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss'). -->
<!-- -->
<!-- subcomponent : Component of component issue reported against. -->
<!-- reporter : Email of initial issue reporter. -->
<!-- target_milestone : Milestone for this issue's resolution. -->
<!-- issue_type : Nature of issue, e.g. defect, task, etc. -->
<!-- creation_ts : Issue creation timestamp ('yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss').-->
<!-- qa_contact : Email of the QA contact for this issue. -->
<!-- status_whiteboard: Free text 'whiteboard' for issue comments. -->
<!-- issue_file_loc : URL related to issue -->
<!-- votes : current votes for issu -->
<!-- op_sys : Operating system issue reported against. -->
<!-- short_desc : Short description of issue. -->
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<!ELEMENT short_desc (#PCDATA)>
<!-- Data from the longdescs table for this issue id. Essentially -->
<!-- the log of additional comments. -->
<!-- -->
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<!-- issue_when : Timestamp when long_desc added ('yyy-mm-dd hh:mm') -->
<!-- thetext : Free text that comprises the long desc. -->
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keywords : List of keywords for this issue.
dependson : List of local issue IDs that depend on this one.
blocks : List of local issue IDs blocked by this one.
is_duplicate : The issue which this issue was closed as a
duplicate of.
has_duplicates : Other issues which were closed as a duplicate
of this issue.
cc : List of email addresses of interested parties.
NOTE: elements of 'blocks', 'dependson', 'is_duplicate' and
'has_duplicates' are defined elsewhere in this document. -->
<!ELEMENT keywords (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT dependson (issue_id, who, when)>
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<!-- are currently unimplemented (ispatch, filename, etc.). -->
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submitter_id, submitting_username, data, attachment_iz_url)>
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<!-- submitting_username : username of attachement submitter. -->
<!-- data : Encoded attachment. -->
<!-- attachment_iz_url : URL to attachment in iz. -->
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<!-- Data pertaining to the issue's activity record. -->
<!ELEMENT activity (user, when, field_name, field_desc, oldvalue,
<!-- user : user who performed the action -->
<!-- when : date the described change was made -->
<!-- field_name : name of db field (in fielddefs) -->
<!-- field_desc : description of the database field -->
<!-- oldvalue : value changed from -->
<!-- newvalue : value changed to -->
<!ELEMENT field_name (#PCDATA)>
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<!ELEMENT oldvalue (#PCDATA)>
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<issuezilla exporter="guest" charset="UTF-8" version="2.11" urlbase="https://ofbiz.dev.java.net/issues/" maintainer="owner@ofbiz.dev.java.net" project_domain="dev.java.net" project_name="ofbiz" project_id="792" dtd_version="Revision: 1.2">
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2003-08-13 22:35:10</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Website missing</short_desc>
<issue_when>2003-08-13 22:35:10</issue_when>
<thetext>Website is missing from CVS.</thetext>
<issue_when>2003-08-19 12:09:17</issue_when>
<thetext>Website starting to move</thetext>
<issue_when>2003-08-19 12:11:57</issue_when>
<thetext>Changed milestone</thetext>
<issue_when>2003-08-20 21:09:24</issue_when>
<thetext>Website has been imported into CVS</thetext>
<when>2003-08-19 12:09:17</when>
<when>2003-08-19 12:09:17</when>
<when>2003-08-19 12:11:57</when>
<field_desc>Target Milestone</field_desc>
<oldvalue>milestone 1</oldvalue>
<newvalue>not determined</newvalue>
<when>2003-08-20 21:09:24</when>
<when>2003-08-20 21:09:24</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2003-08-23 14:25:20</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Missing FTL</short_desc>
<issue_when>2003-08-23 14:25:20</issue_when>
<thetext>Missing FTL file:
Error: File not found: /feature/EditFeatureCategoryFeatures.ftl</thetext>
<issue_when>2003-08-24 00:41:46</issue_when>
<thetext>Converted JSP to FTL, made some small corrections.</thetext>
<when>2003-08-24 00:41:46</when>
<when>2003-08-24 00:41:46</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2003-08-23 14:27:14</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Edit Promo Bug</short_desc>
<issue_when>2003-08-23 14:27:14</issue_when>
<thetext>When editing a promo rule; the drop down for the current condition contains only
the existing condition (many times).</thetext>
<issue_when>2003-08-28 10:30:31</issue_when>
<thetext>#list directive had a type. Fix in CVS.</thetext>
<when>2003-08-28 10:30:31</when>
<when>2003-08-28 10:30:31</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2003-08-23 14:30:52</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Price Rule Bug</short_desc>
<issue_when>2003-08-23 14:30:52</issue_when>
<thetext>When editing a price rule; changing the is "sale price" flag sets properly,
however always displays "no" as the selected choice.</thetext>
<issue_when>2003-08-28 10:20:59</issue_when>
<thetext>Fixed conditional on the no button, now appears correctly.</thetext>
<issue_when>2003-08-28 10:30:57</issue_when>
<when>2003-08-28 10:20:59</when>
<when>2003-08-28 10:20:59</when>
<when>2003-08-28 10:30:57</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2003-08-23 14:41:38</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Relationship missing button</short_desc>
<issue_when>2003-08-23 14:41:38</issue_when>
<thetext>View/Edit party relationships page first is still JSP and second is missing the
links to communication event(s).</thetext>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2003-09-04 02:09:57</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Entity Engine ConnectionFactory and DBCPConnectionFactory issues with Oracle</short_desc>
<issue_when>2003-09-04 02:09:57</issue_when>
<thetext>When using the Inline JDBC Functionality of the Entity Engine to access an Oracle
database the Entity Engine gives SQL no suitable driver exceptions.
The fix for this involves changing:
Class clazz = loader.loadClass(driverClassName);
in both the ConnectionFactory and DBCPConnectionFactory classes.
There will also need to be the appropriate exception handling.
Please contact me if this requires any clarification.</thetext>
<issue_when>2003-09-04 22:15:06</issue_when>
<thetext>The message you are getting means that the JDBC drivers for Oracle cannot be
found on the classpath. Contact the users mailing list if you need further help
with this issue.</thetext>
<issue_when>2003-09-04 22:17:28</issue_when>
<thetext>Sorry; DBCP support is currently outdated and not used due to the fact that
there is no transaction support. It is recommended you use the JOTM/XAPool
connections. This issue will be addressed during a refactor of this class in the
coming months.</thetext>
<issue_when>2003-09-18 14:43:34</issue_when>
This issue has been resolved with code changes similar to those recommended.
HOWEVER: There is one caveat with this: I would NOT recommend running using
either of these blocks of code. Without a transaction aware connection pool
performance will be severely affected or operations may be performed outside of
transactions. So, I wouldn't use straight JDBC or DBCP right now. Hopefully in
the future DBCP will support XADataSources, then it may be an option.
-David Jones
<when>2003-09-04 22:15:06</when>
<when>2003-09-04 22:15:06</when>
<when>2003-09-18 14:43:34</when>
<when>2003-09-18 14:43:34</when>
<field_desc>QA Contact</field_desc>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2003-09-21 07:35:08</creation_ts>
<short_desc>"Save Entity Group XML to File" error</short_desc>
<when>2003-11-04 01:04:02</when>
<issue_when>2003-09-21 07:35:08</issue_when>
<thetext>If click "Save Entity Group XML to File" on the webtools, the new page opens and
the following error message appears:
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP
An error occurred at line: -1 in the jsp file: null
Generated servlet error:
[javac] Since fork is true, ignoring compiler setting.
[javac] Compiling 1 source file
[javac] Since fork is true, ignoring compiler setting.
cannot resolve symbol
[javac] symbol : variable entityGroupResourceHandler
[javac] location: class org.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelGroupReader
[javac] ResourceHandler resourceHandler =
[javac] ^
[javac] 1 error</thetext>
<issue_when>2003-11-04 01:04:02</issue_when>
<thetext>*** Issue 8 has been marked as a duplicate of this issue. ***</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-04 19:40:45</issue_when>
<thetext>lower priority</thetext>
<when>2004-03-04 19:40:45</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2003-09-21 07:40:53</creation_ts>
<short_desc>"Generate Entity Group XML" error</short_desc>
<when>2003-11-04 01:04:02</when>
<issue_when>2003-09-21 07:40:53</issue_when>
<thetext>If clicked "Generate Entity Group XML" on webtools, an error message occurs:
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP
An error occurred at line: -1 in the jsp file: null
Generated servlet error:
[javac] Since fork is true, ignoring compiler setting.
[javac] Compiling 1 source file
[javac] Since fork is true, ignoring compiler setting.
cannot resolve symbol
[javac] symbol : variable entityGroupResourceHandler
[javac] location: class org.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelGroupReader
[javac] ResourceHandler resourceHandler =
[javac] ^
[javac] 1 error
It seems the class ResourceHandler is missing. The same error result in several
links of webtools concerning entity engine xml export broken.</thetext>
<issue_when>2003-11-04 01:04:02</issue_when>
<thetext>This issue is a duplicate of #7, they may be different links but they hit the same
request and code.
*** This issue has been marked as a duplicate of 7 ***</thetext>
<when>2003-11-04 01:04:02</when>
<when>2003-11-04 01:04:02</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2003-10-28 09:27:31</creation_ts>
<short_desc>GenericEntity.getBytes fails with HSQLDB</short_desc>
<issue_when>2003-10-28 09:27:31</issue_when>
<thetext>getBytes internally casts to ByteWrapper which causes a ClassCastException.
Casting directly to byte[] seems to work.
Don't know if it fails with other dbs.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-02-23 21:11:40</issue_when>
<thetext>This does not appear to be something that can be fixed in OFBiz, it appears to be a bug in HSQLDB, and
only in certain versions. Trying it with an earlier version it worked, but various other things didn't. We
may just have to be patient until HSQLDB has another stable release.</thetext>
<when>2004-02-23 21:11:40</when>
<when>2004-02-23 21:11:40</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2003-10-31 08:53:59</creation_ts>
<short_desc>missing or incorrect service parameter message</short_desc>
<issue_when>2003-10-31 08:53:59</issue_when>
<thetext>If possible, I think it would be very helpful to developers if the message that
informs on invalid service parameter conditions would clearly indicate whether
it is in the IN or OUT mode that the problem is occurring.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-08 12:17:42</issue_when>
<thetext>changed to enhancement</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-08 17:49:18</issue_when>
<issue_when>2004-06-30 19:30:03</issue_when>
<thetext>The ServiceValidationException has been updated to support missing and extra fields as well as
knowing which "mode" (IN/OUT) the error occured in.</thetext>
<when>2004-03-08 12:17:42</when>
<field_desc>Issue Type</field_desc>
<when>2004-03-08 12:17:42</when>
<when>2004-03-08 17:49:17</when>
<field_desc>Assigned To</field_desc>
<when>2004-06-30 19:30:03</when>
<when>2004-06-30 19:30:03</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2003-11-03 22:26:18</creation_ts>
<op_sys>Windows 2000</op_sys>
<short_desc>"response.sendRedirect" in jsp could not take effect</short_desc>
<issue_when>2003-11-03 22:26:18</issue_when>
<thetext>I have write a test.jsp code(like):
hello world!
define :
in controller.xml:
<request-map uri="test" edit="true">
<response name="success" type="view" value="test"/>
<response name="error" type="view" value="error"/>
<view-map name="test" type="region"/>
in region also configued
when I test the page :
it's appear "hello world!",but didn't redirect.
When I use this code as jsp page in normal web app,redirect can take effect.
I think this is a bug of in region process.</thetext>
<issue_when>2003-11-04 00:26:29</issue_when>
If I understand your complaint correctly it is because the way you organized
things the response output stream is committed before the sendRedirect is
called. There is absolutely nothing that can be done about this.
If you want to send a redirect you should do so in an event or a non-region view
(and non-jpublish for that matter). Those composite view tools are meant for
generating views and involve templates that may cause the response to be
committed before you wrapped view is even called.
BTW, this may be more appropriate as a question on the users list, not as a defect
bug report.
-David Jones</thetext>
<when>2003-11-04 00:26:29</when>
<when>2003-11-04 00:26:29</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2003-11-04 01:39:16</creation_ts>
<short_desc>entity cache is not synchronized with DB</short_desc>
<issue_when>2003-11-04 01:39:16</issue_when>
It might make sense to have an issue created on the ofbiz.dev.java.net
site that covers this problem, since it may take some time to resolve.
Could you create one there? It could just include text from messages
send back and forth in this email thread.
On Nov 3, 2003, at 6:57 PM, Quake_Wang wrote:
> The immutable flag can solve some cache synchronize issues, it will
> help for debugging. But, please consider this scenario:
> Service A:
> OK, now base on policy: "NEVER read from the cache if you are planning
> on updating", we directly read from DB,
> order = findByPK ("Order", 10000);
> order.set("status", "DEF");
> order.store();
> Service B:
> order = findByPKCache("Order", 10000);
> just query, do not change any fields, entity engine will put the order
> 10000 with "DEF" status in cache, after some other operations (not on
> the order generic value) throw exception, rolled back service A and B,
> then PKCache is not synchronized with DB too, the immutable flag can
> not help any......
> You wrote a service using cache for better performance, and someone
> may assembly your service in same transaction (group service, ECA
> service), the synchronizing may broken, it's really hard to find such
> problem.
> Any ideas?
> Quake
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Jones [mailto:jonesde@ofbiz.org]
> Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 11:05 PM
> To: dev@ofbiz.dev.java.net
> Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Dev - Important - [Bug] PKCache is not
> synchronized
> with DB
> Because of the possibility that this is happening and causing
> previously unexplained problems, I decided to go ahead and implement
> the immutable feature on the GenericEntity. This is now in CVS, but may
> cause problems with current code (and will most likely in many cases).
> Do disable this just comment out the line near the beginning of the set
> method in GenericEntity.java. It is around line 248 in the current
> revision of the file.
> I fixed a few places that had this problem, including createCustomer in
> ecommerce and the userLogin service. Creating a new customer and going
> through the checkout process works fine now, but variations on the way
> I did it may break.
> If we have too many problems with this, I'm okay with disabling it
> temporarily, but it would be nice to go this direction in the future.
> It will help resolve the possibility that strange things happen because
> things are being changed in the cache when they shouldn't be and the
> cache is out of sync with the database, ie is dirty.
> Feel free to report bugs along these lines, or better yet send
> patches...
> Later,
> -David
> On Nov 3, 2003, at 5:24 AM, David Jones wrote:
>> Quake,
>> Yes, I know this is a problem, although I had forgotten about it since
>> it hasn't come up for a long time.
>> Our official answer on this, related to the use of the cache in
>> general is: NEVER read from the cache if you are planning on updating
>> something. It's tempting to change the GenericValue object to have an
>> unchangeable flag that is set for all versions that go into the
>> cache....
>> I agree with you, there doesn't seem to be an easy way to
>> automatically clear the cache on a rollback. In most cases the
>> rollback doesn't even go through the Entity Engine, it is done in
>> external code. So, the Entity Engine never gets a notification of the
>> rollback, and if it did it would have to remember every operation that
>> happened during that transaction so it could clear those dirty cache
>> entries.
>> Thus the policy: never use the cache to read when you are planning on
>> writing to the database. And yeah, maybe I should throw some code in
>> there to enforce this... Any thoughts from anyone on that?
>> Later,
>> -David
>> On Nov 3, 2003, at 4:45 AM, Quake_Wang wrote:
>>> Found a bug in the PKCache, below is the scenario
>>> Service A:
>>> 1. find an order with the order No. 10000, dummy code:
>>> order = findByPKCache("Order", 10000);
>>> assume we get an order with the status "ABC";
>>> 2. set the order status to "DEF" and store, dummy code:
>>> order.set("status", "DEF");
>>> order.store();
>>> Service B:
>>> 1. find order 10000 again, dummy code:
>>> order = findByPKCache("Order", 10000);
>>> If the service A and B are in the same transaction (ex, group service
>>> or ECA service), entity engine will get the order with "DEF" status
>>> and put it in the PK cache.
>>> 2. some other operations, throw exception
>>> Service A and B are rolled back, as the result, the PKCache is not
>>> synchronized with DB:
>>> DB: order 10000, status "ABC"
>>> PKCache: order 10000, status "DEF"
>>> I spent some time to trace this bug, but can not find an easy way to
>>> fix it, just simply change the findByPKCache to findByPK in service
>>> B.
>>> I'm sending out this email in hopes of helping who may encounter the
>>> same problem and receiving a better fix method.
>>> Regards
>>> Quake
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscribe@ofbiz.dev.java.net
>>> For additional commands, e-mail: dev-help@ofbiz.dev.java.net
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscribe@ofbiz.dev.java.net
>> For additional commands, e-mail: dev-help@ofbiz.dev.java.net
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscribe@ofbiz.dev.java.net
> For additional commands, e-mail: dev-help@ofbiz.dev.java.net
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscribe@ofbiz.dev.java.net
> For additional commands, e-mail: dev-help@ofbiz.dev.java.net
To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscribe@ofbiz.dev.java.net
For additional commands, e-mail: dev-help@ofbiz.dev.java.net</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-02-23 21:35:13</issue_when>
Just a note on this. To fix it there need to be ThreadLocal caches that are maintained by a class that
implements the Synchronization interface for transactions. The idea would be that cache reads look in
the ThreadLocal cache first, then in the global cache, cache writes put everything in the ThreadLocal
cache and when the transaction is committed all ThreadLocal cache entries go into the global cache.
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2003-11-12 06:15:27</creation_ts>
<issue_when>2003-11-12 06:15:27</issue_when>
<thetext>I had a situation in which I used setNonPKFields to populate an entity that had
createdData and lastModifiedDate from parameters thinking that it would be a
sort of parameter map. My intention was to then add the individual fields to a
service input, but it turns out that instead of converting the date string to
DateTime format, it kept them as strings and the service complained. I guess the
GenericValue only converts datatypes during the persistence phase? If that is
the case, it would be useful if it converted up loading.</thetext>
<issue_when>2003-11-12 06:55:58</issue_when>
<thetext>This is really not the responsibility of the GenericValue object (or really the
GenericEntity object). This is difficult to handle as a defect report and should
be sent to the dev mailing for discussion of the best way to go about what you
are trying to do. The email message should perhaps include more detail about the
overall goal you are trying to accomplish. Note that the GenericEntity, at the
moment, does not enforce types going in, but may be changed to do that and throw
an exception if the type is wrong. -David</thetext>
<when>2003-11-12 06:55:58</when>
<when>2003-11-12 06:55:58</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-01-07 16:20:53</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Order Summary pages don't show free shipping promo</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-01-07 16:20:53</issue_when>
<thetext>Here is a description from Si Chen who reported the problem:
One thing that I noticed that is anomalous, though, is that the order review
pages still show an estimate for shipping charges, even though the customer
should get free shipping. It seems that the checkout review pages are using
org.ofbiz.order.shoppingcart.shipping.ShippingEvents.getShipEstimate, while on
actual checkout it is using
The former is not taking into account shipping adjustments.</thetext>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-02-10 01:36:16</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Order Stats showing incorrect YTD info</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-02-10 01:36:16</issue_when>
<thetext>The YTD info is incorrect since the Java month starts at 0 instead of 1.
On Line 71 the 1 should be replaced with a 0
cal.set(Calendar.MONTH, 0);
thank you,
<issue_when>2004-02-10 06:47:50</issue_when>
<thetext>Fixed as recommended.</thetext>
<when>2004-02-10 06:47:50</when>
<when>2004-02-10 06:47:50</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-02-24 02:56:29</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Limit Categories Shown in Drop Downs</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-02-24 02:56:29</issue_when>
<thetext>Add "show in drop-down" option ProductCategory, filter by it in all combo style category drop downs,
and change existing category drop-downs to be combo-boxes, include those on the EditProduct,
EditProductCategories, EditCategory, EditCategoryProducts, EditPromoRules pages.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-05-27 23:38:59</issue_when>
<thetext>Some progress has been made on this, but something still needs to be done with the form tool, etc to
limit the drop downs.</thetext>
<when>2004-03-18 11:59:21</when>
<when>2004-05-27 23:38:59</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-02-24 02:58:45</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Filter Promotion Products to exclude discontinued</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-02-24 02:58:45</issue_when>
<thetext>Add code to the ProductPromoWorker to (perhaps optionally) filter products included by the
salesDiscontinuationDate, and of course make sure the category member from/thru dates are being
<issue_when>2004-02-25 21:00:44</issue_when>
<thetext>Now implemented.</thetext>
<when>2004-02-25 21:00:44</when>
<when>2004-02-25 21:00:44</when>
<when>2004-03-18 12:07:31</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-02-24 03:01:49</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Back ordered, or insufficient quantities not handled right</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-02-24 03:01:49</issue_when>
<thetext>It appears that when a product is back-ordered, or reserved in excess of the AvailableToPromise the
calculations and setting of values are messed up.
