mirror of
synced 2022-11-09 12:17:21 -05:00

Most of these formats were documented as supported, but were not actually supported. Document that %g and %G are supported. If %U/%W is specified without yday and mon/mday are not specified, then Date.strptime is used to get the appropriate yday. If cwyear is specifier without the year, or cwday and cweek are specified without mday and mon, then use Date.strptime and convert the resulting value to Time, since Time.make_time cannot handle those conversions Fixes [Bug #9836] Fixes [Bug #14241]
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579 lines
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# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'time'
require 'test/unit'
class TestTimeExtension < Test::Unit::TestCase # :nodoc:
def test_rfc822
t = Time.rfc2822("26 Aug 76 14:30 EDT")
assert_equal(Time.utc(1976, 8, 26, 14, 30) + 4 * 3600, t)
assert_equal(-4 * 3600, t.utc_offset)
t = Time.rfc2822("27 Aug 76 09:32 PDT")
assert_equal(Time.utc(1976, 8, 27, 9, 32) + 7 * 3600, t)
assert_equal(-7 * 3600, t.utc_offset)
def test_rfc2822
t = Time.rfc2822("Fri, 21 Nov 1997 09:55:06 -0600")
assert_equal(Time.utc(1997, 11, 21, 9, 55, 6) + 6 * 3600, t)
assert_equal(-6 * 3600, t.utc_offset)
t = Time.rfc2822("Tue, 1 Jul 2003 10:52:37 +0200")
assert_equal(Time.utc(2003, 7, 1, 10, 52, 37) - 2 * 3600, t)
assert_equal(2 * 3600, t.utc_offset)
t = Time.rfc2822("Fri, 21 Nov 1997 10:01:10 -0600")
assert_equal(Time.utc(1997, 11, 21, 10, 1, 10) + 6 * 3600, t)
assert_equal(-6 * 3600, t.utc_offset)
t = Time.rfc2822("Fri, 21 Nov 1997 11:00:00 -0600")
assert_equal(Time.utc(1997, 11, 21, 11, 0, 0) + 6 * 3600, t)
assert_equal(-6 * 3600, t.utc_offset)
t = Time.rfc2822("Mon, 24 Nov 1997 14:22:01 -0800")
assert_equal(Time.utc(1997, 11, 24, 14, 22, 1) + 8 * 3600, t)
assert_equal(-8 * 3600, t.utc_offset)
rescue ArgumentError
# ignore
t = Time.rfc2822("Thu, 13 Feb 1969 23:32:54 -0330")
assert_equal(Time.utc(1969, 2, 13, 23, 32, 54) + 3 * 3600 + 30 * 60, t)
assert_equal(-3 * 3600 - 30 * 60, t.utc_offset)
t = Time.rfc2822(" Thu,
-0330 (Newfoundland Time)")
assert_equal(Time.utc(1969, 2, 13, 23, 32, 0) + 3 * 3600 + 30 * 60, t)
assert_equal(-3 * 3600 - 30 * 60, t.utc_offset)
t = Time.rfc2822("21 Nov 97 09:55:06 GMT")
assert_equal(Time.utc(1997, 11, 21, 9, 55, 6), t)
assert_equal(0, t.utc_offset)
t = Time.rfc2822("Fri, 21 Nov 1997 09 : 55 : 06 -0600")
assert_equal(Time.utc(1997, 11, 21, 9, 55, 6) + 6 * 3600, t)
assert_equal(-6 * 3600, t.utc_offset)
assert_raise(ArgumentError) {
# inner comment is not supported.
Time.rfc2822("Fri, 21 Nov 1997 09(comment): 55 : 06 -0600")
t = Time.rfc2822("Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 -0000")
assert_equal(Time.utc(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), t)
assert_equal(0, t.utc_offset)
assert_equal(true, t.utc?)
