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102 lines
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require 'rdoc/markup/to_html'
# Subclass of the RDoc::Markup::ToHtml class that supports looking up words in
# the AllReferences list. Those that are found (like AllReferences in this
# comment) will be hyperlinked
class RDoc::Markup::ToHtmlCrossref < RDoc::Markup::ToHtml
attr_accessor :context
# We need to record the html path of our caller so we can generate
# correct relative paths for any hyperlinks that we find
def initialize(from_path, context, show_hash)
raise ArgumentError, 'from_path cannot be nil' if from_path.nil?
# class names, variable names, or instance variables
# A::B.meth(**) (for operator in Fortran95)
# meth(**) (for operator in Fortran95)
| \#\w+(\([.\w\*\/\+\-\=\<\>]+\))?
| \b([A-Z]\w*(::\w+)*[.\#]\w+) # A::B.meth
| \b([A-Z]\w+(::\w+)*) # A::B
| \#\w+[!?=]? # #meth_name
| \\?\b\w+([_\/\.]+\w+)*[!?=]? # meth_name
@from_path = from_path
@context = context
@show_hash = show_hash
@seen = {}
# We're invoked when any text matches the CROSSREF pattern
# (defined in MarkUp). If we fine the corresponding reference,
# generate a hyperlink. If the name we're looking for contains
# no punctuation, we look for it up the module/class chain. For
# example, HyperlinkHtml is found, even without the Generator::
# prefix, because we look for it in module Generator first.
def handle_special_CROSSREF(special)
name = special.text
return name if name =~ /\A[a-z]*\z/
return @seen[name] if @seen.include? name
if name[0, 1] == '#' then
lookup = name[1..-1]
name = lookup unless @show_hash
lookup = name
# Find class, module, or method in class or module.
# Do not, however, use an if/elsif/else chain to do so. Instead, test
# each possible pattern until one matches. The reason for this is that a
# string like "YAML.txt" could be the txt() class method of class YAML (in
# which case it would match the first pattern, which splits the string
# into container and method components and looks up both) or a filename
# (in which case it would match the last pattern, which just checks
# whether the string as a whole is a known symbol).
if /([A-Z][\w:]*)[.\#](\w+[!?=]?)/ =~ lookup then
container = $1
method = $2
ref = @context.find_symbol container, method
if !ref and
/([A-Za-z][\w:]*)[.\#](\w+(\([\.\w+\*\/\+\-\=\<\>]+\))?)/ =~ lookup then
container = $1
method = $2
ref = @context.find_symbol container, method
ref = @context.find_symbol lookup unless ref
out = if lookup =~ /^\\/ then
elsif ref and ref.document_self then
"<a href=\"#{ref.as_href(@from_path)}\">#{name}</a>"
@seen[name] = out