Here is a report on this from Bryce Ewing on Feb 5th, 2004:
I have found something that appears to be a bug (but I am not totally sure), I will explain this in two
cases below:
case 1: buy 1 item of product1 with no inventory
- inventory item created with 0 on hand, and -1 available to promise
- order item inventory res created with quantity of 1 and quantity not available of 1
case 2: buy 2 items of product2 with 1 item in inventory
- inventory item updated with 1 on hand, and -1 available to promise
- order item inventory res created with quantity of 2 and quantity not available of 0
For case 1 the system is doing exactly what I would expect, but in case 2 I would have expected that
the order item inventory res record would have had a quantity not available of 1 rather than 0.
Am I mistaken in this expectation, or is this infact a bug?
Here is a comment on some apparently related findings by Jacopo Cappellato:
I'm studying the simple method InventoryServices.reserveProductInventory
that implements the inventory reservation of on order/order item, and I've
got a question about this issue.
What is the meaning of the quantityNotAvailable field in
OrderItemInventoryRes entity? Where and how is it used (or intended to be
used for)? I've noticed that this quantity is considered in the pick list
Probably the quantityNotAvailable field should contain the quantity reserved
that caused inventory item's atp to be less than zero: if so, why in the
reserveProductInventory method the quantityNotAvailable is set only in line
498 and not also after line 458? And in which way, once set, could this
quantity return to zero?
<issue_when>2004-02-24 18:35:45</issue_when>
<thetext>After a patch from Bryce Ewing it appears to be fixed.</thetext>
<when>2004-02-24 18:35:45</when>
<when>2004-02-24 18:35:45</when>
<when>2004-03-18 12:07:40</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-02-24 06:44:51</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Patch for bug in the Inventory Receive function</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-02-24 06:44:51</issue_when>
<thetext>In Facility manager, when you receive a purchase order delivered with more than
one shipments and you select to receive only one shipment the proposed
quantities are the quantities of the original purchase order and not the
quantities of the shipment.
In my patches I tried to change the minimum amount of code and the
result is that the code is not well written... obviously feel free to change
my code.
PS: I submitted this patches to the dev list in january 2004.
PPS: the two patches are in Unified Output Format
Index: ofbiz/components/product/webapp/facility/inventory/receiveInventory.ftl
file: /cvs/ofbiz/components/product/webapp/facility/inventory/receiveInventory.f
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -r1.5 receiveInventory.ftl
--- ofbiz/components/product/webapp/facility/inventory/receiveInventory.ftl
17 Dec 2003 22:46:36 -0000 1.5
+++ ofbiz/components/product/webapp/facility/inventory/receiveInventory.ftl
14 Jan 2004 11:05:06 -0000
@@ -312,6 +312,9 @@
<#list purchaseOrderItems as orderItem>
<#assign defaultQuantity = orderItem.quantity - receivedQuantities
+ <#if shipment?has_content>
+ <#assign defaultQuantity = shippedQuantities
[orderItem.orderItemSeqId]?double - receivedQuantities
+ </#if>
<#if 0 < defaultQuantity>
<#assign orderItemType = orderItem.getRelatedOne("OrderItemType")>
<input type="hidden" name="orderId_o_${rowCount}"
Index: ofbiz/components/product/webapp/facility/WEB-
RCS file: /cvs/ofbiz/components/product/webapp/facility/WEB-
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 receiveInventory.bsh
--- ofbiz/components/product/webapp/facility/WEB-
INF/actions/inventory/receiveInventory.bsh 25 Aug 2003 15:28:00 -0000
+++ ofbiz/components/product/webapp/facility/WEB-
INF/actions/inventory/receiveInventory.bsh 14 Jan 2004 11:08:14 -0000
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@
shipment = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("Shipment", UtilMisc.toMap
("shipmentId", shipmentId));
+shippedQuantities = new HashMap();
purchaseOrderItems = null;
if (purchaseOrder != null) {
if (product != null) {
@@ -80,14 +81,18 @@
exprs = new ArrayList();
while (issueIter.hasNext()) {
issuance = issueIter.next();
- exprs.add(new EntityExpr("orderItemSeqId", EntityOperator.EQUALS,
+ exprs.add(new EntityExpr("orderItemSeqId", EntityOperator.EQUALS,
+ double issuanceQty = issuance.getDouble("quantity").doubleValue();
+ if (shippedQuantities.containsKey(issuance.getString
("orderItemSeqId"))) {
+ issuanceQty += ((Double)shippedQuantities.get
+ }
+ shippedQuantities.put(issuance.getString("orderItemSeqId"),
purchaseOrderItems = EntityUtil.filterByOr(orderItems, exprs);
} else {
purchaseOrderItems = purchaseOrder.getRelated("OrderItem");
receivedQuantities = new HashMap();
if (purchaseOrderItems != null && purchaseOrderItems.size() > 0) {
context.put("firstOrderItem", EntityUtil.getFirst(purchaseOrderItems));
@@ -100,7 +105,13 @@
if (receipts != null && receipts.size() > 0) {
recIter = receipts.iterator();
while (recIter.hasNext()) {
- rec = recIter.next();
+ rec = recIter.next();
+ if (shipment != null) {
+ if (rec.getString("shipmentId") == null ||
+ !rec.getString("shipmentId").equals(shipment.getString
("shipmentId"))) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
accepted = rec.getDouble("quantityAccepted");
rejected = rec.getDouble("quantityRejected");
if (accepted != null)
@@ -140,6 +151,7 @@
context.put("product", product);
context.put("shipments", shipments);
context.put("shipment", shipment);
+context.put("shippedQuantities", shippedQuantities);
context.put("purchaseOrderItems", purchaseOrderItems);
context.put("receivedQuantities", receivedQuantities);
context.put("rejectReasons", rejectReasons);</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-02-24 06:55:45</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=1)
Patch files in UOF for receiveInventory,bsh and receiveInventory.ftl
<issue_when>2004-03-01 06:35:22</issue_when>
<thetext>The changes are in CVS. Thanks Jacopo!</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-02-24 06:55:45</date>
<desc>Patch files in UOF for receiveInventory,bsh and receiveInventory.ftl</desc>
<when>2004-02-24 06:55:45</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=1)
Patch files in UOF for receiveInventory,bsh and receiveInventory.ftl
<when>2004-03-01 06:35:22</when>
<when>2004-03-01 06:35:22</when>
<when>2004-03-18 12:07:48</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-02-24 07:36:49</creation_ts>
<short_desc>List All Visits link in the Party Profile page returns an error with 0 visits</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-02-24 07:36:50</issue_when>
<thetext>List All Visits link in the Party Profile page returns an error with 0 visits
(see attached patch file) due to wrong bsh code.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-02-24 07:38:20</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=2)
Patch for bug in uof
<issue_when>2004-03-01 06:39:57</issue_when>
<thetext>The changes are in CVS. Thanks Jacopo!</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-02-24 07:38:20</date>
<desc>Patch for bug in uof</desc>
<when>2004-02-24 07:38:20</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=2)
Patch for bug in uof
<when>2004-03-01 06:39:57</when>
<when>2004-03-01 06:39:57</when>
<when>2004-03-18 12:07:58</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-02-24 07:40:56</creation_ts>
<short_desc>findparty page returns JavaScript errors when clicking on the LookupParty link and when the lookup fields are hidden</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-02-24 07:40:56</issue_when>
<thetext>findparty page returns JavaScript errors when clicking on the LookupParty link
and when the lookup fields are hidden. The attached patch should fix the
<issue_when>2004-02-24 07:41:29</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=3)
Patch for bug in uof
<issue_when>2004-03-01 06:44:01</issue_when>
<thetext>Your changes are in CVS. Thanks Jacopo!</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-02-24 07:41:29</date>
<desc>Patch for bug in uof</desc>
<when>2004-02-24 07:41:29</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=3)
Patch for bug in uof
<when>2004-03-01 06:44:01</when>
<when>2004-03-01 06:44:01</when>
<when>2004-03-18 12:08:07</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-02-24 08:52:07</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Errors in order entry when "Payment Already Received" type is selected.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-02-24 08:52:08</issue_when>
<thetext>In Order Entry:
when you finalize an order and, in the "Order Entry Payment
Settings" page, you select the "Payment Already Received" type, in the
following page you get JavaScript errors when you click over
the links (stating that the object "document.billsetupform" doesn't exist);
and so you cannot submit the order.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-02-26 07:08:20</issue_when>
This has been an issue for a while now. It's good to have it in the tracking system since it may not get
fixed right away. Andy is more aware of what is happening there than I am, so he may have more
feedback on it. -David</thetext>
<when>2004-02-26 07:08:20</when>
<field_desc>Assigned To</field_desc>
<when>2004-02-26 07:08:20</when>
<when>2004-03-18 11:59:51</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-02-24 08:56:40</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Inventory receive ignores the inventory item id field.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-02-24 08:56:40</issue_when>
<thetext>In Facility Manager -> Inventory receive:
it always creates a new inventory item even if the "inventory item id" optional
field is filled with an existing inventory item id.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-08 17:38:11</issue_when>
<when>2004-03-08 17:38:11</when>
<field_desc>Assigned To</field_desc>
<when>2004-03-18 12:00:06</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-02-24 09:01:59</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Receive return: it always creates serialized inventory items.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-02-24 09:01:59</issue_when>
<thetext>In Facility Manager -->Receive return
it always creates a serialized inventory item (even if 'non-serialized' is
selected) and so the received quantities are lost (if more than one).</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-08 17:38:55</issue_when>
<when>2004-03-08 17:38:55</when>
<field_desc>Assigned To</field_desc>
<when>2004-03-18 12:00:24</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-02-25 14:58:53</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Permission Checks missing in various part of Accounting Manager</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-02-25 14:58:53</issue_when>
<thetext>Various pages in the Accounting Manager have no view permission checking, including the billing
account, invoice, etc pages.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-02-25 15:36:03</issue_when>
<thetext>I'm not involved in this project.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-02-25 16:13:54</issue_when>
Fixed assigned to mistake.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-08 10:48:28</issue_when>
<thetext>All components have a default VIEW permission based on the component configuration. Each page no
longer needs to have the added code as long as require auth is set in the controller.xml file. The
checkLogin event will make sure the user has the default permission for the specific component.
Additional permissions are only necessary when not using the default permission.</thetext>
<when>2004-02-25 15:36:03</when>
<field_desc>Assigned To</field_desc>
<when>2004-02-25 16:13:54</when>
<field_desc>Assigned To</field_desc>
<when>2004-03-08 10:48:28</when>
<when>2004-03-08 10:48:28</when>
<when>2004-03-18 12:08:14</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-02-25 21:11:36</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Billing Account Errors</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-02-25 21:11:36</issue_when>
<thetext>This issue was reported by Si Chen, Olivier Heintz, and some others.
The following is some text from an email fro Si Chen on Jan 26, 2004; the attached patch is also from
this email.
Hello. After some work we have tracked down the problem with using
billingAccount in the order manager and were able to fix it. The
problem is stated in the order manager's billsettings.ftl, it was
passing in "EXT_BILLACT|10000" for the checkoutPaymentId instead of
separate checkoutPaymentId and billingAccountId. Olivier had suggested
a good patch earlier which parses this form of checkoutPaymentId in the
CheckOutEvents.java. We took a different approach and used code from
ecommerce to pass both checkoutPaymentId and billingAccountId. We also
fixed CheckOutEvents.java to get the billingAccountId from the request
and associate it with the cart. Both are shown in the attached patch.
One last problem: in ecommerce, in checkoutpayment.ftl, gift cards,
credit cards, and billing accounts are all using "amount_<account_id>"
as the name of the input fields. As a result, when the
toggleBillingAccount javascript function tries to toggle the billing
account selected for entering the amount to pay, it gets confused and
cannot do this. As a result, when you use the multi-page rather than
express checkout in ecommerce, it does not work properly. I'll be happy
to elaborate on this if you need me to.
<issue_when>2004-02-25 21:14:01</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=4)
Patch to fix BillingAccount issues
<issue_when>2004-03-08 11:58:22</issue_when>
<thetext>Applied patch; fixed JS in ecommerce </thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-02-25 21:14:01</date>
<desc>Patch to fix BillingAccount issues</desc>
<when>2004-02-25 21:14:01</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=4)
Patch to fix BillingAccount issues
<when>2004-03-08 11:58:22</when>
<when>2004-03-08 11:58:22</when>
<when>2004-03-08 11:58:22</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-02-26 03:20:00</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Patch for missing pagedef file for popup template that causes lookup error (due to i18n changes)</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-02-26 03:20:00</issue_when>
<thetext>The lookup link in New Event -> Parties page is broken.
The popup template doesn't run the envsetup script that loads the localized
PATCH: add a file named "popup.xml" to the template folder containing the
following lines:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<template-action name="/includes/envsetup.bsh"/>
<issue_when>2004-03-01 07:16:55</issue_when>
I have added the popup.xml file to CVS. Thanks for sending it over Jacopo.</thetext>
<when>2004-03-01 07:16:55</when>
<when>2004-03-01 07:16:55</when>
<when>2004-03-18 12:08:22</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-02-26 03:32:11</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Added lookup link for parties in month view</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-02-26 03:32:11</issue_when>
<thetext>Added lookup link for parties in month view.
All the stuff was already in place... I just added the link.
However I think this is a very useful enhancement.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-02-26 03:32:44</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=5)
Patch in UOF
<issue_when>2004-03-03 08:10:20</issue_when>
<thetext>Changed issue type as per email from Jacopo.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-08-06 16:10:40</issue_when>
<thetext>Thanks Jacopo, this is now in CVS.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-02-26 03:32:44</date>
<desc>Patch in UOF</desc>
<when>2004-02-26 03:32:44</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=5)
Patch in UOF
<when>2004-03-03 08:10:20</when>
<field_desc>Issue Type</field_desc>
<when>2004-03-18 12:00:44</when>
<when>2004-08-06 16:10:40</when>
<when>2004-08-06 16:10:40</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-02-26 03:56:48</creation_ts>
<short_desc>When creating a new event from calendar, start and end date were not filled properly in the form</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-02-26 03:56:48</issue_when>
<thetext>When creating a new event from calendar, start and end date were not filled
properly in the event form.
The two patches (one for the event.ftl file and one for the event.bsh file)
will solve this problem.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-02-26 03:59:24</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=6)
Patch for event.bsh in UOF
<issue_when>2004-02-26 03:59:58</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=7)
Patch for event.ftl file in UOF
<issue_when>2004-03-01 07:28:02</issue_when>
<thetext>Your changes are in CVS, thanks Jacopo!</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-02-26 03:59:24</date>
<desc>Patch for event.bsh in UOF</desc>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-02-26 03:59:58</date>
<desc>Patch for event.ftl file in UOF</desc>
<when>2004-02-26 03:59:24</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=6)
Patch for event.bsh in UOF
<when>2004-02-26 03:59:58</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=7)
Patch for event.ftl file in UOF
<when>2004-03-01 07:28:02</when>
<when>2004-03-01 07:28:02</when>
<when>2004-03-18 12:08:31</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-02-26 04:17:49</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Fail to approval order</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-02-26 04:17:49</issue_when>
<thetext>19285437[ ControlServlet.java:133:DEBUG] [[[updateactivityassign] Servlet
Starting, doing setup- total:0.0,since last(Begin):0.0]]
19285438[ ControlServlet.java:182:DEBUG] [[[updateactivityassign] Setup
done, doing Event(s) and View(s)- total:0.0,since last([updateactivityas...):0.0]]
19285440[ RequestHandler.java:200:INFO ] [Processing Request]:
19285744[ WfProcessMgrImpl.java:106:INFO ] [WfProcessMgr.init] : Create
process manager (org.ofbiz.order[20030730144901] / ProcessOrder[20030730144901])
19285890[ BshUtil.java:75 :ERROR] BSH Evaluation error.
Sourced file: <Inline eval of: approvalCode.equals("0"); > : Attempt to resolve
method: equals() on undefined variable or class name: approvalCode : at Line: 1
: in file: <Inline eval of: approvalCode.equals("0"); > : approvalCode .equals (
"0" )
at bsh.UtilEvalError.toEvalError(UtilEvalError.java:82)
at bsh.UtilEvalError.toEvalError(UtilEvalError.java:87)
at bsh.BSHMethodInvocation.eval(BSHMethodInvocation.java:79)
at bsh.BSHPrimaryExpression.eval(BSHPrimaryExpression.java:69)
at bsh.Interpreter.evalParsedScript(Interpreter.java:1104)
at bsh.Interpreter.eval(Interpreter.java:590)
at bsh.Interpreter.eval(Interpreter.java:616)
at bsh.Interpreter.eval(Interpreter.java:606)
at org.ofbiz.base.util.BshUtil.eval(BshUtil.java:64)
at org.ofbiz.workflow.impl.WfProcessImpl.queueNext(WfProcessImpl.java:298)
at org.ofbiz.workflow.impl.WfActivityImpl.complete(WfActivityImpl.java:408)
<issue_when>2004-03-08 12:08:46</issue_when>
<thetext>I cannot duplicate this problem; please provide more information or we will have to close this has no
longer an issue.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-08 17:50:50</issue_when>
<when>2004-03-08 12:08:46</when>
<when>2004-03-08 12:08:46</when>
<when>2004-03-08 12:08:46</when>
<when>2004-03-08 12:08:46</when>
<oldvalue>Fail to approval order </oldvalue>
<newvalue>Fail to approval order</newvalue>
<when>2004-03-08 17:50:50</when>
<field_desc>Assigned To</field_desc>
<when>2004-03-08 17:50:50</when>
<when>2004-03-08 17:50:50</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-02-26 05:39:36</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Error message when you try to create new contact information under an event</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-02-26 05:39:36</issue_when>
<thetext>An error message is returned when you try to create new contact information
under an event: Cannot locate service by name (createWorkEffortContactMech)
This is the complete message:
ERROR: Could not complete the Create an email address for WorkEffort process
[problem invoking the [createWorkEffortContactMech] service with the map named
[context] containing [{locale=en_US, infoString=foo@bar.com, userLogin=
[lastUpdatedStamp,null()][createdStamp,null()], workEffortId=10030,
contactMechTypeId=EMAIL_ADDRESS}]: Cannot locate service by name
<when>2004-03-18 12:01:01</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-02-26 05:50:01</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Errors that prevent adding a new phase to a project.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-02-26 05:50:01</issue_when>
<thetext>It's impossible to add a new phase to a project. Even if you fill all the
fields of the new phase form when you press the 'create' button you get an
error in the system log (however no error messages are shown in the html page).
This is the complete error message:
1160388[ ServiceDispatcher.java:309:ERROR] Service Error [createPhase]: ERROR:
Could not complete the Create Project Phase process [problem creating the newEnt
ity value: while inserting: [GenericEntity:WorkEffortAssoc][createdTxStamp,2004-
02-26 14:44:26.096(java.sql.Timestamp)][workEffortIdTo,10034(java.lang.String)][
WN(java.lang.String)][lastUpdatedTxStamp,2004-02-26 14:44:26.096(java.sql.Timest
amp)][createdStamp,2004-02-26 14:44:26.106(java.sql.Timestamp)][lastUpdatedStamp
,2004-02-26 14:44:26.106(java.sql.Timestamp)] (SQL Exception while executing the
?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ([-5005] (at 124): Missing non-NULL value))]</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-04-09 05:45:33</issue_when>
<thetext>David Jones has fixed this problem in date 2004-04-08 (see the
thread "createphase ERROR in OFBiz 3.0 and OFBiz CVS versions" in the dev-list).