def test_encode_rfc2822
t = Time.utc(1)
assert_equal("Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 -0000", t.rfc2822)
def test_rfc2616
t = Time.utc(1994, 11, 6, 8, 49, 37)
assert_equal(t, Time.httpdate("Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT"))
assert_equal(t, Time.httpdate("Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT"))
assert_equal(t, Time.httpdate("Sun Nov 6 08:49:37 1994"))
assert_equal(Time.utc(1995, 11, 15, 6, 25, 24),
Time.httpdate("Wed, 15 Nov 1995 06:25:24 GMT"))
assert_equal(Time.utc(1995, 11, 15, 4, 58, 8),
Time.httpdate("Wed, 15 Nov 1995 04:58:08 GMT"))
assert_equal(Time.utc(1994, 11, 15, 8, 12, 31),
Time.httpdate("Tue, 15 Nov 1994 08:12:31 GMT"))
assert_equal(Time.utc(1994, 12, 1, 16, 0, 0),
Time.httpdate("Thu, 01 Dec 1994 16:00:00 GMT"))
assert_equal(Time.utc(1994, 10, 29, 19, 43, 31),
Time.httpdate("Sat, 29 Oct 1994 19:43:31 GMT"))
assert_equal(Time.utc(1994, 11, 15, 12, 45, 26),
Time.httpdate("Tue, 15 Nov 1994 12:45:26 GMT"))
assert_equal(Time.utc(1999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59),
Time.httpdate("Fri, 31 Dec 1999 23:59:59 GMT"))
assert_equal(Time.utc(2007, 12, 23, 11, 22, 33),
Time.httpdate('Sunday, 23-Dec-07 11:22:33 GMT'))
def test_encode_httpdate
t = Time.utc(1)
assert_equal("Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 GMT", t.httpdate)
def subtest_xmlschema_alias(method)
t = Time.utc(1985, 4, 12, 23, 20, 50, 520000)
s = "1985-04-12T23:20:50.52Z"
assert_equal(t, Time.__send__(method, s))
assert_equal(s, t.__send__(method, 2))
t = Time.utc(1996, 12, 20, 0, 39, 57)
s = "1996-12-19T16:39:57-08:00"
assert_equal(t, Time.__send__(method, s))
assert_equal(t, Time.__send__(method, s.sub(/:(?=00\z)/, '')))
assert_equal(t, Time.__send__(method, s.sub(/:00\z/, '')))
# There is no way to generate time string with arbitrary timezone.
s = "1996-12-20T00:39:57Z"
assert_equal(t, Time.__send__(method, s))
assert_equal(s, t.iso8601)
t = Time.utc(1990, 12, 31, 23, 59, 60)
s = "1990-12-31T23:59:60Z"
assert_equal(t, Time.__send__(method, s))
# leap second is representable only if timezone file has it.
s = "1990-12-31T15:59:60-08:00"
assert_equal(t, Time.__send__(method, s))
rescue ArgumentError
# ignore
t = Time.utc(1937, 1, 1, 11, 40, 27, 870000)
s = "1937-01-01T12:00:27.87+00:20"
assert_equal(t, Time.__send__(method, s))
# http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/
def subtest_xmlschema(method)
assert_equal(Time.utc(1999, 5, 31, 13, 20, 0) + 5 * 3600,
Time.__send__(method, "1999-05-31T13:20:00-05:00"))
assert_equal(Time.local(2000, 1, 20, 12, 0, 0),
Time.__send__(method, "2000-01-20T12:00:00"))
assert_equal(Time.utc(2000, 1, 20, 12, 0, 0),
Time.__send__(method, "2000-01-20T12:00:00Z"))
assert_equal(Time.utc(2000, 1, 20, 12, 0, 0) - 12 * 3600,
Time.__send__(method, "2000-01-20T12:00:00+12:00"))
