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synced 2022-11-09 12:17:21 -05:00
116 lines
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116 lines
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/* -*- C -*- */
% # Copyright (c) 2018 Takashi Kokubun. All rights reserved.
% #
% # This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby
% # granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the
% # conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for
% # details.
<%= render 'copyright' %>
% # This is an ERB template that generates Ruby code that generates C code that
% # generates JIT-ed C code.
<%= render 'notice', locals: {
this_file: 'is the main part of compile_insn() in mjit_compile.c',
edit: __FILE__,
} -%>
% unsupported_insns = [
% 'defineclass', # low priority
% ]
% opt_send_without_block = RubyVM::Instructions.find { |i| i.name == 'opt_send_without_block' }
% if opt_send_without_block.nil?
% raise 'opt_send_without_block not found'
% end
% send_compatible_opt_insns = RubyVM::BareInstructions.to_a.select do |insn|
% insn.name.start_with?('opt_') && opt_send_without_block.opes == insn.opes &&
% insn.expr.expr.lines.any? { |l| l.match(/\A\s+CALL_SIMPLE_METHOD\(\);\s+\z/) }
% end.map(&:name)
% # Available variables and macros in JIT-ed function:
% # ec: the first argument of _mjitXXX
% # reg_cfp: the second argument of _mjitXXX
% # GET_CFP(): refers to `reg_cfp`
% # GET_EP(): refers to `reg_cfp->ep`
% # GET_SP(): refers to `reg_cfp->sp`, or `(stack + stack_size)` if local_stack_p
% # GET_SELF(): refers to `reg_cfp->self`
% # GET_LEP(): refers to `VM_EP_LEP(reg_cfp->ep)`
% # EXEC_EC_CFP(): refers to `val = vm_exec(ec, TRUE)` with frame setup
% # CALL_METHOD(): using `GET_CFP()` and `EXEC_EC_CFP()`
% # TOPN(): refers to `reg_cfp->sp`, or `*(stack + (stack_size - num - 1))` if local_stack_p
% # STACK_ADDR_FROM_TOP(): refers to `reg_cfp->sp`, or `stack + (stack_size - num)` if local_stack_p
% # DISPATCH_ORIGINAL_INSN(): expanded in _mjit_compile_insn.erb
% # THROW_EXCEPTION(): specially defined for JIT
% # RESTORE_REGS(): specially defined for `leave`
switch (insn) {
% (RubyVM::BareInstructions.to_a + RubyVM::OperandsUnifications.to_a).each do |insn|
% next if unsupported_insns.include?(insn.name)
case BIN(<%= insn.name %>):
% # Instruction-specific behavior in JIT
% case insn.name
% when 'opt_send_without_block', 'send'
<%= render 'mjit_compile_send', locals: { insn: insn } -%>
% when *send_compatible_opt_insns
% # To avoid cancel, just emit `opt_send_without_block` instead of `opt_*` insn if call cache is populated.
% cd_index = insn.opes.index { |o| o.fetch(:type) == 'CALL_DATA' }
if (has_valid_method_type(captured_cc_entries(status)[call_data_index((CALL_DATA)operands[<%= cd_index %>], body)])) {
<%= render 'mjit_compile_send', locals: { insn: opt_send_without_block } -%>
<%= render 'mjit_compile_insn', locals: { insn: opt_send_without_block } -%>
% when 'getinstancevariable', 'setinstancevariable'
<%= render 'mjit_compile_ivar', locals: { insn: insn } -%>
% when 'leave', 'opt_invokebuiltin_delegate_leave'
% # opt_invokebuiltin_delegate_leave also implements leave insn. We need to handle it here for inlining.
% if insn.name == 'opt_invokebuiltin_delegate_leave'
RB_BUILTIN bf = (RB_BUILTIN)operands[0];
rb_num_t index = (rb_num_t)operands[0];
fprintf(f, "{\n");
fprintf(f, " VALUE val;\n");
fprintf(f, " RB_BUILTIN bf = (RB_BUILTIN)0x%"PRIxVALUE";\n", operands[0]);
fprintf(f, " rb_num_t index = (rb_num_t)0x%"PRIxVALUE";\n", operands[1]);
fprintf(f, <%= rstring2cstr(insn.expr.expr.lines.find { |l| l =~ / vm_invoke_builtin_delegate\(/ }).gsub("\n", '\n') %>);
fprintf(f, " stack[0] = val;\n");
fprintf(f, "}\n");
% else
if (b->stack_size != 1) {
if (mjit_opts.warnings || mjit_opts.verbose)
fprintf(stderr, "MJIT warning: Unexpected JIT stack_size on leave: %d\n", b->stack_size);
status->success = false;
% end
% # Skip vm_pop_frame for inlined call
if (status->inlined_iseqs != NULL) { // the current ISeq is NOT being inlined
% # Cancel on interrupts to make leave insn leaf
fprintf(f, " if (UNLIKELY(RUBY_VM_INTERRUPTED_ANY(ec))) {\n");
fprintf(f, " reg_cfp->sp = vm_base_ptr(reg_cfp) + %d;\n", b->stack_size);
fprintf(f, " reg_cfp->pc = original_body_iseq + %d;\n", pos);
fprintf(f, " RB_DEBUG_COUNTER_INC(mjit_cancel_leave);\n");
fprintf(f, " goto cancel;\n");
fprintf(f, " }\n");
fprintf(f, " ec->cfp = RUBY_VM_PREVIOUS_CONTROL_FRAME(reg_cfp);\n"); // vm_pop_frame
fprintf(f, " return stack[0];\n");
b->stack_size += <%= insn.call_attribute('sp_inc') %>;
b->finish_p = TRUE;
% end
% # Main insn implementation generated by insns.def
<%= render 'mjit_compile_insn', locals: { insn: insn } -%>
% end
% # We don't support InstructionsUnifications yet because it's not used for now.
% # We don't support TraceInstructions yet. There is no blocker for it but it's just not implemented.
if (mjit_opts.warnings || mjit_opts.verbose)
fprintf(stderr, "MJIT warning: Skipped to compile unsupported instruction: %s\n", insn_name(insn));
status->success = false;