<when>2004-03-18 12:01:18</when>
<when>2004-04-09 05:45:33</when>
<when>2004-04-09 05:45:33</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-02-26 06:00:26</creation_ts>
<short_desc>When you create a new request and you don't fill correctly all the fields no error messages are shown</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-02-26 06:00:26</issue_when>
<thetext>When you create a new request and you don't fill correctly all the fields no
error messages are shown.</thetext>
<issue_when>2005-02-09 02:31:42</issue_when>
<thetext>Fixed after the refactoring to screen widget.</thetext>
<when>2004-03-18 12:01:30</when>
<when>2005-02-09 02:31:42</when>
<when>2005-02-09 02:31:42</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-02-26 06:11:14</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Little JavaScript in "find returns" when lookup fields are hidden</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-02-26 06:11:14</issue_when>
<thetext>Little JavaScript in "find returns" when lookup fields are hidden
Patch for findReturns.ftl is attached.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-02-26 06:11:49</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=8)
Patch for findReturn.ftl in UOF
<issue_when>2004-03-01 11:18:49</issue_when>
<thetext>Your changes are in CVS. Thanks for sending that over.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-02-26 06:11:49</date>
<desc>Patch for findReturn.ftl in UOF</desc>
<when>2004-02-26 06:11:49</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=8)
Patch for findReturn.ftl in UOF
<when>2004-03-01 11:18:49</when>
<when>2004-03-01 11:18:49</when>
<when>2004-03-18 12:08:38</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-02-26 06:18:48</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Single variant combo doesn't select properly</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-02-26 06:18:48</issue_when>
<thetext>Using the drop down menu to select a variantion i.e. LGPL does not set the
selection on the menu. Using the swatch/images does correctly set the menu
selection and allows adding to the basket.
I suspect a little JS error somewhere for single variant items.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-02-26 06:52:49</issue_when>
I just reproduced this against the latest code base, appears to still be an issue with single feature type
virtual products.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-08 09:54:51</issue_when>
<thetext>Updated since this is a CVS bug and updated status</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-08 10:39:28</issue_when>
<thetext>fixed JS bugs in productdetail</thetext>
<when>2004-02-26 06:52:48</when>
<field_desc>Assigned To</field_desc>
<when>2004-02-26 06:52:48</when>
<when>2004-03-08 09:54:51</when>
<when>2004-03-08 09:54:51</when>
<when>2004-03-08 10:39:28</when>
<when>2004-03-08 10:39:28</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-02-26 23:17:51</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Facility Manager: in 'inventory receive' the type of order is not checked and it's possible to receive a sales order if you enter its id in the 'purchase order id' field</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-02-26 23:17:51</issue_when>
<thetext>Facility Manager: in 'inventory receive' the type of order is not checked and
it's possible to receive a sales order if you enter its id in the 'purchase
order id' field.
This is the patch in UOF for the receiveInventory.bsh file (pay attention that
some days ago I've submitted a patch for the same file against the same CVS
Index: ofbiz/components/product/webapp/facility/WEB-
RCS file: /cvs/ofbiz/components/product/webapp/facility/WEB-
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 receiveInventory.bsh
--- ofbiz/components/product/webapp/facility/WEB-
INF/actions/inventory/receiveInventory.bsh 25 Aug 2003 15:28:00 -0000
+++ ofbiz/components/product/webapp/facility/WEB-
INF/actions/inventory/receiveInventory.bsh 27 Feb 2004 07:17:08 -0000
@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@
purchaseOrder = null;
if (purchaseOrderId != null && purchaseOrderId.length() > 0) {
purchaseOrder = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("OrderHeader", UtilMisc.toMap
("orderId", purchaseOrderId));
+ if (purchaseOrder != null && !"PURCHASE_ORDER".equals
(purchaseOrder.getString("orderTypeId"))) {
+ purchaseOrder = null;
+ }
product = null;</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-02-28 11:58:13</issue_when>
<thetext>The patch is in CVS.</thetext>
<when>2004-02-28 11:58:13</when>
<when>2004-02-28 11:58:13</when>
<when>2004-03-18 12:08:46</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-02-27 02:05:25</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Facility Manager: error message when trying to confirm stock moves needed.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-02-27 02:05:25</issue_when>
<thetext>In the Facility Manager, int the PickList -> Stock Moves page, if I try to
confirm the "stock moves needed" proposed by the system I get the following
Error calling event: org.ofbiz.content.webapp.event.EventHandlerException: No
rows to process
And the movements are not performed.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-01 17:22:23</issue_when>
<thetext>This is caused by some code that was added to display warning messages that wiped out the rowCount
variable. The warning message loop now uses a variable names messageCount.</thetext>
<when>2004-03-01 17:22:23</when>
<when>2004-03-01 17:22:23</when>
<when>2004-03-18 12:08:56</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-02-27 02:23:36</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Facility Manager: in Edit shipment -> items tab, a wrong link to EditProduct page caused a controller error.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-02-27 02:23:36</issue_when>
<thetext>Facility Manager: in Edit shipment -> items tab, a wrong link to EditProduct
page caused a controller error.
Patch for EditShipmentItems.ftl file is attached.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-02-27 02:24:16</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=9)
Patch for EditShipmentItems.ftl in UOF
<issue_when>2004-03-01 07:38:50</issue_when>
<thetext>Your changes are in CVS. Thanks for the patch Jacopo.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-02-27 02:24:16</date>
<desc>Patch for EditShipmentItems.ftl in UOF</desc>
<when>2004-02-27 02:24:16</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=9)
Patch for EditShipmentItems.ftl in UOF
<when>2004-03-01 07:38:50</when>
<when>2004-03-01 07:38:50</when>
<when>2004-03-18 12:09:05</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-02-27 04:05:34</creation_ts>
<short_desc>SapDB problem when displaying order task list assigned to user role</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-02-27 04:05:34</issue_when>
<thetext>SapDB problem when displaying order task list assigned to user role:
if more than one order is assigned to user role, in "Order List" page the
orders are shown 5 times!
If only one order is assigned to the user role, the order is shown well (1
See picture attached.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-02-27 04:07:00</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=10)
Bug example showing two orders waiting approval duplicated 5 times.
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-02-27 04:07:00</date>
<desc>Bug example showing two orders waiting approval duplicated 5 times.</desc>
<when>2004-02-27 04:07:00</when>
<field_desc>Attachment Data</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=10)
Bug example showing two orders waiting approval duplicated 5 times.
<when>2004-03-18 12:01:41</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-02-27 07:27:15</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Party lookup with empty fields returns only one person repeated many times (= number of persons).</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-02-27 07:27:15</issue_when>
<thetext>If, in Party lookup, you perform a lookup with empty fields (all records),
returns only one person repeated many times (= number of persons).
I suspect that the problem is in the "lookupParty" simple method in common
<issue_when>2005-02-09 02:30:03</issue_when>
<thetext>Fixed changing the way the lookup is implemented (see Jira issue OFBIZ-114).</thetext>
<when>2004-03-18 12:01:50</when>
<when>2005-02-09 02:30:03</when>
<when>2005-02-09 02:30:03</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-02-27 08:53:04</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Facility Manager: in Edit shipment -> items tab, a wrong link to EditProduct caused a controller error (same as issue #38)</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-02-27 08:53:04</issue_when>
<thetext>Facility Manager: in View shipment tab, a wrong link to EditProduct
page caused a controller error (same as issue #38).
Patch for ViewShipmentItemInfo.ftl file is attached.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-02-27 08:53:50</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=11)
Patch for file ViewShipmentItemInfo.ftl in UOF
<issue_when>2004-03-01 07:41:15</issue_when>
<thetext>Your changes are now in CVS. Thanks for sending those over Jacopo.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-02-27 08:53:50</date>
<desc>Patch for file ViewShipmentItemInfo.ftl in UOF</desc>
<when>2004-02-27 08:53:50</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=11)
Patch for file ViewShipmentItemInfo.ftl in UOF
<when>2004-03-01 07:41:15</when>
<when>2004-03-01 07:41:15</when>
<when>2004-03-18 12:09:12</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-02-28 22:34:42</creation_ts>
<short_desc>In shipment, the following error message appears: "Applet Package Weight Reader notinited"</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-02-28 22:34:42</issue_when>
<thetext>In shipment, the following error message appears: "Applet Package Weight Reader
I think the problem is caused by the fact that the class ShipmentScaleApplet is
not built in the ant task.
Was this done intentionally? (I think this applet tries to connect to a scale
device connected to a serial port and so probably this could cause some
<issue_when>2004-03-08 17:39:52</issue_when>
<thetext>reassigned; I will comment out the applet code until this is finished</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-06-30 19:33:28</issue_when>
<thetext>The applet is going to be replaced with a think client shipment station UI</thetext>
<when>2004-03-08 17:39:52</when>
<field_desc>Assigned To</field_desc>
<when>2004-03-18 12:01:59</when>
<when>2004-06-30 19:33:28</when>
<when>2004-06-30 19:33:28</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-02-28 22:46:49</creation_ts>
<short_desc>In "Create Return", select-all checkbox doesn't work due to wrong form name.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-02-28 22:46:49</issue_when>
<thetext>In "Create Return", select-all checkbox doesn't work due to wrong form name.
Patch attached for requestreturn.ftl in Unified Output Format.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-02-28 22:47:40</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=12)
Patch attached for requestreturn.ftl in UOF.
<issue_when>2004-03-01 07:48:30</issue_when>
<thetext>Your changes are in CVS. Thanks for fixing that.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-02-28 22:47:39</date>
<desc>Patch attached for requestreturn.ftl in UOF.</desc>
<when>2004-02-28 22:47:40</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=12)
Patch attached for requestreturn.ftl in UOF.
<when>2004-03-01 07:48:30</when>
<when>2004-03-01 07:48:30</when>
<when>2004-03-18 12:09:21</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-02-29 03:00:13</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Packages: ShipmentPackage's weight automatically updated when ShipmentPackageContent entries are added/deleted (weight taken from the Product entity).</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-02-29 03:00:13</issue_when>
<thetext>Packages: ShipmentPackage's weight automatically updated when
ShipmentPackageContent entries are added/deleted (weight taken from the Product
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-02-29 06:17:33</creation_ts>
<short_desc>In orderview page, if you select the "QuickShip order link" you get a controller error.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-02-29 06:17:33</issue_when>
<thetext>In orderview page (/ordermgr/control/orderview), if you select the "QuickShip
order link" you get a controller error:
org.ofbiz.content.webapp.control.RequestHandlerException: Unknown request
[quickShipOrderMultiFacility]; this request does not exist or cannot be called
<issue_when>2004-03-01 12:11:07</issue_when>
<thetext>I'll get on this...</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-01 15:57:09</issue_when>
<thetext>Changed the default behavior for this; also added request-map and service defs for the quick ship from
multi facilites.</thetext>
<when>2004-03-01 12:11:07</when>
<when>2004-03-01 15:57:09</when>
<when>2004-03-01 15:57:09</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-02 05:13:01</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Patch for multiple inventory facility reservation</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-02 05:13:01</issue_when>
<thetext>Patch for multiple inventory facility reservation:
the intent of this is to perform reservation only if all items are available in
one facility: that, I think, is the declared behaviour, and what is checked
with the isInventoryAvailable method.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-02 05:13:49</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=13)
Patch for ProductStoreWorker.java in UOF
<issue_when>2004-08-06 15:26:31</issue_when>
<thetext>Thanks Jacopo, your patch is now in CVS.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-03-02 05:13:49</date>
<desc>Patch for ProductStoreWorker.java in UOF</desc>
<when>2004-03-02 05:13:49</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=13)
Patch for ProductStoreWorker.java in UOF
<when>2004-03-18 12:02:10</when>
<when>2004-08-06 15:26:31</when>
<when>2004-08-06 15:26:31</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-02 06:06:51</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Facility -> Shipment: patch for JavaScript error introduced during i18n process.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-02 06:06:51</issue_when>
<thetext>Facility -> Shipment: patch for JavaScript error introduced during i18n process.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-02 06:07:51</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=14)
Patch for AddItemsFromOrder.ftl file in UOF
<issue_when>2004-03-08 17:42:45</issue_when>
<issue_when>2004-03-23 22:13:26</issue_when>
<thetext>This bug has been fixed by the code for the new feature regarding shipment
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-03-02 06:07:51</date>
<desc>Patch for AddItemsFromOrder.ftl file in UOF</desc>
<when>2004-03-02 06:07:51</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=14)
Patch for AddItemsFromOrder.ftl file in UOF
<when>2004-03-08 17:42:45</when>
<field_desc>Assigned To</field_desc>
<when>2004-03-18 12:02:18</when>
<when>2004-03-23 22:13:26</when>
<when>2004-03-23 22:13:26</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-02 06:28:37</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Facility -> Shipment -> Items: delete shipment item link returns a constraint violation error.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-02 06:28:37</issue_when>
<thetext>Facility -> Shipment -> Items: delete shipment item link returns a constraint
violation error:
The following errors occurred:
ERROR: Could not complete the Delete ShipmentItem process [problem removing the
lookedUpValue value: Exception while deleting the following entity:
[shipmentItemSeqId,00001(java.lang.String)] (SQL Exception while executing the
SHIPMENT_ITEM_SEQ_ID=? (Integrity constraint violation ITEM_ISS_SHITM table:
In my opinion, the delete shipment item link should perform something like this
(instead of barely trying to remove the ShipmentItem entry): it should remove
the item issuances, recreate the reservations and then remove the shipment item.</thetext>
<when>2004-03-18 12:02:28</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-03 03:11:18</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Facility -> Receive PO: at now it's possible to receive multiple times the same shipment items. This is a partial patch for this problem.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-03 03:11:18</issue_when>
<thetext>Facility -> Receive PO: at now it's possible to receive multiple times the same
shipment items. This is a partial patch for this problem. With the attached
patch the shipment already delivered (or cancelled) are not shown (and so the
user cannot receive them again).
In order to completely fix this issue the best solution is, in my opinion, to
automatically update the shipment status to "delivered" when the user receives
an item: this could be done modifying the service
group "receiveInventoryProduct" by adding to it the "updateShipment" service
(to update the shipment status). However I'm going to add this comments to a
new "DEFECT" issue.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-03 03:12:11</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=15)
Patch for file receiveInventory.bsh in UOF.
<issue_when>2004-05-28 00:10:27</issue_when>
<thetext>This is now in CVS, thanks for sending it over Jacopo.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-03-03 03:12:11</date>
<desc>Patch for file receiveInventory.bsh in UOF.</desc>
<when>2004-03-03 03:12:11</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=15)
Patch for file receiveInventory.bsh in UOF.
<when>2004-03-18 12:02:37</when>
<when>2004-05-28 00:10:27</when>
<when>2004-05-28 00:10:27</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-03 03:15:23</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Facility -> Receive PO: at now it's possible to receive multiple times the same shipment items.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-03 03:15:24</issue_when>
<thetext>Facility -> Receive PO: at now it's possible to receive multiple times the same
shipment items.
This problem was partially fixed by the patch attached to issue #49.
With that patch the shipment already delivered (or cancelled) are not shown
(and so the user cannot receive them again).
In order to completely fix this issue the best solution is, in my opinion, to
automatically update the shipment status to "delivered" when the user receives
an item: this could be done modifying the service
group "receiveInventoryProduct" by adding to it the "updateShipment" service
(to update the shipment status). However I'm going to add this comments to a
new "DEFECT" issue.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-05-28 00:09:24</issue_when>
<thetext>The patch is in, now just need to update the shipment status as mentioned in the description.</thetext>
<when>2004-03-18 12:02:49</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-03 06:37:30</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Several SapDB error messages are generated at startup when entities are created.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-03 06:37:30</issue_when>
<thetext>Several SapDB error messages are generated at startup when entities are created.
The messages appear during the indices' generation phase, not for all entities
(maybe 5-10%); here is an example:
147042[ DatabaseUtil.java:319:ERROR] Could not create foreign key indices
for entity "EftAccount": SQL Exception while executing the following:
Error was: com.sap.dbtech.jdbc.exceptions.DatabaseException: [-7055] (at 44):
Column(s) already indexed:EFTACCT_PMETH
SQL Exception while executing the following:
Error was: com.sap.dbtech.jdbc.exceptions.DatabaseException: [-7055] (at 44):
Column(s) already indexed:EFTACCT_PADDR</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-08-11 00:47:16</issue_when>
<thetext>I've created a new issue (OFBIZ-1) for this in Jira; in it you will find a lot
of details.
<when>2004-03-18 12:03:00</when>
<when>2004-08-11 00:47:16</when>
<when>2004-08-11 00:47:16</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-04 03:14:08</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Billing accounts selectable by users during order entry are not correctly filtered out.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-04 03:14:08</issue_when>
<thetext>Billing accounts selectable by users as payment methods during order entry are
not correctly filtered out: removed billing accounts are also shown (i.e.
billing accounts with thru date < now).</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-08 12:15:09</issue_when>
<thetext>Billing accounts are now filtered by date so expired accounts no longer show on order manager order
entry and the ecommerce checkout pages</thetext>
<when>2004-03-08 12:15:09</when>
<when>2004-03-08 12:15:09</when>
<when>2004-03-08 12:15:09</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-05 06:01:05</creation_ts>
<short_desc>In Shipment: it's possible to issue 0 quantities from AddItemsFormOrder page.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-05 06:01:05</issue_when>
<thetext>In Shipment: it's possible to issue 0 quantities from AddItemsFormOrder page
(an ItemIssuance record is created with 0 quantity).
I think this should be avoided by submitting only quantities > 0.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-05-28 01:04:50</issue_when>
<thetext>Now checks to see if quantity is empty or 0 when issuing OIIRs to the shipment.</thetext>
<when>2004-03-18 12:03:13</when>
<when>2004-05-28 01:04:50</when>
<when>2004-05-28 01:04:50</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-05 06:20:02</creation_ts>
<short_desc>In Shipment: if you enter a non numeric value (such as null quantity) in the issue field the program returns a bad error.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-05 06:20:02</issue_when>
<thetext>In Shipment: if you enter a non numeric value (such as null quantity) in the
issue field the program returns a bad error.
See also issue#53.
I'm running SapDB and after this error I need to restart OFBiz because in every
page I receive SQL errors like the following:
Target exception: org.ofbiz.entity.GenericDataSourceException: SQL Exception
occurred on commit (Cannot commit a transactional connection: See JDBC 2.0
Optional Package Specification section 7.1 (p25))
BSF info: ..\ofbiz\components\content\webapp\content\WEB-
INF\actions\includes\envsetup.bsh at line: 0 column: 0)</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-06-30 12:42:39</issue_when>
<thetext>Applied patch which fixes a bug in the service multi event handler</thetext>
<when>2004-03-18 12:03:23</when>
<when>2004-06-30 12:42:39</when>
<when>2004-06-30 12:42:39</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-05 06:25:34</creation_ts>
<short_desc>In shipment, it's possible to issue to shipment items with negative reservations (atp < 0); as a consequence of this, also the inventory items' quantity on hand can be negative.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-05 06:25:34</issue_when>
<thetext>I've noticed that, in shipment, it's possible to issue to shipment items with
negative reservations (atp < 0); as a consequence of this, also the inventory
items' quantity on hand can be negative.
In my opinion, in this situation at least a warning message should be
<issue_when>2004-03-23 22:18:51</issue_when>
<thetext>In "Order Items" page a new column has been added that tells users if they are
issuing negative reservations and the default issuance value is also
decremented by this quantity.
However is still possible to override this value and force an issuance for a
negative reservation.
<when>2004-03-18 12:03:32</when>
<when>2004-03-23 22:18:51</when>
<when>2004-03-23 22:18:51</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-08 14:07:32</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Selecting "Show All Records" displays all names as "(Not selected)"</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-08 14:07:32</issue_when>
<thetext>The findparty.bsh constructs a dynamic view tailored to the search fields
submited by the lookupparty form. Since selecting all does not give a hint about
which fields the client is interested in, the findparty.bsh fails to include any
of the name (firstName, lastName, groupName) fields.