assert_equal(Time.utc(2000, 1, 20, 12, 0, 0) + 13 * 3600,
Time.__send__(method, "2000-01-20T12:00:00-13:00"))
assert_equal(Time.utc(2000, 3, 4, 23, 0, 0) - 3 * 3600,
Time.__send__(method, "2000-03-04T23:00:00+03:00"))
assert_equal(Time.utc(2000, 3, 4, 20, 0, 0),
Time.__send__(method, "2000-03-04T20:00:00Z"))
assert_equal(Time.local(2000, 1, 15, 0, 0, 0),
Time.__send__(method, "2000-01-15T00:00:00"))
assert_equal(Time.local(2000, 2, 15, 0, 0, 0),
Time.__send__(method, "2000-02-15T00:00:00"))
assert_equal(Time.local(2000, 1, 15, 12, 0, 0),
Time.__send__(method, "2000-01-15T12:00:00"))
assert_equal(Time.utc(2000, 1, 16, 12, 0, 0),
Time.__send__(method, "2000-01-16T12:00:00Z"))
assert_equal(Time.local(2000, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0),
Time.__send__(method, "2000-01-01T12:00:00"))
assert_equal(Time.utc(1999, 12, 31, 23, 0, 0),
Time.__send__(method, "1999-12-31T23:00:00Z"))
assert_equal(Time.local(2000, 1, 16, 12, 0, 0),
Time.__send__(method, "2000-01-16T12:00:00"))
assert_equal(Time.local(2000, 1, 16, 0, 0, 0),
Time.__send__(method, "2000-01-16T00:00:00"))
assert_equal(Time.utc(2000, 1, 12, 12, 13, 14),
Time.__send__(method, "2000-01-12T12:13:14Z"))
assert_equal(Time.utc(2001, 4, 17, 19, 23, 17, 300000),
Time.__send__(method, "2001-04-17T19:23:17.3Z"))
assert_equal(Time.utc(2000, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0),
Time.__send__(method, "2000-01-01T24:00:00Z"))
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.__send__(method, "2000-01-01T00:00:00.+00:00") }
def subtest_xmlschema_encode(method)
bug6100 = '[ruby-core:42997]'
t = Time.utc(2001, 4, 17, 19, 23, 17, 300000)
assert_equal("2001-04-17T19:23:17Z", t.__send__(method))
assert_equal("2001-04-17T19:23:17.3Z", t.__send__(method, 1))
assert_equal("2001-04-17T19:23:17.300000Z", t.__send__(method, 6))
assert_equal("2001-04-17T19:23:17.3000000Z", t.__send__(method, 7))
assert_equal("2001-04-17T19:23:17.3Z", t.__send__(method, 1.9), bug6100)
t = Time.utc(2001, 4, 17, 19, 23, 17, 123456)
assert_equal("2001-04-17T19:23:17.1234560Z", t.__send__(method, 7))
assert_equal("2001-04-17T19:23:17.123456Z", t.__send__(method, 6))
assert_equal("2001-04-17T19:23:17.12345Z", t.__send__(method, 5))
assert_equal("2001-04-17T19:23:17.1Z", t.__send__(method, 1))
assert_equal("2001-04-17T19:23:17.1Z", t.__send__(method, 1.9), bug6100)
t = Time.at(2.quo(3)).getlocal("+09:00")
assert_equal("1970-01-01T09:00:00.666+09:00", t.__send__(method, 3))
assert_equal("1970-01-01T09:00:00.6666666666+09:00", t.__send__(method, 10))
assert_equal("1970-01-01T09:00:00.66666666666666666666+09:00", t.__send__(method, 20))
assert_equal("1970-01-01T09:00:00.6+09:00", t.__send__(method, 1.1), bug6100)
assert_equal("1970-01-01T09:00:00.666+09:00", t.__send__(method, 3.2), bug6100)
t = Time.at(123456789.quo(9999999999)).getlocal("+09:00")