The can be corrected with the patch that follows or handling the select all
records as yet another case. I think, I'll side with simplicity, and sacrify
efficiency ....
Hope this helps.
Index: components/party/webapp/partymgr/WEB-INF/actions/party/findparty.bsh
RCS file:
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -u -r1.13 findparty.bsh
--- components/party/webapp/partymgr/WEB-INF/actions/party/findparty.bsh 27 Jan
2004 19:44:36 -0000 1.13
+++ components/party/webapp/partymgr/WEB-INF/actions/party/findparty.bsh 8 Mar
2004 22:06:24 -0000
@@ -100,8 +100,15 @@
// default view settings
dynamicView.addMemberEntity("PT", "Party");
+ dynamicView.addMemberEntity("PG", "PartyGroup");
+ dynamicView.addMemberEntity("PP", "Person");
dynamicView.addAlias("PT", "partyId");
dynamicView.addAlias("PT", "partyTypeId");
+ dynamicView.addAlias("PG", "groupName");
+ dynamicView.addAlias("PP", "firstName");
+ dynamicView.addAlias("PP", "lastName");
+ dynamicView.addViewLink("PT","PG",true,UtilMisc.toList(new
ModelKeyMap("partyId", "partyId")));
+ dynamicView.addViewLink("PT","PP",true,UtilMisc.toList(new
ModelKeyMap("partyId", "partyId")));
dynamicView.addRelation("one-nofk", "", "PartyType",
dynamicView.addRelation("many", "", "UserLogin",
@@ -143,11 +150,6 @@
if (groupName != null && groupName.length() > 0) {
paramList = paramList + "&groupName=" + groupName;
- // modify the dynamic view
- dynamicView.addMemberEntity("PG", "PartyGroup");
- dynamicView.addAlias("PG", "groupName");
- dynamicView.addViewLink("PT", "PG", Boolean.FALSE,
// add the expr
andExprs.add(new EntityExpr("groupName", true, EntityOperator.LIKE,
"%"+groupName+"%", true));
@@ -160,14 +162,6 @@
firstName = request.getParameter("firstName");
lastName = request.getParameter("lastName");
- // modify the dynamic view
- if ((firstName != null && firstName.length() > 0) || (lastName != null &&
lastName.length() > 0)) {
- dynamicView.addMemberEntity("PE", "Person");
- dynamicView.addAlias("PE", "firstName");
- dynamicView.addAlias("PE", "lastName");
- dynamicView.addViewLink("PT", "PE", Boolean.FALSE,
- }
// filter on firstName
if (firstName != null && firstName.length() > 0) {
paramList = paramList + "&firstName=" + firstName;
@@ -319,6 +313,12 @@
List orderBy = new ArrayList();
+ fieldsToSelect.add("firstName");
+ fieldsToSelect.add("lastName");
+ fieldsToSelect.add("groupName");
+ orderBy.add("-partyTypeId");
+ orderBy.add("lastName");
+ orderBy.add("groupName");
// UserLogin
if (userLoginId != null && userLoginId.length() > 0) {
@@ -327,14 +327,11 @@
// Person
if ((firstName != null && firstName.length() > 0) || (lastName != null
&& lastName.length() > 0)) {
- fieldsToSelect.add("firstName");
- fieldsToSelect.add("lastName");
// PartyGroup
if (groupName != null && groupName.length() > 0) {
- fieldsToSelect.add("groupName");
// RoleType
Index: components/party/webapp/partymgr/party/findparty.ftl
RCS file: /cvs/ofbiz/components/party/webapp/partymgr/party/findparty.ftl,v
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -r1.10 findparty.ftl
--- components/party/webapp/partymgr/party/findparty.ftl 1 Mar 2004 14:43:27
-0000 1.10
+++ components/party/webapp/partymgr/party/findparty.ftl 8 Mar 2004 22:06:24 -0000
@@ -212,13 +212,12 @@
<input type="image" src="/images/spacer.gif"
-<#if requestParameters.hideFields?default("N") != "Y">
<script language="JavaScript">
<#if partyList?exists>
<table border=0 width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'
@@ -292,21 +291,13 @@
<div class="tabletext">
- <#if partyRow.containsKey("lastName")>
<#if partyRow.lastName?has_content>
partyRow.firstName?has_content>, ${partyRow.firstName}</#if>
- <#else>
- (No Name Found)
- </#if>
- <#elseif partyRow.containsKey("groupName")>
- <#if partyRow.groupName?has_content>
+ <#elseif partyRow.groupName?has_content>
- (No Name Found)
+ (Not Selected)
- <#else>
- (Not Selected)
- </#if>
<#if extInfo?default("") == "P">
<issue_when>2004-03-08 17:36:38</issue_when>
<thetext>This page has been changed from using the left joins in the dynamic view. Using left joins performs too
poorly for actual use. This patch has been rejected; a new task will be opened for fixing the problem of
the name not being displayed.</thetext>
<when>2004-03-08 17:36:38</when>
<when>2004-03-08 17:36:38</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-08 17:36:18</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Find Party - Show all does not show name</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-08 17:36:18</issue_when>
<thetext>The name is not displayed when selecting show all in the party manager.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-08 17:46:41</issue_when>
<when>2004-03-08 17:46:41</when>
<field_desc>Assigned To</field_desc>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-08 18:57:22</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Inherited hidden fields overide child fields when they have use-when</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-08 18:57:22</issue_when>
<thetext>In working with inherited forms I noticed that hidden fields are hard
to override if the overriding field has a use-when attribute:
Since the HtmlFormRenderer gives precedence to hidden fields, and new
fields with "use-when" are only placed in front of existing fields
but not merged with, the resulting behavior is that hidden fields of
parent forms always get rendered even when the use-when condition is
true. This causes the hidden field to take precedence over the user
input when the form is submitted.
Here is a posible solution:
Index: components/content/src/org/ofbiz/content/widget/form/ModelForm.java
RCS file:
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.1.1.4 ModelForm.java
--- components/content/src/org/ofbiz/content/widget/form/ModelForm.java
2004/01/08 14:19:55
+++ components/content/src/org/ofbiz/content/widget/form/ModelForm.java
2004/01/29 20:23:20
@@ -277,15 +277,25 @@
public ModelFormField addUpdateField(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
if (!modelFormField.isUseWhenEmpty()) {
// is a conditional field, add to the List but don't worry about
the Map
- //for adding to list, see if there is another field with that name
in the list and if so, put it before that one
+ //for adding to list, see if there is another field with that name
+ //in the list and if so, put it before that one
boolean inserted = false;
for (int i = 0; i < this.fieldList.size(); i++) {
ModelFormField curField = (ModelFormField) this.fieldList.get(i);
+ // BUG FIX: parent hidden fields are left and rendered even when they
+ // are overriden with fields that have a use-when
if (curField.getName() != null &&
curField.getName().equals(modelFormField.getName())) {
- this.fieldList.add(i, modelFormField);
- inserted = true;
- break;
+ if ((curField.getFieldInfo().getFieldType() !=
ModelFormField.FieldInfo.HIDDEN) &&
+ (curField.getFieldInfo().getFieldType() != ModelFormField.FieldInfo.IGNORED)) {
+ this.fieldList.add(i, modelFormField);
+ inserted = true;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ curField.mergeOverrideModelFormField(modelFormField);
+ break;
+ }
+ //End of BUG fix
if (!inserted) {
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-09 06:47:17</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Serious Problem in Sub-flow Implementation: in-Memory Requester Used!!</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 06:47:17</issue_when>
<thetext>I am running ofbiz almost v.3 :-) (image from late 2003 from cvs).
(subflow implementation did not change since 1.2 anyways, I believe)
Quick Description:
Subflows are using the in-memory requester object which
does not persist over server re-starts. This is serious one guys.
More Description (Scenario):
I have a main process with 3 steps(step1,step2-subflow,step3). A subflow
process being the second step. This second step calls another process that I
call sub. sub has 2 simple steps (substep1,substep2).
Now, in normal time (i.e no server restart), it all works fine and my main
process runs fine, calls the subflow, subflow runs, the call returns and my
step3 of the main process runs successfully and main completes fine.
The problem arises when say I run step 1 of main process, subflow gets
initiated, substep1 is executed, and before substep2 is executed, I stop the
server (faking a server problem..., connection lost...whatever).
When I restart the server, the subflow resumes at substep2 which executes fine,
and eventually completes the subflow process. But, step-subflow activity in the
workeffort table still shows WF_RUNNING. Therefore, my main process is hanging
there and will never move along. The waitForResult() is not executed anymore
after server restart.
This is happening in WfActivitySubFlowImplementation on runService.
Even More Details, code wise, if you want to look at it:
In a normal scenario (no server stopped), the runService of
WfActivitySubFlowImplementation eventually calls the runSync in WorkflowEngine
and then waitForResult. I put a system out message in the waiter class and I
can see my message being displayed in the console forever ("waiting..."), until
the subflow process finishes. And that's ok, that's what we want. When the
subflow process finishes, the call is returned back to the runService in
WfActivitySubFlowImplementation() and the setComplete is called, which changes
the status of my step2-subflow activity in the main process to WF_COMPLETED to
advance the main process. It also calls setResults() to propagate the results
from the subflow up to the main process.
BUT, now if I stop my server during that wait, and restart it the call never
reachs the setComplete nor the setResults, making therefore my main process
unusable anymore.</thetext>
<when>2004-03-18 12:03:54</when>
<oldvalue>Windows 2000</oldvalue>
<when>2004-03-18 12:03:54</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-09 07:09:04</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Replace simplistic caching with complex reverse dependency resolver</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 07:09:04</issue_when>
<thetext>This patch removes all simple caching from GenericDelegator, and replaces
it with a stand-alone class, that handles all entity cache management. It
uses new features in the entity model, that keeps track of view entities
that are referenced by regular entities. As entities are updated, all
cached lists of views or condition caches are cleared.
With this patch applied, view entities can be cached, without worry that
they will become stale. Which then allows very complex views to be
created, that emulate complex code patterns, while still allowing for
caching. This can speed up code tremendously.
Additionally, since cache clearing now works, it almost always makes more
sense to use the cache variation of the methods.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 07:14:24</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=16)
The patch
<issue_when>2004-04-29 15:44:46</issue_when>
<thetext>This patch is on hold, until some other patches are committed. Some of them
need to have bugs filed, which I am working on. Plus, this patch needs to be
updated to the latest code base(not a big task, done locally).</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-07-07 15:26:09</issue_when>
<thetext>This is now in cvs.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-03-09 07:14:24</date>
<desc>The patch</desc>
<when>2004-03-09 07:14:24</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=16)
The patch
<when>2004-04-29 15:44:46</when>
<when>2004-04-29 16:16:01</when>
<field_desc>Issue Type</field_desc>
<when>2004-07-07 15:26:09</when>
<when>2004-07-07 15:26:09</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-09 07:18:26</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Allow for easier extension of this class.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 07:18:26</issue_when>
<thetext>This patch makes a protected writeValues() method, which allows sub-classes
to redirect the output to other places, as needed.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 07:18:49</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=17)
The patch
<issue_when>2004-04-22 22:20:23</issue_when>
<thetext>Applied the patch.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-03-09 07:18:49</date>
<desc>The patch</desc>
<when>2004-03-09 07:18:49</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=17)
The patch
<when>2004-04-22 22:20:23</when>
<when>2004-04-22 22:20:23</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-09 07:34:07</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Allow for UPPER() and LOWER() sorting</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 07:34:07</issue_when>
<thetext>See $summary.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 07:34:26</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=18)
The patch.
<issue_when>2004-04-22 22:34:18</issue_when>
<thetext>Applied patch.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-03-09 07:34:26</date>
<desc>The patch.</desc>
<when>2004-03-09 07:34:26</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=18)
The patch.
<when>2004-04-22 22:34:18</when>
<when>2004-04-22 22:34:18</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-09 07:36:19</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Add support for turning off schemas completely</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 07:36:19</issue_when>
<thetext>See $summary.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 07:36:42</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=19)
The patch
<issue_when>2004-04-29 16:02:09</issue_when>
<thetext>Applied this patch.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-03-09 07:36:42</date>
<desc>The patch</desc>
<when>2004-03-09 07:36:42</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=19)
The patch
<when>2004-04-29 16:02:09</when>
<when>2004-04-29 16:02:09</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-09 07:43:55</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Make the code look like the rest of the file.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 07:43:55</issue_when>
<thetext>See $summary.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 07:44:21</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=20)
The patch
<issue_when>2004-04-22 22:28:10</issue_when>
<thetext>Applied patch.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-03-09 07:44:21</date>
<desc>The patch</desc>
<when>2004-03-09 07:44:21</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=20)
The patch
<when>2004-04-22 22:28:10</when>
<when>2004-04-22 22:28:10</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-09 07:46:14</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Add java.util.Date support.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 07:46:14</issue_when>
<thetext>See $summary.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 07:46:39</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=21)
The patch
<issue_when>2004-04-29 16:31:46</issue_when>
<thetext>Applied the patch.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-03-09 07:46:39</date>
<desc>The patch</desc>
<when>2004-03-09 07:46:39</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=21)
The patch
<when>2004-04-29 16:16:03</when>
<field_desc>Issue Type</field_desc>
<when>2004-04-29 16:31:45</when>
<when>2004-04-29 16:31:45</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-09 07:47:46</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Use UtilValidate.isNotEmpty.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 07:47:46</issue_when>
<thetext>See $summary.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 07:48:06</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=22)
The patch
<issue_when>2004-04-22 22:19:43</issue_when>
<thetext>Applied patch, which uses UtilValidate.isNotEmpty in SqlJdbcUtil.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-03-09 07:48:06</date>
<desc>The patch</desc>
<when>2004-03-09 07:48:06</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=22)
The patch
<when>2004-04-22 22:19:43</when>
<when>2004-04-22 22:19:43</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-09 07:49:20</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Add support for <constraint> on relations and views.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 07:49:20</issue_when>
<thetext>When defining a view or relation, you can now constrain the returned
values to those that match an EntityCondition. This is really helpful
for complex views.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 07:49:42</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=23)
The patch
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-03-09 07:49:42</date>
<desc>The patch</desc>
<when>2004-03-09 07:49:42</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=23)
The patch
<when>2004-04-29 16:16:04</when>
<field_desc>Issue Type</field_desc>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-09 07:51:20</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Use a NumberFormat for casting number objects to strings.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 07:51:20</issue_when>
<thetext>See $summary.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 07:51:40</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=24)
The patch
<issue_when>2004-04-23 07:49:26</issue_when>
<thetext>Applied patch.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-03-09 07:51:40</date>
<desc>The patch</desc>
<when>2004-03-09 07:51:40</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=24)
The patch
<when>2004-04-23 07:49:26</when>
<when>2004-04-23 07:49:26</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-09 07:52:20</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Add addToXmlElement method</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 07:52:20</issue_when>
<thetext>See $summary.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 07:52:42</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=25)
The patch
<issue_when>2004-04-23 07:52:23</issue_when>
<thetext>Applied patch.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-03-09 07:52:42</date>
<desc>The patch</desc>
<when>2004-03-09 07:52:42</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=25)
The patch
<when>2004-04-23 07:52:23</when>
<when>2004-04-23 07:52:23</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-09 07:54:40</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Fix modelEntity dereferencing</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 07:54:40</issue_when>
<thetext>When GenericEntities have been deserialized, modelEntity will be null.
getModelEntity() should be called, to repopulate it.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 07:54:57</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=26)
The patch
<issue_when>2004-04-22 22:15:12</issue_when>
<thetext>Applied patch, plus fixed it in a few other areas.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-03-09 07:54:57</date>
<desc>The patch</desc>
<when>2004-03-09 07:54:57</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=26)
The patch
<when>2004-04-22 22:15:12</when>
<when>2004-04-22 22:15:12</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-09 07:56:46</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Factor out the code</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 07:56:46</issue_when>
<thetext>See $summary.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 07:57:40</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=27)
The patch.
<issue_when>2004-04-29 19:57:51</issue_when>
<thetext>Changing priority, so that someone else can see the ones I want applied next.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-05-01 06:06:43</issue_when>
<thetext>Not adding this patch, breaks the Server Stats Since Start page in WebTools, and not totally sure the
cleanup is worth it yet.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-05-01 21:44:47</issue_when>
<thetext>I'll fix that page then, and submit a revised patch.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-03-09 07:57:40</date>
<desc>The patch.</desc>
<when>2004-03-09 07:57:40</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=27)
The patch.
<when>2004-04-29 16:16:02</when>
<field_desc>Issue Type</field_desc>
<when>2004-04-29 19:57:51</when>
<when>2004-05-01 06:07:05</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-09 08:04:05</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Add a matches(condition) helper method.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 08:04:05</issue_when>
<thetext>See $summary.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 08:04:31</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=28)
The patch
<issue_when>2004-04-22 22:31:39</issue_when>
<thetext>Applied patch.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-03-09 08:04:31</date>
<desc>The patch</desc>
<when>2004-03-09 08:04:31</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=28)
The patch
<when>2004-04-22 22:31:39</when>
<when>2004-04-22 22:31:39</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-09 08:05:30</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Fix deserializing of these objects.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 08:05:30</issue_when>
<thetext>See $summary.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 08:05:51</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=29)
The patch.
<issue_when>2004-04-22 22:18:35</issue_when>
<thetext>Applied patch, which set delegatorName to "default" when it is null.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-03-09 08:05:50</date>
<desc>The patch.</desc>
<when>2004-03-09 08:05:51</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=29)
The patch.
<when>2004-04-22 22:18:35</when>
<when>2004-04-22 22:18:35</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-09 08:08:00</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Fix all fetchers of shopping cart to use a static method</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 08:08:00</issue_when>
<thetext>This patch fixes all code that fetches the ShoppingCart from the session,
to use a static method instead. It also adds the beginning of named
ShoppingCart support.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 08:08:22</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=30)
The patch.
<issue_when>2004-04-29 19:57:51</issue_when>
<thetext>Changing priority, so that someone else can see the ones I want applied next.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-04-29 20:05:04</issue_when>
<thetext>This patch depends on EntityCache, which isn't ready for inclussion yet,
reducing priority.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-04-29 20:06:42</issue_when>
<thetext>Oops, modified wrong issue.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-03-09 08:08:22</date>
<desc>The patch.</desc>
<when>2004-03-09 08:08:22</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=30)
The patch.