assert_equal("1970-01-01T09:00:00.012+09:00", t.__send__(method, 3))
assert_equal("1970-01-01T09:00:00.012345678+09:00", t.__send__(method, 9))
assert_equal("1970-01-01T09:00:00.0123456789+09:00", t.__send__(method, 10))
assert_equal("1970-01-01T09:00:00.0123456789012345678+09:00", t.__send__(method, 19))
assert_equal("1970-01-01T09:00:00.01234567890123456789+09:00", t.__send__(method, 20))
assert_equal("1970-01-01T09:00:00.012+09:00", t.__send__(method, 3.8), bug6100)
t = Time.utc(1)
assert_equal("0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", t.__send__(method))
rescue ArgumentError
# ignore
t = Time.utc(1960, 12, 31, 23, 0, 0, 123456)
assert_equal("1960-12-31T23:00:00.123456Z", t.__send__(method, 6))
assert_equal(249, Time.__send__(method, "2008-06-05T23:49:23.000249+09:00").usec)
assert_equal("10000-01-01T00:00:00Z", Time.utc(10000).__send__(method))
assert_equal("9999-01-01T00:00:00Z", Time.utc(9999).__send__(method))
assert_equal("0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", Time.utc(1).__send__(method)) # 1 AD
assert_equal("0000-01-01T00:00:00Z", Time.utc(0).__send__(method)) # 1 BC
assert_equal("-0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", Time.utc(-1).__send__(method)) # 2 BC
assert_equal("-0004-01-01T00:00:00Z", Time.utc(-4).__send__(method)) # 5 BC
assert_equal("-9999-01-01T00:00:00Z", Time.utc(-9999).__send__(method))
assert_equal("-10000-01-01T00:00:00Z", Time.utc(-10000).__send__(method))
def test_completion
now = Time.local(2001,11,29,21,26,35)
assert_equal(Time.local( 2001,11,29,21,12),
Time.parse("2001/11/29 21:12", now))
assert_equal(Time.local( 2001,11,29),
Time.parse("2001/11/29", now))
assert_equal(Time.local( 2001,11,29),
Time.parse( "11/29", now))
#assert_equal(Time.local(2001,11,1), Time.parse("Nov", now))
assert_equal(Time.local( 2001,11,29,10,22),
Time.parse( "10:22", now))
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.parse("foo", now) }
def test_completion_with_different_timezone
now = Time.new(2001,2,3,0,0,0,"+09:00") # 2001-02-02 15:00:00 UTC
t = Time.parse("10:20:30 GMT", now)
assert_equal(Time.utc(2001,2,2,10,20,30), t)
assert_equal(false, t.utc?)
assert_equal(0, t.utc_offset)
def test_invalid
# They were actually used in some web sites.
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.httpdate("1 Dec 2001 10:23:57 GMT") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.httpdate("Sat, 1 Dec 2001 10:25:42 GMT") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.httpdate("Sat, 1-Dec-2001 10:53:55 GMT") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.httpdate("Saturday, 01-Dec-2001 10:15:34 GMT") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.httpdate("Saturday, 01-Dec-101 11:10:07 GMT") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.httpdate("Fri, 30 Nov 2001 21:30:00 JST") }