<when>2004-04-29 16:16:03</when>
<field_desc>Issue Type</field_desc>
<when>2004-04-29 19:57:51</when>
<when>2004-04-29 20:05:04</when>
<when>2004-04-29 20:06:41</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-09 08:09:21</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Allow code to detect whether a cacheline has expired.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 08:09:21</issue_when>
<thetext>See $summary.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 08:09:41</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=31)
The patch
<issue_when>2004-04-29 16:57:47</issue_when>
<thetext>Changing priority to P2, as I need these applied before I can commit my entity
cache work.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-04-29 17:16:41</issue_when>
<thetext>Now in CVS, thanks Adam.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-03-09 08:09:41</date>
<desc>The patch</desc>
<when>2004-03-09 08:09:41</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=31)
The patch
<when>2004-04-29 16:16:04</when>
<field_desc>Issue Type</field_desc>
<when>2004-04-29 16:57:47</when>
<when>2004-04-29 17:16:41</when>
<when>2004-04-29 17:16:41</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-09 08:10:31</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Allow code to get the values stored in the cache.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 08:10:31</issue_when>
<thetext>See $summary.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 08:10:58</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=32)
The patch
<issue_when>2004-04-29 16:57:47</issue_when>
<thetext>Changing priority to P2, as I need these applied before I can commit my entity
cache work.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-04-29 17:16:43</issue_when>
<thetext>Now in CVS, thanks Adam.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-03-09 08:10:58</date>
<desc>The patch</desc>
<when>2004-03-09 08:10:58</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=32)
The patch
<when>2004-04-29 16:16:05</when>
<field_desc>Issue Type</field_desc>
<when>2004-04-29 16:57:47</when>
<when>2004-04-29 17:16:43</when>
<when>2004-04-29 17:16:43</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-09 08:11:52</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Allow registering of listeners for the various events on caches.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 08:11:52</issue_when>
<thetext>See $summary.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 08:12:13</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=33)
The patch
<issue_when>2004-04-29 16:57:48</issue_when>
<thetext>Changing priority to P2, as I need these applied before I can commit my entity
cache work.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-04-29 17:16:48</issue_when>
<thetext>Now in CVS, thanks Adam.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-03-09 08:12:12</date>
<desc>The patch</desc>
<when>2004-03-09 08:12:13</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=33)
The patch
<when>2004-04-29 16:16:05</when>
<field_desc>Issue Type</field_desc>
<when>2004-04-29 16:57:48</when>
<when>2004-04-29 17:16:48</when>
<when>2004-04-29 17:16:48</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-09 08:19:59</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Some additional methods to manipulate the embedded cache.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 08:19:59</issue_when>
<thetext>See $summary.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 08:20:20</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=34)
The patch
<issue_when>2004-04-23 08:07:23</issue_when>
<thetext>Add some more methods to GenericValue to manipulate the cache.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-03-09 08:20:20</date>
<desc>The patch</desc>
<when>2004-03-09 08:20:20</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=34)
The patch
<when>2004-04-23 08:07:23</when>
<when>2004-04-23 08:07:23</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-09 08:21:27</creation_ts>
<short_desc>methods to fetch the list of available catalogs.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 08:21:27</issue_when>
<thetext>See $summary.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 08:21:46</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=35)
The patch
<issue_when>2004-04-29 19:57:52</issue_when>
<thetext>Changing priority, so that someone else can see the ones I want applied next.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-04-29 20:07:27</issue_when>
<thetext>This patch depends on EntityCache, which isn't ready for inclussion yet,
reducing priority.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-03-09 08:21:46</date>
<desc>The patch</desc>
<when>2004-03-09 08:21:46</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=35)
The patch
<when>2004-04-29 16:16:05</when>
<field_desc>Issue Type</field_desc>
<when>2004-04-29 19:57:52</when>
<when>2004-04-29 20:07:27</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-09 08:22:53</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Create a separate makeIndexName helper method.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 08:22:53</issue_when>
<thetext>This patch also truncates the index name, based on the clipping value.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 08:23:14</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=36)
The patch
<issue_when>2004-04-22 22:25:35</issue_when>
<thetext>Applied patch.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-03-09 08:23:14</date>
<desc>The patch</desc>
<when>2004-03-09 08:23:14</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=36)
The patch
<when>2004-04-22 22:25:35</when>
<when>2004-04-22 22:25:35</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-09 08:23:52</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Add support for writing elements.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 08:23:52</issue_when>
<thetext>See $summary.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 08:24:13</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=37)
The patch
<issue_when>2004-04-29 16:57:47</issue_when>
<thetext>Changing priority to P2, as I need these applied before I can commit my entity
cache work.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-04-29 17:24:08</issue_when>
<thetext>Now in CVS, thanks Adam.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-03-09 08:24:12</date>
<desc>The patch</desc>
<when>2004-03-09 08:24:13</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=37)
The patch
<when>2004-04-29 16:16:03</when>
<field_desc>Issue Type</field_desc>
<when>2004-04-29 16:57:47</when>
<when>2004-04-29 17:24:08</when>
<when>2004-04-29 17:24:08</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-09 08:25:06</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Services/etc for manipulating PartyAttributes.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 08:25:06</issue_when>
<thetext>See $summary.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 08:25:27</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=38)
The patch
<issue_when>2004-04-29 19:57:52</issue_when>
<thetext>Changing priority, so that someone else can see the ones I want applied next.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-03-09 08:25:27</date>
<desc>The patch</desc>
<when>2004-03-09 08:25:27</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=38)
The patch
<when>2004-04-29 16:16:04</when>
<field_desc>Issue Type</field_desc>
<when>2004-04-29 19:57:52</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-09 09:58:44</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Problems displaying the Euro symbol in order confirmation by email with MS Outlook</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 09:58:44</issue_when>
<thetext>Problems displaying the Euro symbol in order confirmation by email with MS
Outlook: instead of the beautyful Euro symbol you see a '?'.
Ok, maybe I should create an issue to the Microsoft issue tracker... however
I've reported this for two reasons:
1) other users reported this some time ago in the mailing lists
2) maybe, in general, for the currency symbols in ftl templates we should use
the html entity references (i.e. &euro; for the Euro symbol): this will solve
all the display problems with virtually any client software.</thetext>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-09 10:12:02</creation_ts>
<short_desc>In shipment, it's possible to issue to shipment items with negative reservations (atp < 0); as a consequence of this, also the inventory items' quantity on hand can be negative.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-09 10:12:02</issue_when>
<thetext>In shipment, it's possible to issue to shipment items with negative
reservations (atp < 0); as a consequence of this, also the inventory items'
quantity on hand can be negative.
In fact, when the issuance is performed, the (negative) reservation is deleted
and a new issuance is created and the inventory's qoh is decremented.
In my opinion, in this situation a warning message should be provided.
Also, David Jones has suggested to create a report of all negative QOH
InventoryItems and add a link for each one to get a physical inventory variance
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-11 08:14:35</creation_ts>
<short_desc>The showvisits page in the Party Manager is very slow when there are many visits</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-11 08:14:35</issue_when>
<thetext>The showvisits page is not coded to efficiently display a subset of the visits when there are many active.
When there are tens of thousands the current code doesn't work very efficiently.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-07-30 21:21:16</issue_when>
<thetext>The code for visit display utilized the entity list iterator and pulls a subset for each page. The query
fields are indexed (as of now) so depending on the JDBC driver being used this should be quite efficient.
If you experience further problems, send more information to the DEV list.</thetext>
<when>2004-03-18 12:04:04</when>
<when>2004-07-30 21:21:16</when>
<when>2004-07-30 21:21:16</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-12 16:45:26</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Error Message (esp Map) Improvements from Quake Wang</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-12 16:45:26</issue_when>
<thetext>A description from an email from Quake:
The attachment is my patch. The main changes are:
1. Now the event and the service invoke will use the same message fields in SimpleMethod.
2. Add the errorMessageMap and successMessageMap for the message handling
I only change the envsetup.bsh and errormsg.ftl in the ecommerce component, please use the
ecommerce to review the backward compatiblity.
<issue_when>2004-03-12 16:47:34</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=39)
Error Message patch from Quake Wang
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-03-12 16:47:34</date>
<desc>Error Message patch from Quake Wang</desc>
<when>2004-03-12 16:47:34</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=39)
Error Message patch from Quake Wang
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-12 16:56:52</creation_ts>
<short_desc>bsf.jar in base is old</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-12 16:56:52</issue_when>
<thetext>bsf is no longer part of IBM. Instead, it has moved to jakarta.
Attached patch changes imports, etc. It can't change the bsf.jar in
base/lib/scripting/, however.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-12 16:57:45</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=40)
The patch.
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-03-12 16:57:45</date>
<desc>The patch.</desc>
<when>2004-03-12 16:57:45</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=40)
The patch.
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-12 16:57:37</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Promotion/other adjustments not as expected when cancelling order items</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-12 16:57:37</issue_when>
<thetext>When order items are cancelled some order level adjustments are not changed, like order level
promotion adjustments. Because of this order totals can easily become negative. The question is what
to do about it?
Andy wrote this at one point in an email:
I was aware of this; the only order level adjustments which are currently re-calculated are shipping and
tax, order level promotions are not done at this time so we will need to add this in. In order to do this
promotion evaluation will need to be able to be done without a shopping cart.
I'm not sure I totally agree with this, I think short of that it would still be good to at least pro-rate these
order adjustments like we do with tax and shipping.
Or would it be better on any order change to just cancel the order and create a new one with full re-
calculations, including promotions, tax, shipping, etc, etc? If that is done should we apply promotions,
etc as if it was the original order date, or using today's date? (could be a big difference based on
promotions that come and go over time)</thetext>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-12 17:10:18</creation_ts>
<short_desc>In product detail show variant prices (from Brian Johnson)</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-12 17:10:18</issue_when>
<thetext>Here is a description from an email from Brian Johnson:
I've changed productdetail to better handle variants with different prices. When you first bring-up the
page it says "make selections", then when you select the features from the drop-downs it'll show the
price for the product with those features.
Brian Johnson
<issue_when>2004-03-12 17:13:15</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=41)
Show prices for variants along with drop down, patch from Brian Johnson
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-03-12 17:13:15</date>
<desc>Show prices for variants along with drop down, patch from Brian Johnson</desc>
<when>2004-03-12 17:11:11</when>
<field_desc>Issue Type</field_desc>
<when>2004-03-12 17:13:15</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=41)
Show prices for variants along with drop down, patch from Brian Johnson
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-12 17:21:59</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Web/order/etc marketing reports like Core Metrics</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-12 17:21:59</issue_when>
<thetext>The feature here is to create a standard set of reports commonly used to keep tabs on a web content
and/or ecommerce site. These reports would be similar to what a company like Core Metrics offers.
Would include reports for a given time period such as for things like hits, visits/sessions, orders,
tracking codes, percent of customers that order, orders per customer, pages/products/etc viewed,
searches done, referring sites & search strings, etc, etc, etc.</thetext>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-15 01:12:45</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Shipment: potential problem when issuing negative reservations (quantityNotAvailable could be lost)</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-15 01:12:45</issue_when>
<thetext>This is a potential problem when you issue negative reservation to a shipment.
Here is the scenario:
1) inventory item 9000 for product WG-1111 with atp/qoh = 10/10
2) two orders are received for WG-1111: the first for 8 items, the second
for 5 items
3) two reservations are made: the first for 8 items and the second for 5
items but with quantityNotAvailable = 3
4) the inventory item 9000 is now: atp/qoh = -3/10
5) only the second order is issued to shipment: the reservation record is
deleted and the qoh is decremented
6) the inventory item 9000 is now: atp/qoh = -3/5 but the reservation for
the first order (for quantity = 8) has quantityNotAvailable = 0 (ERROR: it
should be 3)
A possible patch: if we issue a negative reservation we should try to assign
the quantityNotAvailable to another reservation in the same inventory item.
In order to do this, David Jones has proposed to do a re-reservation whenever a
reservation is issued to a shipment, considering that (like in this scenario)
shipments may occur in a different order than reservations.
In fact, when new inventory is received a re-reservation is already done for
all OIIR that are associated to inventory items (of the same product) that have
negative ATP.
In a similar way, when we issue a OIIR, we could do a re-reservation for all
the OIIR associated to the inventory item.</thetext>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-16 06:35:41</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Simple Update for localization</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-16 06:35:41</issue_when>
<thetext>In the ecommerce component
2 UiLabels change (the # is now in the label)
and some french UiLabel correction</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-16 06:38:00</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=42)
the Ecommerce UiLabel patch
<issue_when>2004-04-16 11:50:22</issue_when>
<thetext>Patch is in CVS. Thanks for doing these Olivier.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-03-16 06:38:00</date>
<desc>the Ecommerce UiLabel patch</desc>
<when>2004-03-16 06:38:00</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=42)
the Ecommerce UiLabel patch
<when>2004-03-18 12:04:15</when>
<when>2004-04-16 11:50:22</when>
<when>2004-04-16 11:50:22</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-16 08:00:55</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Simple Update for localization</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-16 08:00:55</issue_when>
<thetext>Order component, some french UiLabels correction</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-16 08:02:07</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=43)
The OrderUilabel properties patch file
<issue_when>2004-04-16 11:50:29</issue_when>
<thetext>Patch is in CVS. Thanks for doing these Olivier.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-03-16 08:02:07</date>
<desc>The OrderUilabel properties patch file</desc>
<when>2004-03-16 08:02:07</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=43)
The OrderUilabel properties patch file
<when>2004-03-18 12:04:26</when>
<when>2004-04-16 11:50:29</when>
<when>2004-04-16 11:50:29</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-16 09:28:27</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Simple Update for localization</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-16 09:28:27</issue_when>
<thetext>simple french correction & translation in the Party and workeffort components</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-16 09:29:26</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=44)
the PartyUiLabel correction patch file
<issue_when>2004-03-16 09:30:03</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=45)
the workeffortUilabel correction patch file
<issue_when>2004-04-16 11:50:37</issue_when>
<thetext>Patch is in CVS. Thanks for doing these Olivier.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-03-16 09:29:26</date>
<desc>the PartyUiLabel correction patch file</desc>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-03-16 09:30:03</date>
<desc>the workeffortUilabel correction patch file</desc>
<when>2004-03-16 09:29:26</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=44)
the PartyUiLabel correction patch file
<when>2004-03-16 09:30:03</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=45)
the workeffortUilabel correction patch file
<when>2004-03-18 12:04:35</when>
<when>2004-04-16 11:50:37</when>
<when>2004-04-16 11:50:37</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-16 09:32:59</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Simple Update for localization</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-16 09:32:59</issue_when>
<thetext>Product components internationalization and the UiLabel files associated</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-16 09:36:08</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=46)
the patch file for produt bsh, xml, ftl and properties
<issue_when>2004-04-16 11:50:47</issue_when>
<thetext>Patch is in CVS. Thanks for doing these Olivier.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-03-16 09:36:08</date>
<desc>the patch file for produt bsh, xml, ftl and properties</desc>
<when>2004-03-16 09:36:08</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=46)
the patch file for produt bsh, xml, ftl and properties
<when>2004-03-18 12:04:46</when>
<when>2004-04-16 11:50:47</when>
<when>2004-04-16 11:50:47</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<subcomponent>Security Extensions</subcomponent>
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-16 13:30:49</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Typo error correction in emailPassword (bcc in place of cc)</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-16 13:30:49</issue_when>
<thetext>just a simple typo correction.In the emailPassword method when reading and
populated the service fields they was an error.
serviceContext.put("sendBcc", productStoreEmail.get("ccAddress"));
I have change cc to bcc</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-16 13:31:26</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=47)
the patch file
<issue_when>2004-07-30 20:45:43</issue_when>
<thetext>this has already been fixed in cvs.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-03-16 13:31:26</date>
<desc>the patch file</desc>
<when>2004-03-16 13:31:26</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=47)
the patch file
<when>2004-03-18 12:04:54</when>
<when>2004-07-30 20:45:43</when>
<when>2004-07-30 20:45:43</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-18 06:59:56</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Error when creating an invoice with billing account payment type.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-18 06:59:56</issue_when>
<thetext>The following error is generated when you try to create an invoice for an order
with payment type == billing account:
803495[ InvoiceServices.java:583:ERROR] Problems storing invoice items
org.ofbiz.entity.GenericEntityException: Exception occurred in storeAll (while i
nserting: [GenericEntity:InvoiceContactMech][createdTxStamp,2004-03-18 15:29:46.
peId,BILLING_LOCATION(java.lang.String)][lastUpdatedTxStamp,2004-03-18 15:29:46.
156(java.sql.Timestamp)][contactMechId,null()][createdStamp,2004-03-18 15:29:46.
977(java.sql.Timestamp)][lastUpdatedStamp,2004-03-18 15:29:46.977(java.sql.Times
tamp)] (SQL Exception while executing the following:INSERT INTO INVOICE_CONTACT_
?, ?, ?) ([-5005] (at 83): Missing non-NULL value)))
I think I've tracked down the source of this problem:
the field contactMechId for the billing account entry in BillingAccount entity
is empty.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-05-26 10:12:53</issue_when>
<thetext>The error happens when no Billing Contact Mechanism is specified in the billing
In order to fix this issue the input field "Billing Contact Mech" in the
EditBillingAccount page should be marked as mandatory.
<issue_when>2004-05-27 23:48:19</issue_when>
<thetext>Fixed by changing the code to not try to create that record when the BillingAccount.contactMechId is
<when>2004-05-27 23:48:18</when>
<when>2004-05-27 23:48:18</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-19 07:41:21</creation_ts>
<short_desc>New Shipment Plan feature for the shipment process.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-19 07:41:21</issue_when>
<thetext>New Shipment Plan feature for the shipment process.
In order to support some of the tasks in the manufacturing industry there was
the need of some simple shipment planning functionality: we need to assign a
group of customer order items to a scheduled shipment (but without actually
picking and issuing the items from warehouse).
The patches in the attached zip file add this functionality to the shipment ui.
This is the list of changes:
NEW FILES (new page, within the shipment ui, for ShipmentPlan management)
product/webapp/facility/shipment/ShipmentTabBar.ftl (added new link to
EditShipmentPlan page)
product/webapp/facility/shipment/ShipmentForms.xml (some new forms for the
EditShipmentPlan page)
product/webapp/facility/WEB-INF/controller.xml (controller definitions for the
EditShipmentPlan page)
product/webapp/facility/shipment/AddItemsFromOrder.ftl (added some info, also
fixed issues #47 and #55)
product/webapp/facility/WEB-INF/actions/shipment/AddItemsFromOrder.bsh (added
code to get reservations also from shipment plan)
product/servicedef/services_shipment.xml (definitions for two new services to
add/delete entries in the Shipment Plan)
product/scripts/org/ofbiz/shipment/shipment/ShipmentSerices.xml (implementation
of the two new services)
product/entitydef/entitygroup.xml (declaration of the new entity ShipmentPlan)
product/entitydef/entitymodel_shipment.xml (definition of the new entity
product/config/ProductUiLabels.properties (some new labels)
product/config/ProductUiLabels_fr.properties (some new labels in ENGLISH)</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-19 07:42:41</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=48)
The patches and new files
<issue_when>2004-03-22 17:35:51</issue_when>
<thetext>This patch is now in place. Thanks for sending it in Jacopo. BTW, for future patches a consolidated
patch file is nice.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-03-19 07:42:41</date>
<desc>The patches and new files</desc>
<when>2004-03-19 07:42:41</when>
<field_desc>Attachment Data</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=48)
The patches and new files
<when>2004-03-22 17:35:51</when>
<when>2004-03-22 17:35:51</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-28 01:13:10</creation_ts>
<short_desc>New html report that shows inventory availability by product</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-28 01:13:10</issue_when>
<thetext>This is a new html report (patches are in the attached zip file) for the
Facility Manager Application that shows info about stock levels and
reservations from a product point of view (instead of inventory item).
The action code is very simple (the bsh action calls a service to
compute atp and qoh per product); the report is formatted by the form widget
It is not internationalized.
In my local setup I've added a link to it from the Inventory Item page but fell
free to modify it and put it where you want.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-03-28 01:14:46</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=49)
Files and patches for the new report.
<issue_when>2004-08-06 16:03:04</issue_when>
<thetext>Okay, this is in CVS, and I added a link to it from the facility inventory items page. Thanks for sending
this over.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-03-28 01:14:46</date>
<desc>Files and patches for the new report.</desc>
<when>2004-03-28 01:14:46</when>
<field_desc>Attachment Data</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=49)
Files and patches for the new report.
<when>2004-08-06 16:03:04</when>
<when>2004-08-06 16:03:04</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<version>REL 3.0.0</version>
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-03-28 13:50:10</creation_ts>
<short_desc>crash on Shipping Information page</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-03-28 13:50:10</issue_when>
<thetext>I was logged as "admin" user and buying something on the test store on ofbiz
instance running on a standalone machine (no connection with the internet).