# They were actually used in some mails.
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("01-5-20") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("7/21/00") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("2001-8-28") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("00-5-6 1:13:06") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("2001-9-27 9:36:49") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("2000-12-13 11:01:11") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("2001/10/17 04:29:55") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("9/4/2001 9:23:19 PM") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("01 Nov 2001 09:04:31") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("13 Feb 2001 16:4 GMT") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("01 Oct 00 5:41:19 PM") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("2 Jul 00 00:51:37 JST") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("01 11 2001 06:55:57 -0500") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("18 \343\366\356\341\370 2000") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("Fri, Oct 2001 18:53:32") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("Fri, 2 Nov 2001 03:47:54") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("Fri, 27 Jul 2001 11.14.14 +0200") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("Thu, 2 Nov 2000 04:13:53 -600") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("Wed, 5 Apr 2000 22:57:09 JST") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("Mon, 11 Sep 2000 19:47:33 00000") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("Fri, 28 Apr 2000 20:40:47 +-900") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("Fri, 19 Jan 2001 8:15:36 AM -0500") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("Thursday, Sep 27 2001 7:42:35 AM EST") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("3/11/2001 1:31:57 PM Pacific Daylight Time") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("Mi, 28 Mrz 2001 11:51:36") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("P, 30 sept 2001 23:03:14") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("fr, 11 aug 2000 18:39:22") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("Fr, 21 Sep 2001 17:44:03 -1000") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("Mo, 18 Jun 2001 19:21:40 -1000") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("l\366, 12 aug 2000 18:53:20") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("l\366, 26 maj 2001 00:15:58") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("Dom, 30 Sep 2001 17:36:30") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("%&, 31 %2/ 2000 15:44:47 -0500") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("dom, 26 ago 2001 03:57:07 -0300") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("ter, 04 set 2001 16:27:58 -0300") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("Wen, 3 oct 2001 23:17:49 -0400") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("Wen, 3 oct 2001 23:17:49 -0400") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("ele, 11 h: 2000 12:42:15 -0500") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("Tue, 14 Aug 2001 3:55:3 +0200") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("Fri, 25 Aug 2000 9:3:48 +0800") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("Fri, 1 Dec 2000 0:57:50 EST") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("Mon, 7 May 2001 9:39:51 +0200") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("Wed, 1 Aug 2001 16:9:15 +0200") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("Wed, 23 Aug 2000 9:17:36 +0800") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("Fri, 11 Aug 2000 10:4:42 +0800") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("Sat, 15 Sep 2001 13:22:2 +0300") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("Wed,16 \276\305\324\302 2001 20:06:25 +0800") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("Wed,7 \312\256\322\273\324\302 2001 23:47:22 +0800") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("=?iso-8859-1?Q?(=C5=DA),?= 10 2 2001 23:32:26 +0900 (JST)") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("\307\341\314\343\332\311, 30 \344\346\335\343\310\321 2001 10:01:06") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.rfc2822("=?iso-8859-1?Q?(=BF=E5),?= 12 =?iso-8859-1?Q?9=B7=EE?= 2001 14:52:41\n+0900 (JST)") }
# Out of range arguments
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.parse("2014-13-13T18:00:00-0900") }
def test_zone_0000
assert_equal(true, Time.parse("2000-01-01T00:00:00Z").utc?)
assert_equal(true, Time.parse("2000-01-01T00:00:00-00:00").utc?)
assert_equal(false, Time.parse("2000-01-01T00:00:00+00:00").utc?)
assert_equal(false, Time.parse("Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT").utc?)
assert_equal(true, Time.parse("Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 -0000").utc?)
assert_equal(false, Time.parse("Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 +0000").utc?)
assert_equal(false, Time.rfc2822("Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT").utc?)
assert_equal(true, Time.rfc2822("Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 -0000").utc?)
assert_equal(false, Time.rfc2822("Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 +0000").utc?)
assert_equal(true, Time.rfc2822("Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 UTC").utc?)
def test_rfc2822_utc_roundtrip_winter
t1 = Time.local(2008,12,1)
t2 = Time.rfc2822(t1.rfc2822)
assert_equal(t1.utc?, t2.utc?, "[ruby-dev:37126]")
def test_rfc2822_utc_roundtrip_summer
t1 = Time.local(2008,8,1)
t2 = Time.rfc2822(t1.rfc2822)
assert_equal(t1.utc?, t2.utc?)
def test_parse_now_nil
Time.parse("2000-01-01T00:00:00+11:00", nil))
def test_parse_offset_hour_minute_second
t = Time.at(-100000000000).utc
assert_equal(t, Time.parse("1200-02-15 BC 14:13:20-00"))
assert_equal(t, Time.parse("1200-02-15 BC 14:13:20-00:00"))
assert_equal(t, Time.parse("1200-02-15 BC 14:13:20-00:00:00"))
def test_parse_leap_second
t = Time.utc(1998,12,31,23,59,59)
assert_equal(t, Time.parse("Thu Dec 31 23:59:59 UTC 1998"))
assert_equal(t, Time.parse("Fri Dec 31 23:59:59 -0000 1998"));t.localtime
assert_equal(t, Time.parse("Fri Jan 1 08:59:59 +0900 1999"))
assert_equal(t, Time.parse("Fri Jan 1 00:59:59 +0100 1999"))
assert_equal(t, Time.parse("Fri Dec 31 23:59:59 +0000 1998"))
assert_equal(t, Time.parse("Fri Dec 31 22:59:59 -0100 1998"));t.utc
t += 1
assert_equal(t, Time.parse("Thu Dec 31 23:59:60 UTC 1998"))
assert_equal(t, Time.parse("Fri Dec 31 23:59:60 -0000 1998"));t.localtime
assert_equal(t, Time.parse("Fri Jan 1 08:59:60 +0900 1999"))
assert_equal(t, Time.parse("Fri Jan 1 00:59:60 +0100 1999"))
assert_equal(t, Time.parse("Fri Dec 31 23:59:60 +0000 1998"))
assert_equal(t, Time.parse("Fri Dec 31 22:59:60 -0100 1998"));t.utc
t += 1 if t.sec == 60
assert_equal(t, Time.parse("Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 UTC 1999"))
assert_equal(t, Time.parse("Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 -0000 1999"));t.localtime
assert_equal(t, Time.parse("Fri Jan 1 09:00:00 +0900 1999"))
assert_equal(t, Time.parse("Fri Jan 1 01:00:00 +0100 1999"))
assert_equal(t, Time.parse("Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 +0000 1999"))
assert_equal(t, Time.parse("Fri Dec 31 23:00:00 -0100 1998"))
def test_rfc2822_leap_second
t = Time.utc(1998,12,31,23,59,59)
assert_equal(t, Time.rfc2822("Thu, 31 Dec 1998 23:59:59 UTC"))
assert_equal(t, Time.rfc2822("Fri, 31 Dec 1998 23:59:59 -0000"));t.localtime
assert_equal(t, Time.rfc2822("Fri, 1 Jan 1999 08:59:59 +0900"))
assert_equal(t, Time.rfc2822("Fri, 1 Jan 1999 00:59:59 +0100"))
assert_equal(t, Time.rfc2822("Fri, 31 Dec 1998 23:59:59 +0000"))
assert_equal(t, Time.rfc2822("Fri, 31 Dec 1998 22:59:59 -0100"));t.utc
t += 1
assert_equal(t, Time.rfc2822("Thu, 31 Dec 1998 23:59:60 UTC"))
assert_equal(t, Time.rfc2822("Fri, 31 Dec 1998 23:59:60 -0000"));t.localtime
assert_equal(t, Time.rfc2822("Fri, 1 Jan 1999 08:59:60 +0900"))
assert_equal(t, Time.rfc2822("Fri, 1 Jan 1999 00:59:60 +0100"))
assert_equal(t, Time.rfc2822("Fri, 31 Dec 1998 23:59:60 +0000"))
assert_equal(t, Time.rfc2822("Fri, 31 Dec 1998 22:59:60 -0100"));t.utc
t += 1 if t.sec == 60
assert_equal(t, Time.rfc2822("Thu, 1 Jan 1999 00:00:00 UTC"))
assert_equal(t, Time.rfc2822("Fri, 1 Jan 1999 00:00:00 -0000"));t.localtime
assert_equal(t, Time.rfc2822("Fri, 1 Jan 1999 09:00:00 +0900"))
assert_equal(t, Time.rfc2822("Fri, 1 Jan 1999 01:00:00 +0100"))
assert_equal(t, Time.rfc2822("Fri, 1 Jan 1999 00:00:00 +0000"))
assert_equal(t, Time.rfc2822("Fri, 31 Dec 1998 23:00:00 -0100"))
def subtest_xmlschema_leap_second(method)
t = Time.utc(1998,12,31,23,59,59)
assert_equal(t, Time.__send__(method, "1998-12-31T23:59:59Z"))
assert_equal(t, Time.__send__(method, "1998-12-31T23:59:59-00:00"));t.localtime