I was filling the shipping information and when I clicked 'continue' the
following exception was thrown:
"org.ofbiz.base.util.GeneralException: JPublish execution error (BeanShell
script error: Sourced file:
: Error in method invocation: Attempt to pass void argument (position 0) to
method: getContactMechByType : at Line: 65 : in file:
: ContactHelper .getContactMechByType ( party , "EMAIL_ADDRESS" , false )
BSF info:
at line: 0 column: 0)"</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-04-03 23:22:41</issue_when>
<thetext>Fixed so that "party" would exist where it is referenced there.</thetext>
<when>2004-04-03 23:22:41</when>
<when>2004-04-03 23:22:41</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-04-02 09:44:46</creation_ts>
<short_desc>https Website Settings Ignored</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-04-02 09:44:46</issue_when>
<thetext>org.ofbiz.content.webapp.control.RequestHandler.doRequest() checks to see if a request should be
secure, but is not - and will redirect to a secure url if necessary. However, when rewriting the url to
make it secure, it does not check the website settings for the enableHttps, httpsHost and httpsPort. It
uses the global defaults from url.properties instead, which means the website settings have no effect.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-07-30 15:28:58</issue_when>
<thetext>this has now been corrected in CVS.</thetext>
<when>2004-06-30 19:43:50</when>
<field_desc>Assigned To</field_desc>
<when>2004-07-30 15:28:58</when>
<when>2004-07-30 15:28:58</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<version>REL 3.0.0</version>
<subcomponent>Entity Extensions</subcomponent>
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-04-03 23:35:56</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Easy way to disabling Entity Sync oriented information</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-04-03 23:35:56</issue_when>
<thetext>Need an easy way to disable the saving of Entity Sync oriented information such as the entity remove
information. May not want to disable the auto tx and individual timestamps because they are used in
other code that takes advantage of the fact that they are always present (though we still need to get rid
of the last updated and created timestamps that were added to various entities).</thetext>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-04-05 00:05:28</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Nasty little error in PaymentGatewayServices</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-04-05 00:05:28</issue_when>
<thetext>In PaymentGatewayServices.refundPayment there is a section of code for creating
the payment for the refund, then at line 1255 there is the following:
Map result = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
result.put("paymentId", "10000");
return result;
Obviously the payment id being returned shouldn't be hardcoded in, should read:
Map result = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
result.put("paymentId", paymentId);
return result;</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-04-05 07:06:01</issue_when>
<thetext>This has been corrected in CVS, thank you.</thetext>
<when>2004-04-05 07:05:36</when>
<field_desc>Assigned To</field_desc>
<when>2004-04-05 07:06:01</when>
<when>2004-04-05 07:06:01</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-04-05 13:22:20</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Job Definition</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-04-05 13:22:20</issue_when>
<thetext>This request might fit to the section "Service Engine Tools" on the page
Would you like to support the JDF
<issue_when>2004-04-05 13:45:11</issue_when>
<thetext>Not sure what this is supposed to be requesting. This issue contains no specific feature request.</thetext>
<when>2004-04-05 13:45:11</when>
<when>2004-04-05 13:45:11</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-04-05 13:28:41</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Support for dynamic Service Configuration</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-04-05 13:28:41</issue_when>
<thetext>Would you like to use a service configurator for your server?
Can this
request solved with JMX?
<issue_when>2004-04-05 13:47:41</issue_when>
<thetext>This issue contains no specific feature request. Not sure what you are requesting, so there is no way to
determine if JMX will solve the problem. </thetext>
<when>2004-04-05 13:47:41</when>
<when>2004-04-05 13:47:41</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-04-05 13:42:12</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Portlet Interface</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-04-05 13:42:12</issue_when>
<thetext>Would you like to integrate components with web portals?
<issue_when>2004-04-05 13:48:45</issue_when>
<thetext>Sure we would love to integrate with web portals, however this issue contains no specific feature
<when>2004-04-05 13:48:45</when>
<when>2004-04-05 13:48:45</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-04-05 13:47:12</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Vector graphics and XForms</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-04-05 13:47:12</issue_when>
<thetext>Will the application support .svgz or .x3dz files that contain XForms?
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XForms
See also the request "XForms" in the discussion forum by
Britton LaRoche from "August 28, 2003 12:38:36 AM
<issue_when>2004-04-05 13:51:06</issue_when>
<thetext>This issue contains no specific feature request. No information was provided regarding how support for
these file types is desired and where the desired functionality is needed. </thetext>
<when>2004-04-05 13:51:06</when>
<when>2004-04-05 13:51:06</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-04-05 13:51:31</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Integration with Knowledge Representation</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-04-05 13:51:31</issue_when>
<thetext>What is the current state of your support for this technology?
<issue_when>2004-04-05 14:00:48</issue_when>
<thetext>This issue is not a valid feature request, questions of this sort should be discussed on the mailing lists.
In addition, do expect readers to follow links and read articles to get your point across it is highly
unlikely that people will spent the time to research something for you. Your best bet is to read the
articles and post a question asking something specific, then your chances of getting an intelligent
response is greater.</thetext>
<when>2004-04-05 14:00:48</when>
<when>2004-04-05 14:00:48</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-04-05 13:52:57</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Open Services Gateway</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-04-05 13:52:57</issue_when>
<thetext>Would you like to cooperate with these service APIs so that your software can be used over these
<issue_when>2004-04-05 14:01:37</issue_when>
<thetext>This issue contains no specific feature request.</thetext>
<when>2004-04-05 14:01:37</when>
<when>2004-04-05 14:01:37</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-04-05 13:56:20</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Content Storage API</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-04-05 13:56:20</issue_when>
<thetext>Would you like to support the programming interface "Content
This topic can be perhaps combined
with requests for CVS and Subversion integration.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-04-05 14:02:28</issue_when>
<thetext>This issue contains no specific feature request; please see issue #108 for more suggestions.</thetext>
<when>2004-04-05 14:02:28</when>
<when>2004-04-05 14:02:28</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-04-05 14:02:16</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Workflow Management</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-04-05 14:02:17</issue_when>
<thetext>How do you think about workflow modelling patterns?
Which of them are supported by your
software? (Is cooperation with other standards like BPML besides WfMC XPDL
<issue_when>2004-04-05 14:03:05</issue_when>
<thetext>see issue #108</thetext>
<when>2004-04-05 14:03:05</when>
<when>2004-04-05 14:03:05</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<subcomponent>Entity Extensions</subcomponent>
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-04-05 14:07:40</creation_ts>
<short_desc>relationships and object mapping</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-04-05 14:07:40</issue_when>
<thetext>I've got the impression from the discussion about the topic "entity-engine: thoughts on extends
(IS A) pattern and relationships" that there might be something useful from other information
1. CORBA: Relationship Service
3. alternative open source
implementation for JDO
4. Citations from
a detailed Wiki
Would you like to reuse
anything from those implementations and experiences?
How does your use of the Java Open
Transaction Manager (http://jotm.objectweb.org/) fit into this picture?</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-04-05 14:12:57</issue_when>
<thetext>No specific enhancement requested.</thetext>
<when>2004-04-05 14:12:57</when>
<when>2004-04-05 14:12:57</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-04-06 07:00:29</creation_ts>
<short_desc>EditEntity.jsp displays wrong field length</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-04-06 07:00:29</issue_when>
<thetext>Reported by prozelit@yahoo.com:
On EditEntity.jsp, there is a fields table. It is
supposed to display the length of each field, but it
looks like it displays the length of the field name
instead. It seems to me there is a bug at line 347.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-04-06 10:18:17</issue_when>
This is the expected behavior. The length in parenthesis there is meant to show you the length of the
column name so that you can tell if it is within the required length of the database, we generally
recommend (and always use) equal or less than 30 characters.</thetext>
<when>2004-04-06 10:18:17</when>
<when>2004-04-06 10:18:17</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-04-06 10:01:26</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Daylight savings and the calendar</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-04-06 10:01:26</issue_when>
<thetext>On the months when daylight savings takes place, or stops taking place
(April/September in the US), the way the start of the period is computed in the
WorkEffortServices.getWorkEffortsByPeriod yields one extra hour after dayligh
savings kicks in.
The reason for this is that the absolute time is interpreted differently once
daylight savings is in place.
So I suggest using the attached patch which relies on UtilDateTime.getDayStart
to get the period start/end.</thetext>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-04-06 13:56:51</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Product to Order Lookup Link</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-04-06 13:56:51</issue_when>
<thetext>Something that should bring great benefit is the ability to link the product to
the orders from the product maintenance screen. It would be very beneficial to
know what purchase order the product came from. I noticed that there are links
to almost all other relations besides this.
<issue_when>2004-07-30 15:07:19</issue_when>
<thetext>good idea; now in CVS</thetext>
<when>2004-07-30 15:07:19</when>
<when>2004-07-30 15:07:19</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-04-17 00:19:59</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Implementation of getProductVariant service.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-04-17 00:19:59</issue_when>
<thetext>Implementation of getProductVariant service.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-04-17 00:20:48</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=50)
Patch for the java implementation
<issue_when>2004-04-17 00:21:21</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=51)
Patch for the service definition.
<issue_when>2004-04-17 17:45:33</issue_when>
<thetext>It's in. Thanks Jacopo.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-04-17 00:20:48</date>
<desc>Patch for the java implementation</desc>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-04-17 00:21:21</date>
<desc>Patch for the service definition.</desc>
<when>2004-04-17 00:20:48</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=50)
Patch for the java implementation
<when>2004-04-17 00:21:21</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=51)
Patch for the service definition.
<when>2004-04-17 17:45:33</when>
<when>2004-04-17 17:45:33</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-04-20 14:45:56</creation_ts>
<short_desc>editPayment has wrongly named fields</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-04-20 14:45:56</issue_when>
Input fields partyIdTo and partyIdFrom are round the wrong way. ie switch 'em.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-04-22 20:18:17</issue_when>
Thanks for reporting this, the fix is in CVS. Looks like it was perhaps an issue with the i18n...</thetext>
<when>2004-04-22 20:18:17</when>
<when>2004-04-22 20:18:17</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-04-23 21:32:35</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Make QuickAddVariants Easier to Use</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-04-23 21:32:35</issue_when>
<thetext>Make QuickAddVariants Easier to Use:
1. Change to multi-form
2. Allow enter pattern to use to pre-populate the various IDs</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-08-19 00:12:11</issue_when>
<thetext>Some time ago I did this and you put all the stuff in CVS, so now it's done.</thetext>
<when>2004-08-19 00:12:10</when>
<when>2004-08-19 00:12:10</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-04-24 00:15:36</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Refactoring of the BOMEvent class that manages all the related to bill of materials editing.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-04-24 00:15:36</issue_when>
<thetext>Refactoring of the BOMEvent class that manages all the related to bill of
materials editing.
Three new (simple) services should be created (create, update, delete).
An sECA rule should be added to the create and update services to update the
low level code.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-07-17 04:13:28</issue_when>
<thetext>Ok, the BOMEvent class has gone away; I have implemented some simple services
to add/update/remove/copy boms (performing all the needed checks for loops and
updating the product's llc).
<when>2004-07-17 04:13:28</when>
<when>2004-07-17 04:13:28</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-04-24 00:19:03</creation_ts>
<short_desc>searchDuplicateAncenstor service should resolve also virtual to variant products to search for loops.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-04-24 00:19:03</issue_when>
<thetext>searchDuplicateAncenstor service should resolve also virtual to variant
products to search for loops.</thetext>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-04-24 00:24:11</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Refactoring of the Bill of Material editor's ui: migration to the forms widget.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-04-24 00:24:11</issue_when>
<thetext>Refactoring of the Bill of Material editor's ui: migration to the forms widget.
This will also include:
- i18n and l10n issues
- management of all the relavant fields that are missing
- lookup fields
- fields validation</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-07-17 04:15:57</issue_when>
<thetext>I have not used the form widget (maybe in the future, together with some more
clean ups) here, but most of these points has been fixed.</thetext>
<when>2004-07-17 04:15:57</when>
<when>2004-07-17 04:15:57</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-04-24 00:25:37</creation_ts>
<short_desc>updateLowLevelCode service - it should also update the low level code for variant products </short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-04-24 00:25:37</issue_when>
<thetext>updateLowLevelCode service - it should also update the low level code for
variant products</thetext>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-04-29 16:05:20</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Add methods to check against classes, instead of only objects.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-04-29 16:05:20</issue_when>
<thetext>This patch adds new versions of interfaceOf, isOrSubOf, and instanceOf, that
check against a class, instead of an Object.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-04-29 16:06:57</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=52)
The patch.
<issue_when>2004-04-29 19:57:52</issue_when>
<thetext>Changing priority, so that someone else can see the ones I want applied next.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-05-01 06:28:48</issue_when>
<thetext>This is now in CVS, thanks Adam!</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-04-29 16:06:57</date>
<desc>The patch.</desc>
<when>2004-04-29 16:06:57</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=52)
The patch.
<when>2004-04-29 16:15:14</when>
<field_desc>Issue Type</field_desc>
<when>2004-04-29 19:57:52</when>
<when>2004-05-01 06:28:48</when>
<when>2004-05-01 06:28:48</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-04-29 16:08:48</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Handle is-* operators when value1 is null</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-04-29 16:08:48</issue_when>
<thetext>See $summary.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-04-29 16:09:11</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=53)
The patch
<issue_when>2004-04-29 19:57:53</issue_when>
<thetext>Changing priority, so that someone else can see the ones I want applied next.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-05-01 06:28:55</issue_when>
<thetext>This is now in CVS, thanks Adam!</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-04-29 16:09:11</date>
<desc>The patch</desc>
<when>2004-04-29 16:09:11</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=53)
The patch
<when>2004-04-29 16:15:14</when>
<field_desc>Issue Type</field_desc>
<when>2004-04-29 19:57:53</when>
<when>2004-05-01 06:28:55</when>
<when>2004-05-01 06:28:55</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-04-29 16:10:04</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Convert classnames to full names.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-04-29 16:10:04</issue_when>
<thetext>See $summary.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-04-29 16:10:21</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=54)
The patch.
<issue_when>2004-04-29 19:57:48</issue_when>
<thetext>Changing priority, so that someone else can see the ones I want applied next.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-05-01 06:29:03</issue_when>
<thetext>This is now in CVS, thanks Adam!</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-04-29 16:10:21</date>
<desc>The patch.</desc>
<when>2004-04-29 16:10:21</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=54)
The patch.
<when>2004-04-29 16:15:13</when>
<field_desc>Issue Type</field_desc>
<when>2004-04-29 19:57:48</when>
<when>2004-05-01 06:29:03</when>
<when>2004-05-01 06:29:03</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-04-29 16:13:25</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Add some helper methods for objects implementing their own equals, compareTo, and hashCode</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-04-29 16:13:25</issue_when>
<thetext>Name: UtilObject.patch
Prune: 1
Description: Add some helper methods for objects implementing their own equals,
compareTo, and hashCode.
base/src/base/org/ofbiz/base/util/UtilObject.java | 35 ++++++++++++++++++++++
1 files changed, 35 insertions(+)</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-04-29 16:13:45</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=55)
The patch.
<issue_when>2004-04-29 19:57:49</issue_when>
<thetext>Changing priority, so that someone else can see the ones I want applied next.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-05-01 06:22:43</issue_when>
<thetext>This is now in CVS, thanks Adam!</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-04-29 16:13:45</date>
<desc>The patch.</desc>
<when>2004-04-29 16:13:45</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=55)
The patch.
<when>2004-04-29 16:15:13</when>
<field_desc>Issue Type</field_desc>
<when>2004-04-29 19:57:49</when>
<when>2004-05-01 06:22:43</when>
<when>2004-05-01 06:22:43</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-04-29 16:18:14</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Simplify the top-level build.xml</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-04-29 16:18:14</issue_when>
<thetext>Name: simpler-build.xml.patch
Prune: 1
Description: Simplifies the top-level build.xml
This patch makes use of ant 1.6 features, to automate calling of sub
build.xmls. It also adds a 'test' target; note, however, that the
listed sub build.xmls don't actually have that test target yet.
build.xml | 494 ++++----------------------------------------------------------
1 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 462 deletions(-)</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-04-29 16:18:43</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=56)
The patch.
<issue_when>2004-04-29 19:57:50</issue_when>
<thetext>Changing priority, so that someone else can see the ones I want applied next.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-05-01 05:55:54</issue_when>
<thetext>This is now in, thanks Adam!</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-04-29 16:18:43</date>
<desc>The patch.</desc>
<when>2004-04-29 16:18:43</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=56)
The patch.
<when>2004-04-29 16:19:44</when>
<field_desc>Issue Type</field_desc>
<when>2004-04-29 19:57:50</when>
<when>2004-05-01 05:55:54</when>
<when>2004-05-01 05:55:54</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-04-29 16:20:39</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Add support for formatting time intervals with human words</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-04-29 16:20:39</issue_when>
<thetext>Name: UtilDateTime-time-interval.patch
Prune: 1
Description: Add support for formatting time intervals with human words
base/config/DateTimeLabels.properties | 10 ++
base/src/base/org/ofbiz/base/util/UtilDateTime.java | 90 ++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 100 insertions(+)</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-04-29 16:20:57</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=57)
The patch.
<issue_when>2004-04-29 19:57:51</issue_when>
<thetext>Changing priority, so that someone else can see the ones I want applied next.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-05-01 05:18:20</issue_when>
<thetext>These are now in CVS, thanks Adam!</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-04-29 16:20:57</date>
<desc>The patch.</desc>
<when>2004-04-29 16:20:58</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=57)
The patch.
<when>2004-04-29 19:57:51</when>
<when>2004-05-01 05:18:20</when>
<when>2004-05-01 05:18:20</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-04-29 16:22:10</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Add more childElementList and firstChildElement variants.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-04-29 16:22:10</issue_when>
<thetext>Name: UtilXml-childElementList-firstChildElement.patch
Prune: 1
Depends: UtilXml-writeElement.patch
Description: Add more childElementList and firstChildElement variants.
| 2
| 80 ++++++++++
| 4
| 2
| 2
| 2
| 2
| 2
| 2
| 2
| 4
| 2
| 2
| 2
14 files changed, 95 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-04-29 16:22:50</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=58)
The patch.
<issue_when>2004-04-29 16:57:47</issue_when>
<thetext>Changing priority to P2, as I need these applied before I can commit my entity
cache work.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-04-29 17:24:14</issue_when>
<thetext>Now in CVS, thanks Adam.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-04-29 16:22:50</date>
<desc>The patch.</desc>
<when>2004-04-29 16:22:50</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=58)
The patch.
<when>2004-04-29 16:57:47</when>
<when>2004-04-29 17:24:14</when>
<when>2004-04-29 17:24:14</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-04-29 16:24:36</creation_ts>
<short_desc>put now returns the previous value of the object, if it exists</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-04-29 16:24:36</issue_when>
<thetext>Name: UtilCache-put-returns-object.patch
Prune: 1
Depends: UtilCache-listeners.patch
Description: put now returns the previous value of the object, if it exists
base/src/base/org/ofbiz/base/util/UtilCache.java | 16 ++++++++++------
1 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-04-29 16:24:58</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=59)
The patch.
<issue_when>2004-04-29 16:57:48</issue_when>
<thetext>Changing priority to P2, as I need these applied before I can commit my entity
cache work.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-04-29 17:46:23</issue_when>
<thetext>Now in CVS, thanks Adam.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-04-29 16:24:58</date>
<desc>The patch.</desc>
<when>2004-04-29 16:24:58</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=59)
The patch.
<when>2004-04-29 16:57:48</when>
<when>2004-04-29 17:46:23</when>
<when>2004-04-29 17:46:23</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-04-29 16:55:31</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Add getCacheLineKeys method.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-04-29 16:55:31</issue_when>
<thetext>Name: UtilCache-getCacheLineKeys.patch
Prune: 1
Depends: UtilCache-put-returns-object.patch
Description: Add getCacheLineKeys method.
base/src/base/org/ofbiz/base/util/UtilCache.java | 4 ++++
1 files changed, 4 insertions(+)</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-04-29 16:55:56</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=60)
The patch.
<issue_when>2004-04-29 16:57:48</issue_when>
<thetext>Changing priority to P2, as I need these applied before I can commit my entity
cache work.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-04-29 17:46:19</issue_when>
<thetext>Now in CVS, thanks Adam.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-04-29 16:55:56</date>
<desc>The patch.</desc>
<when>2004-04-29 16:55:56</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=60)
The patch.
<when>2004-04-29 16:57:48</when>
<when>2004-04-29 17:46:19</when>
<when>2004-04-29 17:46:19</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-04-29 19:39:13</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Add entrySet(), which functions like Map.entrySet().</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-04-29 19:39:13</issue_when>
<thetext>Name: UtilCache-entrySet.patch
Prune: 1
Description: Add entrySet(), which functions like Map.entrySet().
base/src/base/org/ofbiz/base/util/UtilCache.java | 4 ++++
1 files changed, 4 insertions(+)</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-04-29 19:41:28</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=61)
The patch.
<issue_when>2004-04-29 19:57:53</issue_when>
<thetext>Changing priority, so that someone else can see the ones I want applied next.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-05-01 05:17:51</issue_when>
<thetext>These are now in CVS, thanks Adam!</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-04-29 19:41:27</date>
<desc>The patch.</desc>
<when>2004-04-29 19:41:28</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=61)
The patch.
<when>2004-04-29 19:57:53</when>
<when>2004-05-01 05:17:51</when>
<when>2004-05-01 05:17:51</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-04-29 19:42:19</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Add a new constructor.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-04-29 19:42:19</issue_when>
<thetext>Name: UtilCache-new-constructor.patch
Prune: 1
Depends: UtilCache-entrySet.patch
Description: Add a new constructor.
base/src/base/org/ofbiz/base/util/UtilCache.java | 13 +++++++++++++
1 files changed, 13 insertions(+)</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-04-29 19:42:45</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=62)
The patch.
<issue_when>2004-04-29 19:57:48</issue_when>
<thetext>Changing priority, so that someone else can see the ones I want applied next.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-04-30 10:42:15</issue_when>
<thetext>Changing these issuses, as they are needed by EntityCache.patch.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-05-01 04:26:28</issue_when>
<thetext>These are now in CVS, thanks Adam!</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-04-29 19:42:45</date>
<desc>The patch.</desc>
<when>2004-04-29 19:42:45</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=62)
The patch.
<when>2004-04-29 19:57:48</when>
<when>2004-04-30 10:42:15</when>
<when>2004-05-01 04:26:28</when>
<when>2004-05-01 04:26:28</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-04-29 19:43:49</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Change utilCacheTable to a WeakHashMap.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-04-29 19:43:49</issue_when>
<thetext>Name: UtilCache-WeakHashMap.patch
Prune: 1
Depends: UtilCache-new-constructor.patch
Description: Change utilCacheTable to a WeakHashMap.
base/src/base/org/ofbiz/base/util/UtilCache.java | 3 ++-
1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-04-29 19:44:39</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=63)
The patch.
<issue_when>2004-04-29 19:57:49</issue_when>
<thetext>Changing priority, so that someone else can see the ones I want applied next.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-05-01 06:22:48</issue_when>
<thetext>This is now in CVS, thanks Adam!</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-04-29 19:44:39</date>
<desc>The patch.</desc>
<when>2004-04-29 19:44:39</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=63)
The patch.
<when>2004-04-29 19:57:49</when>
<when>2004-05-01 06:22:48</when>
<when>2004-05-01 06:22:48</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-04-29 19:45:22</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Methods that clear a cache by name or pattern.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-04-29 19:45:22</issue_when>
<thetext>Name: UtilCache-clearCache-helpers.patch
Prune: 1
Depends: UtilCache-WeakHashMap.patch
Description: Methods that clear a cache by name or pattern.
base/src/base/org/ofbiz/base/util/UtilCache.java | 22 ++++++++++++++++++++++
1 files changed, 22 insertions(+)</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-04-29 19:45:43</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=64)
The patch.
<issue_when>2004-04-29 19:57:49</issue_when>
<thetext>Changing priority, so that someone else can see the ones I want applied next.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-04-30 10:42:16</issue_when>
<thetext>Changing these issuses, as they are needed by EntityCache.patch.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-05-01 04:26:33</issue_when>
<thetext>These are now in CVS, thanks Adam!</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-04-29 19:45:43</date>
<desc>The patch.</desc>
<when>2004-04-29 19:45:43</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=64)
The patch.
<when>2004-04-29 19:57:49</when>
<when>2004-04-30 10:42:16</when>
<when>2004-05-01 04:26:33</when>
<when>2004-05-01 04:26:33</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-04-29 19:46:54</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Place the loaded document object in a UtilCache instance.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-04-29 19:46:54</issue_when>
<thetext>Name: ResourceLoader-document-in-cache.patch
Prune: 1
Depends: UtilCache-clearCache-helpers.patch
Description: Place the loaded document object in a UtilCache instance.
base/src/base/org/ofbiz/base/config/ResourceLoader.java | 11 ++++-------
1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-04-29 19:47:17</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=65)
The patch.
<issue_when>2004-04-29 19:57:50</issue_when>
<thetext>Changing priority, so that someone else can see the ones I want applied next.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-05-01 06:43:35</issue_when>
<thetext>This is now in CVS, thanks Adam!</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-04-29 19:47:17</date>
<desc>The patch.</desc>
<when>2004-04-29 19:47:17</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=65)
The patch.
<when>2004-04-29 19:57:50</when>
<when>2004-05-01 06:43:35</when>
<when>2004-05-01 06:43:35</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-05-03 14:48:41</creation_ts>
<short_desc>createInvoiceForOrder not get correct fields for terms</short_desc>
<when>2004-05-26 10:48:21</when>
<issue_when>2004-05-03 14:48:41</issue_when>
<thetext>InvoiceServices.createInvoiceForOrder is not getting correct fields for terms.
It is not automatically generating a key for InvoiceTerm entity and is also
looking for "termType" from BillingAccount when the field is actually "termTypeId."</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-05-03 14:50:09</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=66)
Patch fixes defect and allows invoices to be created correctly
<issue_when>2004-05-04 00:50:17</issue_when>
<thetext>See also issue #97</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-05-26 10:48:20</issue_when>
<thetext>*** Issue 141 has been marked as a duplicate of this issue. ***</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-05-27 23:33:55</issue_when>
<thetext>It's now in CVS, thanks to both Si Chen and Jacopo Cappellato for reporting/fixing this.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-05-03 14:50:09</date>
<desc>Patch fixes defect and allows invoices to be created correctly</desc>
<when>2004-05-03 14:50:09</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=66)
Patch fixes defect and allows invoices to be created correctly
<when>2004-05-03 23:03:12</when>
<field_desc>Assigned To</field_desc>
<when>2004-05-27 23:33:55</when>
<when>2004-05-27 23:33:55</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-05-04 17:45:50</creation_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<short_desc>Null delegator in FindProductRun</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-05-04 17:45:50</issue_when>
<thetext>I am getting a
4269781[ VisitHandler.java:130:ERROR] Could not find delegator with
delegatorName [null] in session, not creating Visit entity
Is this a Windows problem or a bug?
Si Chen</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-05-04 17:46:33</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=67)
error log from running FindProductRun in Manufacturing
<issue_when>2004-07-13 02:23:31</issue_when>
<thetext>I couldn't recreate this error.
However, from the log it seems something related to the Visit stuff.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-05-04 17:46:33</date>
<desc>error log from running FindProductRun in Manufacturing</desc>
<when>2004-05-04 17:46:33</when>
<field_desc>Attachment Data</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=67)
error log from running FindProductRun in Manufacturing
<when>2004-07-13 02:23:31</when>
<when>2004-07-13 02:23:31</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-05-09 06:43:22</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Reading UiLable Properties in Email templates</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-05-09 06:43:22</issue_when>
<thetext>Hallo David,
We are looking for your suggestions. on how should i call the UiLabel
Properties in eCommerce Email Templates. we are eager to see this feature in
email Confirmation after placing an order for customers?. suggest us how to?</thetext>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-05-11 08:26:52</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Remove all the checks against the isVariant field.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-05-11 08:26:52</issue_when>
<thetext>Remove all the checks against the isVariant field: the best way to see if a
product is variant is to check the ProductAssoc entity.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-05-18 04:00:00</issue_when>
<thetext>Committed with the last changes a few days ago.</thetext>
<when>2004-05-18 04:00:00</when>
<when>2004-05-18 04:00:00</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-05-26 09:01:42</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Patch for bug in invoice creation when terms are specified for a billing account.</short_desc>
<when>2004-05-26 10:48:21</when>
<issue_when>2004-05-26 09:01:42</issue_when>
<thetext>Patch for bug in invoice creation when terms are specified for billing account:
A wrong field name was used.
Also a non-null field was not set.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-05-26 09:02:49</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=68)
The patch file in UOF
<issue_when>2004-05-26 10:48:21</issue_when>
<thetext>Ok, Si Chen had already fixed this!!!
*** This issue has been marked as a duplicate of 137 ***</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-05-26 09:02:49</date>
<desc>The patch file in UOF</desc>
<when>2004-05-26 09:02:49</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=68)
The patch file in UOF
<when>2004-05-26 10:48:21</when>
<when>2004-05-26 10:48:21</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-06-15 03:33:20</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Party Profile [New Communication] throws exception</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-06-15 03:33:20</issue_when>
<thetext>Error: The application script threw an exception: Sourced file:
: null : at Line: 47 : in file:
: party .getRelatedOne ( "Person" ) Target exception:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Null Pointer in Method Invocation BSF info:
at line: 0 column: 0
URL: https://jhpc:18443/partymgr/control/viewCommunicationEvent?partyIdFrom=ltdadmin
partyId = request.getParameter("party_id");
party = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("Party", UtilMisc.toMap("partyId", partyId));
context.put("party", party);
context.put("lookupPerson", party.getRelatedOne("Person")); <---</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-06-30 19:45:30</issue_when>
<thetext>This has been fixed in CVS</thetext>
<when>2004-06-15 03:39:27</when>
<field_desc>Assigned To</field_desc>
<when>2004-06-30 19:45:30</when>
<when>2004-06-30 19:45:30</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-06-17 10:51:48</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Allows orders to have shipBeforeDate and shipAfterDate</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-06-17 10:51:48</issue_when>
<thetext>Changed ShoppingCart.java and CheckoutHelper.java to allow ship before and
after dates to be set using the OrderShipmentPreference entity.
OrderServices.java is modified as well to allow these dates to go on the order
confirmation email.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-06-17 10:53:16</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=69)
Patches ShoppingCart.java, CheckoutHelper.java, OrderServices.java,
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-06-17 10:53:16</date>
<desc>Patches ShoppingCart.java, CheckoutHelper.java, OrderServices.java,</desc>
<when>2004-06-17 10:53:16</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=69)
Patches ShoppingCart.java, CheckoutHelper.java, OrderServices.java,
<when>2004-06-30 19:43:22</when>
<field_desc>Assigned To</field_desc>
<when>2004-06-30 19:43:22</when>
<oldvalue>Allows orders to have shipBeforeDate and shipAfterDate </oldvalue>
<newvalue>Allows orders to have shipBeforeDate and shipAfterDate</newvalue>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-06-18 02:57:10</creation_ts>
<short_desc>https connection broke Mozilla 1.3 and 1.4</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-06-18 02:57:10</issue_when>
<thetext>I'm getting a strange problem lately (2 days). I'm at the ecommerce's main page
and try to [Login] (url
https://www.myhost.net:8443/ecommerce/control/checkLogin/main). The
certification stuff comes up and I accepted it. On one of my system using
Mozilla 1.3, the browser popup a dialog saying:
"www.myhost.net has received an incorrect or unexpected message. Error Code:
For all subsequent attempt, the browser popup a dialog saying:
"The Document contains no data"
It appears that the browser is not sending any request to the server on
subsequent attempt.
On another system using Mozilla 1.4, i did not get the "unexpected message", but
still got the "no data" one.
I have an Crozilla 1.3a browser around (from the Mozilla SVG project). I tried
it and it works!!
As a matter of fact, i'm having the same problem with any of the secure
components (webtools, partymgr, ...)</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-06-30 19:40:17</issue_when>
<thetext>I cannot duplicate this issue with FireFox. It could be a bug in that version of mozilla. Is this still an
issue w/ the 1.5-1.7?</thetext>
<when>2004-06-30 19:40:17</when>
<when>2004-06-30 19:40:17</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-06-18 09:57:41</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Fixes duplicated PartyContactMechPurposes when using updatePartyContactMech</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-06-18 09:57:41</issue_when>
<thetext>Fixes duplicated PartyContactMechPurposes when using updatePartyContactMech to
move a party's contact information from an old contactMechId to a
newContactMechId by checking to make sure the PartyContactMechPurpose does not
already exist.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-06-18 09:58:34</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=70)
Patches PartyContactMechServices.xml
<issue_when>2004-06-19 09:38:39</issue_when>
<thetext>It's in CVS now. Thanks Si.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-06-18 09:58:34</date>
<desc>Patches PartyContactMechServices.xml</desc>
<when>2004-06-18 09:58:34</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=70)
Patches PartyContactMechServices.xml
<when>2004-06-19 09:38:39</when>
<when>2004-06-19 09:38:39</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-06-21 17:56:29</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Passes partyId into updatePostalAddress from updatepartyPostalAddress</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-06-21 17:56:29</issue_when>
<thetext>Passes partyId into updatePostalAddress from updatePartyPostalAddress, to
preserve it for updateCreditCard later.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-06-21 17:57:02</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=71)
Passes partyId from updatePartyPostalAddress to updatePostalAddress
<issue_when>2004-06-22 09:45:57</issue_when>
<thetext>It's in. Thanks Si Chen.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-06-21 17:57:02</date>
<desc>Passes partyId from updatePartyPostalAddress to updatePostalAddress</desc>
<when>2004-06-21 17:57:02</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=71)
Passes partyId from updatePartyPostalAddress to updatePostalAddress
<when>2004-06-22 09:45:57</when>
<when>2004-06-22 09:45:57</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-06-22 15:58:48</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Minor additions to calculateProductPrice</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-06-22 15:58:48</issue_when>
<thetext>Implements a "Percent of Default Price" price action for price rules and checks
both default and list prices when there is a "Promotional Price Override" price
<issue_when>2004-06-22 15:59:22</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=72)
minor additions to calculateProductPrice
<issue_when>2004-06-23 16:15:18</issue_when>
<thetext>Okay, this patch is in. Thanks for working on this and sending it over Si.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-06-22 15:59:22</date>
<desc>minor additions to calculateProductPrice</desc>
<when>2004-06-22 15:59:22</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=72)
minor additions to calculateProductPrice
<when>2004-06-23 16:15:18</when>
<when>2004-06-23 16:15:18</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-06-23 05:42:27</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Duplicate invoices for the same order under some cicumstances.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-06-23 05:42:27</issue_when>
<thetext>With "Offline Payments", from the order detail page it is possible to
receive payments: when the payments cover the order's grand total an invoice
is generated; also when the shipment to which the order is issued changes
its status to PACKED an invoice is created: this can cause the creation
of two different invoices for the same order.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-07-30 21:11:52</issue_when>
<thetext>I cannot duplicate this problem; I attempted an offline order, received the payment - no invoice was
created; issued a quick ship a single invoice was created. Please provide more details.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-07-30 23:34:18</issue_when>
<thetext>I cannot believe... I have tried again and the problem is gone away.
However I'm totally sure (99%) that this was an issue...
<when>2004-06-23 16:16:30</when>
<field_desc>Assigned To</field_desc>
<when>2004-07-30 23:34:18</when>
<when>2004-07-30 23:34:18</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-06-26 01:51:16</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Patch for bug that happens when you try to cancel an order item.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-06-26 01:51:16</issue_when>
<thetext>In revision 1.30 of the services.xml file for the order component, the require-
new-transaction="true" was added to the resetGrandTotal service: this causes
problems when you cancel an order item because the resetGrandTotal is one of
the services that are triggered and it seems to hang up the process waiting for
a transaction (at least this happens with SAP-DB).
The attached patch removes the require-new-transaction="true" parameter and
this solves the problem; however I don't know if this could cause other
problems in different parts of the system.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-06-26 01:51:58</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=73)
Patch in UOF
<issue_when>2004-08-18 08:52:25</issue_when>
<thetext>The patch has been applied.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-06-26 01:51:58</date>
<desc>Patch in UOF</desc>
<when>2004-06-26 01:51:58</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=73)
Patch in UOF
<when>2004-08-18 08:52:25</when>
<when>2004-08-18 08:52:25</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-06-26 01:56:29</creation_ts>
<short_desc>When you receive a purchase order the order lines are declared completed (also multiple times) even if it's not true.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-06-26 01:56:29</issue_when>
<thetext>The attached patch fixes two bugs that caused the problem.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-06-26 01:56:53</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=74)
Tha patch in UOF
<issue_when>2004-06-30 19:05:56</issue_when>
<thetext>patch applied to CVS</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-06-26 01:56:53</date>
<desc>Tha patch in UOF</desc>
<when>2004-06-26 01:56:53</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=74)
Tha patch in UOF
<when>2004-06-30 19:05:56</when>
<when>2004-06-30 19:05:56</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-06-26 02:01:14</creation_ts>
<short_desc>In order entry, if no party is selected, during the checkout process some errors are generated: this patch fix the problem by disabling the checkout link if the party is missing.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-06-26 02:01:14</issue_when>
<thetext>In order entry, if no party is selected, during the checkout process some
errors are generated: this patch fix the problem by disabling the checkout link
if the party is missing.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-06-26 02:01:41</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=75)
Patch in UOF
<issue_when>2004-06-30 19:19:39</issue_when>
<thetext>I cannot duplicate this issue; is it still a problem?</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-06-30 22:44:02</issue_when>
<thetext>Hmmm, now it seems to work for me, too.
I'm wondering if something is changed during the last 10 days... I was quite
sure about this problem.
By the way, I'm going to declare resolved this issue, thanks.
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-06-26 02:01:41</date>
<desc>Patch in UOF</desc>
<when>2004-06-26 02:01:41</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=75)
Patch in UOF
<when>2004-06-30 22:44:02</when>
<when>2004-06-30 22:44:02</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-06-26 02:13:57</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Shipping location is missing in purchase orders: this causes problems when you try to cancel an order item.</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-06-26 02:13:57</issue_when>
<thetext>In purchase order the shipping location address is not set and this causes
problems when you try to cancel order items (the shipping location is used is
some service that are triggered in this situation, such as the calcTax service
In my opinion the best solution is to add a shipping location address to the
purchase order.
The address could be that of the facility that will receive the po.
I have also attached a patch (not a good one, so probably you shouldn't apply
it) that fix this problem by allowing, during order entry, to select one of the
addresses of the facility that is linked to the productStore for which the
purchase order is taken: so in the checkinits page the store selection should
be enabled for purchase orders too.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-06-26 02:14:21</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=76)
Patch in UOF
<issue_when>2004-06-30 19:28:05</issue_when>
<thetext>Sounds like there are more issues here. First off most likely tax should not be calculated for purchase
orders; nor should the same shipping charges which apply to sales orders should not apply to purchase
I will see what I can do when working on some additional PO enhancements.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-06-26 02:14:20</date>
<desc>Patch in UOF</desc>
<when>2004-06-26 02:14:22</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=76)
Patch in UOF
<when>2004-06-30 19:28:05</when>
<when>2004-06-30 19:28:05</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-07-05 12:19:00</creation_ts>
<short_desc>purgeOldJobs service leaves artifacts</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-07-05 12:19:00</issue_when>
<thetext>The purgeOldJobs service will remove qualifying JobSandbox entities, but will not remove the related
RuntimeData, RecurrenceInfo and RecurrenceRule entities (even if they are not referenced by an
existing WorkEffort).</thetext>
<when>2004-07-07 01:14:03</when>
<field_desc>Assigned To</field_desc>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-07-06 12:49:26</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Unknown import</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-07-06 12:49:26</issue_when>
<thetext>Region.java imports com.sun.rsasign.r. When compiling with jikes, this class is
not available. Removing the import, and the class compiles fine, so it's
obviously not needed.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-07-06 12:49:58</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=77)
Remove the bad import
<issue_when>2004-07-07 15:08:44</issue_when>
<thetext>This import has now been removed, not even sure why it was there in the first place... Thanks Adam.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-07-06 12:49:58</date>
<desc>Remove the bad import</desc>
<when>2004-07-06 12:49:58</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=77)
Remove the bad import
<when>2004-07-07 15:08:44</when>
<when>2004-07-07 15:08:44</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-07-06 14:27:26</creation_ts>
<short_desc>UtilCache does not allow for null keys</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-07-06 14:27:26</issue_when>
<thetext>UtilCache doesn't allow null keys to be stored. This is sub-optimal, and
actually causes problems with my enhanced entity cache code. Attached patch fixes.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-07-06 14:28:17</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=78)
Allow for null keys
<issue_when>2004-07-07 01:12:49</issue_when>
<thetext>This is now in CVS, thanks Adam!</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-07-06 14:28:17</date>
<desc>Allow for null keys</desc>
<when>2004-07-06 14:28:17</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=78)
Allow for null keys
<when>2004-07-07 01:12:49</when>
<when>2004-07-07 01:12:49</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-07-06 14:30:09</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Allow specifying the expire time on put in UtilCache</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-07-06 14:30:09</issue_when>
<thetext>Add a new put method, that takes an expireTime parameter.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-07-06 14:30:31</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=79)
The patch.