assert_equal(t, Time.__send__(method, "1999-01-01T08:59:59+09:00"))
assert_equal(t, Time.__send__(method, "1999-01-01T00:59:59+01:00"))
assert_equal(t, Time.__send__(method, "1998-12-31T23:59:59+00:00"))
assert_equal(t, Time.__send__(method, "1998-12-31T22:59:59-01:00"));t.utc
t += 1
assert_equal(t, Time.__send__(method, "1998-12-31T23:59:60Z"))
assert_equal(t, Time.__send__(method, "1998-12-31T23:59:60-00:00"));t.localtime
assert_equal(t, Time.__send__(method, "1999-01-01T08:59:60+09:00"))
assert_equal(t, Time.__send__(method, "1999-01-01T00:59:60+01:00"))
assert_equal(t, Time.__send__(method, "1998-12-31T23:59:60+00:00"))
assert_equal(t, Time.__send__(method, "1998-12-31T22:59:60-01:00"));t.utc
t += 1 if t.sec == 60
assert_equal(t, Time.__send__(method, "1999-01-01T00:00:00Z"))
assert_equal(t, Time.__send__(method, "1999-01-01T00:00:00-00:00"));t.localtime
assert_equal(t, Time.__send__(method, "1999-01-01T09:00:00+09:00"))
assert_equal(t, Time.__send__(method, "1999-01-01T01:00:00+01:00"))
assert_equal(t, Time.__send__(method, "1999-01-01T00:00:00+00:00"))
assert_equal(t, Time.__send__(method, "1998-12-31T23:00:00-01:00"))
def subtest_xmlschema_fraction(method)
assert_equal(500000, Time.__send__(method, "2000-01-01T00:00:00.5+00:00").tv_usec)
def test_ruby_talk_152866
t = Time::xmlschema('2005-08-30T22:48:00-07:00')
assert_equal(30, t.day)
assert_equal(8, t.mon)
assert_equal(-7*3600, t.utc_offset)
assert_equal(31, t.day)
assert_equal(8, t.mon)
assert_equal(0, t.utc_offset)
def test_parse_fraction
assert_equal(500000, Time.parse("2000-01-01T00:00:00.5+00:00").tv_usec)
def test_strptime
assert_equal(Time.utc(2005, 8, 28, 06, 54, 20), Time.strptime("28/Aug/2005:06:54:20 +0000", "%d/%b/%Y:%T %z"))
assert_equal(Time.at(1).localtime, Time.strptime("1", "%s"))
assert_equal(false, Time.strptime('0', '%s').utc?)
def test_strptime_empty
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.strptime('', '') }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.strptime('+09:00', '%z') } # [ruby-core:62351] by matz.
def test_strptime_s_z
t = Time.strptime('0 +0100', '%s %z')
assert_equal(0, t.to_r)
assert_equal(3600, t.utc_offset)
t = Time.strptime('0 UTC', '%s %z')
assert_equal(0, t.to_r)
assert_equal(0, t.utc_offset)
assert_equal(true, t.utc?)
def test_strptime_s_N
assert_equal(Time.at(1, 500000), Time.strptime("1.5", "%s.%N"))
assert_equal(Time.at(-2, 500000), Time.strptime("-1.5", "%s.%N"))
t = Time.strptime("1.000000000001", "%s.%N")
assert_equal(1, t.to_i)
assert_equal(Rational("0.000000000001"), t.subsec)
t = Time.strptime("-1.000000000001", "%s.%N")
assert_equal(-2, t.to_i)
assert_equal(1-Rational("0.000000000001"), t.subsec)
def test_strptime_Ymd_z
t = Time.strptime('20010203 -0200', '%Y%m%d %z')
assert_equal(2001, t.year)
assert_equal(2, t.mon)
assert_equal(3, t.day)
assert_equal(0, t.hour)
assert_equal(0, t.min)
assert_equal(0, t.sec)
assert_equal(-7200, t.utc_offset)
t = Time.strptime('20010203 UTC', '%Y%m%d %z')
assert_equal(2001, t.year)
assert_equal(2, t.mon)
assert_equal(3, t.day)
assert_equal(0, t.hour)
assert_equal(0, t.min)
assert_equal(0, t.sec)
assert_equal(0, t.utc_offset)
assert_equal(true, t.utc?)