<issue_when>2004-07-07 01:13:12</issue_when>
<thetext>This is now in CVS, thanks Adam!</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-07-06 14:30:31</date>
<desc>The patch.</desc>
<when>2004-07-06 14:30:31</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=79)
The patch.
<when>2004-07-07 01:13:12</when>
<when>2004-07-07 01:13:12</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-07-06 14:35:33</creation_ts>
<short_desc>In UtilCache, allow for a list of property bases to be specified</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-07-06 14:35:33</issue_when>
<thetext>When a UtilCache instance is created, it currently will only look for a single
matching property value, by name. This patch allows for a list of base property
names to be specified, and the first one found will be used.
I make use of this in my entity cache code. For instance:
# high count, low access
# 5 minute cache time
<issue_when>2004-07-06 14:35:48</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=80)
The patch
<issue_when>2004-07-07 01:12:25</issue_when>
<thetext>This is now in CVS, thanks Adam!</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-07-06 14:35:48</date>
<desc>The patch</desc>
<when>2004-07-06 14:35:48</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=80)
The patch
<when>2004-07-07 01:12:25</when>
<when>2004-07-07 01:12:25</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-07-06 17:08:44</creation_ts>
<short_desc>distinct attribute for getProductFeatures is not working</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-07-06 17:08:44</issue_when>
<thetext>distinct attribute for getProductFeatures service does not work because it is
trying to use ProductFeatureType rather than ProductFeatureTypeId in
<issue_when>2004-07-06 17:16:51</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=81)
Corrects productFeatureType to productFeatureTypeId
<issue_when>2004-07-07 01:18:38</issue_when>
<thetext>It's in CVS now, thanks Si!</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-07-06 17:16:51</date>
<desc>Corrects productFeatureType to productFeatureTypeId</desc>
<when>2004-07-06 17:16:51</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=81)
Corrects productFeatureType to productFeatureTypeId
<when>2004-07-07 01:18:38</when>
<when>2004-07-07 01:18:38</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-07-06 17:26:05</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Adds productFeatureApplTypeId field to getProductFeatureSet service</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-07-06 17:26:05</issue_when>
<thetext>Adds productFeatureApplTypeId as optional field to getProductFeatureSet service.
If none is specified, it will still search for "SELECTABLE_FEATURE"s (to be
compatible with existing code), but if one is specified, it will use that
productFeatureApplTypeId, so the same service can now be used to search for
<issue_when>2004-07-06 17:27:49</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=82)
Extends getProductFeatures with optional productFeatureApplTypeId field
<issue_when>2004-07-07 01:21:37</issue_when>
<thetext>It's in CVS now, thanks Si!</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-07-06 17:27:49</date>
<desc>Extends getProductFeatures with optional productFeatureApplTypeId field</desc>
<when>2004-07-06 17:27:49</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=82)
Extends getProductFeatures with optional productFeatureApplTypeId field
<when>2004-07-07 01:21:37</when>
<when>2004-07-07 01:21:37</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<subcomponent>Entity Extensions</subcomponent>
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-07-07 07:27:45</creation_ts>
<short_desc>implement condition versions of functions in entityext</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-07-07 07:27:45</issue_when>
<thetext>I had sent an earlier version of this patch to the mailing list. I'm now adding
it as an issue, as I have for all the other patches.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-07-07 07:28:22</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=83)
The patch
<issue_when>2004-07-07 14:47:01</issue_when>
<thetext>This is now in CVS. Thanks Adam!</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-07-07 07:28:22</date>
<desc>The patch</desc>
<when>2004-07-07 07:28:22</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=83)
The patch
<when>2004-07-07 14:47:01</when>
<when>2004-07-07 14:47:01</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-07-08 11:51:01</creation_ts>
<short_desc>NPE in FindUtilCacheElements.jsp</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-07-08 11:51:01</issue_when>
<thetext>Missed one NPE when key is null(calls key.toString()).</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-07-08 11:51:22</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=84)
The patch
<issue_when>2004-07-08 15:34:07</issue_when>
<thetext>Thanks Adam, it is now in CVS.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-07-08 11:51:22</date>
<desc>The patch</desc>
<when>2004-07-08 11:51:22</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=84)
The patch
<when>2004-07-08 15:34:07</when>
<when>2004-07-08 15:34:07</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-07-12 09:32:42</creation_ts>
<short_desc>NoSuchMethodError in Entity Data Maintenance</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-07-12 09:32:42</issue_when>
<thetext>Getting this error when trying to view entity data in Webtools | Entity Data
Exception: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
----- stack trace ----------------------------------------
To duplicate Using CVS code as of 09Jul2004:
* Webtools > Entity Data Maintenance
* Click 'All' on any entity.
Possible Solution:
* in FindGeneric.jsp (line 94) change 2nd parameter to EntityJoinOperator.AND</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-07-12 20:41:10</issue_when>
<thetext>This works fine from a clean compile, but if have partial old code and partial new code in a build it may
have problems. Try an "ant clean" and then an "ant".</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-07-13 17:08:19</issue_when>
<thetext>The signature of the constructor changed. It used to take an EntityOperator.
However, the code only accepted an EntityJoinOperator. Passing in an
EntityComparisonOperator would have caused it to fail.
Also, running ant clean will *not* fix the problem. The parsed/compiled jsp
pages need to be cleaned out.</thetext>
<when>2004-07-12 20:41:10</when>
<when>2004-07-12 20:41:10</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-07-13 11:11:43</creation_ts>
<short_desc>cant get csv instructions</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-07-13 11:11:43</issue_when>
<thetext>When I pull up csv instructions for either the wincsv or command line, I get a
logon request screen, even though I am logged on.
Michael Rempel</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-07-30 15:08:51</issue_when>
<thetext>This is a java.net related issue not OFBiz; please contact the Java.Net team for help.</thetext>
<when>2004-07-30 15:08:51</when>
<when>2004-07-30 15:08:51</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-07-14 12:24:23</creation_ts>
<short_desc>SecurityData.xml File</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-07-14 12:24:23</issue_when>
<thetext>From mailing list:
On Jul 14, 2004, at 12:03 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
> I was just wondering...
> Why is the security data for ALL components in the SecurityData.xml file? This
file looks monolithic. Shouldn't each component load its own security data?
> -Adrian
Yes, good point, monolithic is a good word for this. Ideally it should be split
up, I think that's a good idea.
If anyone wants to work on this please do... In the mean time it might be a good
idea to create an issue for it.
<issue_when>2004-07-30 20:48:11</issue_when>
<thetext>applied patch file(s); now in CVS</thetext>
<when>2004-07-30 20:48:11</when>
<when>2004-07-30 20:48:11</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-07-15 06:34:37</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Allow user to specify default value for desired delivery date and comment fields in order entry GUI</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-07-15 06:34:37</issue_when>
<thetext>This patch allows user to define default desired delivery date and default
comment during quickaddform filling in OrderEntry page. Thus, users are not
obliged any more to reinput these informations for each order item.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-07-15 06:35:35</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=85)
The patch
<issue_when>2004-07-30 06:50:21</issue_when>
<thetext>The patch is in CVS.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-07-15 06:35:35</date>
<desc>The patch</desc>
<when>2004-07-15 06:35:35</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=85)
The patch
<when>2004-07-15 16:16:54</when>
<field_desc>Assigned To</field_desc>
<when>2004-07-15 16:16:54</when>
<field_desc>Issue Type</field_desc>
<when>2004-07-30 06:50:21</when>
<when>2004-07-30 06:50:21</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-07-21 02:46:56</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Allow user to associate parties to an order in OrderEntry website</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-07-21 02:46:56</issue_when>
Currently, I did not found any way to associate additional parties to an order.
That's why I've written this enhancement patch.
This patch adds a new step during order entry in which user can associate
additional party&role to order. Then, these informations are stored in OrderRole
List of modifications :
- I've written a new view in which user can select a party and party's role to
associate to order
+ webapp/ordermgr/entry/SetAdditionalParty.ftl
+ webapp/ordermgr/WEB-INF/actions/entry/SetAdditionalParty.bsh
+ webapp/ordermgr/WEB-INF/pagedefs/entry/SetAdditionalParty.xml
+ webapp/ordermgr/entry/AdditionalPartyListing.ftl
+ webapp/ordermgr/WEB-INF/actions/entry/AdditionalPartyListing.bsh
+ webapp/ordermgr/entry/PartySettingsForm.xml
M webapp/ordermgr/WEB-INF/controller.xml
- I've included list of additional parties associated to order in confimorder view
M webapp/ordermgr/entry/confirmorder.ftl
M webapp/ordermgr/WEB-INF/pagedefs/entry/confirmorder.xml
- I've modified these files so that my view is shown before order confirmation
M src/org/ofbiz/order/shoppingcart/CheckOutEvents.java
M webapp/ordermgr/entry/showcart.ftl
- I've modified storeOrder service and ShoppingCart to take in account
additional parties.
M servicedef/services.xml
M src/org/ofbiz/order/order/OrderServices.java
M src/org/ofbiz/order/shoppingcart/ShoppingCartEvents.java
M src/org/ofbiz/order/shoppingcart/ShoppingCart.java
- I've copied some files from content module to be able to use GenericLookup.
+ src/org/ofbiz/order/lookupParams.java
+ webapp/ordermgr/lookup/FieldLookupForms.xml
+ webapp/ordermgr/lookup/GenericLookup.ftl
+ webapp/ordermgr/templates/lookup.ftl
+ webapp/ordermgr/templates/lookup.xml
+ webapp/ordermgr/WEB-INF/actions/includes/findprepLk.bsh
+ webapp/ordermgr/WEB-INF/actions/includes/formprep.bsh
+ webapp/ordermgr/WEB-INF/actions/includes/pagelistprepLk.bsh
+ webapp/ordermgr/WEB-INF/pagedefs/lookup/GenericLookup.xml</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-07-21 02:47:42</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=86)
The patch
<issue_when>2004-07-22 00:38:39</issue_when>
<thetext>I've found some minor mistakes. I am correcting them and I will send a new patch
as soon as possible.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-07-22 01:29:07</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=87)
The corrected patch
<issue_when>2004-07-30 11:52:33</issue_when>
<thetext>The patches are in CVS.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-07-21 02:47:42</date>
<desc>The patch</desc>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-07-22 01:29:07</date>
<desc>The corrected patch</desc>
<when>2004-07-21 02:47:42</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=86)
The patch
<when>2004-07-22 01:29:07</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=87)
The corrected patch
<when>2004-07-30 11:52:33</when>
<when>2004-07-30 11:52:33</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-07-28 17:15:09</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Fixes a couple of other getNextSeqId methods</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-07-28 17:15:09</issue_when>
<thetext>getNextSeqId now returns a string(), so .toString() is no longer needed and will
cause runtime exceptions.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-07-28 17:19:29</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=88)
Changes getNextSeqId usage to PaymentGatewayServices and GenericAsyncEngine
<issue_when>2004-07-30 14:58:14</issue_when>
<thetext>patch applied</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-07-28 17:19:29</date>
<desc>Changes getNextSeqId usage to PaymentGatewayServices and GenericAsyncEngine</desc>
<when>2004-07-28 17:19:29</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=88)
Changes getNextSeqId usage to PaymentGatewayServices and GenericAsyncEngine
<when>2004-07-30 14:58:14</when>
<when>2004-07-30 14:58:14</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-07-29 02:43:55</creation_ts>
<short_desc>FreeMarker localization issues</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-07-29 02:43:55</issue_when>
This patch resolves some localization issues. Currently, FreeMarker formats
number according to the machine's locale. My patch forces FreeMarker to use the
user session's locale.
It must be applied in ofbiz/components/content/src/org/ofbiz/content/webapp/ftl
<issue_when>2004-07-29 02:45:19</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=89)
The patch
<issue_when>2004-07-30 14:48:04</issue_when>
<thetext>This has been fixed in CVS</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-07-29 02:45:19</date>
<desc>The patch</desc>
<when>2004-07-29 02:45:19</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=89)
The patch
<when>2004-07-30 14:48:04</when>
<when>2004-07-30 14:48:04</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-07-30 09:53:11</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Party/Userlogin issues</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-07-30 09:53:11</issue_when>
<thetext>Application will not allow run of createPartyPostalAddress (due to null user
login?). Sequence of events from july 30th, 11am build: goto ecommerce,
login, then logout. attempt to use anonymous checkout after this, and shipping
address feilds prepopulated with previous logins settings. After adjusting and
trying to save, get error 'User authorization is required for this service:
createPartyPostalAddress ' .
Debug output from shipsettings.bsh:
Debug.log("party ID : " + partyId); ---> output admin ( i logged in as admin,
then logged out)
Debug.log("ul: " + session.getAttribute("userLogin")); ---> (null)</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-07-30 22:06:42</issue_when>
<thetext>Yes, if there is an autoUserLogin attribute available that will break anonymous checkout. In theory, the
anonymous checkout links should not be displayed if there is an auto-userlogin. However, I have added
some code to clear this when entering the anonymous checkout process.</thetext>
<when>2004-07-30 22:06:42</when>
<when>2004-07-30 22:06:42</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-08-03 17:02:41</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Optionally duplicates ProductContent when duplicating a Product</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-08-03 17:02:41</issue_when>
<thetext>Will now optionally duplicate ProductContent entries when duplicating a Product</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-08-03 17:03:19</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=90)
Patches services.xml, EditProduct.ftl, and ProductServices.xml
<issue_when>2004-08-04 09:30:20</issue_when>
<thetext>Thanks Si. This is now in CVS. I also did a content remove option, and fixed an issue I noticed with the
product IDs (GoodIdentification). BTW, this is from a slightly earlier version of OFBiz than the current
CVS as this form has been moved to the file EditProductDupForm.ftl.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-08-03 17:03:19</date>
<desc>Patches services.xml, EditProduct.ftl, and ProductServices.xml</desc>
<when>2004-08-03 17:03:19</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=90)
Patches services.xml, EditProduct.ftl, and ProductServices.xml
<when>2004-08-04 09:30:20</when>
<when>2004-08-04 09:30:20</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-08-04 00:59:53</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Comparaison bug in InventoryServices.xml minilang script</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-08-04 00:59:53</issue_when>
<thetext>Some if-compare element forget to declare type used to compare fields. By
default, string comparison is used whereas Double is required.
Applying patch :
cd /ofbiz/components/product/script/org/ofbiz/product/inventory
patch -p0 < InventoryServices.xml.patch</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-08-04 01:01:13</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=91)
The patch
<issue_when>2004-08-04 09:19:29</issue_when>
<thetext>Thanks, it's now in CVS.</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-08-04 01:01:13</date>
<desc>The patch</desc>
<when>2004-08-04 01:01:13</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=91)
The patch
<when>2004-08-04 09:19:29</when>
<when>2004-08-04 09:19:29</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-08-05 07:09:49</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Bug in shippableWeight calculation from OrderReadHelper.getShippableWeight method</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-08-05 07:09:49</issue_when>
The purpose of this patch is to solve a bug in
OrderReadHelper.getShippableWeight method. The algorithm of shippable weight
calculation don't care of order item's quantity. So there is an inconsistency
with ShoppingCart.getShippableWeight method when order is modified after his
creation (for example, by RecalcShippingTotal service).
Applying patch:
cd ofbiz/components/order/src/org/ofbiz/order/order
patch -p0 < OrderReadHelper-20040805.patch
Peter Goron</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-08-05 07:10:36</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=92)
The patch
<issue_when>2004-08-19 03:34:00</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=96)
An up to date patch
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-08-05 07:10:36</date>
<desc>The patch</desc>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-08-19 03:34:00</date>
<desc>An up to date patch</desc>
<when>2004-08-05 07:10:36</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=92)
The patch
<when>2004-08-19 03:34:00</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=96)
An up to date patch
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-08-09 13:38:08</creation_ts>
<short_desc>typo in base/config/debug.properties</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-08-09 13:38:08</issue_when>
<thetext>Index: base/config/debug.properties
RCS file: /cvs/ofbiz/base/config/debug.properties,v
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -r1.10 debug.properties
--- base/config/debug.properties 9 Jun 2004 18:12:59 -0000 1.10
+++ base/config/debug.properties 9 Aug 2004 19:32:33 -0000
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
# These top level switches are used before calling Log4J, or if Log4J is not used
<issue_when>2004-08-09 13:40:09</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=93)
corerct typo for print.verbose property
<issue_when>2004-08-09 16:25:29</issue_when>
<thetext>In this case "ftrue" is not a misspelling of "true", we add the "f" before "true" so that it is easier to switch
between true and false than it would be to type out "true" and "false". In other words, anything but
"true" is false.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-08-09 16:53:36</issue_when>
<thetext>What about placing comment into debug.properties about this decision?</thetext>
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-08-09 13:40:09</date>
<desc>corerct typo for print.verbose property</desc>
<when>2004-08-09 13:40:09</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=93)
corerct typo for print.verbose property
<when>2004-08-09 16:25:29</when>
<when>2004-08-09 16:25:29</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-08-10 16:08:36</creation_ts>
<short_desc>retry failed auths fix</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-08-10 16:08:36</issue_when>
<thetext>retryFailedAuths service was creating superfluous retryFailedOrderAuth
services. I'll see if i can attach the patch to check on order status before
dispatching retryFailedOrderAuth service. If not, patch will be to dev list
soon enough.</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-08-10 16:10:04</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=94)
Patch for retryFailedAuth fix
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-08-10 16:10:04</date>
<desc>Patch for retryFailedAuth fix</desc>
<when>2004-08-10 16:10:04</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=94)
Patch for retryFailedAuth fix
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>milestone 1</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-08-17 21:31:38</creation_ts>
<issue_when>2004-08-17 21:31:38</issue_when>
<issue_when>2004-08-17 21:32:41</issue_when>
<when>2004-08-17 21:32:41</when>
<when>2004-08-17 21:32:41</when>
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-08-18 17:45:44</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Possible bug in renderContentAsText</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-08-18 17:45:44</issue_when>
<thetext>It seems that renderContentAsText is still trying to do a findByAnd on
SubContentDataResourceView with a fromDate as the orderBy, whereas
renderContentAsTextCache no longer does (it passes a null.) We got an
exception from this in ProductContentWrapper and made this change to fix it.
Is this a defect?</thetext>
<issue_when>2004-08-18 17:46:22</issue_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=95)
Changes findByAnd of SubContentDataResourceView
<attachment encoding='Base64'>
<date>2004-08-18 17:46:22</date>
<desc>Changes findByAnd of SubContentDataResourceView</desc>
<when>2004-08-18 17:46:22</when>
<field_desc>Attachment is Patch</field_desc>
<newvalue>Created an attachment (id=95)
Changes findByAnd of SubContentDataResourceView
<issue status_code="200" status_message="OK">
<target_milestone>not determined</target_milestone>
<creation_ts>2004-09-10 07:50:14</creation_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<short_desc>HTTP Header needs Expires</short_desc>
<issue_when>2004-09-10 07:50:14</issue_when>
<thetext>Using Internet Explorer 6.0 with settings for automatically obtaining newer
versions of page.
Images are cached and if changed are not refreshed on visits to the same page.
Pages get cached with login page because the first time a user requested they
were prompted to login first and then redirected to the page.
This behavior is resolved if set to obtain newer versions on every visit,
however, this causes performance issues. So, automatically is the desired
browser setting.
I would like to be able to set the EXPIRE in the HTTP header. I'm not sure
where this change needs to occur. Can you assist? Is this available in 3.0?
I am using 2.1.1.
Please contact me at lrawley@tla.com.
Lisa Rawley</thetext>