def test_strptime_j
t = Time.strptime("2018-365", "%Y-%j")
assert_equal(2018, t.year)
assert_equal(12, t.mon)
assert_equal(31, t.day)
assert_equal(0, t.hour)
assert_equal(0, t.min)
assert_equal(0, t.sec)
t = Time.strptime("2018-091", "%Y-%j")
assert_equal(2018, t.year)
assert_equal(4, t.mon)
assert_equal(1, t.day)
def test_strptime_p
t = Time.strptime("3am", "%I%p")
assert_equal(3, t.hour)
t = Time.strptime("3pm", "%I%p")
assert_equal(15, t.hour)
t = Time.strptime("3a.m.", "%I%p")
assert_equal(3, t.hour)
t = Time.strptime("3p.m.", "%I%p")
assert_equal(15, t.hour)
t = Time.strptime("3AM", "%I%p")
assert_equal(3, t.hour)
t = Time.strptime("3PM", "%I%p")
assert_equal(15, t.hour)
t = Time.strptime("3A.M.", "%I%p")
assert_equal(3, t.hour)
t = Time.strptime("3P.M.", "%I%p")
assert_equal(15, t.hour)
def test_strptime_wuvg
assert_equal(Time.local(2019, 1, 30), Time.strptime("3 4 2019", "%w %W %Y"))
assert_equal(Time.local(2019, 2, 7), Time.strptime("4 5 2019", "%u %U %Y"))
assert_equal(Time.local(2019, 1, 28), Time.strptime("4 2019", "%W %Y"))
assert_equal(Time.local(2019, 2, 3), Time.strptime("5 2019", "%U %Y"))
assert_equal(Time.local(2019, 1, 1), Time.strptime("1 2 2019", "%V %w %G"))
assert_equal(Time.local(2016, 1, 1), Time.strptime("53 5 15", "%V %w %g"))
assert_equal(Time.local(2018, 12, 31), Time.strptime("1 2019", "%V %G"))
assert_equal(Time.local(2015, 12, 28), Time.strptime("53 15", "%V %g"))
def test_nsec
assert_equal(123456789, Time.parse("2000-01-01T00:00:00.123456789+00:00").tv_nsec)
def subtest_xmlschema_nsec(method)
assert_equal(123456789, Time.__send__(method, "2000-01-01T00:00:00.123456789+00:00").tv_nsec)
def test_huge_precision
bug4456 = '[ruby-dev:43284]'
assert_normal_exit %q{ Time.now.strftime("%1000000000F") }, bug4456
instance_methods(false).grep(/\Asub(test_xmlschema.*)/) do |sub|
test = $1
define_method(test) {__send__(sub, :xmlschema)}
define_method(test.sub(/xmlschema/, 'iso8601')) {__send__(sub, :iso8601)}
def test_parse_with_various_object
d = Date.new(2010, 10, 28)
dt = DateTime.new(2010, 10, 28)
md = MyDate.new(10, 28, 2010)
t = Time.local(2010, 10, 28, 21, 26, 00)
assert_equal(t, Time.parse("21:26", d))
assert_equal(t, Time.parse("21:26", dt))
assert_equal(t, Time.parse("21:26", md))
class MyDate
attr_reader :mon, :day, :year
def initialize(mon, day, year)
@mon, @day, @year = mon, day, year